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Thermodynamics and Fluid dynamics 344 - 2014

Tutorial questions for tutorial 3:

[drag, lift, friction & pressure drag]

Vraag 4 (10 Punte) [Toets 2 – 2009]

Een van die 14 waens van die nuwe Gautrein is 3.2 m wyd, 2.5 m hoog en 12 m lank.
Die trein sal gereeld tot ʼn top spoed van 160 km/h versnel, wanneer die spoor
toestande dit toelaat. Skat die totale wrywings krag toepaslik op die oppervlak van
die trein. Neem aan die oppervlakke is glad.

One of 14 coaches of the new Gautrain is 3.2 m wide, 2.5 m high and 12 m long.
The train regularly accelerates to a top speed of 160 km/h, when the track conditions
allow it. Estimate the total skin friction force acting on the surface of this train.
Assume smooth surface characteristics.

Vraag 1 (15 punte) [Toets 2 – 2010]

Die konstruksie van ʼn lug skip word oorweeg wat 100 m lank sal wees en ʼn
maksimale diameter van 20 m sal hê. By ʼn reis spoed van 8 m/s op 400 m hoogte
bereken die sleurkrag

a) onder die aanname dat die lugskip saamgestel is uit ʼn plat plaat 80 m in lengte met
ʼn toepaslike breedte en neuskap van 10 m radius. Ignoreer die agterkant afronding en
die oorgang tussen die voorkant en die silindriese seksie.

b) onder die aanname die lugskip stel ʼn ellipsoïde daar.

Bereken ook die enkel enjin drywing benodig. Stel alle aannames.

The construction of an air ship is considered which is to be 100 m long and has a
maximum diameter of 20 m. At a cruising speed of 8 m/s at 400 m altitude, calculated
the drag

a) assuming the airship to represent a combination of a flat plate of 80 m length with

appropriate width and a bow nose cone of 10 m radius. Ignore the aft nose cone and
the transition between the bow and the cylindrical section.

b) assuming the airship to represent an ellipsoidal shape.

Calculate the single tail engine power required. State all assumptions.
Vraag 3 (10 Punte) [Toets 1 – 2009]

ʼn Passasier vliegtuig kan versnel tot ʼn opstyg spoed van 275 m/s in 13 s by Kaapstad
Internasionale Lughawe op seevlak. Bepaal die opstyg spoed benodig op
OR Tambo Internasionale Lughawe in Johannesburg met ʼn hoogte bo seevlak van
1600 m. Neem aan die hefkoëffisiënt is dieselfde by die twee plekke. Bepaal onder
die aanname dat dieselfde versnelling op die hoë hoogte behaal kan word die opstyg
tyd in Johannesburg. Bepaal ook die lengte van die aanloopbaan by elke lughawe

A passenger aircraft can accelerate to a take of speed of 275 m/s in 13 s at Cape

Town International Air Port at sea level. Determine the take off speed required at OR
Tambo International Air Port in Johannesburg at an altitude of 1600 m. Assume the
lift coefficient remains the same in both locations. Assuming also the same
acceleration can be achieved at this high altitude, determine the take off time in
Johannesburg. Determine also the length of the runway required at each air ports!

11-28 “At highway speeds, about half of the power generated by the car’s engine is
used to overcome aerodynamic drag, and thus the fuel consumption is nearly
proportional to the drag force on a level road. Determine the percentage increase in
fuel consumption of a car per unit time when a person who normally drives at
90 km/h now starts driving at 120 km/h.” [2nd ed.] Note: During an ‘oil crisis’ in the
nineteen seventies – sudden significant rise of the oil prize from e.g. 20 $ / barrel to
40 $ /barrel, the legal top speed limit on South Africa’s roads was 90 km/h and no fuel
was allowed to be sold after 18h00 hours.

11-41 “The drag coefficient of a vehicle increases when its windows are rolled down
or its sunroof is opened. A sports car has a frontal area of 1.7 m2 and a drag
coefficient of 0.32 when the windows and sunroof are closed. The drag coefficient
increases to 0.41 when the sunroof is open. Determine the additional power
consumption of the car when the sunroof is opened (a) at 55 km/h and (b) 110 km/h.
Take the density of air to be 1.2 kg/m3.” [2nd ed.]

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