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Is Metformin A Miracle Or A Menace? ‫?

האם מטפורמין הוא נס או איום‬

The diabetes drug metformin has a lot of friends and foes. It never fails to
amaze us when people try to either put a medicine on a pedestal or have the
FDA ban it. Most drugs have both benefits and risks, pros and cons, plusses and
minuses. Metformin is no exception. Why is metformin a miracle for some and a
menace for others?A Short Metformin History:Metformin is the most popular
diabetes drug in the world. It is prescribed by itself or in combination with other
blood glucose-lowering medicines. It is one of the most affordable medications
for type 2 diabetes on the market.Metformin really got its start centuries ago.
That’s because during the middle ages European healers used the French lilac
plant (Galega officinalis) to treat a wide range of conditions. Metformin
eventually evolved from this folk medicine.There are lots of popular names for
Galega officinalis b

Those of you who are not using metformin and want to benefit from the plant can
buy  the  herb Galega off. and use a cup of tea [or more] per day [use 1/2 a teaspoon
per cup  for the tea.
Is Metformin A Miracle Or A Menace?
Metformin is a very old drug making headlines because of new discoveries. Some call
metformin a miracle because of anti-aging and anticancer activity.

Is Metformin A Miracle Or A Menace?4.5- 2 ratings

Joe Graedon
July 27, 2020
No Comments
The diabetes drug metformin has a lot of friends and foes. It never fails to amaze us
when people try to either put a medicine on a pedestal or have the FDA ban it. Most
drugs have both benefits and risks, pros and cons, plusses and minuses. Metformin is no
exception. Why is metformin a miracle for some and a menace for others?
A Short Metformin History:
Metformin is the most popular diabetes drug in the world. It is prescribed by itself or in
combination with other blood glucose-lowering medicines. It is one of the most
affordable medications for type 2 diabetes on the market.
Metformin really got its start centuries ago. That’s because during the middle ages
European healers used the French lilac plant (Galega officinalis) to treat a wide range of
conditions. Metformin eventually evolved from this folk medicine.
There are lots of popular names for Galega officinalis besides French lilac. It is also
known as goat’s rue, galega, Spanish sainfoin, professor-weed or Italian fitch. It was
used to treat symptoms that might have been caused by diabetes, bladder problems,
constipation, fluid retention (edema), blood disorders and fevers. In medieval times
people also soaked their tired, sore feet in a goat’s rue solution.
Metformin for Modern Times:
French regulators first approved metformin for the treatment of diabetes in 1957 under
the name Glucophage. The FDA gave it the green light in 1994.
Drug companies have developed pricey new medications to lower blood sugar. But
metformin is still a mainstay, and researchers are exploring a number of new uses for
this very old drug.
Metformin A Miracle against Cancer?
One of the more intriguing lines of research is metformin’s activity against cancer. Both
laboratory and epidemiological research demonstrate that metformin has anticancer
activity against a number of malignancies.
We suspect that if the drug were just discovered today, it would come with an enormous
price tag and garner lots of attention. No doubt it would be regularly advertised on
television. But metformin is dirt cheap because it is available generically.
Breast & Colorectal Cancer:
Two large population-based studies show that people who take metformin are less likely
to develop breast or colorectal cancer (Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, May 22,
Melanoma, Endometrial & Bone Cancer:
A review of the medical literature reveals that metformin users appear protected in part
from melanoma, endometrial cancer and bone cancer as well (Frontiers in
Endocrinology, April 16, 2020).  In addition, the drug has benefits for the liver, the
kidneys and the cardiovascular system.
Prostate Cancer:
Among more than 12,000 men with high-risk prostate cancer, the use of metformin in
combination with a statin significantly reduced their risk of dying from prostate cancer
(Cancer Medicine, April 2020).  Other investigators conducted test tube research
showing synergistic effects of metformin and curcumin (the active ingredient in the
spice turmeric). This combination helped put the brakes on prostate cancer cells
(Nutrition and Cancer, July 13, 2020). 
A few other combination therapies also feature metformin. In one study of mice,
scientists found that a combination of metformin with certain probiotics had beneficial
effects on colorectal cancer (Cancers, July 10, 2020). 
Esophageal Cancer and Lymphoma:
Research suggests that metformin might also play a role against esophageal cancer and
large B-cell lymphoma (Clinical Cancer Research, July 9, 2020; Cancer & Metabolism,
July 6, 2020). 
Is Metformin a Miracle for PCOS?
Cancer is not the only condition for which metformin appears helpful. Women with
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often have insulin resistance, even though they may
not have type 2 diabetes. PCOS can affect fertility as well as quality of life, and
metformin can help women with this condition ovulate (Fertility and Sterility, Sep.
Is Metformin a Miracle for Longevity?
Anti-aging researchers are also looking at the potential for metformin to extend healthy
life spans. Preliminary animal research has produced promising results (Cold Spring
Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, March 2016). 
There are studies that suggest metformin doesn’t just help improve glucose metabolism.
It reduces inflammation, helps reduce oxidative damage and diminishes cellular aging.
A review of the anti-aging activity of metformin offers this summary (Cell Metabolism,
July 7, 2020): 
“In conclusion, there is extensive epidemiological, basic science, and clinical
data highlighting the effectiveness of metformin in targeting several age-
related morbidities in humans. Studies in model organisms and cell lines
provide compelling evidence on metformin’s beneficial effects against crucial
pathways in aging.”

The Dark Side of Metformin:

Despite all of the optimism about future uses for metformin, the drug has downsides.
Common side effects include digestive problems such as indigestion, nausea, cramps,
gas and diarrhea.
Metformin can also interfere with vitamin B12 absorption. More worrisome still is lactic
acidosis. Palpitations, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, lethargy and severe nausea could
signal this rare medical emergency.
Metformin a Miracle? Not for These People:
We have heard from many visitors to this website that metformin caused serious
Carol developed severe GI problems while taking metformin:
“I lost 40 pounds when on Metformin, and it caused such severe diarrhea that I
couldn’t leave the house. Ultimately, a substitute doctor happened to see my
records and called to tell me to stop taking metformin immediately and see a
kidney specialist as soon as possible.”
Jackie also experienced serious side effects while taking metformin:
“I was prescribed metformin when I developed type 2 diabetes (after being put
on statins due to family history of heart disease). I experienced severe diarrhea
as well as swelling of feet and ankles and a severe itchy rash. Reported all side
effects to doctor. Was told they would subside once my body got used to the
medication. It never did.
“The doctor prescribed 800 mg ibuprofen 4 x day for swelling, sent me to
dermatologist for rash, and told me to use OTC meds and learn to live with
“I was on metformin for about three years, until my kidneys began failing.
Doctor sent me to kidney specialist who took me off metformin and all
NSAIDS. My kidney function improved immediately, but I had to go on
insulin. My question is: Why do doctors ignore warning signals clearly printed
on prescribing literature and simply prescribe another risky medication to
mask troubling (even dangerous) side effects?”
We suspect Jackie’s kidney problems resulted from the large dose of ibuprofen she took
for three years. Even smaller doses can damage the kidneys.
Kay’s digestive problems kept her chained to her home:
“I started taking metformin to keep my blood sugar in the normal range
because another med I was taking put my blood sugar thru the roof.
“I too suffered with continuous stomach upset and violent diarrhea. I could no
longer leave the house safely without taking meds for the diarrhea. There were
accidents. I tried it with food. I tried the slow release… help. Then my
potassium started dropping.
“My doc prescribed another drug. It is low-priced and effective. After 6 weeks
the diarrhea has stopped.
“There is no reason to take a drug that causes this many problems and chains
you to your home. No responsible doctor should make you suffer. Change
meds or change doctors.”
Greg developed lactic acidosis, a potentially life-threatening metformin complication:
“Metformin worked well for me, for about 10 years. It always caused me some
stomach discomfort and flatulence. Then in November, 2016, I ended up in the
hospital with severe vertigo and test results showing high levels of lactic acid.
My doctor suspected lactic acidosis and took me off the drug. I’ve now found
that none of the newer drugs work as well, and I’ve been started on insulin to
get control of my blood sugar levels.”
So, Is Metformin a Miracle or a Menace?
It is neither. Like so many medicines, it can be beneficial for many and dangerous for
others. You can learn more about metformin side effects at this link: 
Metformin (Glucophage) Side Effects & Complications
Metformin is a first line treatment for type 2 diabetes. It can be tough on the digestive
tract. Could it also have anti-cancer activity and prolong life?
Sometimes old drugs can be repurposed for new conditions. The inexpensive drug
metformin might be the best example of this principle.
If you would like to learn more about metformin as well as other approaches for treating
type 2 diabetes, here is a link to our eGuide: Preventing & Treating Diabetes.
You will also want to read about metformin formulations that are not contaminated with
nitrosamines at this link.
Which Metformin is OK and Which is on the FDA’s Problem List?
The FDA admits that several metformin diabetes formulations are contaminated with a
probable carcinogen. Which metformin is OK? How would you know?
Share your own experience with metformin in the comment section below.

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