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Pavement Design –

A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements


February 2007
Licensed to Mr. Punya Murthy Kathari on 21 Feb 2007. Personal use licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.

Section Page Amended text 6.8 Where the cover material modulus is 2000 MPa and its
Table 6.4(b) thickness is 200 mm, the top granular modulus should
read 210 MPa not 270 MPa 6.20 Right-hand side of Equation 6.6 should read:

‘ = exp (-0.08[WMAPT – T])’

8.2.3 8.5 In dot point 3, the equation for f should be ‘f = Ev/(1 + vv)’

8.2.4 8.6 Second last paragraph should read:

‘Note that eqn 8.5 is only applicable if N1stA exceeds Nc
and eqn 8.6 is only applicable if N1stS exceeds Nc.’

8.4 8.16 EC07 – Example Design Chart 7. The title of the x axis
should read ‘Thickness of Cemented Material (mm)’. 9.13 The reference within εt is ‘(Roads and Traffic Authority,

1991)’ not ‘(Standards Australia, 1991)’. 9.13 In relation to equation 9.9 the definition of fct should read
‘concrete tensile strength (MPa) – a value equal to 60%
of the 28-day specified concrete flexural strength (f’cf )
may be assumed’.

Appendix 7.6 A7.6-1 The Percentage of Heavy Vehicles should be 4% rather

than 8%, this changes equation A.7.6.3 to:
‘NDT = 365 x (5350 x0.5) x 4/100 x 1.0 x 29.8 x NHVAG’

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