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Which One Is Better, Learn Grammar Deductively Or Inductively?

Inductive approach, this is when learners work out the rule for themselves by tapping
into the grammar knowledge they already have buried in their mind. They do not learn
grammar explicitly. The teacher’s role in this approach is to create the opportunities
and the context in which students can successfully make the appropriate
generalizations, and to guide students necessary. Example in the classroom, the
teacher will give the students example of any grammar rules without explaining
anything about the rules. As the students knows how the rules are used, and they will
know how the rules to be used. Before the class end, the teacher will ask the students
to explain about the grammar rules to make sure they understand it.

Deductive approach, this is when the teacher presents the rule first. It is less
constructively. This approach mainly teacher’s centered approach which means direct
instruction. The teacher’s role in this approach is presents a general concept by first
defining it and then providing examples or that demonstrate the idea. The students will
follow the teacher and get the opportunities to practice along with the teacher.
Example in the classroom, the teacher will explain the grammar rule with examples to
the students and the students will practice it in different ways.

In my opinion, I think inductive approach is better because this approach is more to

student approach. The learners are more engaged in the teaching-learning process.
The students learning becomes more interesting at the outset because they can
increase their creativity. It helps the development of the learner’s higher-order thinking
skills(HOTS). The students will able to meet the challenges of the new world.

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