101C HW 2 Soln PDF

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MAEIOIC - HW #2 - Spring 2020 Petter I-18 Gen, A am hyfh voriel surfoe a 13% ja our ob 25% and | atm, Required decal deck tronsfer cng ffrcient yeration 2. Conechive foot transfer rele for bm width. Assungitions: 1. Mekered Convection 2. fronsitio fom oo lLaminer B turbdent boordory layer ocr Gr = fol, Ares: hk Gra gre/or se Zs Jed *h) Find the ronstion lettin. Gy = fof 1 1 _proPstow oy) r= [istry | =[ eager [= 286m lies 0<%<088m: Lammer , & 1330 opp heen TTA 219] (4% = 40K Whos 9.88..x< 29 Jurbuled , g }2ab applies. fc= Hb B78 = Jo xb = 2.0 w)rk 2. Pherae haat trensfor Coefficient (Ey Ins) Tee Liha [pf [pan = 054 (2304 2.fortrd )=2-]2 Wher a = TAT) =27270% (288-298) = 163 w laminar turbulent 15 Prem 123, Giver: A bl, ride tonperstire at 28% while Asc outside. Required he heat tos Assumpls: Steady stiti |-D Conduit. Extend hyoa ts thee well (ayer) veplocng 7 he het Ae fe 4 # aL 7 i iif Gi heh 1 (ese a= Tl BtetE te) 1 =gl at Sot Arte] = 0057] Heat Less can be cadcwletted fr &. af Q- TB. 2) _gouy - pookw am 87] Comets: The vermioudite respositle for the total thermrol vesstane. Thy, only its tKichres and conduchinty nel fe be robobly tnown. Dida. por ether byers need not be accu . I-30 Assume! [- Steadly , ont climensiona] censbuction 2. Thermal fesetine of metal walls ned bi He 2 Surraanelings alto at 24% ¥ Ow Tow Te YW L L he ars 1 Chet Heat flew can le oletermined. using the cutsole thermal resistance: Q= ACherhr)(Tow-Te) > ca © Cnet hwo CTow- Te? = CIs) (40-25) * >> wt Using the cirumit fon Ti to Tow , we Can write * (eae rho - 40 Rt ed TP Lm elbm Krk We 87 Comments: The cuctsiole hess tromsfer efficient accounts for both convection and rovliation , ho> (hethro= hoot hre Tp hee? wwe and bre 5 wlrte for momrral convection, then a lower limit for he is abut IW/we. A yelue of IS whre-k suggests 0 fu 's area in the kitchen. 1 AY Assume: |. Unclerstole of reef perfectly insulateot 2. The roof ” sees” only sky ot at offectie tem peroceare yf -/0°c. =F, Toty = 263K Tete ae i) te 1k % jhe E> ott, 01S 77 he? FW pte, 12 What fe U2 The surface energy balance Eq. C3) for the roof gives : Url + Coon = he CTs- Te) + €6 CT Tet )0 For €=0-4 and fe $wlnek , CH CTE 2a + (0.940(:6]) [Ce fool->.b54] = 0 Ts = >Jok » (PICT 28+ (44) S6D[CChieo 2.53"] > 0 Ts > 2]4k > hus twee: (4PCB-2]8)+ (ols) (SD) [[T/jeoht-2-638" J=0 Ts 2Tbk hex Iewlwtk: CrdT->]8)+4 (tC) Sp eTileo}* > be ]=0 he Tk Comments: |. Since Taye Te, the effect of the inal 'S to increase the roof Tempe 2. Tn practice, she roof is rot perfectly insulated: a heer value of Te comesprvk te a lower heat loss, \-So, Given: Time required for Munn aud unitrswn alley Spheres A Cod from BC Tw VE WW aw ie Cavity: 3 Teite 4 = By 2 Se we Fo Suey = 96 min Sine Em? We se Coy = 90 hae Required: Specific. heat 0 the alles. AsSonuption + =the lumped thermal Capacity model 6 valid. Sr well Chee We again a tne enc ~(h-A tpoay, ee ( Mouche +H, ‘ete =< + > tre _ e We Toe 43, is Yat For Rasiquens —— ms ten zr tey, = 4:34 min =O = 225 5 For Boys ee 8 ean iz me teayge 34 min = SAWS tee Sve L AC ha A) We Knows db Wome, arca, auch ererall heat transter Cocliciert are She Same for Pah Aluminum avd the alley Scheees « we € BHA _ COM) aes tea, = BC -> (hely) = me h AV) At 3, 0% Meat) Wo%9) (Sea) 9295 262.15 & sect oe Cay = ee (hy) C ly) Bey _ (S24.35)* (9269S Wie) (SA AES) UE OM) tein” = 200 Neg The Coding times are iwvewsely Proportional to the (30), iwdeverndet & the PECK Values of T wt Te- DH Te validate the assumption! The Ve. Couity i large and the. BSpreceS are Small, So Te is indererdont o& time. (preriaut point AS We) evel AY Gyn Sb alameda: x6 sciaerBaniac Ake Solution for the temperertine veS¢oase. Con be Use (69.133): 4 Given: Reatior vessel With Centent5 Yeacting exbthermaly. T= DCH V= 0.005 m* Y= I200 “Yor® Qe 4nd %P A= O24 we c= 330 Nigh Tes Rok kee S Whee Required, Tempectne ator G) \ minete- @) to minvies. Fhe Content ane agitated, Se Amat the tenvpeatton. ASSumetions + auch the. Umpasd theme copaciry reeset is Unitown is valid. —> Erergy valance? Weak Avems ferred Vea genecated Change in Wemal enery Lithin She SuStem inte sysiens ustkin the Seer dW/y = QQ du = $vidu J 2 8ViG.sT $v = =~ Qy Gale = ehh. (mE) + Oy ot eh eye Se ak guc §ve at shea [a-® -] ay Sane he SE, ERA free Test J) Sie Te + Qu 8 le —e a §we hel r Al Constants 2 Te Seog ake Sen Br -2+ 2} Hr > Wil write AT = ICR), Since Te! is Constant. - 4 : P seid we TheeN fa * CnSleving: T=Te There are a fou posts wins prolem: Uthe problem, mentions thet Ame Process is aM etothemic dhemical veaction. Thc means thet it is releasing heat, bk iy does not mean that She tempendure goed doen. Based on tre heat vale, geneity, the temperature Con be Stable or goes ue. Were, im AAS Problem, CorSideving + +o 4e Ae ~ T-Ute+ Sh as = a toe: T= Ter B/E on DB The appeyriate definition of Bist number for dis Palen iS: Be Internal Convection reSiStance, Wall YesiStance + external Convettion resistance Since. Diquid phase Comuttive. heat anster Cethicients ane Dereralty much higher than those is aic, the aSumphon oF Small Bit number & reasonable.

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