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In the Inkscape software using selector tool we can *

a. Select objects
b. Transform objects
c. Move around canvas
d. Select, Transform and move the objects around the canvas
  2. Inkscape software runs *
a. Only on Linux
b. Only on windows
c. Only on Mac Os
d. All Linux, Windows and Mac Os
 3. To increase or decrease the opacity of an object *
a. We use Alpha slider
b. We cannot change opacity
c. We use combination Red, Green and Blue colors
d. We use HSL tool
4. The Boolean operations in inkscape are available in *
a. Path tab
 b. Filter tab
c. Extension tab
d. File tab
 5. Kerning in the inkscape is *
a. Adjustment of space between pairs of letters
b. Adjustment of colors between two objects
c. Adjustment between space and colors of the letters
 d. None of the above
 6. Inkscape can be used *
a. Create graphics
b. Brochure and flyers
c. Posters and banners
d. All of the above
 7. Inkscape imports and exports *
a. .SVG files
b. .PDF files
c. .JPEG file
d. .SVG, .PDF,.JPEG, PNG, GIF files
 8. Shortcut key for clone command is *
a. Crtl+D
b. Alt+D
 c. Shift+D
d. None of the above
9. In the inkscape vectorization of a picture is *
a. Possible
 b. Not possible
c. Option is not available
 10. Inkscape is *
a. Open source software
b. Paid software
c. Free and open source software
 d. None of these

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