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DATE 31/08/2009 DOC. MSE20029 REV.5.3.

Ver. 5.3.0
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4.0.0 All 30/03/2006 Issued revision 4.0.0 Morandi

5.2.0 7, 36-37 17/11/2008 Added “Save in TDMS” menù voice and the Rossoni
link with the same print report as TDMS
5.3.0 All 04/08/2009 Added description of latest addition to correct Morandi
problems in relay testing. Updated images.
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PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................................................5

1 DIFFERENTIAL – ANSI 87 .........................................................................................................................6

1.1 Menu description .................................................................................................................................................. 6

1.1.1 Menu file ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Open............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Save Results ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Save in TDMS ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Notes to the test........................................................................................................................................... 7 Print results ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Exit.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1.2 Menu options .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Header ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Preferences .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1.3 System information ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1.4 Languages ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.5 Menu Type of protection .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.1.6 Differential Library ....................................................................................................................................... 14

1.2 Program Description .......................................................................................................................................... 16

1.3 The SYSTEM tab ................................................................................................................................................ 17

1.3.1 Transformer connection ................................................................................................................................ 17
1.3.2 The Transformer tap ..................................................................................................................................... 18
1.3.3 The nominal values ....................................................................................................................................... 19
1.3.4 The Relay Type ............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.3.5 The nominal characteristic: point by point .................................................................................................... 21
1.3.6 The nominal characteristic: Macro’s ............................................................................................................. 22

1.4 The TEST tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

1.4.1 Fault type and side ........................................................................................................................................ 27
1.4.2 IR [pu] and Id [pu] ........................................................................................................................................ 28
1.4.3 Timer and input contacts ............................................................................................................................... 29

1.5 The Test Selection tab......................................................................................................................................... 30

1.5.1 Click and test ................................................................................................................................................ 30
1.5.2 Verify curve .................................................................................................................................................. 31
1.5.3 Harmonic Restraint ....................................................................................................................................... 32
1.5.4 Tripping time test at IR=0 ............................................................................................................................. 33
1.5.5 Stability test .................................................................................................................................................. 34

1.6 The RESULT tab ............................................................................................................................................... 35

1.7 Actions ................................................................................................................................................................. 36

1.7.1 Change colors ............................................................................................................................................... 36
1.7.2 Perform table functions ................................................................................................................................. 36

2 PRINTING RESULTS................................................................................................................................39

3 IMPORT RESULTS IN EXCEL .................................................................................................................41

4 APPENDIX: POWER TRANSFORMERS CONNECTIONS .....................................................................43

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4.1 Power transformer: connection YY0 ................................................................................................................ 43

4.2 Power transformer: connection YY6 ................................................................................................................. 43

4.3 Power transformer: connection Y 1................................................................................................................. 44

4.4 Power transformer: connection Y 11............................................................................................................... 44

4.5 Power transformer: connection Y 7................................................................................................................. 45

4.6 Power transformer: connection Y 5................................................................................................................. 45

4.7 Power transformer: connection Y 1 ............................................................................................................... 46

4.8 Power transformer: connection Y 11 ............................................................................................................. 46

4.9 Power transformer: connection Y 7 ............................................................................................................... 47

4.10 Power transformer: connection Y 5 ............................................................................................................... 47

4.11 Power transformer: connection  0................................................................................................................ 48

4.12 Power transformer: connection  6................................................................................................................ 48

4.13 Power transformer: connection  2................................................................................................................ 48

4.14 Power transformer: connection  8................................................................................................................ 49

4.15 Power transformer: connection  10.............................................................................................................. 50

4.16 Power transformer: connection  4............................................................................................................... 50

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The program DIFF-87 has been designed as an interactive test software for all ISA Automatic
test sets, to test Differential relays ANSI-IEC 87.
Theoretically, from the beginning the user is driven throughout all steps in simple way, so that he
has the feeling that everything is under control.
It is like playing with a fully manual test equipment with very powerful tools. The following are the
features available in the program:
 Capability to load/save the results created as a Microsoft Access file (*MDB;*.87)
 Manual and automatic test of any type of differential relays
 Capability to load a result and repeat all the tests included
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1 Differential – Ansi 87

1.1 Menu description

1.1.1 Menu file Open
This menu item allows to load a result file that contains all the tests performed and the relative relay
settings (graphics included). Results are stored into a database file (Microsoft Access file).
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This menu item allows to save a result file containing all the tests performed and the relative relay
settings. The standard dialog window appear to allow the user select the name of the file to be
saved. Save in TDMS

This menu item allows to export the result file into the database of TDMS program. When you click
this voice a window with the network topology defined inside TDMS will appear. This window
allows the user to select the node of the network tree created by TDMS into which the sequence
must be saved and assign a mnemonic name to the result file; To export the opened result tests,
select the relay node in which the sequence must be saved, choose a descriptive name for the file
and press the “Save” button. By pressing the “Cancel” button, the sequence will not be saved into
TDMS. Notes to the test

By selecting this menu it is possible to add comments regarding the tests performed. This notes will
be included in the results file and can be printed.
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This menu item is discussed in the relative chapter about printing. Exit
Closes the application.

1.1.2 Menu options Header
By choosing this menu item, the user is asked to fill data that identifies the conditions of the test.
They will be printed on the results, allowing the traceability of the test performed. In detail, please
insert the Substation name (Plant name), the Line name (Feeder), data regarding the relay such as
Relay Manufacturer, Relay Model and Serial Number. Also fill the Operator and Instrument
Serial Number fields. The other fields are to be considered optional.
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Click on Load logo to change the logo to be printed on the test report, or if the program is not able
to find the predefined logo. Reasons could be that the file no longer exists or the .INI file is
corrupted. Preferences
This menu item loads a window where the operator can specify general parameters that will
influence the way test are carried out or results are displayed
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The frame CT Ratio allows to use appropriately a CT on the current outputs (specifically designed
for the option IN1-CDG). It allows therefore to select which is the CT ratio by selecting the primary
side and secondary side currents, and to define on which outputs it will be used. The selection can
be made by choosing the appropriate Primary/Secondary side values from the menus or by typing
directly the ratio in the provided box. CT ratio can be selectively applied to the current outputs.
The frame Time delay allows the user to define how to display trip times and delays: in seconds or
in cycles. In the latter case it must be indicated the reference frequency to be used for the cycle
The frame Zero Power allows to define specific working parameters of this instrument and will be
enabled only if the instrument is connected.
The frame Output Colors allows to choose the color appearance of the voltage and current outputs
in the Manual mode screens, both Prefault and Fault values.
The frame Measure Conversion constants allows to choose whether to take into account the value
and type of a conversion parameter. This will be reflected on the values shown by the Measuring
board, and is particularly useful when measuring signals via a transducer, such as clip-on
transformers. In this case the transducer can convert from Current to Current (and therefore the ratio
I/I Conversion is taken into account) or from Current to Voltage (and therefore the ratio I/V
Conversion is considered).
By pressing OK the parameters will be saved, with Cancel any change is discarded.

1.1.3 System information

It’s a panel showing information regarding the connected instrument, (RAM, Flash EPROM etc.).
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A picture of the connected instrument appears (in the example, although the user selected DRTS,
the picture shows that no instrument is actually connected). It also shows ISA S.r.l. contact details.

1.1.4 Languages
This menu gives the capability to change the language of the software without closing the program.
The active language will be saved by quitting the program .

1.1.5 Menu Type of protection

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Depending on the type of protection selected by means of this menu, there are some differences in
appearance and behaviour of the program. The appearance varies in the System-Transformer tab as
it follows:
 2 winding transformer

The manual refers generally to this type of protection

 3 winding transformer

A menu appears beside the connection menus to let the user choose the 3rd winding type, Y or
 Generator protection
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Only a selection of parameters appears to set such a protection

 Line differential protection

A picture appears together with a description of warnings to consider when testing such a
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1.1.6 Differential Library

This menu item opens the Differential Library. The Library is a list of special programs that ease the
configuration of the relays according to the diff-87 Automatic program parameters.
When pressing the Differential Library menu, the following window appears:

The window displays a list of the Special Differential Programs that have been installed in the PC.
To run a special program, select it and the press the button Open. The relative program will open
and allow the user to insert the parameters of the relay under test.

While the special program is running, Diff-87 becomes hidden and not operative. As the user exits
the special program, Diff-87 is shown and loaded with the selections that have been made through
the program.

For example, when selecting the Sel387.exe program, the following window is opened:
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The program shows the parameters as they appear in the Sel387 User Manual, so the user can read
the settings from the relay, insert them in this window and then press the ANSI-87 button.
The Diff-87 program is then shown with the settings that have been made.
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1.2 Program Description

As usual there are two sides, left and right, to control the test and display the results in graphical
format. In the left side there are 4 tabs:
1. Test:
2. System: with all transformer and relay settings
3. Test selection: to decide the action
4. Results: where you store all results

The System tab is the most important since it contains the settings of the relay:
 Transformer connection
 Nominal characteristic of the relay
 Nominal parameters (Vnom, Fnom, etc)

Without these parameters, there’s no way to let the relay work!

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1.3 The SYSTEM tab

1.3.1 Transformer connection

All different transformer connections can be set according to the selection of the connection for
winding 1 and 2, the polarity (the red circle in the figure).
Transformer connection for Winding 1 and 2, that can be Y, DAB or DAC and the polarity
determine the transformer groups are as follows
 Yy0, 2, 4, 8, 8, 10
 Dy or Yd 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
 Dd0 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10
Enter the connection in the relative input field. The program will automatically check if the
connection is correct (for instance, you cannot enter a Yd2 connection).

Connection DAB means: Connection DAC means:

positive terminal A connected positive terminal A connected
to negative terminal B: to negative terminal C:

Vector group can be also defined as follows:

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The vectorial group of the transformer is defined as follows:

A a Ia

B b
C c 30°

N n

 I   I 30
 IA is the primary current phase 1 G A a
 1
 Ia is the secondary current phase 1
30 30

1.3.2 The Transformer tap

The transformer TAPs are calculated according to the nominal power Pn, primary and secondary
voltage V1n and V2n, the CTRatio, the nominal current In:
Pn Pn
Tap1  Tap2 
3 * V1 * CTR1 * I n 3 *V2 * CTR 2 * I n
These values are the p.u. nominal current at relay level after CTs. They are fundamental when
calculating the test currents to apply to the relay.
Pn Pn
I1  I2 
3 * V1 3 *V2

I1 I2
I "1  I "2 

In some relays (see SEL-387) the transformer taps take into account the connection style of the
relay. If the relay is Y-connected, the formula is the above. If it is-connected, the taps will be the
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above multiplied by 3 . Therefore for a correct calculation of the taps, a box is provided.
By selecting it the calculated tap is also multiplied accordingly.

 Predefined transformer taps: for static and electromechanical relays, the transformer tap is
defined directly (not calculated according to Pn, Vnom, CTRatio, Inom). Toggle this check-box
to manually enter the value.

1.3.3 The nominal values

 Vnom [V]: this is the nominal PT secondary voltage. It is important in case the relay has
a voltage restraint characteristic and it might be interesting to see how the characteristic
changes per effect of a variation of the nominal voltage.
 Vdc [V]: to energize the relay with the power supply of the test equipment
 Ramp Vdc: in case a direct application of a voltage step produces an overload on the Vdc
 Imax [A]: not to be exceeded during the test
 Fn [Hz]: the nominal frequency
 Max Err %: will produce a pass/fail message in the test result
 Test @ 2x 45A allows to put in parallel currents I1-I2-I3 and I4-I5-I6 when working with
instruments having six currents
Before you can start any test you have to Apply the Vdc to turn on the relay if it is not already
energized: press the relative button.

1.3.4 The Relay Type

The conventional electromechanical or static electronic devices of the differential protection

compensate the vector shift with appropriate connection of the current transformer coils. The
principle is that the Y connected current transformers on the delta side of the transformer do not
shift the currents flowing out of the transformer. The delta connected current transformers on the Y
side of the transformer however result a phase shift. This means that the Y side currents are shifted
according to the vector group of the transformer to match the delta side currents.
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Additionally the delta connection of the currents transformers eliminates the zero sequence current
component flowing on the grounded Y side of the transformer. As on the delta side no zero
sequence current can be detected, this compensation is unavoidable for the correct operation of the
differential protection.
If a phase-to-ground fault occurs at the Y side of the transformer, then zero sequence current flows
on the grounded Y side, but on the delta side no out-flowing zero sequence current can be detected.
Without elimination of the zero sequence current component the differential protection generates a
trip command in case of external ground fault. If the connection group of the current transformers
on the Y side is delta however, then no zero sequence current flows out of the group. So the
problem of zero sequence current elimination in case of external ground fault is solved.

The numerical differential protection devices (e.g. ABB RET or Protecta DTD) apply numerical
matrix transformation for modeling the delta connection of the current transformers. In the practice
it means cyclical subtraction of the phase currents.
We define these type of relays as performing Transformation Method .

The numerical protective differential algorithms offer also the possibility to eliminate the zero
sequence current from the Y side of the transformer. In this transformation the Y side is the
reference side, which means that the reference currents are the real currents flowing in the phase
coils. Consequently the currents flowing out on the delta side must be transformed to real coil
We define these type of relays as performing Transformation Method Y.

It is therefore important to select the appropriate method depending on the algorithms performed by
the relay under test. The box Transformation Method

has two options: Y and . Select the one applicable. The information can be deducted from the
Relay User manual.

The Monitored Contact

A differential relay normally operates with three differential elements, corresponding to phases
A,B,C. This means that for each type of fault, three elements are stimulated and contribute to define
the trip of the relay. On a variety of relays it is also possible to monitor separately the differential
elements, and therefore have 4 trip commands: one for each individual differential element, and one
that represents the OR function of the three individual commands.
Normally the trip command 1+2+3 (general trip, OR of the individual commands) is the one
monitored, but if the user connects an individual trip output of the relay to the instrument trip
contact, it is possible to verify its characteristic and not the general tripping characteristic by
selecting the monitored element from the menu.

The I Bias formula

We define IR as Restraint current and it is normally given as the average between current I1 and I2,
 I1: transformer primary side pu current
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 I2: transformer secondary side pu current

Depending on the relay manufacturer, the Restraint current is calculated as:

 I R  I1  I 2 : this formula is used by Siemens relays
I1  I 2
 IR  : this is the standard formula
I1  I 2
 IR  : this is used by some of GE relays for three windings transformer
 I R  I 1  I 2 : this is used on Ret316 relays
The differential current is defined as: I d  I1  I 2

1.3.5 The nominal characteristic: point by point

A typical nominal characteristic of a transformer differential relay is displayed in the figure.

It can be defined by entering the coordinates of each point one by one in the table of the nominal
characteristic. Here is the table corresponding to the graph.
When you define the characteristic point by point:
 you can Add and Delete a point by pressing the relative buttons.
 the cell background is gray: the coordinate of the points cannot be edited
 for each point you enter IR, Id and Slope: they define a line passing through IR and Id with a
specific Slope. Remember that:
o Slope = 0: horizontal line
o Slope = 999: vertical line

Let’s consider the example in the figure in order to better understand how to edit a characteristic.
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Point nr 1
 The characteristic always starts from IR1=0, so that you cannot edit IR1 for this point.
 Id can be any value providing it is positive… here Id1 = 0,3
 Slope1 = 0: horizontal line

Point nr 2
 The first is a horizontal line that goes from IR1 up to IR2 = 0,75
 Id2 cannot be edited as it is function of IR2: it would be Id 2  Id1  * ( IR2  IR1 )  0.3
 Then the characteristic will continue with a Slope2 = 40%

Point nr 3
 The second line goes from IR2 up to IR3 = 1,5
 Id3 cannot be edited as it is function of IR3: it would be Id 3  Id 2  * ( IR3  IR2 )  0.6
 Then the characteristic will continue with a Slope = 100%

And so on for all points. Just remember that NP = NL + 1, where

 NP is number of points
 NL is the number of lines

Point nr 4
 The third line goes from IR3 up to IR4 = 2,5 with a Slope3 of 100%
 Id4 cannot be edited as it is function of IR4: it would be Id 4  Id 3  * ( IR4  IR3 )  1.6
 Then the characteristic will continue with a Slope = 0 %: it is a straight horizontal line.

And so on for all points. Just remember that NP = NL + 1, where

 NP is number of points
 NL is the number of lines

1.3.6 The nominal characteristic: Macro’s

Since there aren’t too many different types of nominal characteristic of a transformer differential
relay, it could be helpful to enter the characteristic using macro’s. There are 3 types of macro’s
corresponding to 3 different types of characteristic. Click on the relative icon to display a frame
where you can enter the setting values:

Bias restraint characteristic: the most common characteristic for static relays

Two bias restraint characteristic: the most common for new digital relays

Two bias with knee point: not very common but to be taken into account
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Duobias characteristic: specific curve for VA-Teck Duobias Relay

GET60 Universal relay: specific curve for GE T60 relays

Bias Restraint Characteristic

The user must define the differential current pick-up and the slope of the only one restraint
Input parameters are:
 PkUp: it is the differential pick-up current
 SL1%: Slope of the restraint differential current
 OS: offset at origin: the slope is a straight line starting from the offset; this is normally
zero, but for some Alstom relay is a positive or negative value
 Max IR: maximum Restraint current
 Max Id: maximum allowed Differential current (or unrestrained current)
 Enable Max Id for: enables the Unrestrained element for the selected monitored differential
elements of the relay for the specified phases.



Two Bias Restraint Characteristic

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Input parameters are:

 PkUp: it is the differential pick-up current
 SL1%: Slope of the 1st current differential restraint
 SL2%: Slope of the 2nd current differential restraint
 Base point: starting point of the 2nd current restraint characteristic
 OS: offset at origin: the slope is a straight line starting from the offset; this is normally
zero, but for some Alstom relay is a positive or negative value
 Max IR: maximum Restraint current
 Max Id: maximum allowed Differential current (or unrestrained current)
 Enable Max Id for: enables the Unrestrained element for the selected monitored differential
elements of the relay for the specified phases.

Two Bias Restraint Characteristic with a Knee Point

Input parameters are:

 PkUp: it is the differential pick-up current
 SL1%: Slope of the 1st current differential restraint
 SL2%: Slope of the 2nd current differential restraint
 Base point: starting point of the 2nd current restraint characteristic
 OS: offset at origin: the slope is a straight line starting from the offset; this is normally
zero, but for some Alstom relay is a positive or negative value.
 Max IR: maximum Restraint current
 Max Id: maximum allowed Differential current (or unrestrained current)
 Enable Max Id for: enables the Unrestrained element for the selected monitored differential
elements of the relay for the specified phases.
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DuoBias Characteristic

Input parameters are:

 PkUp: Differential pick-up current
 SL1%: Slope of the 1st current differential restraint
 B: Base point of the 2nd current restraint characteristic
 OS: offset at origin: the slope is a straight line starting from the offset; this is normally
 Max IR: maximum Restraint current
 Max Id: maximum allowed Differential current (or unrestrained current)
 Enable Max Id for: enables the Unrestrained element for the selected monitored differential
elements of the relay for the specified phases.

The curve above point B follows this formula:

Trip if :

I diff 

1 2
X K2 
Where :
( I1  I 2)
X   I Bias
K 2  B 2  2M 2 B 2
B  Bias slope limit
M  Bias slope

GE T60 Universal relay

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Input parameters are:

 PkUp: it is the differential pick-up current
 SL1%: Slope of the 1st current differential restraint
 SL2%: Slope of the 2nd current differential restraint
 Break1: end point of the 1st current restraint characteristic
 Break2: starting point of the 2nd current restraint characteristic
 OS: offset at origin: the slope is a straight line starting from the offset; this is normally
 Max IR: maximum Restraint current
 Max Id: maximum allowed Differential current (or unrestrained current)
 Enable Max Id for: enables the Unrestrained element for the selected monitored differential
elements of the relay for the specified phases.
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1.4 The TEST tab

1.4.1 Fault type and side

The fault type selection (single phase, phase to phase, three-phase) depends on the type of
instrument and the transformer connection. Look at this table for reference.
Nr of currents Transformer Type of fault selectable On which winding
available in the test connection
3 YY L1 or L2 or L3 Winding 1
3 YD Not possible
3 DY Not possible
3 DD Not possible
6 YY-YD-DY-DD L1 or L2 or L3 Winding 1 and / or Winding 2
L12 or L23 or L31

If the test equipment only has three output currents, the relay must be tested phase by phase. In this
case only 2 out of 3 currents are to be used. So that:
 for a YY connection, we perform a single phase test on Winding 1
 for other types of connection or type of faults a six currents instrument must be used.
 The only exception is the single phase test of an YD transformer on the Y side, because actually
three currents are used. However, it would be necessary to perform connections as follows.
Fault L1: I1, I2 and I3 are to be connected to IA, Ia, Ic
Fault L2: I1, I2 and I3 are to be connected to IB, Ia, Ib
Fault L3: I1, I2 and I3 are to be connected to IC, Ib, Ic
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Whatever the selected test type (see the Test Selection tab chapter), before starting any test we get
the following dialogs describing how to connect the test equipment to the relay under test:

For 3-phase equipment: For 6-phase equipment:

DRTS – DRTS-3 DRTS-3 + AMI-33 or AMIV-33

The 1st dialog shows how to connect an instrument with only 3 output currents.
 The red dot represents the positive terminal of the generator, either 1 or 2
 The brown dot represents the negative terminal of the generator, either 1 or 2

The 2nd dialog shows how to connect a 3-phase instrument and booster (6 output currents).
 AMI-3 on Winding 1
o The red dot represents the positive terminal of the generators 1, 2 and 3
o The brown dot represents the negative terminal
 DRTS on Winding 2
o The red dot represents the positive terminal of the generators 1, 2 and 3
o The brown dot represents the negative terminal

The 3rd dialog shows how to connect a 6-phase instrument.

 The red dot represents the positive terminal of the generators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
 The brown dot represents the negative terminal

1.4.2 IR [pu] and Id [pu]

These two fields just copy the mouse position in the graph. The restraint current IR (X axis) and the
differential current Id (Y axis) can be edited and then added to the test list to be injected. We give
this option in order to set specific test points: they cannot be reached with the mouse.

The values of IR and Id then define the values of the currents to be injected according to the
following information:
 Transformer connection
 Transformer taps
 Fault type
 Fault side
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They are represented in numerical and graphical format as it can be seen in the above picture.

1.4.3 Timer and input contacts

In this frame you’ll define:

 the input contact to be used: C1 to C8
 the status: normally open or closed (NO or NC)
 the digital input type: dry or wet (only for DRTS series)
 the prefault time T pre, it can be used to insert a time delay between one
test and the other
 the maximum injection time T max… this must be higher than the
nominal tripping time of the relay.

By clicking on the square box in the centre, it is possible to define the hardware status of the
contacts. This section applies to DRTS ,DRTS3, DRTS6 and ART100. The following window

 Debounce.
The debounce is the time during which the instrument waits for the input to become stable: this
serves to avoid stopping the test because of noise, and also to ignore contact bounces. When a
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transition is sensed the debounce counter starts: any opposite transition before the debounce expires
resets the counter. Only if the input does not change for the programmed duration the input is
accepted, and the timer stopped. Default value: 500 us. With electronic inputs the value can be
programmed to 0; with heavy contacts the debounce is better programmed to 2000 us (maximum).
The time measurement is not affected by this selection.
 Type
There are three selections about the type of contact: Dry; Polarized by a d.c. voltage; Polarized by an
a.c. voltage. With selection dry, next selection is not applicable. With selection a.c. voltage, the
debounce is forced to 2000 us to overcome the zero crossings of the input.
 Threshold
When the contact is selected Polarized, it is also possible to select the threshold voltage: all inputs
less than 80% of the selected value are made equal to zero. This serves to avoid noise on the line, or
in case there is a protective resistor in parallel to the contact driving the coil, so that the Open
contact does not correspond to zero volts. Available thresholds: 5 V (logic input); 24 V; 48 V; 100
V. This selection should match the wetting voltage.
If dry input is selected and a voltage is applied the instrument does not suffer, provided that the
input is no more than 220 V. If a voltage is selected and the input is not polarized, the trip is not
If a wrong voltage threshold is selected:
. Threshold higher than the voltage: the trip is not sensed;
. Threshold lower than the voltage: the contact could be found closed when it is open.

1.5 The Test Selection tab

These are the possible selections.

1.5.1 Click and test

Means that you can select a test point by clicking on the graph with the mouse.

 Press OK to confirm the selection

 Select a test point on the graph and click
 The test currents are injected immediately after clicking.
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3: Select the test

point and click

1: Select the fault type 2: Select the maximum

time Tmax

Internal fault:
If you click here only Stability test:
Id will be generated If you click here only IR will
be generated

The results will be displayed in different colors (according to Color Setups) depending whether the
relay tripped or not within the selected maximum time.

1.5.2 Verify curve

The nominal differential current Id is verified as function of IR.
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The test is performed from IRstart to Irstop. The number of points is defined by Step. The
nominal Id value is automatically calculated as
Id = f ( IR )
To help you see where the test points will fall over the curve, the relative points are displayed.

By pressing OK the test points are added to the test table.

Press the Start button to initiate the test.
 A binary search method is applied in order to find the Id threshold.
 The measured Id value is placed into the column ID of the test table
 The trip time is measured and placed into the T (s) column
 The Error is calculated in % of ID nom and placed into Err% column
 Pass / Fail indication is then written into the relative column.

The Monitored Contact allows to decide which differential element is being monitored and
connected to the trip contact of the instrument. It can be any individual differential element trip
command of the relay or the general trip command (OR of the individual elements).

1.5.3 Harmonic Restraint

The test of harmonic restraint up to the 7th, enables those you want to test
 Enter the harmonic restraint value in %
 Press OK to write the relative lines into the test table

The output waveform is updated at each injection and the search type is a pure binary method.
If we indicate:
 If : the RMS value of the fundamental at 50 or 60 Hz
 Ih: the RMS value of the harmonic
 h: harmonic order
 IRMS: the total RMS value as I RMS  I h2  I 2f
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 H%: the harmonic percentage as H %  *100
I h2  I 2f

The method is described as follows.

1. Set IR =0 and calculate the relative Id current
2. Set Id output = 2 * Id (to be sure the relay will trip) at nominal frequency
3. Calculate the output current I1, I2, and I3
4. Set If as the maximum between I1, I2, and I3
5. Inject If: the relay should trip, otherwise the current is increased until the relay trips.
6. Set the harmonic % value to be added to the nominal frequency
H% * I f
7. Calculate the rms value of the harmonic component I h 
1002  H %2
8. Calculate the total RMS value as defined above, I RMS  I h2  I 2f
9. Update the waveform according to this formula:
i(t )  2 * ( I f * sin(2 *  * f )  I h * sin(2 *  * f * h))
well… we actually use the harmonic module to calculate everything
 Should the relay trip, the harmonic % is not sufficient to lock the operation: H% is
increased and the test start from point #6 again
 Shouldn’t the relay trip, the harmonic % is sufficient to lock the operation: H% is
decreased and the test start from point #6 again
10. the interactions continue until the harmonic % threshold is found with the desired accuracy.

1.5.4 Tripping time test at IR=0

This is actually used to measure the tripping time for different values of Id but at IR=0.
In other words it is like a series of click and test on the Y axis.
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1.5.5 Stability test

This is actually used to verify the relay is stable in case of a through fault. In this event, both the
transformer and the relay are interested by a high through current, theoretically without producing
differential current. However, due to the CT errors, the transformer taps, and many other reasons,
the relay may sense some differential current. Nevertheless the relay should remain stable and block
any possible trip.
To perform such test it is enough performing a shot test at Idiff = 0. However, a specific test as been
defined in order to make it clear from the result handling point of view.
The Monitored Contact allows to decide which differential element is being monitored and
connected to the trip contact of the instrument. It can be any individual differential element trip
command of the relay or the general trip command (OR of the individual elements).
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1.6 The RESULT tab

Select here the

fault type to Select here the Select the
show fault side to monitored contact
show to show

IR-Idiff or

Here, are usual, you can open previous results, save, print and delete all results.

By clicking on the result table it is also possible to select multiple rows and delete them by choosing
the menu item that appears after the click.

It is also possible to select the columns to be displayed in the results grid.

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1.7 Actions
Different actions are possible when you test a relay.
For instance you may change the colors of the graph: background, nominal characteristic, tested and
not tested points.
You can repeat a test that you feel wasn’t performed correctly because the relay wasn’t energized.
So you can:

1.7.1 Change colors

Just right click on the graph to get the setup colors windows here displayed. Press the button where
you want to change color and get into the other window:

1.7.2 Perform table functions

By Clicking on the Test Table, a popup menu appears. The enabled items depend on the status of
the test table:
 If the table is empty, by clicking on the header of the table, the only available item is “Select
columns to show”
 If more than one row is selected, the items “Comment to the test”, “Load fault values with
line values” and “Load line values with Fault values” are not enabled, otherwise all item are

The tasks to be performed to the test table are:

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 delete selected tests: deletes the selected rows from the test table regardless if they have
already been executed or still to be tested
 Mark as executed: this function puts a mark * beside the test number of the selected rows. In
this way it is possible to treat a not executed test as it has been executed and therefore save it
into a database.
 Repeat selected tests: repeats the tests corresponding to the selected rows
 Comment to the test: The following window appears:

In the “Message” box, it is possible to define a comment to the test that must be displayed
prior to the test execution. The “Show this message” Checkbox allows the user to decide
whether to display the message when this test is executed. There is also a “Notes” box,
where other notes can be inserted. “Message” and “Notes” are stored together with the test
data and can contain also pictures.
By pressing the OK button, if the “Show this message” checkbox is set, an icon will appear
on the first column of the test table beside the test number. This means the comment is
active and will be shown when the test is executed.

 Store all tests: transfers all the test that have been executed (with the mark *) from the test
table to the result table
 Delete all tests: deletes all the rows in the test table
 Set columns to show: opens up a window, showing the columns available in the test table
and allowing the user to select which columns should be displayed.
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By selecting “Print Results” option in the file menù, the following window opens:

By checking the option “Show Graph” the report will include a graphic diagram of the results; by
checking the option “Include Notes Page” the report will include a page containing the notes added
by means of the menu item “Notes to the test”
When the user press OK, the following window appears:
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The toolbar at the top of this window is the following:

The first four buttons allow the user to browse thorough the pages of the report
(first, previous, next and last page).

The button allows the user to print the report, after selecting the printer.

The button allows the user to export the report in the Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf), Microsoft ® Excel
(*.xls), Microsoft ® Word (*.doc) or Rich Text Document (*.rtf) formats, by selecting the type from
the drop down menu, as shown in the following picture:

The button allows the user to zoom in or out the print preview.
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3 Import results in Excel

As mentioned in chapter 2 , a result file is formatted as a data base file, ready to be used by
Microsoft Access. Furthermore, it’s possible to import a result table in Microsoft Excel . In the
following figures is explained which are the selections in Excel:

 Define a new data base query:

 Data base type selection

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 Select the data base file:

 Select the columns:

 And, after the inclusion of all the columns without any filter, and ordering the rows by
“DBNumber”, the table will appear:
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These notes summarize the power transformers various connections, the relationship between
primary and secondary currents, and how to deduct the group formula.

4.1 Power transformer: connection YY0

A a

B b
 I A  1 0 0  I a 
 I   0 1 0  *  I 
C c
 B    b
 I C  0 0 1  I c 
N n



I  I 0
G A a
 0
30 30


4.2 Power transformer: connection YY6

A a

B b
 I A   1 0 0  Ia 
I    0  1 0  * I 
C c
 B    b
 I C   0 0  1  I c 
N n


Ib Ic

I  I 180
G A a
 6
30 30

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4.3 Power transformer: connection Y 1

A a

B b Ia   1 0  1  I A 
 I    1 1 0  *  I B 
C c  b 
N  I c   0  1 1   I C 


I  I 30
30° G A a
 1
-IC 30 30


4.4 Power transformer: connection Y 11

A a
Ia   1  1 0  I A 
B b  I    0 1  1 *  I 
 b    B
C c  I c   1 0 1   I C 



-IB I  I 330
G A a
  11
30 30

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4.5 Power transformer: connection Y 7

A a
 I a   1 0 1   I A 
I    1  1 0  * I 
b  b    B
 I c   0 1  1  I C 


210° I  I 210
G A a
 7
30 30



4.6 Power transformer: connection Y 5

A a
 I a   1 1 0  I A 
B b I    0  1 1  * I 
 b    B
C c  I c   1 0  1  I C 


I  I 150
G A a
 5
30 30


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4.7 Power transformer: connection Y 1

A a
I A   1  1 0  Ia 
B b  I    0 1  1 *  I 
 B    b
C c  I C   1 0 1   I c 



I  I 30
G A a
 1
30 30


4.8 Power transformer: connection Y 11

A a
 I A   1 0  1  I a 
B b  I    1 1 0  *  I 
 B    b
C c  I C   0 1 1   I c 


I  I 330
G A a
  11
-Ic 30 30


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4.9 Power transformer: connection Y 7

A a
 I A   1 1 0  Ia 
B b I    0  1 1  * I 
 B    b
C  I C   1 0  1  I c 


I  I 210
G A a
 7
210° 30 30



4.10 Power transformer: connection Y 5

A a
 I A   1 0 1   I a 
B b I    1  1 0  * I 
 B    b
C c  I C   0 1  1  I c 


150° I  I 150
G A a
 5
30 30


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4.11 Power transformer: connection  0

A a I A   1 0  1  I AB 
 I    1 1 0  *  I BC 
B b  B 
 I C   0  1 1   I CA 
C c
Ia   1 0  1  I ba 
IA Ia  I    1 1 0  *  I cb 
 b 
IAB Iba  I c   0  1 1   I ac 
-ICA -Iac

I  I 0
G A a
 0
30 30

4.12 Power transformer: connection  6

 I A   1 0  1  I AB 
A a  I    1 1 0  *  I 
 B    BC 
B b  I C   0  1 1   I CA 

C c
 I a   1 0 1   I ba 
I    1  1 0  * I 
 b    cb 
 I c   0 1  1  I ac 
I  I 180
-ICA G A a
 6
30 30


Ia -Iba

4.13 Power transformer: connection  2  I A   1  1 0   I AC 

A a  I    0 1  1 *  I 
 B    BA 
B b  I C   1 0 1   I CB 
C c
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 I a   1 0  1  I ba 
 I    1 1 0  *  I 
IA Ia  b    cb 
IAC Iba  I c   0  1 1   I ac 
30° -Iac
I  I 60
G A a
 2
30° 30 30


4.14 Power transformer: connection  8

A a  I A   1  1 0   I AC 
 I    0 1  1 *  I 
B b  B    BA 
 I C   1 0 1   I CB 
C c

 I a   1 0 1   I ba 
IA I    1  1 0  * I 
Iba  b    cb 
 I c   0 1  1  I ac 
-IBA 210°
I  I 240
G A a
 8
30 30
Iac -Icb
Ia -Iba
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4.15 Power transformer: connection  10

 I A   1 0  1  I AB 
 I    1 1 0  *  I 
A a  B    BC 
 I C   0  1 1   I CA 
B b
C c
 I a   1  1 0   I ca 
 I    0 1  1 *  I 
 b    ab 
 I c   1 0 1   I bc 

-ICA -Iab 300° I  I 300

G A a
  10
30 30


4.16 Power transformer: connection  4

 I A   1 0  1  I AB 
 I    1 1 0  *  I 
A a  B    BC 
 I C   0  1 1   I CA 
B b
 I a   1 1 0   I ca 
I    0  1 1  * I 
IA IA  b    ab 
 I c   1 0  1  I bc 

-ICA 120° I  I 120

G A a
 4
30 30



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