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N° 2000


Manual of Accounting
Policies (MAP)

Shareholders Equity

This procedure is strictly confidential and is for internal use of ArcelorMittal. Only ArcelorMittal staff may have access to this procedure.
No copy of it can be given to somebody outside ArcelorMittal without the written approval of the designated responsible person.
The divulgation of this technical note without the appropriate approval will be considered as an improper conduct.
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 2


1 – Objective and overview 3 3.10 How to present interim dividend and cash paid? 6
3.11 What are IFRS requirements in terms of dividend
2 – Definitions 4 recognition as a liability? 6
3 – Guidance 5 4 – EXAMPLES 7
3.1 What are the different types of dividends? 5 4.1 Appropriation of the result 7
3.2 When are dividends booked in BPM? 5 4.2 Distribution of dividends 7
3.3 What are the recurring intercompany differences 4.3 Capital increase or decrease 7
on dividend declaration? 5
4.3.1 For the subsidiary package 7
3.4 How is intercompany dividend reconciliation done? 5
4.3.2 For the holding package 8
3.5 Why is it important to share with the counterparty all
4.4 Other flows 8
documentation related to dividend distribution? 5
3.6 Do we have to declare the gross or net dividend? 5 5 – REPORTING 9
3.7 Where is withholding tax on dividends booked? 5 5.1 Number of shares 9
3.8 Which accounts have to be used? 5 5.2 Statement of financial position 9
3.9 Which flows have to be used in BPM
to declare final dividends? 5
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 3

1 - Objective and Overview

The objective of this procedure is to describe - Treasury shares are presented as a deduction
the group accounting policy regarding the from equity
shareholders’ equity (capital, reserves, result of
the period, foreign exchange). - Incremental costs that are directly
attributable to issuing or buying back own
It deals with the following IFRS standards: equity instruments are recognized directly
IAS 1 – Presentation of financial statements in equity
IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation
- Gains and losses on transactions in an entity’s
Overview: own equity instruments are reported directly
in equity, not in the statement of operations.
- An instrument is classified as an equity
instrument only if it does not contain a
contractual obligation for the issuer to deliver
cash or another financial asset to another
entity, or to exchange financial assets or
financial liabilities with another entity under
conditions that are potentially unfavorable to
the issuer.
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 4

2 - Definitions

An equity instrument is any contract that Other comprehensive income (“OCI”) is the Acquisition of treasury shares may be
evidences a residual interest in the assets of an difference between the net result as disclosed subject to country based legal or regulatory
entity after deducting all of its liabilities. in the statement of operations (P&L accounts) constraints. Dividend and voting rights related
and comprehensive income, and corresponds to to treasury shares may be suspended.
Shareholders’ equity is the net worth of a com- certain gains and losses of the unit not immedia-
pany. It represents the stockholders’ portion tely recognized in the statement of operations Additional Paid-in Capital (“APIC”): Amounts
of a business’ assets after all creditors have of the period (gains/losses related to derivatives paid for stock in excess of its par value or
been paid. Shareholders’ equity is also referred qualifying for cash flow hedge accounting, stated value. Also, other amounts paid by stoc-
to as Owner’s or Stockholders’ equity. It can translation reserve related to the consolidation kholders and charged to equity accounts other
be calculated by taking the total assets and of entities whose reporting currency is not the than capital stock.
subtracting the total liabilities (equity = assets consolidation currency, unrealized gains/losses
– liabilities) related to fair value adjustments with respect to Retained Earnings: is the portion of net ear-
available-for-sale financial assets, etc.). nings not paid out as dividends, but retained by
Shareholders’ equity usually comes from two As required by the IFRS Standards, some ele- the company to be reinvested in its operations
places: ments previously recognized in OCI have to be or used to repay debt. Retained earnings are
- the first is cash paid in by investors when the recycled to profit or loss upon disposal of the obtained by adding net result to opening retai-
company sold stock; underlying or when the underlying transaction ned earnings and subtracting any dividends
- the second is retained earnings, which are affects profit or loss. paid to shareholders:
the accumulated profits a business has held
on to and not paid out to its shareholders as Shareholders equity mainly includes the + Retained earnings (beginning of the
dividends. Because these are two ways a com- following captions: period)
pany generally creates shareholders’ equity, the
statement of financial position is organized to Share capital: Initial and subsequent invest- + Net income of the period
show the contribution of each part. ment made by the owner or shareholders. - Dividends paid to shareholders
The amount of share capital of a company is = Retained earnings (end of period):
The book value of equity will increase if the subject to changes which can be:
company’s assets increase more than its - cash based: shares issued or redeemed lea- Reserves:
liabilities. ding to a capital increase/decrease Reserves have several origins:
- non-cash based: share capital increase/ - Foreign currency translation reserve: arising
For example, if a company is making profits and decrease following a transfer of reserves or from the consolidation of entities with dif-
receives more cash for its products than the retained earnings ferent reporting currencies from consolidation
cost at which it produced these goods, and so currency;
in the act of making a profit it is increasing its Share capital can be composed of both com- - Legal reserve as required by law in certain
assets. Also, an issuance of new equity in which mon shares and preferred shares (including countries;
the company obtains new capital, the sharehol- specific dividend rights and voting rights). - Reserve for treasury shares held as required
ders’ equity increases. by law in certain countries
Equity will decrease, for example, when Treasury Shares: Shares issued by the - Other distributable or non-distributable
machinery depreciates, which is registered company but reacquired at a later stage for reserves
as a decline in the value of the asset, and on various purposes (management of stock Reserves are generally created through an
the equity side of the company’s statement price, obligations resulting from stock option allocation of profit from the year.
of financial position as a decrease in sharehol- plans, employee share purchase plan or
ders’ equity. convertible bonds).
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 5

3 - Guidance

Please find below 11 frequently asked is converted at the closing rate while dividends 3.7 Where is withholding tax on dividends
questions & answers on dividend declarations: received are converted at the spot rate in booked?
EUR (and converted in USD at average rate
3.1 What are the different types of dividends? for consolidation purposes). This difference is Some entities pay withholding taxes on
resolved centrally (automatically) and booked dividend distributions.
There are two different types of dividends: directly in equity at the consolidated level According to IAS 12.65A, “When an entity
1) Final dividend: Dividend is recognized after through flow F85 in the account “136500 pays a dividend to its shareholders it may be
approval of result allocation by Annual Foreign Exchange Translation Reserve”. required to pay a portion of the dividends to
General Meeting of Shareholders. The taxation authorities on behalf of shareholders.
dividend is recognized as a dividend payable 3.4 How is intercompany dividend In many jurisdictions, this amount is referred
as long as the cash outflow did not happen. reconciliation done? to as a withholding tax”. For dividend recipient,
2) Interim dividend: Board of Directors may see the entries in paragraph 3.8 and flows in
decide the payment of an interim dividend The intercompany reconciliation is made paragraph 3.9.
prior to the year-end closing. This dividend centrally with the “ES Analyzer” reconciliation
is considered as an interim remuneration tool. The reconciliation is done by entity, by 3.8 Which accounts have to be used?
before the approval of the result allocation nature of dividend (Interim/Final) and by family
by the Annual Shareholders Meeting. of accounts (P&L, payable/receivable). The Assets
reviewer sends to both payer and receiver Dividends receivable 411000 Dividend
3.2 When are dividends booked in BPM? a request to properly declare intercompany receivable
dividend. All differences have to be reconciled Paid interim-dividend 555000 Paid interim-
The triggering event for dividend declaration in and justified. dividend
BPM is the Board of Directors’ decision (interim
dividend) or the previous year result allocation 3.5 Why is it important to share with the Liabilities
approved by the Annual General Meeting (final counterparty all documentation related to Dividends payable 470000 Dividend payable
dividend). dividend distribution? Equity
- Usually the account 140000 “Result brought
3.3 What are the recurring intercompany The minutes of Shareholders’ Meeting have forward” with the flow F06 “Distribution”
differences on dividend declaration? to be shared between the counterparties - Dividend paid XP 6940 “Dividend paid”
to enable proper booking of intercompany
Intercompany differences are categorized as dividend in the same reporting period. P&L
follow: Dividend 750000 Dividend
1. Differences due to wrong partner 3.6 Do we have to declare the gross or net Interim dividend 750100 Interim dividend
declaration. Correction is the responsibility of dividend?
the relevant entity; 3.9 Which flows have to be used in BPM to
2. Differences due to wrong period of The dividend is recorded gross. declare final dividends?
declaration (see paragraph 3.1). Correction is If withholding tax is retained, the entity
the responsibility of the relevant entities; that receives the dividend has to book the Dividend payer uses the following flows
3. Differences due to foreign exchange gross amount in the account 750000 (final 140000 Result brought forward (F06) > Debit
differences between the reporting currency dividend) or 750100 (interim dividend) and 470000 Dividend payable (F15) > Credit
and the currency in which the dividend is the withholding tax in the income tax line in the 450000 Income tax payable (F15)> Credit
declared/paid. Example: An entity declares a account 670000 current tax expense.
dividend distribution in BRL when its reporting Dividend recipient uses the following flows
currency is USD to a shareholder having EUR 670000 Current tax expense (F99) > Debit
as reporting currency. The amount distributed 411000 Dividend receivable (F15) > Debit
750000 Dividend (F99) > Credit
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 6

3.10 How to present interim dividend and cash paid?

Accounting treatment:

Company A pays $100 to B as an interim dividend related to the results of the current year with a 15% withholding tax rate (Year N):

Company A: (which distributes the dividend = the daughter)

Paid Interim Dividend Cash Income tax payable

555000 550000 450000
100 85 15

Company B (which receives the dividend = the parent)

Interim Dividend Cash Current Tax expense

750100 550000 670000
100 85 15

Company B (daughter) declares a complementary final dividend for the year of $200 with a 15% withholding tax rate (Year N+1):

Company A (which distributes the dividend):

Dividend Results brought Income tax Result brought Paid Interim

payable forward payable forward dividend
470000 140000 450000 140000 555000
170 200 30 100 100

(Interim dividend paid in Year N is reversed from account 555000 and becomes an equity movement in Year N+1)

Company B (which receives the dividend = the parent)

Final Dividend Dividend receivable Current Tax expense

750000 411000 670000
200 170 30

3.11 What are the IFRS requirements in terms of dividend recognition as a liability?

IAS 10 and IAS 37 provide that dividends may only be recorded as a liability upon its final approval, i.e. when its payment is no longer at the discretion
of the company (IAS 10.12). This is usually the case when shareholders declare the dividend to be distributed in their annual general meetings.
Accordingly, dividends paid and/or declared before such final approval should not be treated as a distribution (i.e. as a reduction of net equity).
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 7

4 - Examples

4.1 Appropriation of the result

Appropriation of the result: Flow F05

4.2 Distribution of dividends

For the distribution of dividends, the flow F06 must be used. The amount has to be detailed by partners (see link in the cells). For additional information,
please read also the Q&A in the section 3.

4.3 Capital increase or decrease

For capital increase (in cash), the flow F40 can be used. For a capital decrease (in cash), it is the flow F41. If share capital is increased or decreased as a
result of contributions in kind, flow F70 should be used.

4.3.1 For the subsidiary package

N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 8

4.3.2 For the holding package F50

134000 Other reserves +25
The shareholders companies have to indicate the
same information in the accounts Investments Results brought forward -25
(accounts 28xxxx Investments in affiliated
enterprises, in company with link, recorded at Total 0
fair value, etc.).
- Flow F52 Fair value – Equity
In case of capital increase/decrease: please share Examples: cash flow hedge on commodity,
the information between the subsidiary/ holding. investments recorded at fair value

4.4 Other flows - Flow F70 Merger / Spin off

This flow can be used in case of internal
- Flow F10 Result restructurings.
Based on the Net result calculated in the
statement of operations, the net result of the - Flow F80 Foreign exchange difference
period in the equity section is automatically This flow is only for sub-consolidation with
indicated in the flow F10 of the account subsidiaries in foreign currency i.e. currency
145000 “Net result of the period”. different from the consolidation one.

- Flow F15: Variations - Flow F85 Unrealized foreign exchange

In the non-current part of the liabilities, the gains/ losses
flow F15 has to be nil. Example: cash flow hedge on foreign currency,
All variations must be explained with the net investment hedge
adequate flows.

- Flow F50 Reclassification

For any transfer between accounts in the
same section, the appropriate flow is F50
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 9

5 - Reporting

5.1 Number of shares - 131000 Reserves not available for own - 134550 Revaluation of foreign exchange
shares instruments*
In the schedule 1A-LIAB100Q, the list of When the company holds some own shares, Revaluation through equity of derivatives not
shareholders for the entity and the number it may be sometimes required to build a linked to foreign exchange or price risk has to
of shares held by each shareholder must be reserve (not distributable) in connection with be booked in this account. Revaluation has to
declared on monthly base. this investment be done net of deferred taxes (immediately
recorded in account 169000 without any
5.2 Statement of financial position - 131100 Other reserves not available income statement impact)
This account includes:
- 100000 Issued capital - Reserves which – according to the statutes - 134555 Revaluation of commodity
Nominal amount of subscribed capital (equal to – cannot be freely distributed by simple instruments*
contribution and contribution commitment of majority at general meeting of shareholders, This account is to be used in the framework
shareholders) according to company’s statutes - Reserves in respect of which the sharehol- of cash flow hedge accounting regarding to
or articles of incorporation. ders have no rights in the case of resignation commodity price risk.
or exclusion. The portion of the gain or loss on the
This caption consists of ordinary shares and hedging instrument (derivative instrument
possibly preference shares issued in return of - 132000 Untaxed reserves: gain on dis- in most of the cases) that is determined to
contributions acquired for due consideration. It posal of fixed assets be an effective hedge is to be recognized
does not include rights such as certificates of This caption includes reserves based on rea- directly in this account.
entitlement attributed for example to company lized gains on disposals of fixed assets whose Amounts that had been recognized directly in
founders. The part of issued capital still unpaid tax exemption or tax deferral depends on the equity should be included in net profit or loss
has to be deducted from the issued capital on retention of these gains within the company. in the same period during which the hedged
the account 101000 “Uncalled capital” It can include for example realized gains on commitment of forecasted transaction
disposals of fixed assets which may benefit affects net profit or loss (for example, when
- 101000 Uncalled capital from a tax deferral if they are reinvested a forecasted sale actually occurs).
Part of subscribed capital for which no to acquire new fixed assets. As long as Revaluation has to be done net of deferred
payment request has been done yet by the investment is not finalized, those gains shall taxes (immediately recorded in account
company’s legal representative institutions. be recorded in account 132000 and when 169000 without any income statement
the new asset is acquired, they are deducted impact).
- 110000 Share premium account from purchase price.
Share premium represents the amount paid by -134560 Revaluation of other derivatives*
shareholders at incorporation of the company - 132100 Untaxed reserves: other Revaluation through equity of derivatives not
or following a capital increase which exceeds This caption includes nominal value of linked to foreign exchange or price risk has to
nominal value (or fraction value if shares are reserves based on depreciation of tangible be booked in this account.
without nominal value) of issued shares. and intangible fixed assets applied on a base Revaluation has to be done net of deferred
exceeding acquisition cost, provided that taxes (immediately recorded in account
- 120000 Revaluation surpluses depreciation on this increased base is tax 169000 without any income statement
The account includes unrealised gains reco- deductible. impact).
gnized by means of revaluation granted by
tax authorities. - 133000 Reserves available for distribu- - 134565 Revaluation of invest recorded at
tion fair value
- 125000 Treasury stock Reserves which can be freely distributed by This account represents the revaluation
In accordance with IFRS standards, when the decision of the general meeting of share- reserve related to AFS (available-for-sale
company holds some of its own shares (trea- holders investments; accounts 283800) carried
sury stock), the book value of these shares is at fair value with changes recorded in net
deducted from net equity. - 134000 Other reserves equity.
All reserves that could not be categorized in Revaluation has to be done net of deferred
- 130000 Legal reserve one of the previous captions taxes (immediately recorded in account
When net result is allocated to retained 169000 or 291400 without any income
earnings, it may be a legal requirement to - 134500 Fair value revaluation statement impact).
allocate a specific percentage to a reserve Revaluation at fair value of identifiable assets
(which is not distributable) as long as this and liabilities in the framework of a business
reserve doesn’t reach a given percentage of combination is recorded in this account.
retained earnings.

* These accounts may only be used by entities which are applying cash flow hedging in accordance with IFRS and as agreed with GAPM (com-
pliance team) and Treasury.
N° 2000 - Shareholders Equity 10

- 134600 Revaluation of emission rights* - 136900 Non-controlling interests (sub-

The result of the mark-to-market revalua- consolidation)
tion of CO2 emission rights has to be booked This account represents consolidated
in this account, net of deferred tax impact. reserves of companies performing a sub-
consolidation and is only to be used by such
- 134650 Recognized actuarial gains / companies. Interests of shareholders other
losses than the parent company in net equity of a
Recognized actuarial gains and losses related consolidated company are disclosed in this
to employee benefits are recorded in this account.
- 140000 Results brought forward
- 134700 Stock options Earnings or losses from preceding years are
For stock option plan granted after carried forward in this account in accordance
November 7th 2002, IFRS2 requires the with decision of the annual general meeting
grantor to record the fair value of the of shareholders.
benefit granted against an increase in
equity. Account 134700 should be used to - 145000 Net result for the period
book this increase. The corresponding P&L Net result of the current financial year as
account is 60112G “Employee benefits” in stated in the income statement (flow F10)
the statement of operations by functions
and EMPLB634000 “Stock options” in the - 145900 Result of the non-controlling
statement of operations by nature (the interests (sub-consolidation)
P&L by nature is only completed for internal This account is only to be used by companies
analysis). performing a sub-consolidation. Interests of
shareholders other than the parent company
- 136300 Consolidated reserves in net result of the current financial year of
Consolidated reserves represent the diffe- a consolidated company are disclosed in this
rence between the group share in net equity account.
and the book value in the investment after
identification of any goodwill. This account This caption includes exchange differences on
should only be used by group accounting foreign entities resulting from:
department and companies performing a - translation of income and expense items at
sub-consolidation. the exchange rates at the date of transaction
(average rate) and assets and liabilities at the
- 136500 Foreign exchange translation closing rate,
reserve (sub-consolidation) - translation of the opening net investment
This account represents a specific compo- in the foreign entity at an exchange rate
nent of consolidated reserves (group shares) different from that at which it was previously
of companies performing a sub-consolida- reported, and
tion and is only to be used by such compa- - other changes to equity in the foreign entity.

- 136600 Foreign exchange translation

reserve non-controlling interests (sub-
This account represents a specific compo-
nent of consolidated reserves of companies
performing a sub-consolidation and is only
to be used by such companies. This caption
represents the non-controlling part of the
above mentioned translation differences.

* These accounts may only be used by entities which are applying cash flow hedging in accordance with IFRS and as agreed with GAPM (com-
pliance team) and Treasury.

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