Easy Solar Broucher

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rJ Eco-friendly.
-) Quick return of investment.
,J Soves Energy. ) Proven Design
.J Round the clock hot woter. J Duroble, Efficient & proven stote of the ort technology.
So[e to use - No feor of occident.
-) Customer sotisfoction through customer oriented opprooch.

'J The most Luxurious woy of getfing hot woter.
-) Comprehensive worronty pockoged with service of your door step.
,IJ Zero expenditure on heoting woter. J Eosy to instoll.

AIU*rays *{ot
Free af Gost v
Sch6motic Diogrom Thermosyphon Syslem

"EASY S0LAR WAIER HEATERS" ore designed to

provide hol wuter efficiently ond to farilitate eosy
remourl of reole from (oppcr pipeo, without lhe need
of ony skilled workers.

Gopociry I. Model ES-]00 ES-200 ES-300 ES-500

t.P.D. North-South Eost-Wesl
2. Copocity (Liters/doy) ,l00 200 300 500
'100 ,l060
Lk 2475 mm mm
3. No. of solqr flot plote Collectors 1 2 3 4
200 Ltr. 2475 mm 21 50 mm 4. Collector Box Colorcoqted Gqlvonised lron sheet
300 Ltr. 2475 mm 3235 mm (982x2080x1 00 mm) Single Piece

500 Ltr. 2635 mm 4300 mm 5. lnsulotion for Solor Collector 50mm thick-spintex resin bonded minerol wool.
6. Solqr Absorber moteriqls Copper to Copper-with 9 risers
Test pressure-Skg. cm/sq.
7. Slo.roge tonk moteriol Copper
8. Ouler cover for tonk Colorcooted Golvonised lron Sheei
9. Stond Mild steel with weother resistont cooting
10. lnsulotion lor tonk Spintex/resinbonded Minerol wool-] 00mm. thick.
I 1. Glozing Icughened Gloss-4mm thick. Rry seolont.
12. Electric bockup (optionol) I Kw 2Kw 3Kw 3Kw

Regd.0fl. : B-21, Jolorom Nogor, Behind Mother's School, Neor lskcon Temple, Gotri Rood, Vododoro - 390 02l. (Gulorot)
Phone : (0265) 2337674,2351703 Tele-Fqx: (0265) 2351703 Mobile No.:9825017053
Iorlory 3 No. 303, Sovli G.l.D.C. Estote, Neor Villoge Monlusor, Sovli Rood, Dist.: Vododoro - 391 775.
Bronrh Off. : "Amboii Niwos", 8-Goyokwodi PIot, Roikot - 360 001. Phone : (0281 | 2457260

OUR OTHER PRODUCTS : Wood Fired Water Heater & Automatic Gas Boiler
Due l0 conlinuous development in lhe ploducl lhe compaly leserves the right t0 change lhe Design, Dimension and pattern wilhout pri0t notice as and when required.

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