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Science Study Guide-Heredity (Atharva)

Variation- differentiating characteristics of an object

Continuous- wide range of values
Discontinuous- only a certain characteristic or not
Species- group of animals that can reproduce with each other to produce
offspring which can also reproduce
Asexual reproduction- reproduction that doesn’t require a mate
Mitosis- form of cloning itself, used in cell division
Meiosis- used for cell division, used in sexual reproduction
Gamete- egg and sperm cells (also called haploid, which means half)
Body Cells- Diploid, 23 chromosome pairs , 46 chromosome
Genome- all the DNA in each cell in an organism
DNA- Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Gene- section of chromosomes that codes for your characteristics
23rd pair is special because it is called sex chromosome and it determines gender
xx- female
DNA consists of these:
DNA consists of a double helix, with 2 stands coiled and the strands are linked
through 2 specific base pairs.
A weak hydrogen bond joins the base pairs together.
The two strands in a DNA module are made of sugar and phosphate.
Allele- A form of a gene.
W have 2 alleles of every gene. If they are both the same, we call it homozygous
and if not then heterozygous.

Dominant- The stronger allele.

Recessive- The weaker allele.
Gene- Section of your chromosomes that codes for your characteristics.
Genotype- Different alleles that an organism has.
Phenotype-The characteristic an organism has.
Clone- a genetic copy of another single organism or group of cells
Genetic engineering- removing a gene from an organism and inserting it into
another organism.

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