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School Reopening Plan

Exploring Empowering Achieving

Table of Contents
Click on the topic to go to the place in the plan

Section I. Building Relationships

Guiding Principles
Learning Models Overview
Ongoing Evaluation of our Response

Section II. Section III. Section IV. Section V.

Safety and Health Academic Acceleration Social & Emotional Wellness Clear Communication

Bus Transportation Three Required Learning Models Social/ Emotional Wellbeing of School & District Medical
Students & Staff Contact Professionals
Masks & other Personal Model 1- In-School Learning with
Protective Equipment remote learning option Restorative Practice Communication Plan

Health & Social Distancing Model 2- Hybrid Learning Family Engagement Human Resources
Model 3- Full Virtual Learning Social Emotional Learning & Notice of Risks
Facilities & Physical Space Mental Health
Priority Access for Specialized
Student Cohorts Student Populations Student Nutrition & Meals

Material Sharing English Language Learners

Health Assessment &


Symptoms, Testing, &


Cleaning & Sanitation

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East Haven Public Schools, in partnership with the East Haven Community, is responsible for the growth and success of our students as
they become respectful, productive participants in a global society.

The mission of East Haven Public Schools is to provide a variety of learning experiences and a rigorous comprehensive education in a safe
and nurturing environment to prepare all students to be college and career ready.

We believe...
in the East Haven community.
in building trusting, positive relationships.
all individuals can learn.
all individuals have value.
all individuals have an ethical responsibility to one another and themselves.
in fiscal responsibility and fair allocation of resources.
in safe and positive learning environments.
in respecting our diversity.

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Dear East Haven Public School Community,

Since closing our doors in March, we have all worked together

to navigate the uncertainty and challenges posed by an
unprecedented global health crisis. Together, we’ve managed
to continue educating our children, providing daily healthy
meals, and adjusting to new ways of communicating, while
reinventing the teaching and learning process.

Over the past several weeks, East Haven Public Schools has
been collecting and analyzing feedback from parents, staff, and
community members in an effort to form a plan to ensure, to the
extent possible, that students and staff would feel safe
returning to school, and parents would feel reassured about
their children’s safety and health in their return to school.   

The result is the East Haven Public Schools Reopening Plan,

which is included here. It’s a plan grounded in the principles of
compassionate classrooms and healthy school communities,
with an emphasis on safety and health, clear communication,
and strong relationships. 

We recognize this is a uniquely stressful time for all of you. It is

our hope that this plan answers some of your concerns and we
can now begin to shape the specifics of the plan into each of
our school settings. We will continue to provide you with regular
updates as we move closer to the start of the school year.

In partnership,

Erica Forti, Superintendent

East Haven Public Schools Reopening Committee Members

Many thanks to all the individuals who participated on our committees.
East Haven follows a restorative model, and believes that those affected

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by decisions should have opportunity to be heard and ask questions. East Haven Public Schools (EHPS) has spent the last several months
collecting, aggregating, and analyzing parent, staff and community member feedback, concerns, issues, and questions.  This was achieved
through parent and staff surveys and seven Community Feedback Circles hosted through the Zoom platform.  Analysis of the information
and data generated from the surveys and circles provided the district with key information and concerns required to be addressed in this
plan before parents, students and staff would feel safe returning to school.  Following the collection of feedback, EHPS established
reopening committees made up of a diverse cross section of stakeholders focused on key areas of the plan.   We are grateful for the time
committee members dedicated to this task. We value and appreciate their partnership in sharing their feedback and expertise


Chair: Erica Forti Chair: Jennifer Murrihy, Chair: Julie Church
Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Family Engagement Coordinator
Vinny DeNuzzo, Principal EHHS Joseph Marangell, SS Instructional Leader Melissa Cangiano, Parent
Bev Moore, Durham Bus Lisa Veleas, LA Instructional Leader Leigh Forte, Social Worker, CHC
Cindy Wintjen, EHEA President Nicole Cassella, Reading Coach, Ferrara Diane Mackinnon, Principal, Momauguin
Linda Stanici, Sodexo Food Services Lauren Condosta, Teacher, JMMS Renee McIntyre, Teacher, Tuttle
Lance Horton, All American Cleaning Sara Cooper, Teacher, EHHS Nadine Vaspasiano, Teacher, Momauguin
Paul DeBernardo, Principal Ferrara Cynthia Wintjen, Teacher, EHHS
Lauren Condosta, Teacher, JMMS Gina Racino, Reading Coach, Deer Run
Vinny Consiglio, EHPS Maintenance Michael Archambault, EHA Teacher
Mary Beth Maturo, Teacher, Ferrara Tammy Afragola, Deer Run Teacher
Anthony Verderame, Athletic Director
Tony Vaspasiano, Teacher, EHHS
Barbara Loesche, Secretary, EHHS
Jennifer Piercey, HR Specialist


Chair: Robert Swan Chair, Randel Osborne
Director Pupil Services Director Technology
Dr. Riccio, District Physician Taylor Auger, Technology Integration Teacher
Ava Sorenson, Teacher, EHHS Emilia Caturano, Teacher, EHHS
Sarah Collette, Special Ed, Elementary Patricia Robinson, Technology Teacher, Momauguin
Betty Davies, Nurse, Overbrook Benedict Zalewski, Tech Services
Lisa Womble, Paraprofessional Rob Becker, Tech Services
Ben Dix, PPT Chair Jeremiah Stewart, Tech Services
Jordan Bryan, Secretary, PPS
Laura Cretella, Principal, Deer Run
Debbie Prunier, Secretary JMMS
Debbie DeMaio, School Counselor, JMMS
East Haven Public Schools used the State’s Six Guiding Principles as the foundation for our planning:  

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 Safeguarding the health and safety of students and staff
 Allowing all students the opportunity to return to school full time starting in the fall
 Monitoring the school, students, and staff and, when necessary, potentially canceling classes in the future to appropriately
contain COVID-19 spread
 Emphasizing equity, access, and support to the students and communities that are emerging from this historic disruption;
 Fostering strong two-way communication with partners such as families, educators, and staff
 Factoring into decisions about reopening the challenges to the physical safety, social- emotional well-being, and the
mental health needs of our students when they are not in school

EHPS recognizes that the state guidance is grounded in goals of equity, ensuring that as many of the social, emotional, and academic
needs of students are met as effectively as possible.    EHPS has worked diligently to incorporate the state model priorities below in the
district’s plan:

Instructional Models:  Plan for in-person educational opportunities, with remote learning option and models that allow for a hybrid
and full distance learning if future public health data requires class or school cancellations.
Equity:  Identify gaps and develop action plans for reopening that address inclusion, equity, and access for all learners
Cohorts:  Emphasize, when feasible, grouping students by the same grade/class/group and teacher in a cohort

Facilities:  Review and reconfigure building spaces such as gymnasiums and auditoriums, to maximize social distancing, consistent
with public health guidelines in place at that time.

Transportation:  Plan for buses to operate at capacity with heightened health and safety protocols, including requiring all students
and operators wearing face coverings. Plans must be developed to activate increased social distancing protocols based upon
community spread.
Health and Safety Policies and Protocols:  Expect all students and staff to wear a protective face covering or face mask, frequent
hand washing and use of hand sanitizer, consistent cleaning and disinfecting of shared contact surfaces
Monitoring, Containment, and Class Cancellations Plan:  Develop monitoring and containment protocols, and local health official
guidance on class cancellation plans, in the event there are public health indicators that may require closures.  If public health data
requires partial reopening, or if schools’ containment efforts require partial closure, prioritize the return of vulnerable learner groups,
with specific protocols to increase the in-school population over time until full time in person instruction is achieved.
Three State Required Learning Models

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EHPS will be prepared to reopen schools for in school learning for all students every day in August under Model 1 below. However, we will
also be prepared to adjust and respond to the varying health needs of our community and staff by transitioning into hybrid or full distance
learning as suggested in Model 2 and Model 3 below based on the spread of the virus and input from local and state health officials.  

 Minimal Spread:  Model 1 - In School Learning: This model is the current expectation of the CT State Department of Education
should there be minimal or no increase in the spread of the virus by late August.  This model includes bringing back all students and
staff to our schools everyday with required health and safety protocols in place. The district will have remote learning plans in place
to support families who do not physically send students back to school under this model.

 Moderate Spread:  Model 2 – Hybrid Learning:  This model for learning may be implemented should we experience a moderate
increase in the spread of the virus. In this model, daily in school student attendance would be reduced to 50%. Students would attend
school on an alternating schedule with virtual learning taking place on the days they are not in school. This model will require
additional health and safety protocols to be put in place. Special consideration may be given to students with disabilities and English
Language Learners to have access to in-person instruction.

 High Spread:  Model 3 – Full Distance Learning:  This model for learning will be implemented if we experience a widespread
increase in the transmission levels of COVID-19. In this model schools will be closed and all learning will occur from home using the
district’s outlined virtual learning model. This model may include a staff only reporting structure for provided the health guidelines
allows for such.

Model 1 - In School Learning- Minimal Spread within the Community

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Current expectation of the CT State Department of Education. This model includes bringing back all students to our schools every day in
August with required health and safety protocols in place.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All students report to the school building to engage in on-site learning with teachers in classrooms. It is recommended that students
bring home their district issued Chromebook every day, and their core print resource materials on a regular basis. Students are provided
with a predictable structure based on a weekly module, to provide for consistency and clear communication in the instructional program.

* The district will offer support for at home remote learning for families who do not physically send students back to school under this model.

Model 2 – Hybrid Learning

In this model, daily in school student attendance would be reduced to 50%. Students would attend school on an alternating schedule
with distance learning taking place on the days they are not in school. Parents will be notified which group (A or B) their child is placed in
to adequately plan for the days their child will be reporting to school.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All classes engage in Group A Students: Group B Students: report Group A Students: report Group B Students:
distance learning report to school for to school for face-to-face to school for face-to-face report to school for face-
from home face-to-face learning learning learning to-face learning

Group B Students: Group A Students: Group B Students: Group A Students:

connect with their connect with their connect with their connect with their
teacher(s) via distance teacher(s) via distance teacher(s) via distance teacher(s) via distance
learning from home learning from home learning from home learning from home

Model 3 – Full Virtual Learning- High COVID-19 Spread

In this model schools will be closed and all learning will occur from home using the district’s outlined distance learning model.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All students engage in full virtual learning at home with their teacher(s) through an online platform, with synchronous instruction.

Model 1 - In School Learning- Minimal Spread within the Community

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Current expectation of the CT State Department of Education. This model includes bringing back all students to our schools every day
with required health and safety protocols in place.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Our in-school model is face-to face learning with enhanced safety and health requirements. While it will be different from what students
have been used to, our focus will be on building relationships to help students and staff feel emotionally, socially, and physically safe. In
this model, students will learn the predictable structures, classroom routines, and workflow cycles that will help support a move to hybrid
or distance learning, should it be required. Teachers will follow district guidelines for formatting to help families support multiple children and
ensure equity across schools and remote learning environments. Every student is required to bring their Chromebook and materials home
daily during this time, in case there is a need to move to a hybrid or virtual model.

Our focus is on acceleration of academic achievement, rather than a deficit model of instruction (Pepper Rollins, 2014) which includes:
 Identifying the pre-requisite skills needed to understand a new topic
 Clearly and explicitly sharing criteria for success, planning intentionally for maximum growth
 Getting students ready to learn by pre-teaching content through interventions and supports designed just for them

We emphasize “strategically preparing students for the present” rather than focusing on the past. Research says this will help kids move
forward, not stay behind (Pepper Rollins, 2014). Students in grades K-5 will learn through a self-contained classroom model, which will allow
teachers to support students and build strong relationships. Students in grades 6-8 will stay with their team as a cohort to reduce the spread,
and help teachers collaborate to meet student needs. Our 9-12 students will minimize transitions while working within a block schedule while
on site.

Students achieve at the highest levels when they understand their target, and when parents understand how to support their children at
home. Maximizing teacher time reviewing existing data will be important in identifying any need for strategic review of pre-requisite skills.
Required assessments where necessary can be administered only while maintaining appropriate distance with safety measures. Regular
feedback to students and parents, and communication of performance through only necessary assessments will be importance to maximize
the time spent on learning.

Our curriculum teams have worked hard this summer supporting appropriate pacing and clear communication of key standards designed to
help teachers and students focus on what really matters. Parents will have access to an overview of topics and subjects covered at their
level on the district Teaching and Learning webpage, where our Public Site can showcase overviews of courses and units being taught. See
the table below for a summary of instructional changes which will allow for increased safety and a focus on supporting the well-being of the
whole child during our reopening.
Core Academic Content Unified Arts

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Core content will be presented using weekly predictable
structures using online tools and platforms where possible, We are currently striving to maintain program of studies and course
reducing the need for paper. offerings, within safety precautions.

East Haven Public Schools recognizes health, wellness, physical

Our focus should be on establishing relationships. Where education and a comprehensive fine arts education as instrumental to
possible, assessment data from 2019-2020 will be used to supporting the overall wellbeing of the whole child. Our work is grounded
maximize time spent building relationships with peers and in the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child framework.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
To facilitate collaboration, East Haven Public Schools  We value CTE course offerings in support of building college and
proposes a series of scheduled 60 minute delayed start days career ready digital citizens. Guidance for this department will be
throughout the first six weeks, to provide additional time for provided based on departmental need.
vertical and horizontal teams and professional learning as
needed.* Health and Physical Education
 Teachers in physical education classrooms will plan classroom
 Multiple opportunities to build relationships among experiences that focus on healthy habits, emphasizing
students independent activities such as yoga, stretching, fitness walking,
 Support Mastery of critical content and standards with and games that foster social distancing. Our focus is helping the
scaffolding and practice students understand how a healthy lifestyle can contribute to their
 Schedules will afford an equitable number of well-being.
instructional minutes to support standards-based Arts and Music Education
curriculum, student learning expectations, and district
goals.  Our focus is to ensure arts and music education curricular
program is in alignment with the National Core Arts
Activities will be facilitated through our learning management standards. Students and staff are to maintain safe levels of
system, Google Classroom. Additional digital tools will support distance in compliance with health guidelines for all
personalized learning and acceleration. Courseware platforms performance and collaborative activities.
will allow for students to address learning loss and prepare for  Educational software such as SoundTrap and SmartMusic
new learning. may be used to support sharing and virtual performances.
Where performance is not possible, curricular activities
*pending board approval should support critique and appreciation of core musical
and artistic achievements. Students will learn about the
role of the arts supporting members of a vibrant community
to sustain connections during difficult times.
Professional Learning: Supports for staff have been designed for fall of 2020 in collaboration with our Academic Committee and feedback
from teachers and staff during community circle events. Our District Professional Development and Evaluation Committee will continue to

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foster communication about additional supports. Our focus is on compassionate classrooms and models of academic acceleration, along
with efforts to support flexible learning designs that can adapt to various instructional models outlined in our plan.

Model 1 – In-School Learning: Designing Learning Experiences for Maximum Flexibility

Teachers will engage in a weekly cycle of goal setting and assessment. Our aim is to use technology to help students be more effective in
their work, and support frequent feedback on their progress.
Predictable Routines and Procedures May include:
Weekly Instructional Cycle
 Math problem of the week
Mid-week Checkpoint  Homework Choice Boards
Teachers introduce concepts
& engage students in Link to ongoing learning  Independent Reading Journals
discussions/ explorations of Students demonstrate
the topic knowledge of week's early  Tuesday “News” Day
learning targets Students self-reflect on how  Regular discussion groups
they demonstrated learning
Classroom routines and Accelerated supports  Peer- to- Peer editing and revision
structures established early provided to help students
in the year that can support succeed Connections will be made
easy transitions Digital tools and challenging over time through review of Teacher’s design of predictable structures allow our
and meaninful collaborations performance on regular students and families to adapt quickly to changes in the
assignment structures learning environments if the spread of the virus requires
the district to move to a different model (Hybrid or Full

Model 1 - Remote Learning Option

While this model includes bringing back all students to our schools every day in August with required health and safety protocols in place,
parents of students enrolled in East Haven Public Schools who choose to keep their child home rather than attend school in person will be
afforded the opportunity to participate in a Remote Learning Academy, which will include: 
 opportunities for online engagement with an instructor and other students
 social emotional supports
 access to district core content and curricular resources 
 personalized learning or course software
Building principals will provide parents with a required survey in August to gather further information form parents on if they are sending their
child to school in order to plan accordingly. In the interim, questions on this remote learning option can be directed to remotelearning@east- for more information.
Model 2 – Hybrid Learning
In this model, daily in school student attendance would be reduced to 50%. Students would attend school on an alternating schedule

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with distance learning taking place on the days they are not in school. Parents will be notified which group (A or B) their child is placed in
to adequately plan for the days their child will be reporting to school.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All classes engage in Group A Students: Group B Students: report Group A Students: report Group B Students:
synchronous online report to school for to school for face-to-face to school for face-to-face report to school for face-
learning from home, face-to-face learning learning learning to-face learning
with connection to
live instruction with Group B Students: Group A Students: Group B Students: Group A Students:
their teachers connect with their connect with their connect with their connect with their
teacher(s) via teacher(s) via synchronous teacher(s) via synchronous teacher(s) via
synchronous online online learning online learning synchronous online
learning learning

It will be expected that students would report synchronously throughout all environments based on their building guidelines for live
classroom sessions. Daily attendance will be taken and engagement data will be collected and analyzed on a regular basis.

Designing Learning for Virtual Environments

In virtual environments, our community values the lessons that come with doing things “right”. Teachers will focus their efforts on creating
tasks that are meaningful, challenge and stretch student thinking, and increase self-awareness. Our work will emphasize ways we can rise
to the challenge. Opportunities for student self-reflection on their own perseverance and academic integrity will be an integral part of social
emotional learning.
 Considerations will be made when moving from in person to virtual learning environments to communicate as much information as
possible to parents and students about their progress, while acknowledging the variation among home learning environments during
virtual teaching/ and learning.
 Specific schedules with attendance expectations for students and staff during distance learning will be provided at the building level,
with communication to the district to ensure equity
 Every student must bring their Chromebook and materials to and from home daily in preparation of Full Virtual Learning should it be
 Students will be given their own consumable materials for all courses where applicable
 Synchronous instruction involves live face time from the teacher. Student attendance during this instruction is required.

Model 3 – Full Virtual Learning- High COVID Spread

In this model schools will be closed and all learning will occur from home using the district’s outlined full Virtual learning model.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All students engage in distance learning at home with their teacher(s) through an online platform, with synchronous instruction.

Where possible, teachers may report to work to access their materials and provide live instruction from their classrooms as needed. Our full
virtual learning model is grounded in a weekly cycle that helps students maintain predictable routines from face-to-face instruction. Students
report to scheduled classes in both core content areas and Unified Arts, and complete high-quality work via our online platforms. Schedule
will be similar to the Remote Learning platform in Model 1, but mirror the courses in which students were enrolled during in-school
classroom instruction.

Sample K-5 Student Schedule Sample 6-12 Student’s Schedule

Students engage in live instruction with teachers and use the Students engage with day to day instruction with teachers and
Google Classroom and Savvas Realize platforms. utilize the EdGenuity and Savvas Realize or Reveal McGraw
Hill platforms.
Time Subject
9:00 Morning Meeting/ Check In (meet SEL Needs) Period Subject
9:15 Word Study Period 1 Career Explorations
9:45 Reading Workshop Period 2 English
10:45 Math Period 3 Modern World History
11:45 Lunch Period 4 Biology
12:15 Writing Workshop Period 5 Food Safety and Sanitization
1:00 Science or Social Studies Period 6 Lunch
1:45 “What I need” Time for Intervention and Supports Period 7 Fitness Walking
2:30 Unified Arts/ “Specials” Period 8 Study Hall/ Additional Acceleration & Support

Roles and Responsibilities for Model 3 - Full Virtual Learning

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Student Teacher Family
 Log in to Zoom at the beginning of each  Provide links to Zoom or Google meet to  Check in with student
class, attend live sessions, participate provide an overview of the daily activities regularly about how their
with peers  Plan instruction in weekly cycles, with work is going
 Complete academic work that is high predictable structures and routines  Review feedback on
quality to the best of their ability  Clearly articulate expectations and deadlines your child’s work
 Reflect on your learning, and contact  Create systems for frequent two-way  Help your child contact
your teacher to express any concerns communication with families including email or talk with their teacher
 Follow Acceptable Use Policy  Give timely feedback on work if they need help

Engaging in Ongoing Evaluation of Our Programming

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East Haven Public Schools believes that every challenge is an opportunity to reflect and evaluate how to promote ongoing learning and
growth to improve outcomes for our students. We plan to monitor our models and support improvements in the following ways:

Connecting to Our Community: The district will continue to support monthly community
circles via the Zoom platform to promote two-way communication between families and
school. Building principals will provide weekly or bi-weekly opportunities for two-way
communication with parents, to receive feedback on instructional models. Principals and
Instructional Leaders will create regular channels to check in with their teachers and monitor
classroom engagement in content areas.
Families who are experiencing difficulty with engaging via distance learning should attend
CONNECTION sessions with school administrators or communicate with their child’s teacher regularly.

Collecting Measures of Success: The district office will utilize a three-part survey on a
monthly basis to gather feedback from families measuring:
 clarity of communication
 evidence of academic rigor and high standards
 support structures for all students, with attention to our English Learners and Special
Education students, to access learning
Teachers and administrators will receive feedback via a school-wide survey and
COLLECTION opportunities to connect with their colleagues to review student engagement and enhance
instructional practice.

Reflection: Students should engage in weekly self-reflection on their work quality on a

regular basis, in partnership with their teachers and families.

Families are encouraged to set aside time each week to review PowerSchool information
and/ or Google classroom feedback to support their child’s progress. 

Teachers and administrators are encouraged to self-reflect to make program improvements

on a regular basis. District and school leadership will monitor and support all models of our
plan and regularly connect with leaders and teachers to assess their level of need for
additional supports.

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Priority Access for Special Student Populations Requiring Learning Recovery Support


 Prepare with the understanding that there has When consistent with the public health, safety, and transportation
requirements, in-person programming will prioritize the following students
been no waiver of requirements under the IDEA
who require the most specialized services or learning recovery support.
for provision of a free and appropriate public
 Students with special needs
education (FAPE) in the least restrictive
 Students who are English Learners
environment (LRE). During COVID-19 school
closures, schools were required to provide FAPE  Students who have specialized health needs
consistent with the need to protect the health and  Students without access to internet connectivity
safety of students, as well as those individuals  Students in need of intensive academic or behavioral interventions
providing education, specialized instruction, and
In-person services for students listed above will be evaluated on an
related services to these students. Schools may
individual basis and provided with appropriate supports provided by
not have been able to provide all services in the
teachers in various specialized areas. Supports will take place in school
same manner that they are typically provided.
buildings with appropriate certified staff on rotating schedules in
Federal disability law allows for flexibility in
accordance with health and safety guidelines and school specific
determining how to meet the individualized needs operational protocols and procedures.
of students receiving special education services.
Provided the staffing reporting structure allows, and when appropriate and
 Treat students eligible for special education and consistent with the public health, safety, and transportation, the district will
other special populations as general education work towards providing in-person academic and behavior interventions to
students first. Guidance and policies related to students who may not fall into one of the prioritized areas above.
school reopening plans apply to all students,
including students with special needs who qualify  East Haven will provide FAPE and special education and related
for individual education programs under the IDEA services, as described in students’ IEPs to the maximum extent
and accommodation plans for eligible students possible. Considerations for individual learners (including full in-
under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If person, hybrid, and/or full remote instruction) will be made to
students with disabilities are unable to access the provide specialized instruction in a manner most beneficial and
reopening plan as designed, facilitate accessible to each child.
individualized and alternative means of re-entry  East Haven will work diligently to ensure timelines (initial eval,
based upon student need, present levels of annual review, triennial, etc.) are met on time.
functioning, developmental levels, and  Students are expected to wear masks.
student/parent input. Consider blended learning  For those students who are unable to wear masks (a documented
schedules if needed. medical condition, the nature and severity of their disability, etc.),

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 Do not make programming decisions based on a social/physical distancing to the maximum extent possible is
student’s disability category. However, the nature
 Families will receive communication regarding learning status
and/or severity of a student’s disability may require
updates (in-person, hybrid, full online) as district/town status
unique considerations. Protocols should consider
the student’s developmental level and skills.
 Resources for specialized populations (which may include: social
stories, visual cues, explicit instruction, etc.) will be provided to
● LEAs will develop a consistent policy for their
assist students adjust to new learning environment expectations. 
approach to priority access. Where possible consistent
with the public health and safety requirements, in- 
person programming will prioritize students who mask-1-1.pdf
require the most learning recovery support. Schools  Specialized transportation will continue to be provided, with
should also prioritize their obligations for services appropriate modifications for health/safety.
when determining access to in-person educational  Should the district move to an educational model that is not fully in-
opportunities. LEAs will assess and then determine person, consideration and prioritization will be given to students with
how to safely accommodate students with special high needs.
health care needs. Students most in need of learning  Considerations will be given for different students’ needs relative to
recovery support include, but are not limited to: learning/ instructional materials.
○ Students with special needs;  Community-based learning will occur to the maximum extent
○ Students who are English Learners; possible, with appropriate modifications for health/safety.
○ Students who have had limited to no access  Additional health and safety precautions will be taken by staff when
to devices to engage in virtual distance working in close proximity with students (including but not limited to:
learning, or; hand-over-hand instruction, crisis de-escalation, toileting, feeding,
Students who otherwise did not access educational  East Haven will adjust as the town/state’s health and safety
materials despite the LEA’s providing the opportunity. situation evolves to meet the unique needs of all learners.
 Virtual or telephonic Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meetings
will occur to the maximum extent possible.

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English Language Learners


 Understand that like all other students, ELs are entitled to  EHPS will adhere to the statewide identification procedures
FAPE. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IV, the Equal including parent notification and proficiency assessments.
Educational Opportunities Act (1974) and the Elementary  New and returning students will be assessed in the fall to
and Secondary Education Act (1965) provide guidance on determine the need for additional services or eligibility.
the services to which ELs are entitled. ELs must have  Parent meetings will be held virtually to the maximum
access to the general education curriculum as well as to a extent possible and in the parent’s native language or with
supplemental language instruction education program. translation services.
During school closures due to COVID-19, ELs continue to  East Haven will use multiple means of communication, in
be entitled to receive their supplemental EL instructional multiple languages, to ensure equal access to all
program in addition to their general education program of information.
mainstream, grade-level and content-area instruction.  As outlined by CSDE, East Haven Public Schools will enter
Such language instructional education programs may new students who signal an additional language on their
consist of a range of services, including bilingual Home Language Survey as an English Learner in Power
education, English as a Second Language (ESL), School only, until the student can be given a placement test
Sheltered Instruction and others. When returning to to confirm or change the status for correct labeling in the
school buildings, language instruction education programs PSIS and Power School systems. This will add a globe icon
must continue. to the student’s information in Power School and alert
teachers that the student may require additional academic
 Comply with the requirement that eligible students in
and/or linguistic supports during tier 1 instruction. 
bilingual mandated districts are offered bilingual education
 Students will be serviced in models that allow for cohorts to
programs. During COVID-19, school districts that are
be maintained without limiting the necessary required
mandated to provide bilingual education remain required
supports for students.
to offer a bilingual program to eligible students who have
opted into the program. While program implementation
may be altered during COVID-19 as compared to Teaching and Learning
traditional in-building schooling, students in bilingual  Teachers supporting all instructional models will be trained
programs are still entitled to receive native language to support ongoing use of academic vocabulary and
support as part of their school’s designated bilingual curricular resources such as EdGenuity to support
program model. As with other language instruction language acquisition, and where possible, translation of
education programs, when returning to traditional materials in key languages, to ensure access to learning for
schooling, bilingual programs must continue. all students. 
 Communicate with parents and guardians that have  ESL teachers will provide acceleration where possible,

19 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

limited proficiency in English in a language they supporting students’ gaps through helping them to build
understand as required by Title III of the Elementary and background on academic and domain-specific vocabulary
Secondary Education Act. As during traditional schooling, to help them be more successful during tier-1 instruction. 
communications during school closures due to COVID-19  Regular progress monitoring of student’s language
may be provided through translation and/or interpretation. acquisition will continue to inform our supports for English
 Provide ELs who are also identified as students with Learners.
disabilities supports for their EL needs, as well as  Bilingual teachers in K-5 will support self-contained
supports for their disabilities. During COVID-19, these classroom teachers through small group instruction and
dually identified students must continue to receive these core instruction in content area literacy skills with core
supports. As in times with traditional schooling, dually curricular resources.
identified students should have their language needs
represented in their annual meetings about their IEP.

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Bus Transportation
Providing student transportation to schools is a legal mandate that requires ensuring that all students have access to education at school.


Where either a vaccine is available or effective Families are encouraged and welcome to walk or drive their children to and from
treatments for COVID-19 are available, bus school.  A survey will be provided to parents to collect this information closer to the
transportation can operate as it did prior to the start of the year so school principals can develop a plan for increased car and traffic
pandemic with no restrictions volume if necessary. 
Low Transmission Risk
Providing transportation to schools is a legal mandate that requires all students to have
 Plan to operate at full capacity or access to education and school.  EHPS will operate transportation in accordance with
close to while maximizing health and the CSDE school reopening guidelines.  Families must screen their child prior to
safety protocols, as well as sending them to the bus stop or placing their child on the bus.  Children with a fever or
considerations outlined in the plan. any COVID symptoms must remain home.
 Require passengers to wear a face
mask or cloth face covering that LOW TRANSMISSION STATUS
completely covers the nose and  It is recommended that parents drive their children to school when possible
mouth during transit, prior to  Busses will operate at full capacity when public health guidance allows, while
boarding the bus, and must be kept maximizing health and safety protocols. 
in place until they are completely off  Driver and students must wear a face mask or face covering that covers both
the bus. the nose and mouth prior to boarding the bus and during transit.
 Passengers should load into the bus  Masks provided for students who do not have one prior to entering the bus.

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from the back row to the front (where  Passengers will load the bus from the back to the front when possible and
the first passengers onto the bus sit unload the bus from the front to the back upon arrival at school.
in the back row) and then unload the  Students will be assigned seats and sit with family members.
bus in a controlled manner upon  Bus windows will be open during transit.
arrival at the school from front to  Students should maximize social distancing as best possible while waiting at
back by seat. bus stops, when entering the bus, and when exiting the bus. 
Moderate Transmission Risk
 Plan to operate at significantly
 It is recommended that parents drive their children to school when possible
reduced capacity while maximizing
 Busses will operate at a reduced capacity while maximizing health and safety
health and safety protocols, as well
protocols above in addition non-family members will be spaced 6 feet apart
as considerations outlined in the plan.
utilizing alternating diagonal seating.
 Bus passengers should be spaced
with family members sitting together Durham Transportation Company will review bus routes, monitor daily bus attendance
and non-family members should be and collaborate with the district and our local health department to assess community
spaced 6 feet apart utilizing health status and make decisions about adjusting transportation capacity, routes or
alternating diagonal seating. necessary increased health and safety protocols.  
 Require passengers to wear a face
mask or cloth face covering that Sanitation of Busses will be in accordance with DPH guidance 
completely covers the nose and  Durham School services will train all staff on cleaning and sanitation protocols,
mouth during transit, prior to health risks, and protocols for reporting symptoms or exposures. 
boarding the bus, and must be kept  Seats and high-touch or contact surfaces will be cleaned after each run in
in place until they are completely off accordance with CDC guidelines.
the bus.  Complete cleaning and sanitation at the completion of the morning and
 Passengers should load into the bus afternoon runs, extensive cleaning, logged and signed off on by the bus yard
from the back row to the front (where director daily.
the first passengers onto the bus sit  Any bus with a positive COVID-19 case will be removed from operation until a
in the back row) and then unload the through sanitation is completed, logged and signed off by bus yard director.
bus in a controlled manner upon
arrival at the school from front to The district will work towards securing transportation attendants to ride the bus to
back by seat manage, supervise, and implement health and screening measures such as:
 Keeping students in their assigned seats, taking daily attendance.
 Taking student temperatures as they enter the bus.
 Providing hand sanitizer and masks to those who need one and monitoring the
wearing of the masks during the route.

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Masks and Personal Protection


 Adopt policies requiring use of All staff and students must wear masks at all times while in school buildings and
face coverings for all students spaces unless they meet the CSDE exceptions listed in the requirements which
and staff when they are inside includes a physician signed exemption notice.
the school building, with certain
exceptions listed below.
 For anyone who has trouble Wearing a cloth face covering correctly can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others.
Video Link here is 30 Seconds:
breathing, or anyone who is
unconscious, incapacitated
or otherwise unable to
 The district welcomes and encourages students and staff to bring and wear their own
remove the mask without
face masks provided it covers the nose and mouth and is at minimum 2-ply.
assistance, face coverings
and masks should not be
 Students will be taught and learn the proper use of cloth face coverings.
required, per CDC guidance.  Prior to the start of the school year, staff, students, parents, and families will be provided
 For anyone who has a with information and detail on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
medical reason making it  The district will provide a mask to those who are in need of one.
unsafe to wear a face  Schools will provide training and information on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth
covering, masks should not face coverings.

23 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

be required.  When feasible, social distancing will be maximized while students and staff are wearing
 Be prepared to provide a masks.
mask to any student or  Face shields are NOT a replacement for a mask but can be worn in addition to face
staff member who does masks or coverings.
not have one.  Schools will develop routines and schedules for students and staff to safely take multiple
face mask breaks throughout the day following the guidance on how to properly remove
 In cases where close
and put the mask back on.
contact between
 Social distancing and maintaining a distance of 6-feet is required when students or staff
educators and students is
are not wearing masks. This includes during lunch, PE, recess, specialized services.
highly likely (such as
 If medically required or where services provided pursuant to an Individualized
when interacting with
Education Program (IEP) would require it, including but not limited to for speech and
certain students with
language services, evaluations, language acquisition activities, etc., students and/or
disabilities who cannot
staff may wear face shields and clear masks, or remove masks when face coverings/
socially distance),
masks are not appropriate for the activity. Any other possible mitigating strategy should
schools must provide
be implemented in these cases, including but not limited to maintaining social
educators with surgical
distancing and working behind a clear barrier.
masks and face shields.
 A teacher may remove their mask while instructing provided they are properly socially
distancing, or wearing a shield, or remaining static behind a physical barrier.

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Health and Social Distancing Strategies


● Ensure that students are educated and Upon the return of school staff will engage students in learning and understanding the
engaged in the new expectations related expectations related to preventing the spread of the virus through various lessons and
to all public health policies and protocols. learning experiences focused on developmentally appropriate methods and repetition.
As part of this requirement, assess the
best approach to communicating the During the first weeks of school, the district will provide time for teachers to work on
information for the age group, and plan to explicitly teaching expectations and setting healthy routines and safe procedures for
set aside time at the beginning of the students in a supportive and caring manner utilizing restorative approaches.
school year, as well as frequent
reminders, to review the new policies and Professional Learning & Training
● Familiarize all participants of the standard Staff
public health practices used to prevent the Supports and training will be provided for staff and teachers on maintaining health and
spread of diseases. These practices safety in the following manner:
include, but are not limited to:  Initial training module (blended learning): provides an overview of the basics of
○ social distancing, hygiene and transmission of COVID-19, cleaning protocols, social distancing,
○ frequent hand washing and use wearing masks, and use of PPE.
of hand sanitizer,  Advanced training module: for all staff required to support building practices and
○ use of face coverings that administration.
completely cover the nose and  In-person training on Standard Public Health protocols: This year, teachers will
mouth, engage in a training module designed to support a deep understanding of the
○ respiratory and cough etiquette, implications of COVID-19. Through completion of this module, teachers will also
and have an opportunity to engage in lesson planning to provide this information to
○ enhanced cleaning/disinfection students. 
of surfaces.
● Provide adequate supplies, including Students
soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60%  East Haven Public Schools will provide in depth training to all faculty and staff
ethyl alcohol or 70% isopropyl alcohol (for on safety protocols and practices. All training experiences will be documented,
staff and older students who can safely and designed for maximum transfer of new learning by participants.
use hand sanitizer), paper towels, tissues,  Schools will engage students in learning and understanding the expectations
disinfectant wipes, cloth face coverings related to preventing the spread of the virus through various lessons and
(as feasible), and no-touch/foot-pedal learning experiences focused on proper hand hygiene, maintaining social
trash cans. distancing, wearing masks effectively, coughing etiquette and other measures
● Educate and train the school that prevent or reduce the spread of the virus.

25 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

community in the standard public  At the start of the school year, schools will provide time for teachers to work on
health practices, to help them make explicitly teaching expectations and setting healthy routines and safe
appropriate decisions and comply with procedures for students in a supportive and caring manner utilizing restorative
school health policies and practices. approaches.  Booster lessons will continue on a weekly basis to ensure
The CDC has more detailed information students are reminded of the expectations and importance of healthy routines
on this topic. Related to schools as and strategies.
workplaces, the Occupational Safety  Frequent reminders will be given through pre-recorded daily broadcasts over
and Health Administration (OSHA) has school PA systems and video scrolls on large format display devices.  
also provided important measures for
control and prevention that should be Six-foot distancing will be encouraged and in situations where distancing is not
communicated to the school possible, appropriate face coverings will be worn. Social distancing means putting
community. space between yourself and others. Video Link here is 10 Seconds:
● Provide frequent reminders to
students and staff of the
importance of these precautions. Visual icons and signs will be placed in schools in areas to remind students of social
distancing spacing.
Consider weekly refreshers on
the key public health strategies.
Social Distancing Strategies and Reminders
● In conjunction with the considerations
As communities reopen and people are more often in public, the term “physical
outlined above concerning classroom distancing” (instead of social distancing, essentially staying home) is being used to
and hallway social distancing rules, reinforce the need to stay at least 6 feet from others. Physical distancing, six-feet, about
assist staff and students to maintain 2 arms’ length from other people who are not from your household is recommended in
social distancing between individuals to both indoor and outdoor spaces. As I noted last week, wearing a mask allows us to
reduce the transmission of the virus per reduce the space between ourselves and others. 10-second
the public health guidelines at that time. video:  
Be prepared to adjust the approach to social
distancing if guidance from the CDC or DPH  In the Classroom assess space and plan for maximizing the physical distance
changes due to shifting public health data or between students with desks facing in one direction.
evolving understanding of COVID-19 disease,  Buildings use staggered or multiple entry-points for school arrival and dismissal
including transmission. to reduce the volume of students entering or exiting the building in one place.
 Bell schedules between classes or wings can be altered to prevent all students
from release into hallways simultaneously. Utilize visual guides such as tape or
stickers to illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing in hallways to define
physical distancing.
 Push-in with specialist staff (e.g., music, art, physical education) to individual
classrooms or program spaces versus rotating all kids through a shared space.
 When safe and possible hold lessons outside and encourage participants to

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spread out.
 Use visual cues and manipulatives to demonstrate physical spacing such as
floor signage, hula hoops, or pool noodles.
 Utilize signage and announcements to provide reminders to staff and students
to maintain distancing.

Classroom COVID PPE and Sanitation Kits

The district will provide schools and classrooms with COVID PPE and Sanitation Kit
with adequate supplies to support the expectation and routines of proper health and
hygiene.  Each classroom will be provided with a kit containing masks, soap, hand
sanitizer with at least 60% ethyl alcohol or 70% isopropyl alcohol, no-touch trash cans,
shields, CDC compliant cleaning solution, and paper towels.

Hand sanitizer will be used when hand washing is not available, when changing classes
or moving from one area to another in the building.

27 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Facilities & Physical Space Set-Up


There are no firm limits in the Maximize School and Classroom Layout
Connecticut guidance, however,  Building administration will assess classrooms and alternative spaces, (such as cafeterias,
according to the CDC, group size in auditoriums, gymnasiums, media centers) and make determinations to repurpose spaces
classrooms and spaces within the as necessary for instruction including multiple outdoor areas that are safe around the
school should apply social school.
distancing guidelines as well as  School bathrooms will be open and available for hand washing.
age/developmental considerations.  Staff will reduce clutter, remove unnecessary materials/resources and furniture to organize
classrooms that maximizes space between desks/tables.
● Develop the policies and  Classrooms will have a transportable tabletop plexi-glass barrier will be provided for
protocols related to facilities teachers to use in small group instructional settings while working with individual or groups
and operations with the of students.
understanding that schools may  Teachers will organize classroom desks and furniture to allow for space between the
need to react quickly to teacher and students while teacher is instructing.
changing conditions.  Principals will audit school exterior doors and determine safe and secure alternative entry
● Maximize social distancing and exits points for cohorts of students to be assigned to use on a daily basis.
between student workstations,
 Keep desks and tables set up so students are facing the same direction.
achieving 6 feet when feasible,
 Schools will use outdoor instruction where health and safety conditions and physical space
when determining the
allow, taking into consideration allergies and/or asthma symptoms.
classroom layout. Desks should
face in the same direction  Each School will identify spaces that can serve as isolation rooms for COVID-19 cases or
(rather than facing each other), suspected cases.
or students should sit on only
one side of tables, spaced
apart. Manage School Traffic Flow
● Where necessary, assess other  Schools will design new operational procedures to minimize face-to-face encounters by
space that may be repurposed using signage and visually friendly icons to control for one way hallway and foot-traffic
for instruction in the school, in patterns and designating entrance-only and exit-only doors, when feasible.
municipal or other community  Create staggered or alternative passing times to reduce movement of large number of
space, or if the school will students in the hallways.
require additional modular  When feasible, schools will provide for the rotation of staff to different classrooms instead
space. of students passing from class to class.
● Maximize space between the  Recess schedules, lunch, study halls and other activities will be designed by student cohort
teacher and students due to the when feasible to maximize social distancing and space.

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risk of increased droplets from
teachers during instruction. If a
teacher removes face covering Signage and Messaging
or mask during instruction,  Post signs accessible for students with disabilities and in languages appropriate for school
spacing should be increased populations.
beyond six feet. For teachers  CDC signs (example) and print resources with information on how to stop the spread of
who stay seated, a physical germs and the virus will be posted throughout school buildings in various locations that are
barrier may be an effective highly visible in multiple languages to promote and remind students and staff of everyday
option. protective measures and actions.
● Ensure all signs and messages  A daily schedule for regular pre-recorded broadcast announcements and CDC video
related to stopping the spread announcements on strategies and reminders for reducing the spread of COVID-19 will be
are accessible for students with played on building screens and over school based PA systems.
disabilities and in languages
appropriate for the school Water and Ventilation
population.  All schools will have a water bottle refill station.
 Additional hand washing stations will be installed in common areas to provide for increased
opportunity to wash and sanitize hands.
● Ensure that all water and
ventilation systems are safe to  All schools will flush water systems to normal operation and quality in accordance with the
use after a prolonged Return to Service Guidance for Building Water Systems prior to return of staff and students.
shutdown.  All school mechanical systems will be commissioned for full occupancy and operate for at
 Comply with DPH Return to least one week prior to the return of staff and students in accordance with DPH Guidance
Service Guidance for Building for School Systems for the Operation of Central and non- Central Ventilation Systems during
Water Systems. the COVID-19 pandemic.
● Comply with DPH Guidance for  Increase the ventilation rates and the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the
School Systems for the system for facilities with central ventilation systems. For facilities where a central ventilation
Operation of Central and non- system is not used, window air conditioning units will be adjusted to maximize fresh air
Central Ventilation Systems intake into the system. Blower fans should be set on low speed and pointed away from
during the COVID-19 pandemic. room occupants to the extent possible.
 EHPS Maintenance team will inspect and service school systems regularly to ensure they
are operating properly including the replacement of standard filters.
 Develop consistent policies  Schools will allow for classrooms to circulate fresh air by safely opening windows provided
to address when clubs, outside air quality permits.
before- and after-school
programs, or other voluntary Additional professional development and preparation days for staff will be added to the school
groups may be allowed to calendar pending BOE approval. These dates will support adapting to new school environment,
use school space. Include social emotional learning and development and new safety protocols.

29 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

East Haven will limit access to the school building for all nonessential volunteers, vendors, and
ways to safely allow access
visitors. Parent meetings, PPTs and other meetings will be held virtually or by phone when
for before- and after-school
and childcare programs.
The rental of school buildings by outside vendors or companies will be suspended during the
period of time students and staff are reporting to school buildings and reevaluated in consultation
with local health officials and CDC health recommendations.

Using Student Cohorts


The purpose of cohorting is to limit the Cohorting

number of students who are exposed ● K-5 students will remain with their classroom teacher throughout the core content
to or may be diagnosed with COVID-19 instruction during the day as best possible.
if there is community transmission in a ● Schools will develop schedules that allow for cohorts to have recess, lunch, study halls,
school. Maintaining stable cohorts and extra-curricular activities in the same consistent area of the school.
helps to mitigate the risk of spreading ● Classroom groups will be assigned teams of teachers and support personnel as much as
COVID-19. A “cohort” is a group or possible to reduce exposure.
team of students and educators with ● Student cohorts may be assigned to specific entry and exits close to their classroom
consistent members that stay together location and remain consistent day-to day.
throughout the school day. ● Design 6-12 schedules to reduce cohort crossover of students as best possible in
restrooms, classrooms, and outside space and where it is possible.
● As best possible teachers will rotate into classrooms to reduce the need for students to
move from classroom to classroom during passing time.
● The district will expand number of Internet access points located on the exterior of
school buildings to better facilitate learning outdoors for cohorts.

Materials Sharing

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EHPS will clean, disinfect and sanitize any necessary materials at the end of each day.vvThe
 Develop protocols to minimize
district will restrict the sharing of educational materials between individuals. These materials
the need to have multiple
include, but are not limited to: books, computers, calculators, writing materials, and art supplies.
students sharing high touch
materials to the extent possible. When possible classrooms will make use of disposable products, materials and resources to
Plan in advance by determining if reduce the need to clean and sanitize materials after each use. Schools will provide students (if
additional supplies are they do not bring their own) with a box of supplies that may include pencils crayons, scissors or
necessary. These materials any necessary materials needed for learning in any given subject or content area.
include, but are not limited to
books, computers, calculators, Technology
writing utensils, computer  Continue with existing strategy of 1:1 Chromebook computers for students and teachers
keyboards/headphones, and art ● Minimize device sharing and prepare for distance learning by pre-assignment of early
supplies. childhood devices in 1:1 distribution model.
● Appropriately clean, disinfect, or ● Develop sanitation strategy for daily use of 1:1 devices consistent with “High Touch”
sanitize materials at the end of model in CDC guidelines.
each school day, consistent with ● Develop sanitation strategy for service of existing devices in carts and common
CDC guidelines. locations.

Health Assessments and Immunization


● Immunizations: Guidance from the Department of Public School Nurses & Health Office Supports
Health was issued dated J u n e 1 7, 2 0 2 0 emphasizing
the importance of protecting students by staying up to School Nurses Will:
date on immunizations.  Audit student immunization files to ensure students are up to
● Health Assessments: Guidance from the CSDE was date on required immunizations per DPH decision requiring all
issued dated June 26, 2020 outlining the requirements students to be up to date on immunizations when school starts
for Health Assessments prior to students enrolling in  Support families as necessary to ensure compliance
school.  Review the CSDE resource Improving Attendance by Addressing

31 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

● Include in the LEA reopening plan written protocols for School Health Assessments and Immunizations, to assist with
monitoring of symptoms that could be related to COVID- strategies to ensure that school health and immunization
19, with the goal of decreasing the risk of spreading or requirements are met prior to deadlines for starting school
contracting the virus and maintaining oversight related to
the pandemic while complying with relevant privacy and Families should be reminded that on June 17, 2020, DPH confirmed the
health laws. decision to require that all students be up to date on their immunizations
● Review the most updated guidance on when school starts.
monitoring for COVID-19 and develop protocols
consistent with the applicable recommendations. Health Screening
Staff and students must self-report to nurses or administrators if they
As of the date of this document, CDC guidance provides
have symptoms of COVID-19, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are
that schools and childcare programs are not expected to
waiting for test results, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19
daily screen students, students, or staff to identify cases of
within the last 14 days. Students enrolled in the school based health
COVID-19. If a community (or more specifically, a school) center can access a telemedicine visit.
has cases of COVID-19, local health officials will help ● Staff or students who have a temperature greater than 100
identify those individuals and follow up on next steps. degrees are not permitted into the school.
 While daily screenings by school staff are not ● If and when screening is necessary a touchless device will be used
required, be prepared if, at the recommendation of and the health screener must wear a face mask and face shield
state and local departments of public health, while performing this action.
screenings are initiated based on local factors ● In addition to the health office, schools will have a designated
such as a confirmed case or known exposures, or isolation room for holding students who exhibit symptoms.
if a staff member of student presents with obvious consistent with COVID-19, until a parent or guardian arrives.
symptoms. ● Students will not be left unattended in the isolation room.

The district will actively monitor staff and student absenteeism to identify
any trends that would suggest spread of illness such as COVID-19.

32 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Symptoms, Testing, and Containment


Intruct students and staff to inform the school if they are sick with Staff Training
COVID-19 related symptoms, particularly if they had a known contact Staff will be educated about the signs and symptoms of COVID-
with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 and have also had contact 19: see more information on the CDC website to allow for the
with the school population. They must stay home when they are sick, school to best participate in observing, monitoring and
especially if they have COVID-19 symptoms such as fever and cough. reporting symptoms.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has provided
guidance that confirms that, during a pandemic, it is permissible to ask Symptoms
employees if they are experiencing symptoms of the pandemic virus Staff, students and families must self-report to the school
(such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat.) nurse or building administrator if they have symptoms of
Employers must maintain all information about employee or student COVID-19, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are waiting
illness as a confidential medical record. for test results, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19
within the last 14 days.
• Develop consistent protocols for information reporting, and a
point person to appropriately receive and safeguard this Reporting Local Health Department
information, such as the school nurse, district nursing The district will immediately report any confirmed cases to the
supervisor, or principal. local health department officials, in accordance with state and
• Educate staff and families about when to stay home. Schools local laws and regulations while maintaining confidentiality in
should properly communicate the content of this or any accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 
updated guidance.
The district will take guidance from East Shore Health
− Instruct staff and students (or their parents and guardians) to Department regarding contact tracing, testing, quarantining,
perform a self- assessment prior to leaving for school to identify self-isolating and determining any necessary closures and/or
fever and other possible COVID-19 symptoms. Communicate this restrictions that must be put in place to slow the spread of
expectation and provide parents with reminders about the COVID-19.
symptoms consistent with C OVID-19 that require keeping their
students at home. Examples include a check-list for parents or a Individuals testing positive for COVID-19 will be advised not to
web- based application such as Connecticut How We Feel. return to school until they have met CDC’s criteria to
• Establish and communicate school-wide sick protocols, including discontinue quarantine or home isolation.
signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and temperature thresholds
requiring students or staff to stay home.
• Consistent with the applicable laws and school policies, offer
options for school and work to staff and students with special The district policies for staff and students who may have been

33 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

healthcare needs (e.g., remote learning options, alternate or exposed to COVID-19 are in alignment with the CDC’s
modified job responsibilities). guidance on quarantining and returning to school.
• Include in the LEA reopening plan written protocols for
containment and immediate response if an individual has signs or
symptoms of COVID-19, there is a known exposure, or a member
of the school community has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
The purpose of containment plans are to decrease the risks of Isolation Rooms
spreading COVID-19, and shall include the following: The School Nurse’s Office and/or The School Based Health
− Immediate coordination with the local health department, Center (SBHC) suites will be designed based on space to
including being ready to comply with requests for information reduce the spread of infectious illness, protect the
from the local health department to assist with contact tracing. staff/students, and minimize exposure to illness.
− Identification of a response team within the school and
LEA with specific responsibilities. Each school will have an identified isolation room or area in
− Consideration of what signs and symptoms exhibited by each school to separate anyone who have symptoms or tested
students or staff would require their immediate dismissal positive for COVID-19:
from school; for what period of time; and conditions for  Separate waiting room for students with non-COVID-19
their re-admittance to school. related visits need to be created with signage that
assists in managing student traffic flow to and from the
• If any person who has been present in school has a confirmed clinics and medical suites.
diagnosis of COVID-19, the local health department must be notified
 Protocols for increased cleaning/sanitizing needs of the
immediately. Nurse's Office, SBHC suites and documentation of
• Identify an “isolation room” (besides the health office) to frequency entered into cleaning logs.
accommodate students who exhibit symptoms consistent with  Full PPE (gown, mask, shield, gloves) will be required
COVID-19 until a parent or guardian arrives. Students should for the individual supervising in the isolation space 
remain supervised in the isolation room. For the purposes of  The health staff will monitor and track health related
contact tracing, schools should log all persons who entered the student absences for potential exposures. 
room. The individual supervising the room must be equipped with  Parent pick up protocols specific to each school will be
proper PPE. developed to minimize entry of the parent into the
• Initiate recommended CDC cleaning procedures following a school.  
confirmed COVID-19 case.  If necessary school will call the ambulance to bring
someone to a healthcare facility and alert them ahead
• Review CDC guidance to ensure compliance with most up to that the person may have COVID-19. 
date information regarding containment.
• Create a consistent policy for dismissal of students or staff who Any space impacted by a positive COVID case will be closed
exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 and must be dismissed from school. and remain out of use until proper cleaning and disinfecting
has been completed and logged in accordance with CDC

34 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Include input, where appropriate, from the local health department, guidelines.
school medical advisor and school nurse supervisor. ncov/community/clean-disinfect/index.html

Cleaning and Sanitation


● Comply with DPH guidance All schools will be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly during and at the close of each day in
for cleaning and disinfecting of compliance with DPH guidance for cleaning and disinfecting of schools during COVID-19.
schools during COVID-19.
● Maximize use of Custodians and cleaning crews will use district cleaning logs to document ongoing cleaning
disposable towels in lieu compliance. Logs will be collected and reviewed daily by building administration who will make
of hand dryers, due to adjustment and modifications to cleaning protocols and processes as necessary.
ventilation considerations.
Turn off and avoid use of If it is necessary to move to the hybrid model additional sanitizing and deep cleaning protocols will be
hand dryers. employed include cleaning over the weekends when necessary.
● School administrators, under
the supervision of the Daily School Based Sanitation Attendants
Superintendent, will In addition to full cleaning and disinfection, the district will place a sanitation attendant in every school
communicate cleaning and responsible for the continuous cleaning and spot-disinfection of high-touch surfaces throughout the
hygiene protocols as day. These surfaces include railings, door handles, desks, tables, soap and paper towel dispensers,
recommended by the CDC. and bathrooms.
These protocols will be
Building administrators will work with the sanitation attendance to review the school floor plan and
adhered to by all school staff consider the best way to routinely clean and disinfect the building and bathrooms consistent with CDC
and participants. disinfecting and cleaning guidelines.
● Signs on how to “Stop the
Spread” should be posted in Signage and Reinforcement
all school buildings in easily ● Post signs in highly visible locations to promote everyday protective measures and describe
seen locations. how to stop the spread of germs and the virus.
● Post signs accessible for students with disabilities and in languages appropriate for school

35 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

● All areas of operations must populations.
be cleaned, disinfected ● Schedule and broadcast regular prerecorded announcements on reducing the spread of
and/or sanitized, as per CDC COVID-19 on PA systems.
● Icons and signage to control for foot traffic and maximize social distancing in bathrooms.
● Door handles, desks, and Shops, labs and classrooms with shared equipment
other high contact areas School based cleaning crews will work with building administration to design schedules around the
disinfecting of shared equipment in the shops and labs after each use. Shops and lab stations will have
should be given special
a properly labeled spray bottle and wipes located in safe and convenient areas for after equipment use wiping.
CTE courses often assign tasks to students at the conclusion of class to assist in the cleanup. In these
● Cleaning logs should be kept instances, students will be properly trained in all safety processes and procedures to assist in cleanup at the
to ensure and track cleaning end of class.
Sanitation of Busses will be in accordance with DPH guidance 
 Durham School services will train all staff on cleaning and sanitation protocols, health risks,
and protocols for reporting symptoms or exposures. 
 Seats and high-touch or contact surfaces will be cleaned after each run in accordance with
CDC guidelines. 
 At the completion of the morning and afternoon runs, extensive cleaning, sanitation and
disinfection will be completed, logged and signed off on by the bus yard director daily.
 Any student or driver testing positive for COVID-19 will be removed from the bus
immediately.  The bus will be removed from operation until a through sanitation is completed,
logged and signed off on by the Bus Yard Director.

36 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Social & Emotional Wellbeing of Students & Staff


● Develop a detailed plan to The culture and climate of East Haven Public Schools will be a priority as we begin the 2020-21
reengage all students, staff and school year.  It is important that all staff and students feel safe and welcome not only physically,
families. Particularly identify but socially and emotionally as well.  In order to ensure this happens, the following guidelines will
strategies to identify and engage be used in relation to social emotional supports, utilizing Restorative Practices, and engaging
populations and specific students families. Any guidelines that mention circles, partners, groups, etc. must be done in a way that
that have been disengaged. adheres to social distancing. Ideas for Classroom Expectations / Agreements Teacher SEL
Needs to Support Students
● Prepare staff to identify issues  
related to abuse and neglect in Social & Emotional Supports for:
the context of the pandemic and  
comply with all mandated Teachers
reporting requirements.  Administration will clearly articulate and share resources available for supporting the
emotional well-being of staff, including the Employee Assistance Program.
 Portions of teacher meeting times to be used as an opportunity to discuss concerns and
solve problems. (Circle Check Ins).
 Building administrators will check in with individual staff members on a regular basis
 Professional Development to be provided on:    
 Adapting to a new school environment- health and safety and instructional
 Social and emotional learning and development
 Meetings with staff and families on new safety protocols

Live webinar to notify students, family and staff of new guidelines followed by a Q&A.
 CSDE Resources for Staff

 Topical lessons will be conducted on a weekly basis for students in grades k-5 on
social emotional health, and in health and developmental guidance courses in
grades 6-12.
 Designated time during the school day specifically designated for Tier I social
emotional learning.

37 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

 School support personnel (psychologist, social worker, guidance counselors, etc.)
to support students and classrooms to provide support when needed, both
individually and to the whole group.
 Targeted emphasis on re engagement based on Distance Learning engagement
data, Distance Learning surveys (students, staff and families) and Reopening
 Families will be encouraged to enroll in School Based Health Centers located in
each building to access behavioral health services for students.

A collection of resources will be provided to support families on the
 EHPS District Website: Family & Community Partnership
 CSDE Resources for Families

Restorative Practices
 Establishing Norms/Developing Classroom Agreements
 Schools will establish guidelines of what each student needs to do in order to adhere to
safety guidelines. Sample School Safety Compact

Building Strong Positive Relationships

 Classroom Circles to be used address positive, negative, and indifferent feelings related
to school, reengage students, and build strong positive relationships. 
 Use of Affective statements to be used in correcting student behavior or recognizing
positive actions, particularly in regard to new guidelines that need to be followed due to
 Affective questions to be used when a student is not following a guideline.

EHPS will provide professional development to identify issues related to abuse and neglect in
the context of the pandemic in order to meet mandated reporting requirements. Staff will
continue to be trained as mandated reporters and particular guidance on virtual environments
and heightened risk of abuse and neglect will be communicated to all mandated reporters.
 Mandated Reporting Training
 COVID-19: Heightened Risk of Abuse and Neglect

38 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Family Engagement & After School Programming


Comply with all state and federal family In accordance with Title I requirements outlined in Every Student Succeeds Act,
engagement requirements (e.g., School EHPS will provide outreach to all families and establish Family and Community
Governance Councils and Title I requirements) Engagement Teams (FACE) as part of the Statewide Family Engagement Center
during the COVID-19 pandemic. (SFEC) grant ensuring Full, Equal and Equitable Partnerships with Families.
• FACE Teams will serve as parent advisory boards
• Prepare to provide families with clear and
• Action Plans developed using the Nation Network Partnership Schools
ongoing communication about what to expect,
Model will focus on parenting, communicating, learning at home and
during and prior to reopening. This includes,
collaborating with the community.
but is not limited to, guidance on the school
protocols related to health and safety
Communication channels and venues will target all stakeholders. A District Plan
guidelines. will map out dissemination of health and safety guidelines, up to date protocols and
• Continue to engage with families and procedures with regard to reopening of schools, and resources for physical and
students as the reopening moves forward to emotional health and wellness as well as allow for ongoing feedback to be shared
ensure they are informed and have the by families.
ability to provide feedback.  FAQ document, highlighting details of the EHPS Reopening Plan, will be
• Make reopen plans available on the LEA shared with families using multiple platforms (email, website, social media)
website, accessible, and clearly identify the school in both English and Spanish.
liaison.  Multiple Community Circles will be held in a virtual meeting space to share
the plan and provide families the opportunity to ask questions. These
meetings will be scheduled both during the day and in the evening to meet
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental the needs of working families. Bilingual sessions will be available.
Health Recordings will be available on demand on the District Website.
 Community Circles will be ongoing throughout the 2020-2021 school year
 Develop a detailed plan to reengage
allowing for regular two-way communication between family members and
all students, staff and families.
district and school staff.
Particularly identify strategies to
 Monthly Check In Survey with families will be distributed.
identify and engage populations and
specific students that have been  The district and all schools will communicate health and safety guidelines,
disengaged. plans for orientations, Back to School nights, introduction of new staff, and
district family events. Video documentation of “What to Expect as Your Child
 Prepare staff to identify issues related to Returns to In Person Learning” will be available on the District Website and

39 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

abuse and neglect in the context of the added to individual school websites. Links will also be sent via School
pandemic and comply with all mandated Messenger. Videos will showcase school protocols put in place to ensure
reporting requirements. expectations and health and safety protocol are clearly communicated.

Each School Liaison will be communicated in the FAQ document, posted on the
 Programs receiving funding from the district website, school websites and shared on social media accounts.
CSDE through the State After School,
Extended School Hours (ESH) and At this time, EHPS is not utilizing Extended School Hours (EHS) and 21st Century
21st Century Community Learning Community Learning Centers (21CCLC) funds for after school programming.
Centers (21CCLC) programs, consult  
with the CSDE for individual grant- Updates on our COMPASS before and after school offerings are available on the
specific guidance. District Website.
 Follow the requirements outlined in this  
document, as applicable, including but Although in person delivery of academic instruction and social emotional learning
not limited to requiring the use of face would be ideal, in order to feasibly plan for extended day learning, a virtual model
coverings that cover the nose and mouth, will be implemented for the 2020-2021 school year.  This will be in preparation for
and maximizing social distancing. Moderate Transmission and High Transmission Models that may go into effect at
any time during the school year.
 Programs receiving funding from the
CSDE through the State After School,
Extended School Hours (ESH) and 21st
Century Community Learning Centers
(21CCLC) programs, consult with the
CSDE for individual grant-specific

Student Nutrition and Meals


● Schools and institutions that participate in the Nutrition & Food Service
National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School  Breakfast and lunch will be served in schools daily. 

40 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack  Food will be packaged individually and be served in a completely
Program, and Special Milk Program (SMP) as disposable manner while maintaining environmental responsible practices.
applicable, must continue to determine eligibility  Food services will provide daily breakfast and lunch in a drive through
for and make available free and reduced-price manner for families whose child has not physically returned to school.
meals and snacks and free milk to all eligible  Depending on school building size, capacity and space availability,
students. breakfast and lunch will be eaten by cohorts in classrooms, or in
● Schools and institutions must comply with the appropriate school or outdoor areas that allow the spacing necessary for
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) students to remove their masks and maintain social distancing
regulations and policies for school meals and requirements to eat their lunch.
milk including the meal pattern requirements.  Additional lunch waves may be added as well as increased meal service
● Schools and institutions that participate in the access points.
NSLP are required to claim meals/ milk provided  Food service will adhere to all federal, state and local health guidelines in
to eligible students using accurate counting and addition to all required cleaning and sanitation procedures and PPE when
claiming methods. Additionally, the number of receiving, storing, preparing packaging and distributing meals.
free and reduced-price meals served and  Food services will work with the local health departments on updated
claimed for reimbursement must have adequate safety protocols, including standard operating procedures for sanitation of
documentation on file to support the claim. school kitchens, cafeterias, food warehouses, alternative meal distribution
locations, and central production kitchens.
 Parents and the community will be notified through various district
communication platforms about school meal service options under any
given model.

41 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

School and District Medical Contact Professionals


The Superintendent must ensure that The School nurse will be trained and designated as the COVID-19 Health and Safety
a nurse or other medical professional Compliance Liaison responsible for engaging with students, parents, faculty, staff and
is available to each school in their administrators to answer questions or concerns about health and safety requirements. School
district to manage positive and nurses will work collaboratively with the Director of East Shore Health, the district’ physician and
suspected cases, including overseeing PPS director. Click here for a complete listing of School Compliance Liaisons
testing and tracing.
Nurses will assist schools with providing training to staff and families that covers signs and
Designate an employee to serve as a symptoms of COVID-19, Standard Public Health protocols, Hygiene Practices, PPE, Reporting
COVID-19 Health and Safety Illnesses. They will plan for ongoing trainings as changes occur in recommendations and public
Compliance Liaison. This designated health data.
person will be responsible for
engaging with students, parents, EAST SHORE HEALTH DEPARTMENT
faculty, staff, and administrators to
answer questions or concerns about The district will partner with the school Based Health Center medical personnel to assist in the
health and safety requirements testing, management, communication and tracing of positive and suspected COVID-19 cases, as
regarding COVID-19 concerns (e.g., well as the school Based Health Center behavior clinicians to support the emotional and
school nurse). All school staff and behavioral health of our students and families.
families should know and have the
contact information for the designee. The Superintendent will serve as the designated individual responsible for engaging with
This role can be assigned to an students, parents, faculty and staff to answer questions or concerns relative to COVID-19 in
administrator or someone with the consultation with the district’s Physician, Dr. Riccio, and the local health department director.
authority to address compliance Parent, student, staff and community questions, concerns and inquires can be sent to


42 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools


 Put systems in place to communicate the most up to date Communication, including translations into multiple languages, will be
policies and protocols related to the considerations herein, done via blasts, email, text, phone message, social media or website
for staff, students, and families. Schools should leverage post at the district, school and classroom level based on the nature
multiple communication methods (mail, e-mail, phone calls, and detail of the information being shared. 
text messaging, social media, LEA and school websites).
Ensure all policies and protocols are clearly marked with The district will deliver regular updates to staff and families with clear,
version and date, as they may change over time. Consider factual information including updates and recommendations from
a COVID-19 landing page in which communication and public health officials.
guidance can be updated regularly.
 Make communications plans available in relevant languages Information and posts will be updated frequently and dated to allow for
of families in the community, as well as accessible to those the most recent posts and updates to appear first in an archived
with visual and/or hearing impairments. website or application platform.
 Ensure the development of plans for ongoing two-way
communication with the school community (staff, families, Weekly district or school updates and blasts will include pertinent
and students) about any new policies and/or protocols prior information and news including but not limited to calendar or schedule
to reopening, any time there is a significant policy change, changes, health and safety reminders or updates, updates from local
and upon re-entry if a school closes temporarily during the and/or state health officials on COVID-19.
year. This should include feedback and consultation
regarding the implementation of those policies.
 Develop expectations around frequency of communication, Varying levels of communication through any one or combination of
and ensure detailed updates are provided any time critical the district’s platforms will ensure staff, students and families are kept
information regarding policies, protocols, or health data abreast the most up to date, accurate and detailed information.
 Put in place a plan for how the community will be notified of District Level Communication
any changed policies, need to cancel classes, or other  The district will communicate the plan to the public through
changes or restrictions. various platforms including several virtual community forums
 Make plans easily accessible, including but not limited to where the plan will be presented publicly and questions will be
being visible on the main landing page of the LEA and addressed through a structured facilitator.
school websites.  Monthly zoom community forums will be offered to help families
 Ensure these baseline requirements related to learn more about the status of current and future plans and
communication are the overarching principles applied to used as a forum to answer questions.
other communication plans referenced in this document.  The district will utilize the existing district
 Prioritize gathering information from families prior to communication systems and platforms to provide information to
reopening. Collect information from families to properly plan staff, students and families, leveraging multiple methods such

43 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

for resuming classes in the fall. For example, assess as phone, email, SMS, website and social media.
whether certain families will choose not to participate and  The district will work with tech services and building secretaries
instead continue with remote learning, and, if so, how that to employ existing and enhanced strategies to collect and
may affect facilities and operations planning. cleanse demographic data to improve delivery of
 Focus on distribution of information and regular communication.
communication about the actions school communities can  Tech Services will continue to update and revise existing
take to stop the spread. This includes posting signs in highly district COVID-19 website landing page.
visible locations (e.g., school entrances, staff areas, and
restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures, and School Level Communication
providing instruction related to properly washing hands and  Building principals will communicate specific details regarding
properly wearing a cloth face coverings. Educate students their school’s operations and specifics relative to the plan.
about how coronavirus is spread, and how preventative This information and detail be grounded in the context of their
actions help avoid the spread (for example, that masks school setting. 
keep droplets out of the air and hand hygiene keep the
virus out of one’s mouth/nose/eyes). Classroom Level Communication
 Broadcast regular announcements related to stopping the  Teachers will communicate with parents and students specific
to classroom routines, structures, expectations and protocols
spread on school intercoms, and ensure related resources
aligned to the grade and classroom specifics.
(e.g., messages and videos) are distributed when
 ESL, special education and support staff will assist in reaching
communicating with staff, students, and families (such as
parents of diverse learners.
on school websites, in emails, and on school social media
Visual Communication
 Place signs near sinks reminding students and staff to  Post signs and posters (Stop the spread, wearing a Mask,
wash hands before and after using the restroom. Managing Symptoms, Hand Washing…) in highly visible
 Find free CDC print and digital resources in locations in multiple languages that promote everyday
several languages on CDC’s communications protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of
resources main page. germs and the virus.
 The district will prerecord and schedule regular broadcast
announcements on reducing the spread of COVID-19 on PA
systems and TV monitors.

Liability and Legal Considerations

44 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools


 The employment of appropriately certified, authorized

East Haven Public Schools has collected information through various
and/or permitted educators remains crucial to the means such as surveys to assess the staffing capacity for in person
success of all students. To assist this goal, all LEA-based and virtual learning in compliance with EEOC guidance related to the
forms have been adopted to accommodate the timely ADA and the COVID-19 pandemic.
processing of temporary authorizations and requests
including Durational Shortage Area Permits (DSAPs), 90- Human Resources
Day Initial Certificates, Charter School Educator Permits
(CSEPs), Long Term Substitute Authorizations,  Secure building substitutes and prepare lists of building based
Emergency Coaching Certificates and Resident Educator support personnel to determine staffing flexibility to
Certificates. For additional information about processing maximizing staffing options at the school level.
these forms remotely, please see the following CSDE  Compile resources to inform and support staff regarding sick
educator certification newsletter. leave and options for those caring for the sick.
• Prepare with school human resources and board  Make determinations if additional staff are needed.
counsel to comply with legal and regulatory  The district continues to receive ongoing support and
requirements related to personnel, including but not guidance from the Board of Education’s Counsel to ensure the
limited to the EEOC guidance related to the ADA district is operating in compliance with legal and regulatory
and the COVID-19 pandemic. requirement.
 The district has engaged legal counsel in preparation and
 Assess how to engage a full roster of staff, including
consideration for any applicable Memoranda of Understanding
potential substitute plan, and whether stipends or
that may be necessary to define the role for different staff units
changes in substitute pay is required to support the
in the context of the pandemic.
needs of the school.

Notice of Risks

45 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools


● All participants will Families will receive the following communication:

receive latest CDC Your child has the opportunity to return to full-time instruction at East Haven Public Schools beginning in
guidance and August, 2020. The district medical advisor and/or Health Department will review planning and implementation of
risks, including school programming in cooperation with the Superintendent of Schools and a diverse group of stakeholders
additional risks that represent the School Re-opening Team.
associated with
comorbidity and Educational opportunity will take place on school grounds and will be provided consistent with current
risk factors. This applicable health and safety guidance from federal, state, and local authorities. East Haven Public Schools and
information will parents/guardians understand that the choice to have your child participate in this in-person activity is voluntary
also be posted in and that remote learning will be made available if you choose not to have your child return to school.
public areas.
Before your child will be permitted to participate in our in-person programming, East Haven Public Schools requires that you read the information stated below in this Notice of Risk.
ncov/communit COVID-19 is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. The symptoms of COVID-19
y/schools- can range from mild to severe, appearing 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and may include, among other
childcare/scho symptoms, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches,
ols-faq.html headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.
Some individuals with COVID-19 may not show symptoms and it may be spread even by people who are not
displaying signs of illness. Because of its highly contagious and sometimes “hidden” nature, you must
understand that it is currently very difficult to control the spread of COVID-19 or to determine whether, where, or
how a specific individual may have been exposed to the disease.

COVID-19 is a new disease and there is limited information regarding risk factors. Based on current
information, people who are 65 years or older or people of any age with underlying medical conditions (such as
chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, severe obesity, diabetes, chronic
kidney or liver disease, or those who are immunocompromised) are at higher risk of experiencing severe illness
as result of COVID-19. At this time, students living in households with individuals who are 65 years of age and
older and/or with individuals who have higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (such as people with
underlying medical conditions) are recommended to stay home.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. Due to its highly contagious nature, it is possible that
contact with others, as well as with surfaces that have been exposed to the virus, can lead to infection. The

46 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. The Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) currently advises that individuals stay home as much as possible and avoid close
contact with others and engage in social distancing. The CDC further advises people to wear a cloth face
covering in public settings, particularly when social distancing is not possible; to clean and disinfect frequently
touched surfaces; and to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-
based hand sanitizer.

The School District has put protocols and preventative measures in place that are consistent with applicable
recommendations from public health officials and other federal, state and local agencies.  These safety
measures include, but are not limited to, requiring cloth face masks, social distancing, and regular
handwashing, avoiding the use of shared items and mandating regular screening of participants. Despite these
protective measures, however, it remains possible for a student participating in the District’s in-person program
to become infected with COVID-19 or to infect others, even if a student is asymptomatic.

Additional information regarding COVID-19 is available on the following websites or upon request from the
School District: CDC’s website link: CT Department of
Public Health website at:

Please be advised that the school district may suspend in-person classes at any time due to health & safety
risks. The district will utilize the communications systems noted above should there be a need to move to a
hybrid or full distance learning model.

47 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Works Consulted

"Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together." Connecticut State Department of Education.

Argenti, Paul A. "Communicating through the coronavirus crisis." Harvard Business Review. https://2uzkee3eob510v4rszskfx11-
Harvard Business Review

Azzi-Hucj, Kaliope, and Tigran Shmis. "Managing the impact of COVID-19 on education systems around the world: How
countries are preparing, coping, and planning for recovery." World Bank Blogs, World Bank Group, 18 Mar. 2020,

CT Center for School Change, Resources and Tools, Summer 2020

Costello, Bob, et al. The Restorative Practices Handbook: For Teachers, Disciplinarians and Administrators. 2nd ed., Bethlehem,
International Institute for Restorative Practices, 2019.

"Perkins Collaborative: Responses to COVID-19 for CTE Classrooms." COVID-19 Information,

Rasli A, Haider M, Goh CF, Tan OK. Keeping the lights on: A conceptual framework for understanding crisis management
capability in the public sector. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 2017;36:54-61. 10.1002/joe.21814

TNTP, The New Teacher Project COVID-19 Response Toolkit

48 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

Additional Resources

CDC Considerations for Schools
CDC Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes
CDC Cleaning & Disinfecting Guidance
CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus CDC What You Do If You Are Sick CDC Quarantine & Isolation

CDC Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19
CDC When and How to Wash Your Hands
CDC Planning for K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs
CDC Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs
CDC Schools Decision Tree for Schools Reopening
CDC Guidance Keeping Students Healthy While School’s Out
CDC Communications Resources
CDC COVID Print Resources, Multiple Languages
CDC COVID Social Media Toolkit
CDC Child Posters, Multiple Languages
CDC What you Need to Know About Handwashing VIDEO

Connecticut LEA School Reopening Template
COVID Resources for Educators
State Level Priorities: Sustaining Local School District Capacity & Providing Equity and Access to a High Quality Education for All Children
Attendance Guidance and Ensuring Student Engagement during School Class Cancellations Due to COVID-19
Improving Attendance by Addressing School Health Assessments and Immunizations
Plan for Reimagining CT Classrooms for Continuous Learning
Sensible Assessment Practices 2020-21 and Beyond
Full, Equal and Equitable Partnerships with Families: Connecticut’s Definition and Framework for Family Engagement
edSight Active Endorsement Search Tool


49 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

DPH: Guidance for the Cleaning and Disinfection of Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemic
DPH: Return to Service Guidance for Building Water Systems
DPH: Guidance for School Systems for the Operation of Central and non-Central Ventilation Systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission COVID-19 Guidance
CIAC Resocialization of Interscholastic Athletics and Activities Programs Guidelines
NAFME COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guide
School Re-Entry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health, Education & Physical Activity
Leveraging the Power of SEL as You Prepare to Reopen and Renew Partner Resources (multiple languages)

Communicating with Students Teens and Tweens


Communicating with Young Children


Mental Health and Grief Resources during COVID-19


50 | P a g e East Haven Public Schools

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