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Project Scope Statement

Project: Wilmont Pharmacy Drone Development Project Revision: 01

Revision Date: 19/07/2020
Purpose: Wilmont is secretly considering delivering prescriptions by flying drone. They have made a deal with
DroneTech to prototype this project in San Franciso area for four pharmacies. The project is to be handled by the
DroneTech team which will provide the drone technology as well as the drone piloting and delivery systems, but will
customize its systems and business process to conform to Wilmont’s requirements.

Project Goals: This is a pilot project to deliver pharmaceutical products by piloting drones. The already ready process
to handle order entry, delivery confirmation, and a mobile app need to be customized for Wilmont’s, keeping in mind
that the service is available for customers in San Francisco.

It has been determined that only four (4) of Wilmont’s pharmacies will participate in the prototype delivery system.
These are in a close geographic area to one another, and they are in a non‐city environment consisting mainly of
suburban homes and small businesses. Customers in apartment buildings will not be permitted in the prototype due
to delivery issues. Provide the four participating pharmacies with all the information needed on the drone delivery
technology, making sure they are fully comfortable to load products into the drone package carrier and engage in this
prototype by the time for first flight.

Interface to Wilmont’s enhanced online order entry process that will allow customers in the San Francisco area to
register their willingness to have a drone deliver their orders by means of online entry or smartphone entry. Interface
communications about deliveries for Wilmont’s customers electronically through email, online, and through mobile
alerts as the customer requests.

The project should likely come well under a total of $750,000, begin the project on next January 5, and that their first
customer delivery flight should take place no later than November 30 to avoid harsh weather in the San Francisco

Have a successful long-term relationship with a large-scale company and deliver utmost benefits.

Project Scope Description:

1. Administration: The development of the proposed contract and payment plan will be a part of project plan.

Appoint the right members for development of the legal requirements for the relationship, with the help of legal teams
of both organizations.

At the conclusion of the project, the team shall provide a full accounting of the actual expenditures for the Project
including evidence that all obligations have been fulfilled.

Risks, testing, quality control and provision issues to be handled by the project team appointed for the project.

Issues in security, reliability, integrity, interfaces between the systems of the two organizations and customer
interaction are all considerations that must be given due care.

User training and other preparations shall be mandated with the assistance from the client’s Change Management

Begin the project by upcoming January 5 and the first customer delivery flight should take place no later than
November 30 to avoid harsh weather in the San Francisco area.

Funds to be provided by the client with a maximum cap of $ 1,750,000 for this prototype project and will implement
it first in only four stores.

2. Delivery Requirements: Delivering prescriptions and drugstore items by flying drone with the suitable
Provide the required modified hardware and technical system requirements for completing the project below the total
of $750,000. A project plan with detailed costs will be given to Wilmont’s as a part of the final contract. Handle piloting
the drones and delivery of the products. Customize the processes that handle order entry, delivery confirmation, and
a mobile app. Interface enhanced online order entry process that will allow customers in the San Francisco area to
register their willingness to have a drone deliver their orders by means of online entry or smartphone entry.

Provide temperature‐controlled product bagging system along with a bubble‐type cushioning system for the customer
delivery packaging. Providing apt knowledge and testing measures to ensure new package release system works

3. Interface Requirements: Interface communications about deliveries.

Organize the client’s resources in order to interface with DroneTech’s flight operations and other management
systems that control and manage the drone delivery system.

Notify the customers electronically through email, online, and through mobile alerts as the customer requests.

There will be significant restrictions on the approval of customers for this service, so there has be a segment of the
process to allow Wilmont’s management to approve the customer, send a confirmation to the customer, etc.

4. Communication Requirements: Communicate with the pharmacy stores.

Provide the four participating pharmacies with all the information needed on the drone delivery technology, making
sure they are fully comfortable to load products into the drone package carrier and engage in this prototype by the
time for first flight.

These are in a close geographic area to one another, and they are in a non‐city environment consisting mainly of
suburban homes and small businesses. Customers in apartment buildings will not be permitted in the prototype due
to delivery issues.

Primary Deliverables:
 Development of the proposed contract and payment plan.
 Suitable interface customized with client’s business resources.
 Communicating and educating with the pharmacy stores for delivery requirements.
 Modifications of the drone flight operations to deliver products under adverse conditions.
 Final accounting of the expenditures.
 Final report listing lessons learned and actual costs to compete.

Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:

 Project plan with detailed costs to be submitted to the client.
 Regular meetings with the Team, Stakeholders, and Cross‐impacted areas of the company.
 The customer’s privacy and the proprietary information is securely stored.
 Testing measure to make sure that issues are resolved and that the new package release systems will work
 User training and other preparations for system implementation.
 Final report presented verbally and in writing to the entire Club at a meeting for this purpose.
 Efficient staff selection and records for final accounting to be within the scope defined by company head.

Key Milestone:
Project Initiation- 5th January

Product procurement and modifications- 4th May

Modified application ready for review- 5th October

System and device ready for client review- 16th November

Delivery of drones- 26rd November

First customer delivery flight- 30th November (to avoid harsh weather in San Francisco)

 Only 4 pharmacies are to be considered for pilot project.
 Customers in apartment buildings will not be permitted in the prototype due to delivery issues.
 Maximum fund determined by company head of $750,000 should not be exceeded.
 Finish the project well before 30th November.
 Customization of the interface of pharmacy delivery system along with the drones deployed for the project.
 Only 4 drones are to be adopted for the project which will cost $18,034.00 to be included into the budget of
the project.
 Customer and client security and is to be taken care of.

The system should have temperature‐controlled product bagging system along with a bubble‐type cushioning

Only 4 pharmacies are to be considered for the project.

Allow $20,000 worth of spare drone parts and batteries to be on‐hand for this project.

Allocate a total of 4 new drones for this prototype project, and these will need to be painted in the Wilmont’s
corporate colors and logo.

Begin the project on next January 5, and that their first customer delivery flight should take place no later than
November 30 to avoid harsh weather in the San Francisco area.

Efficient staff selection and records for final accounting to be within the scope defined by company head.

Scope Exclusions:
Customers in apartment buildings will not be permitted in the prototype due to delivery issues.

Operating this prototype system is with the client in their existing infrastructure that handles customer orders.

Security and storage of drones provided for the pilot project.

Selection of customer orders for delivery within the area. That shall be handled by the client.

Errors due to prescription and return of delivery from the customer to be taken care by pharmacy store owner and
the client.

Permissions from the government organisations for allowing the project implementation.

Reference Documents:
Wilmont’s delivery system records and customer requests for pharmaceutical requirements.

Project reports of previous years and already available system within the organisation.

Learn from the similar projects operating in the country for drone technology.

Communicate with pharmacy store and customers for their requirements from the project.

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