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What Is Bodybuilding, Anyway?

ICYDK, bodybuilding is actually a sport. It comes with a very specific lifestyle that
involves detailed workout training and precise nutrition in order to strengthen, sculpt,
and develop the muscles of the body (aka hypertrophy training).

While some people practice bodybuilding just to look and feel strong, for many,
training and dieting culminates in a bodybuilding competition where you're judged on
your physique and muscular development—in either the bikini, figure, women's
physique, bodybuilding, or fitness categories. (More on that below.)

Before you read on, know this: Participating in a sport where you're judged almost
solely on your appearance can be rough on the psyche. "It's important to attend to
your spirit and mind in addition to your physical body," says Ana Snyder
(@littlebuffblondie), a certified trainer, fitness model, and competitive bodybuilder
based in New York City. "If you already struggle with body image issues, attaining
what the outside world (or judges) views as the perfect aesthetic does not guarantee
that you will see a different person in the mirror." (That's why this other fit
Instagrammer stopped doing bikini competitions and started powerlifting.)

If you're looking for a way to goal-orient your strength training, a physique

competition is a great option; however, keep in mind that even though the judges are
scoring your abs, the health and performance gains you're making are even more
important. (Read more here: Why Weight Loss Won't Make You Happy)

That said, you can totally take advantage of bodybuilding workouts and the training
style even if you have no intentions of competing and just want to get strong as hell.

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