The Magic Power of The Rosicrucian Brotherhood

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The Magic Power of the AOSICRUCIAN Brotherhood Christian: Be warned against subtle forms of | OCCULTISM! “There must also be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.” 1 Corinthians 11:19 The “Magic Power’ of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood “They have cast away the law of the Lord of Hosts.” (Isa. 5:24) We are frequently asked concerning the “Rosicrucian Brotherhood,” a mystic fraternity that bids for membership through most clever lit- erature and through radio broadcasts. This is but another insidious system designed of Satan to appeal to the minds of cultured people who have a religious craving to satisfy. The “wise men” of this mystic brotherhood offer guidance in all matters of life to its frater- nity members (who have money enough to stay on the inside and get its system of literature). They ean to have discovered “the laws of human evo- ution.” In one of its documents, one of the “masters” says: “The world today is passing through an evolution change that is far more inclusive in its effect upon every human being than the people of the Western World can possibly realize.” The philosophy of the cult is built largely upon ancient systems of the East and much is made of charts and diagrams based upon “cycles of periodic changes taking place in human evolution and in all human affairs.” Some of the deductions are based upon the Great Pyramid. They predict that, according to the changing cycle, power is presently to be taken away from ‘one group of individuals and transferred to anoth- er group. This is to create new minds and bring about the advance of civilization. Much is made of “the survival of the fittest,” and we are told that only those who are initiated into the wisdom of the Brotherhood will be capable of adjusting themselves to the new order. Out of the masses new “directors” are presently to arise and they will all be “free thinkers.” Those who purchase the instructions of the Brotherhood will be in line for the best positions, for the fraternity “wields e magic power which it shares with all its mem- ers.” It is not easy to classify the teachings of the Rosicrucians, for it is a strange mixture of Oriental philosophies and modern evolutionary teaching. It is easier to say what it is NOT. IT IS NOT RELATED in the remotest way to the teachings of the Word of God. One of the latest books of the cult, “Self Mastery and Fate,” professes to show one how to map out his life day and hour by hour, so as to avoid the “unfortunate periods” which come according to cycle. One can tell from the book just when to expect physical ailments and weak- nesses, and by strengthening the indicated parts, perfect health may be obtained. The possessor of this book may know exactly the hours when he may seek advancements, favors and promotions with sure success. One may know just the time to collect a bill, borrow money, secure new busi- ness; in short, the Rosicrucian masters can make any person a master of his own affairs, without the necessity of seeking any divine guidance. But their wisdom extends much farther. They can tell you from certain symtoms in your own life, the “karmic lessons you learned in a previous incarnation.” Thus one may understand why he now has certain principles and desires deeply root- ed in his soul. You can know what you were in past ages and what you accomplished in the past and this will serve as a key to the present course of your life, enabling you to speed up the evolu- tionary process. The principles of the system are said to be known only to a few master psycholog- ists and mystics in the Orient, and only through the brotherhood can one be let into these evolu- tionary secrets. One of the other handbooks, “Mystical Bible Instruction,” claims that some sacred books be- longing in the Bible have been suppressed and that secret teachings of Christ have been deleted from the Bible. These deep secrets can be learned of “the mystical brotherhood with which Christ was associated.” In short, the brotherhood can furnish one with a hodgepodge of the teachings of ancient and mod- ern cults, every one of which is contrary to the Bible and a Satanic, counterfeit, Enough truth is expounded to mislead, but damning errors com- prise the bulk of the teachings. (Reprinted from Prophecy Monthly—by American Prophetic League, Box BB, Eagle Rock Station, Los Angeles 41, Calif. Price 10c dozen.)

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