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Mulberry Butterflies

Mulberry Butterflies

Are the creatures

Which are nature’s beauty adders.

It was discovered by a great, great nation

Long long time ago,

To increase its production

In wealths and silks.

They are producers of silk,

Which is used to make

Stylish and fancy clothes,

From sarees in the south,

To salwar-kameez in the north,

Silk is everywhere,

It is in every heart.

It is in every soul,

As it represents our tradition,

It represents our culture, beliefs and values.

Silk is in every ritual,

From functions to ceremonies,

From marriages to baby-showers,

It is worn by all origins of people,

In some or other manners,

Unfortunately, the producers of this beautiful thread,

Is facing extinction threat,

Due to constant work by humans,

For production of silk,

Like cows,

Who are pressurized for milk.

Mulberry Butterflies, the decorative pieces of sky,

Who flies in great high,

But, because of the human selfish deed,

They forgot the fly to need.

They have wings, but they can't fly,

It’s like you have emotions, but can't cry,

It’s like you have money but can't buy any.

It’s like you have legs, but can't walk.

It’s like you have hands, but you can't work.

Humans, please wake up,

Please understand, that they too need rest,

They too need to fly

To grow and shine,

To prosper nature and

Live life to fullest.

By Emerald Reshma Reddithota

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