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Develop Pharmacy Drone Project Revision No.


Revision Date: 25/07/2020

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

WBS Activity WBS Dictionary Responsibility Deliverable

1 Overall Project Project Manager Pharmacy Drone Delivery

1.1 Initiation Phase

Development of the proposed contract and payment plan. Develop a Project Manager
1.1.1 Contract Negotiation period time for negotiation between Wilmont’s and DroneTech by (along with legal team Contract Agreement
coordinating with legal teams. of both organisations)
Develop a project frame containing the project's purpose, high level
1.1.2 Develop Project Charter project description & objectives, requirements, assumptions & Project Manager Project Charter
constraints, and success criteria.
Project Scope, Schedule, Resource Plan,
Budget Plan, Project Performance Plan,
Prepare the Statement of Work, Project Cost Estimate, Schedule and
1.1.3 Develop Scope and Plan Project Manager Risk Management Plan, Change
other Baseline Documents.
Management Plan, Procurement Plan,
and Quality Plan
1.1.4 Identify and Record Identify project risks by following the risk management approach
Project Manager Risk Register
Project Risks described under the Risk Management Plan.
Kickoff meeting with stakeholders to develop a communication system
1.1.4 Engage Stakeholders Project Manager
and set expectations with the team.
Document the staffing plan, which ensures the appropriate human
resources with the necessary skills are acquired. Engage the right
1.1.5 Develop OBS Project Manager Staffing Plan
personnel from the organisation and a dedicated mode of
communication through level of heirarchies.

1.2 Planning
Design the systems and platform for drone flight, interface with
1.2.1 System Design IT Systems Manager IT Systems and Security Design
Wilmont's as per specifications
Prepare a model design to support modifications suggested by the Flight Operations
1.2.2 Model Design Preliminary Model drawings
client. Manager
1.2.3 Procurement of Prepare a list of materials and softwares required for the project and get Procurement
Materials Inventory
Materials it approved as per specifications. Manager
Cost estimation for construction of 4 flying drones. The project should
Flight Operations
likely come well under a total of $750,000. Each new delivery drone will
1.2.4 Cost Estimation Manager and Project Cost Estimate
cost $18,034. However $20,000 worth of spare drone parts and
batteries to be on-hand for this project.
George Cranston,
Activities related to gaining approval of the budget internally and the
1.2.5 Approvals Wilmont’s Operations Project Execution Approval
design with the client's team of Design and Engineering

1.3 Execution
1.3.1 IT Systems Modification
System design including customer order, delivery, mobile application
Mobile App and Interface ready for IT Delivery Systems and interface with Wilmont's platform. Building a mobile app for IT systems team
shopping and delivery for Wilmont Pharmacy.
Develop IT security system to ensure protection of Wilmont's business IT Security Systems IT systems team Security system intact
information, customer's data and proprietary information
Construct and customize DroneTech's current drone system to meet the
requirements set by Wilmont. Design features such as package Flight Operations
1.3.2 Drone Construction Drones ready
clamping, storage system which is team
temperature controlled and flight limitations.
1.3.3 Control and Monitoring
Project Manager/ Track and Manage
Track and manage the project issues and risks identified Project Controls Risk Register (Updated)
Project Risks
Manager Conduct Project Execute change management process for each of the change requests Change Control Request, Change
Project team
Change Management initiated. Request Log

1.4 Testing and Training

Testing the flight operations of the drone with specified customizations.
Flight operations
Issues in security, reliability, integrity, interfaces between the systems of
1.4.1 Drone testing team & IT systems Drone Delivery testing and modifications
the two organizations and customer interaction are all considerations
that should be tested.
Conduct user training of staff at Wilmont's pharmacy with necessary
1.4.2 Team training Project Manager User training
modification for drone and interface systems.
Phillip Grenberg
(Wilmont’s Project
1.4.3 Delivery and Provide user’s manual on the new drone, organize trial to test the ability
Manager), Gerald Drone Delivery Implementation Success
Implementation of the drone to deliver drugs. Upgrade the model if required.
Hasper (Flight
operations manager)

1.5 Close Out

Conduct closeout meetings with different project participants in
1.5.1 Conduct Closeout collecting and discussing their feedback so that lessons learned are
Project Manager
meetings captured. These meeting also helps the project manager in developing a
plan for project transitioning.
Project Manager
(DroneTech) and VP
1.5.2 Settling of financial Reconcile final accounts, report on final cost and close out Operations (Wilmont
Finances Cleared
records of purchase orders and agreements. Pharmacy) along with
Finance and Accounts
1.5.3 Client deliverable VP Operations
Transfer the deliverables to the operations staff of client. Project handover
acceptance (Wilmont Pharmacy)
Develop a Lessons Learned document that describes the things that
1.5.4 Document lessons
went wrong and well throughout the project lifecycle, and with Project Manager Lessons learned

1.6 Operation and

Flight operations
Maintenance of the drone delivery system for spare drone parts and
1.6.2 Drone Maintenance team & IT systems Maintenance
batteries during operations for future prospect of collaboration.

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