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 Asses the impacts of world war 1 on Russia (8 marks)

nadiah(BE10) farhana (BE02)

- due to the incompetence of military leaders and the soldiers’ lack of equipment and training, millions of Russians were
killed at the front this led to disillusion and anger at the way the war was being conducted.  Nicholas II worsened the
situation by assuming control of the Russian army at the front from September 1915, making him personally responsible
for future military defeats and leaving the Tsarina and Rasputin in Petrograd.

-the huge economic problem arises after the war including starvation and a lack of fuel.                This
made people back in Russia incredibly angry and encouraged them to start protesting against the
-the military suffered from shortages of riffles due to inefficient distribution
-the set up of War-Industry Committees to increase war production
- Millions of peasants had been sent to fight in the war, meaning there was a shortage of people to
produce food, therefore, shortage of food- It was also caused by the fact that the railway network was
used mainly for transporting troops and military equipment instead of food and fuel.
-farming was left in the hands of women and elderly since young males were conscripted into the
-A man named Rasputin appeared to control the government this made Middle-class people started to
question the system of government 
-The result of these problems was a wave of protests that began in early 1917 in towns across
- The soldiers joined in with the protestors – they were also sick of how badly the country was being
run. Together the workers and the soldiers formed Soviets – assemblies of people that democratically
made decisions.
-By this point, Nicholas Romanov and his wife were by some distance the most unpopular people in
Russia. Without soldiers to attack its opponents, Tsar Nicholas’s regime was finished
-responsible for the rise of Communism
- causes a revolution in 1917

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