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* * * * * * * TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXVI NO. 23 HHHH $4.

DJIA 26584.77 À 114.88 0.4% NASDAQ 10536.27 À 1.7% STOXX 600 366.15 g 0.3% 10-YR. TREAS. g 6/32 , yield 0.609% OIL $41.60 À $0.31 GOLD $1,931.00 À $33.70 EURO $1.1753 YEN 105.38

Washington Pays Its Respects to Civil-Rights Giant Lewis GOP Bill

News Sets Up
Business & Finance
oogle will keep its em-
Over Aid
G ployees home until at
least next July, making it the
first major U.S. corporation to
formalize such an extended
To Jobless
timetable in the face of the Proposal leaves little
coronavirus pandemic. A1
time to negotiate with
 Vanguard is pushing into
actively managed bond funds, Democrats on expiring
challenging competitors benefits, other disputes
like BlackRock, Fidelity
and Pimco in that arena. A1
Armour, founder Kevin Plank
and the firm’s CFO that they WASHINGTON—Senate Re-
could face civil-enforce- publicans rolled out a roughly
ment action related to past $1 trillion coronavirus relief
accounting practices. B1 proposal on Monday, launching
a mad dash to reach a deal with
 Nike chose Felicia Mayo as

Democrats on expiring unem-

its new diversity chief, adding
ployment payments and other
a Black woman to its leader-
disputes in the parties’ plans.
ship team. She succeeds Kellie
The Republican plan cuts the
Leonard, who is leaving. B1
current federal $600 weekly un-
 Visa and Mastercard employment supplement to
each fined Wirecard more $200 a week through Septem-
than $10 million over du- TRIBUTES AND MOURNING: Civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, who fought Jim Crow era segregation and helped usher in ber, when the payment would
bious transactions more a landmark voting-rights law, will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda for two days before being buried in Atlanta. A4 combine with state benefits to
than a decade ago. B1 replace 70% of previous wages.
Democrats proposed continuing
 Sen. Susan Collins said
through January the current
she would join fellow Re-

Google Tells Staffers to Work

supplement, which costs about
publican Mitt Romney in op-
$15 billion a week.
posing Judy Shelton’s nomi-
The reduced benefit would
nation to the Fed’s board. A2
come at a delicate time, with
 AstraZeneca agreed to just over three months before
pay Daiichi Sankyo up to $6
billion to jointly develop and
commercialize a drug that
targets a range of cancers. B1
Remotely Until Next Summer November’s elections. The U.S.
jobs market has partially re-
bounded since the unemploy-
ment rate went from 50-year
lows to record highs early in
 U.S. stocks rose, with
BY ROB COPELAND Inc., and it adds pressure to Even for those industries of New York’s most prominent the pandemic, with employers
the Nasdaq, S&P 500 and
AND PETER GRANT other technology giants that where working from home is real-estate families. adding 7.5 million jobs in May
Dow advancing 1.7%, 0.7%
have slated staff to return as relatively manageable, the re- Google’s July 2021 date and June. But a recent increase
and 0.4%, respectively. B11
SAN FRANCISCO—Google soon as January. turn has been slow. In New plants the company firmly in in people seeking unemploy-
 Gold prices hit a record
will keep its employees home Businesses from factories to York City, fewer than one- the cautious camp of those de- ment insurance signaled the re-
as a weakening dollar in-
until at least next July, making salons and restaurants are tenth of Manhattan office bating the efficacy and wis- covery could be faltering as
jected new momentum
the search-engine giant the grappling with when and if to workers are back to the work- dom of remote work. Covid-19 cases surged in the
into the metal’s rally. B11
first major U.S. corporation to reopen amid a stubborn rise in place, a full month after the Alphabet Chief Executive South and West, prompting
 Intel is shaking up its formalize such an extended Covid-19 cases around the city gave businesses the green Sundar Pichai made the deci- new business closures.
technology team and said timetable in the face of the country. Though some offices light to reoccupy buildings va- Please turn to page A6 Senate Majority Leader
its chief engineering officer coronavirus pandemic. have added plexiglass barriers cated in March. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) billed
was leaving the company. B4 The move will affect nearly and other social-distancing “People are being rightfully  First subjects get Moderna’s Please turn to page A4
all of the roughly 200,000 full- protections, the risk of out- careful,” said William Rudin, coronavirus vaccine.................A6
time and contract employees breaks among workers re- chief executive of Rudin Man-  Miami Marlins’ virus outbreak  Fed’s outlook grows gloomier
World-Wide across Google parent Alphabet mains. agement Co. and head of one disrupts MLB’s return........ A14 over pandemic........................... A2

 Senate Republicans
rolled out a roughly $1 tril-
lion coronavirus relief pro-
posal, launching a race to
Vanguard Jumbo Rates
Lose Edge Grocers Bottle Their Own Milk
reach a deal with Democrats
on expiring unemployment
payments and other disputes
Challenges Rates on bigger loans now
lag behind smaller ones. B10 And Shake Up Dairy Industry
in the parties’ rival plans. A1
 Ex-Malaysian leader
Bond-Fund 30-year fixed interest rates*
Najib was convicted on all
seven charges he faced in
his first trial related to
Luminaries 4.0%

Bid for lowest possible prices hurts companies with premium brands
the 1MDB scandal. A7 BY MATT WIRZ 3.8 BY JACOB BUNGE AND JAEWON KANG which until last year was the largest U.S.
 U.S. coronavirus cases milk processor by sales, and Borden Dairy
rose by 55,000, the slowest Vanguard Group, the titan Americans’ thirst for cheap milk—and Co., another big producer, were sold this
daily pace since July 7, as of low-cost index funds, is 3.6 grocers’ rush to provide it—are remaking year after filing for bankruptcy in November
some states continued to coming after a fast-growing the centuries-old dairy industry. and January. Executives of both had blamed
struggle with a rising pocket of the money-manage- When supermarket shoppers reach for some of their struggles on grocers’ focus on
number of infections, hos- ment industry: actively man- 3.4 white gallon jugs these days, most of the cheap milk, often used as a loss leader.
pitalizations and deaths. A6 aged bond funds. time they grab a low-priced store brand. To “There are retailers who prefer to have
 Major League Baseball’s The firm’s investment dol- Conforming expand those offerings, major grocery retail- really aggressively low prices on milk be-
effort to stage a season amid lars in such funds pushed past ers, including Kroger Co., Walmart Inc. and cause it’s a great way to get people in the
the half-trillion mark for the 3.2 Albertsons Cos., have built their own milk- stores,” said Tony Sarsam, Borden’s former
the coronavirus pandemic
first time in June, a potential J F M A M J J bottling plants. chief executive. Private-equity firm KKR &
was dealt a blow following
a spate of positive tests on problem for competitors such *Through July 22 Grocers’ move into the bottling business Co. and Capitol Peak Partners LLC, an in-
the Miami Marlins. A14 as BlackRock Inc., Fidelity In- Sources: is threatening some of the biggest operators vestment firm headed by former dairy exec-
 National security adviser vestments, Pimco and West- in the $40 billion U.S. milk industry, the pur- utives, bought Borden out of bankruptcy
Robert O’Brien tested pos- ern Asset Management Co., veyors of national brands. Dean Foods Co., Please turn to page A10
itive for Covid-19 and is which have long dominated
working in self-isolation, bond investing.
the White House said. A4 Malvern, Pa.-based Vanguard
has made a number of hires in
New York Rats, Emboldened
 Barr, in congressional
testimony scheduled for
recent years to expand in areas
like emerging markets, short-
By Lockdowns, Have a New Foe
Tuesday, was set to issue a term corporate debt and pan- i i i
vigorous defense of the market, or “core bond” funds.
Trump administration’s de- Most of the nascent funds are Sundrop and other hunting dogs are taking
ployment of federal agents
in response to protests. A3
 State officials and the
USDA are investigating re-
small to midsize but are grow-
ing quickly, in large part be-
cause they charge much less
than the competition.
on the vermin, trash pile by trash pile
BY STEPHANIE YANG rats,” he said. “You uncover
Any data,
ports of people receiving un-
solicited packages of seeds
that appear to have mostly
originated from China. A3
Lower-cost bond funds are
particularly attractive now be-
cause the U.S. Federal Reserve
has cut interest rates close to
zero to soften the pandemic’s
the top of the trash can and
On the night of July 4, Elias there are like 20 of them in
Schewel and his dog, Sundrop, there, looking at you like
rummaged around a trash-rid- snakes in a pit.”
den street corner on Manhat- Mr. Schewel is among a
 A cease-fire between
Introducing PowerScale — built to
economic pain. Bond yields tan’s Lower East Side. small set of New Yorkers who
Ukrainian government forces have declined in lockstep. The In a flash, five rats darted hunt rats with their dogs. While unlock the power of your data.
and Russia-backed separat- yield of a widely followed out from under gar- most people shriek in terror
ists took effect, offering the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. bond bage bags, at the sight of New York Learn more at
prospect of an end to hostil- index fell to 1.15% last week, its and Sun- City’s least-popular
ities in eastern Ukraine. A9 lowest level in at least 20 years, drop emerged denizen, Mr. Schewel
according to data from FactSet. with one still and Sundrop,
CONTENTS Opinion.............. A15-17 “With rates where they are, squirming in his named for his
Arts in Review... A13 Personal Journal A11-12
Business News B3,5-6 Sports....................... A14 if you pay an extra 0.50 [per- mouth. sunny disposi-
Capital Journal...... A4 Technology............... B4 centage points] in fees, you “Good boy,” Mr. tion, go from
Crossword.............. A13 U.S. News............. A2-6 have to go a long way to make Schewel said as the dog You better run trash can to
Heard on Street. B12 Weather................... A13
Markets..................... B11 World News........ A7-9
up for it,” said Bob Brinker, placed the catch at his trash can ferret-
who publishes an investing feet before dashing off in pur- ing out vermin to catch and kill.
newsletter focused on bond mu- suit of another. Mr. Schewel Mr. Schewel even volunteers
> tual funds. “Overall I think it’s stomped on the rat’s head to their services to residents
really about cost, and Vanguard finish the job. whose neighborhoods are over-
is the leader.” About an hour later, eight run—no payment necessary. “I
Vanguard is already a dead rats lay on the flatbed of would never want to give
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
leader in funds that mimic Mr. Schewel’s truck. It had someone the false impression
All Rights Reserved preset indexes of stocks and been a slow night. that I can solve a problem,” he
Please turn to page A2 “It’s normally crawling with Please turn to page A10
A2 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Fed’s Outlook Grows Gloomier Nominee
Officials stress need confident spending money in- The Dallas Fed Mobility and lead to higher spells of ex- than before the pandemic. Cor-
Faces New
to curb the pandemic
so economic recovery
doors and gathering in large
The Fed isn’t likely to roll
Engagement Index measures
the deviation from normal
mobility behaviors induced by
tended joblessness, business
failure and stress on the bank-
ing system.
onavirus infections have accel-
erated in several large states
since mid-June, when the Labor
can be sustained
out new stimulus measures this
week but is debating how to
provide more support to the
the pandemic
National New York Texas
The economy will face “se-
vere economic consequences” if
the public health response
Department conducted its most
recent survey of payroll growth.
Real-time data tracked by
From GOP
BY NICK TIMIRAOS economy once the economic 50 doesn’t improve, Mr. Rosengren Fed economists suggested that BY NICK TIMIRAOS
outlook becomes clearer. It said. The Fed’s policy response strong gains in hiring in May
Federal Reserve officials could do this by adjusting its is “not going to be able to off- and June may not be sustained, Sen. Susan Collins (R.,
meet Tuesday and Wednesday purchases of Treasury and 0 set all the losses if we continue said Fed governor Lael Brainard Maine) said Monday she would
facing growing doubts about mortgage securities and by pro- to make serious public health in a speech July 14. join Sen. Mitt Romney (R.,
the prospect for a sustained viding more detail about what mistakes.” “Business leaders are getting Utah) in opposing the nomina-
economic rebound due to the conditions would lead it to con- –50 He said he is particularly worried. Consumers are getting tion of economist Judy Shelton
nation’s uneven public-health sider withdrawing stimulus. troubled about what could hap- worried,” Atlanta Fed President to the Federal Reserve’s board
response to the coronavirus. Fed officials have focused –100
pen in the fall, as college stu- Raphael Bostic said July 7 in a of governors.
Officials have warned this their recent comments on the dents return to campus from discussion hosted by the Ten- President Trump formally
month in speeches and inter- imperative of suppressing the around the country, younger nessee Business Roundtable. nominated his former eco-
views that the economy faces a virus by more aggressively –150 students go back to school, and “There is a real sense that this nomic adviser to a seat on the
deeper downturn and more adopting social-distancing mea- F M A M J J cold weather makes it harder might go on longer than we had seven-member board earlier
difficult recovery if the coun- sures, including wearing masks, for restaurants to operate out- hoped and we had expected and this year, and her candidacy
try doesn’t take more effective and by boosting the capacity to Note: Weekly values for the national index door dining. we had planned for.” cleared a significant hurdle
averaged zero for January and February; the
action to slow the spread of in- test, trace and isolate known in- minimum of the weekly averages is -100 for Regional data from the on- One risk for the Fed is that last week on a party-line vote
fection. fection cases. the national index in the week ended April 11 line reservations site OpenTable markets and the public expect in the Senate Banking Com-
Since the Fed’s mid-June “How well we follow the Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas shows the Northeast is the only it will fix problems its tools mittee.
policy meeting, virus infection health-care protocols from here part of the U.S. that saw an in- aren’t suited for, said former Republicans have a 53-47
rates have accelerated in many is going to be the primary eco- the summer much as they have crease in restaurant dining Fed governor Randall Kroszner. vote advantage in the Senate,
states that were among the nomic tool we have,” said Dal- in Europe. “Unfortunately, that through mid-July on a weekly “There is nothing the Fed meaning that Ms. Shelton can’t
first to encourage businesses to las Fed President Robert Kaplan is not the case,” he said in a basis, suggesting that consum- can do to bring back the airline afford to lose more than three
reopen. Business leaders and in a July 16 interview. July 8 interview. ers are more willing to dine at industry, to replace broken sup- Republicans if all Democrats
economists have warned that After the pandemic triggered The longer that infection restaurants in areas where the ply chains, to make people feel oppose her candidacy.
hard-hit industries such as widespread shutdowns in rates flare up, the harder it will virus is under control. comfortable going out to shop- The Senate hasn’t set a date
travel, entertainment and hos- March, Boston Fed President be for a range of industries that The economy added 7.5 mil- ping malls,” said Mr. Kroszner, for a vote on her nomination
pitality will face a more difficult Eric Rosengren said he had ex- employ millions of Americans lion jobs in May and June but who now teaches at the Univer- but Senate aides and a White
recovery if consumers don’t feel pected infections to recede by to recover. That, in turn, could still has 14.7 million fewer jobs sity of Chicago. House official said a vote was
possible by next week, before

lawmakers are scheduled to
leave Washington for their
summer recess.
Ms. Collins said she had se-
NEW YORK rious concerns about the nomi-
nation, citing statements Ms.
Trump Moves Again Shelton made last year that
To Shield Tax Returns were dismissive of the Fed’s
longstanding autonomy from
President Trump renewed his the White House in setting in-
efforts Monday to block a sub- terest-rate policy. Ms. Shelton’s
poena for his tax returns by the past writings have also ques-
Manhattan district attorney, de- tioned the need for a central
scribing the request as “patently bank.
overbroad” and amounting to “ha- “This is not the right signal
rassment of the President.” to send, particularly in the
In an amended complaint filed midst of the pandemic, and for
in Manhattan federal court, Mr. that reason, I intend to vote
Trump’s lawyers asked a federal against her nomination if it
judge to bar Manhattan District reaches the floor,” said Ms.
Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. from Collins.
taking any action to enforce the Mr. Romney last week said
subpoena, which sought years of he wouldn’t vote to approve
tax and other financial records Ms. Shelton.
from Mr. Trump’s accoun- Fed nominees have tradi-
tants, Mazars USA LLP, as part of tionally enjoyed at least some
an investigation into hush-money support from lawmakers in
payments made by Mr. Trump’s both parties, and party-line
former lawyer, Michael Cohen. confirmation votes have been
Monday’s filing follows the Su- rare. One of Mr. Trump’s other
preme Court’s ruling earlier this nominees, Christopher Waller,

month that rejected the presi- an economist at the St. Louis

dent’s claims of immunity from Fed, received support from all
the subpoena. The high court’s de- 13 Republicans and five of 12
cision left Mr. Trump to challenge Democrats on the Senate Bank-
the subpoena in district court. ing Committee last week.
Mr. Trump’s lawyers had indi- Ms. Shelton has been a
cated in a July 15 filing that they longtime proponent of a return
would seek to undermine the CLEANUP: Debris left by now tropical depression Hanna littered Weslaco, Texas, on Monday. The area was flooded as the storm dropped to the gold standard, which
merits of the subpoena and Mr. heavy rains and its remnants still threaten to bring flash flooding to waterlogged parts of South Texas and northern Mexico. would limit the Fed’s ability to
Vance’s investigation. influence inflation and employ-
Mr. Vance’s office is set to re- and other large events don’t de- ment recorded 39 shootings. HAWAII ing for the island of Kauai, the ment, and concedes that her
spond to Mr. Trump’s filing next volve into chaos, police said That was down from 41 the pre- final remaining hurricane warn- views are outside the main-
week. Monday. vious weekend, 50 the weekend Storm Heads North, ing in place for the state. There stream of economics.
—Rebecca Davis O’Brien Chicago Police Superintendent before that, and 87 during the Does Little Damage were no initial reports of injuries Senate Banking Committee
David Brown said “tenuous prog- long Independence Day weekend. and what damage there was ap- Chairman Mike Crapo (R.,
CHICAGO ress” has been made in the de- “Our citywide teams deployed Hawaii avoided a direct hit peared to be minor. Idaho) said last week Ms. Shel-
partment’s efforts to stem gun Thursday for the first Monday from Hurricane Douglas It is rare for hurricanes to hit ton had satisfactorily answered
Homicides, Shootings violence. day…helped cover more areas as the storm tracked just north the islands and their small size her critics during her February
Decline, Police Say There were three homicides that have seen spikes in violent of the islands. compared with the vastness of hearing. “I’m confident that
over the weekend, compared crimes,” Mr. Brown said. “Not only did it not make the Pacific Ocean plays a role. her deep understanding of the
Homicides and shooting inci- with 12 and eight the previous While protests took place in landfall, it skirted by the islands,” The hurricane’s rain showers Fed’s monetary policy tool kit,
dents have declined since Chi- two weekends and 17 over the the city over the past weekend, said National Weather Service “fell apart” with Oahu not re- monetary history and commit-
cago’s police force launched two July Fourth weekend, Mr. Brown none of them turned violent, Mr. meteorologist Chevy Chevalier. ceiving much rainfall, Mr. Cheva- ment to maintaining Fed inde-
units aimed at combating gun said. From 6 p.m. Friday until Brown said. The Central Pacific Warning lier said. pendence will serve the Fed
violence and ensuring protests midnight Sunday, the depart- —Associated Press Center lifted the hurricane warn- —Associated Press well,” Mr. Crapo said.

Vanguard $27 billion in the first half of
2020 to $506 billion, accord-
ing to a company spokesman.
is probably not the first name
that comes to mind,” said Jef-
frey DeMaso, director of re-
up in 2020.
Vanguard’s ultrashort fund
has been particularly attrac-

Fights Top Active bond funds managed by

BlackRock grew by about
$11 billion to $950 billion over
search at Adviser Investments,
a money manager that focuses
on mutual and exchange-
tive this year as a slightly
riskier alternative to money-
market funds, which now yield
Eight North Korean escap-
ees who had settled in South
Korea re-entered the North be-
In Betty Smith’s novel, “A
Tree Grows in Brooklyn,”
Francie Nolan’s father, Johnny,

Bond Funds the same period, according to

the company’s quarterly earn-
ings reports.
traded funds.
About five years ago, the
firm set out to change that by
close to zero because of the
Fed’s rate cuts, Mr. DeMaso
tween 2016 and 2018, Seoul’s
Ministry of Unification says. In
some editions Monday, a
is an Irish-American. An arti-
cle about the book in Satur-
day’s Off Duty section incor-
Vanguard has been steadily broadening the range of active The fund, which yields World News article about rectly identified Mr. Nolan as
Continued from Page One expanding its bond-fund menu bond funds it offers, said John about 1%, has grown to North Korea reporting its first an Irish immigrant.
bonds rather than trying to since the 2008 financial crisis Hollyer, global head of fixed $9.3 billion from $6.7 billion apparent Covid-19 case incor-
beat them by actively picking as aging investors shifted to- income at Vanguard. It at the start of the year, while rectly gave the number as nine. Notice to readers
specific securities. Investors ward fixed income and away launched an ultra-short-term Pimco’s comparable fund has Wall Street Journal staff
have flocked to index products from stocks. Investors have bond fund in 2015, and the shrunk and Fidelity’s has Regis Philbin attended the members are working remotely
because they charge less and, put about $1.5 trillion into core bond fund and an emerg- stayed unchanged, according University of Notre Dame. The during the pandemic. For the
by some measures, deliver bond mutual funds since the ing-markets bond fund in to Morningstar. The lowest- school was incorrectly called foreseeable future, please send
more consistent returns. Van- start of 2009 and pulled about 2016. cost shares in Vanguard’s Notre Dame University in an reader comments only by
guard’s push into active bond $1.4 trillion out of stock funds fund charge $1 per $1,000 in- obituary of Mr. Philbin in email or phone, using the con-
investing is a new front in the over the same period, accord- vested, compared with $4.50 Monday’s U.S. Watch. tacts below, not via U.S. Mail.
fee war between large asset ing to data from the Invest- for Pimco and $2.50 for Fidel-
managers as they trim their ment Company Institute, a
Its actively managed ity. Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
own profits to win more cus- trade group. bond funds grew by “It took decades for it to emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
tomers. The bulk of that growth happen on the index side and
Launched in 2016, Van- came from Vanguard’s primary
$27 billion in the Vanguard’s competitors are
guard’s core bond fund has be- business, index funds—rather first half of 2020. going to resist this, but I think THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
come one of its fastest-grow- than from active funds com- the direction, the gravitational (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
ing bond products, growing petitors such as bond power- pull, is for fees to come Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
60% in the first half of the house Pacific Investment Man- down,” Mr. DeMaso said. Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
year to $2.2 billion in assets. agement Co. specialize in. A Mr. Hollyer also recruited “Fidelity has a large, global Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
The fund costs investors $1 to Vanguard index fund de- outside talent, hiring Daniel research organization and de- Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
$2.50 annually per $1,000 in- throned Pimco’s flagship bond Shaykevich from BlackRock for cades of experience managing 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
vested depending on the share fund as the largest in the emerging markets, Sara De- fixed income funds, with $1.4 All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of
which are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of
class, compared with older world in 2015 and has roughly vereux from Goldman Sachs trillion in fixed-income assets the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s
and larger funds operated by doubled since then to $277 bil- Group Inc. and Anne Mathias of June 30, 2020, over $450 order. Only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
Western Asset, which charges lion. from Guggenheim Partners for billion consisting of both ac- Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
$4.20 to $15.20, and Black- Vanguard has managed ac- interest-rate strategy and tively managed and index Need assistance with your subscription?
Rock, which charges $3.80 to tive debt funds for decades, Arvind Narayanan from State bond funds,” a company By web:; By email:
By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
$14.30, according to data from primarily in municipal debt, Street Global Advisors for in- spokesman said. “Fidelity Con-
Reprints & licensing:
Morningstar Inc. but the business has been vestment-grade credit. servative Income Bond Fund By email:; By phone: 1-800-843-0008
Spokeswomen for Western slower to grow. The new funds are still rela- has performed well and we WSJ back issues and framed pages:
Asset and BlackRock declined “Vanguard is thought of as tively small, and Vanguard’s continue to see strong inves- Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
to comment an index shop, and when active bond funds account for tor interest in the fund.”
Vanguard’s actively man- you’re looking to buy an ac- about 8% of overall assets. A spokeswoman for Pimco GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
aged bond funds grew by tively managed bond fund, it Still, the rate of growth picked declined to comment.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A3


U.S. Probes Seeds Mailed From China

BY JESSE NEWMAN investigating packages received try of prohibited seeds and pro- similar packages, or have asked pests or disease, from an agri- across the state. The initial
in that state, said the USDA is tect agriculture from invasive residents to report any unsolic- cultural point of view, that is seeds, brought to a lab in Baton
State officials and the U.S. also investigating the matter. pests and noxious weeds. ited seeds they received in the our greatest concern.” Rouge, appear to be Chinese
Department of Agriculture are A USDA spokesperson said Mr. Strain said packages mail. They are urging people Mr. Strain said his depart- water lily seeds, Mr. Strain
investigating reports that hun- the agency’s Animal and Plant sent to Louisiana residents ap- not to plant the seeds. ment learned Friday that a resi- said.
dreds of people have received Health Inspection Service is pear to be from China and Uz- Officials are trying to iden- dent had received unsolicited Some state agriculture de-
seeds in the mail that they aware that “people across the bekistan, and that some were tify the seeds, which they seeds in the mail. Since releas- partments said the seed ship-
didn’t order. country have received unsolic- labeled to suggest they con- worry could be invasive plant ing the information publicly ments amount to the illegal
Agricultural officials across ited packages of seed from tained jewelry or toys. species, and threatening to na- that same day, the department practice of agricultural smug-
the U.S. have launched probes China in recent days.” The China’s Foreign Ministry tive plants and crops, or could has received phone calls from gling because they were inten-
after residents received unso- spokesperson said USDA is didn’t respond to requests for introduce diseases or be harm- more than 150 people in Louisi- tionally mislabeled to bypass
licited packages of seeds that working with the U.S. Depart- comment. Uzbekistan’s embassy ful to livestock. ana and other states, from Cali- U.S. customs. Importing seeds
appear to have mostly origi- ment of Homeland Security’s in Washington didn’t comment. “I don’t think anyone has de- fornia to Massachusetts, who typically requires they come
nated from China. Mike Strain, Customs and Border Protection Other departments of agri- termined what’s really going on received similar packages. from a certified source. Some
Louisiana’s commissioner of ag- and state agriculture depart- culture in states from Virginia here,” said Mr. Strain. “If they Field agents have begun col- seed recipients told officials
riculture and forestry, which is ments to prevent the illegal en- to Washington are investigating are invasive or contain plant lecting seeds from residents they had already planted them.

Barr Will Defend

Protests Policy,
Blast Russia Case
BY SADIE GURMAN protests were sparked by the
May killing of George Floyd by
Attorney General William Minneapolis police.
Barr will issue a vigorous de- Without citing specific cases
fense of the Trump administra- in his opening statement, Mr.
tion’s deployment of federal Barr plans to say that his deci-

agents in response to nation- sions haven’t been influenced

wide protests over racial injus- or directed by the White House
tice and of his leadership of or anyone else.
the Justice Department more “Ever since I made it clear
broadly when he testifies be- that I was going to do every-
fore Congress on Tuesday. thing I could to get to the bot-
According to prepared re- tom of the grave abuses in-
marks released late Monday, volved in the bogus
Mr. Barr will dispute accusa- ‘Russiagate’ scandal, many of
tions that he has repositioned the Democrats on this Commit-
the Justice Department to fa- tee have attempted to discredit
vor President Trump. Demo- me by conjuring up a narrative
crats plan to press him on a that I am simply the presi-
Crowds are again surging at demonstrations in Portland, Ore., following this month’s arrival of federal forces and violent clashes. number of matters, including dent’s factotum who disposes
his personal intervention in of criminal cases according to

All Sides Are Angered in Portland

criminal cases involving Mr. his instructions,” Mr. Barr
Trump’s allies. plans to say.
Republicans will seek to por- He was referencing special
tray Mr. Barr as a defender of counsel Robert Mueller’s inves-
BY MIRIAM GOTTFRIED age, lost sales and looting. for protesters to act peace- threats to send federal forces the rule of law striving to re- tigation of Russian election in-
AND ALEJANDRO LAZO Eric Murfitt, the controller fully. “It’s got to stop right into American cities.” The city store order both on the streets terference, which led to the
of Mercantile Portland, said now,” Mr. Wheeler said of pro- reported the arrest of dozens and inside the Justice Depart- convictions of five Trump ad-
PORTLAND, Ore.—Persis- owners of the high-end down- test violence. Yet the officers of people and injuries to 59 of- ment after investigations con- visers and the indictment of
tent and sometimes violent town clothing retailer were remain, along with growing ficers during weekend protests. sumed much of Mr. Trump’s two dozen Russians, including
demonstrations in a short awaiting resolution of what will numbers of demonstrators, The city council in Wash- first two years in office. Russian intelligence officers.
stretch of a city with a long likely be a $1 million insurance seemingly energized by the ington, D.C., last week ap- “My decisions on criminal Democrats plan to ask him
history of protests have made claim for stolen and damaged tear gas and rubber bullets proved a $15 million, or matters before the department about Mr. Trump’s decision
Portland a target of the politi- merchandise, broken windows from their new adversaries. roughly 3%, cut to the police have been my own, and they this month to commute the
cal left and right. and wrecked fixtures, the fall- Similar political tensions are budget, which some activists have been made because I be- sentence of his longtime infor-
Mayor Ted Wheeler and his out from an early protest. He surfacing in other cities. Seat- complained didn’t go far lieved they were right under mal adviser Roger Stone.
city council colleagues are in said he supports the fight for enough and Mayor Muriel the law and principles of jus- Mr. Barr intervened to seek
the middle, opposing the in- racial justice, but he blames Bowser said was too much. tice,” Mr. Barr plans to say in a lesser sentence for Mr.
tervention of federal agents Portland’s leaders for letting In Portland, Mr. Wheeler opening remarks. Stone, after prosecutors had
and caught between the con- the protesters go too far and
Mayor Ted Wheeler and his colleagues voted June He also intends to accuse filed a request that aligned
flicting demands of residents, holds federal agents responsible and the city council 17 to divert more than $15 mil- demonstrators of inciting vio- with sentencing guidelines for
business owners and protest- for turning them into martyrs. lion, or around 6%, from the lent clashes with federal agents Mr. Stone’s conviction for lying
ers who say the city has done “They’ve gotten a lot of
are caught between police budget for other public in Portland, Ore., and other cit- to Congress and witness tam-
too little or too much. sympathy from a lot of people, conflicting demands. services, a decision that failed ies and blame antipolice rheto- pering.
Mr. Wheeler stood before including Ted Wheeler,” Mr. to satisfy activists who wanted ric for spikes in urban crime. Democrats plan to press Mr.
protesters at the Multnomah Murfitt said. “None of that il- $50 million in cuts or to elimi- Trump administration offi- Barr on a range of issues dur-
County Justice Center last legal activity should have got- nate the department altogether. cials say federal agents were ing his first appearance before
week to show his support for ten sympathy.” tle Mayor Jenny Durkan, a By the end of June, the sent to Oregon to protect fed- the House Judiciary Commit-
police reform and his opposi- Justin King, who owns Democrat, faces a recall peti- demonstrations had largely eral property, but local officials tee, which was rescheduled
tion to the federal agents sta- Rooks Barbershop, said win- tion that alleges she failed to dwindled to a few hundred have demanded they leave, from March due to the corona-
tioned nearby. He got dows were broken three times restrain aggressive police tac- people, including those who questioning their authority to virus pandemic.
booed. Some yelled that he at his downtown store last tics at Black Lives Matter dem- officials say spray-painted make arrests and detain pro- “There is so much to cover,”
should resign, expressing an- month. Mr. King, who regularly onstrations, even after she al- graffiti, threw rocks, broke testers, sometimes while heav- said Rep. Madeleine Dean (D.,
ger over his oversight of Port- participates in demonstrations, lowed the temporary windows and set off fireworks. ily camouflaged and hard to Pa.), a member of the commit-
land police. A little more than said it happened “while I was establishment of a police-free Damage to federal buildings identify. tee. “Under his watch, I am
an hour later, the mayor was out getting tear-gassed. It was protest zone on city streets. On and statues prompted Mr. State leaders have also said gravely worried about the rule
tear-gassed by federal officers. pretty frustrating.” Friday, Ms. Durkan called for Trump on July 1 to authorize the tactics of federal agents of law and our precious Consti-
Businesses are complaining Mr. Wheeler has called for peaceful protests, citing Presi- the deployment of federal offi- have energized the protests tution…so there’s an awful lot
of millions of dollars in dam- federal officers to leave and dent Trump “making good on cers to Portland. rather than calmed them. The to ask.”

Manufacturing Picks Up, but Worries Linger


Orders for long-lasting U.S.

factory goods rose in June as
the economy continued its
climb back from disruptions
related to the coronavirus
pandemic, though a summer
surge in virus infections could
damp future gains.
New orders for durable
goods—products designed to
last at least three years—in-
creased a seasonally adjusted
7.3% in June from the previous
month, the second consecutive
monthly gain, the Commerce
Department said Monday.

Economists surveyed by The

Wall Street Journal had ex-
pected orders to rise 5.4%.
The auto sector was a big
driver. New orders for motor
vehicles and parts jumped
85.7% from the previous
Underlying figures were
more modest. New orders for New orders for motor vehicles and parts jumped 85.7% in June from the previous month.
nondefense capital goods ex-
cluding aircraft—a closely High Frequency Economics. salons to temporarily close less benefits, rising virus cases
watched proxy for business in- Manufacturers were already and later limited the number and renewed consumer cau-
vestment—rose 3.3%. caught up in trade disputes of customers. tion are likely to leave demand
Even with two consecutive between the U.S. and China. Separate data out last week muted and overall output be-
monthly gains, demand re- The coronavirus pandemic was suggested that factory activity low prepandemic levels for
mains well below prepandemic another blow, further disrupt- continued to grow into July. A some time, analysts said.
levels. Overall, new orders last ing supply chains while forc- survey of purchasing manag- “With the recovery in pro-
month were 15% lower than in ing some plants to suspend ers from data firm IHS Markit duction largely a response to
February, and core capital or- production and implement last week found that overall the rebound in consumption,
ders were down 3%. new safety measures. U.S. manufacturing output ex- by far the most important fac-
“The manufacturing sector It isn’t clear how robust panded for the first time since tor is how much the latter
remains exposed to weak de- growth will be in coming February as new orders ticked slows in response to the ongo-
mand, which will impact in- months. Factories haven’t up. ing wave of new infections,”
vestment and hiring decisions been as exposed to social-dis- Even so, heavy layoffs said Michael Pearce, senior
going forward,” said Rubeela tancing mandates that, for ex- across the economy, a poten- U.S. economist at Capital Eco-
Farooqi, chief U.S. economist at ample, forced restaurants and tial expiration of federal job- nomics.
A4 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Difficult Racial Debate Holds Seeds of Hope death has opened the door Rep. Bass responded at social and economic systems America,” Richard Rothstein cially, so did the Veterans
to a far more profound and first with a chuckle and a deep underlying inequities chronicles in detail how de- Administration when it be-
difficult national debate than simple: “Yikes,” as if to indi- that still exist, long after the cades of federal housing pol- gan helping finance the larg-
anyone could have imagined cate this question opened attitudes that created them icy affected the disparate ac- est housing boom in Ameri-
on the day he died eight the door to a tough area. in the first place may have cumulation of wealth in can history for soldiers
weeks ago. The topic of sys- changed. These effects are at America. returning from World War II.

temic racism is more com- t’s tough because the once both subtle and more Starting during the New So for decades govern-
plex than are questions lived experiences of far-reaching. Deal, the federal govern- ment policies explicitly
CAPITAL JOURNAL about simple racist behavior Black Americans and In her response, Rep. Bass ment, through its Home helped white Americans
By Gerald F. Seib or police overreach—and white Americans lead to pointed to the part of Ameri- Owners Loan Corp., began build housing capital and de-
much less given to easy con- such different perspectives. can life where the lingering underwriting mortgages to nied Black Americans the
sensus. Today, many white people effects of past actions are allow working-class Ameri- same opportunity. Such poli-
The searing summertime Yet the fact that this topic don’t see how there can be perhaps most clear: housing cans to keep their homes cies have long tails: They
debate over racial justice now has been laid out on the systemic racism when the policy. After World War II, during the Depression. also consigned Black people
isn’t really about George national table is why this nation put its most sweeping she noted, the federal gov- But the government to less-prosperous neighbor-
Floyd and his killing in po- difficult moment also might civil rights laws into effect ernment pumped millions of wanted to protect its invest- hoods with poorer schools,
lice hands in Minneapolis. hold more long-term hope more than half a century dollars into programs to ment by funneling funds to with effects that linger long
Virtually nobody anywhere for Americans of all races. ago, when affirmative action build houses to develop the relatively “safe” mortgages— after the policies themselves
on the political spectrum ar- The question was crystal- policies have been imple- soon-sprawling suburbs—but and decided that homes were changed.
gues that what happened to lized last week in a Wall mented to address past ineq- under policies that denied owned by white people, in “I don’t think it should be
him was just. Street Journal online ques- uities, when a Black man has those benefits to Black all-white neighborhoods, a guilt issue,” Ms. Bass said
The debate tion-and-answer session with been elected president—and, Americans. “So houses were were safer investments than in the Journal interview.
is about po- California Rep. Karen Bass, above all, when most white sold at a very, very cheap homes sold to Black people “Whoever it is who asked
lice behavior, who is both chairwoman of people genuinely believe rate that allowed for genera- or in mixed-race neighbor- that question, they didn’t
to some ex- the Congressional Black Cau- they aren’t racists them- tional wealth to be devel- hoods. have anything to do with
tent. But what cus and a potential running selves. America, they tend to oped in the white popula- this. This is the way the sys-

it’s really be- mate for presumptive Demo- believe, has made more gen- tion, and did not in the Black o mortgage assistance tem was created.”
come is a discussion of sys- cratic presidential nominee uine progress fighting rac- population,” she said. went out specifically to What this awful summer
temic racism, and what turns Joe Biden. ism than any nation on That is true—and in fact, help white people, not of 2020 has done, though, is
out to be a deep Black-white A listener presented a po- earth. is an injustice that actually Black people. When the Fed- given the country a new
divide over that broad topic: lite but pointed question: Do To many Black people, began even before the end of eral Housing Administration chance to recognize all
whether it still exists, what you have real, actual exam- that also is all true, but not World War II. In his 2017 was created to expand home- this—and figure out how, to-
it means, and what, if any- ples of systemic racism in the whole story. They see book “The Color of Law: A ownership to more Ameri- gether, to peel back some of
thing, to do about it. the U.S.? If so, what would the ways that the country’s Forgotten History of How cans, it simply adopted the the layers of historical racial
In that sense, Mr. Floyd’s you do to solve those? racist past has built into its Our Government Segregated same policies. Then, cru- imbalances and inequities.

Lewis Honored as Casket Reaches the Capitol National


tion’s capital paid its respects
to the late Rep. John Lewis,
the civil-rights leader whose
nonviolent tactics helped
usher in a landmark voting-
rights law aimed at bringing
an end to the Jim Crow era of
political suppression of Black
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D., Calif.) said the Georgia BY GORDON LUBOLD
congressman, who died July 17
at the age of 80, was part of “a WASHINGTON—National
pantheon of patriots,” noting security adviser Robert
at a Capitol Rotunda ceremony O’Brien has tested positive for
that he was lying in state on Covid-19, the White House
the same catafalque that had said.
held President Lincoln. “He has mild symptoms and
Mr. Lewis, who was jailed has been self-isolating and
and beaten in his bid to win working from a secure loca-
federal protection against tion off-site,” the White House
voter suppression tactics, had said. “There is no risk of expo-
cut a giant figure in the civil- sure to the president or the
rights movement and later in vice president. The work of
Congress. The youngest the National Security Council
speaker at the 1963 March on continues uninterrupted.”
Washington, he was attacked Mr. O’Brien is the most se-
by police in a 1965 march nior member of the Trump ad-
across the Edmund Pettus ministration to contract the
Bridge in Selma, Ala., but disease, though other, junior
preached humility and forgive- staffers have tested positive in
ness. He urged young people the past and recovered. It was
to make “good trouble,” a unclear how Mr. O’Brien, who
phrase that his Democratic became President Trump’s
colleagues embroidered on the fourth national security ad-
black masks they wore during viser in September 2019, con-

a socially distanced ceremony tracted the virus, officials

around his casket. said.
Even as Mr. Lewis ailed Although other officials in
from pancreatic cancer, Mrs. the White House wore masks
Pelosi noted, the congressman earlier in the pandemic, Mr.
appeared at a Black Lives Mat- O’Brien was one of the first
ter protest in the nation’s capi- top administration officials to
tal and “summoned the begin wearing a mask around
strength to acknowledge the The flag-draped casket of Rep. John Lewis was placed by a U.S. military honor guard at the center of the Capitol Rotunda on Monday. the White House grounds and
young people peacefully pro- on a recent trip to Phoenix.
testing and in the same spirit that Mr. Lewis had played in hardship, with the country in Mr. Lewis’s casket and Martin Luther King Jr. Memo- Mr. O’Brien’s illness was first
of that march taking up the working to stamp out the in- the midst of the coronavirus members of the late congress- rial and the Lincoln Memorial. reported by Bloomberg.
unfinished work of racial jus- justices of segregation. pandemic, gripped by deep man’s family were met by an The motorcade also paused Asked for comment later,
tice.” “History only bent towards partisan divides and in the honor guard as they arrived at along Black Lives Matter Plaza, Mr. Trump said he hasn’t seen
Senate Majority Leader what’s right because people shadows of social upheaval Joint Base Andrews, just out- a newly named street near the Mr. O’Brien lately.
Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), who like John paid the price to help stemming in part from the kill- side the capital, Monday White House that has been the His contraction of the virus
as a young congressional in- bend it,” Mr. McConnell said. ing of a Black man, George morning. They were escorted center of protests in Washing- comes as Mr. Trump has be-
tern had watched the 1963 The invitation-only event Floyd, while in the custody of into Washington for a funeral ton against racism and police gun to pivot toward a more
speeches, highlighted the role occurred at a time of national police. procession, pausing by the brutality. cautious posture with the pan-
demic, saying last week that
“it will probably, unfortu-

GOP Bill publicans just ran down the

clock and tossed an air ball,”
said Senate Minority Leader
have floated the idea of break-
ing off some policy items into
separate bills to try to pass
could run into technical difficul-
ties. Under this plan, the maxi-
mum federal addition to the
slated to get the cash this spring.
The first round of payments pro-
vided $500 for each child, but
nately, get worse before it gets
Larry Kudlow, the top

Sets Up Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.).

House Democrats passed a
$3.5 trillion virus aid package in
them more quickly, but House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.)
has rejected that approach.
state benefit would be $500.
Some state labor officials
warned that their systems may
Democrats want to raise that
amount to $1,200 per child for
up to three children per family.
White House economic ad-
viser, told reporters Monday
he believed that Mr. O’Brien’s

Aid Clash May, setting the Democratic po-

sition in negotiations for a fifth
bill. The first such measure
Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer
met with Treasury Secretary
Steven Mnuchin and White
not be able to quickly make the
necessary calculations to tie the
federal unemployment benefit
The GOP plan includes another
$500 for each child but would
expand the definition of depen-
daughter was ill first.
“I think it’s a light case. I
wish him well. He’s a very
passed and was signed in House chief of staff Mark Mead- to previous income. Republicans dents eligible for aid to include dear personal friend of mine,
Continued from Page One March, totaling $8.3 billion for a ows for nearly two hours Mon- are proposing granting states dependents over 16. he’s a fabulous colleague and a
the Republican proposal as the vaccine and state responses. By day evening, and Mr. Meadows that can’t update their systems The plan would expand a brilliant policy maker,” Mr.
appropriate response to the toll the end of March came a paid said they would meet again a waiver to continue offering worker-retention tax credit cre- Kudlow said.
the virus continues to take. “We sick-leave law followed by a Tuesday. The Democrats said the flat federal supplement. ated in March, allowing larger —Alex Leary
have one foot in the pandemic, $2.2 trillion rescue package. they were still reviewing the Democrats lambasted the credits per worker and letting contributed to this article.
and one foot in the recovery,” Then a fourth measure, to re- proposed change, citing the up to $30,000 of wages and
he said. plenish a popular small-busi- complexities of the payments benefits qualify instead of
Democrats criticized the GOP ness assistance program, and placing blame on the admin- $10,000. It would make more
proposal as offering too little passed Congress and was
The number and size istration for job losses. “There is employers eligible by requiring
aid and said Republican sena- signed by President Trump. of differences in the one reason people are still out of them to show less of a revenue
tors should have introduced The number and size of the work: President Trump’s failure decline to qualify. House Demo-
their plan earlier. “We’re run- policy differences between Re-
opposing plans make to get this pandemic under con- crats passed a more expansive
ning out of time. but Senate Re- publicans and Democrats will a quick deal unlikely. trol,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown worker-retention tax credit,
likely make it difficult to reach (D., Ohio). “And now as they which offers a larger credit that
a compromise on the next pack- suggest, we drop unemployment covers more wages.

age in just a few days. Republi- from $600 to $200—it’s not To help schools and universi-
cans struggled to tamp down Republican proposals. alarmist: People could lose their ties, Republicans proposed of-
differences in their ranks over The release of the GOP plan homes.” fering $105 billion to cover the
the new spending. Over the will begin talks with Democrats. State and local governments costs of operating during a pan-
weekend, Sen. Lindsey Graham The $600 weekly addition to un- would get no additional aid un- demic, with some of the aid
(R., S.C.) warned that half of the employment benefits approved der the GOP plan, but it would available only to schools that
GOP caucus wouldn’t support in March effectively ended for grant them more flexibility in plan to physically reopen.
the bill. millions of Americans this week- using existing federal assistance. Senate Democrats proposed
“You’ve got to thread the end, though it won’t officially Democrats allotted nearly $1 tril- allocating $430 billion for
needle,” he told reporters on expire until Friday. lion to state and local govern- schools—including $50 billion
Your Legacy Monday. “At the end of the day The Republican push to re- ments to fill budget gaps. for child-care facilities—to im-
Brought to Life we all have a need to pass jigger benefits so federal and Republicans proposed send- plement health measures and
Family Crest Rings - Research Included something.” state payments replace roughly ing another $1,200 check to the bolster education, whether in-
JOHN-CHRISTIAN.COM 888.646.6466 Top White House officials 70% of a worker’s former wages same Americans who were person or online. Robert O’Brien
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A5


Biden Targets
Firms That
Pay Little Tax
BY RICHARD RUBIN Trump’s 2017 tax cuts and ex-
tract money from corporations
WASHINGTON—Profitable if he wins the presidency and
companies like Democrats take full control of


Inc. could no longer use legal Congress. The argument for
breaks to drive their U.S. tax higher corporate taxes reso-
bills almost to zero under Joe nates with many voters.
Biden’s proposal to increase But critics say Mr. Biden’s
and overhaul corporate taxes. proposal could be counterpro-
On top of higher tax rates, ductive, partly because it
Mr. Biden would impose a 15% would discourage companies
minimum tax on profits re- from using tax breaks Congress
ported to investors, a move created to promote investment
that would limit companies’ in some of the very things the Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to impose a 15% minimum tax on profits reported to investors, on top of higher tax rates.
use of popular tax breaks. former vice president is trying
That minimum tax would raise to promote, such as renewable follows generally accepted ac- run, most differences between would fill in the gap (with cred- pay more taxes. The company
$400 billion over a decade by energy, low-income housing counting principles for recog- the two sets of books should its for foreign taxes and past fired back on Twitter.
the campaign’s estimate, and and manufacturing. nizing income and expenses. even out. In the short run, dis- operating losses). In effect, any- “You spent 3 decades in the
$166 billion according to the “It would be more straight- The other, reported to the In- crepancies can be significant. thing companies did to drive Senate & know that Congress
Tax Policy Center, a Washing- forward to decide what policy ternal Revenue Service pri- Mr. Biden would raise cor- their tax rates below the 15% wrote these tax laws to en-
ton group run by a former we want and enact it,” said vately, follows the tax code. porate taxes in several ways. level would be taken back. courage companies to invest in
Obama administration official. Michelle Hanlon, an account- The rules don’t always He would set the corporate tax The result: Many tax breaks the US economy,” it said. “As-
“Vice President Biden has ing professor at the Massachu- match, so companies can re- rate at 28%, up from 21%, and that Congress created could get sume your complaint is w/ the
been clear that it’s absolutely setts Institute of Technology. port significant profits on their he would increase taxes on clawed back. Mr. Biden’s pro- tax code, not Amazon.”
unacceptable for some of the Giving out tax breaks and then financial statements while pay- U.S. companies’ foreign in- posed policies, together with In 2019, Amazon reported
biggest companies in America, using a minimum tax to take ing little or no tax. For exam- come; those moves would gen- already scheduled tax increases, $14 billion in global pretax
like Amazon, to pay next to some of them back, she said, ple, accounting standards re- erate the bulk of the revenue. would drive the average federal profits. Under the corporate ac-
nothing in taxes,” said Michael is a “frankly kind of lazy way quire companies to spread Then his new minimum tax tax rate that companies pay up counting category known as
Gwin, a campaign spokesman. to do it.” capital investment costs over would kick in, using a different to 26.1% from 14.1%, according “current expenses,” it listed
He said the additional revenue How can profitable compa- multiple years, but tax rules let structure from the minimum to Cornerstone Macro, a Wash- $162 million for U.S. income
would go toward infrastruc- nies manage to pay little or no them deduct costs sooner, low- tax Congress repealed in 2017. ington research firm. taxes and $1.1 billion in foreign
ture, clean energy and other tax? They often do so because ering their tax bills now. If a company reported more Mr. Biden singled out Ama- taxes. Those numbers don’t
priorities. of the discrepancies between Rules for valuing and de- than $100 million in net income zon for criticism in May during necessarily reflect its 2019 tax
It is one way Mr. Biden two sets of books. One, re- ducting executive stock op- but paid less than 15% of that in a CNBC appearance, saying the bills, but they are the best pub-
hopes to reverse President ported to investors publicly, tions also differ. In the long taxes, the new minimum tax giant internet retailer should licly available approximations.

Notre Dame Pulls Out as Host of Presidential Debate

BY KEN THOMAS ocratic nominee Joe Biden, versity made the “difficult de- held at a performing arts cen- the university’s main campus The final presidential de-
will instead be co-sponsored cision because the necessary ter in downtown Miami. would help facilitate hosting bate will be held Oct. 22 at
WASHINGTON—The Uni- by Case Western Reserve Uni- health precautions would The Cleveland debate will the debate. Belmont University in Nash-
versity of Notre Dame on versity and the Cleveland have greatly diminished the be held at the Sheila and Eric The Cleveland Clinic said ville, Tenn. The vice-presiden-
Monday withdrew as host of Clinic in Ohio. educational value of hosting Samson Pavilion on the health the hospital will create risk- tial debate will be held at the
the first planned presidential The debate will be held at the debate on our campus.” campus, where students from mitigation procedures within University of Utah in Salt
debate in late September, cit- the Health Education Campus, The decision marked the the university’s schools of the pavilion, including audi- Lake City on Oct. 7.
ing the need for public-health a joint project between the second time that a planned medicine, nursing and dental ence size, distance among Case Western Reserve pre-
precautions because of the university and clinic, which is debate has been altered be- medicine learn and study to- seats and disinfectant mea- viously held the vice-presi-
coronavirus pandemic. serving as a health security cause of the pandemic. In gether. sures. The hospital said those dential debate in 2004 be-
The Commission on Presi- adviser to the nonpartisan de- June, the University of Michi- Case Western Reserve said plans, including whether an tween Republican Dick
dential Debates announced bate commission. gan pulled out as host of the it was “deep in Covid-19 prep- audience will be present, will Cheney and Democrat John
that the Sept. 29 debate, ex- The University of Notre second presidential debate, arations,” but its partnership depend on the status of the Edwards at the Veale Convo-
pected to feature President Dame’s president, the Rev. citing health concerns. The with Cleveland Clinic and the pandemic in the weeks lead- cation, Recreation and Ath-
Trump and presumptive Dem- John I. Jenkins, said the uni- Oct. 15 debate will instead be health campus’s distance from ing up to the debate. letic Center.

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Vaccine Volunteers Given First Doses Virus

BY PETER LOFTUS no, we are not going to com-
Cases Slow
Two of the most advanced
experimental coronavirus vac-
promise safety or efficacy,”
National Institutes of Health
Director Francis Collins said
But States
cines entered the pivotal
phase of their studies on Mon-
day, with the first subjects re-
on a conference call with re-
porters Monday. NIAID is part
of the NIH.
ceiving doses of Moderna The start of the Moderna BY ALLISON PRANG
Inc.’s vaccine and Pfizer Inc. vaccine trial is the latest sign AND JENNIFER CALFAS
readying to inject participants that the most advanced coro-
in its trial. navirus vaccine candidates are U.S. coronavirus cases rose
Researchers evaluating the moving into the final stages of by 55,000, the slowest daily
vaccines plan to enroll 30,000 testing, and could be ready for pace since July 7, as some
people in separate last-stage, wider use before year’s end if states continued to struggle
or phase 3 trials, results of results are positive. with a rising number of infec-
which will determine whether A vaccine co-developed by tions, hospitalizations and


the vaccines protect against the University of Oxford and deaths.
symptomatic Covid-19, and AstraZeneca PLC started a The U.S. accounts for about
whether they should be large study in May in the U.K., a quarter of the more than
cleared for widespread use. and is due to enter a phase 3 16.2 million cases world-wide,
Moderna’s two-dose vaccine study in the U.S. in August. according to data compiled by
will be administered at sites Another company expected Johns Hopkins University. The
across the U.S. The Cambridge, to be a major player in the nation’s death toll on Monday
Mass., company also received vaccine hunt, Johnson & John- neared 147,000.
an additional commitment of son, started dosing partici- Nationally, deaths haven't
up to $472 million from the A volunteer received a shot Monday as part of the trial of the NIH/Moderna coronavirus vaccine. pants in the first U.S. human surged in the same way that
federal government to support study of its experimental shot coronavirus cases have over
the large study, on top of the The new phase 3 trial, titled testing, countries are jockey- oped to target other patho- Monday. A larger, phase 3 the past month. The number
$483 million in funding earlier Cove, is being conducted at ing to secure enough shots, gens have failed in testing, study of J&J’s vaccine may of confirmed infections has
in the year for development, nearly 90 sites in the U.S., in- should they prove safe and ef- including in phase 3 trials. start in September. jumped 69% since June 27, to
testing and preparations to cluding many in states such as fective, and the supplies to U.S. officials said Monday it In the Moderna study, more than 4.2 million cases
manufacture at large scale. Texas where the virus has transport them. Last week, the was the fastest time from the about half of the volunteers from just over 2.5 million.
Moderna, which codesigned surged in recent weeks. U.S. agreed to pay Pfizer and design of a new vaccine to the will receive two shots of the During the same period,
the vaccine with the National Pfizer’s trial, which will be- BioNTech nearly $2 billion to start of phase 3 testing in the vaccine four weeks apart, deaths increased by about 17%,
Institute of Allergy and Infec- gin in the U.S. but expand secure 100 million doses of U.S. NIAID researchers helped while the other half will get from just over 126,000. Projec-
tious Diseases, previously re- overseas to include about 120 their experimental Covid-19 design the vaccine, code- two doses of a placebo. Re- tions from the Centers for Dis-
ported promising results of the sites, will evaluate a vaccine vaccine to provide to U.S. pa- named mRNA-1273, in January searchers will track whether ease Control and Prevention
first study of the vaccine, developed with partner BioN- tients free of charge. after the genetic code of the the rate of symptomatic estimate fatalities could rise
showing it induced immune re- Tech SE. No vaccine has proven to virus was posted to a public Covid-19 disease in the vacci- to between 160,000 and
sponses and was generally safe As vaccines proceed work safely against the coro- database. nated group is lower than in 175,000 by Aug. 15.
in a small number of people. through the final stages of navirus. Many vaccines devel- “Yes, we’re going fast, but unvaccinated people. Higher case counts in the
U.S. are partly attributable to
expanded testing across the
country, which is detecting
more mild and moderate cases,
particularly among young peo-
ple. A patchwork of rules and
regulations has contributed to
the resurgence of infections.
But at the state level, the
picture is more varied, and al-
though many mild cases are
being detected, hospitaliza-
tions and deaths are increas-
ing in numerous places.
In Texas, the number of re-
ported deaths has more than
doubled over the past month,
according to a Wall Street
Journal analysis of data from
Johns Hopkins. In Florida, they
have increased by 75%. In
more than 30 states, the
seven-day average of deaths is

outpacing the 14-day average

of deaths, a signal deaths over-
all are increasing, rather than
falling. The seven-day and 14-
day averages smooth out
anomalies that may be caused
by reporting fluctuations.
Total coronavirus cases in
Florida climbed above 432,000
People waited in line last month for free Covid-19 testing at the Mexican Consulate in Houston as the number of coronavirus cases in Texas climbed sharply. Monday, surpassing New
York’s tally, and giving it the

Rising Infections Likely Will Hasten Studies

second-highest number of in-
fections in the nation behind
California, according to Johns
Hopkins. Florida has reported
BY PETER LOFTUS much more quickly if we’re do- thought it could take many we might actually get a very where the virus is surging, and more than 8,900 new cases a
ing it in a situation where there months to accrue enough quick readout for vaccines,” is exploring the idea of testing day since July 9, according to
Surging coronavirus cases are a lot of infections.” Covid-19 cases among study possibly in October, Moderna it in countries including Brazil the Florida Department of
in the U.S. and abroad may More than 20 coronavirus subjects to yield answers be- Chief Executive Stephane Ban- and South Africa, Gregory Health. Deaths in the state
speed up the race to prove vaccines are in human testing, cause lockdown measures cel said in an interview. Glenn, president of research have topped 5,930.
whether experimental vaccines according to the World Health slowed the spread of the virus Moderna’s large study, and development, said. After saying it would
are effective. Organization. So far, small, and the hot summer weather which is being funded by the “A month ago, my group for change the methodology for
To demonstrate if a vaccine early studies of most advanced threatened to slow it further. federal government, will have sure was thinking the U.S. reporting coronavirus deaths,
works, a certain number of vaccines found they were gen- Researchers have faced 13 sites in Texas, for instance, might not be a good place to the Texas Department of State
study subjects must be exposed erally safe and triggered im- challenges testing experimen- compared with only three in do a trial because the disease Health Services reported
to the target virus so research- mune responses but weren’t tal vaccines for past infec- New York state, which was the could recede and come back in nearly 700 additional corona-
ers can see if significantly designed to prove whether center of the pandemic in the December,” Dr. Glenn said. virus-related fatalities in the
fewer vaccinated subjects be- they actually protected people. spring but has since seen a de- Now, “by all means we’re going state. There have been a total
come sick compared with those A series of large, final-stage cline in cases. to target the areas where we of 5,713 fatalities in the hard-
who didn’t get the shots. trials are getting under way
Vaccine trials usually For the study, researchers know there’s more disease.” hit state thus far, according to
When an outbreak wanes, it that, for the first time, will de- thrive in places plan to start counting two AstraZeneca PLC, which is death certificate data, the de-
can take longer to tell if a vac- cisively test whether coronavi- weeks after administration of codeveloping a Covid-19 vaccine partment said.
cine is working. But the recent rus vaccines prevent or reduce
where a disease is the second dose how many with the University of Oxford, New infections and fatali-
higher transmission rate for risk of Covid-19, including spreading rapidly. subjects get Covid-19 with was concerned that results for ties continued to increase in
Covid-19 could shave weeks or 30,000-person studies for vac- symptoms. Researchers will a large trial of their shot that California, which reported 29
even months off the timetable cines from Moderna Inc. and take a look at how vaccinated started in the U.K. in May new deaths and 6,891 new
for getting final study results from Pfizer Inc. and its part- subjects are faring compared would be delayed because of cases for Sunday. But Gov.
to mid- or late-fall, according ner, BioNTech SE, slated to tious-disease outbreaks for vi- with those getting a placebo at declining infection rates there. Gavin Newsom said the 14-day
to Anthony Fauci, director of start by the end of July. ruses such as Zika in 2016 various points, first when Now, AstraZeneca is count- rate of positive tests held at
the National Institute of Al- The new studies will be because they waned too soon there are 53 cases among all ing on a big trial scheduled to 7.5%, the same as it was on
lergy and Infectious Diseases. “event-driven,” which means for the definitive testing. participants, and then at 106 begin in the U.S. in August to Friday, and that the number of
“No one wants to see people researchers expect to learn But Covid-19 counts are ris- and 151 cases, Moderna said. get quick results because of overall cases is increasing at a
get infected and suffer and even whether the vaccines are ing in countries such as Brazil, Novavax Inc., which started rising case counts. The com- slower rate than it was two
die,” Dr. Fauci said in an inter- working once a certain num- Peru and South Africa. Cases the first human study of its ex- pany said its criteria for se- weeks ago.
view. “But in fact, if that is oc- ber of study subjects come also have flared in parts of the perimental vaccine in Australia lecting study sites include “It’s progress indeed, but
curring, we could get a vaccine down with Covid-19. U.S. since mid-June. “Because in May, is planning to run a places where there is a high more progress needs to be
answer to efficacy and safety Initially, researchers of the bad situation in the U.S., larger U.S. study in places amount of disease. made,” said Mr. Newsom.

Google to sign full-year leases elsewhere

if they choose to move.
“I know it hasn’t been
back the time frame. Google’s
move, however, takes it be-
yond many peers.
of the employees who work in
downtown office buildings
managed by office colossus
on the other hand, may lend
themselves more easily to re-
mote working. “Collaboration
Twitter has told employees
they may work from home in-
definitely if they choose.

Keep Staff easy,” Mr. Pichai wrote in a

note to staff Monday, after
The Wall Street Journal re-
Microsoft Corp., for one,
has told staff in cities such as
New York that they may re-
CBRE Group Inc. have re-
turned from sheltering in
place from the pandemic. The
is certainly important,” Mr. Bi-
asi said. “But a coder does not
get a competitive advantage
Alphabet’s Mr. Pichai has
been interested in learning
about the health and social

Remote ported the impending exten-

sion. “I hope this will offer the
flexibility you need to balance
turn to the office as soon as
this fall. Inc.’s
remote work order expires at
figure, as of last week, was
based on unique card swipes
at security turnstiles.
from receiving information
quicker than a coder in an-
other firm.”
ramifications of the novel cor-
onavirus, even before health
officials declared the virus’s
work with taking care of your- the end of the year. Apple Inc. CBRE manages 20 million Some tech firms have been spread a global pandemic. He
Continued from Page One selves and your loved ones opened, and then closed, some square feet of space in Man- circumspect. October would be began reading research pa-
sion himself last week after over the next 12 months.” of its retail stores. hattan. the earliest that Microsoft pers on the virus in January
debate among Google Leads, The extended timeline ap- Facebook Inc. Chief Execu- Workplace experts say fi- would reopen its New York of- and spearheaded the initial
an internal group of top execu- plies to company employees in tive Mark Zuckerberg has said nancial-services firms, espe- fices, pandemic dependent. March decision to close com-
tives that he chairs, according most of its major offices, in- he expects half of the social cially those in businesses that For now, “we continue to rec- pany offices.
to a person familiar with the cluding the headquarters of network’s employees to work require sophisticated trading ommend that most employees Google has partially opened
matter. A small number of Mountain View, Calif., and from home in the next decade. floors and other technology work remotely,” a Microsoft some smaller offices in coun-
Google staffers were notified other offices in the U.S., U.K., The uncertainty has up- that can’t be replicated in spokeswoman said last week. tries relatively unaffected by
later in the week, people fa- India, Brazil and elsewhere. ended the housing market in most home offices, have a Other companies haven’t the pandemic, such as Austra-
miliar said. Until now, Google had told the San Francisco Bay Area stronger incentive to return decided yet when to have lia, Greece and Thailand.
Mr. Pichai was swayed in its employees to expect a re- and elsewhere, as employees workers to offices. workers return to the office. Mr. Pichai wrote Monday,
part by sympathy for employ- turn to the office beginning in consider alternative living ar- “In a digital age, speed is A Twitter Inc. spokes- “We are still learning a lot
ees with families trying to January. rangements outside the expen- key, and working from home woman said the company from our experiences of work-
plan for uncertain school years Silicon Valley technology sive metropolitan areas where will slow down the process,” doesn’t have a definitive open- ing from home and will use
that may involve at-home in- companies were early to send major employers are often said Joseph Biasi, an analyst ing date and will return to that knowledge to inform our
struction, depending on geog- workers home in March, and based. with data firm CoStar Inc. only 20% capacity when it approach to the future of work
raphy. It also frees staff to they have steadily pushed In New York City, only 8% The jobs at tech companies, does. at Google.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * * Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A7

Virus Creeps Back Amid Missteps Malaysian
Japan, Hong Kong and
Australia see new
waves of infections as
Guilty in
regulations are relaxed Fund Case
Australia reported only a BY CHESTER TAY
handful of new coronavirus
cases in early June, while Hong Former Malaysian Prime
Kong went three weeks with- Minister Najib Razak was found
out a single locally transmitted guilty Tuesday on charges of
infection that month. Japan al- money laundering, abuse of
ready had lifted a state of power and criminal breach of
emergency in May after the trust stemming from events
number of new cases dropped during his tenure as leader of
to a few dozen nationwide. the Southeast Asian nation.
Mr. Najib was convicted in
By Philip Wen in a court in Kuala Lumpur on
Melbourne, Australia, all seven charges he faced re-
and Joyu Wang in lated to his involvement with
Hong Kong a unit of the country’s trou-
bled state investment fund
All three reported new 1Malaysia Development Bhd,
high-water marks in daily in- or 1MDB. Among other things,
fection numbers in the past prosecutors alleged that Mr.
week, showing how difficult it Najib illegally received 42 mil-
can be to keep the virus at bay, lion ringgit ($9.9 million)
even in places lauded for tak- from the unit.
ing early and decisive action. Mr. Najib was convicted on
The number of infections in three counts of money laun-

these three spots are still small dering, three counts of crimi-
in comparison with the world’s nal breach of trust and one
hardest hit countries, but the count of abuse of power. The
fresh waves demonstrate the charges each carry maximum
tricky balancing act authorities penalties ranging from 15 to
face as they attempt to reopen A health worker collected a swab sample on Monday from a taxi driver at a makeshift Covid-19 testing station in Hong Kong. 20 years in prison.
their economies. The former leader has pre-
One misstep quickly can members failing to adhere to new cases were young people spend and revive the economy. late January, and then a sec- viously denied wrongdoing.
undo the gains from weeks of infection-control procedures at linked to entertainment dis- On June 16, city authorities ond wave in March as people Mr. Najib, who led Malaysia
closures, and public-health ex- hotels housing travelers re- tricts, and that more gather- lifted restrictions on indoor returned from overseas. for a decade until his election
perts say some complacency turning from overseas. Author- ings in general have contrib- gatherings, restaurants and Hong Kong has tightened loss in 2018, still faces multi-
and fatigue with social-dis- ities haven’t said what the na- uted to the spread. gyms. New local infections regulations following the lat- ple charges in a separate trial
tancing restrictions is inevita- ture of the protocol breaches Asked about the second ceased—until July 5. Since est outbreak—starting July 29, relating to alleged wrongdoing
ble during a long pandemic. were, but they are the subject wave, a spokesman for Prime then, Hong Kong has racked travelers from the U.S. will be at 1MDB, which he also denies.
In Australia, the southeast- of a judicial inquiry. Minister Shinzo Abe referred up more than 1,300 new cases, added to a list of high-risk U.S. investigators say more
ern state of Victoria recorded “We were so close to having to a statement Wednesday in 87% of them locally transmit- countries, requiring them to than $4.5 billion was stolen
484 new cases on July 22, eliminated it from the whole which he defended the govern- ted. Within days of the cash provide a negative test before from the fund between 2009
eclipsing a nationwide high set of Australia,” said Adrian ment’s balancing of economic handouts reaching residents, flying and proof they have and 2014 and laundered
in March. By Monday, the Esterman, professor of biosta- reopening and virus preven- renewed social distancing saw booked a hotel for their quar- through a variety of bank ac-
state’s daily infections had tistics at the University of tion. “The situation is signifi- fresh closures or restrictions antine before boarding flights. counts, giving rise to one of
climbed to 532—with most in South Australia. “We were a cantly different from what we on gyms, bars and restaurants. “The problem is we have a the largest financial scandals
the capital, Melbourne. “We re- fingernail from doing it.” saw under the state of emer- Epidemiology experts say lot of exempted persons,” said in history.
ported only two cases on June Japan has seen a similar re- gency in April,” because most they believe missteps by the Leung Chi-chiu, chairman of On Friday, Goldman Sachs
9, less than six weeks ago,” surgence. The seven-day aver- of the new cases involve government, such as exemp- the Hong Kong Medical Asso- Group said it would pay $2.5
said Michael Kidd, Australia’s age for daily new cases in To- young people and hospitals tions for some foreign arriv- ciation’s advisory committee billion to Malaysia for its role
deputy chief medical officer. kyo more than quadrupled this aren’t overwhelmed, he said. als—including pilots, airline on communicable diseases. Be- in the 1MDB scandal. Goldman
Victoria has accumulated some month to 258 as of Sunday. Facing the prospect of a and cargo-ship crew—from tween April and mid-July, at raised $6.5 billion for 1MDB
7,000 new cases since June 9. Across Japan, there were a re- protracted recession after a testing or the 14-day manda- least 161,000 arrivals in Hong through three bond sales in
The state’s chief health offi- cord 981 cases recorded Thurs- year of antigovernment pro- tory quarantine, were factors Kong were exempted from 2012 and 2013, much of which
cer, Brett Sutton, said this day. The government has again tests followed by the pandemic, in the latest wave of coronavi- testing and having to quaran- U.S. authorities say was stolen
month it is conceivable that moved to secure hotel rooms Hong Kong’s government gave rus. The city contained an ini- tine, official figures show. by a Malaysian government
most, if not all, cases there to quarantine the infected. every adult permanent resident tial outbreak brought by visi- —Miho Inada in Tokyo adviser, Jho Low. Mr. Low’s
could have stemmed from staff Officials said many of the $1,290 to encourage people to tors from Wuhan, China, in contributed to this article. whereabouts is unknown.


Jewel Burks Solomon

General Partner, Collab Capital
Head of Google for Startups, U.S.,

Race and Progress

At Work Aurora James
Tomorrow, July 29 | 5:00–7:00 P.M. ET Creative Director & Founder,
Brother Vellies
Founder of the 15 Percent Pledge
Women, particularly Black and Hispanic women,
are bearing the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic. And
the recent killing of George Floyd has also left Black
professionals struggling to bring their full selves to work.

Join us to learn how companies can stay committed to

equity and inclusion in challenging economic times.
Lauren Maillian
CEO, digitalundivided


Ai-jen Poo
Co-Founder and Executive Director,
National Domestic Workers Alliance

© 2020 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ7969
A8 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Cases Surge in Spain,

Threatening Tourism


U.K. imposes two- cently started to recover—may has been attempting to negoti-
suffer another hit. EasyJet ate a quarantine waiver for
week quarantine on PLC dropped 8%, Deutsche Luf- British tourists returning from
travelers arriving thansa AG lost 5% and Ryanair holidays in Balearic and Ca-
Holdings PLC shed 3.9%. nary Islands, two popular des-
from the nation TUI U.K., part of tour opera- tinations. The U.K.’s Depart-
tor TUI, said it would cancel ment of Transport didn’t
A surge in new coronavirus all holidays to mainland Spain respond to a request for com-
cases in Spain is threatening until Aug. 9 because of the ment.
the recovery of its vital tour- new quarantine requirements “Spain is a safe country.
ism sector and underscoring imposed on travelers returning Like other European countries
the fragility of the country’s from Spain, which the U.K. it has new outbreaks. This isn’t
hard-fought gains in bringing said was needed to stem a rise unusual,” said Foreign Affairs
the virus under control, after of infections there. It made its Minister Arancha González on
being among the hardest hit in move after Spain’s national Sunday. “The most important British tourists check in for a flight to London at the airport in Palma de Mallorca on Monday.
the West earlier this year. health ministry reported 2,255 thing is that Spain is making
new cases on Friday, following big efforts to control these The Spanish Health Minis- larger European countries. The berto Pino, the hotel’s restau-
By Giovanni Legorano its report of 2,615 new cases outbreaks, a big effort to iden- try said that the situation tourism sector, which ac- rant manager.
in Rome and María on Thursday. On Monday, tify coronavirus cases.” hasn’t differed from other counted for 14% of Spain’s The U.K.’s quarantine deci-
Martínez in Barcelona Spain said new cases swelled Spanish health authorities countries. gross domestic product last sion will likely stem the flow
to 6,361 between midday Fri- are blaming the behavior of “The virus isn’t circulating year and provides a similar of guests. “We are a hotel cen-
The increase in infections— day and the same time Mon- Spanish youths as one of the only in Spain, but everywhere. proportion of the country’s tered on British tourists,” Mr.
and the U.K.’s abrupt decision day. main reasons for the recent In almost all countries around jobs, was preparing for a re- Pino said, adding that 85% of
to impose a two-week quaran- “I understand that it is dis- surge in new infections. us there are outbreaks of ma- bound from the loosening of their clientele comes from the
tine on travelers arriving from ruptive for those who are go- “Certain generations ha- jor or minor relevance. What travel restrictions in the EU. U.K.
Spain—points to the economic ing through this who are in ven’t remained vigilant,” said matters is keeping new cases That is now in jeopardy. With summer hopes fading,
costs if the virus begins to Spain or who have been con- Fernando Simón, director of under control,” the ministry Hotel Yaramar on the coast the hotel is already refocusing
spread widely again as Europe- sidering going to Spain but we the center for health alerts and said in a reply to a request for of Spain’s southern Andalusia on the winter season, when the
ans begin to shop, dine out must be able to take swift, de- emergencies at the Ministry of comment. region was among the busi- share of British tourists typi-
and travel over the summer cisive action to protect the Health, referring to the in- Spain had high hopes that nesses hoping to benefit. The cally rises to 90% as they es-
and fall following lengthy U.K.,” British Foreign Secretary crease in cases among young the peak tourist summer sea- four-star hotel opened last cape the rain and cold of the
spring lockdowns. Dominic Raab said in com- people attending social gather- son would help recover some week after being shut for much U.K.
Shares in European airlines ments broadcast on Sky News ings or taking part in the coun- of its economic losses this of the year and of its 500 “The summer season is al-
fell sharply Monday after the on Sunday. try’s nightlife. year. The economy shrank by rooms, 19% were booked for most lost, but we hope we will
British quarantine decision, The Spanish government Mr. Simón added that other 17% in the second quarter of the rest of July and 37% for have a stronger winter,” Mr.
with markets rattled by wor- defended the country as a safe cases were imported by tem- the year, according to Euro- August. Pino said.
ries that the European tourist holiday destination where the porary workers or by interna- pean Union estimates, the “The summer was going —Valentina Pop in Brussels
season—which had only re- epidemic is under control, and tional tourists. worst contraction among the better than expected,” said Al- contributed to this article.

Nicaraguan Doctors Who Spoke Up Are Fired Duterte

Quant, an infectious-disease
specialist at a Managua public
For Access
hospital, was fired in early
June after he organized a group
of like-minded colleagues to tell
To Vaccine
Nicaraguans how to protect BY NIHARIKA MANDHANA
themselves from the new coro-
navirus. Philippine President Ro-
Since then, at least an addi- drigo Duterte said he has
tional 21 doctors in Nicaragua— asked China for help in getting
the second-poorest country in access to a coronavirus vac-
the Western Hemisphere, after cine as governments around
Haiti—have been purged, losing the world make arrangements
their jobs in public hospitals to secure supply for their citi-
across the country, according to zens ahead of what is expected
testimony from doctors and to be a global scramble for the
medical associations. Two oth- much-awaited shots.
ers resigned. In an address Monday, Mr.
Doctors say the firings are Duterte, who has favored close
retaliation by Nicaragua’s au- ties with Beijing, said he had
thoritarian president, Daniel made a plea to Chinese Presi-
Ortega, and his wife, Vice Presi- dent Xi Jinping that the Phil-
dent Rosario Murillo, for calling ippines be one of the first to
attention to the pandemic. receive the doses if China has
Nearly all of the fired doctors, them. He also asked Mr. Xi to
including Dr. Quant, signed grant Manila credit to pur-
public letters asking the gov- chase vaccines for the South-
ernment to confront the coro- east Asian country of nearly
navirus threat and calling for 110 million people.
protective equipment for “How to get [vaccines] from
health-care workers. the producers or from other
“The crime is raising your governments is really some-
voice, calling for measures to thing which we have to deal
contain the virus, and helping with because it’s a global need
doctors to get protective equip- and everyone will go for it,”
ment,” says Dr. Quant, who was Doctors who were fired from hospitals for asking officials for protection against the coronavirus and warning the public about the disease Mr. Duterte said.
fired June 4 from the Roberto protested last month before filing a demand for reinstatement. Below, infectious disease specialist Carlos Quant was among those fired. A world-wide race is afoot
Calderón Hospital. to achieve the scientific break-
Human-rights groups such through that would help coun-
as Amnesty International, Hu- Health Workers and criticism mounted, Nicara- let go from jobs in public hospi- tries immunize their popula-

man Rights Watch and the Of- gua’s government published a tals for taking care of Nicara- tions and reap economic and
fice of the United Nations High Previously Targeted white paper accusing its do- guans injured in protests against geopolitical benefits.
Commissioner for Human mestic foes, allied with U.S. in- the Ortegas that at one point State-owned China National
Rights have protested the fir- telligence agencies, of waging a threatened to topple the regime. Pharmaceutical Group, also
ings. Ninety writers, artists and In late March, pro-govern- disinformation campaign to un- At least 300 people died in the known as Sinopharm, recently
intellectuals led by Peruvian ment media ran antimask proc- dermine the Ortega govern- protests, most of them killed by said clinical trials that began
Nobel Prize winner Mario Var- lamations. One, in the Sandi- ment. “They have seen in the security forces. this month should be com-
gas Llosa wrote a letter to Mr. nista newspaper Barricada, said: pandemic a great opportunity “The regime considers the pleted in roughly three months,
Ortega protesting the firings. “The coup plotters have taken to scare and misinform the doctors to be coup plotters in paving the way for a vaccine to
“It’s a crime to politicize medi- off their masks and put on people…and corrode confidence white coats,” says José Antonio go to the market this year. The
cine, especially in the middle of their surgical masks.” A pro- in the government,” it said. Vásquez, a surgeon who was U.S. has agreed to
this terrible pandemic,” the let- government radio announcer It isn’t the first time that fired in 2018 in the wake of the pay Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE
ter said. called Covid-19 “the Ebola of doctors have come under fire protests. “They fired them to nearly $2 billion to secure 100
The government has ignored the rich and the white. A lot of from the Ortega government. In send a message to other doc- million doses of their experi-
the criticism. Neither Ms. Mu- rich people are dying.” 2018, more than 400 physicians, tors, to terrorize them: If you mental Covid-19 vaccine should
rillo, who serves as the spokes- In May, as deaths surged nurses and health workers were talk, you will lose your job.” it be approved by regulators.
woman for the government, nor More than 80,000 Covid-19
Nicaragua’s health ministry re- cases have been reported in
sponded to requests seeking tively covered up the extent of Health Organization, the U.N.- During the past few weeks, leader. The gathering to mark the Philippines, whose econ-
comment. the pandemic, and gone after affiliated group, to access hos- the virus’s upward curve ap- the anniversary of the 1979 tri- omy is hurting from a strict
The offensive against doc- those who try to counter its pitals. And it provides no infor- pears to have leveled off, but umph over the late dictator An- lockdown and the global down-
tors is only part of the Nicara- narrative, according to local mation on the results of the the lack of reliable statistics astasio Somoza was a far cry turn. Mr. Duterte said Monday
guan government’s broader ap- doctors and health experts. tests it gives, making it impos- makes it impossible to get a from previous years, when as he would prioritize saving
proach to the pandemic that As of July 21, the Nicaraguan sible to have a clear idea of the clear picture of the pandemic, many as 300,000 people lives and hold off on measures
health experts say has been se- health ministry had reported state and path of the pandemic. local doctors and international jammed together for the cele- such as reopening schools un-
cretive and erratic. Nicaragua 3,439 coronavirus infections health experts say. bration. til a vaccine becomes available.
didn’t shut down, and the coun- and 108 deaths for the country In recent days, Mr. Ortega’s A few days after Dr. Quant Officials in his administra-
try didn’t implement social-dis- of 6.5 million people. Doctors government appears to have was fired in early June, María tion said the country wants to
tancing measures. Its public say the death figure is absurdly
The regime’s made a grudging nod to the Lagos lost her job. Dr. Lagos make sure it can get vaccines
schools and universities never low. “I personally know 10 peo- approach to the grim realities of the coronavi- says she was the only pediatric no matter which global power
closed—except for an extended ple who have died of Covid,” rus, which is widely believed to pulmonary specialist in Estelí, a is the first to make one avail-
midyear vacation. They re- says Leonel Argüello, an epide-
pandemic has been have killed a number of govern- city in northern Nicaragua that able, including the U.S., whose
opened last week. miologist in Managua. secretive and erratic. ment officials and ruling-party is experiencing a serious out- relationship with the Philip-
Officials in the governing An independent organiza- members. break. pines has grown more turbu-
Sandinista National Liberation tion, the Citizens’ Covid-19 Ob- “They didn’t take it seri- She has distributed protec- lent under Mr. Duterte.
Front party eschewed masks. servatory, made up of doctors ously,” says Dora María Téllez, tive equipment to personnel Pandemic-linked factors in
And instead of banning mass and health workers, has kept its “We continue to be very who was once a Sandinista and patients at her hospital. part drove Mr. Duterte to sus-
gatherings, the government own tally from the records of concerned about Nicaragua’s commander but is now an Or- Because masks were seen by pend his decision to end a key
continued to promote festivals, hospitals and doctors. As of response to the coronavirus,” tega foe. She says about 200 the government as politically military pact with the U.S. His
sporting events and political July 22, it listed 8,755 cases of the organization said. government, security and party incorrect, Dr. Lagos says she government announced the
rallies, including one in March suspected infection, and 2,487 For weeks in May and June, officials have died from was the only doctor at the San scrapping of the Visiting
called “Love in the Time of deaths—roughly 23 times the hospitals were overwhelmed. Covid-19. Juan de Dios Hospital using Forces Agreement, considered
Covid-19,” during which thou- official number of deaths. That Nicaraguan cities became the On July 19, Mr. Ortega wore one. She says she was fired be- a cornerstone of the nations’
sands of Sandinista supporters would put Nicaragua’s per cap- scene of what are known as ex- a mask publicly for the first cause she distributed masks. alliance, in February, starting a
walked more than a mile on one ita death toll at 38 for every press funerals, in which bodies time since the start of the pan- “They had prohibited the use of 180-day period at the end of
of Managua’s main avenues. 100,000 people, the 13th-high- of Covid-19 victims were demic, as he presided over an surgical masks because they which the termination would
Since then, even as coronavi- est in the world. rushed to cemeteries in the outdoor gathering of about 800 said the virus only went after take effect. In early June, how-
rus cases and deaths have Nicaragua hasn’t allowed middle of the night for quick, Sandinista youths, who sat in a rich people, and it wasn’t going ever, Mr. Duterte suspended
risen, the government has ac- doctors from the Pan American sparsely attended funerals. large circle far away from the to enter Nicaragua,” she says. the termination for six months.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A9


U.S. Differ
Tenuous Truce Begins in Ukraine

On Space MOSCOW—A cease-fire be-

tween Ukrainian government

Security forces and Russian-backed

separatists took effect Monday,
offering the prospect of an end
BY MICHAEL R. GORDON to a slow-burning conflict that
has claimed thousands of lives
WASHINGTON—The U.S. in Eastern Ukraine and become
and Russia on Monday held a flashpoint between Moscow
their first space-security talks and the West.
since 2013, with the two sides Presidents Vladimir Putin of
wrestling with how to guard Russia and Volodymyr Zel-
against the increasing militari- ensky of Ukraine spoke hours
zation of space. before the armistice was


Trump administration offi- scheduled to begin, their of-
cials hoped that the meeting fices said. The settlement, ne-
in Vienna would lead to the gotiated last week by Ukraine,
establishment of a set of vol- Russia and the Organization
untary norms for operating in for Security and Cooperation
space and possibly a new com- in Europe, is the latest of sev-
munications channel to link eral initiatives to end fighting
space officials on each side. that began in 2014 following
But Russia has advocated a the ouster of pro-Russian
different approach: A formal President Viktor Yanukovych.
treaty against the placement Points of friction remain,
of weapons in space, reflecting including Russia’s control of
Moscow’s longstanding push Ukraine’s Black Sea peninsula
to head off a potential U.S. ef- of Crimea and Kyiv’s resis-
fort to develop space-based tance to holding elections in
antimissile defenses. That has separatist strongholds of the A member of the Ukrainian military was posted on the front line near the town of Novotoshkivske in the Luhansk region on Sunday.
left it unclear if the two sides east during a planned vote,
can find common ground. Nei- jeopardizing the cease-fire’s talks brokered by Germany Donetsk and Luhansk called and Pope Francis on Sunday was ousted and replaced by
ther side issued a statement prospects for success. and France in 2015. the Ukrainian officer’s state- said that he was praying for it pro-European politicians.
following the conclusion of the With camps on both sides Lt. Gen. Volodymyr ment a provocation, the Rus- to hold. In December, peace talks
one-day meeting. profiting politically from the Kravchenko, Kyiv’s top mili- sian news agency Interfax re- While any real easing of brought hopes for an end to
The U.S. military is heavily fighting by playing to more tary officer in eastern Ukraine, ported, quoting from a hostilities in eastern Ukraine the clashes. French President
dependent on its intelligence extremist constituencies, and wrote on a military Facebook statement. would be welcomed by Europe Emmanuel Macron and Ger-
and communications satellites. the coronavirus pandemic pre- page that the deal indicated a European authorities and and the U.S., it would be un- man Chancellor Angela Merkel
The two sides have been im- venting face-to-face meetings real chance to end fighting on likely to lead to a significant brokered a meeting between
proving their military capabili- between Messrs. Putin and both sides, and that Ukrainian detente between Kyiv and Messrs. Putin and Zelensky in
ties to operate in space and Zelensky, the chances for en- soldiers, “understanding the Moscow, which annexed Cri- Paris. But the deal’s imple-
focusing on ways to reduce during peace are slim, some importance of the political
‘It’s a little bit of a mea in early 2014. Mr. Putin mentation stalled as skir-
the vulnerability of their space analysts said. agreements that have been positive sign, but I has stated Moscow would mishes and shelling continued
assets. Last year, President “It’s a little bit of a positive achieved,” would abide by the never return the Black Sea across the front line, with
Trump pushed Congress to es- sign, but I wouldn’t hold my cease-fire.
wouldn’t hold my peninsula, a resolve that has each side blaming the other
tablish a Space Force, a sixth breath,” said Dmitry Trenin, He added that Ukrainian breath.’ drawn international condem- for the hostilities.
branch of the U.S. military director of the Carnegie Mos- soldiers wouldn’t be barred nation, triggered sanctions There is still further con-
that remains under the juris- cow Center. from opening fire to protect against Moscow and helped cern that the new deal could
diction of the Air Force. The office of Mr. Zelensky, themselves—and that the sep- strain ties with the U.S. to fray. In their conversation
Last week, the U.S. and who came to power last year aratists already had violated the U.S. say the separatists their worst since the Cold War. Sunday, Mr. Putin told Mr. Zel-
Britain accused Russia of con- on a promise to end the con- the cease-fire several times largely have been supported Crimea and eastern ensky that a bill recently
ducting an antisatellite weap- flict, called the cease-fire a during its first day. by the Kremlin, which denies Ukraine, to a lesser extent, passed in Kyiv’s legislature to
ons test on July 15 in which an breakthrough and said its suc- He emphasized, however, that it backs the them or has have long had large Russian- hold local elections but ex-
orbiting Russian satellite fired cessful implementation would that the situation currently is had troops and officers in speaking populations, and cluding eastern Ukraine would
a projectile near a Russian sat- put the two sides on track to- under control. eastern Ukraine. Moscow had sought support in be a sticking point and risked
ellite. Russia’s Defense Minis- ward fulfilling other condi- Separatists in the break- European officials praised both Ukrainian regions when “putting settlement prospects
try denied the allegation. tions of a peace plan set out in away Ukrainian territories in the new cease-fire agreement Mr. Yanukovych’s government in jeopardy.”
In April, Russia tested a
ground-based antisatellite sys-

Casualties Declined After U.S.-Taliban Pact

tem from its Plesetsk base in
northern Russia. No target
was destroyed in the April or
July tests, which avoided dis-
persing debris in orbit. BY EHSANULLAH AMIRI pause…and to take decisive ac- Civilian casualties Percentage of casualties the U.S. State Department.
Adding to Washington’s tion to stop the carnage and in Afghanistan, attributed to each group, The U.N. report documented
concern, U.S. officials said in KABUL—The number of ci- get to the negotiating table,” first half of each year first half of 2020 3,458 civilian casualties in the
February that two Russian sat- vilian casualties from fighting said Deborah Lyons, the Secre- first half of 2020, including
ellites had maneuvered near an in Afghanistan fell in the first tary-General’s Special Repre- Killed Injured Taliban 1,282 killed and 2,176 injured.
American KH-11 spy satellite. half of the year after a pact sentative for Afghanistan. 43% It said the Taliban were re-
The two sides staked out between the U.S. and the Tali- The U.N. report comes after Afghan national security forces sponsible for 43% of all casu-
their parallel approaches in ban meant to end America’s the U.S. and the Taliban 4,000 23 alties in this period, while
the run-up to the meeting. longest war, as the United Na- signed a historic deal in Feb- government forces caused 23%
3,000 Islamic State
Christopher Ford, a senior tions pressed Kabul and the ruary meant to end the war of the toll, mainly from air-
State Department official, as- militants for peace talks. and pave the way for Afghan strikes and indirect fire during
serted that the sort of treaty Nearly 3,500 civilians were factions to resolve their differ- 2,000 Undetermined ground operations.
Russia has proposed would be killed or injured from fighting ences after nearly two decades anti-government element The Taliban rejected the
1,000 6
hard to verify and wouldn’t in Afghanistan in the first six of conflict. U.N. findings and called it bi-
cover Russia’s ground-based months of the year, the U.N. As part of that deal, the 0 International military forces ased. “The cause of civilian ca-
antisatellite weapons. Rather, said in a report on Monday. U.S. already is drawing down 3 sualties are bombardments
2010 ’15 ’20
he said the goal should be to While the number of civil- its troops in Afghanistan. But and rocket attacks by Kabul
work out “norms of responsi- ian casualties fell 13% from a the second phase of negotia- Source: United Nations administration and Americans
ble behavior.” year earlier, in part due to a tions between the Afghan gov- on civilian homes,” said Zabi-
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry reduction of operations by in- ernment and the Taliban has too dangerous, prompting a and several other cities to press ullah Mujahid, a Taliban
Peskov said last week that ternational forces, the U.N. been delayed, mostly due to sharp increase in fighting in for a resolution of the remain- spokesman.
Russia’s goal remained a com- said the Taliban and Afghan disagreements about an ex- recent weeks. ing issues ahead of intra-Af- The Afghan government, in
mitment on the “non-deploy- forces were the biggest cause change of prisoners. Kabul has The U.S. on Friday dis- ghan negotiations, specifically a statement, blamed the Tali-
ment of any kinds of arms in of the overall toll. been reluctant to free hun- patched its top Afghanistan en- final prisoner exchanges and ban for a “vast majority of the
outer space.” “I urge the parties to dreds of militants it says are voy, Zalmay Khalilzad, to Kabul reduced violence, according to civilian casualties.”

U.S. Staff Clears Out
Of Chengdu Mission
At dawn on Monday, as the
deadline to leave the U.S. consul-
ate in the southwestern Chinese
city of Chengdu approached, staff
were still trickling out with brief-
cases, just minutes before the
U.S. flag was lowered in the
Chinese authorities said the
Americans had vacated at 10 a.m.,
making the consulate the latest
casualty in the rapidly deteriorat-
ing relations between the world’s
two largest economies.
Immediately after the hand-
over, Chinese officials pulled up
outside the front entrance in a

minibus and entered the com-

pound after the last consulate
staffer had cleared out, according
to videos published by Chinese
newspaper People’s Daily.
Chinese workers approached
the building, using a white-grey
shroud to cover the words “Con- Iraqis protesting poor public services, including power outages during a heat wave, ran from security forces in the capital, Baghdad, on Monday.
sulate General of the United
States of America” that were em- IRAQ clashes. tors soared Sunday when pro- ISRAEL to cross into Israel, according to
bossed on the exterior walls sur- The violence comes after testers cut the road connecting Israel’s military. Soldiers fired on
rounding the outpost. Government Orders months of quiet in the wake of two main intersections—Tayaran Troops Exchange Fire the group after it crossed the
On Friday, China gave the U.S. Probe of Killings the coronavirus pandemic, and Square and Tahrir Square—in With Hezbollah Blue Line separating Israel and
diplomats and staff 72 hours to was an embarrassment to Baghdad. Some burned tires Lebanon. Israel’s military said
clear out of the building. A foreign Iraq’s prime minister said he Prime Minister Mustafa al-Ka- while others chanted slogans Israel’s military said its forces there were no Israeli casualties.
ministry spokesman said the clo- has ordered an investigation dhimi, who has vowed to meet about power cuts in the scorch- and Hezbollah exchanged fire on Hezbollah in a statement de-
sure was a response to the U.S. into the killing of two antigov- protester demands by holding ing summer months. Israel’s border with Lebanon, nied the accusations and said it
shutting the Chinese consulate in ernment protesters, saying se- early elections and investigating Iraq is facing electricity ratcheting up tensions as Israel didn’t attack Israel and that the
Houston. U.S. officials say the Chi- curity forces were not autho- the deaths of hundreds of pro- shortages amid searing summer presses a campaign to rout the group didn’t suffer any casual-
nese consulate in Houston had rized to fire “a single bullet” testers at the hands of security temperatures that can top 50 influence of Iran and its allies on ties. The militant group and po-
been involved in espionage and toward the demonstrators. forces in recent months. degrees Celsius, or about 122 its frontiers. litical party vowed to respond to
intellectual property theft. Twenty-one protesters were Tensions between the secu- degrees Fahrenheit. A Hezbollah cell of between Israel’s shelling of south Lebanon.
—Liza Lin wounded in the overnight rity forces and the demonstra- —Associated Press three and five people attempted —Felicia Schwartz
A10 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


New York played with him and threw a

ball to test his boldness and
drive to chase things.
others wait on the perimeter to
run them down.
Mr. Schewel recently parted

Rats Have The real training came from

joining a pack. Mr. Schewel be-
gan hunting with the Ryders
ways with the group. Now
working alone, he has been
hunting more frequently, gath-

A New Foe Alley Trencher-Fed Society, or

R.A.T.S., which started about 30
years ago. (The alley is a favor-
ering up Sundrop’s kills to drop
off in front of Gracie Mansion,
the New York City mayor’s resi-
ite rat-filled area, and “trencher dence, in what he describes as


Continued from Page One fed” is a hunting term used for a protest against police brutal-
said. “I can come and kill 10 hounds that are cared for indi- ity. A spokeswoman for the
rats. There are still going to be vidually and brought together mayor declined to comment.
100 more the next day.” as a pack on hunting days.) Mr. Schewel is trying to
Experts say millions of rats Richard Reynolds, the build his own crew of hunting-
live in the Big Apple—though founder of R.A.T.S., said he has dog owners.
there is no reliable census. The noticed the rats have changed One interested party is
city’s shutdown over the coro- some of their patterns since the Laura Shedd, whose dog, Zulu,
navirus pandemic and its sub- shutdowns. “We have to work a a mix that might have some
sequent reopening has thrown little harder to catch them be- Treeing Tennessee Brindle in
the rat population into disar- cause we have to find out his background, has a proclivity
ray, with rodents venturing far- where they are,” Mr. Reynolds, for chasing squirrels in parks.
ther afield in search of food. Sundrop and owner Elias Schewel get ready to hunt rats in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. 76, said. “My dream in life is a The 56-year-old higher-educa-
Meanwhile, the city recently re- dead-end alley that’s overrun tion administrator said she was
duced trash pickup services in Valarie Lambson, who lives to find a lot of rats. She let him block. “Those rats that got with rats.” intrigued by the idea of hunting
rat-mitigation zones, as part of in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyve- know he would be busy on her away, they went and informed Mr. Reynolds, who lives in rats as the pest infestation on
sweeping budget cuts for the sant, has gotten used to stomp- block. the other ones, ‘Don’t go out- Tenafly, N.J., with six dogs— her block has worsened.
next fiscal year, prompting ing her feet whenever she She was skeptical of Sun- side,’ ” she speculated. “I ha- terriers and dachshunds—said She went out with Mr.
fears their numbers will grow. leaves home at all times of the drop’s abilities, until she ven’t seen them in awhile, but R.A.T.S. has a mailing list of Schewel to watch him and Sun-
The Department of Sanita- day to ward off rats. She pre- watched him run down a rat a I’m still cautious.” about 65 people, with a few drop work, but left Zulu at
tion said it remains committed fers to walk in the middle of few months ago. “You read a Mr. Schewel started hunting core members that hunt to- home since he didn’t have the
to keeping the city healthy, safe the street to avoid them near lot of things on Facebook,” the last year, after watching some gether regularly. He said they necessary vaccines. The biggest
and clean. The Health depart- the trash bags piled on the 62-year-old assistant secretary YouTube videos and finding cut the usual team of eight peo- danger for dogs is contracting
ment said it doesn’t recom- sidewalk for pickup. said. “I wasn’t really a believer. that other people did this. His ple—each with one dog—to five leptospirosis, a bacterial infec-
mend hunting rats, and instead Ms. Lambson reached out to That’s why I went downstairs first task was to adopt a dog or six for social distancing. tion rats can transmit.
residents should use rat-proof Mr. Schewel, 35 years old, after and I actually saw it.” that could hunt. He found Sun- A favorite destination is the “I love all mammals. I am a
trash cans and remove debris, she discovered him and his Now that Mr. Schewel and drop—a mix of Boston Terrier, Lower East Side. The hunters nature person,” Ms. Shedd said.
food and water to address in- hobby from a post he made in Sundrop have made a few American Bulldog, Australian meet there with their dogs, and “I think mice and rats are as
festations. her neighborhood Facebook rounds, Ms. Lambson said she’s Cattle Dog, Chihuahua, and go from trash pile to trash pile. adorable as every other furry
Some New Yorkers still want group—he was asking for rec- starting to feel a little more other breeds—in a shelter, al- Some of the dogs dig into the creature. But they are really out
extra help from Sundrop. ommendations on where to go comfortable walking down her ready about a year old. He trash to drive the rats out, and of control.”

Grocers Go “This work is an example of

how we are always finding ef-
ficiencies within the supply

Into Milk chain to deliver on our com-

mitments to everyday low
prices and high quality grocer-

Bottling ies,” said a Walmart spokes-

woman, Delia Garcia.
By operating its own plant,
Walmart is reducing costs and
Continued from Page One passing down lower prices to
this month. customers, Ms. Garcia said.
Adding to the industry’s She added that the retailer’s
pressures, milk’s luster has technology and logistics sys-
been slowly fading for years in tem cuts delivery time to
an increasingly crowded bev- stores and extends milk’s shelf
erage market. Many consum- life.
ers have switched to bottled Mr. Kelsay, the Indiana
water and juice, or dairy alter- farmer, and his brother Russ
natives made from almonds or debated what to do with their
oats; breakfast cereal has cows’ milk. Although Wal-
fallen out of favor. mart’s new facility would buy
At the farmer level, about milk directly from local farm-
3,300 dairy-cow herds disap- ers and cooperatives, farmer
peared in 2019, according to contracts had already been
the U.S. Department of Agri- signed.
culture, following low milk Mr. Kelsay didn’t want to be
prices, tensions with export the one to take his family out
customers and processing- of dairy farming after more
plant closures across the than 180 years. He hit the
country. Wisconsin alone lost phones looking for a milk
about 600 herds over the 12 buyer. One problem was that
months up to June 1, the cows other farmers who had lost
typically either sold to another their business with Dean were

farmer or sent to slaughter. also looking.

Although overall dairy de- More than a dozen poten-
mand, factoring in products tial milk buyers turned Mr.
such as yogurt, butter and Kelsay down. Only one offered
cheese, continues to grow, an- to buy his milk, and at a price
nual per capita U.S. milk con- a fifth lower than Dean had
sumption has dropped about paid.
40% over four decades. “The glimmer of hope con-
Faced with the coronavirus A Dean Foods driver makes a delivery in Racine, Wis. The company was sold after coming under pressure in a shifting dairy industry. tinued to subside,” he said.
and stay-at-home orders, pan- In August 2018, Dean re-
try-stocking consumers this son close to the discussions. Milk Run of 2017, with the volume of its ported a quarterly net loss and
spring pushed up milk sales at Dean declined. Gregg Tan- DairyPure milk sold down by reduced its financial outlook.
In both price and sales volume, private-label milk is gradually
retail for the first time in a ner, its chief executive at the an estimated 7.5% over a year, Its plant closures now were
extending its advantage over national brands.
decade. Overall demand time, was preparing to unite Dean closed a bottling plant in coming so fast they created
dropped as restaurants and Dean’s regional milk brands, Average U.S. monthly retail Monthly U.S. retail milk sales Virginia. new problems. In Lynn, Mass.,
hotels closed, according to ag- such as Garelick Farms and milk price Joe Kelsay, a sixth-genera- where the company was wind-
ricultural lender Rabobank. Mayfield Dairy, under a new tion Indiana farmer whose ing down a processing plant,
$4.00 a gallon $800 million
For the supermarket chains, national label, DairyPure. Dean cows had supplied milk to milk deliveries rerouted to an-
milk still has much appeal. said it intended to hold the Dean’s Louisville plant for a other Dean plant created log-
They know that shoppers who prices of its branded milk Private-label milk quarter-century, opened a let- jams.
come for a jug of milk tend to where they were. 600 ter from Dean in March 2018.
National-brand milk
stay and buy other items. Walmart dairy managers It said that Dean was termi-
Milk still regularly ranks were skeptical of Dean’s strat- 3.00 nating his contract, forcing For sale
among the top 10 purchases at egy. They believed their cus- 400 him to find a new buyer for In February 2019, Dean’s
Walmart’s stores, according to tomers were differentiating the milk from his 500 dairy board, meeting before report-
people familiar with opera- less and less among milk 2.50 cows. “It was a bit of a gut ing another quarterly loss,
tions of the biggest U.S. food brands—between store brands National-brand milk
punch,” Mr. Kelsay said. voted to explore options in-
retailer. and premium milks that could Private-label milk 200 Food Lion, which has more cluding a sale of the company.
Dean Foods was one of Wal- cost up to twice as much. than 1,000 stores on the East In November, Dean filed for
mart’s largest milk suppliers At one point, the price gap Three-month moving average Coast, ended its contract with bankruptcy protection. It be-
for decades. Executives of the slowed sales of Dean’s branded 1.50 0 Dean in early 2018 after dis- gan sale talks with Dairy
retailer known for its low milk so much that Walmart 2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 2016 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 agreements over pricing, peo- Farmers of America, a large
prices regularly pushed Dean dropped it from some stores. ple familiar with their negotia- milk-producer cooperative,
to squeeze down milk costs. Dean put up billboard ads near tions said. That cost Dean which in February agreed to
A Dean milk-processing Walmarts, hoping shoppers While milk has been in a long-term decline. sales that analysts estimated buy Dean. John Wilson, an ex-
plant in Louisville, Ky., would go in and ask for Dean’s U.S. per-capita milk U.S. dairy cow herds at another 50 million gallons ecutive of the cooperative,
tweaked equipment to make brands, former Dean employ- consumption of milk a year. said grocery chains that run
plastic bottles that weighed 57 ees say. Food Lion started purchas- their own plants often also
grams instead of 60, saving 250 pounds a year 80 thousand ing milk from a rival grocery need milk from other suppli-
about half a cent on each gal- retailer, Kroger, that owned its ers, including Dairy Farmers of
lon, said plant workers and la- Bigger farms own milk-processing plants. America.
bor-union officials. All the while, the dairy 200 Kroger, which was early to By then, prices of milk were
The Louisville plant was farms and milk cooperatives move into the bottling busi- higher, pushing up costs for
processing as much as 1.2 mil- that supply milk to the proces- 150 ness, processes roughly 90% of dairy processors. Supplies
lion gallons of milk a week, sors were getting bigger and the milk its stores sell. were down because thousands
70% of it going to 130 Walmart more professional. By 2017, 40 Dean made plans to close of dairy farmers had quit.
stores in four states. “We did the eight largest dairy cooper- 100 milk-processing plants in Among them was Mr. Kel-
whatever we had to do to atives were marketing 54% of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, say. After failing to find a new
make sure we kept them,” said the country’s milk. To Wal- 20 Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois buyer for the cows’ milk, he
Scott James, who worked as a mart, buying milk directly 50 and Georgia. Workers at and his brother sold their herd
maintenance technician at from them, then processing Dean’s decades-old processing to another farm in November
Louisville. and bottling the milk itself, plant in Louisville circulated 2018, followed the next spring
0 0
Around 2012, Walmart sug- started to look like a feasible Google Earth images of the by their remaining calves and
gested that Dean run a sepa- cost-saving move. 1980 ’90 2000 ’10 2005 ’10 ’15 Walmart plant under construc- the last of their milking equip-
rate bottling plant to produce Walmart announced in Sources: Nielsen (price, sales); U.S. Department of Agriculture (consumption, herds) tion in Indiana and joked ment.
milk for the chain’s store March 2016 it would build a grimly about how long it was Today, their 2,100-acre op-
brand, called Great Value, ac- milk-processing plant of its move into bottling. eral visits to Walmart execu- to doomsday, said Mr. James, eration, called Kelsay Farms,
cording to people involved in own in Fort Wayne, Ind., to Workers at the Dean plant tives. One argument he made the maintenance technician. grows only crops such as corn,
the discussions. The two supply more than 600 Wal- in Louisville took a darker was that running a bottling Before the month was out, soybeans and wheat. They
didn’t reach an agreement. mart and Sam’s Club stores in view. “We knew it was the plant wasn’t a good use of the his manager gathered workers went from 12 full-time em-
When U.S. milk prices the eastern Midwest. death knell” for the plant, said retailer’s resources. to tell them the Louisville ployees to one.
broadly declined in early 2015, Dean executives figured the John Stovall, president of Mr. Scozzafava didn’t re- plant would be winding down. Mr. Kelsay said he lost part
Walmart expected Dean to move would siphon away Teamsters Local 783. spond to requests for com- A few weeks later, Walmart of his identity when his herd
lower its own prices so that about 100 million of the 2.6 At the end of that year, Mr. ment. Mr. Tanner has died. opened its bottling plant in was loaded onto trucks.
Walmart could make more billion gallons a year it sold. Tanner stepped down as Walmart pushed ahead to Fort Wayne, adding hundreds “We cried as we watched
profit on dairy, as often hap- Mr. Tanner told investors that Dean’s CEO, and operations finish the plant, and Dean of jobs and boosting Indiana the cows,” he said. “It was like
pens with commodity-based Dean’s financial performance chief Ralph Scozzafava took girded for the impact by plan- dairy farmers who secured a death in the family. You had
products, according to a per- wouldn’t be hurt by Walmart’s over. The new boss paid sev- ning cost cuts. In the middle supply deals with it. to choose to stop life support.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * NY Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A10A


City Aims to Shorten Testing Wait Times
Strategies have prompted New Yorkers to around times “got really bad for other places,” Mr. De Blasio the same time, and only test- results in under eight days,
complain online about delays a week or two” as many parts said. But the city has imple- ing individual samples if the Mr. Cohen said. One quarter of
brought the average of up to two weeks. of the country buckled under a mented strategies to speed up overall batch comes back posi- tests are returned within a
down to a few days Austin Tierney, a 25-year- surge of infections. New York the process, he said, which has tive, said Ted Long, head of the day, he said. Wait times re-
old product manager, said he state and other parts of the brought the average down to a city’s Test and Trace Corps. cently have been cut by half,
for many, mayor says was tested twice after return- Northeast have stood out in re- few days for many people. Quest Diagnostics is the to a median time of two days.
ing from trips out of New York cent weeks as the only U.S. re- “We think we have now sta- city’s biggest player, process- Some New Yorkers like Paul
BY SHAN LI state. The first time, in late gion to avoid a big rise in cases bilized it,” he said. The city, ing 26% of all the tests in the Dobrowsky were pleasantly sur-
June, took nine days to return in June and July. But future once a hot spot for the virus, city, said Avery Cohen, a prised by the turnaround speed.
Officials in New York City a negative for Covid-19. “It had as of Sunday a total of spokesman for the mayor. He The 29-year-old Manhattan res-
are scrambling to improve was pretty useless,” he said. about 220,500 positive cases called the national lab com- ident was tested in mid-July for

wait times for coronavirus Mr. Tierney was tested and nearly 23,500 confirmed pany, “the outlier that is driv- both Covid-19 and antibodies.
tests—crucial to keeping the again last week at Housing and suspected deaths related ing the average up.” The antibody result came back
pandemic at bay as the city re- Works, a nonprofit social-ser- to Covid-19. Quest Diagnostics said the as negative in 17 hours, and the
opens and New Yorkers flock vices group, near his home in New York state reported virus’s spread to many parts nasal swab test came back neg-
back to public spaces. downtown Brooklyn. That Number of people who have 536 new Covid-19 cases on of the U.S. has “strained our ative in 44 hours, he said. “It
The city has encouraged came back in two days. been tested some days in NYC Monday out of 53,568 total testing capacity and extended was pretty great,” he said.
residents to get tested as part “That result coming back tests for a positivity rate of delays for test results.” The The city is getting a handle
of an ambitious tracing pro- was pretty helpful,” Mr. Tier- 1%, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said company said it has the capac- on testing as the state keeps
gram to locate, isolate and ney said. He felt safe spending at a news conference, as the ity to perform as many as an eye on increasing cases
track anyone who might have time with friends, he said, se- containment efforts depend state’s total ticked up to more 135,000 molecular diagnostic elsewhere in the U.S., which
come into contact with those cure in the knowledge that he largely on expansive and quick than 412,300 cases and more tests a day and is “working to could hurt New York’s prog-
stricken with Covid-19. More wasn’t endangering anyone. testing, health experts say. than 25,000 deaths. increase that to 150,000 tests ress in curbing the spread of
than 30,000 people have been On Friday, Mayor Bill de Bla- “A lot of labs that we had The lab strategies include a day by next week.” the virus, Mr. Cuomo said.
tested on some days in the sio acknowledged in a radio in- depended on were being over- what is known as “pooling”— For now, 75% of those in the —Joseph De Avila
city, but slow results have terview with WNYC that turn- whelmed by demand from running a group of samples at city who get tested get their contributed to this article.

Lawmaker A Sad Farewell to a Baby Boy Killed in a Brooklyn Shooting

Calls for

A Manhattan councilman is
calling for a memorial to
honor the estimated hundreds
of coronavirus victims buried
in New York City’s potter’s
City Councilman Mark
Levine, a Democrat who repre-
sents upper Manhattan, is ex-
pected to introduce a bill
Tuesday that would create a
task force to plan a Covid-19
memorial for Hart Island.
For more than 100 years,
unclaimed bodies and low-in-
come New Yorkers who
couldn’t afford other burial ac-
commodations have been in-
terred on the island, which is
off the coast of the Bronx.
“Hundreds of victims of
Covid are buried without any-
thing marking their names,

without—until now—the op-

portunity for any form of cere-
mony at the burial sites, and
it’s a place that largely exists
outside of the public con-
sciousness of most New York-
ers,” Mr. Levine said.
The memorial would honor
the unknown number of LITTLEST VICTIM: Family members grieved before a funeral service Monday for 1-year-old Davell Gardner at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Brooklyn. Davell was
Covid-19 victims buried on the struck by a stray bullet as he sat in his stroller when gunmen opened fire during a July 12 barbecue at a park in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood.
island, and also could jump-
start the creation of memori-
als to other victims there as

Few Workers Are Returning to Their Offices

well, he said.
In New York City, 23,500
people have died from the vi-
rus, including probable deaths,
as of Monday. BY PETER GRANT Not surprisingly, very few
At the peak of the virus, the workers have taken Verizon up
week of April 6 through April Less than one-tenth of Man- on its offer. “The purpose to
10, 138 people were buried on hattan office workers have re- go in would be to work with
Hart Island, according to a turned to the workplace a other people,” Mr. Vazquez
spokesman for the Department month after New York gave said. “But they’re not all going
of Correction, which manages businesses the green light to to be there. So what would be
the island. The cause of death return to the buildings they va- the purpose of going in?”
for each person isn’t known, cated in March, according to Many of the city’s big em-
but the number of burials in- the city’s leading landlords, ployers say they are going to
creased dramatically during brokerage firms and employers. begin returning workers to of-
the pandemic. Major financial institutions fices in September after Labor
Previously, the agency typi- such as Citigroup Inc. and JP- Day. A spokeswoman for the
cally buried about 25 people a Morgan Chase & Co. have al- law firm Fried, Frank, Harris,
week there, he said. lowed only a small number of Shriver & Jacobson LLP said:
A spokeswoman for the traders, bankers and other em- “Formal return will be after
chief medical examiner’s office ployees to return to the work- Labor Day and will be phased
didn’t respond to an email place. Technology firms have to maintain limited capacity
seeking comment. been even more tentative, with and social distancing.”
Under the bill, the task companies like Facebook Inc. Other firms haven’t decided
force would include appoin- telling employees they can when to have workers return
tees from the city’s cultural af- continue working from home to the office. “We don’t have a
fairs and parks departments, through the end of 2020. definitive opening date,” a
the mayor, and the speaker of As of last week, only 8% of Twitter Inc. spokeswoman

the city council. At least one the employees who work in said. “Our offices don’t open
of the council’s appointees downtown office buildings before September and when-
would be someone who lost a managed by CBRE Group Inc. ever we do come back it will
family member to Covid-19 had returned from sheltering in be at 20% capacity.”
and whose family member is place from the pandemic. The “We’ve told employees that
buried on Hart Island, accord- figure, based on unique card- if they’re in a role and situa-
ing to the legislation. swipes at security turnstiles, Fear of the pandemic is keeping many employees working from home. Outside a Times Square building. tion that allows them to work
A spokesman for Mayor Bill was 9% in Midtown. CBRE, the from home they can continue
de Blasio didn’t respond to re- world’s largest commercial real- cases and deaths were declin- require sophisticated trading tainly important,” Mr. Biasi to do so forever if they want,”
quests for comment. estate services firm by revenue, ing. While most businesses are floors and other technology said. “But a coder does not get she added.
Michele H. Bogart, a histo- manages 20 million square feet cautious, some have been that can’t be replicated in most a competitive advantage from Workplace experts say that
rian who has written books of space in Manhattan. faster to implement return-to- home offices, have a stronger receiving information quicker most office workers are confi-
about New York City’s public William Rudin, the head of the-office plans than others. incentive to return workers to than a coder in another firm.” dent that their employers are
art, said she understands the one of the city’s most promi- Financial services giant JP- offices. “In a digital age, speed Some big New York employ- being sensitive to health con-
impulse to commemorate the nent real-estate families, said Morgan Chase has kept occu- is key and working from home ers that gave workers the op- cerns and are making improve-
coronavirus pandemic, given that an average of 10% of pancy of its Manhattan office tion to return to the work- ments in design and technol-
the number of those who died. workers have returned to the space at about 20% in most lo- place have gotten few takers. ogy that make their workplaces
But the process can be compli-
cated, she said.
company’s 10 million square
feet of space in New York.
cations, and no building is ex-
pected to exceed 50% at this
A fuller return will Telecommunications giant Ve-
rizon Communications Inc.
safe. But many remain reluc-
tant to risk a trip to the office,
“An endeavor like this has “People are being rightfully point. About half of its sales hinge on whether gave its workforce of about especially if that means taking
to be done in a deliberate way,
a thoughtful way, and include
careful,” he said. But he noted
that more than a month ago
and trading teams have re-
schools reopen to 4,000 office workers in the
city the option on July 6 of re-
subways, buses or commuter
rail, the experts said.
people with expertise,” she that figure was only 2% and On the other end of the in-person learning. turning to their offices as long A fuller return also will
said. that many office workers are spectrum are most big tech as strict rules were followed, hinge on whether schools re-
Mr. Levine’s bill is specifi- eager to return to the social firms. For example, October according to John Vazquez, open to in-person learning.
cally to facilitate the creation interaction of their offices. would be the earliest that Mi- Verizon’s head of real estate. New York officials are discuss-
of a memorial on Hart Island, “Slowly people are coming crosoft Corp. would reopen its will slow down the process,” Among the rules: No office ing the possibility of reopen-
and he doesn’t think it will be back to work,” Mr. Rudin said. New York office and that will said Joseph Biasi, an analyst can have more than 25% occu- ing schools for two or three
the only memorial to the After three months of lock- depend on the severity of the with data firm CoStar Inc. pancy. Workers who return days a week. But, if that is the
deadly pandemic in the city. down, New York City allowed pandemic at the time. The jobs at tech firms, on have to follow safety instruc- case, Mr. Vazquez warned,
“A calamity of this scale companies to reopen their of- Workplace experts say fi- the other hand, lend them- tions and fill out health as- many office workers will stay
will undoubtedly deserve mul- fices to nonessential workers nancial-services firms, espe- selves more easily to remote sessments with Verizon’s hu- home. “That’s not enough for
tiple memorials,” he said. in late June because Covid-19 cially those in businesses that working. “Collaboration is cer- man-resources department. working parents,” he said.
A10B | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.





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rals to doctors, so they can qualify
for care and receive reimburse-
Igor Koralnik, chief of neuro-in-
fectious diseases and global neu-
rology at Northwestern Medicine
in Chicago, oversees the Neuro
Covid-19 Clinic at Northwestern
Memorial Hospital, which launched
in May. The clinic has had many
patients who didn’t test positive
for Covid but have lingering neu-
rological symptoms that Dr. Koral-
nik believes were caused by Covid.
“The key is to take these pa-
tients seriously,” he says. “They
need to have a thorough investiga-
tion by neurologists to try to de-
termine how best to manage them
and how to treat them.”
Alicia Gaffney says she was un-
able to get tested for Covid-19 un-

‘Tens of thousands’ are

battling long-term
problems from Covid,

estimates a top doctor.

Jenny Berz
believes she is
suffering from til a month after she fell sick be-
long-term Covid cause she didn’t qualify for a test.
fallout, and her The 34-year-old San Francisco res-
doctor does too ident’s first diagnostic test at the
end of March was inconclusive.
At first, she had a postnasal
drip, shortness of breath and diar-
rhea. Over time, her symptoms
have multiplied, including contin-
Antibody tests, which detect ued shortness of breath, lung and
Months of Battling Covid— whether you have previously been
infected, also have challenges. Jon
Deeks, a professor of biostatistics
back pain, cognitive issues, a rac-
ing heart beat, facial numbness,
and a bout of pneumonia.

And Murky Test Results Too at the University of Birmingham in

the United Kingdom, was lead au-
thor of a recent Cochrane review
She got five more swabs over
the course of a couple of months:
all negative. Antibody tests in
Doctors believe many people are fighting Covid long-term, but testing on Covid-19 antibody tests. Doc- April and May were also negative.
inconsistencies complicate care; ‘a struggle to get doctors to believe me’ tors believe it generally takes So when a third antibody test
about one to three weeks to pro- turned up positive at the end of
duce Covid antibodies, but the Co- June, she cried. Finally, she
they’ve been infected. But some vice for patients with long-term chrane review found that even 14 thought, she had the proof she
YOUR HEALTH doctors believe there is also a large symptoms earlier this month. days after symptom onset, about needed. Still, she says her doctors
number of long-term sufferers who About one-third of 270 non-hos- 10% of antibody tests done in aren’t convinced. One questioned
Sumathi lack test results to prove it. pitalized adults who tested posi- Covid patients were negative. the company she got the test from,
Reddy It’s unclear exactly how many tive for Covid said they hadn’t re- Few antibody studies looked at saying she could have had a false
people fall into that group. But turned to their normal health two how accurate the tests were more positive. Another says she might
doctors at the forefront of caring to three weeks later, according to than five weeks after onset. “So if have multiple viral infections.
Jenny Berz woke up on March for long-haul Covid patients say it a survey published recently by the you’re being tested eight to 12 “It’s been a struggle to get doc-
27 with a fever, headache and is substantial. “People are being U.S. Centers for Disease Control weeks later, it’s possible that anti- tors to believe me,” says Ms. Gaff-
shortness of breath. Four months refused care based on tests that and Prevention. Among 18- to 34- body levels will have started to re- ney, a nurse at a Botox clinic who
later she is still sick, struggling are not necessarily telling you year-olds with no chronic medical duce and tests more likely to give is on maternity leave and whose 8-
with fatigue, sinus pain, blurred what you think they’re telling conditions, one in five hadn’t re- a false negative,” says Dr. Deeks. month-old daughter was diagnosed
vision, gastrointestinal issues, and you,” David Putrino, director of re- turned to their normal health. Dr. Putrino at Mount Sinai has with Covid-19 based on symptoms.
numbness in her hands. She loses habilitation innovation at Mount Inconsistencies around testing surveyed 600 people who self- Before getting sick, Ms. Berz
her sense of smell every few days. Sinai Health System in New York make tracking and treatment more identified as long-haul Covid pa- was an avid Peloton bike rider
Ms. Berz, a 50-year-old clinical City, whose Center for Post-Covid complicated. Many long-haul pa- tients in social media groups. Six- with mild asthma. Now she says
psychologist in Brookline, Mass., Care opened in May. He estimates tients are people who were youn- teen percent had positive PCR she is unable to do any physical
believes she is suffering from long- there are “tens of thousands” of ger and were previously healthy, tests, 51% had negative tests, and activity without feeling completely
term symptoms of Covid-19, and her long-haul Covid patients. “A lot of whose Covid cases were initially 33% had an unknown test result. depleted. “Some of my doctors
primary care doctor does too. Her these patients’ care is being gated mild or moderate. Many didn’t get For antibody tests, 11% reported couldn’t understand how I could
husband tested positive for Covid based on a lack of a positive test tested early on because they didn’t positive tests, about one-third neg- have Covid and no antibodies.
about a week after she fell ill. But and I’m very troubled by this.” qualify for the diagnostic PCR ative, and more than half un- They started saying I must not
the four antibody tests Ms. Berz has Long-term Covid patients are tests, which are designed to detect known. He acknowledges some have had Covid,” she says.
taken came back negative, as did a gaining more attention. A JAMA live virus at the time when you may have another virus or illness Her primary care physician,
diagnostic test in March. study from Italy published earlier have an active infection. If you but says the majority of patients Meredith Talbot, disagrees. “Her
Ms. Berz and her doctor believe this month found that 87% of 143 wait too long after infection, the they’ve seen at the Post-Covid husband had it and her symptoms
she is among thousands of “long- Covid-19 patients reported the per- test is unlikely to detect the virus: Care center have symptoms con- were all classic Covid,” says Dr.
haul” Covid patients, who are still sistence of at least one symptom An Annals of Internal Medicine sistent with Covid-19. Talbot. “I really think we can say
experiencing symptoms or afteref- 60 days after onset. Britain’s Na- study found that diagnostic PCR Sinai’s Center for Post-Covid with confidence that she had it.”
fects months after initial infection. tional Health Service announced tests have a 66% false negative Care has set up a way for people “I’m sick,” says Ms. Berz. “I’ve
Many have test results confirming plans for a Covid-19 recovery ser- rate 21 days past symptom onset. who test negative to still get refer- never been so sick.”

Is there an easy way to re-

Foods to how our diet can help us handle
the emotional challenges of the
pandemic. Here are edited ex-
member what to eat?
You want to eat whole foods in
as fatty fish, which also have an
anti-inflammatory effect. D is for
dairy, which adds good bacteria to
matory, which is important be-
cause depression includes ele-
ments of neuroinflammation.
Fight Your cerpts of that interview. what I call a Mediterranean eating
pattern. I don’t like the word diet
your gut. S is for spices because
certain spices have excellent brain Does food have a connection
Pandemic Researchers have been
studying the connection be-
because it implies you need to re-
strict things. I want people to feel
It is also very important that
to anger?
Research shows that diets high in
Stress tween diet and mood for
awhile. What’s new?
they have an abundance.
There is a mnemonic I use:
people understand there are foods
to avoid. Processed foods. Sugar.
trans fats are linked to anger and
aggression. Trans fats interfere
BONDS: ON Dr. Naidoo: We have come to un- BRAIN FOODS. B is for berries, Artificial sweeteners. Foods with with how the brain produces and
derstand more definitively in the which give you fiber and antioxi- the wrong type of fats, such as uses omega-3 fatty acids. So you’ll
RELATIONSHIPS past year that personalized treat- dants. R is for the rainbow of col- trans fats, and fried foods. want to cut back on trans fats and
Elizabeth ment plans for nutrition are very ors of fruits and vegetables, which eat more omega-3-rich foods, such
Bernstein important. This is because of the provide a diversity of fiber and nu- Can food replace medicine, as fatty seafood.
such as antidepressants? Now take the term “hangry.”
It cannot. I still prescribe medicine Studies have shown that there is

re you anxious? Angry? for people who are seriously ill. something to it—low glucose is re-
Feeling depressed? lated to aggressive and angry be-
Consider what you eat. For How can food help with haviors. So it’s important to eat
more than a decade, studies have stress or anxiety? healthy, whole grains or complex
shown that a healthy diet—high in When you are in a state of anxiety, carbohydrates to stabilize your
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, your body is in a fight-or-flight blood sugar. Vegetables and al-
fish and other lean protein—can mode. This impacts your hor- mond butters are also nutritious
help fight depression. mones. Cortisol, the stress hor- and will break down slowly in your
Now, emerging research in the mone, goes up. body and also help stabilize your
nascent field of nutritional psychi- Food can help you boost feel- glucose level.
atry suggests that certain foods good hormones and decrease corti-
can help manage a broader range sol. One of the foods I recommend How can food help with in-
of emotional challenges, such as is turmeric with a pinch of black somnia?
anxiety, anger and insomnia. And pepper. The active ingredient in In insomnia, one of the prob-
while the most established treat- turmeric is curcumin, and it does a lems is that certain chemicals in
ments for mental-health conditions few things: It improves the gut mi- our brain that regulate circadian
such as depression remain antide- crobial ecosystem. It may increase rhythms become unbalanced, such
pressants and talk therapy, re- serotonin and dopamine and de- as melatonin and tryptophan. Food
searchers say food can also be a crease cortisol. And it reduces in- can help replenish them. In fact,
very useful tool. flammation by inhibiting inflam- food is our only source of trypto-
Uma Naidoo is a nutritional psy- matory pathways. Meanwhile, the phan; the body doesn’t produce it.
chiatrist and author of the new connection between the gut and trients. A is for antioxidants, piperine in black pepper increases There are many foods rich in
book “This is Your Brain on Food: brain. They connect via the vagus which get rid of damaging com- the absorption of curcumin. melatonin, including eggs, fatty
An Indispensable Guide to the Sur- nerve, which allows for two-way pounds made in the body. I is for fish, asparagus and broccoli. And
prising Foods that Fight Depres- communication. The balance of include—remember to include lean What about depression? chickpeas are a good source of

sion, PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD good and bad bacteria in the gut protein. N is for nuts, a good When people feel depressed, they tryptophan. I often recommend
and More.” Dr. Naidoo, who is the microbiome is so important be- source of nutrients. have a lower level of serotonin, that people eat an omelet for din-
founder and director of the Nutri- cause they communicate with the F is for fiber-rich and fermented the happiness hormone. ner to boost their melatonin lev-
tional & Lifestyle Psychiatry clinic brain. But the composition of bac- foods, which feed the good gut One type of food that helps is els or have an evening snack of
at Boston’s Massachusetts General teria in each person’s gut is bacteria. The first O is for healthy food rich in omega-3 fatty acids, hummus and whole-grain crack-
Hospital, specializes in helping unique. So one person with de- oil, such as olive oil, which has an- such as fatty fish or seeds such as ers to get some tryptophan. The
people cope with mental illness pression may respond very differ- tioxidant and anti-inflammatory chia, flax or hemp. Omega-3 fatty carbohydrates in the crackers
through nutritional strategies. ently to certain foods than the properties. The second O is for acids help to build cell membranes help to transport the tryptophan
I spoke with Dr. Naidoo about next person with depression. omega-3 fatty acid rich foods, such in the brain. They’re anti-inflam- to the brain.
A12 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Sport The Athlete on unstable gymnastics
Reza Alipour rings. He visualizes the
Climbing Age: 26 climbing routes ahead of ev-
This Olympic competition re- Home: Qazvin, Iran ery competition. “My mind
quires athletes to compete in Bragging Rights: Holder of has to be stronger than my
a format featuring all three current men’s speed climbing body at this level,” he says.
sport-climbing disciplines. world record of 5.48 seconds
WHAT'S YOUR WORKOUT? In bouldering, athletes Move to try
by JEN MURPHY climb as many fixed routes as The Workout Sprint Work
they can within four minutes Mr. Alipour, nicknamed the “Your lower body is your

STRENGTH on an approximately 15-foot-

high wall that presents a
Asiatic Cheetah, is the rare
athlete without a coach. He
driving force for developing
strength and power, even in a

SECRETS range of challenges, like holds

so small they can only be
claims to train up to 10 hours
a day, squeezing in 16 to 18
sport like climbing,” Mr.
Shulha says. A lot of training,

FROM THE held by fingertips.

Lead climbing involves ath-
letes attempting to climb as
workouts a week. He says 40%
of the time is devoted to wall
climbing, 30% to weight train-
like sprinting while pushing a
weighted sled or while
strapped to a parachute for
NEWEST high as they can on a wall
about 50 feet or higher
ing and 30% to plyometrics.
He uses a campus board, a
resistance, is borrowed from
track and field.
OLYMPIC within six minutes using
safety ropes.
suspended wooden board
with a variety of rungs that
“Unlike track sprinting,
climbing requires you to move
SPORTS Speed climbing pits two
climbers against each other
you climb without the aid of
your feet, to work on his fin-
in different planes of motion,”
he says. “It’s more similar to
The 2020 Summer Olympics as they attempt to scale a ger strength. Sometimes he’ll parkour.”
would have kicked off in nearly 50-foot-high wall climb the campus board with If you don’t have access to
Tokyo last week. We break faster than their opponent a weighted plate of nearly a weighted sled, he suggests
while secured to safety ropes. 300 pounds around his waist. having a resistance band
down three sports that Speed climbing is like watch- He also adds weight when he around your waist and an-
would have made their ing Usain Bolt do the 100- does pull-ups. chored to another point
Olympic debuts and share meter-dash up a vertical wall. To build explosive power, (door or friend) and sprinting
workout secrets from three “You can do as many one- he does sprints on land, but or trying to sprint on an un-
athletes you should arm pull-ups as you want, but also builds leg strength by powered treadmill while hold-
keep an eye on for 2021. 70% of the work is coming performing Olympic lifts, like ing the front handle.
from your lower body,” says the power clean, and pushing To work agility, perform
former Ukrainian national weighted sleds. Mr. Shulha drills where you sprint across
champion speed climber Olek- notes the triceps are a key a ladder forward and laterally
sii Shulha, head speed climb- player in climbing. Mr. Ali- and hop over low hurdles or
ing coach of Stone Summit pour works the muscle by obstacles on two feet and
Climbing in Atlanta. performing the typical row one foot.

Skateboarding highest injury rates,” Ms. to stay upright without

Alexander says. pulling a muscle. To train
Simply standing on a adduction, she does oblique
skateboard and pushing The Athlete crunches on a stability ball,
off with one leg takes co- Leticia Bufoni with her bottom foot press-
ordination and balance. Age: 27 ing against a wall and the
But skaters also need Home: São Paulo, Brazil top foot hovering in the air.
lower-body and core and Los Angeles To work core stability, her

strength to pop their Bragging Rights: Five-time trainer removes the handle-
boards off the ground, X Games gold medalist bars and seat from a sta-
clear 20 stairs and absorb tionary bike so she has to
the shock of landing a 10- The Workout balance while pedaling.
foot drop, says Jessika Al- When you’re pushing the “The resistance is so
exander, a Los Angeles- limit in your sport, injuries low, she must have abso-
based trainer for USA happen. Ms. Bufoni has lute control over her move-
Skateboarding. face-planted off big jumps ments,” Mr. Jewell says.
The Olympics will fea- and broke her right ankle
ture two disciplines. The twice last year. Move to try
park competition takes “The only way to get One-leg stability balance
place in a terrain course better skating is to skate,” To work ankle stability and
shaped like a concrete she says. “But the time I balance, Mr. Jewell has Ms.
bowl that is 5 to 10 feet put in at the gym helps me Bufoni balance on a slanted
deep and outfitted with not get hurt, and when I do, foam wedge. It forces the
vertical ramps, stairs and I can bounce back faster.” foot to twist and turn so it
other obstacles. Street She trains in Los Angeles can adapt to those stresses
skateboarding courses rep- with Red Bull strength and and become stronger, he
licate urban terrain and performance coach Tyler says. He switches the di-
consist of rails, benches Jewell for two to three rection of the wedge so her
and stairs of elevations up hours, five days a week. “I do foot has to work on an up- Surfing World Tour champion Moore was disappointed that
to 8 feet. For both disci- a lot of boring exercises for hill and downhill slant. He the Games were postponed,
plines, skaters have 45 my ankles,” she says. “The throws weighted balls at The interaction between mo- The Workout but she’s valued having more
seconds to complete a run. most annoying is where I her to catch to throw her bility, stability, flexibility, ex- In addition to getting in the time to work on performance-
Judges give scores based have to move a piece of pa- off balance. plosiveness, balance, coordina- water to surf, Ms. Moore does based goals. “Usually I’m on
on degree of difficulty, per on the floor with my At home, he says, you tion, strength and proprio- an hour of cardio three days a tour competing all year,” she
speed, height, style, origi- foot to work ankle mobility.” can start by balancing on ception changes based on the week, switching up running, says. “There’s not time to work
nality and execution. Mr. Jewell says adduc- one foot and bouncing a conditions and where you are hiking, biking and her newest on new maneuvers. Now I
“Because of the nature tion—strengthening of the ball off a wall. When you surfing. At the Olympics, obsession, tennis. “I’ve seen a have time to break things
of the sport, slamming re- groin—is important because master that, stand on a judges score athletes based huge improvement in my lat- down, fine-tune and really take
petitively on concrete, if one foot comes off the slanted wedge or an unsta- on power, speed and the flow eral movement and reaction it up a notch for next year.”
skating has one of the board, she needs to be able ble surface like a pillow. of their maneuvers on the time since I started playing
waves. two months ago,” she says. Move to try
To catch a wave you need Two to three days a week Side Skaters
the upper-body strength, lat she works with trainer Erin This plyometric exercise (see
muscle endurance and shoulder Kamano. She holds tabletop above) trains single-leg
stability to paddle out to the pose, kneeling on all fours power, balance, ankle, knee
line up and into a wave. Hip with her knees hovering off and hip stability. It also adds
strength, ankle mobility and the ground to build core sta- a dose of cardio, Ms. Kamano
core stability come into play bility. To challenge her bal- says. Start feet hips-width
when riding a wave and per- ance, she performs exercises apart, knees slightly bent. As
forming tricks like aerial 360s. like squats on a Bosu ball and you jump sideways off your
“There are few sports does single-leg exercises, like right leg, swing your right
where Mother Nature dic- lunge hops. arm across your body. Land
tates the timing,” says Kevyn She does plyometrics—ex- softly on your left foot. Your
Dean, the San Clemente, Ca- plosive exercises that increase right foot should hover above
lif.-based medical director of speed, quickness and power— the ground close to your left
USA Surfing. “Every wave has like box jacks, where she ankle. Reverse directions.
its own timing and rhythm.” jumps her feet out and in Beginners can simply step
with a resistance band around back and forth and work on
The Athlete her ankles for an added chal- balancing on one foot. As you
Carissa Moore lenge. A weekly Pilates ses- improve, take bigger hops from
Age: 27 sion focuses on engaging her side to side. Challenge your
Home: Oahu, Hawaii lats so she doesn’t overuse balance even more by jumping
Bragging Rights: Four-time her shoulders when paddling. on and off an unstable surface
World Surf League Women’s Like most athletes, Ms. like a Bosu ball or pillow.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A13


Serious Songs From

A Pop Princess
Taylor Swift’s impressive new album sounds
like nothing else in her catalog

he best moments on Tay- poser, and he wrote orchestrations
lor Swift’s 2019 album, for a number of the tracks here,
“Lover,” were ballads lending “Folklore” a neoclassical
that expanded the range bearing. It feels formal and care-
of her songwriting. Ms. fully composed, giving Ms. Swift a
Swift long ago mastered setting in which to experiment. In
clever stories of heartbreak, but an interview with the online music
“Soon You’ll Better” and the title magazine Pitchfork, Aaron ex-
track found her slowing down and plained that as they wrote, a con-
sinking deeper into more emotion- cept took shape in her mind, and
ally nuanced territory. Hearing that characters from one song
these numbers alongside some might show up in another.
goofy (if always catchy)
radio-friendly pop threw
the merits of their more
emotionally resonant
material into sharper re-
lief. Ms. Swift’s new re-
cord, “Folklore” (Repub-
lic), a surprise release
announced only last
week and out now, builds
on these developments
and, owing to Ms. Swift’s
new collaborator, sounds
unlike any record in her
“Folklore” owes its ex-
istence to the pandemic.
Ms. Swift’s tour behind
“Lover” was set to kick
off in April, and when it
was canceled she sud-
denly found herself with
time on her hands. She Taylor Swift’s ‘Folklore,’ announced only last
had already been work- week, was recorded by multiple artists
ing on a few new songs scattered around the world
with her longtime collab-

orator Jack Antonoff and
now sought inspiration from an Ms. Swift has long infused her
unlikely source: Ms. Swift reached music with references to her life,
out to Aaron Dessner, producer leaving clues for her most devoted
and multi-instrumentalist from fans to uncover, but this collec-
the indie rock band the National, tion is unusually weighted toward
about writing together. He had intra-album narrative. “The Last
also been working on his own mu- Great American Dynasty,” which friend or Ms. Swift herself. Mr. When Ms. Swift writes from a pair building on that sound for a
sic while quarantined, and he unfolds over a skittering drum Vernon opens in his lowest regis- more personal place, she focuses full record.
shared some sketches with Ms. machine beat and spare piano ter, singing in the second verse, “I mostly on the danger of defining But the bulk of “Folklore” is
Swift. Soon they were writing and chords from Mr. Dessner, is based think I’ve seen this film before / yourself based on how others see simpler and quieter, with arrange-
recording an album. on the romance between Rebekah And I didn’t like the ending” over you, a familiar theme for her that ments that leave more space. The
The credits for “Folklore” un- Harkness and Standard Oil heir Mr. Dessner’s piano chords, and she explores here with new sub- closing “Hoax” unfolds over Mr.
derscore that this was an album William Harkness, and scene-set- then Ms. Swift echoes the line tlety. On “Illicit Affairs,” created Dessner’s tinkling piano, calling to
created in quarantine. Mr. Dess- ting lines like “Her saltbox house shortly after. The song builds to a with Mr. Antonoff, she sings of the mind a cobwebbed parlor in a ne-
ner’s parts were recorded at his on the coast took her mind off St. stirring chorus where their voices self-loathing that comes from pur- glected summer house, and the
studio in New York’s Hudson Val- Louis” would have been hard to suing a relationship that can go chorus has flashes of Victorian
ley; Ms. Swift’s vocals were re- imagine on Ms. Swift’s earlier re- only so far, while on “Mad Woman” melodrama (“Stood on the cliff-
corded in Los Angeles; string cords. Opening track “The 1,” a she explores culture’s unease with side screaming, ‘Give me a rea-
parts were recorded in Buffalo and strutting midtempo number that
Her new sound stems in female anger, mixing historical son’”), bringing the album to an
a synthesizer was recorded in finds Ms. Swift thinking about an part from a collaboration fragments (witch trials, sanitari- appropriately moody conclusion.
Paris; vocals from Justin Vernon old flame and what might have ums) with present-day narratives. Though Ms. Swift’s mastery of pop
of Bon Iver were cut at his studio been, mentions the Roaring ’20s,
with the National’s The middle third of the record mechanics means you can hum
in Wisconsin. That the album was and the first verse ends with “the Aaron Dessner. is dominated by Ms. Swift’s work just about all these songs after a
stitched together from these dis- greatest films of all time were with Mr. Antonoff, and while this couple of listens, “Folklore” is a
parate parts recorded in studios never made,” the first of many stretch is mostly very good, it also deliberately serious record, and
all over the world is especially mentions of cinema. hints at another direction this re- it’s not hard to imagine those
striking considering how cohesive It’s an album, in part, about join, trading perspectives in alter- cord could have taken. Both “Au- drawn primarily to her more effer-
the end product sounds. how stories are handed down nating lines, Mr. Vernon’s “You gust” and “This Is Me Trying” vescent work finding it a bit chilly
“Folklore” places Ms. Swift’s lyr- from one generation to the next, never gave a warning sign” fol- emerge from a fog of reverb and and dour. It’s a record for those
ical obsessions and melodic acu- with movies as one medium for lowed by Ms. Swift’s “I gave so are extensions of the dream-pop less invested in her celebrity past,
men in productions that draw di- that transfer. “Exile” was written many signs.” The structure of the sound of the song “Lover.” They and it’s a major success on its own
rectly from the National’s by Mr. Vernon, Ms. Swift, and an track, in its arrangement and its recall atmospheric bands from the terms.
brooding, goth-inflected indie rock. otherwise unknown songwriter portrayal of two perspectives on ’80s and ’90s like the Sundays and
Mr. Dessner’s twin brother, Bryce, named William Bowery, whom the same event, is remarkable, but Cocteau Twins, and it’s a style for Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
also a member of the National, is a fans speculate might be a pseudo- the formal virtuosity never ob- which Ms. Swift has an instinctive rock and pop music critic. Follow
well-regarded new-music com- nym for Ms. Swift’s current boy- scures its easy musical pleasures. feel. One can easily imagine the him on Twitter @MarkRichardson.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
50s 60s 70s d t
Edmonton <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 66 Termination, 26 Prepping for
figuratively mess
Vancouver 80s Calgaryy 60s 13 14 15
70s 10s 67 Alternative to 27 Briny expanse
Winnipeg 16 17 18 FaceTime 29 Blade in a boat
80s 20s
P d
Portland 30s 19 20 21 22 68 Picked out of a 32 Happy as ___
l 70s Montreal
Helena lineup
90s Bismarckk Ottawa 40s 33 Fuming
Billings A t
Augusta 23 24 25 26 27
Eugene Down
60s p / . Pa
Mpls./St. Paul T
Toronto A bany
Albany 90s 50s 36 Rx amount
Boise 60s P
Pierre Boston 28 29 30 1 Less gradual, as
oux FFalls
Sioux ll Buffalo tford
Hartford 60s 37 At any point
Milwaukeek t
Detroit an incline
90s Cl l d
Cleveland New YYorkk 70s 31 32 33 34
Reno Salt
alt Lake
L eC Cityy
Ch y
Deses Moines
Ch g
2 Anticipates that 38 Bronze
70s Sacramento 80s 70s Cheyenne Omahah Pittsburgh Phhil d lphi
Philadelphia 80s 35 36 37 38 one will component
Kansas Springfield
Denver h
hi gton
ton D.C.
Washington DC 90s 39 Org. promoting
Sann Francisco Topeka City 90s
d p
Indianapolis 70s 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3 Hand unit
Colo d
Colorado Louisville Ch
Charleston h
Richmond d 100+ global financial
Las p g
Springs St.. Louis
Vegas h
Wichita 4 Beast of burden cooperation
80s 90s l igh
Raleighh 47 48 49 50
Los A
Ange l
Angeles 100s Santaa F
Nashville C h l tt
Charlotte 5 Veep between 40 Permanently
Phoenix Albb q q
Albuquerque k hhoma C y 70s
ma City
Oklahoma C b
Columbia 51 52 53 54 Hubert and get rid of
San Diego A
Atlanta Warm Rain
LLittlee Rockk Gerald
T c
Dallas h
Birmingham 55 56 57 41 Pasta-cooking
Jackson 90s
El Paso Ft. Worth Cold T-storms 6 Barbarian of specification
90s b
Mobile JJacksonville
k ill 58 59 60 61 62 pulp novels
40s A ti
Austin 44 Radio carrier
50s Houston Stationary Snow 7 Spring mo.
w Orleans
New l d
Orlando 63 64 65
70s an Antonio
San Tampa
p 45 Toiled
60s 80s 8 Lucy of
70s Honolulu
l l Showers Flurries 66 67 68 46 Moves like a cat
70s Anchora 80s
Miami “Elementary”
A h
70s 9 Catch the 48 “___ been swell!”
50s REST AREAS | By Adam Vincent interest of 49 Astounds
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Today Tomorrow
Lo W Hi Lo W
Across 24 Public projects of 50 Forgivable, as 10 Series premiere, 50 Designer Wang
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Kitten-adoption questionable some sins often 52 “Bon appétit!”
Omaha 90 69 s 88 69 t Frankfurt 83 54 pc 79 55 pc
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; org. merit 51 Bought some 11 They often
Orlando 90 76 t 92 76 t Geneva 87 65 t 84 63 s 53 Hardly
Today Tomorrow follow corner
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
Philadelphia 94 75 t 92 74 pc Havana 90 72 pc 90 74 t 5 Arrangement of 28 Tried to improve time, in a way loquacious
Phoenix 111 89 pc 113 90 s Hong Kong 93 81 sh 93 81 t
notes one’s score on, as kicks
Anchorage 70 56 pc 73 58 pc Pittsburgh 85 64 t 85 66 pc Istanbul 86 72 s 88 74 s 54 Hitter’s stat 57 Surface
the SATs 12 So far
Atlanta 88 70 t 83 70 t Portland, Maine 89 70 t 88 67 pc Jakarta 91 75 pc 91 74 pc 10 “Love ___ 55 Money of Mexico competitor
Austin 94 75 c 92 74 c Portland, Ore. 88 60 pc 91 63 s Jerusalem 90 69 s 90 69 s neighbor” 30 Request for a 13 Soak up
Baltimore 95 74 t 93 72 pc Sacramento 99 59 s 95 58 s Johannesburg 59 38 pc 63 40 s drink for the road 56 ___ Lingus 58 Place to be
Boise 96 66 pc 99 69 s St. Louis 90 73 s 91 72 t London 69 51 pc 74 56 pc 13 Explorer’s 17 Wacko pampered
Boston 94 73 t 89 72 pc Salt Lake City 92 69 s 95 71 s Madrid 98 71 pc 101 72 pc reference 31 Wide 57 Victorious shout
22 Studio with a 60 Utah’s state
Burlington 89 64 t 86 64 pc San Francisco 72 55 pc 72 57 pc Manila 92 78 t 90 79 t
14 Drop by 32 Uncontrollable 58 Digits on IRS lion mascot animal
Charlotte 94 70 t 91 72 t Santa Fe 83 58 t 89 58 s Melbourne 59 46 c 63 48 pc way to run forms
Chicago 87 71 s 87 70 pc Seattle 82 59 s 84 59 s Mexico City 74 57 t 74 58 t 15 Peace sign 24 Portend 61 Vote of dissent
Cleveland 85 67 pc 86 67 pc Sioux Falls 88 66 s 85 67 pc Milan 92 72 pc 93 72 pc shape 34 Org. with hands- 59 Feature of
Dallas 91 77 t 91 76 t Wash., D.C. 94 77 t 93 75 pc Moscow 79 64 pc 81 66 sh on training? 25 Some slide and 62 Souvenir from
Manhattan, and
Denver 85 60 t 90 58 pc Mumbai 89 81 t 88 80 t 16 Pelt by a some revolve Oahu
35 Award show of this puzzle’s
85 67 s
86 74 pc 86 75 sh
82 66 sh
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
54 pc 80 58 pc
71 s 77 69 pc
rollout answers that Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 91 77 t 90 77 t Today Tomorrow Riyadh 115 89 pc 115 92 pc 18 Butter bit contain circles
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
39 Neighbor of Wyo. H E N N A S T A R E R S
Indianapolis 84 66 pc 87 70 pc Rome 87 67 s 87 68 s 19 Email program A R E A S G I MM E N A P
Kansas City 86 69 s 84 68 t Amsterdam 67 56 pc 66 53 pc San Juan 90 80 t 89 80 s 42 Bygone GM auto, 63 Place for an S O U T H A F R I C A F Y I
Las Vegas 108 82 s 110 86 s Athens 93 78 s 95 77 s Seoul 82 73 c 82 73 r
button for short orchestra S T E E P L E D O U B T
Little Rock 90 74 t 87 74 t Baghdad 125 89 pc 124 92 pc Shanghai 91 81 c 91 80 pc 20 60 minuti 43 Apothecary’s 64 Middle B O OM L E T L A S A G N A
Los Angeles 82 61 pc 85 60 pc Bangkok 93 78 t 93 80 t Singapore 87 79 sh 84 79 t I N N I E G O V C O S T
Miami 93 79 pc 91 79 pc Beijing 85 71 t 87 73 c Sydney 64 50 r 65 49 pc 21 Surrounded by containers Baudelaire in S E X A P P E A L
Milwaukee 86 68 pc 80 69 pc Berlin 81 57 t 71 54 pc Taipei City 95 80 t 96 82 t 23 Black ___ 47 Singer- Lemony Snicket’s A C E S E S S N E WM E
Minneapolis 84 63 pc 83 61 s Brussels 72 53 pc 73 53 pc Tokyo 84 73 t 77 70 r books D A Y T O N A T E A S H O P
(covert military songwriter S L E E P A P N E A AM I
Nashville 89 72 pc 86 73 t Buenos Aires 53 37 s 54 44 s Toronto 84 66 s 81 63 sh A D E P T U P S C A L E
New Orleans 84 75 t 90 77 t Dubai 105 93 pc 106 92 pc Vancouver 74 57 c 76 59 s missions) Etheridge 65 Roof features L E X S E C R E T A G E N T
New York City 93 76 t 90 75 pc Dublin 63 47 c 60 56 pc Warsaw 87 65 pc 78 54 pc E R A I L O S E P E R T H
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 78 69 t 82 71 t Edinburgh 62 50 c 64 50 pc Zurich 83 61 t 82 56 pc S AM N I N E E S S A Y

A14 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Marlins’ Outbreak Throws
BY JARED DIAMOND sidered not playing Sunday.
AND LOUISE RADNOFSKY “That was never our mentality,”

Rojas said. “We knew this could
ive days after Major happen at some point.”

MLB Season Into Turmoil

League Baseball began its The episode represents a worst-
attempt to stage a season case scenario in the plan devised by
amid the coronavirus MLB to begin play. Baseball execu-
pandemic, its plan was tives initially explored putting the
thrown into turmoil following an entire league inside a sequestered
outbreak of positive tests on the “bubble,” ensuring that players had
Miami Marlins.
Two games were postponed as teams await further test results no contact with the outside world.
Tests showed that a dozen or That is similar to the approach
more players and staff members taken by the NBA, NHL, WNBA and
from the team have contracted several other professional leagues.
Covid-19, prompting MLB to post- The NHL on Monday said that it
pone two games previously sched- had conducted 4,256 tests from
uled for Monday, several people fa- July 18-25 as it prepares to resume
miliar with the matter said. its suspended season. All of them
The Marlins had proceeded with came back negative.
their game Sunday afternoon in MLB ditched the bubble idea, in
Philadelphia against the Phillies af- part because of objections from
ter learning that several players had players, over concerns that base-
tested positive that morning. They ball’s ranks were too large to fit in-
stayed in Philadelphia overnight to side a closed location for such a
await further test results instead of long period of time. The summer-
time weather in the proposed loca-
tions—Arizona and Florida—also
presented a problem, and few other
The episode represents sites have enough quality baseball
a worst-case scenario in fields to play a full season.
Baseball then turned to a struc-
the plan devised by MLB ture involved playing in home mar-
to begin play. kets and having teams move from
city to city. The plan rested heavily
on frequent testing of players and
trying to keep them relatively dis-
flying to Miami as they had in- tanced from each other.
tended. But those protocols had potential
By Monday, it had become clear holes in them from the start, epide-
that the infection had spread, rais- miologists said, largely stemming
ing significant and unsettling ques- from the league’s difficulty in secur-
tions about the viability of MLB’s ing access to tests that could gener-
plan to play games in cities around ate rapid results. Players are cur-
the country as the virus continues rently tested every other day, with
to surge. results coming back within 48
MLB postponed the Marlins’ hours from labs in Utah
home opener against the Baltimore Above, The Marlins dugout during a game on July 21. Right, and New Jersey. Crucially,
Orioles as well as the Phillies’ con- Marlins manager Don Mattingly greets Phillies manager Joe Girardi. the players are not kept in
test against the Yankees at Citizens isolation while waiting for
Bank Park, where the Marlins enumerated, though on MLB Net- during the game without test results to come
played Sunday. The Orioles were work, he said one condition would crowding together against through, meaning that
scheduled to fly back from Miami to be “a team losing a number of play- MLB’s protocols. players could play in a
Baltimore on Monday. In an inter- ers that rendered it completely non- “We had all these guys game in the period be-
view with MLB Network, commis- competitive.” and nowhere to go,” Mat- tween taking a test and
sioner Rob Manfred said the Mar- “After a successful Spring 2.0, we tlingly said. “Then we’ve learning the results.
lins and Orioles wouldn’t play their have now experienced challenges got a zillion guys in the During the training
game Tuesday but could meet for once we went on the road and left dugout, so there’s no way camp period, baseball had
their scheduled matchup Wednes- Miami,” Marlins CEO Derek Jeter we’re social distancing.” only a handful of new posi-

day at Camden Yards if coronavirus said. “Postponing tonight’s home From there, the Marlins tive cases, before teams
test results allow it. opener was the correct decision to headed to Philadelphia for started traveling. On Sun-
Meanwhile, MLB was awaiting ensure we take a collective pause to their opening series day, Mattingly said, “It’s a
the results of a new round of Phil- properly grasp the totality of this against the Phillies. Before lot scarier on the road.”
lies tests administered Monday to situation.” the first game, they Some public-health de-
ensure that the virus transmission MLB officials spent Monday con- placed catcher Jorge Al- partments have also ex-
was contained to the Marlins. Those tact tracing in an effort to uncover faro, one of their top hit- pressed wariness over
samples were supposed to be pro- the source of the Marlins’ spike—a ters, on the injured list baseball’s protocols. The
cessed at Rutgers University’s challenge given the team’s travels and didn’t provide a reason. Two pitcher José Ureña. Two other regu- Canadian government refused to al-
RUCDR Infinite Biologics laboratory over the past week. The Marlins other Marlins players, outfielders lar players, Garrett Cooper and Har- low the Toronto Blue Jays to play in
in New Jersey and returned as early held their training camp in Miami, Lewis Brinson and Matt Joyce, have old Ramírez, were also held out of the country.
as late Monday, one of the people one of the nation’s biggest corona- been on the injured list since July the lineup. The game went on any- Pennsylvania health officials de-
familiar with the matter said. virus hot spots. 15 without explanation. Teams can- way, with the Marlins winning, 11-6. clined to allow the Blue Jays to set
Under an agreement with the Last Tuesday, they played the not confirm positive tests without Afterward, Mattingly said the Mar- up in Pittsburgh sharing Pirates fa-
players’ union, Manfred has the first of two exhibition games in receiving permission from the lins “never really considered not cilities saying that with the Pirates
right to suspend or cancel the sea- Georgia against the Atlanta Braves. player. playing” and that “we’re taking and Phillies in the state, adding a
son if enough players are sick that A day later, manager Don Mattingly Then came Sunday, when the risks every day.” third team and the additional risks
it undermines the sport’s competi- described the Marlins’ dugout as “a Marlins—and MLB—faced a di- Veteran infielder Miguel Rojas, brought by the teams they would
tive integrity. The exact number for mess,” with players unable to take lemma. Before their game against one of the Marlins’ clubhouse lead- host was inappropriate. The Blue
Manfred to trigger that clause isn’t cover from the steady rain that fell the Phillies, the Marlins scratched ers, also said the players never con- Jays ended up in Buffalo, N.Y.

Saudi Power Broker

Lifts Almeria to Brink
Of La Liga Promotion
BY JOSHUA ROBINSON visers, and chief political enforc-
ers—a man who was present the
Almeria, Spain night Prince Mohammed moved
PEOPLE COULDN’T STOP talking aside the previous crown prince by
about the free cars. They were locking him in a room and convinc-
Almeria’s shtick: Buy a season ing him to resign.
ticket to this obscure soccer club in Sheikh’s representatives did not
Spain and the team’s eccentric make him available for comment.
Saudi Arabian owner might just As head of Saudi’s General Enter-
give you a brand new Audi A1. tainment Authority, Sheikh has
It was the first thing most peo- been a driving force of Riyadh’s bid
ple heard about the club, or the to become a global tourist destina-
man bankrolling it, a Saudi govern- tion. Last winter, he brought A-list
ment minister named Turki al- concerts, luxury cars shows, and a
Sheikh. The Spanish press wrote heavyweight prize fight to the mid-
about it repeatedly. When Sheikh dle of the desert. The popularity of
organized a high-profile exhibition those events has helped him gain
game in Riyadh, even Lionel Messi standing inside the royal court,
wanted to know about the cars, too. showing he could deliver on Prince Turki al-Sheikh, a political enforcer of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, has turned Almeria into his personal hobby.
“If you calculate the value of Mohammed’s promise to open up
that,” said Mohammed El Assy, the Saudi Arabia’s restrictive society to Spain,” he added. media. Wilder said in one clip. “I just want
Almeria chief executive who orga- the world. Saudi’s state investment in soc- “His Excellency insisted on this to wish you all the best of luck with
nized around a dozen giveaways, Saudi’s neighbors had already cer turned out to be Newcastle social media thing,” said El Assy, your game tomorrow.”
“it’s much more than the cost of 12 been using sports to burnish their United. A consortium led by the who has seen Almeria’s 200,000 Variations on the same theme—
A1 cars.” image for a decade. Qatar’s efforts Kingdom’s Public Investment Fund Twitter followers turn into half a “Hello Turki,” rather than Your Ex-
When it wasn’t raffling off Ger- include winning the right to host is currently in the process of being million. cellency—also came from Messi,
man hatchbacks, Almeria was the 2022 World Cup—the first in vetted by the English Premier The focus on growing the club’s Mourinho, boxer Anthony Joshua,
climbing the standings of Spain’s the Arab world—and acquiring League. internet presence makes sense World Cup winner Cesc Fàbregas,
second division to the brink of mov- French powerhouse Paris Saint-Ger- In the meantime, Almeria re- when you consider how much time five-time NBA champion Dennis
ing up to La Liga. This month, it se- main. Abu Dhabi’s royal family, mains Sheikh’s personal hobby. Af- Sheikh spends posting about his Rodman, and Diego Maradona.
cured a place in Spanish soccer’s meanwhile, has revolutionized soc- ter the initial €20 million, he in- various celebrity friends from his After the Almeria deal was done
promotion playoffs. But the real cer ownership by building a multi- jected another €30 million in own accounts—when he isn’t dedi- last August, El Assy brought in a
mystery isn’t how it reached those club empire around Manchester capital, making it the richest proj- cating paeans to Prince Mohammed. new coaching staff. He kicked off
heights. It’s why a member of City since 2008. ect in the history of Spain’s second Sheikh has flown in world-class plans for Almeria to move away
Saudi’s royal court would take an It seemed only a matter of time division. soccer managers, including Barce- from its rented practice fields and
interest in a small, underfunded before Saudi Arabia jumped in as “I’ve done everything I could, lona’s Quique Setien and Totten- build its own permanent facility. He
club on the south coast of Spain in well. Except that when Sheikh spent and this was the offer I was waiting ham’s Jose Mourinho, to give him secured some Audis to give away.
the first place. €20 million ($23 million) to buy for,” the club’s previous president, private coaching seminars. He The whole time, El Assy was re-
“The Minister is a man of foot- Almeria in 2019, it wasn’t a state Alfonso Garcia Gabarron, said at the boasted to Messi that Argentina’s porting back to Riyadh. Sheikh
ball,” is El Assy’s short answer. That operation, the club insisted. time. 1978 World Cup winning manager, rarely visits Spain, but nearly a year
much is clear from Sheikh’s online “If this is backed by the Saudi Almeria doesn’t yet have visions Cesar Luis Menotti, was among his later, the insomniac still expects
presence, where his millions of fol- government, why do I come to of upsetting European soccer’s hier- teachers too. two updates a day.

lowers are led to believe he’s one of Almeria and negotiate to decrease archy. This spring, he flexed his net- “This is why I’m a smoker, and a
the best connected people in the [the price by] €2 million to buy the The club isn’t in a position to work again after challenging the lot of coffee every day,” El Assy
sport. club?” El Assy said. “I’d go buy Tot- spend a billion dollars on players president of Saudi club Al-Nasr to a said. “I always say to the people
Sheikh, 38, is also a man of tenham or Man United. Why would and target the Champions League. PlayStation soccer match for char- working with us, that with the min-
Saudi’s most powerful clique: I come here, my friend?” The dream for now, El Assy said, is ity. Personal shout-outs poured in ister you choose: He’s either the
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Sal- “If Abu Dhabi has Man City and to become one of the game’s top 20 from more than three dozen stars best man in the world, or the worst
man’s inner circle. Though he isn’t a Qatar has Paris Saint-Germain, or 30 clubs on the pitch. of international sports. man in the world.”
blood relative, Sheikh is one of the Saudi Arabia would not go buy His orders, unusually, are also to “Hey Turki, what’s up baby?” the —Justin Scheck contributed to this
prince’s oldest friends, trusted ad- Almeria in the second division in make Almeria a top club on social American heavyweight Deontay article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A15

Margaret Sanger Gets Canceled BOOKSHELF | By Roger Lowenstein

been morally
tics reports that for 2017, the
most recent year for which it
has data, there were almost as
was a founder of the National
Right to Life Committee. Al-
veda King, founder of Civil
syndrome births in Iceland.
The court, he warned, can’t
dodge the issue forever.
Keeping Profits
promoted to
the rank of
general. It
many black abortions as live
births. This disparity remains
an issue polite society won’t
touch—so outside the pro-life
Rights for the Unborn, is a
niece of the Rev. Martin Lu-
ther King Jr. Democrat Ka-
trina Jackson is a pro-life
As it turns out, neither can
Planned Parenthood. Its re-
moval of Sanger’s name raises
all sorts of awkward ques-
On Track
STREET comes cour-
tesy of
community it breaks through
only when someone like Kanye
leader in the Louisiana Senate.
The same press that fawned
tions. Will Hillary Clinton and
Nancy Pelosi return their Mar-
Iron Empires
By William
Planned Par- West brings it up. over Faye Wattleton when she garet Sanger Awards? Will Bill By Michael Hiltzik
enthood of In 2009 Justice Ruth Bader was heading Planned Parent- de Blasio insist on keeping a (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 424 pages, $30)

Greater New Ginsburg kicked up a storm hood (and famously refused to Manhattan square named for
York, which will remove when she said that behind the debate Mrs. James) ensures Sanger? What about the bust he public image of the robber barons has always been
Sanger’s name from its Man- Roe decision she thought that women like these remain of Sanger in the National Por- a barometer of how America thinks about wealth.
hattan clinic because her “rac- “there was concern about pop- invisible. trait Gallery? Were they financiers or swindlers? Builders or
ist legacy” and “deep belief in ulation growth and particu- No one can expect Planned monopolists? In the Progressive Era, the muckraker Ida
eugenic ideology” can no lon- larly growth in populations Parenthood to reconsider its Tarbell cast John D. Rockefeller as a ruthless monopolist,
ger be denied. that we don’t want to have too Planned Parenthood support for abortion. But if it and Matthew Josephson’s compelling but one-sided
“The removal of Margaret many of.” She later clarified, means what it says about Depression-era tome, “The Robber Barons,” scorched the
Sanger’s name from our build- saying she wasn’t endorsing disavows her ‘racist holding “long overdue dia- lot of them. In recent decades serious biographers have
ing is both a necessary and the eugenic motivation she as- legacy’ but continues logues” with “communities of reappraised the turn-of-the-century moguls and found
overdue step to reckon with cribed to Roe—just pointing to color,” how about a public more to like. Could the wheel be poised to turn again?
our legacy and acknowledge concerns about overpopula- carrying it out. conversation with African- With inequality considered a public enemy, a reappraisal
Planned Parenthood’s contri- tion at the time. Whatever the Americans who believe that might be ripe.
butions to historical reproduc- intentions, abortion’s conse- black women struggling with In “Iron Empires: Robber Barons, Railroads, and the
tive harm within communities quences have manifestly af- And what about Clarence unintended pregnancies ought Making of Modern America,” Michael Hiltzik pokes among
of color,” wrote Karen Seltzer, fected different populations Thomas? The Supreme Court to have more hopeful options the ghostly bones of tycoons past but doesn’t generally
the chapter’s chairman. differently. last year let stand a lower- than simply getting rid of offer a new interpretation. Mr. Hiltzik, a journalist with the
What might that “reproduc- “Planned Parenthood does a court ruling that threw out an their unborn children? Los Angeles Times, presents a colorful cast in conventional
tive harm” include? During a large percentage of its abor- Indiana law prohibiting abor- Plainly the cancel culture terms. Once again we hear that the railroad barons made
National Day of Mourning last tion business in minority tions done solely for reasons that has now taken down Mar- money by watering stock
summer, Catherine Davis of neighborhoods,” says Kay of race, sex or disability—in garet Sanger is not up to the (meaning that they inflated it,
the Restoration Project, a James, president of the Heri- other words, for eugenic rea- job, because canceling is less as in watering cattle), swin-
black organization dedicated tage Foundation and founder sons. Justice Thomas was de- about coming to terms with dling rivals, buying judges and
to promoting the sanctity of of Black Americans for Life. rided for an opinion pointing history than erasing it. milking decrepit properties.
life and rebuilding families, of- “Some employees may believe out that “Sanger’s arguments “I believe many African- Daniel Drew was vaunted for
fered some perspective. The they are helping women, but about the eugenic value of American pro-lifers share my his ability to manipulate shares.
estimated 20 million African- whether they know it or not, birth control in securing ‘the view that removing Sanger’s He played with the float of the
American abortions since Roe they are doing the work of elimination of the unfit’ apply name from buildings isn’t the Erie Railroad “with the ease of
v. Wade in 1973, she noted, is white supremacists, which is with even greater force to way for Planned Parenthood to a child inflating and deflating a
more than America’s entire eliminating an alarming num- abortion.” He went on to say reckon her legacy,” says Mrs. toy balloon,” as Mr. Hiltzik puts
black population in 1960. ber of black people before how abortion has proved a James. “It should be about it. For unalloyed greed, it was
The Centers for Disease they are born.” “disturbingly effective” eu- reckoning with the ongoing hard to top George Pullman, the
Control and Prevention re- African-American women genic tool: not only in the dis- part of her work, in terms of sleeping-car magnate, who set up
ports that non-Hispanic black such as Mrs. James have fea- proportionate number of black the Planned Parenthood clinics a “beautiful” company town but
women account for the great- tured prominently in the pro- abortions in the U.S. but in the in our neighborhoods. If we’re gouged his underpaid workers on
est share of all U.S. abortions, life movement from the begin- hundreds of thousands of being honest about legacies, rent. When a depression set in,
38%, despite being only 13% of ning. Mildred Jefferson, the pregnancies terminated in Asia isn’t that the conversation we Pullman cut wages 30%; somehow the workers’ rent was
the population. New York first black woman to graduate because they were girls and should be having?” unaffected, while corporate dividends rose.
City’s Bureau of Vital Statis- from Harvard Medical School, the near elimination of Down Write to Labor unions objected, but they were weak. The most
serious threat emanated from the barons themselves, who
recklessly overbuilt. The finagling Jay Gould ruined the

Snooze the Climate Alarms Union Pacific, the Civil War-era trunk line chartered and
subsidized by Congress. Talk about a fiduciary! Gould
thought nothing of (a) destroying the company with an
You won’t timate that population could more information to women “factory farms” offends green expensive acquisition while (b) personally wheeling and
hear this from be as low as 6.29 billion in around the world. sensibilities but can achieve dealing in the stock while also (c) serving on the board.
the profes- 2100. That would be 33% lower There are several lessons green goals. Factory farms The result was redundant tracks, ruinous rate-cutting and
sional climate than the lowest current U.N. here for policy makers wres- produce more food on less repeated waves of bankruptcy. Mr. Hiltzik likens the barons
alarmists, but projection, and around 1.5 bil- tling with the difficult issues land and are often more car- to rival duchies in Napoleonic Europe, jousting and plotting
an important lion fewer than the Earth’s surrounding climate change. bon-efficient than the small- but incapable of asserting order.
study on population today. The first is that conventional scale organic farms beloved by Until, that is, the emergence of J.P. Morgan Sr. and his
global demo- Even under the less aggres- strategies for combating cli- hipsters. The U.S. today pro- nearest rival, E.H. Harriman. Morgan tried to right the
graphics has sive scenario, the conse- mate change are too narrowly duces far more food than in finances, and Harriman to upgrade the operations, of
By Walter
good news for quences would be far-reaching. conceived. A focused global ef- the 19th century, but as mar- America’s first major industry—which today carries no more
Russell Mead
the future of China, where the University of fort to ensure that the educa- ginal land is taken out of pro- passengers than in 1890 but far more freight using far less
greenhouse Washington study expects tion and contraceptive SDG duction, the forests return. In labor. The standard view, which Mr. Hiltzik reprises, is that
emissions. For some time, de- population to decline by 48% America, forests have been ex- Morgan and Harriman were more public-spirited than the
mographers have been scaling to 732 million, would fall to panding for more than 50 likes of Gould, swearing off stock manipulations in order
back forecasts of future popu- third place, behind India and A new study predicts years, and even though popu- to put the roads on a sounder footing.
lation growth, but they may Nigeria, in the world popula- lation has more than tripled, The rub is that they were also monopolists, and neither was
not have gone far enough. A tion ranking. Population in 23 population will drop there is more forested land in shy about his collusive instincts. Morgan publicly chortled
new University of Washington countries and territories, in- sharply as developing the country today than there about having gathered the presidents of “all the competitive
study published in the Lancet cluding Japan, South Korea, It- was in 1910. In Europe, for- traffic of the roads west of Chicago and St. Louis.” The
argues that conventional popu- aly, Portugal and Spain, would economies grow. ested land expanded by an purpose of his little tea party was to fix prices. Harriman
lation statistics don’t account fall by 50% or more from their area the size of Portugal be- chose the more direct route of acquiring Union Pacific, the
for ongoing and projected fu- peaks. America, where con- tween 1990 and 2015. road previously mismanaged by Gould. It had fallen into debt
ture improvements in health tinuing immigration is ex- targets are fully met could If the SDG targets for edu- and disrepair, but Harriman committed millions to improving
care and education for women pected to offset declining fer- have a significantly greater cation and contraceptive ac- it; he then sought to acquire or eliminate any line that might
around the world. More liter- tility, would slip from third to long-term impact on emissions cess are met, and efficient ag- impede his pursuit of an east-west monopoly.
acy and better access to infor- fourth place with 336 million, than more-expensive and un- riculture continues to spread
mation about contraception barely more than today. popular policy choices like car- across the world, the combina-
are, along with urbanization, These shifts would lead to bon taxes or the mandated use tion of a falling population and Morgan and Harriman were more public-spirited
associated with declining fer- wrenching change. Health-care of expensive renewables. a smaller agricultural footprint than their robber-baron predecessors, but they
tility rates as women gain bet- and pension systems would Reproduction isn’t the only would allow the “rewilding” of
ter control of their reproduc- come under great stress human behavior that changes much of the Earth’s surface. were also monopolists, keen on collusion.
tive lives. around the world as shrinking with greater wealth and more And if economic development
Looking at the impact of numbers of working people education. Societies that are spreads the blessings of
these forces, the study pre- support large populations of wealthy enough to provide ed- greater freedom and greater Harriman is the more interesting character of the two
dicts some startling changes older people. But the impact on ucation and health care also education to more of the by virtue of his present obscurity, though not the more
over the course of the century. greenhouse emissions would act to preserve and restore world, popular demands for charming. “Not one man in a thousand found him genial,”
Instead of the global popula- be much more benign. their natural surroundings. De- cleaner air, cleaner water and an acquaintance remarked. Morgan looked down on the
tion reaching between 9.4 bil- These projections may not veloping countries may hack the protection of nature will runt-sized but iron-willed tycoon, who, unlike Morgan, had
lion and 12.7 billion by 2100 pan out; 80 years is a long down their forests, pollute only grow. risen from genteel poverty. More than a financier, Harriman
(as estimated in the 2019 time horizon and predicting their rivers, and foul their air, For many greens that had an operator’s eye; he saw every “blistered rail and
United Nations World Popula- the reproductive choices of but when they become rich thought is heretical, but the loose bolt,” as one railroad superintendent observed. While
tion Prospects report), the new people not yet born is less sci- they invest in repairing the University of Washington Morgan’s idea of an adventure was taking the cure in
study suggests it will peak at ence than art. Nevertheless, damage and reducing their study is only the latest piece of Provence, Harriman rounded up the leading scientists of
9.7 billion in 2064 and then de- the study points to a vital link- footprint. evidence pointing to the most the era for an all-expenses expedition to remote Alaska.
crease to about 8.8 billion by age between climate and prog- There are other ways that important truth in the climate “Whether Harriman and Morgan were motivated chiefly
2100. If the U.N.’s Sustainable ress that the green movement economic development sup- debate. While there are serious by public or personal interest can be endlessly debated,”
Development Goals for educa- often overlooks. Growth can be ports the environment. The problems that need to be ad- Mr. Hiltzik says after debating the question for more than
tion and contraceptive use are good. Economic development transition from traditional ag- dressed, the greenest thing an 300 pages. The distinction would have puzzled Morgan,
met in full, the researchers es- brings better health care and riculture to more-intensive economy can do is to grow. who fancied that his pursuit of consolidation was in the
public interest. Rails were a natural monopoly. What they
needed was rationalization and, to use a 20th-century term,

De Havilland Saved Hollywood From Stalin regulation. Until the federal government volunteered for
the job, Morgan and Harriman were the closest thing.
Mr. Hiltzik’s narrative, unhappily, is overloaded with
By Ronald Radosh munist liberal, was shocked anyone else in the commit- De Havilland’s speech, portentous framing. The trouble starts early, when he

when she heard the Commu- tee’s leadership, she read to Trumbo wrote her in an angry intones that each of his heroes “would play his hour upon
livia de Havilland, who nist screenwriter John How- the rally not Trumbo’s pre- letter, was nothing “but a de- the great stage.” Such anticipatory drum beating punc-
died Sunday at 104, is ard Lawson tell the committee pared words, but her own, nunciation of Communism,” tures any sense of narrative tension. And to say, as he
remembered mostly for the U.S. was starting “to written with the help of an exercise in “Red-baiting.” does, that Harriman was a “necessary” figure to the
her on-screen work, including strangle democracy every- James Roosevelt, the late With the support of another evolution of the railroad industry assumes a pre-
her role as Melanie Hamilton where.” In June 1946, she ac- president’s anticommunist actor who belonged to the destination available only in retrospect: What if
in “Gone With the Wind.” But cepted an invitation to speak son, who was one of the com- group, Ronald Reagan, James Harriman had slipped on the tracks?
we shouldn’t forget her con- at a committee rally in Seat- mittee’s leaders. Roosevelt and de Havilland Elsewhere, Mr. Hiltzik revs up a railroad war by telling
tribution to ending the Com- tle. She received a draft, writ- From 1932 to 1945, she told proposed that members make us that “fate intervened,” as if events were adhering to a
munist influence in Hollywood ten by Hollywood’s most her captive audience, a “coali- a statement strongly opposed master script. Trying to confect a sense of inevitability,
at a critical moment. tion of all liberal and progres- to communism. After a he asserts that “storm clouds were on the horizon” as the
De Havilland was involved sive forces” supported the stormy meeting, Reagan, pro- 19th century “drew to a close.” But the clouds were visible
with the Hollywood Indepen- A true liberal, the New Deal. But in this new era, ducer Dore Schary and others only in retrospect. He spends a lot of time describing a
dent Citizens’ Committee for actress was steadfast “reactionary forces have proceeded to de Havilland’s ball at New York’s Waldorf in 1897, replete with 60 cases
the Arts, Sciences and Profes- driven a wedge in the liberal apartment, where she told of champagne, as a set-piece of speculative excess. But the
sions, which brought together against Communists. coalition” and were trying to them she had decided to market break, which is supposed to give the ball its
liberals and Communists as make it appear “that the great “smoke out” the Communists symbolic power, didn’t come until four years later.
World War II was ending. Its liberal movement is con- and openly oppose them. Mr. Hiltzik often assumes a forward knowingness—
leader, Hannah Dorner, was a gifted, prolific and highest- trolled by those who are more James Roosevelt publicly re- cutthroat competition “would send more than half of
secret member of the Commu- paid screenwriter, Dalton interested in taking orders signed in July 1946, and it America’s railroads into bankruptcy”—but rarely seems to
nist Party. As the early winds Trumbo. Trumbo wanted her from Moscow and following was soon apparent that the be fully in the present moment. He writes that the railroad
of the Cold War blew, Dorner to condemn “the drive of cer- the party line than they are in committee’s only remaining baron James J. Hill and Harriman, who came to logger-
began to shift the group to- tain interests toward a war making democracy work.” The members were the Commu- heads over Northern Pacific, were “preordained” to clash
ward a pro-Soviet position. By against the Soviet Union,” and only answer was for liberals nists who had created it. and that Wall Street “steeled itself for a final paroxysm.”
October 1945, she was leading his text condemned Truman to distance themselves from This is history written in reverse. His characters are a
the group in opposing “the in- for union busting, anti-Semi- Stalin and his followers, the Mr. Radosh is co-author, rich, interesting lot. But his reflexive foreshadowing robs
cipient native fascism” she tism and racial bigotry. American Communists. “We with Allis Radosh, of “Red “Iron Empires” of the drama it might have had.
said was emanating from the What de Havilland did was believe in democracy,” she Star Over Hollywood: The
Truman administration. unprecedented and gutsy. told the crowd, “and not in Film Colony’s Long Romance Mr. Lowenstein is the author of “America’s Bank: The Epic
De Havilland, an anticom- Without informing Trumbo or Communism.” With the Left.” Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve.”
A16 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Jerome Powell’s Price-Fix Is In We Must Change to Bring Back the Factories

very dog of a bad policy idea has its day, Yet this putative blessing could quickly be- Regarding Arthur Herman’s “Bring- focus on high-skill jobs in the U.S.
but bad monetary-policy ideas seem to come a curse. Should investors decide to chal- ing the Factories Home” (op-ed, July and on close allies like Japan and
20): I was an owner of an aluminum South Korea, while low- and mid-skill
get more than one. The latest idea whose lenge the central bank’s interest-rate peg, au-
foundry near Boston in the early jobs are moved to factories in more
time has come and gone and thorities would be forced to 2000s. We supplied a major semicon- friendly low-cost countries like India,
come again is yield-curve con- The Fed flirts with expand or contract the balance ductor test-machine manufacturer Indonesia, Taiwan and, especially,
trol, which is shaping up to be controlling the Treasury sheet quickly at a time of mar- with considerable business in China. I Mexico.
one of the Federal Reserve’s kets’ rather than officials’ remember one very complex 300-lb. GEORGE HAMILTON
next party tricks. debt yield curve. choosing. The Fed would prob- casting our customer was forced by St. Michaels, Md.
This tool would involve the ably win such a battle of wills, the Chinese government to source in
Fed setting interest rates by but at what cost? China to be allowed to sell machines I was hired as technical director
diktat for the first time in 70 years, and Gover- The Fed last experimented with this policy in there. Although it took them three for the International Society of Opti-
nors are warming to the idea. The Open Market the 1940s as Washington struggled to finance years to find a Chinese foundry capa- cal Engineering. Bottom line, 10 years
Committee may discuss the policy at its meeting World War II. Interest-rate price controls reduced ble of making it, they finally did, and after retiring in 2001, 85% of the pa-
we lost over $1 million in revenue. pers in SPIE’s refereed journal were
Tuesday, and Chairman Jerome Powell said at the Treasury’s borrowing costs. But they intro-
Further, the machining source in New Asian. Now 10 years later, Mr. Her-
his June press conference and before Congress duced financial and other distortions that became Hampshire where we shipped the man reveals the consequences of 70%
that the Fed is studying such controls. harder to manage the further out of sync the offi- casting lost the machining work. Like Chinese enrollment in STEM courses
i i i cial rate and market sentiment drifted. so many foundries, we closed in 2009. at U.S. universities. For any real
No one should underestimate the risks this By explicitly politicizing interest rates, the Fed We must emulate the Chinese by change we need to offer many more
poses for the global economy. For decades the also opened itself to political pressure from Trea- requiring American companies to quality technical courses and have
Fed has “set” short-term interest rates by ex- sury to maintain the policy after the war despite source parts in the U.S. Forget tariffs, American kids take them.
panding or contracting the money supply to rising inflation. This conflict was finally resolved require a specific amount of work be TERRY MONTONYE
guide supply and demand toward the target—via in the 1951 Accord when the Fed wrested back its brought back to the U.S. over a period Bellingham, Wash.
open-market operations for very short-term independence from Treasury, but Fed “even keel” of years. It won’t correct our problem
credit in normal times. The Fed added quantita- operations to facilitate government borrowing overnight, but by bringing back an in- The most significant thing we can
creasing amount of product and com- do to boost manufacturing is to auto-
tive easing (QE) to its monetary arsenal in 2008 lingered into the 1970s. ponents each year we will achieve the mate. If the trade war is fought over
to influence rates, including long bond rates, but If Mr. Powell thinks President Trump’s Twit- desired result. who has the cheapest labor, then
this still leaves room for markets to send signals ter feed is bad for Fed independence, wait until BILL SCHAFFER China wins. If the trade war is fought
about expectations for inflation, economic the chairman starts manipulating rates out- Aspen, Colo. over who makes the best use of ro-
growth and the like. right. The danger will grow more acute the botics and automation, then we have
Yield-curve control muzzles investors. The more indebted the federal government becomes Mr. Herman correctly cites the na- a chance. Germany keeps up with
Fed would state its desired interest rates for from pandemic response and Baby Boomer enti- tional-security necessity of moving China because it has four times as
government bonds at one or more maturities tlements. U.S. supply lines out of China, but the many robots per worker as the U.S.
along the yield curve, commit to buying or sell- i i i suggestion that these manufacturing does, and does it without reducing
ing unlimited quantities of bonds to achieve the These concerns pale against the greatest risk: jobs can be brought back to U.S. soil manufacturing jobs. American politi-
ignores economics. Various sources cal, labor and business culture needs
target, and then dare global markets to test its The world needs a market price for the 10-year
report U.S. manufacturing labor costs to accept the fact that in the 21st
resolve. Rising or falling rates—let alone a Treasury yield, and Mr. Powell is threatening to at multiples of those in China. Unless century you cannot compete without
yield-curve inversion—no longer would be a take that away. we suspend trade, those jobs cannot robotics.
meaningful signal. Any deviation from the de- The Fed is interested in the Japanese and be brought back at such cost differ- DAVID PETERSON
clared rate would arise from speculative betting Australian yield-control experiments, but ences. Instead, American firms should Orlando, Fla.
against the Fed rather than market guesses there’s an important difference between those
about the economy. countries and the United States. Without mean-
Fed officials think this would be good. The ing to be rude, the world cares little about the
Fed has fretted since the Ben Bernanke era that yield on a 10-year Japanese or three-year Aus- Cancer Is the Big Risk, Sunscreen Is an Asset
long-term rates often resist the central bank’s tralian bond. Everyone must care about the in-
control. Operation Twist was an attempt to drag terest rate on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes. On behalf of the 20,000 members of health. Just because an ingredient is
the American Academy of Dermatology absorbed into the bloodstream doesn’t
down longer-term rates by buying longer-term Mr. Powell and his colleagues propose to fix
(AAD), I’d like to emphasize that sun- mean that it is harmful or unsafe. Most
assets under QE. Governor Lael Brainard argues the price on the paramount safe-haven asset in screens are a vital tool in the fight important, the study’s authors and the
that forcing medium-term rates downward the global economy. This is true even if the Fed against skin cancer, and their formula- FDA conclude that consumers should
would bolster the Fed’s credibility. follows Australia’s lead and introduces price tions and use are in line with current continue to use sunscreen as part of a
Backers say the policy allows central banks controls at maturities of only three or four Food and Drug Administration regula- comprehensive sun-protection plan.
to manipulate rates without expanding their bal- years. A fixed price at one or two points on the tions (“The Numbers: Shining a Light Because dermatologists see first-
ance sheets ad infinitum. This argument ap- yield curve inevitably will distort prices at every on Sunscreen Chemicals,” U.S. News, hand the impact that skin cancer has
pealed in Japan, the Frankenstein’s lab of mone- other point. July 18). on patients and their families, the AAD
tary policy, where two decades of quantitative Note also that Australia’s central bank targets The science is clear that unpro- recommends that when outdoors, ev-
easing left the central bank with relatively few the rate used as the risk-free benchmark for tected exposure to the sun’s dangerous eryone seek shade, wear protective
ultraviolet rays is the most preventable clothing—including a lightweight and
outstanding government bonds to buy. mortgages and other loans in that economy—
risk factor for skin cancer, including long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-
The Bank of Japan’s 2016 introduction of yield- which is why the central bank thinks the policy melanoma, the deadliest form of skin brimmed hat and sunglasses—and ap-
curve control saw an initial flurry of central-bank works. The same logic in the U.S. would require cancer. Sunscreen can help protect the ply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant
asset purchases, but markets now do as they’re the Fed to price-fix the benchmark 10-year Trea- public from harmful ultraviolet rays. sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher
told without intervention. Monthly bond pur- sury sooner or later. While the FDA is seeking more safety to all skin not covered by clothing.
chases have slowed relative to the era of “pure” We don’t know what price the global econ- data on certain sunscreen ingredients, BRUCE H. THIERS M.D., FAAD
QE. Australia introduced yield-curve control in omy would pay for such a policy in economic it has been clear that more research is President
March in an experiment the Fed is watching, and distortions or financial instability. The Fed needed to determine whether the ab- American Academy of Dermatology
its central bank also needs to trade relatively little doesn’t know either. No one should be eager to sorption has any effects on a person’s Charleston, S.C.
to maintain the peg. find out.

A Career Coach Who Knows You Best—Mom

A Weekend of Urban Anarchy “Meet Your Career Coach—You portunities. I hope that others with

May Know Her as Mom” (Page One, these sorts of parents recognize that
iots broke out again this weekend from York City, demonstrators defaced police vans July 20) illustrates that higher-educa- such parental guidance, though occa-
coast to coast, with violence and van- with spray paint and tried to smash their win- tion institutions don’t adequately sionally frustrating, is a huge advan-
dalism damaging more of urban Amer- dows, while others lit trash cans on fire. Dem- prepare undergraduates to enter the tage over others looking for work.
ica. Democrats and their me- onstrators carried out more real world. Also, social capital can be Students without such connections
dia allies insist these are These were not peaceful vandalism at a federal build- just as important, if not more, than face much stiffer odds of overcoming
largely peaceful protests, so earning a degree. Although the stu- their shortage of labor-market in-
it’s worth examining what re-
protests, despite what ing in Atlanta and a Fraternal
Order of Police lodge in Balti- dents referenced in the article struction. Schools must step up their
ally happened. many in the media claim. more. seemed bright, they needed the guid-
ance of concerned and connected
career-guidance programs, and com-
munity groups must do more to lo-
On Saturday in Seattle, This list isn’t exhaustive,
loved ones to turn academic success cate students in need of mentorship
protesters gathered outside and it undermines the claim into something professionally valu- and the access to social capital that
the juvenile court and detention facility, set that the Trump Administration has deployed able. This reveals a profound failure comes from having a connected, older
fire to portable trailers, and smashed the win- federal agents to suppress peaceful dissent. that is common throughout higher loved one in your life.
dows of nearby cars and businesses. An explo- Federal officers protecting federal property are education. Even during boom times, KEVIN FRAZIER
sive device gashed an eight-inch hole in the now the targets of demonstrators, not the in- recent grads enter the job market San Francisco
side of the Seattle Police Department’s East stigators of violence. The real blame lies with with insufficient institutional instruc-
Precinct, and rioters threw fireworks, stones progressive city leaders, who have all but tion as to how to actually land a job.
and other projectiles at law enforcement. promised violent protesters that they can act For students with families that The Perfect Solution for the
have high stocks of social capital, the
“In all 59 officers were injured throughout with impunity.
collective failure to tailor undergrad-
Portland-Federal Standoff
the day with one of those being hospitalized,” Portland recently imposed sweeping restric-
uate experiences to real-world reali- In his otherwise excellent analysis
the police department reported, and “injuries tions on when police can use tear gas to dis- ties is less costly. Count me among of Portland’s riots, William McGurn
ranged from abrasions and bruising to burns perse protesters. Seattle passed a similar ordi- those fortunate enough to have had overlooks one thing (“Portland’s Pot-
and a torn meniscus.” nance banning tear to “put up with” an involved parent tery Barn Rule,” Main Street, July 21).
Similar scenes un- gas, blast balls and who willingly helped identify job op- The federal government should imme-
folded in Portland as other less-than-lethal diately deed all its property to the
rioters tried to tear weapons—even after city. It should then relocate to Bend,
down the fence sur- Police Chief Carmen Cleveland’s Ballpark, Social Ore. The residents will be much more
rounding the Hatfield Best warned that such polite—and less violent—than the
Distancing and Patriotism Portlandese. An added bonus: Port-
Federal Courthouse. restrictions leave offi-
Demonstrators threw cers with “no ability to I, too, had the (mis)fortune of land lawyers wanting to file suit in
spending many days and nights, federal court will face a nice, three-
Molotov cocktails Fri- safely intercede to
along with 70,000 empty seats, hour commute each way, but they will
day night, and after preserve property in watching the Indians of the 1960s, experience the wonderful scenery en
midnight one federal the midst of a large, ’70s and ’80s as described by Roger route. In time, they may even begin to
officer took “a direct violent crowd” and Cohen in “Cleveland Has Seen Empty love the benefits of civilized behavior.
hit from a commercial may “create even more Ballparks Before”(op-ed, July 23). TONY LIMA
grade firework,” an- dangerous circum- The team has now become perenni- Hayward, Calif.
other “was hit with a stances for our offi- ally competitive under its present
mortar firework,” and cers to intervene using leadership and Dolan family owner-
a third “was struck in what they have left— ship. The team made me a proud fan Pepper ...

the head with a mortar riot shields and riot the other night when the players
stood for the national anthem with
And Salt
firework,” the Depart- batons.”
one hand on their heart and the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
ment of Homeland Se- Federal Judge
other on their teammate’s shoulder.
curity says. Peaceful? James Robart issued The players got it right by demon-
DHS says some Protesters in Portland, Ore., July 26. an injunction against strating respect for the flag while in-
5,000 or 6,000 re- the Seattle ordinance corporating togetherness—two
turned to the scene on Sunday, threw smoke last week after the federal government ex- things we need right now to move
bombs and launched “a roughly 10-minute-long pressed similar concerns, but it’s only tempo- forward as a country. The Tribe de-
continuous firework attack against the court- rary. Other Democratic-run cities have passed serves a hand for being the first
house.” DHS says at least 20 federal officers or are pursuing similar bans. team to hit a home run before the
sustained injuries in Portland. The weekend’s events were a deliberate as- season starts.
In Louisville, Ky., a black militia that calls sault on public and private property, law en- EDWARD AUBE
Broadview Heights, Ohio
itself the “Not F— Around Coalition” lived up forcement, and public order. Lawlessness be-
to its name Saturday when a member dis- gets lawlessness, and in recent weeks we’ve
Letters intended for publication
charged a gun and accidentally struck three seen reports of vigilantes and far-right activ- should be emailed to
compatriots, causing non-life-threatening in- ists joining the melee from Richmond to Phila- Please include your city, state and
juries. In Oakland, Calif., rioters set fires delphia. Local officials are allowing this disor- telephone number. All letters are sub-
downtown Saturday night, including at the der to occur, and the more it is indulged the ject to editing, and unpublished letters “Good news, Connors.
cannot be acknowledged.
Alameda County Superior Courthouse. In New worse it is likely to get. I’m elevating you to crony.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | A17


Higher Ed and the Fragmentation of America

By Orrin Hatch one his own virtual printing press. A counterbalance to the postmodern

single social-media post can reach ethic that has unseated truth as the
ome physicists believe the millions in seconds. With so many academy’s ultimate aim. And it en-
cosmos is home to an infi- competing sources of information, tails a renewed commitment to in-
nite number of bubble- it’s no wonder a shared reality has tellectual diversity, which is critical
shaped, parallel universes. fractured. to creating an environment where
The same theory could de- Just as Gutenberg’s invention free speech and heterodox ideas can
scribe today’s American politics. threatened to undermine the reli- flourish.
Somewhere between the rise of gious authority of the time, the in- We shouldn’t be afraid to pull the
cable news and social media, our ternet threatens to undermine our levers of federal and state power to
shared sense of reality splintered. secular clerisy—the journalists, aca- bring about these reforms. For de-
We live in an era of endless political demics and policy makers who cades, American taxpayers have sub-
narratives, in which the phrase “my make up the expert class in America sidized public universities, including
truth” is supposed to be taken seri- and elsewhere in the West. For de- some whose humanities and social-
ously. Algorithms built to confirm cades, they have served an impor- sciences departments look like polit-
pre-existing biases shape our social tant gate-keeping role, wielding tre- ical re-education camps. No more.
media feeds and opinions. Living in mendous power over public opinion. Legislators control the purse
our own bespoke information bub- But the internet makes it possible strings, and they can fight back by
to circumvent the gate keepers. The withholding funds from schools that

gate keepers’ desperate attempts to enforce unconstitutional speech
With everyone’s liberty slow the unfolding revolution and codes. They can go a step further in
keep control are proving downright strengthening academic freedom by
threatened by cancel draconian. tying federal financial support to a
culture, it’s time to restore The spirit of the Inquisition is ran afoul of the powers that be bracing political activism, many of university’s willingness to adopt
alive and well in today’s cancel cul- when he criticized the concept of these institutions have abandoned some version of the Chicago Princi-
freedom to academia. ture. The objective is not to root out “microagressions,” a core tenet of their teleological mission. Growing ples, which protect students and
nonbelievers in the church but ideo- the woke gospel. Mr. Hiers argued blurrier by the day is the line be- professors with divergent views.
logical heretics in newsrooms and that the concept inevitably “hurts tween news and propaganda, educa- Alumni and donors also play a
bles, Americans today cannot agree universities. These institutions are diversity and tolerance” by encour- tion and indoctrination. No longer role. They can push for change by
on the existence of facts, let alone supposed to be bastions of free aging people to see the worst in trusting traditional information targeting certain programs with
what the facts are. All this has seri- speech. But in 2020 any journalist or others. For this blasphemy, he was sources—with good reason—an their gifts and by using contractual
ous implications for public discourse scholar who strays from progressive fired. alarming number of Americans turn requirements to demand a detailed
on the most difficult issues facing orthodoxy is ripe for cancellation. Through such strong-arm tactics, to fake news and conspiracy theo- accounting of how their money is
society—from racial injustice to Unlike Tyndale, no one is being newsrooms and universities silence ries, accelerating the breakdown of being used. They can also make
Covid-19. burned at the stake, but plenty are opposition within their own ranks— shared reality. their contributions contingent on a
We are living through an infor- being fired from their jobs. Take the and in the process expose their own Is there any going back? Most university’s commitment to cultivat-
mation revolution arguably more forced resignation of New York ideological corruption. Americans likely not. The secular clerisy can no ing viewpoint diversity and uphold-
disruptive than Johannes Guten- Times editorial page editor James are waking up to the realization that more turn back the wheels of inno- ing First Amendment freedoms.
berg’s printing press. Before Guten- Bennet. Mr. Bennet’s crime was not most media organizations are more vation than Rome could more than Restoring intellectual honesty to
berg, one narrative of reality pre- having the “wrong” opinion but al- interested in advancing their own five centuries ago. The answer today, our universities is key to rebuilding
dominated Western society. By lowing someone else to express agenda than reporting the facts. Ac- as it was then, is reformation. the credibility of the expert class
democratizing access to the written his—a U.S. senator who, in suggest- cording to a recent Gallup poll, only To address the politicization of and a semblance of a shared reality.
word, the press overthrew Rome’s ing the use of federal troops to pre- 41% of adults trust the media to re- our expert class, we need a complete We can debate the facts only when
monopoly on ideas and allowed vent violence amid protests, articu- port the news “fully, accurately, and reformation of the system that feeds we can trust the institutions tasked
competing interpretations to prolif- lated a position with which the fairly,” and only 48% have confi- it—the universities. That entails a to explain them. Until then, the po-
erate. That took Europe from the majority of Americans agreed, ac- dence in higher education. radical overhaul of campus culture, litical multiverse is here to stay.
Middle Ages to the modern era. It cording to polls at the time. The press and the university are including the elimination of safe
precipitated the Reformation, the The situation is even direr in ac- the institutions that are supposed to spaces, trigger warnings, speaker Mr. Hatch is chairman emeritus
Renaissance and the American ademia. Consider the case of Na- keep us tethered to an objective re- boycotts and other practices meant of the Orrin G. Hatch Foundation. A
Founding. thaniel Hiers, a math professor at ality—to help identify truth and dif- to stifle debate and honest inquiry. Utah Republican, he served in the
The internet gives nearly every- the University of North Texas who ferentiate fact from fiction. By em- It entails fostering a philosophical U.S. Senate, 1977-2019.

Biden May Want to Forget About the Russia Investigation

friends at MSNBC, CNN or some tended outcome, the removal of the with the Kremlin. Newly released abreast of aspects of the investiga-
other group of Democratic Party president. documents from the Senate Judi- tion. He took part in a January
activists. Inconveniently for the former ciary Committee show that after 2017 Oval Office meeting that dis-
FREE Even these can take a curious vice president, awkward reminders publication of a New York Times cussed a taped phone call between
EXPRESSION course. Last week, in a free-asso- keep popping back up unexpectedly, report headlined “Trump Campaign Michael Flynn and the Russian am-
By Gerard Baker ciative online session with repre- like the verbal eructations that Aides Had Repeated Contacts With bassador a week earlier. We know

sentatives of the Service Employees punctuate Mr. Biden’s remarks. Russian Intelligence,” Peter Strzok, that his boss wanted to be told ev-
s was perhaps predictable in International Union, Mr. Biden the FBI official who discussed the erything the FBI investigators
a presidential contest be- warned that the president was in- need for an “insurance policy” in were doing. We know that Susan
tween two men on the ripe citing hatred of Koreans by attack- The candidate struggles case Mr. Trump got elected, wrote Rice, Mr. Obama’s national security
side of 70, we’re into the “my ing China for covering up Covid-19. that the agency was unaware of adviser and a leading contender
memory is better than yours” “People don’t make a distinction— to field softballs from any such contacts. for Mr. Biden’s vice presidential
phase of the election campaign. as you well know—from a South friendly media. What if he • The primary source for the in- pick, was also closely involved in
Neurologists are divided on the Korean and someone from Beijing,” famous Steele dossier on Mr. reviewing aspects of the FBI’s ac-
real value of cognitive testing, but he told a panel that included a cou- were asked real questions? Trump was a Washington-based tivities.
in any case we should be less in- ple of puzzled Asian-Americans. Ukrainian émigré and think-tank What else did Mr. Biden know?
terested in whether someone can They nodded sympathetically, like scholar, not some high-level Rus- When did he first learn about the
recite with precision a string of concerned relatives at the bedside The latest information adds to sian informant. U.S. intelligence investigation? Did he receive infor-
random words than in whether he of an elderly family member rant- the mound of evidence that there agencies warned law enforcement mation from that August 2016
can demonstrate practical recall ing about the nurse who has taken was serious malfeasance by offi- that much of the supposed intelli- briefing-cum-eavesdropping opera-
of recent important events in his away his record player. cials inside the Obama administra- gence was at best bunkum, at worst tion the FBI conducted with the
life. Mr. Biden can speak knowledge- tion. Here’s what we’ve learned in disinformation supplied by the Trump campaign? Did he press for
A better test for Joe Biden right ably on the topic of Asian stereo- the past couple of weeks alone: Kremlin. the prosecution of Mr. Flynn?
now than “Person. Woman. Man. types. In 2006, when he was cogni- • At an August 2016 intelligence All this comes on top of what There are many more questions to
Camera. TV” might be “Obama. tively sharper, he offered this briefing, given for the ostensible Michael Horowitz, the Justice De- be asked of a presidential candidate
Vice president. Russia. Trump. In- socioeconomic gem: “You cannot go purpose of informing candidate partment inspector general, discov- about what he can recall of such a
vestigation.” to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts Trump about Russian interference ered late last year: FBI officials critical period in recent history.
It’s well past time Mr. Biden was unless you have a slight Indian ac- in the election, an FBI official was doctored information to get judges Mr. Biden’s widening memory
asked some hard questions about cent. I’m not joking.” present to gather intelligence on to approve Foreign Intelligence lapses were once thought by advis-
what he knew about the campaign Mr. Biden is lucky he doesn’t re- the Trump campaign. Surveillance Act warrants and ig- ers to be a critical electoral liabil-
by the administration he worked in ceive tough questions—about the • In February 2017, even as it nored or played down evidence that ity. But if he can get from here to
to paint Mr. Trump as an asset of Russia-collusion story, for instance. continued to pursue investigations undermined their investigation. All Nov. 3 assisted by a complaisant
Russian intelligence. Having spent three years talking of Trump officials on multiple lev- the while, officials leaked damaging press corps disinclined to help him
When he digitally tiptoes out about little else, the media has now els, the FBI had acknowledged it and selective information to recall those last months of the
from his Delaware fastness, the for- pushed the story down the memory had no evidence to support the friendly media to convince the Obama administration, the failing
mer vice president is typically hole, since it was widely discred- central claim of its inquiry: that country they were on to something. memory may turn out to be his
tossed some gentle softballs from ited and failed to generate its in- Trump team members had worked We know Mr. Biden was kept greatest asset.

Down Under Doubles Down on Checking China

By John Lee with Secretary of State Mike deeply unsettling. But if the objec- takes the lead, from strategic pos- leave Australia fluttering in the

Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark tive is to persuade allies to step up ture to developing offensive capabil- breeze.
ustralian Foreign Minister Esper. Virtual meetings are the and carry their weight, then that is ities and operating the military as- Mr. Trump might lead an unpre-
Marise Payne and Defense norm. The decision to travel to the exactly what Australia is doing. sets jointly. Australia can’t push dictable administration, but his de-
Minister Linda Reynolds will U.S. says something about how im- Like many countries in the Indo- back against China alone. In other termination in this fight is not in
meet their American counterparts portant America is to Australian se- Pacific mugged by reality, Australia words, Australia has doubled down question. There’s also a growing
Tuesday in Washington for annual curity and prosperity—and about has been on a journey with China. on the alliance as its best option. consensus among allies that the
meetings known as Ausmin. Then the threat China poses to both The pandemic has focused minds on pandemic has changed the relation-
they will fly home to Australia and countries. what must be done. The Communist ship between Washington and Bei-
quarantine for two weeks to mini- It is also evidence that the Trump Party under Xi Jinping is nothing if Trump challenges allies jing in ways that will last longer
mize the spread of Covid-19—a re- administration’s managing of allies, not a devotee of the Leninist pre- than any one administration.
quirement for those arriving from at least in Asia and the Pacific, has cept: Probe with bayonets and if you to pull their weight, and All of this suggests that this
abroad. more to commend it than critics encounter mush, proceed; if you en- Australia steps up with week’s meetings will be one of the
It is extraordinary that the Aus- concede. It is true that staunch allies counter steel, withdraw. Good will most important in many years.
tralians are willing to tolerate two such as Japan and Australia find the has little currency. Timidity will only courage and resolve. There will be differences between
weeks of inconvenience to meet president’s unpredictable style invite Beijing to demand greater the two countries, as is expected be-
subservience. tween a superpower and a smaller
It is in this spirit that Australia Moreover, it is significant that one. For example, Australians la-
released its 2020 Strategic Defense Canberra is choosing to do this ment diminished American influence
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY Update earlier this month. The com- when relations between Washington in regional institutions such as the
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
mitment to spend roughly $400 bil- and Beijing are more hostile than at East Asian Summit, which Mr.
Matt Murray Almar Latour
lion (in U.S. dollars) on national de- any point since before Richard Nixon Trump didn’t attend in 2019. That
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher fense over the next decade, went to China in 1972. China has provided a pulpit for Beijing to bully
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: including almost $190 billion ear- also turned up the pressure by im- its neighbors and extend its narra-
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Ramin Beheshti, Chief Technology Officer; marked for capability enhancements, posing trade sanctions on products tive of American absence.
Natalie Cerny, Chief Communications Officer;
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor; Louise Story, Chief
Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas, Chief People Officer; is eye-catching. But as important is such as Australian barley. Regard- Chinese diplomats frequently
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Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer; what Australia plans to spend the less, Australia and Japan under mock and dismiss the 1951 security
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vehicles and cyber capabilities. This ern anchors of the American re- munist Party in China have given the
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Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; counter the People’s Liberation As someone who served in the Pompeo and Esper and Ms. Payne
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Army. The goal is to make China Australian government during the and Ms. Reynolds will discuss a
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Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Josh Stinchcomb, Advertising Sales; tial reach and presence in the Indo- ministration and the first year of the Communist Party meets collective
Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer; Pacific. current one, I can attest that the ob- steel whenever it probes and pushes.
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International
Far from retreating into isolation- stacle to greater Australian courage
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Professional Information Business:
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; ism, Australia is reaching out of its wasn’t a lack of faith in U.S. power Mr. Lee is a senior fellow at the
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head comfort zone—defending the conti- but doubts about American resolve. Hudson Institute and the U.S. Stud-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: nent—and looking to help alter the Canberra wouldn’t contemplate such ies Centre in Sydney. He was senior
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 balance of power in the Indo-Pacific. bold moves and risk punishment national security adviser to the Aus-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
But this is possible only if America from China if America were likely to tralian foreign minister, 2016-18.
A18 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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Nike Names New Diversity Chief SEC Warns

Of a Case
Facing complaints pany’s chief diversity and in- The role has long been and minorities. Nike has been restructuring

about culture, firm

adds ex-Tesla officer
clusion officer, is leaving to
pursue other interests, accord-
ing to a Nike spokesman.
marked by high turnover, ac-
cording to current and former
diversity chiefs. Ms. Leonard’s
Ms. Mayo was an HR execu-
tive in Silicon Valley for 16
years before spending two
its leadership team since John
Donahoe took over as chief ex-
ecutive this year.
Vs. Under
to leadership team
Nike said Felicia Mayo, a
former diversity chief at Tesla
Inc. who joined Nike last year,
exit was earlier reported by
the Financial Times.
Ms. Leonard, an 18-year
years at Tesla, according to
her LinkedIn profile.
Other people of color on
In February, Mr. Donahoe
said the company’s consumer
president and its chief operat-
BY KHADEEJA SAFDAR will lead a newly formed team Nike veteran, was appointed to Nike’s leadership team are its ing officer were leaving, and
as chief talent, diversity and the diversity and inclusion job strategy chief and the heads of last week he named three Nike BY KHADEEJA SAFDAR
Nike Inc. named a new chief culture officer. in April 2018 after a series of the Jordan and Converse veterans to run consumer seg-
diversity officer, adding a Black Under pressure to address executive exits in the wake of brands. ments as part of a reorganiza- Securities regulators have
woman to its leadership team racial divisions and inequities complaints about the com- Nike has said that Black tion that will eliminate an un- warned Under Armour Inc.,
at a time the sneaker giant and within their organizations, pany’s workplace culture. vice presidents represented specified number of jobs. founder Kevin Plank and its
other brands are promising to U.S. companies are rushing to She reported to Nike’s hu- 9.9% of its U.S. total in 2019, The company said it ex- chief financial officer that they
improve diversity and speaking hire chief diversity officers or man-resources chief, who at and 21% of vice presidents are pected to book termination could face civil-enforcement
out on social issues. elevate existing leaders to the the time said Nike had failed from underrepresented costs of $200 million to $250 action related to the sports-
Kellie Leonard, the com- position. to promote enough women groups. Please turn to page B2 wear maker’s past accounting
Under Armour said the Se-
curities and Exchange Commis-
Wirecard Amazon, which accounts for more than a third of U.S. online retail sales, has seen its market value
soar above $1.5 trillion this year.
sion last Wednesday sent Wells
notices to the company, Mr.
Plank and finance chief David
Was Fined Market share of U.S. online retail sales*
Bergman. The notices relate to
the company’s disclosures
around its accounting in 2015
By Visa, 38.0%
and 2016 and “pull forward”
sales during those periods.
5.8 A Wells notice is a letter
Mastercard eBay
Amazon market value year-to-date
$1.6 trillion
Global market share for renting
out cloud infrastructure, 2018 saying the SEC plans to bring
an enforcement action against
Amazon 4% a company or individual and
Collapsed payments proces- Apple gives the recipients a chance
sor Wirecard AG miscoded 1.4 to argue why the action
gambling transactions and had shouldn’t be taken.
high levels of stolen-card pur- Home Depot The Wall Street Journal re-
chases and reversed transac- 1.9 ported in November that the
tions, leading to hefty fines 1.2 SEC and Justice Department
from card networks Visa Inc. Best Buy were investigating Under Ar-
and Mastercard Inc., according 1.5 mour’s accounting practices to
to people familiar with the Microsoft 16% determine whether the com-
matter. Target pany shifted sales from quar-
1.5 ter to quarter to appear
By AnnaMaria Google Alibaba 8% healthier, according to people
Andriotis, 4% familiar with the matter.
Paul J. Davies 3 0.8 In response to the Journal
and Juliet Chung Wayfair IBM article, Under Armour dis-
2% Others 23% closed the probe and said it
Visa and Mastercard each had been cooperating with the
imposed fines exceeding $10 Macy’s 0.6 Justice Department and SEC
million more than a decade 09 since July 2017. “The company
ago, and the networks re- firmly believes that its ac-
mained wary of Wirecard’s *2020 estimate Sources: eMarketer (retail market share); FactSet (market value); Gartner (cloud infrastructure) counting practices and disclo-
business. Since at least 2015, sures were appropriate,” Un-

Amazon CEO Faces Rare Test in

Visa executives were concerned der Armour said in November.
that Wirecard was a problem, Shares of Under Armour
according to some of the peo- finished the session up 2.7% at
ple familiar with the matter. $11.20.

First Testimony Before Congress

Visa asked Wirecard to cut Former Under Armour exec-
off certain merchants and said utives told the Journal in No-
too much of its business origi- vember that they scrambled to
nated from risky areas such as meet aggressive sales targets,
gambling, pornography and un- borrowing business from fu-
regulated health-care products BY SEBASTIAN HERRERA set to be tested as never before pany more than a quarter- Another is its “customer obses- ture quarters to mask slowing
known as nutraceuticals, those when he makes his first-ever century ago. He has a sion,” one of 14 principles long demand for the company’s
people said. Some of Wire- At Inc.’s annual appearance before Congress on reputation for being unyielding touted by Mr. Bezos and his athletic apparel in 2016.
card’s clients changed names to shareholder meeting in May, Wednesday. when holding a strong belief or team as an explanation for the The Baltimore-based com-
avoid being identified as prob- Chief Executive Jeff Bezos of- In recent years, the world’s challenging what he considers company’s competitive behav- pany frequently leaned on re-
lem merchants. fered a familiar response when richest man has granted few ex- to be poorly considered ideas. ior. tailers to take products early
Such high-risk clients were asked about scrutiny surround- tended interviews to journalists But he is also known for staying The crown jewel of his testi- and redirected goods intended
highly lucrative to Wirecard. ing the company. and has seldom faced the kind on message. Former Amazon mony “is very likely to be the for its factory stores to off-
Pornjapan, a pornography pur- “We want people to know of adversarial questions he is executives say they expect Mr. consumer,” said Guru Hariha- price chains to book sales in
veyor, paid 10% fees for trans- the truth about Amazon and likely to get from lawmakers on Bezos to prepare carefully and ran, who years ago helped build the final days of a quarter, ac-
actions handled by Wirecard in how we use our scale for good,” the House Antitrust Subcom- to maintain discipline in shar- some of Amazon’s seller ser- cording to former executives
2017, according to internal he said before outlining com- mittee. He is set to testify via ing several messages that have vices and now runs Commer- in sales, logistics, merchandis-
Wirecard documents viewed by pany initiatives on climate, job videoconference alongside CEOs come up frequently in the com- ceIQ, which works with brands ing and finance.
The Wall Street Journal. Main- creation and small business. from Apple Inc., Google parent pany’s responses to scrutiny selling on Amazon. “He can ar- The executives said Under
stream merchants tend to pay That often-repeated mes- Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. and criticism. gue that you don’t want to en- Armour repeatedly used these
2% to 3% for U.S. credit-card sage, and Mr. Bezos’ tendency Mr. Bezos, whose net worth One is that while Amazon ac- force too many rules on an and other moves to help ex-
purchases. in public appearances and inter- has soared to almost $180 bil- counts for a large volume of e- open market because you will tend a 26-quarter streak of
A Visa spokesperson de- views to stick to folksy talking lion, has ruled Amazon unchal- commerce sales, its overall size end up hurting the consumer.” 20% sales growth, a feat that
clined to comment. A Wirecard points about Amazon’s rise, are lenged since founding the com- in U.S. retail is much smaller. Please turn to page B4 came to an end in late 2016.
spokesman declined to com-
A Mastercard spokesman
said it actively monitors its
network for violations of law
INSIDE AstraZeneca Strikes Cancer-Drug Deal
and noncompliance with its
rules. “Where we see areas of BY PETER STIFF
potential concern, we thor-
oughly investigate and work LONDON—AstraZeneca
with our customers to remedi- PLC has agreed to pay Japan’s
ate any issues we identify. This Daiichi Sankyo Co. up to $6
may include corrective action, billion to jointly develop and
fines or the suspension or ter- commercialize a cancer drug it
mination of a license under says could help redefine the
certain circumstances.” way the disease is treated, in
Wirecard, which crumbled the British company’s latest
into bankruptcy last month push into oncology.
when it admitted a $2 billion The therapy, an antibody
hole in its accounts, processed BUSINESS NEWS drug conjugate named

payments on behalf of shops Toys are selling, but DS-1062, targets a range of
and online merchants. Like cancers—including lung and
other processors, it acted as a
Hasbro and Mattel breast—that produce a protein
feeder of card transaction data aren’t cashing in on known as TROP2. It is de-
into Visa’s and Mastercard’s wave of buying. B3 signed to deliver chemother-
vast networks, which connect apy just to those cells, leaving
to banks and handle hundreds healthy ones alone, potentially
of millions of transactions a limiting side effects.
day. Under the deal announced
German prosecutors are in- Monday, AstraZeneca will pay
vestigating whether Wirecard Daiichi Sankyo $1 billion up AstraZeneca needs to refill its drug pipeline following patent expirations. Its factory in Dunkirk, France.
executives used access to the front, an additional $1 billion
financial system to launder dependent on regulatory ap- and its safety and efficacy are terol pill Crestor knocked bil- tential blockbuster treatments
money dating back as far as provals and up to a further $4 yet to be established. lions of dollars off its revenue. in oncology and that more
2010. It has also charged execu- billion for sales-related mile- While AstraZeneca’s profile AstraZeneca has launched could come from its early and
tives with taking part in a mul- stones. has been raised this year be- six new cancer medicines since late-stage pipeline.
tiyear fraud going back to at The companies will equally cause of its work developing a 2014 and last year hired a Developing cancer drugs is
least 2015. Wirecard is also un- share costs and profits from coronavirus vaccine with the prominent cancer doctor, José an increasingly competitive
der scrutiny in the U.S. by fed- the drug, except in Japan, University of Oxford, one of its Baselga, to lead oncology re- area as the world’s biggest
eral prosecutors in connection where Daiichi Sankyo retains key focuses in recent years has search and development. It pharmaceutical companies
with an alleged bank-fraud con- COMMODITIES exclusive rights and will be re- been pushing further into can- signed a deal valued at as much seek to commercialize scien-
spiracy that might have relied Gold futures prices sponsible for costs and pay cer treatments. as $6.9 billion last year for tific advances. Rivals including
in part on Wirecard as a trans- AstraZeneca royalties. The company is betting that shared rights to another cancer Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmith-
action processor and offshore
surge to an intraday AstraZeneca cautioned that a sharper focus on oncology drug with Daiichi Sankyo. Kline PLC are also focusing
merchant bank. record of $1,923.70 while it sees significant poten- can revive its fortunes after a AstraZeneca Chief Execu- more on oncology.
Visa and Mastercard watch a troy ounce. B11 tial in DS-1062, the drug has series of patent expirations on tive Pascal Soriot said Monday —Adria Calatayud
Please turn to page B10 yet to be approved anywhere, bestselling drugs like choles- the company now had six po- contributed to this article.
B2 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A General Mills...............B6 Pacific Investment

Advanced Micro Devices GlaxoSmithKline.........B1 Management...........B10
...................................B12 Glu Mobile...................B2 Pfizer ..................... A6,B1
Albertsons...........B3,B12 Graham Capital Q-R
Alibaba Group...........B11 Management...........B10
Alphabet.........A1,B5,B11 H-I Rabobank .................. A10 Hasbro.........................B3 Rite Aid.......................B3
.................. A5,B1,B4,B11 High Frequency Rosehill Resources...B10
Apple.........................B11 Economics.................A3 Ryanair........................A8
AstraZeneca................B1 Huawei........................B1 S-T
B-C Humana.......................B3
IHS Markit..................A3 Samsung Electronics..B1
Ball ............................ B12 SEI Investments.......B10
Barrick Gold..............B11 Intel......................B4,B12
IPG Photonics ........... B11 Taiwan Semiconductor
Benchmark Capital ..... B2 Manufacturing........B12
BlackRock....................A1 J-K Telefon L.M. Ericsson.B1
Borden Dairy...............A1 Tencent......................B11
Capital Economics......A3 KLA............................B11 Tesla..........................B11
Capitol Peak Partners A1 Kroger .................. B3,B12 Tiffany.........................B2
Centerbridge Partners L Twitter........................A6
Corning......................B11 LVMH...........................B2 U-V
CVS Health..................B3 Lyft..............................B5 Under Armour.............B1
D-E M Vanguard Group..........A1
Mastercard..................B1 ViacomCBS..................B2
Daiichi Sankyo............B1 Visa..............................B1
Dean Foods.................A1 Match Group...............B2
easyJet........................A8 Mattel..........................B3 W-X
Meituan Dianping.....B11 Walgreens Boots
F M.J. Brunner.............B10 Alliance.....................B3
Facebook......................B5 Moderna...............A6,B11 Walmart......................A1
Fortress Investment N-P Western Asset
NetEase.....................B11 Management ............ A1
G Newmont...................B11 Wirecard......................B1
Garmin.........................B5 Nokia...........................B1 Xiaomi.......................B11



B Govett, David............B11 Q-R
Barra, Ornella ............. B3 H-K Quinn, Corey ............... B4
Barth, Marvin ........... B12 Halpenny, Derek........B11 Renduchintala, Venkata
Baselga, José..............B1 Kelleher, Ann .............. B4 .....................................B4
Bergman, David..........B1 Kim, Woo-june............B1 Rolland, Christopher.B12
Bezos, Jeff..................B1 Kreiz, Ynon..................B3 Rudin, William............A1 The firm’s practice of manufacturing in-house means it can’t cut costs by canceling outsourced orders. A Louis Vuitton store in New York.
Biasi, Joseph...............A6 L-M S
Cahn, Albert Fox.........B5
Chan, Gabriel ............ B11
Church, John...............B6
Lanzone, Jim...............B2
Lee, Bruno.................B11
Lee, Jae-yong..............B6
Lipacis, Mark.............B12
Mayberry, Mike...........B4
Seidman, Elie..............B2
Sell, Joshua.................B2
Skinner, James ........... B3
Sonnendorfer, Sven....B4
Soriot, Pascal..............B1
LVMH Profit Slides as Closing
Luxury Stores Drives Up Costs
D-E Swan, Bob...................B4
Maynard, Andy ......... B11
Dinsdale, John ............ B4 T-W
Dubey, Shar.................B2
Owen, Craig...............B10 Tahir, Mobeen...........B12
Esfarjani, Keyvan........B4
Pessina, Stefano.........B3 Teves, Joni................B11
G Plank, Kevin................B1 Twigg, Wes...............B12
Goldner, Brian.............B3 Pongratz, Stefan.........B6 Ware, Jason..............B11 Fashion and spirits LVMH revenue by segment said Jean-Jacques Guiony,
brands largely hold up, LVMH’s chief financial officer.
First half 2019 First half 2020 “It’s particularly true at Vuit-

Nike Shifts but pandemic still Change

“take a knee” protest against ton, wines and spirits and
€ billion € €4 €6 € €
police brutality and inequal- takes toll on earnings some other businesses.”
ity ignited a nationwide de- “Doing the right thing

Fashion and 23%
bate. leather goods sometimes costs in the short
In response to the killing of BY MATTHEW DALTON term, but pays in the long
George Floyd, Nike pledged to Selective 32% term,” said Bernstein analyst

Chiefs invest $40 million over four PARIS—French luxury con- retailing Luca Solca.
years to support organizations glomerate LVMH Moët Hen- The company also had to
focused on social justice, edu- nessy Louis Vuitton SE said Perfumes and 29% write down products that it
cation and racial inequality in net profit plunged in the first cosmetics determined wouldn’t last be-
Continued from page B1 the U.S. half, as the company strug- yond the current fashion sea-
million. In addition, Michael Jordan gled to cut costs in the face of Wines and 20% son, hitting profits.
In 2018, Nike launched an and Nike subsidiary Jordan sweeping boutique closures Complicating matters for
ad campaign that featured Brand said they would donate during the coronavirus pan- LVMH is the $16 billion deal it
Watches and 38%
NFL quarterback turned ac- $100 million over the next 10 demic. jewelry struck late last year to buy
tivist Colin Kaepernick, whose years to those causes. Revenue was relatively re- U.S. jeweler Tiffany & Co.
silient, falling 27% in the half €1 = $1.1656 Mr. Arnault has since ques-
ended June 30 to €18.4 billion Source: the company tioned the deal, given the
($21.6 billion), LVMH said huge blow dealt by the pan-
Monday. demic. house and often directly oper- demic to the global luxury
The results were buoyed by Boutiques were closed first ate the boutiques where their business.
Louis Vuitton and Dior— in China, then in the West. handbags, high-fashion lines, LVMH executives on Mon-
LVMH’s biggest fashion While they have mostly re- perfumes, watches and jew- day gave no sign they were
brands—and its wines and opened in China and Europe, elry are sold. backing away from the deal
spirits division, which in- some in the U.S. are still shut It is a strategy favored by and said they were still wait-
cludes Hennessy cognac and as the country faces surging French billionaire Bernard Ar- ing for antitrust authorities
Moët & Chandon champagne. coronavirus cases. nault, LVMH’s chief executive to approve it.
But profit fell 84% to €522 Tourists are stuck at home, and controlling shareholder, Mr. Guiony said that busi-
million, as the company depriving boutiques in luxury to maintain meticulous con- ness improved in June as
couldn’t cut costs quickly shopping destinations of their trol over the image of LVMH’s more boutiques around the
enough to avoid a sharp de- top-spending customers. brands. world reopened.
cline in profit margins. That LVMH is the world’s big- But it also means LVMH In the U.S. and Japan, two
was well below analysts’ ex- gest luxury company, and it can’t cut costs by canceling of LVMH’s hardest-hit mar-
pectations. normally outperforms the orders to third-party manu- kets in the second quarter,

The results show some of broader industry. facturers, and it bears much sales in June were flat at
the challenges facing the lux- The conglomerate, how- of the cost of shutting bou- Louis Vuitton and up slightly
ury industry as it struggles ever, has a harder time cut- tiques. at Dior.
through lockdowns imposed ting costs than its competi- “We do manufacture inside, “And July will certainly see
by governments around the tors. LVMH brands produce and so we suffered some lack some improvement compared
Nike has been restructuring its leadership team. world to combat the pan- most of their products in- of absorption of fixed costs,” to June,” Mr. Guiony said.

Former CBS Interactive CEO

Hired to Oversee Tinder App
BY GEORGIA WELLS user experience across differ- ing apps when the company
ent markets,” Mr. Lanzone reports its second-quarter
Match Group Inc. is naming said. earnings Aug. 4.
a new chief executive for the When Match Group issued Many people who are con-
company’s flagship dating app its first-quarter financial re- cerned about health risks and
Tinder at a time when the cor- port in May, the company said the virus’ spread are reluctant
onavirus pandemic is redefin- that fewer subscribers signed to meet up with strangers in
ing the online dating industry. up for Tinder after coronavi- person, even as shelter-in-
The new CEO, Jim Lanzone, rus case counts started to rise place and social-distancing or-
previously served as presi- earlier this year. ders contribute to loneliness.
dent and chief executive of But it appears that when This puts a greater emphasis
CBS Interactive, as well as ex- people realized the pandemic in online interactions.
ecutive in residence at ven- was going to last for several Tinder is increasing its in-
ture-capital firm Benchmark months, they started trying to vestment in tools that allow
Capital. Mr. Lanzone, who find new ways to use dating people to socialize more on-
will join the company Aug. 3, line. In the past few weeks,
is succeeding current Tinder Tinder rolled out the first ver-
CEO Elie Seidman and will re- sion of the company’s new
port to Match Group CEO
Jim Lanzone will video-chat feature.
Shar Dubey. join the dating app Ms. Dubey said Mr. Lan-
Mr. Seidman is stepping zone has experience running
down and returning to work
Aug. 3, succeeding complex tech organizations
with early-stage, venture- Elie Seidman. and integrating emerging me-
backed companies, according dia into bellwether brands,
to a person familiar with the along with a record of build-
matter. He joined Tinder as ing subscription offerings. At
CEO in late 2017, and led the apps. A spokeswoman for CBS Corp.’s Interactive unit,
company as it focused on ex- Match Group said engagement Mr. Lanzone helped develop
panding into new countries. on Tinder has increased, and the broadcaster’s video-
Guiding Tinder through the that women under the age of streaming strategy, and left
pandemic is crucial for Match 30 are now signing up for Tin- last year as the company pre-
Group, which operates several der more frequently. (On het- pared to merge with Viacom
dating apps including Match, erosexual dating apps, men Inc.
Plenty of Fish and Hinge. Tin- tend to outnumber women.) Tinder also is naming gam-
der is Match Group’s most Match Group said Tinder ing executive Joshua Sell as
prominent brand and has tens experienced double-digit reve- product chief. Mr. Sell worked
of millions of users. nue growth in the second on and launched franchises at
“We have an enormous op- quarter from a year ago, and is King, Glu Mobile Inc. and Ko-
portunity to deliver on our expected to provide a fuller rean gaming company NCSoft.
mission, bring more people to picture of how the pandemic Mr. Sell will report to Mr.
the product and reimagine the has affected usage of its dat- Lanzone.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | B3


Walgreens CEO
To Step Down,
Become Chairman
BY SHARON TERLEP into a health-care behemoth
AND DAVE SEBASTIAN through acquisitions of phar-
macy benefit manager Care-
Walgreens Boots Alliance mark in 2006 and insurer
Inc. said Stefano Pessina will Aetna Inc. in 2018, Walgreens
step down as chief executive, shifted away from all-out acqui-
kicking off a search for a new sitions came after unsuccessful
leader at the company as the attempts to buy Humana Inc.
coronavirus pandemic has and rival Rite Aid Corp.


dented profit and complicated Mr. Pessina in recent years
a turnaround. has championed a strategy of
Mr. Pessina, a 79-year-old partnerships, with Walgreens
Italian billionaire and one of the joining with companies ranging
drugstore chain’s largest single from insurer Humana to grocer
shareholders, took over five Kroger Co. In June, the com-
years ago following the merger pany announced a deal with pri-
of Walgreens and European mary-care provider VillageMD
pharmacy chain Alliance Boots. to attach physician offices to
Walgreens, the largest U.S. hundreds of U.S. drugstores.
drugstore chain by stores, said Walgreens’s efforts have yet
Monday that Mr. Pessina will to deliver higher revenue and Mattel said Barbie sales rose 35% at the retail level, but gained 7% on a wholesale basis in the quarter with stores hobbled by the pandemic.
remain CEO during the search profit, but Mr. Pessina has

Toys Are Selling, but Mattel

for his replacement. He will urged Wall Street to be pa-
become executive chairman tient. Walgreens shares are
upon stepping down, succeed- down nearly 30% in the past
ing James Skinner, who will year while CVS shares rose
remain on the board. 13% in the same period.
Even before the coronavirus
outbreak, Walgreens and rival
CVS Health Corp. were deal-
ing with smaller profits from
prescription drugs and compe-
Mr. Pessina, who has a de-
gree in nuclear engineering,
worked for several years in ac-
ademia before taking over his
family drug-distribution busi-
And Hasbro Aren’t Cashing In
tition from online rivals that ness. He has claimed to have BY PAUL ZIOBRO growth for the company. Online shopping has helped revenue declined 29% to $860
have hurt retail sales. Illinois- completed more than 150 ac- The wide split between as thousands of stores closed. million, when accounting for
based Walgreens responded by quisitions as he consolidated Toys from Barbie dolls to point-of-sale trends, which toy Mattel said online sales dou- the recent acquisition of En-
cutting costs in its home mar- the business around Europe. board games are flying off the makers say reflects underlying bled in North America in the tertainment One Ltd. and its
ket and last year said it was One of those acquisitions was shelves, literally and virtually, demand, and financial perfor- latest quarter, while Hasbro Peppa Pig and other brands.
closing 200 stores. a company headed by Ornella as parents look for ways to en- mance reflects the extreme re- said digital sales rose more Hasbro and Mattel each re-
The pandemic has put fur- Barra, who has been Mr. Pes- tertain their children during tailing conditions during the than 10%. ported quarterly net losses.
ther pressure on drugstores, sina’s life partner for three de- the coronavirus pandemic. But global pandemic. But online merchants such Hasbro said it also lost out
as patients put off visiting cades. Today she is Walgreens’s retailers haven’t rushed to re- About 30% of stores were as Inc. generally on some sales because facto-
doctors and other health pro- co-chief operating officer. stock their inventory, causing closed globally at the start of buy less inventory than large ries, some of which were
viders, which has cut into pre- In 2006, he merged his busi- financial pain at toy makers. the quarter, the companies retailers, who place orders for closed in the quarter, were un-
scription sales. Lockdowns ness, then known as Alliance The discrepancy caused said, halting sales and any fol- items to fill shelves at thou- able to make enough games
have also reduced stores visits UniChem, with the U.K.-based sharp revenue declines at Has- low-on orders to replenish in- sands of stores. Also, as that were in high demand,
and retail sales. Boots drugstore chain. A year bro Inc. and Mattel Inc. in the ventory. bricks-and-mortar retailers such as Jenga, Battleship and
Walgreens this month said later, he joined with KKR & Co. second quarter compared with As stores have opened, re- shifted to an online sales Mouse Trap. Most of Hasbro
it was cutting about 4,000 to buy out the company and a year earlier, even as the tailers have been cautious to model, they didn’t need as and Mattel’s toys are made
jobs in the U.K. and suspend- take it private for $18.5 billion. companies say global retail toy stock up, amid uncertainty much product. outside the U.S.
ing stock buybacks as demand The deal making continued, sales rose in the period. from the virus and precarious “As retailers moved to a Executives said that as
fell off in its international and in 2012 Alliance Boots Mattel said Barbie’s sales financial situations at some digital model and stores were more stores open, they expect
business. For its quarter ended agreed to sell a 45% stake to rose 35% at the retail level, chains. closed, their retail inventory better sales in the second half
May 31, the company said the Walgreens for $6.7 billion. In but only increased 7% on a “They are managing their requirements declined,” Has- of the year, which includes the
Covid-19 pandemic sliced off 2014, Walgreens bought the wholesale basis. inventory tightly, more bro CEO Brian Goldner said on critical holiday season. The in-
$700 million to $750 million in rest of Alliance Boots for Hasbro said its games busi- cautiously,” Mattel Chief Monday’s earnings call. creased consumer spending on
sales, with most of the effects around $14.7 billion. ness, which includes Monopoly Executive Ynon Kreiz said in The tightening of inventory toys isn’t likely “to retrench,”
tied to its global retail-phar- The company’s shares fell and Nerf, posted a 50% in- an interview last week. led to a 15% drop in revenue to Mr. Goldner said. “We expect
macy business. 1.7% in Nasdaq trading on crease in retail sales, five “Everyone is trying to pace $732 million at Mattel in the it to continue to expand,” he
Where CVS has built itself Monday. times higher than revenue themselves.” latest quarter, while Hasbro’s added.

The Boise, Idaho, grocer said it made $615 million in investments related to the pandemic.

Albertsons Gets Lift From

Customers Eating at Home 10 (6 oz)
Top Sirloin
BY JAEWON KANG to $22.8 billion, with digital have generated higher sales Steaks (#V235)
sales more than tripling. since the pandemic took hold NOW $79.99*
Supermarket chain Albert- The food supply chain is in the U.S. While food supplies
sons Cos. said consumers are stronger today than in the have improved, grocers and
sticking with their new pan- spring, particularly in the manufacturers are still playing
demic-driven habit of buying fresh categories, said Mr. San- catch-up for some staples.
more groceries and eating
more at home.
karan, who joined Albertsons
from PepsiCo Inc. in 2019. But
As the number of coronavi-
rus cases rises, grocers are in-

10 top sirloin
At the start of the coronavi- Albertsons is still experiencing troducing new measures such as
rus pandemic, shoppers shortages at some stores of mask mandates. They continue
stocked pantries with more cleaning products, packaged to heighten sanitation efforts,
than they could eat in the near meat and baked goods heading limit capacity and operate un-
term. Now, said Albertsons into the fall. der shortened hours. Plexiglass

S T E A K S F O R $ 7 9 . 9 9*
Chief Executive Vivek San- The Boise, Idaho, owner of shields and one-way aisles have
karan, purchases are more in the Safeway and Jewel-Osco become ubiquitous and new ex-
line with what consumers plan chains started trading publicly penses related to the virus are
to eat before their next trip to
the supermarket.
putting pressure on margins.
Albertsons said it made $615
and get
With people still eating million in investments related
mainly at home as the pan-
The company says it to the pandemic, including
demic persists, he said, de-
mand has been sustained at
higher levels for Albertsons
is still experiencing
shortages of some
$275 million in additional pay
for employees. The grocer said
it also incurred expenses re-
and other grocers.
“You’re not going out.
products. lated to civil unrest in certain
markets in late May and June.
You’re not going to ballgames. In recent years, Albertsons
You’re not traveling as much has focused on fueling growth A free Kansas City Steak Book with cooking instructions
as you did,” Mr. Sankaran said last month after years of unsuc- by remodeling stores, invest- and recipes, and a free seasoning packet also included.
in an interview Monday. cessful attempts to list. Albert- ing in technology and central-
Excluding fuel, sales at sons priced its initial public of- izing how its divisions buy /A507WJ or call 800.793.9144
stores open at least 15 months fering at $16 a share, below its products. It also brought on
rose about 27% from a year initial target range. On Monday, new leadership. U S E P R I O R I T Y C O D E A507WJ
earlier for the quarter ended the stock slid 5.4% to $15.24. Albertsons said Monday
June 20. The company, which Albertsons didn’t provide that it generated $586.2 mil-
Offer expires 8/31/2020. *Free shipping applies to standard delivery only. Additional fees will
is the nation’s second-largest guidance for the fiscal year lion in profit in its fiscal first apply to Overnight, Saturday, Alaska and Hawaii deliveries. Cannot be combined with other offers
grocery chain after Kroger Co., given the uncertainty with the quarter. On an adjusted basis, or promotions. Limit of 5 shipments per customer. 10 free 4 oz. Steakburgers must ship with the
reported it continues to see coronavirus. The grocer said it earnings per share were $1.35, order to same address. Some restrictions may apply and you must use Priority Code at time of
purchase to receive this offer. The Kansas City Steak Company® reserves the right to cancel or
higher traffic, demand and expects sales to have in- beating expectations of $1.29. modify offer at any time. Offer valid while supplies last.
sales as a result of the corona- creased in July, but at a lower
virus pandemic. Its total sales rate than earlier in the year.  Heard on the Street: Grocery
for the quarter rose about 21% Food retailers in general chains deserve a look..........B12
B4 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Huawei Woes Give Samsung a Shot Bezos Set

To Testify
South Korean company ital twin of one’s physical self.

sees opening for 5G

while Chinese giant is
The technology is at best a de-
cade away, but the messaging
linked the future to today’s re-
In Congress
ality, warning the transition to
stalled by geopolitics 6G will require even tighter cy- Continued from page B1
bersecurity protections. A spokesman for Mr. Bezos
BY ELIZABETH KOH In recent weeks, the com- declined to comment.
pany has been in discussions Critics have questioned
SEOUL—The West’s fight with some European operators whether some of Amazon’s
with China about 5G network about providing network practices put its own interests
equipment has handed an op- equipment, particularly for 5G. ahead of that customer-first


portunity to South Korea’s Samsung executive vice presi- principle, and lawmakers have
Samsung Electronics Co. dent Kim Woo-june told a Brit- been scrutinizing the company’s
The U.S. and U.K. have ish parliamentary committee competitive behavior as part of
barred from their 5G networks this month that the company a broader examination of large
China’s Huawei Technologies could definitely build a 5G net- technology companies since last
Co., the industry’s largest work in the U.K. if the oppor- year. Momentum grew for Mr.
player. Other European coun- tunity arose, though he denied Bezos to testify after a Wall
tries are weighing whether to basing Samsung’s strategy on Street Journal article in April
follow suit. In response, Bei- what he called political winds. detailed the use of third-party
jing is considering blocking “Wherever there’s an op- seller data by company employ-
two European suppliers and portunity, we’ll go there with ees to help create competing
the industry’s next largest our products,” Mr. Kim said. Amazon-branded products.
manufacturers, Nokia Corp. The Chinese Foreign Minis- Amazon, which launched an
and Ericsson AB, from send- try denied Beijing is weighing internal investigation because
ing their China-made product Samsung sees 5G network equipment as a pillar for future growth. An ad for a Galaxy S20 5G phone. retaliation against the restric- of the Journal story, has said it
elsewhere, The Wall Street tions on Huawei. prohibits employees from using
Journal reported last week. telecom operators will prefer a inroads. In the overall net- aled up its 5G marketing ef- But Nokia and Ericsson em- nonpublic, seller-specific data
The geopolitical squabbling supplier who sells both the work-gear market, Samsung’s forts, leaning on its end-to-end ploy thousands in their Chi- when determining which prod-
gives Samsung, the industry’s network equipment and all the share of sales of prior-genera- offerings in pitches to carriers nese manufacturing plants, ucts to launch.
No. 4 player, a major chance to consumer products that con- tion equipment represents just and focusing on developing a and China, which has taken On July 21, the company re-
muscle into a telecom-equip- nect to it. a few percentage points. In the future 6G service rather than the lead in the early 5G roll- leased a report that touts its in-
ment market it considers a pil- Samsung also manufactures 5G realm, the South Korean the 2G or 3G coverage still out, has been allocating a vestment into small businesses,
lar for future growth. Though its network gear entirely in company controls roughly a needed in older markets. It has greater share of its 5G con- saying it is spending more than
deep-pocketed, Samsung has South Korea, lending it cover seventh of the market where signed four new deals to pro- tracts to domestic vendors: If $30 billion to support small and
been a fringe networks player from the tit-for-tat restric- Huawei enjoys more than vide 5G network gear in the global tensions escalate, Sam- medium-size sellers on its site.
for decades, mostly servicing tions that its main competi- twice that, according to mar- past eight months, including in sung is the most likely main The report also says Amazon
its home market. But with tors lack. ket research firm Dell’Oro Canada and New Zealand. player to reap the benefits of works with more than 2 million
stagnating sales from its for- Even before the U.K. re- Group. The company rolled out a not being caught in the cross- independent sellers, authors,
mer cash cows in smartphones versed course this month on Samsung’s 5G sales could “6G Vision” white paper this fire. The Seoul government is content creators, developers
and televisions, Samsung has its approach to Huawei, Sam- improve in the coming months, month, touting technology like on relatively good terms with and other businesses in the U.S.
bet billions of dollars that sung already had made some industry analysts say. It has di- holograms that would be a dig- Washington and Beijing. Rep. David Cicilline (D., R.I.),
chair of the House panel, said
lawmakers over the past year

Intel’s Top Engineer Quits Amid Tech Revamp

have “heard some very disturb-
ing testimony about the experi-
ences of innovators and small
businesses with Amazon.”
BY ASA FITCH wan Semiconductor Manufac- that use smaller transistors can many performance bench- succeeding Mike Mayberry, “They are tremendous gate-
turing Co. and Samsung Elec- run more efficiently and use up marks. Shares of AMD, which is who is retiring at the end of keepers to a huge part of the
Intel Corp. is shaking up its tronics Co. Intel said Mr. less physical space. due to report quarterly earn- the year, reporting to the CEO, economy,” Mr. Cicilline said.
technology team and said its Renduchintala, who joined the Intel shares are down ings on Tuesday, have risen the company said. She will be “We want to look at in a very
chief engineering officer was company in 2015 from Qual- around 18% since last week’s around 16% since Intel dis- in charge of overseeing the de- serious way the practices of
leaving the company days after comm Inc., would leave Aug. 3. disclosure. Intel, long the larg- closed its latest product devel- velopment of an even smaller Amazon.”
the semiconductor maker sur- Intel has stumbled with de- est U.S. semiconductor com- opment setback. chip design. Mr. Bezos’ primary advisers
prised investors by disclosing velopment of some of its new- pany by value, has now ceded Intel, on Monday, also said it Intel said its manufacturing for the hearing include top Am-
delays on its newest processor est processors. Two years ago, that title to Nvidia Corp. was splitting its technology and operations are to be led by azon lawyer David Zapolsky and
design. it encountered delays in bring- Intel’s struggles come at a group into several teams re- Keyvan Esfarjani. Jay Carney, Amazon’s public re-
The executive, Venkata ing its 10-nanometer technol- time Advanced Micro Devices porting directly to the chief ex- Under Mr. Renduchintala, In- lations and policy chief and a
“Murthy” Renduchintala, had ogy to market. On Thursday, In- Inc. has been winning market ecutive, Bob Swan. Ann Kelle- tel had hoped to iron out chip- former White House press sec-
played a leading role in the tel shares plummeted after it share. The smaller rival has her, a longtime Intel executive design and manufacturing issues retary to President Barack
company’s bid to scale down said that its move to 7-nanome- won investor enthusiasm with a who oversees its manufacturing that had plagued it in the past. Obama.
the size of its transistors and ter chips was delayed by a year series of new chips that match operations, will lead the Tech- Mr. Renduchintala couldn’t be —Ryan Tracy
compete with the likes of Tai- from its initial schedule. Chips or better those of Intel on nology Development division, reached for comment. contributed to this article.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | B5


Police Seeking Location Data

On Google Users Face Scrutiny
BY DAVID UBERTI tabase known internally as
Other Companies’ “overly broad time periods,” Sensorvault. A Google repre-

Police use of a type of war- among other criteria. She sentative declined to provide
rant to monitor Google users’ Policies Vary didn’t define those terms. precise numbers.
locations en masse is staring Fitness-tracking firm Lawyers for the company
down its first legal and politi- Garmin Ltd. hasn’t received didn’t take a position on the
cal challenges as scrutiny of It is unclear how many such requests and wouldn’t warrant in Mr. Chatrie’s case,
law-enforcement tactics other companies comply with fulfill them because “it would according to court documents.
grows. these police demands. be very invasive of our users’ But they called the tactic “a The company said some of its systems were encrypted.
Criminal defendants in Vir- Facebook Inc. receives such privacy rights,” according to a significant incursion on pri-
ginia and San Francisco are
warrants but doesn’t fulfill
them because the social media
platform has less-precise loca-
tion data than device makers
The Facebook spokesperson
said the company has “been
supportive” of the New York
vacy” while highlighting a po-
tential for imprecise data.
A company spokesman de-
clined to share the number of
Garmin Says Hack
which authorities can use to
scan geographic areas and
time periods for suspects
and limitations in how the data
is stored, a spokesperson said.
He declined to explain those
bill but declined to elaborate.
Richard Salgado, Google’s
director of law enforcement
warrants the company re-
Google built a special pro-
Disabled Software
through user location histories limitations. and information security, said tocol to process the requests.
stored by technology compa- Ride-sharing company Lyft the company is encouraged to First, Google searches Sensor- BY EUIRIM CHOI vices affected by the outage
nies. As these motions await Inc. potentially would comply if see a discussion about “the vault to check which users had been at least partially re-
arguments and potential deci- warrants don’t target “all users need for rules to govern untar- passed through the area and Garmin Ltd., the maker of stored.
sions as soon as August, New in a large geographical area,” a geted access to data by law during the time period speci- navigation systems for cars, Garmin technology is
York lawmakers are pushing spokeswoman said, or for enforcement.” fied, providing anonymized boats and planes, said it was widely used in the aviation in-
legislation to ban the practice. information to authorities. the target of a cyberattack dustry but a person familiar
Police turned in both cases After police decide which that made its software un- with the industry said he was
to Alphabet Inc.’s Google, George Floyd in Minneapolis They argued authorities’ devices are of interest, they available for several days. unaware of any reports of
which says the number of police custody in May. search for Google users within may compel Google to identify The company, which also planes being grounded as a re-
such requests grew 1,500% New York state Sen. Luis a half-block radius of the specific users. makes smartwatches and fit- sult of the outage.
from 2017 to 2018, and an ad- Sepúlveda, a Democrat who is house over more than a two- “We vigorously protect the ness trackers, said Monday The Federal Aviation Ad-
ditional 500% from 2018 to chairman of the state senate’s hour period, which eventually privacy of our users while there was no indication that ministration didn’t immedi-
2019. The search and advertis- Crime Victims, Crime and Cor- zeroed in on Mr. Dawes, vio- supporting the important any customer data was ac- ately respond to a request for
ing company created a special rection Committee, co-spon- lated his Fourth Amendment work of law enforcement,” cessed or stolen. It said sys- comment.
process to fulfill the warrants sored a bill in April to outlaw rights against unreasonable Richard Salgado, Google’s di- tems are being restored and Garmin said the hackers en-
but has raised concerns that search and seizure. rector of law enforcement and should be back to normal over crypted some of its systems
the demands made by law en- Separately in Virginia, de- information security, said in the next few days. but stopped short of saying it
forcement invade privacy. fense lawyers are seeking an an email. “We do not expect any ma- involved a ransomware attack,
Privacy advocates fear
Privacy advocates August hearing to make simi- The bill to ban such terial impact to our operations in which the perpetrators de-
compliance by Google could fear compliance by lar arguments on behalf of searches in New York has or financial results because of mand a ransom to unlock the
lead authorities to seek simi- Okello Chatrie, a 25-year-old stalled amid the pandemic, this outage,” the Olathe, Kan.- target’s data.
lar data from fitness trackers,
Google could affect who is accused of armed rob- but Mr. Sepúlveda and Sen. based company said in a state- The Federal Bureau of In-
ride-share apps and other other companies. bery of a bank outside of John Liu, another co-sponsor ment. “As our affected sys- vestigation, which often deals
companies if more of those Richmond. After police re- in the state senate, hope to tems are restored, we expect with cybercrimes, declined to
businesses begin to store us- quested information about de- take it up again as the crisis some delays as the backlog of comment.
ers’ granular location histo- vices that passed within 150 subsides. information is being pro- Ransomware attacks have
ries to hone their products the warrants and informal re- meters of the crime scene Mr. Sepúlveda, the New cessed.” paralyzed large organizations
and services. quests for such data. over an hourlong period, York state senator, urged in an While the full extent of the before. In 2017, an attack that
“We’re going to see this Mr. Sepúlveda warned that Google combed through every interview that Google push outage is still unclear, Garmin the U.S. said was linked to the
ever-expanding universe of geofence warrants would be user who opted into the loca- back harder against authori- said it affected several ser- North Korean government
geolocation warrants that will used disproportionately in tion-history feature to narrow ties. “They stand to lose a lot vices including Garmin Pilot, a crippled several hospitals in
be tracking huge numbers of communities of color like down potential matches, ac- if people realize what’s going mobile app providing flight- the U.K.
people if we don’t outlaw the many other police tactics, cording to documents filed in on,” he said. plan and weather data to pi- On New Year’s Eve, Trav-
practice,” said Albert Fox such as stop-and-frisk. the U.S. District Court for the lots, and Garmin Connect, a elex, a company that owns a

Cahn, executive director of San Francisco public de- Eastern District of Virginia. tool for tracking health and chain of money-exchange
the Surveillance Technology fenders filed a motion last Roughly one-third of all fitness activity on Garmin de- shops, suffered a ransomware
Oversight Project, a nonprofit month to quash such a war- Google users opted in as of vices. The company also said attack that later led the com-
advocacy group. rant used in the February last year, according to the the outage interrupted com- pany to pay a multimillion-
The pushback coinciden-
tally comes amid a drumbeat
2019 arrest of LaQuan Dawes,
30 years old, in connection
company’s filings in the case,
sending information related to
CYBERSECURITY pany communications, cus-
tomer service and its website.
dollar ransom.
Garmin is scheduled to re-
of criticism of law enforce- with a home burglary in the tens or potentially hundreds As of Monday morning, ac- port its second-quarter earn-
ment after the killing of city’s Sunset District. of millions of people to a da- cess to several Garmin ser- ings on Wednesday.

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B6 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Costs of Cloud Computing Are Soaring

Demand rises as more Enterprise spending on cloud lyst at Synergy Research Group. Amazon cloud bills.
and data centers The pandemic has further Now, some are renegotiating
people work from fueled demand, as more activ- deals that build in less growth.
Cloud infrastructure services
home, but companies Data center hardware and
ity has shifted online, deliver- “People are being more conser-
ing a boon for big cloud players vative,” Mr. Quinn said. And as
try to cut spending software
including Amazon, Microsoft companies examine their cloud
$100 billion Corp., and Alphabet Inc.’s spending, some are finding that
BY AARON TILLEY Google unit, and helping buoy they overestimated their needs,
the tech industry during the he said.
The pandemic has made 80 broad economic slump. Ama- Entur AS, which runs ticket-
business more dependent on zon, the industry leader, said in ing and trip-planning services
cloud computing than ever— April that its cloud division for Norway’s transportation
and companies are now racing 60 grew 33% to $10.22 billion in system, has doubled its annual
to rein in the soaring costs. the first quarter. It reports its spending in each of the past
Cloud spending at Audi Busi- latest results Thursday. three years on cloud services,
ness Innovation GmbH, a unit 40 Booming business for those mainly from Google. That was
of Volkswagen AG-owned car companies is the result of more fine while the business was


maker Audi, jumped 12% be- spending by their clients at a healthy, said Tor Magnus Cast-
tween March and April, with 20 time when many businesses are berg, who leads cloud opera-
employees using more of the struggling with the economic tions for the company.
rented, remote computing impact of coronavirus. Busi- Then Covid-19 sent ticket
power and software tools to 0 nesses that spend heavily on sales nosediving. Entur’s cloud
work from home. But with car 2009 ’15 ’19 cloud services—which for the use fell more than 50%—but to
sales plunging, companywide biggest companies can run to the company’s shock, its
budgets were under pressure. Big players include Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet’s Google unit. Source: Synergy Research Group hundreds of millions of dollars monthly Google cloud bill of
Audi Business, which serves annually—typically get dis- around $100,000 rose 7% be-
as an internal technology de- option sitting on top of Ama- Audi unit. businesses last year spending counts from their providers tween January and April be-
partment for parts of Volks- zon’s cloud. With the changes, “If there’s any possibility to an estimated $96.4 billion on linked to the size of their future cause the applications had to
wagen, worked with Ama- Audi Business now expects its decrease our costs, we need to cloud infrastructure services, usage commitments, which can be kept running. Entur was able Inc.’s cloud services costs with Amazon Web Ser- work on that,” Mr. Sonnendor- surpassing their spending on entail double-digit increases, to stabilize its spending.
unit to shut off unused cloud vices to fall 30% this month, fer said. in-house data-center hardware said Corey Quinn of the Duck- A Google spokesman said it
systems, and moved one cloud said Sven Sonnendorfer, who The corporate shift to the and software for the first time, bill Group, a company that wouldn’t comment on customer
service to a cheaper third-party manages cloud issues for the cloud has accelerated, with said John Dinsdale, chief ana- helps customers lower their payments terms.

General Mills Adds Outside Producers to Meet Demand

manufacturers and suppliers of said. “It will cost us more to tent it can streamline produc- rent a room in a hotel that’s al-
General Mills Inc. is relying raw materials—and expanded operate in this environment,” tion to make enhancements ready built,” Mr. Church said.
more than ever on third-party existing ones—since March, Mr. Bruce said. “But these are such as adding plant lines or The company can only par-
manufacturers to meet height- when demand started to soar, the things that are necessary removing bottlenecks from ex- tially offset that cost by run-
ened demand for its products, finance chief Kofi Bruce said. for us to be agile and nimble isting lines. ning its internal plants at full
though asking others comes at General Mills will boost the and prepared to deal with a “What’s unknowable right capacity and spreading the
a significant cost to the maker number of partners by as much longer period of sustained now is how long you are going fixed costs over as many units
of cereal and soups. as 20% on top of the 200 it had higher demand.” to need the additional capacity, as possible.

Packaged-food companies before the pandemic, said John Mr. Bruce declined to name which is the benefit of seeking The company also tries to
are striving to keep grocery Church, chief supply chain and the cost of increased outsourc- out an external supply-chain offset higher operating costs by
shelves stocked during the cor- global business solutions offi- ing, but described it as “tens of capacity solution,” said Mr. managing margins in manufac-
onavirus pandemic as consum- cer at General Mills. The pack- percentage points higher cost Bruce, who joined the company turing, logistics and sourcing
ers continue to eat more meals aged-food giant expects these versus an internal manufactur- in 2009 and became CFO in efficiency in an effort to pro-
at home. third parties to be part of its ing cost.” February. “You’re not stuck tect against cost inflation, Mr.
Disruptions in the supply supply chain until at least next Still, General Mills views it with the cost of those assets if Bruce said.
chain have made it hard for summer, the executives said. as a clear alternative to build- the demand evaporates or goes General Mills has to accept
manufacturers such as Minne- The company has worked ing new plants, in part because away pretty quickly.” lower profit margins on the
apolis-based General Mills to with manufacturing partners The cereal maker seeks to boost of the amount of time it would Typically, these other manu- outsourced products to main-
replenish stores with Progresso for decades in the U.S. and Eu- the number of partners by 20%. take. The company operates 47 facturers would make a portion tain its position against rivals,
soups and Betty Crocker cake rope, contributing to the mak- food-production facilities glob- of a type of product—ranging said John Baumgartner, an ana-
mixes, despite its factories op- ing of roughly 30% of General partners that are ready to pick ally, including 24 in the U.S. from dinner kits to granola lyst at Wells Fargo & Co.
erating at capacity. Mills’s North American prod- up production. But these ser- General Mills also plans to bars—or they would test out a The company reported a 16%
To bolster its supply chain, ucts, Mr. Church said. vices come at a higher price be- significantly increase capital new product. “If you need a increase in comparable sales
General Mills has struck several The existing relationships cause of heightened competi- spending to support its opera- place to sleep for the night, you for the most recent quarter
new partnerships with contract have made it easier to find tion, finance chief Mr. Bruce tions. It is weighing to what ex- can build a house or you can ended May 31.


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
26584.77 s 114.88, or 0.43% Trailing P/E ratio 23.56 19.37 3239.41 s 23.78, or 0.74% Trailing P/E ratio * 30.59 23.15 10536.27 s 173.09, or 1.67% Trailing P/E ratio *† 32.92 25.06
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 24.00 17.14 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 25.47 18.15 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 30.84 22.12
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.45 2.19 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.90 1.86 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.85 1.00
All-time high 29551.42, 02/12/20 All-time high 3386.15, 02/19/20 All-time high: 10767.09, 07/20/20

Current divisor 0.14579812049809

28000 3350 10800

26500 3200 10000

65-day moving average

25000 3050 9200

23500 2900 8400

Session high
DOWN UP 65-day moving average

Session open Close 22000 2750 7600

Close Open

65-day moving average

20500 2600 6800
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
19000 2450 6000
Apr. May June July Apr. May June July Apr. May June July
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 789,805,537 33,166,040
Industrial Average 26625.46 26426.92 26584.77 114.88 0.43 29551.42 18591.93 -2.3 -6.8 6.8 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 448,530,711 19,205,658
Transportation Avg 9853.29 9677.55 9817.42 87.30 0.90 11304.97 6703.63 -8.9 -9.9 2.2 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 332,493,281 13,725,789
Utility Average 825.78 808.10 813.02 -12.72 -1.54 960.89 610.89 -0.7 -7.5 4.0 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,074 265
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 33056.32 32750.86 33040.36 279.15 0.85 34631.28 22462.76 6.5 0.02 8.8 Advances 1,796 156
Bank of America BAC 6,804.7 24.19 0.05 0.21 24.20 24.09
Barron's 400 701.62 694.09 701.51 7.02 1.01 746.64 455.11 0.8 -4.2 2.4 Declines 1,211 101
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals SPPI 6,086.7 5.57 2.33 71.91 6.45 3.24
Unchanged 67 8
Nasdaq Stock Market Intel INTC 3,688.2 49.47 -0.10 -0.20 49.61 49.32 New highs 112 17
Nasdaq Composite 10546.44 10399.86 10536.27 173.09 1.67 10767.09 6860.67 27.0 17.4 18.2 Alibaba Group Holding ADR BABA 3,617.8 251.18 0.32 0.13 251.70 250.26 New lows 8 …
Nasdaq 100 10689.55 10527.64 10674.38 191.25 1.82 10952.08 6994.29 33.6 22.2 21.7 General Electric GE 3,475.6 6.73 0.02 0.30 6.73 6.67 Closing Arms† 1.29 1.05
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 3,396.4 323.68 0.46 0.14 323.77 323.08 Block trades* 5,188 297
VanEck Vectors Gold Miner GDX 2,996.0 44.10 0.26 0.59 44.15 43.80
500 Index 3241.43 3214.25 3239.41 23.78 0.74 3386.15 2237.40 7.2 0.3 9.4 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Microsoft MSFT 2,589.0 204.08 0.23 0.11 204.35 203.50
MidCap 400 1867.63 1843.01 1867.27 17.33 0.94 2106.12 1218.55 -5.4 -9.5 1.8 Total volume*4,202,015,491 234,751,869
SmallCap 600 861.98 848.15 861.83 10.24 1.20 1041.03 595.67 -10.0 -15.6 -0.2 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,670,302,854 169,859,427
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals SPPI 6,086.7 5.57 2.33 71.91 6.45 3.24 Decl. volume*1,441,611,949 63,691,565
Other Indexes
Lumos Pharma LUMO 111.8 17.57 2.76 18.64 23.62 15.18 Issues traded 3,441 1,413
Russell 2000 1484.66 1464.48 1484.65 17.10 1.16 1705.22 991.16 -5.4 -11.0 1.2
Advances 2,006 1,079
NYSE Composite 12556.56 12444.51 12553.13 91.35 0.73 14183.20 8777.38 -5.1 -9.8 1.6 Amkor Technology AMKR 257.9 15.48 1.84 13.49 15.49 13.64
Declines 1,361 310
Value Line 460.31 455.15 460.29 3.34 0.73 562.05 305.71 -14.1 -16.6 -4.6 HealthStream HSTM 72.5 23.65 2.26 10.57 24.49 21.39
Unchanged 74 24
NYSE Arca Biotech 5916.76 5769.80 5913.02 143.22 2.48 6142.96 3855.67 27.8 16.7 14.3
Canaan ADR CAN 56.1 2.66 0.16 6.40 2.66 2.46
New highs 82 60
NYSE Arca Pharma 662.08 654.49 660.59 5.17 0.79 672.00 494.36 11.6 1.1 7.6 ...And losers New lows 28 14
KBW Bank 74.81 73.71 74.38 -1.17 -1.55 114.12 56.19 -27.1 -34.4 -8.0 CorMedix CRMD 92.6 5.25 -0.75 -12.50 6.00 4.99 Closing Arms† 0.80 1.45
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 160.56 154.87 158.21 7.52 4.99 158.21 70.12 72.3 48.0 23.5 MediciNova MNOV 635.0 9.95 -1.05 -9.55 11.35 9.72 Block trades* 26,881 1,217
PHLX§ Oil Service 37.94 37.03 37.93 0.56 1.50 80.99 21.47 -48.9 -51.6 -34.5 Arbutus Biopharma ABUS 323.4 4.27 -0.20 -4.37 4.50 4.25 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2105.58 2056.50 2104.62 65.91 3.23 2110.47 1286.84 31.7 13.8 24.2 NXP Semiconductors NXPI 320.6 115.60 -4.64 -3.86 124.28 115.48 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 26.94 24.55 24.74 -1.10 -4.26 82.69 11.54 92.8 79.5 34.8 Select Medical Holdings SEM 53.6 16.18 -0.49 -2.94 16.67 16.18 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World The Global Dow 2975.59 19.93 0.67 –8.5 Wilhelmina International WHLM 7.80 4.07 108.84 12.92 2.35 35.7 WiMi Hologram Cloud ADR WIMI 7.29 -3.92 -34.97 29.50 3.20 ...
DJ Global Index 421.30 3.41 0.82 –2.9 MediciNova MNOV 11.00 5.36 95.04 13.25 2.79 16.4 Sequential Brands Group SQBG 5.20 -1.72 -24.90 24.80 4.11 -69.9
DJ Global ex U.S. 245.85 1.95 0.80 –6.7 Amira Nature Foods RYCE 9.25 3.15 51.71 24.60 3.64 -28.4 WISeKey Intl Hldg ADR WKEY 7.60 -1.90 -20.00 22.27 3.90 -38.5
Americas DJ Americas 755.55 6.67 0.89 –0.7 Sogou ADR SOGO 8.51 2.76 48.00 8.67 2.95 120.5 RigNet RNET 2.71 -0.65 -19.35 9.60 0.77 -67.7
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 104477.08 2095.50 2.05 –9.7 ADR SOHU 15.55 4.44 39.96 15.82 5.41 22.5 Global Eagle Ent ENT 2.61 -0.62 -19.20 24.00 1.52 -85.2
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 16161.33 164.27 1.03 –5.3 Fulgent Genetics FLGT 26.46 6.95 35.62 26.63 6.35 294.3 Lion Group Holding ADR LGHL 3.73 -0.88 -19.09 8.93 1.75 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 37742.14 384.68 1.03 –13.3 Origin Agritech SEED 13.04 2.93 28.98 13.75 2.76 131.6 China Finance Online ADR JRJC 9.96 -2.11 -17.48 31.40 3.65 17.2
Chile Santiago IPSA 2802.10 32.95 1.19 –16.0 vTv Therapeutics Cl A VTVT 2.98 0.65 27.90 4.23 1.23 115.9 iBio IBIO 4.66 -0.84 -15.27 7.45 0.05 575.4
Capricor Therapeutics CAPR 9.81 2.09 27.07 11.08 0.88 107.4 BioHiTech Global BHTG 1.75 -0.31 -15.05 4.40 1.01 -26.2
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 366.15 –1.14 –0.31 –11.9
TCR2 Therapeutics TCRR 16.39 3.29 25.11 21.06 5.84 8.4 Skillful Craftsman Educ EDTK 3.81 -0.65 -14.57 6.75 3.81 ...
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 360.76 –0.92 –0.25 –10.7
Belgium Bel-20 3407.46 –27.97 –0.81 –13.9 Eastman Kodak KODK 2.62 0.52 24.76 4.78 1.50 10.1 KLX Energy Services Hldgs KLXE 2.00 -0.34 -14.53 16.89 0.51 -87.0
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1310.84 6.57 0.50 15.4 Genocea Biosciences GNCA 5.53 1.05 23.44 5.75 1.10 54.5 Sky Solar Holdings ADR SKYS 5.01 -0.84 -14.36 5.95 1.00 245.5
France CAC 40 4939.62 –16.81 –0.34 –17.4 Koppers Holdings KOP 25.07 4.56 22.23 44.75 8.25 -6.9 ProShrsUltraShortSilver ZSL 10.59 -1.73 -14.01 56.62 10.57 -67.8
Germany DAX 12838.66 0.60 0.005 –3.1 Trans World Entertainment TWMC 7.40 1.20 19.35 9.72 1.68 26.5 Ambow Education ADR AMBO 2.44 -0.37 -13.17 3.64 1.10 -19.7
0.17 –18.2 Riot Blockchain RIOT 2.64 0.42 18.92 3.31 0.51 36.1 Altimmune ALT 22.43 -3.20 -12.49 35.10 1.51 854.5
Israel Tel Aviv 1376.43 2.30
Italy FTSE MIB 20019.96 –55.31 –0.28 –14.8
Netherlands AEX 564.37 0.42 0.07 –6.7
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Russia RTS Index 1266.16 10.18 0.81 –18.3 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 56326.20 680.55 1.22 –1.3
Spain IBEX 35 7170.60 –124.10 –1.70 –24.9 Ocugen OCGN 391,002 2135.7 0.63 66.62 17.40 0.17 MediciNova MNOV 82,159 63598 11.00 95.04 13.25 2.79
Sweden OMX Stockholm 688.45 3.30 0.48 1.1 Advanced Micro Devices AMD 107,544 78.9 68.97 -0.62 71.63 27.43 dMY Technology Group Cl A DMYT 5,706 13419 11.85 4.87 12.49 9.51
Switzerland Swiss Market 10272.34 58.13 0.57 –3.2 Intel INTC 106,247 313.9 49.57 -2.02 69.29 43.63 Amira Nature Foods RYCE 999 4457 9.25 51.71 24.60 3.64
0.31 4.5 Socket Mobile SCKT 102,414 122140.3 2.22 52.04 4.15 0.76 Sogou ADR SOGO 46,508 3038 8.51 48.00 8.67 2.95
Turkey BIST 100 1195.67 3.66
iShares Silver Trust SLV 93,558 192.0 22.83 7.64 22.85 10.86 TCR2 Therapeutics TCRR 4,031 2989 16.39 25.11 21.06 5.84
U.K. FTSE 100 6104.88 –18.94 –0.31
U.K. FTSE 250 17157.94 –106.89 –0.62 –21.6 MediciNova MNOV 82,159 63597.8 11.00 95.04 13.25 2.79 Amplitude Hlthcr Cl A AMHC 222 2660 10.13 0.30 10.25 9.45
ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 80,958 2.1 6.35 -5.51 39.29 5.78 VanEck Vectors Real Asset RAAX 193 2583 20.84 1.47 26.13 16.86
Marathon Patent Group MARA 71,599 1176.9 1.42 36.54 2.27 0.35 Otelco Cl A OTEL 207 1735 11.39 -7.10 15.13 2.93
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6044.20 20.20 0.34 –9.6
General Electric GE 70,411 -33.5 6.71 -2.19 13.26 5.48 ProShrsUltraShortSilver ZSL 2,937 1714 10.59 -14.01 56.62 10.57
China Shanghai Composite 3205.23 8.46 0.26 5.1
American Airlines Group AAL 68,993 -29.4 11.39 0.00 31.67 8.25 iPath B Bloom Livestock COW 625 1485 31.25 0.14 49.32 26.40
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24603.26 –102.07 –0.41 –12.7
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
India S&P BSE Sensex 37934.73 –194.17 –0.51 –8.0 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 22715.85 –35.76 –0.16 –4.0
Singapore Straits Times 2575.79 –3.72 –0.14 –20.1 Track the Markets
South Korea Kospi 2217.86 17.42 0.79 0.9 Compare the performance of selected CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Taiwan TAIEX 12588.30 284.26 2.31 4.9 global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Thailand SET 1340.92 … Closed –15.1
currencies and commodities at Currencies
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
Mon YTDchg Mon YTDchg
CREDIT MARKETS Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency
Vietnam dong
in US$ per US$ (%)
.00004314 23182 0.04
Argentina peso .0139 72.0095 20.2 Europe
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Brazil real .1941 5.1522 28.2 Czech Rep. koruna .04490 22.273 –1.8

U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and

Yield toRates
maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Canada dollar
Chile peso
.7487 1.3357
.001302 768.00
Denmark krone
Euro area euro
.1579 6.3333
1.1753 .8509
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners .000272 3674.17 Hungary forint .003396 294.49
Money Market/Savings Accts Colombiapeso 12.0 –0.3
A consumer rate against its
Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007419 134.79 11.3
benchmark over the past year 4.00% Mexico peso .0456 21.9248 15.8 Norway krone .1100 9.0938 3.6 avg†: 0.26% 8%
Uruguay peso .02350 42.5450 14.6 Poland zloty .2676 3.7363 –1.5
Popular Direct 1.01% Russia ruble .01397 71.602 15.4
Federal-funds One year ago 3.00 Yen Asia-Pacific
2.00% 4

Miami Lakes, FL 800-274-5696 Sweden krona .1144 8.7378 –6.7

target rate t Australian dollar .7151 1.3984 –1.9
Synchrony Bank 1.05% Switzerland franc 1.0871 .9199 –4.9
t 1.50 2.00 China yuan .1429 6.9964 0.5
0 Turkey lira .1457 6.8625 15.4
Draper, UT 800-677-0718 Hong Kong dollar .1290 7.7516 –0.5
Ukraine hryvnia .0360 27.7500 17.2
Money market India rupee .01337 74.801 4.8
1.00 Marcus by Goldman Sachs 1.05% Tradeweb ICE Monday Close 1.00 –4 s
UK pound 1.2880 .7764 3.0
account yields Indonesia rupiah .0000689 14520 4.6
New York, NY 855-730-7283 t WSJ Dollar index Euro Middle East/Africa
t Japan yen .009490 105.38 –3.0
0.50 Vio Bank 1.11% 0.00 –8 Kazakhstan tenge .002411 414.78 8.6 Bahrain dinar 2.6546 .3767 –0.1
Oklahoma City, OK 888-999-9170 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 Macau pataca .1252 7.9880 –0.4 Egypt pound .0626 15.9857 –0.4
0.00 2019 2020 Malaysia ringgit .2352 4.2525 4.0 Israel shekel .2928 3.4149 –1.1
ableBanking,adivisionofNortheastBank 1.05% month(s) years
A S O N D J FMAM J J New Zealand dollar .6685 1.4959 0.7 Kuwait dinar 3.2673 .3061 1.0
Lewiston, ME 877-505-1933 maturity Pakistan rupee .00599 166.867 7.7 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 ...
2019 2020
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0203 49.154 –3.1 Qatar rial .2746 3.642 –0.05
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7253 1.3787 2.4 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7504 –0.02
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0008361 1196.07 3.5 South Africa rand .0609 16.4195 17.3
Federal-funds rate target 0.00-0.25 0.00-0.25 0.00 l 2.50 -1.00 Sri Lanka rupee .0053824 185.79 2.5
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03411 29.316 –2.0 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Prime rate* 3.25 3.25 3.25 l 5.50 -1.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr Thailand baht .03178 31.470 5.7 WSJ Dollar Index 88.80 –0.57–0.64 –0.85
Libor, 3-month 0.27 0.26 0.24 l 2.29 -1.04
U.S. Treasury, Barclays 2494.490 0.470 0.480 2.010 0.460 11.67 5.81 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Money market, annual yield 0.26 0.26 0.26 l 0.78 -0.06
1.160 30.63 13.61
Five-year CD, annual yield 0.70 0.70 0.69 l 1.97 -0.74 U.S. Treasury Long, Barclays 5021.490 1.220 2.520 0.980
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.16 3.16 3.14 l 4.22 -0.77 Aggregate, Barclays 2288.070 1.150 1.170 2.530 1.130 9.98 5.61 Monday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 2.74 2.73 2.71 l 3.57 -0.38 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2221.940 1.290 1.290 2.700 0.930 5.29 3.83
Jumbo mortgages, $484,350-plus† 3.21 3.21 3.18 l 4.71 -1.10 DJ Commodity 592.49 1.86 0.32 647.86 433.70 -3.37 -7.76
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3122.617 4.516 4.813 10.740 4.506 1.025 3.221
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.20 3.07 3.06 l 4.78 -0.10 TR/CC CRB Index 143.82 0.78 0.54 187.39 106.29 -19.11 -22.59
Muni Master, ICE BofA 588.461 0.966 1.020 3.441 0.959 5.398 4.285 Crude oil, $ per barrel 41.60 0.31 0.75 63.27 -37.63 -26.85 -31.87
New-car loan, 48-month 4.26 4.26 4.17 l 4.67 1.23 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 892.172 4.802 4.918 7.480 4.523 3.463 4.134 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.734 -0.074 -4.09 2.862 1.482 -19.01 -20.79
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Barclays; ICE Data Services Gold, $ per troy oz. 1931.00 33.70 1.78 1931.00 1419.60 36.02 27.08

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B8 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept 1.2802 1.2906 1.2788 1.2876 .0082 170,689 Dec … … … 3221.40 28.20 2
Sept 448.50 449.00 438.25 439.50 –10.00 154,578 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Contract Open Sept 1.0871 1.0924 1.0850 1.0881 .0023 53,462 Sept 3210.75 3235.00 3192.00 3232.25 28.25 2,595,372
Dec 460.00 460.00 449.25 450.50 –10.00 72,624
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Dec 1.0911 1.0950 1.0881 1.0909 .0023 126
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 3198.25 3224.75 3181.75 3221.50 28.25 48,500
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Aug 143.700 143.850 139.075 139.350 –2.700 9,095 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
July 2.8845 2.9000 2.8790 2.8880 0.0060 977 Aug .7090 .7151 .7089 .7143 .0045 342 Sept 1850.10 1865.40 1837.90 1863.50 18.00 59,554
Sept 144.175 144.800 139.275 139.625 –3.125 12,269
Sept 2.8925 2.9200 2.8820 2.8975 0.0050 118,279 Sept .7098 .7151 .7089 .7143 .0045 112,076 Dec 1806.50 1855.40 1839.50 1863.00 18.00 3
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Aug 102.500 102.675 100.350 100.425 –.900 42,664
Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
July 1901.70 1938.00 s 1901.50 1931.00 33.70 524 Aug .04530 .00053 82 Sept 10490.00 10684.00 10401.00 10675.25 216.25 223,228
Oct 106.300 106.600 103.725 103.825 –1.275 118,736
Aug 1901.20 1941.90 s 1899.00 1931.00 33.50 190,367 Sept .04459 .04532 .04450 .04513 .00052 131,323 Dec 10480.00 10665.75 10387.75 10658.50 216.25 1,631
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Oct 1913.10 1954.60 s 1912.30 1941.40 31.30 51,834 Aug 54.250 54.925 53.675 54.550 .550 35,465 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Dec 1929.00 1971.30 s 1926.80 1955.40 30.20 308,288 Aug 1.1651 1.1786 s 1.1649 1.1756 .0114 2,076 Sept 1466.40 1483.00 1456.20 1481.10 18.70 497,129
Oct 50.400 51.200 49.625 50.750 .600 96,305 Sept 1.1659 1.1794 s 1.1655 1.1764 .0114 650,997
Feb'21 1940.40 1980.40 s 1938.00 1966.10 30.30 29,052 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Dec 1458.50 1478.50 1454.70 1478.00 18.70 550
April 1949.50 1987.80 s 1949.50 1975.20 30.40 7,114 Sept 555.10 570.40 s 555.10 567.90 26.50 2,584
Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Index Futures Sept 1789.20 1795.10 1780.40 1794.40 15.00 8,050
Nov 492.00 505.70 492.00 503.70 12.90 905
July s 2348.20 75.60 2 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Sept 2290.70 2418.80 2288.00 2369.70 75.60 8,586 Sept 26275 26523 26232 26484 162 79,313 Sept 94.35 94.38 t 93.42 93.62 –.77 33,616
July 24.39 24.42 24.39 24.41 … 6,982
Dec 2302.80 2409.60 2292.20 2368.50 83.40 1,440 Dec 26164 26390 26118 26368 168 253 Dec 94.30 94.30 t 93.45 93.61 –.77 864
Aug 21.81 22.22 21.21 22.11 .36 6,234
March'21 2305.30 2395.00 2305.30 2362.50 90.70 34 Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index
June 2357.30 93.90 1 Sept 2,229 2,301 2,228 2,286 62 86,397 Sept 3217.10 3234.20 3192.80 3232.20 28.30 19,259 Source: FactSet
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Dec 2,223 2,288 2,223 2,279 57 66,187
July 951.70 965.60 951.70 958.60 10.70 271 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
Oct 953.90 986.90 953.90 966.60 10.60 49,203
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
Bonds |
July 24.325 24.515 24.195 24.476 1.668 1,031 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Sept 22.970 24.820 s 22.940 24.501 1.651
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl.
137,818 Oct
.63 381,217
.54 232,118
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Sept 41.26 41.82 40.48 41.60 0.31 453,198 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Oct 41.45 41.99 40.69 41.80 0.35 199,708 Sept 27.10 27.10 27.10 27.00 –.05 1,550 highs and lows for different types of bonds
Nov 41.63 42.17 40.90 42.00 0.36 113,301 Nov 27.25 27.25 27.00 27.00 … 2,628
Total Total
Dec 41.82 42.33 41.10 42.18 0.36 240,402 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. return YTD total return YTD total
59.51 61.46 59.05 60.69 .73 162
Yield (%) Yield (%)
June'21 42.85 43.28 42.18 43.21 0.40 146,632 Oct
close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Dec 43.54 43.95 42.92 43.89 0.39 161,328 Dec 59.80 61.95 59.75 61.16 1.06 117,124
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
Aug 1.2563 1.2630 1.2324 1.2541 –.0022 21,493 Sept 124.65 125.70 121.30 121.70 –2.80 7,338
Sept 1.2627 1.2705 1.2408 1.2622 –.0016 85,248 Nov 124.50 124.50 122.70 123.30 –2.30 1,681 2288.07 7.3 U.S. Aggregate 1.150 1.130 2.530 2221.94 3.4 Mortgage-Backed 1.290 0.930 2.700
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays 2166.83 3.2 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 0.690 0.490 2.660
Aug 1.2848 1.2880 1.2446 1.2747 –.0101 32,250 Interest Rate Futures
Sept 1.2554 1.2591 1.2160 1.2447 –.0113 111,029 3401.37 8.1 U.S. Corporate 1.910 1.890 4.580 1312.53 3.6 Fannie mae (FNMA) 1.510 1.110 2.720
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. 225-300 227-050 224-210 225-060 –18.0 1,041,791
Aug 1.796 1.800 1.714 1.734 –.074 17,709
Sept 3053.03 5.4 Intermediate 1.360 1.340 4.400 2014.90 3.5 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 1.490 1.080 2.720
Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Sept 1.856 1.860 1.767 1.786 –.081 350,573 588.46 4.0 Muni Master 0.966 0.959 3.441
Sept 181-000 181-210 180-130 180-210 –14.0 1,050,137 5127.92 12.5 Long term 2.810 2.780 4.930
Oct 1.987 1.996 1.907 1.932 –.062 146,634 Dec 179-160 180-000 178-250 179-010 –14.0 292
Nov 2.405 2.427 2.360 2.385 –.025 98,082 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 704.69 9.2 Double-A-rated 1.350 1.330 3.360 416.67 4.4 7-12 year 0.910 0.910 3.447
Dec 2.758 2.795 2.737 2.763 –.010 87,463 Sept 139-180 139-240 139-130 139-150 –3.5 3,458,956
2.884 2.919 2.865 2.888 –.010 129,117 893.71 6.7 Triple-B-rated 2.320 2.300 5.350 473.39 4.5 12-22 year 1.408 1.224 3.690
Jan'21 Dec 139-160 139-215 139-105 139-125 –3.5 7,410
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 455.86 3.4 22-plus year 2.187 1.765 4.123
Agriculture Futures Sept 125-252 125-280 125-235 125-237 –2.0 3,449,212
Dec 125-310 126-000 125-272 125-275 –2.2 17,124 462.07 -1.1 High Yield Constrained 5.606 5.151 11.400 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Sept 325.25 327.50 323.25 325.00 –1.25 544,625 Sept 110-134 110-139 110-129 110-130 –.3 2,100,193 391.55 -10.6 Triple-C-rated 13.206 10.735 19.071 616.18 5.7 Global Government 0.510 0.390 1.060
Dec 333.50 336.50 332.50 334.50 –.50 638,357 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. 3122.62 -2.2 High Yield 100 4.516 4.506 10.740 870.30 8.3 Canada 0.680 0.590 1.740
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 99.9075 99.9100 99.9075 99.9100 .0025 199,096
Sept 286.00 288.00 284.25 286.75 1.25 790 Oct 99.9450 99.9450 99.9400 99.9450 .0000 240,678 417.22 -1.0 Global High Yield Constrained 5.696 4.893 11.310 412.04 3.0 EMU§ 0.253 0.109 0.794
Dec 276.50 276.75 273.00 274.50 –1.75 3,557 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept 101-200 101-240 101-110 101-120 –7.5 70,892 318.51 -3.1 Europe High Yield Constrained 4.205 2.464 8.183 783.38 3.2 France 0.020 -0.160 0.430
Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
Aug 904.00 909.25 901.50 906.50 1.75 45,628
Aug 99.7600 99.7650 s 99.7525 99.7550 –.0025 202,510
U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 549.15 2.5 Germany -0.380 -0.740 -0.050
Nov 897.50 903.75 895.00 899.75 .50 352,280
Sept 99.7650 99.7700 99.7600 99.7600 … 1,530,718 1863.99 5.3 U.S Agency 0.520 0.520 2.140 295.24 -1.0 Japan 0.280 -0.070 0.320
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Dec 99.7150 99.7200 99.7050 99.7100 … 1,054,599
Aug 290.80 294.80 289.50 292.50 1.70 30,008 1621.40 3.8 0.390 0.380 2.050
March'21 99.8000 99.8100 99.7900 99.7950 –.0050 936,350 10-20 years 611.89 2.7 Netherlands -0.280 -0.540 0.080
Dec 298.60 303.50 297.00 301.50 2.90 155,975
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Currency Futures 4327.14 13.4 20-plus years 1.390 1.170 2.630 1106.75 10.1 U.K. 0.460 0.390 1.180
Aug 29.69 29.95 29.36 29.60 –.20 30,091
Dec 30.26 30.53 29.91 30.14 –.23 169,181 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ 2887.32 5.6 Yankee 1.520 1.520 3.500 892.17 1.2 Emerging Markets ** 4.802 4.523 7.480
Aug .9451 .9515 s .9432 .9492 .0055 2,297
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Sept .9437 .9519 .9432 .9495 .0056 159,503
Sept 11.84 11.86 11.61 11.64 –.16 8,064 ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Nov 11.82 11.83 11.61 11.63 –.16 2,062 Aug .7479 .7489 .7447 .7485 .0034 13,988
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept .7456 .7490 .7447 .7486 .0035 122,462
Sept 538.75 539.00 526.25 527.75 –11.75 186,372 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Dec 544.25 544.50 533.50 534.75 –10.50 103,099 Aug 1.2809 1.2904 s 1.2788 1.2874 .0082 376
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Cash Prices | Monday, July 27, 2020 Country/
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2
Yield (%)
3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago
Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Latest Prev Year ago
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— 0.125 U.S. 2 0.154 s l 0.145 0.168 1.854
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future 0.625 10 0.605 s l 0.591 0.647 2.069
months. 5.750 Australia 2 0.276 s 0.272 0.264 0.890 12.6 -96.3
l 12.3
Monday Monday Monday
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1654.5 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 4.5950 2.500 10 0.898 s l 0.878 0.878 1.238 29.3 28.7 -83.1
Energy 2.8880 5.7650
Copper,Comex spot Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 0.000 France 2 -0.617 t l -0.608 -0.608 -0.691 -77.1 -75.3 -254.5
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 50.750 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 107.8 Food 0.000 10 -0.187 t l -0.140 -0.120 -0.120 -79.3 -73.2 -218.9
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 12.000 Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m 234
Metals Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 451 Beef,carcass equiv. index 0.000 Germany 2 -0.669 t l -0.654 -0.696 -0.752 -82.2 -79.9 -260.6
choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 170.11
Fibers and Textiles select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 157.73 0.000 10 -0.490 t l -0.446 -0.481 -0.374 -109.5 -103.8 -244.2
Gold, per troy oz
Engelhard industrial 1938.00 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.6000 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.6610 1.000 Italy 2 -0.066 s l -0.073 -0.073 -0.011 -21.9 -21.9 -186.4
Handy & Harman base 1936.65 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.5769 Butter,AA Chicago 1.7275
Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 245.00 0.950 10 0.988 t l 1.009 1.304 1.574 38.2 41.7 -49.5
Handy & Harman fabricated 2149.68 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *67.15
LBMA Gold Price AM *1893.85 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u 25.000
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 248.00 0.100 Japan 2 -0.132 s l -0.135 -0.140 -0.210 -28.6 -28.0 -206.4
*1902.10 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 99.00
LBMA Gold Price PM Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w 3.05 0.100 10 0.020 s l 0.017 0.010 -0.150 -58.6 -57.5 -221.9
Krugerrand,wholesale-e n.a.
Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0264
Maple Leaf-e n.a.
Grains and Feeds Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.5828 0.400 Spain 2 -0.388 s l -0.393 -0.441 -0.499 -54.1 -53.8 -235.2
Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.6150
American Eagle-e n.a. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. 1.250 10 0.345 t l 0.359 0.455 0.372 -26.0 -23.3 -169.7
Flour,hard winter KC 13.85
Mexican peso-e n.a. Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 80 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a. 0.500 U.K. 2 -0.098 t l -0.083 -0.066 0.540 -25.2 -22.8 -131.4
Austria crown-e n.a. Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 52.41
Austria phil-e n.a. Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 100.2 4.750 10 0.112 t l 0.146 0.175 0.689 -49.3 -44.5 -138.0
Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 0.9913
Silver, troy oz. Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 402.8 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.7689
Engelhard industrial 24.2500 Cottonseed meal-u,w 245 Source: Tullett Prebon
Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
Handy & Harman base 24.2470 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 98 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 154.50
Handy & Harman fabricated 30.3090 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 180
Fats and Oils
Corporate Debt
LBMA spot price *£17.6400 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.3175
(U.S.$ equivalent) *22.4750 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 30.25
Price moves by a company's debt in the credit markets sometimes mirror and sometimes anticipate, moves in
Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 45.3800
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 20926 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 8.2500 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.2100
that same company’s share price.
Other metals SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 296.30 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
LBMA Platinum Price PM *917.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u 0.2943 Spread*, in basis points Stock Performance
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 931.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 5.8800 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.2625
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2314.0 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-bp,u 5.5200 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Intel INTC 3.700 July 29, ’25 28 –19 42 49.57 –2.02
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly, Z=not quoted. *Data as of 7/24 AT&T T 3.600 July 15, ’25 60 –17 79 29.29 –0.95
Source: Dow Jones Market Data Bank of New York Mellon BK 1.850 Jan. 27, ’23 14 –15 n.a. 35.75 –1.32
Lloyds Bank LLOYDS 2.250 Aug. 14, ’22 43 –14 n.a. ... ...
Borrowing Benchmarks | Bank of Nova Scotia BNS 4.900 June 4, ’49 312 –11 333 41.48 0.24
Dow Chemical … 4.250 Oct. 1, ’34 201 –10 n.a. … …
Money Rates July 27, 2020
…And spreads that widened the most
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. Boeing BA 2.800 March 1, ’24 206 43 n.a. 170.21 –2.04
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC … 4.500 Sept. 15, ’23 385 20 405 … …
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— 3.500 June 1, ’41 177 19 158 29.29 –0.95
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
June index Chg From (%) American Electric Power AEP 2.300 March 1, ’30 125 17 118 83.26 –5.44
level May '20 June '19 Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 Treasury bill auction
Britain 0.10 0.10 0.75 0.10 Owl Rock Capital OWLRCK 4.250 Jan. 15, ’26 396 14 400 ... ...
4 weeks 0.080 0.105 2.110 0.000
U.S. consumer price index Australia 0.25 0.25 1.00 0.25 Shell International Finance RDSALN 6.375 Dec. 15, ’38 121 12 116 ... ...
13 weeks 0.105 0.120 2.070 0.000
All items 257.797 0.55 0.6 Overnight repurchase 26 weeks 0.130 0.130 2.035 0.080 FirstEnergy FE 1.600 Jan. 15, ’26 170 10 60 29.28 –0.68
Core 266.302 0.19 1.2
U.S. 0.12 0.14 3.40 -0.07 Volkswagen Group of America Finance … 3.125 May 12, ’23 80 10 79 ... ...
Secondary market
International rates U.S. government rates Fannie Mae High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Week 52-Week Discount 30-year mortgage yields
Latest ago High Low Bond Price as % of face value Stock Performance
0.25 0.25 3.00 0.25 30 days 1.949 1.945 3.388 1.906 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Prime rates 60 days 2.003 1.996 3.403 1.958
Federal funds Koppers KOP 6.000 Feb. 15, ’25 101.250 2.25 98.250 25.07 22.23
U.S. 3.25 3.25 5.50 3.25
Canada 2.45 2.45 3.95 2.45 Effective rate 0.0900 0.0900 2.4000 0.0600 Other short-term rates Navient NAVI 6.750 June 25, ’25 104.030 2.03 98.750 8.34 3.93
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 High 0.1100 0.1100 3.0000 0.1000
Low 0.0500 0.0300 2.3300 0.0100 Week 52-Week OCI NV OCINV 5.250 Nov. 1, ’24 101.535 1.86 98.125 ... ...
Policy Rates Latest ago high low
Bid 0.0800 0.0800 2.3500 0.0100 Alcoa Europe Holding … 6.125 May 15, ’28 108.337 1.84 103.000 … …
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Offer 0.1100 0.1100 2.5000 0.0500
Call money Cleveland–Cliffs CLF 5.750 March 1, ’25 85.625 1.83 85.250 5.89 4.25
2.00 2.00 4.25 2.00 Mattel MAT 6.200 Oct. 1, ’40 92.250 1.75 n.a. 10.86 –4.23
Key Interest Rates Commercial paper (AA financial) Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.600 March 15, ’46 97.750 1.72 92.000 16.70 –0.24
90 days 0.13 0.17 2.53 0.04
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, …And with the biggest price decreases
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are Libor
One month 0.16625 0.17563 2.24413 0.16225 Diamond Sports DSPORT 5.375 Aug. 15, ’26 83.000 –3.73 76.000 ... ...
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve
release H.15. Three month 0.26963 0.25775 2.28675 0.24450 Watco WATCOS 6.500 June 15, ’27 106.250 –1.72 104.500 ... ...
Six month 0.31663 0.34275 2.22688 0.31663 Cedar Fair FUN 5.375 April 15, ’27 97.000 –1.50 97.500 26.37 –2.73
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week One year 0.45688 0.46850 2.23850 0.45688
Jul 24 Jul 17 High Low Jul 24 Jul 17 High Low Alliant Holdings Intermediate ALIANT 6.750 Oct. 15, ’27 106.250 –1.18 103.970 ... ...
6-month 0.14 0.14 2.09 0.06 Euro Libor
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 0.15 0.15 1.98 0.15 Occidental Petroleum OXY 2.700 Feb. 15, ’23 94.250 –1.16 94.172 16.70 –0.24
0.09 0.09 2.41 0.04 One month -0.500 -0.503 -0.360 -0.621
2-year 0.15 0.15 1.84 0.15 Tutor Perini TPC 6.875 May 1, ’25 98.345 –1.16 97.802 12.14 1.42
Three month -0.444 -0.441 -0.142 -0.539
Commercial paper 3-year 0.17 0.18 1.80 0.17
Six month -0.418 -0.399 -0.052 -0.491
5-year 0.27 0.29 1.83 0.27 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Nonfinancial One year -0.304 -0.291 0.008 -0.441
7-year 0.45 0.47 1.94 0.45 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
1-month 0.12 0.12 2.21 0.10 10-year 0.60 0.63 2.07 0.60 Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; Dow Jones Market Data
2-month 0.14 0.12 2.20 0.12 Secured Overnight Financing Rate
20-year 1.07 1.10 2.37 1.00
3-month 0.15 0.14 2.18 0.14 0.10 0.12 5.25 0.01
Financial Treasury yields (secondary market)
1-month 0.12 0.14 2.31 0.08
1-month 0.10 0.11 2.08 0.00 Latest
Value 52-Week
Traded High Low Dividend Changes
2-month n.a. 0.17 2.27 0.11
0.16 3-month 0.12 0.13 2.05 -0.01
3-month 0.18 2.44 0.15
6-month 0.14 0.14 2.03 0.06
DTCC GCF Repo Index Dividend announcements from July 27.
Discount window primary credit Treasury 0.135 54.000 6.007 0.002 Amount Payable / Amount Payable /
TIPS MBS 0.137 55.400 6.699 0.011
0.25 0.25 3.00 0.25 Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
5-year -1.10 -1.01 0.41 -1.10
7-year -1.01 -0.92 0.35 -1.01 Notes on data: Increased Foreign
Treasury yields at constant
maturities 10-year -0.88 -0.79 0.35 -0.88 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate NextEra Energy Partners NEP 3.6 .5775 /.555 Q Aug14 /Aug06 Equinor ADR EQNR 4.6 .09 Q Aug28 /Aug17
1-month 0.10 0.11 2.13 0.01 20-year -0.56 -0.48 0.51 -0.56 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
Skyworks Solutions SWKS 1.5 .50 /.44 Q Sep01 /Aug11 Niagara Mhwk Pwr 3.6% pfd NMKpB 3.5 .90 Q Sep30 /Sep16
Long-term avg -0.38 -0.30 0.71 -0.38 U.S. banks, and is effective March 16, 2020.
3-month 0.12 0.13 2.09 0.01 Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; United Bancshares UBOH 3.4 .14 /.07 Q Sep15 /Aug31 Niagara Mhwk Pwr 3.9% pfd NMKpC 3.8 .975 Q Sep30 /Sep16
lending practices vary widely by location; Southern Copper SCCO 3.5 .40 Q Aug25 /Aug12
Notes on data: Discount rate is effective March 16, 2020. Reduced Triton International TRTN 6.0 .52 Q Sep24 /Sep10
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of July Blackstone Group BX 1.8 .37 /.39 Q Aug10 /Aug03 Triton Intl Pfd. A TRTNpA 8.5 .53125 Q Sep15 /Sep08
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by 24, 2020. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Dorchester Minerals DMLP 13.8 .2263 /.47789 Q Aug13 /Aug03 Triton Intl Pfd. B TRTNpB 8.2 .50 Q Sep15 /Sep08
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for SandRidge Permian Trust PER 38.4 .012 /.08 Q Aug31 /Aug17 Triton Intl Pfd. D TRTNpD 7.5 .42969 Q Sep15 /Sep08
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value
Triton Intl Pfd. Series C TRTNpC 7.8 .46094 Q Sep15 /Sep08
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds Initial
rates are Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. Unilever ADR UN 2.6 .4694 Q Sep09 /Aug07
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid Atl Union Bkshs Pfd. A AUBAP 6.8 .39 Sep01 /Aug14 Waste Connections WCN 0.7 .185 Q Aug18 /Aug04
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Heartland Finl USA Pfd B HTLFP 6.7 .5299 Oct15 /Sep30 Yamana Gold AUY 1.1 .0175 Q Oct14 /Sep30
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
please see, Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. Diageo DEO 145.11 1.56 Garmin GRMN 100.29 3.55 KingsoftCloud KC 31.88 0.80 NewsCorp B NWS 12.91 0.20 RioTinto RIO 62.57 1.80 3M MMM 163.24 3.40
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. DiamondbkEner FANG 40.05 -0.68 Gartner IT 125.37 0.68 s KinrossGold KGC 8.71 0.29 NewsCorp A NWSA 12.88 0.17 RobertHalf RHI 52.32 -0.41 Tiffany TIF 125.00 3.59
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four DigitalRealty DLR 151.01 4.02 Generac GNRC 138.35 3.10 s KirklandLakeGold KL 50.63 2.36 NextEraEnergy NEE 277.63 -2.62 s Rockwell ROK 229.00 2.81 Toro TTC 71.31 0.22
that include primary market trades as well as quarters. DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 51.76 0.94 GeneralDynamics GD 147.98 -2.17 Knight-Swift KNX 44.49 -0.62 Nike NKE 97.21 -1.22 RogersComm B RCI 40.86 0.35 TorontoDomBk TD 44.93 -0.12
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. DiscoveryB DISCB 38.53 0.70 GeneralElec GE 6.71 -0.15 s KoninklijkePhil PHG 53.02 1.29 Nikola NKLA 33.20 3.28 Roku ROKU 155.97 4.80 Total TOT 38.49 0.24
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing DiscoveryA DISCA 20.88 -0.27 GeneralMills GIS 64.08 -0.15 KoreaElcPwr KEP 7.93 -0.03 NiSource NI 24.28 -0.26 Rollins ROL 49.28 0.60 ToyotaMotor TM 127.57 2.36
Nasdaq ISE. standards DiscoveryC DISCK 18.69 -0.24 GeneralMotors GM 25.70 -0.55 KraftHeinz KHC 34.84 0.16 Nokia NOK 4.34 0.04 RoperTech ROP 420.70 5.43 TractorSupply TSCO 143.00 -3.53
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing Genmab GMAB 35.64 0.54 Kroger KR 34.76 0.05
Disney DIS 116.31 -1.30 NomuraHoldings NMR 4.56 0.01 RossStores ROST 85.12 -1.04 TradeDesk TTD 432.16 6.09
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq Genpact G 39.83 0.74 LHC Group LHCG 190.06 2.22
DocuSign DOCU 196.27 5.32 Nordson NDSN 195.34 3.11 RoyalBkCanada RY 69.85 0.01 Tradeweb TW 54.93 0.44
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. s Line
DolbyLab DLB 69.60 1.59 Gentex GNTX 26.92 0.63 LN 52.45 0.78 NorfolkSouthern NSC 189.93 2.92 RoyalCaribbean RCL 49.30 -1.53 TraneTech TT 104.55 0.79
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy
DollarGeneral DG 189.95 -1.75 GenuineParts GPC 89.43 0.79 LKQ LKQ 27.73 -0.23 NorthernTrust NTRS 76.61 0.58 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 32.45 0.16 TransDigm TDG 424.18 -1.38
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market.
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being DollarTree DLTR 95.42 -0.18 GileadSciences GILD 74.54 0.90 LPL Financial LPLA 77.48 1.53 NorthropGrum NOC 308.02 -4.67 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 30.76 0.17 TransUnion TRU 89.39 -0.34
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code, DominionEner D 80.22 -0.19 GSK GSK 40.88 0.59 L3HarrisTech LHX 167.55 -3.69 NortonLifeLock NLOK 20.82 0.43 s RoyalGold RGLD 140.71 4.46 Travelers TRV 116.63 -1.65
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies. Domino's DPZ 389.61 2.70 GlobalPayments GPN 174.29 1.66 LabCpAm LH 201.30 2.56 Novartis NVS 84.71 0.49 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 43.22 1.31 s Trex TREX 139.00 5.58
Donaldson DCI 48.85 0.53 Globant GLOB 170.19 5.50 LamResearch LRCX 358.08 12.36 Novavax NVAX 139.60 5.67 Ryanair RYAAY 73.00 -0.56 Trimble TRMB 45.06 1.03
DouglasEmmett DEI 28.76 0.09 GlobeLife GL 79.57 -0.80 LamarAdv LAMR 65.20 0.40 NovoNordisk NVO 67.41 1.24 s SAP SAP 164.87 6.25 TCOM 27.85 0.75
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and Dover DOV 106.25 0.74 GoDaddy GDDY 68.55 -0.06 LambWeston LW 70.50 2.71 Novocure NVCR 67.01 0.01 S&P Global SPGI 351.32 1.35 TruistFinl TFC 36.67 -1.07
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. Dow DOW 44.00 1.39 GoHealth GOCO 20.10 0.32 LasVegasSands LVS 43.48 -0.88 NuanceComms NUAN 26.75 0.53 SBA Comm SBAC 304.49 5.81 Twilio TWLO 252.86 4.57
DrReddy'sLab RDY 53.65 -0.86 s GoldFields GFI 13.47 0.99 Lear LEA 118.97 2.38 Nucor NUE 43.83 0.98 SEI Investments SEIC 53.06 0.09 Twitter TWTR 36.85 -0.69
Monday, July 27, 2020 Net Net DraftKings DKNG 35.12 -2.44 GoldmanSachs GS 203.02 1.55 Leidos LDOS 90.16 -0.91 Nutrien NTR 33.44 0.84 SK Telecom SKM 19.32 0.34 TylerTech TYL 359.09 1.90
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Dropbox DBX 21.55 0.20 Graco GGG 54.23 0.89 Lennar A LEN 73.03 3.24 NVIDIA NVDA 416.86 9.08 SS&C Tech SSNC 57.40 1.65 TysonFoods TSN 60.98 0.16
DukeEnergy DUK 81.29 -1.50 Grainger GWW 339.79 -1.60 Lennar B LEN.B 54.64 2.42 StoreCapital STOR 23.33 0.68 UBS Group UBS 12.30 0.13
Stock Sym Close Chg Autodesk ADSK 239.69 6.81 CanopyGrowth CGC 16.96 0.49 DukeRealty DRE 37.72 0.46 Grifols GRFS 18.85 0.32 s LennoxIntl LII 272.00 6.22 O P Q SVB Fin SIVB 225.69 -4.74 UDR UDR 35.30 -0.19
Autohome ATHM 81.28 3.52 CapitalOne COF 65.74 0.68 Grubhub GRUB 71.00 2.15 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 129.44 -1.19
A B C Autoliv ALV 70.12 1.63 CardinalHealth CAH 57.48 0.98
Dun&Bradstreet DNB 25.29
Dunkin' DNKN 70.94
1.03 GpoAvalAcc AVAL 4.78 0.05 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 132.13 -0.64 OGE Energy OGE 32.39 -0.58 CRM 190.96
Sanofi SNY 52.19
2.47 UGI
1.04 Uber
UGI 32.49 -0.34
UBER 30.99 -0.19
ADP ADP 145.72 0.29 Carlisle CSL 121.99 1.15 GuardantHealth GH 83.73 2.13 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 23.15 0.68 ONEOK OKE 28.02 -0.70
ABB ABB 26.05 0.31 DuPont DD 55.35 0.80 SantanderCons SC 17.88 -0.25 Ubiquiti UI 185.23 3.85
AutoZone AZO 1170.80 2.21 Carlyle CG 29.15 0.44 Guidewire GWRE 118.62 1.98 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 22.79 0.68 OReillyAuto ORLY 450.45 8.11
AcadiaPharm ACAD 44.33 0.87 Dynatrace DT 42.40 1.12 SareptaTherap SRPT 158.45 -0.18 UltaBeauty ULTA 198.84 -4.87
Avalara AVLR 126.19 2.26 CarMax KMX 97.77 0.31 HCA Healthcare HCA 125.33 -0.18 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 23.84 0.20 OccidentalPetrol OXY 16.70 -0.04
ADT ADT 8.00 0.04 ENI E 19.82 0.08 Schlumberger SLB 19.68 0.20 Unilever UN 59.54 0.92
Avalonbay AVB 145.72 -1.13 Carnival CCL 13.75 -1.05 HDFC Bank HDB 48.55 -1.70 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 32.97 0.06 Okta OKTA 206.00 0.36
AECOM ACM 36.72 0.13 EOG Rscs EOG 48.56 -0.48 SchwabC SCHW 33.84 -1.10 Unilever UL 61.04 0.89
Avangrid AGR 48.43 -0.54 Carnival CUK 11.30 -0.92 HD Supply HDS 35.66 ... LibertyFormOne C FWONK 35.35 0.27 OldDomFreight ODFL 185.29 3.05
AES AES 15.25 -0.15 EPAM Systems EPAM 280.05 5.95 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 148.40 2.36 UnionPacific UNP 176.82 0.70
s Avantor AVTR 19.55 1.07 CarrierGlobal CARR 26.25 -0.33 HP HPQ 17.81 0.31 LibertyBraves A BATRA 18.34 -0.75 Ollie'sBargain OLLI 107.80 2.05
Aflac AFL 36.43 -0.34 E*TRADE ETFC 52.98 1.21 Sea SE 114.18 7.06 UnitedAirlines UAL 32.42 -0.46
s t HSBC HSBC 22.67 LibertyBraves C BATRK 18.08 -0.60 OmegaHealthcare OHI 31.60 0.40
AGNC Invt AGNC 13.71 0.19 AveryDennison AVY 115.86 -4.55 Carvana CVNA 150.83 2.47 EastmanChem EMN 78.42 1.78 -0.57 Seagate STX 49.58 1.54 s UnitedMicro UMC 3.87 0.53
AxonEnterprise AAXN 86.44 0.82 CaseysGenStores CASY 164.16 0.49 Halliburton HAL 14.90 0.19 LibertySirius A LSXMA 34.77 0.50 Omnicom OMC 57.01 0.45
ANGI Homesvcs ANGI 14.81 0.23 Eaton ETN 95.23 1.62 SealedAir SEE 36.96 -0.29 UPS B UPS 121.01 2.66
BCE BCE 41.94 0.32 Catalent CTLT 83.25 1.61 HartfordFinl HIG 40.84 -0.64 LibertySirius C LSXMK 34.85 0.44 ON Semi ON 21.28 0.81
Ansys ANSS 300.17 6.66 eBay EBAY 57.23 2.11 SeattleGenetics SGEN 171.36 2.55 UnitedRentals URI 163.29 2.41
BHP Group BHP 54.39 1.78 Caterpillar CAT 139.89 2.31 Hasbro HAS 71.84 -5.75 EliLilly LLY 160.50 0.96 OneConnectFinTech OCFT 22.36 -1.39
ASETech ASX 4.97 0.28 Ecolab ECL 212.04 1.98 SempraEnergy SRE 122.98 -2.64 US Bancorp USB 36.16 -0.76
BHP Group BBL 45.26 1.44 Celanese CE 95.20 2.77 HealthcareAmer HTA 26.86 0.18 LincolnElectric LECO 93.74 2.21 OpenText OTEX 44.82 0.31
ASML ASML 381.78 14.10 Ecopetrol EC 12.20 0.13 SensataTechs ST 41.77 1.35 UnitedHealth UNH 298.60 -2.19
BJ'sWholesale BJ 41.07 1.00 CenovusEnergy CVE 5.07 0.06 HealthpeakProp PEAK 26.46 0.22 LincolnNational LNC 36.75 -0.46 Oracle ORCL 55.34 -0.31
AT&T T 29.29 -0.28 EdisonInt EIX 53.16 -2.86 ServiceCorp SCI 38.41 0.02 UnivDisplay OLED 170.41 13.72
BP BP 23.14 0.21 Centene CNC 67.27 -0.24 Heico HEI 94.26 -1.19 s Linde LIN 246.86 2.79 Orange ORAN 12.14 -0.24
AbbottLabs ABT 99.99 1.04 EdwardsLife EW 78.69 0.56 ServiceNow NOW 433.81 8.62 UniversalHealthB UHS 109.37 1.29
s B2Gold BTG 6.84 0.31 CenterPointEner CNP 19.07 -0.67 Heico A HEI.A 74.83 -0.86 LiveNationEnt LYV 47.34 -0.58 Orix IX 57.17 -0.06
AbbVie ABBV 97.16 0.05 ElancoAnimal ELAN 21.30 -2.29 ShawComm B SJR 17.90 0.25 VEREIT VER 6.43 0.22
HenrySchein HSIC 67.03 ... LivongoHealth LVGO 108.56 -0.57 Oshkosh OSK 80.61 1.96
Abiomed ABMD 298.61 5.67 Baidu BIDU 115.86 -3.16 CentraisElBras EBR 7.54 0.27 Elastic ESTC 90.44 1.62 s SherwinWilliams SHW 625.52 5.50 VF VFC 60.82 0.92
BakerHughes BKR 16.33 -0.04 CenturyLink CTL 9.70 -0.39 Herbalife HLF 50.74 0.14 LloydsBanking LYG 1.43 -0.03 OtisWorldwide OTIS 58.32 0.19
AcceleronPharma XLRN 106.18 0.03 ElbitSystems ESLT 136.50 0.69 ShinhanFin SHG 25.25 0.39 VICI Prop VICI 20.77 -0.26
Ball BLL 74.57 1.41 CeridianHCM CDAY 79.60 2.26 Hershey HSY 146.29 0.61 LockheedMartin LMT 382.09 -4.12 OwensCorning OC 63.57 1.81
Accenture ACN 223.32 1.88 ElectronicArts EA 136.16 0.92 PG&E PCG Shopify SHOP 976.39 46.58 VailResorts MTN 188.84 -5.06
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 3.49 -0.07 Cerner CERN 72.45 0.66 Hess HES 50.29 -0.17 Loews L 36.28 -0.59 9.05 -0.31
ActivisionBliz ATVI 81.63 1.64
BancoBradesco BBDO 4.10 0.20 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 199.93 7.10
EmersonElec EMR 63.41 0.05
HewlettPackard HPE 9.75 0.13 LogitechIntl LOGI 71.36 2.48 PLDT PHI 26.36 -0.15 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 12.40 1.29 Vale VALE 11.91 0.65
Adobe ADBE 437.10 6.79 Enbridge ENB 31.31 0.03 PNC Fin PNC 104.92 -1.92 SignatureBank SBNY 106.64 -2.95 ValeroEnergy VLO 58.03 0.05
BancodeChile BCH 19.34 0.31 CharterComms CHTR 559.91 -1.81 s Hill-Rom HRC 117.57 1.33 Lowe's LOW 149.12 2.09
AdvanceAuto AAP 146.83 -0.44
BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.75 0.15 CheckPoint CHKP 123.98 0.50
EncompassHealth EHC 66.78 0.74
Hilton HLT 77.34 -0.09 lululemon LULU 331.55 10.05 POSCO PKX 41.21 1.23 SimonProperty SPG 61.96 1.39 VarianMed VAR 133.05 5.89
s AdvMicroDevices AMD 68.97 -0.43 EnelAmericas ENIA 7.70 0.02 PPD PPD 29.67 -0.08 SiriusXM SIRI 5.99 0.09 Vedanta VEDL 5.88 -0.07
Aegon BcoSantChile BSAC 17.29 0.38 Chegg CHGG 74.30 0.88 Hologic HOLX 62.69 0.94 Lumentum LITE 87.59 3.12
AEG 3.06 0.02
BancoSantander SAN 2.40 ... Chemed CHE 469.74 -2.54
EnelChile ENIC 3.99 0.03
s HomeDepot HD 267.42 2.11 Lyft LYFT 29.89 -0.53 PPG Ind PPG 110.23 -0.33 Skyworks SWKS 136.69 5.08 VeevaSystems VEEV 253.50 1.55
AgilentTechs A 97.27 2.46 EnergyTransfer ET 6.38 -0.27 PPL PPL 25.25 -0.46 SlackTech WORK 29.37 -0.35 Ventas VTR 35.61 -0.16
s AgnicoEagle AEM 74.12 2.32 BanColombia CIB 28.65 0.81 CheniereEnergy LNG 48.67 -0.32 HondaMotor HMC 26.12 0.39 LyondellBasell LYB 69.77 1.27
BankofAmerica BAC 24.14 -0.21 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 33.65 -0.64
EnphaseEnergy ENPH 62.22 2.57
Honeywell HON 150.76 1.33 PRA HealthSci PRAH 106.12 3.62 Smartsheet SMAR 47.63 0.78 VeriSign VRSN 209.79 1.26
AirProducts APD 294.71 3.19 Entegris ENTG 69.54 1.70 s
1.68 SmithAO AOS 52.84 1.53 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 183.21 3.43
AkamaiTech AKAM 114.65 2.91 BankofMontreal BMO 55.53 0.60 Chevron CVX 91.04 0.91 HorizonTherap HZNP 58.90 0.43 M N PTC PTC 83.14
BankNY Mellon BK 35.75 -0.48 Chewy CHWY 46.73 0.77
Entergy ETR 101.73 -0.93
HormelFoods HRL 50.55 0.28 Paccar PCAR 85.92 0.18 Smith&Nephew SNN 41.24 -0.04 Verizon VZ 56.87 0.02
Albemarle ALB 85.78 -1.26 EnterpriseProd EPD 18.11 -0.03 M&T Bank MTB 102.90 -2.23 PackagingCpAm PKG 103.53 0.74 Smucker SJM 108.87 0.73 VertxPharm VRTX 284.21 5.72
BkNovaScotia BNS 41.48 0.10 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 18.04 0.12 s DR Horton DHI 66.57 2.82
Albertsons ACI 15.24 -0.87 Equifax EFX 165.36 -1.80 MGM Resorts MGM 14.96 -0.83 PagSeguroDig PAGS 37.90 0.76 Snap SNAP 22.84 0.69 ViacomCBS B VIAC 24.83 0.08
Barclays BCS 5.69 -0.07 ChinaLifeIns LFC 11.76 0.04 s HostHotels HST 10.32 -0.18
Alcon ALC 61.50 1.73
s ChinaMobile CHL 34.23 -0.14
Equinix EQIX 754.00 16.61
HowmetAerospace HWM 15.24 -0.31 MKS Instrum MKSI 124.31 4.61 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 247.66 3.89 SnapOn SNA 145.61 3.86 ViacomCBS A VIACA 26.50 -0.25
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 170.36 1.81 BarrickGold GOLD 29.91 1.47 Equinor EQNR 15.49 -0.14 MPLX MPLX 18.28 -0.27 SOQUIMICH SQM 30.97 0.71 Vipshop VIPS 21.55 1.12
ChinaPetrol SNP 45.06 0.44 HuanengPower HNP 17.14 -0.09 s PanAmerSilver PAAS 38.77 2.07
BauschHealth BHC 18.00 0.95
AlexionPharm ALXN 106.85 5.36
ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 23.15 0.14
Equitable EQH 20.28 -0.02
Huazhu HTHT 33.71 0.15 MSCI MSCI 394.00 8.35 ParkerHannifin PH 185.65 2.79 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 180.74 9.14 VirBiotech VIR 47.74 -0.32
BaxterIntl BAX 89.29 0.03
Alibaba BABA 250.86 1.86
ChinaTelecom CHA 29.83 0.29
EquityLife ELS 65.43 -0.14
Hubbell HUBB 132.95 0.36 MagellanMid MMP 41.68 -0.20 Paychex PAYX 72.59 0.40 SolarWinds SWI 18.48 0.11 Visa V 196.91 1.76
BectonDicknsn BDX 275.18 3.29
AlignTech ALGN 308.75 10.61
ChinaUnicom CHU 5.53 -0.08
EquityResdntl EQR 53.33 -1.01
HubSpot HUBS 226.94 4.15 MagnaIntl MGA 48.65 0.90 PaycomSoftware PAYC 290.29 3.32 SonocoProducts SON 53.74 0.03 Vistra VST 18.20 -0.68
2.26 s Sony
Alleghany Y 524.81 -12.19 BGNE 224.00 -0.44 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 210.42 4.17 ManhattanAssoc MANH 98.28 2.86 SNE 78.53 2.07 VMware VMW 141.14 0.32
Chipotle CMG 1142.93 12.67 Humana HUM 391.02 -1.12 Paylocity PCTY 134.22
Allegion Berkley WRB 62.87 -1.09
ALLE 101.39 0.37
Chubb CB 132.39 -2.52
EssentialUtil WTRG 45.26 -0.44
JBHunt JBHT 130.35 -0.44 ManulifeFin MFC 13.98 ... PayPal PYPL 177.98 5.42 Southern SO 54.26 -0.59 Vodafone VOD 15.62 0.01
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 192.14 -2.38
AlliantEnergy LNT 52.87 -0.25
ChunghwaTel CHT 36.71 -0.01
EssexProp ESS 212.56 -1.56
HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 9.27 -0.33 MarathonPetrol MPC 38.52 -0.18 Pegasystems PEGA 104.45 2.53 s SoCopper SCCO 46.07 2.99 VornadoRealty VNO 34.76 -0.25
Allstate ALL 92.70 -1.66 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 288107-3513.99 EsteeLauder EL 192.84 1.09 Markel MKL 1014.91 -0.53 SouthwestAir LUV 31.53 -0.13 VoyaFinancial VOYA 49.12 -0.07
s Church&Dwight CHD 87.17 1.30 HuntingIngalls HII 173.20 -3.86 Peloton PTON 63.68 1.86
AllyFinancial ALLY 20.88 -0.30 BerryGlobal BERY 48.46 0.60 Etsy ETSY 105.95 3.58 Vroom
s Ciena CIEN 58.92 2.20
IAA IAA 39.97 -0.29 MarketAxess MKTX 521.00 15.19 PembinaPipeline PBA 24.80 -0.08 Splunk SPLK 203.15 VRM 50.65 1.65
AlnylamPharm ALNY 157.51 4.41 BestBuy BBY 97.92 0.93 EverestRe RE 220.80 3.76 VulcanMatls VMC 128.13 0.85
Cigna CI 175.50 -5.52
ICICI Bank IBN 9.85 -0.43 Marriott MAR 86.27 -1.23 Pentair PNR 42.99 0.61 Spotify SPOT 272.50
Alphabet A GOOGL 1529.43 21.22 BeyondMeat BYND 126.72 1.63 Evergy EVRG 63.98 -0.08
IdexxLab IDXX 366.67 7.44 Marsh&McLen MMC 114.61 -0.01 s Penumbra PEN 212.94 3.40 Square SQ 125.75 4.34
Alphabet C GOOG 1530.20 18.33 Bilibili BILI 41.32 1.22 CincinnatiFin CINF 82.45
Cintas CTAS 298.28
EversourceEner ES 88.70 -0.78
IHS Markit INFO 79.94 0.38 MartinMarietta MLM 228.00 4.35 PepsiCo PEP 137.67 1.61 StanleyBlackDck SWK 157.61 4.70 W X Y Z
Alteryx AYX 166.71 4.11 BILL 82.89 0.57 ExactSciences EXAS 96.39
CiscoSystems CSCO 47.19 0.79
ING Groep ING 7.37 -0.01 MarvellTech MRVL 35.58 0.59 s PerkinElmer PKI 114.97 4.60 Starbucks SBUX 76.46 0.68
WEC Energy WEC 93.34 -0.25
AlticeUSA ATUS 24.51 0.42 Bio-Techne TECH 276.80 6.73 Exelixis s
Citigroup C 51.29 -0.38
EXEL 24.75 0.16
IPG Photonics IPGP 183.07 7.78 Masco MAS 55.89 1.79 Perrigo PRGO 56.66 0.86 StateStreet STT 62.85 0.50
WEX WEX 163.31 1.71
Altria MO 42.13 0.28 Bio-RadLab A BIO 530.47 14.72 Exelon EXC 37.58 -0.22 Masimo MASI 235.71 2.25 SteelDynamics STLD 28.37 0.54
CitizensFin CFG 24.86 -0.72 IQVIA IQV 162.28 4.40 PetroChina PTR 35.99 -0.42 W.P.Carey WPC 67.49 1.09
AlumofChina ACH 6.43 0.09 Biogen BIIB 286.19 13.86 Expedia Mastercard MA 308.86 1.94
CitrixSystems CTXS 142.00 -0.49
EXPE 84.42 0.70 IcahnEnterprises IEP 49.97 0.49 PetroleoBrasil PBR 9.30 0.30 Stericycle SRCL 61.22 0.22
WPP WPP 38.94 -0.42 AMZN 3055.21 46.30 BioMarinPharm BMRN 124.00 1.05 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 81.08 0.89 MaximIntProducts MXIM 68.91 1.78 Steris STE 157.69 1.34
Clarivate CCC 24.04 0.88 Icon ICLR 186.51 1.45 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 9.04 0.25 Wabtec WAB 62.01 0.14
Ambev ABEV 2.99 0.12 BioNTech BNTX 86.53 2.36 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 95.56 McCormickVtg MKC.V 193.51 -0.24
Clorox CLX 229.22 2.18
0.16 IDEX IEX 169.56 1.89 Pfizer PFE 37.54 -0.12 STMicroelec STM 30.87 1.27
WalgreensBoots WBA 39.84 -0.67
Amcor AMCR 10.82 0.15 BlackKnight BKI 74.52 1.35 ExxonMobil XOM 44.07 0.64 McCormick MKC 196.02 2.50 STNE 45.03 2.35
Cloudflare NET 37.36 1.64 IllinoisToolWks ITW 187.72 2.93 PhilipMorris PM 78.54 1.69 StoneCo Walmart WMT 131.21 -0.03
Amdocs DOX 61.26 0.74 BlackRock BLK 575.33 4.71 F5Networks FFIV 151.24 -1.10 McDonalds MCD 201.25 2.53
Coca-Cola KO 48.48 -0.01 Illumina ILMN 393.04 10.79 Phillips66 PSX 64.59 -0.47 Stryker SYK 197.34 -1.49
WarnerMusic WMG 28.65 0.31
s Amedisys AMED 220.66 5.92 Blackstone BX 55.25 -0.45 FMC FMC 108.45 1.11 McKesson MCK 157.15 1.81
Coca-Cola Euro CCEP 41.64 0.62 Immunomedics IMMU 43.31 2.10 Pinduoduo PDD 83.44 4.49 SumitomoMits SMFG 5.67 0.05
WasteConnections WCN 100.27 0.84
Amerco UHAL 315.45 -1.02 Boeing BA 170.21 -3.55 Facebook FB 233.50 2.79 MedicalProp MPW 19.32 0.40
s Cognex CGNX 66.48 2.26 ImperialOil IMO 16.94 0.24 PinnacleWest PNW 80.28 -1.10 SunComms SUI 142.38 0.50
WasteMgt WM 107.07 -0.21
Ameren AEE 79.01 -0.51 BookingHldgs BKNG 1702.83 1.53 FactSet FDS 349.38 1.44 Medtronic MDT 96.43 0.08
CognizantTech CTSH 63.43 1.63 Incyte INCY 102.09 2.67 Pinterest PINS 24.27 -0.27 SunLifeFinancial SLF 40.07 0.44
Waters WAT 227.45 4.40
AmericaMovil AMX 13.28 0.13 BoozAllen BAH 74.63 0.29 FairIsaac FICO 425.72 11.39 MelcoResorts MLCO 15.41 0.16
ColgatePalm CL 74.65 0.33 s Infosys INFY 12.67 0.34 PioneerNatRscs PXD 98.52 -1.16 SuncorEnergy SU 16.85 0.15
Watsco WSO 228.56 1.24
AmericaMovil A AMOV 13.13 0.12 BorgWarner BWA 38.98 0.62 Farfetch FTCH 22.41 1.04 MercadoLibre MELI 1070.44 81.45
Comcast A CMCSA 43.56 0.21 IngersollRand IR 31.82 0.22 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 7.84 -0.16 Suzano SUZ 8.08 -0.01
Wayfair W 231.41 8.62
AmerAirlines AAL 11.39 ... s BostonBeer SAM 814.19 -14.15 Fastenal FAST 46.22 0.73 Merck MRK 78.93 1.83 SynchronyFin SYF 23.74 0.18
CommerceBcshrs CBSH 56.89 -1.47 Ingredion INGR 88.14 0.79 PlainsGP PAGP 8.01 -0.20 Weibo WB 33.11 -0.61
AEP AEP 83.26 -4.79 BostonProps BXP 89.73 -0.94 Fastly FSLY 80.11 MetLife MET 37.80 -0.42
SABESP SBS 11.73 0.02 1.31 Inphi IPHI 123.61 1.87 Polaris PII 97.97 2.53 SyneosHealth SYNH 61.49 1.96
WellsFargo WFC 25.49 -0.77
AmerExpress AXP 95.79 0.46 BostonSci BSX 38.35 -0.25 FederalRealty FRT 73.63 s MettlerToledo MTD 895.50 32.78
ConagraBrands CAG 36.97 0.36 0.64 Insulet PODD 192.55 -4.14 Pool POOL 310.33 6.06 Synnex SNX 124.02 2.29
Welltower WELL 51.01 -0.41
AmericanFin AFG 59.99 -1.91 BrightHorizons BFAM 111.82 0.85 FedEx FDX 170.64 MicrochipTech MCHP 103.09 2.88
ConchoRscs CXO 52.68 -0.78 5.60 Intel INTC 49.57 -1.02 PostHoldings POST 87.87 0.37 Synopsys SNPS 197.09 3.72
WestPharmSvcs WST 267.03 4.37
AmHomes4Rent AMH 27.62 0.35 BristolMyers BMY 58.05 0.20 Ferrari RACE 179.93 MicronTech MU 51.59 1.57
ConocoPhillips COP 39.77 -0.51 0.74 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 50.06 0.68 PrincipalFin PFG 44.71 -0.06 Sysco SYY 53.99 -0.95
WesternDigital WDC 43.73 0.88
AIG AIG 30.85 -0.46 BritishAmTob BTI 34.98 0.38 FiatChrysler FCAU 10.72 0.21 Microsoft MSFT 203.85 2.55
ConEd ED 74.76 -0.82 ICE ICE 94.54 -1.78 Procter&Gamble PG 126.32 0.36
AmerTowerREIT AMT 260.31 3.98 Broadcom AVGO 312.68 6.89
ConstBrands B STZ.B 179.09 -1.70 FidNatlFin FNF 32.87 -0.52 InterContinentl IHG 47.08 -1.14
MidAmApt MAA 110.32 -0.95 Progressive PGR 87.30 -0.56 T U V WesternUnion WU 22.75 0.28
WestlakeChem WLK 58.53 2.58
AmerWaterWorks AWK 144.33 -0.19 BroadridgeFinl BR 133.81 2.53 FidNatlInfo FIS 143.44 -0.26 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 3.91 0.07
ConstBrands A STZ 178.89 -0.96 IBM IBM 126.21 0.42 s Prologis PLD 101.76 1.85 TAL Education TAL 78.50 2.76 WestpacBanking WBK 12.63 0.10
AmericoldRealty COLD 39.36 1.03 BrookfieldMgt BAM 33.71 0.21 FifthThirdBncp FITB 19.42 -0.12 MizuhoFin MFG 2.63 0.09
ContinentalRscs CLR 17.40 0.18 IntlFlavors IFF 128.79 1.97 Proofpoint PFPT 121.90 3.15 TC Energy TRP 44.86 0.26 WestRock WRK 30.21 ...
Ameriprise AMP 156.34 1.08 BrookfieldInfr BIP 42.86 0.22 WUBA 55.18 0.12 MobileTeleSys MBT 8.99 0.08
Cooper COO 286.38 2.80 IntlPaper IP 36.85 0.53 PrudentialFin PRU 64.22 -0.69 TD Ameritrade AMTD 36.58 -1.19 Weyerhaeuser WY 27.48 1.37
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 104.00 0.24 BrookfieldPropREIT BPYU 11.31 0.14 FirstAmerFin FAF 52.85 -1.49 Moderna MRNA 79.91 6.70
Copart CPRT 91.25 1.73 Interpublic IPG 18.56 0.01 Prudential PUK 29.91 0.48 TE Connectivity TEL 89.94 2.67 s WheatonPrecMet WPM 56.21 2.59
Ametek AME 93.05 0.15 Brown&Brown BRO 45.49 0.09 FirstRepBank FRC 113.90 -0.92 MohawkInds MHK 87.33 2.32
CoreLogic CLGX 68.73 0.56 Intuit INTU 296.15 7.46 PublicServiceEnt PEG 51.99 -0.28 Telus TU 17.25 0.19 s Whirlpool WHR 165.72 7.77
Amgen AMGN 253.65 5.67 Brown-Forman A BF.A 62.40 0.51 FirstSolar FSLR 62.26 0.10 MolinaHealthcare MOH 182.24 -2.01
Corning GLW 30.63 1.34 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 685.35 10.02 PublicStorage PSA 185.57 0.21 TIM Part TSU 14.06 0.28 Williams WMB 18.83 -0.38
Amphenol APH 106.17 1.78 Brown-Forman B BF.B 68.90 0.90 FirstEnergy FE 29.28 -0.20 MolsonCoorsB TAP 36.15 -0.34
Corteva CTVA 28.81 0.29 InvitatHomes INVH 28.01 0.48 PulteGroup PHM 44.24 1.62 TJX TJX 52.08 -0.81 Williams-Sonoma WSM 86.59 1.68
AnalogDevices ADI 115.80 3.59 Bruker BRKR 44.30 1.37 Fiserv Mondelez MDLZ 55.58 0.71
CoStar CSGP 719.17 15.40 FISV 101.15 0.52 IonisPharma IONS 60.29 1.34 s Qiagen QGEN 49.36 0.70 T-MobileUS TMUS 105.62 0.69 WillisTowers WLTW 211.51 -0.01
Anaplan PLAN 44.78 0.80 Bunge BG 45.00 0.67 FiveBelow FIVE 111.60 1.42 MongoDB MDB 207.00 2.36
Costco COST 327.60 1.82 iQIYI IQ 20.71 0.31 Qorvo QRVO 115.15 3.23 TRowePrice TROW 134.20 0.23 Wipro WIT 3.97 0.01
s AngloGoldAsh AU 37.91 3.30 BurlingtonStrs BURL 183.72 -3.20 Five9 FIVN 114.35 2.91 MonolithicPower MPWR 253.89 8.76
CoupaSoftware COUP 292.85 0.74 IronMountain IRM 27.75 0.51 Qualcomm QCOM 92.70 3.81 s TaiwanSemi TSM 83.25 9.35 WIX 272.47 5.00
AB InBev BUD 54.08 -0.45 CBRE Group CBRE 42.33 -0.83 FleetCorTech FLT 258.48 0.40 s MonsterBev MNST 76.43 1.55
Credicorp BAP 126.42 -0.85 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.36 0.27 QuantaServices PWR 41.08 0.40 s TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 159.24 3.22 Workday WDAY 183.76 0.98
AnnalyCap NLY 7.27 0.12 CDW CDW 116.30 1.74 FlirSystems FLIR 41.59 0.62 Moody's MCO 289.50 -0.18
CreditAcceptance CACC 456.70 1.39 QuestDiag DGX 124.04 -0.95 TakedaPharm TAK 17.97 0.55 WynnResorts WYNN 70.69 -2.72
CF Industries CF 31.36 0.78
ANTM 263.99 -6.50
AON 207.02 -0.15 CGI GIB 65.94 1.31 CreditSuisse CS 10.63 0.06 s Floor&Decor FND 71.47 3.65 J K L MorganStanley MS 51.32 1.14
Morningstar MORN 161.87 0.57
Quidel QDEL 259.68 4.17 TandemDiabetes TNDM 99.71 -0.60
XP XP 47.23 2.60
s Cree CREE 67.94 1.89 FomentoEconMex FMX 61.54 1.41
CH Robinson CHRW 87.70 1.63 Target TGT 122.69 -1.02 XPO Logistics XPO 83.29 4.04
Apache APA 13.69 -0.51
ApartmtInv AIV 35.76 0.11 CME Group CME 167.50 -1.25 CrowdStrike CRWD 103.60 3.57 FordMotor F 6.93 0.05 JD 62.78 1.90 MotorolaSol MSI 141.96 0.23 R S TeckRscsB TECK 11.11 -0.06 XcelEnergy XEL 67.51 -0.37
CrownCastle CCI 168.44 1.74 Fortinet FTNT 136.65 3.61 Joyy YY 75.70 -0.90 Mylan MYL 16.22 0.26
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 52.13 0.11 CMS Energy CMS 62.99 -0.54 Fortis FTS 39.71 0.57 JPMorganChase JPM 96.90 -1.38 NICE NICE 200.86 0.94 RELX RELX 21.53 0.41 TeladocHealth TDOC 212.75 -0.10 Xilinx XLNX 106.81 4.15
CrownHoldings CCK 72.42 1.72
s RH
Apple AAPL 379.24 8.78 CNA Fin CNA 33.66 -0.28 Fortive FTV 71.90 0.90 JackHenry JKHY 180.70 1.11 NIO NIO 11.69 -0.13 RH 291.86 7.21 TelecomArgentina TEO 9.54 -0.51 Xylem XYL 75.26 1.01
Cummins CMI 190.96 2.72
ApplMaterials AMAT 63.01 2.39 CNH Indl CNHI 7.57 0.12 JacobsEngg J 84.21 0.27 NRG Energy NRG 33.74 -0.45 s RPM RPM 80.92 1.23 TeledyneTech TDY 307.29 -1.66 s YamanaGold AUY 6.61 0.31
s CyrusOne CONE 80.64 1.28 s FortBrandsHome FBHS 74.26 3.26
TFX 385.00 -2.66 s Yandex
Aptargroup ATR 119.85 1.00 CNOOC CEO 112.42 2.02 FoxA FOXA 25.72 -0.94 JamesHardie JHX 21.01 0.85 NVR NVR 3912.00101.61 RaymondJames RJF 71.20 -0.92 Teleflex YNDX 57.89 1.67
CRH CRH 38.84 0.68 -0.98 Ericsson ERIC 11.69 0.30 YumBrands YUM 93.37 0.23
APTV 83.55 1.30
ARMK 22.06 -0.60 CRISPR Therap CRSP 92.12 1.77
D E F FoxB FOX 25.69 -0.80 JazzPharma JAZZ 113.55
J&J JNJ 147.18
NXP Semi
NXPI 120.24 4.49
NDAQ 130.53 -0.03
RaytheonTech RTX 61.09
RealPage RP 63.99 0.09 TelefonicaBras VIV 9.60 0.16 YumChina YUMC 53.24 0.60
s Franco-Nevada FNV 163.36 4.82
ArcelorMittal MT 11.51 0.04 CSX CSX 71.59 0.25 DISH Network DISH 33.38 0.02 FranklinRscs BEN 21.02 0.42 JohnsonControls JCI 37.07 0.27 NationalGrid NGG 58.20 0.82 RealtyIncome O 58.64 1.22 Telefonica TEF 4.43 -0.09 ZTO Express ZTO 35.61 0.73
ArchCapital ACGL 30.13 -0.72 CVS Health CVS 62.57 -0.77 DTE Energy DTE 114.01 -0.56 JuniperNetworks JNPR 25.12 0.64 NatlRetailProp NNN 34.99 0.59 RegencyCtrs REG 39.91 -0.05 TelekmIndonesia TLK 20.83 0.29 ZaiLab ZLAB 76.44 0.42
FreeportMcM FCX 13.56 0.44
ArcherDaniels ADM 42.13 0.04 CableOne CABO 1804.25 6.71 Danaher DHR 198.98 3.71 FreseniusMed FMS 45.42 0.83 KB Fin KB 29.42 0.39 Natura&Co NTCO 16.76 0.53 RegenPharm REGN 637.40 28.46 10xGenomics TXG 95.81 1.16 ZebraTech ZBRA 273.34 3.36
AresMgmt ARES 39.49 0.45 CabotOil COG 17.97 -1.07 Darden DRI 76.37 -2.27 KKR KKR 35.20 0.51 NatWest NWG 2.88 -0.04 RegionsFin RF 10.61 -0.31 Tenaris TS 12.83 -0.12 Zendesk ZEN 96.31 2.19
arGEN-X ARGX 259.67 8.34 CadenceDesign CDNS 105.27 2.68 Datadog DDOG 87.83 2.99 G H I KLA KLAC 197.07 8.86 nCino NCNO 71.60 -2.24 ReinsGrp RGA 85.31 -1.98 TencentMusic TME 16.03 0.41 Zillow C
TER 88.32 4.79 Zillow A
Z 66.91 1.19
AristaNetworks ANET 245.83 9.02 CaesarsEnt CZR 29.74 -4.01 DaVita DVA 88.49 1.16 KSCitySouthern KSU 156.49 1.79 NetApp NTAP 44.09 0.89 RelianceSteel RS 103.46 1.01 Teradyne ZG 66.73 1.30
AscendisPharma ASND 139.67 1.65 CamdenProperty CPT 89.25 -0.28 DeckersOutdoor DECK 211.12 5.34 GCI LibertyA GLIBA 75.61 -0.40 Kellogg K 69.97 1.29 NetEase NTES 451.91 3.58 RenaissanceRe RNR 177.19 -2.95 Tesla TSLA 1539.60122.60 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 134.24 0.13
AspenTech AZPN 97.33 1.09 CampbellSoup CPB 49.49 0.09 Deere DE 176.00 0.65 GDS Holdings GDS 80.15 2.00 KeurigDrPepper KDP 30.96 0.62 Netflix NFLX 495.65 15.20 Repligen RGEN 137.63 3.27 TevaPharm TEVA 11.55 0.06 ZionsBancorp ZION 32.41 -1.22
Assurant AIZ 105.67 -1.12 CIBC CM 69.66 0.10 DellTechC DELL 60.96 0.16 s GFLEnvironmental GFL 21.10 0.56 KeyCorp KEY 12.09 -0.16 Neurocrine NBIX 126.00 0.80 RepublicSvcs RSG 85.05 0.02 TexasInstruments TXN 132.12 2.49 Zoetis ZTS 146.92 2.70
AstraZeneca AZN 56.58 0.78 s CanNtlRlwy CNI 96.86 0.36 DeltaAir DAL 25.50 -0.46 GSXTechedu GSX 87.37 6.17 KeysightTechs KEYS 98.20 1.35 NewOrientalEduc EDU 139.75 1.70 ResMed RMD 205.63 3.19 Textron TXT 34.18 -0.17 ZoomVideo ZM 252.33 5.77
Athene ATH 33.02 -0.37 CanNaturalRes CNQ 18.77 0.63 DentsplySirona XRAY 43.45 0.21 Galapagos GLPG 195.81 2.16 KilroyRealty KRC 56.77 0.28 NYTimes A NYT 45.84 0.84 RestaurantBrands QSR 56.49 -0.36 ThermoFisherSci TMO 413.44 7.06 ZoomInfoTech ZI 41.16 1.57
Atlassian TEAM 184.51 0.17 CanPacRlwy CP 276.87 2.79 DeutscheBank DB 9.55 -0.06 Gallagher AJG 103.53 -0.40 KimberlyClark KMB 147.38 0.04 NewellBrands NWL 17.36 0.22 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 33.04 0.04 ThomsonReuters TRI 68.46 0.20 Zscaler ZS 124.87 3.15
AtmosEnergy ATO 102.57 -0.43 Canon CAJ 19.81 0.14 DexCom DXCM 423.43 1.68 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 34.36 0.69 KinderMorgan KMI 14.20 -0.05 s Newmont NEM 69.04 2.29 RingCentral RNG 277.82 9.57 ThorIndustries THO 117.14 5.52 Zynga ZNGA 9.72 0.17

Exchange-Traded Portfolios |

Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)

Closing Chg YTD iShMBSETF MBB 110.60 0.05 2.4 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.74 0.01 0.3 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 60.91 –0.02 7.6 VangdHlthCr VHT 203.68 0.93 6.2
Monday, July 27, 2020
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 78.02 1.11 –1.6 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 124.84 ... 7.1 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 265.95 0.48 –6.7 VangdHiDiv VYM 81.58 0.06 –12.9
Closing Chg YTD iShMSCI EAFE EFA 64.09 1.31 –7.7 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 86.55 –0.03 2.3 VangdIntermBd BIV 93.77 –0.10 7.5
SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 340.17 0.87 –9.4
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShCoreS&P500 IVV 324.50 0.74 0.4 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 43.81 1.55 –2.4 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 122.15 –0.16 10.8 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 96.31 –0.19 5.5
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 323.22 0.73 0.4
CommSvsSPDR XLC 57.24 0.69 6.7 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 186.36 0.94 –9.5 iShMSCIJapan EWJ 56.94 1.99 –3.9 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 169.11 –0.37 24.8 VangdLC VV 150.10 0.75 1.5
SPDR S&P Div SDY 94.18 0.32 –12.4
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 136.38 0.62 8.7 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 70.83 1.14 –15.5 iShNasdaqBiotech IBB 140.05 2.67 16.2 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 167.88 1.67 10.0 VangdMC VO 172.75 0.87 –3.0
TechSelectSector XLK 106.86 1.58 16.6
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 62.44 0.50 –0.9 iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 72.84 0.91 0.2 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 116.58 –0.03 2.3 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 28.15 –0.16 8.5 VangdMBS VMBS 54.28 0.04 2.1
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 59.55 –1.21 –7.8
EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 37.55 0.11 –37.5 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 119.20 –0.07 6.1 iShPfd&Incm PFF 35.80 0.25 –4.8 JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.82 –0.02 0.8 VangdRealEst VNQ 78.94 0.95 –14.9
VanEckGoldMiner GDX 43.84 4.81 49.7
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 24.07 –0.82 –21.8 iShSelectDividend DVY 83.47 –0.39 –21.0 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 202.30 1.50 15.0 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 101.80 0.01 0.2 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 296.97 0.73 0.4
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 68.23 1.24 –8.5 VangdInfoTech VGT 285.62 1.69 16.7
FT DJ Internet FDN 178.83 1.53 28.5 iShRussell1000 IWB 180.19 0.89 1.0 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 105.33 0.26 –3.8 VangdST Bond BSV 83.12 –0.02 3.1
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 63.14 0.35 –3.7 VangdSC Val VBR 110.40 0.42 –19.5
HealthCareSelSect XLV 105.89 0.75 4.0 iShRussell1000Val IWD 117.52 0.14 –13.9 SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL 91.53 ... 0.1 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 82.87 –0.04 2.3
1.78 22.3 iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 139.21 1.59 10.9 VangdSC Grwth VBK 209.30 1.45 5.3
InvscQQQI QQQ 260.12 iShRussell2000 IWM 147.60 1.04 –10.9 SPDR Gold GLD 182.23 1.98 27.5 VangdSC VB 151.70 0.98 –8.4
InvscS&P500EW RSP 106.65 0.40 –7.8 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 100.12 0.71 –0.9 iShRussell3000 IWV 188.77 0.80 0.1 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 31.31 1.39 –6.9 VangdDivApp VIG 123.29 0.32 –1.1 VangdTotalBd BND 89.11 –0.07 6.3
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 133.64 –0.07 6.3 iShGoldTr IAU 18.51 1.93 27.7 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 56.38 0.89 –5.4 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 76.98 0.79 0.1 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 40.91 1.39 –7.1 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 58.12 0.13 2.7
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 39.16 0.28 –6.9 iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 137.70 –0.30 7.6 iShRussellMCValue IWS 79.96 0.40 –15.6 SchwabUS Div SCHD 54.22 0.71 –6.4 VangdFTSE EM VWO 43.48 1.40 –2.2 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 52.35 1.43 –6.0
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 60.22 1.28 –7.7 iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 84.80 0.24 –3.6 iShS&P500Growth IVW 217.99 1.21 12.6 SchwabUS LC SCHX 77.74 0.86 1.2 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 53.62 1.13 –8.5 VangdTotalStk VTI 164.09 0.86 0.3
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 52.27 1.51 –2.8 iShIntermCorpBd IGIB 61.02 –0.11 5.3 iShS&P500Value IVE 112.60 0.04 –13.4 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 107.36 1.18 15.6 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 50.68 1.36 –5.7 VangdTotlWrld VT 79.13 1.07 –2.3
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 58.13 1.38 –6.1 iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 112.58 0.17 –1.7 iShShortCpBd IGSB 54.90 ... 2.4 SchwabUS SC SCHA 67.95 1.22 –10.2 VangdGrowth VUG 213.26 1.39 17.1 VangdValue VTV 103.57 –0.01 –13.6

New Highs and Lows | Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
DanaherPfdA DHRpA1403.62 -0.2 GreatPanther GPL 0.90 6.4 LennoxIntl LII 272.05 2.3 Owens&Minor OMI 16.22 3.7 SSR Mining SSRM 24.98 4.0 TasekoMines TGB 0.86 2.0 FarmerBros FARM 5.65 -1.6
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE dMY TechWt DMYT.WS 3.10 21.9 GreenVisionAcqn GRNV 10.20 -0.4 Linde LIN 248.88 1.1 PacificEthanol PEIX 1.51 20.8 SandstormGold SAND 10.63 5.9 TechTarget TTGT 35.42 2.7 FirstUnited FUNC 10.88 0.3
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low dMY TechA DMYT 12.49 4.9 HainCelestial HAIN 33.95 3.0 LithiumAmericas LAC 6.67 14.5 PanAmerSilver PAAS 39.33 5.6 SeabridgeGold SA 20.35 6.8 Trevena TRVN 2.22 8.6 FirstCash FCFS 59.53 -1.9
dMY Tech DMYT.U 13.75 6.9 HarmonyGold HMY 7.61 1.0 LiveOakAcqn LOAK 10.22 2.6 ParamountGoldNV PZG 1.48 4.5 SherwinWilliams SHW 631.88 0.9 Trex TREX 139.98 4.2 FusionPharm FUSN 12.19 -2.2
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. Trupanion TRUP 53.57 -5.6
EastRscs ERESU 11.02 1.5 HealthcareMergerUn HCCOU 11.60 4.8 LumberLiqu LL 23.20 7.5 Penumbra PEN 213.11 1.6 SierraWireless SWIR 14.37 14.7 GlobusMaritime GLBS 0.13 -8.1
EldoradoGold EGO 12.62 2.9 HealthcareMergWt HCCOW 1.97 3.0 MAG Silver MAG 18.00 5.8 PerkinElmer PKI 115.42 4.2 SilvercorpMetals SVM 8.04 2.4 UnionAcqnII LATN 10.14 -0.2 HSBC HSBC 22.55 -2.5
Monday, July 27, 2020 EllomayCapital ELLO 26.46 3.7 HealthcareMerger HCCO 12.08 0.6 MICT MICT 4.16 11.7 PershingSquare PSTH.U 22.00 0.5 SiteOneLandscape SITE 125.73 3.1 UnitedMicro UMC 4.10 15.9 HappinessBiotech HAPP 2.27 -11.0
EndeavourSilver EXK 4.79 6.7 HeartlandPfdB HTLFP 26.26 ... MalibuBoats MBUU 62.09 4.9 Prologis PLD 101.89 1.9 SmithAO AOS 53.14 3.0 US GlobalInv GROW 3.41 6.4 Immatics IMTX 9.51 -4.3
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
EnduranceIntl EIGI 6.69 3.0 HeclaMining HL 5.68 6.0 Masco MAS 56.03 3.3 ProtoLabs PRLB 138.20 6.2 Smith&Wesson SWBI 25.14 6.3 VistaGold VGZ 1.32 7.6 Inogen INGN 30.77 -2.9
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg VivintSolar VSLR 23.75 3.2
Equinix EQIX 756.09 2.3 Hill-Rom HRC 117.68 1.1 MediciNova MNOV 13.25 95.0 PublicStoragePfH PSApH 28.67 0.6 SocketMobile SCKT 4.15 52.0 iTeosTherap ITOS 17.50 -7.8
AptivPfdA APTVpA 108.53 1.5 BrightSphere BSIG 13.99 16.2 EquinoxGold EQX 12.35 5.4 HomeDepot HD 268.68 0.8 MediWound MDWD 4.44 -1.9 PublicStoragePfI PSApI 26.93 0.3 Sogou SOGO 8.67 48.0 WheatonPrecMet WPM 57.23 4.8 LongviewAcqnWt LGVW.WS 1.22 ...
Highs ArcBest ARCB
ArcturusTherap ARCT
CaledoniaMining CMCL
FedAgricMtgPfdE AGMpE 26.80
FirstMajestic AG 14.50
DR Horton DHI
HycroftMiningWt HYMCW
MeritageHomes MTH
MetLifePfdF METpF
PublicStoragePfK PSApK
PublicStoragePfdL PSApL
Whirlpool WHR
WilhelminaIntl WHLM
166.06 4.9
12.92 108.8
27.27 -3.5
21.30 -2.0
A-MarkPrecMet AMRK 25.05 7.2 ArgoGoupPfdA ARGOpA 24.79 0.8 Camtek CAMT 14.99 2.6 FirstMidBncpPfdC FMBIO 25.25 ... IamGold IAG 5.24 2.4 MettlerToledo MTD 897.18 3.8 QTSRealtyPfdB QTSpB 153.60 -0.1 SouthernNts20 SOJD 26.36 -0.4 YamanaGold AUY 6.88 4.9 PathfinderBncp PBHC 9.20 -0.1
Azek AZEK 34.74 5.5 AscendantDigital ACND.U 10.44 0.9 CanNtlRlwy CNI 97.63 0.4 118.02 1.2 12.70 2.8 76.73 2.1 69.83 1.1 46.15 6.9 Yandex YNDX 58.02 3.0 15.34 -1.2
FirstService FSV Infosys INFY MonsterBev MNST QTS Realty QTS SoCopper SCCO PilgrimPride PPC
ActiniumPharm ATNM 0.65 10.9 AudioCodes AUDC 44.94 8.3 Capstar CPSR.U 10.44 -0.4 Floor&Decor FND 71.72 5.4 InozymePharma INZY 22.19 4.9 MorganStanleyPfdL MSpL 26.28 0.2 Qiagen QGEN 49.37 1.4 SpartanNash SPTN 23.94 5.1 ProfessionalHldg PFHD 9.63 -5.9
Acushnet GOLF
AdvMicroDevices AMD
AutoNation AN 56.69 3.3 Carvana CVNA 150.93 1.7 FortunaSilver FSM 7.35 10.9 ItamarMedical ITMR 24.19 3.9 NationalBeverage FIZZ 69.57 2.4 RH RH 292.52 2.5 SportsmansWrhs SPWH 17.24 3.3 Lows Psychemedics PMD 4.52 -5.3
Avantor AVTR 19.75 5.8 CentrusEnergy LEU 15.20 9.7 FortBrandsHome FBHS 74.39 4.6 JawsAcquisition JWS.U 12.30 -0.9 NaturalGrocers NGVC 17.39 8.6 RPM RPM 86.48 1.5 Sprott SII 42.50 6.3 AdvEmissions ADES 4.36 -1.8 RepareTherap RPTX 21.45 0.9
AgnicoEagle AEM 75.17 3.2 AvinoSilver ASM 1.17 7.0 Church&Dwight CHD 87.50 1.5 Franco-Nevada FNV 165.98 3.0 JawsAcqnA JWS 11.50 -1.0 NewGold NGD 1.71 4.4 Redfin RDFN 44.00 8.1 Stepan SCL 110.51 0.6 Revlon REV 6.60 -5.6
AestheticMed AIH 4.44 -4.7
Airgain AIRG 13.45 0.7 B&G Foods BGS 27.21 3.5 Ciena CIEN 59.27 3.9 FulgentGenetics FLGT 26.63 35.6 JuniperIndustrial JIH.U 10.80 0.1 Newmont NEM 70.30 3.4 RegalBeloit RBC 93.60 1.8 SunnovaEnergy NOVA 24.75 6.5 RockyMtnChoc RMCF 3.52 -3.5
Agora API 38.14 -10.1
AlamosGold AGI 11.54 4.4 B2Gold BTG 6.90 4.7 CoeurMining CDE 8.40 9.7 GFLEnvironmental GFL 21.20 2.7 Kadant KAI 120.74 -1.5 NurixTherap NRIX 22.47 2.9 RenalytixAI RNLX 15.97 6.2 SunOpta STKL 6.21 5.3 Annexon ANNX 15.33 -1.5 SkillfulCrafts EDTK 3.81 -14.6
AllstatePfdI ALLpI 26.46 -0.3 Bandwidth BAND 143.35 3.5 Cognex CGNX 66.62 3.5 GFL Env Un GFLU 54.55 2.3 KinrossGold KGC 8.99 3.4 OmegaFlex OFLX 121.80 3.5 RetractableTechs RVP 11.25 15.6 SunRun RUN 43.18 3.7 BrookfieldRenew BEPCw 41.38 -0.6 StateAutoFin STFC 15.73 -3.5
Amedisys AMED 221.88 2.8 BarrickGold GOLD 30.20 5.2 CooperT&R CTB 31.95 3.4 GX Acqn A GXGX 10.60 1.9 KirklandLakeGold KL 51.37 4.9 OneSpan OSPN 29.91 5.1 RiminiStreet RMNI 5.65 -0.9 SwitchbackEnerWt SBE.WS 1.14 6.5 BrookfieldRenWi BEPw 41.00 -1.1 TailoredBrands TLRD 0.58 -9.6
AmpioPharm AMPE 1.24 21.9 Big5SportingGds BGFV 4.65 4.1 Cree CREE 67.98 2.9 GXAcquisitionWt GXGXW 1.40 20.0 KoninklijkePhil PHG 53.03 2.5 Ontrak OTRK 38.59 4.9 Rockwell ROK 230.93 1.2 SwitchbackEnerA SBE 10.31 1.6 CapitolFedFin CFFN 9.59 -1.9 TootsieRoll TR 29.84 0.6
AmplitudeHlthWt AMHCW 1.37 13.3 BoiseCascade BCC 48.18 4.9 Crexendo CXDO 7.50 7.1 GalianoGold GAU 1.84 9.6 Line LN 52.76 1.5 OriginAgritech SEED 13.75 29.0 RosettaStone RST 25.74 4.0 TD Holdings GLG 2.93 8.9 CastorMaritime CTRM 0.19 -5.2 Tricida TCDA 13.64 5.0
AmplitudeHlthcr AMHCU 10.50 3.4 BostonBeer SAM 838.66 -1.7 CyrusOne CONE 81.29 1.6 GenoceaBiosci GNCA 5.75 23.4 LatticeSemi LSCC 31.79 6.8 OspreyTechUn SFTW.U 10.84 0.6 RoyalGold RGLD 144.75 3.3 TaiwanSemi TSM 83.40 12.7 Express EXPR 1.11 -5.0 UrstadtProp A UBA 9.41 0.6
AngloGoldAsh AU 38.50 9.5 BrighthousePfdB BHFAO 26.19 1.2 DRDGOLD DRD 18.05 6.9 GoldFields GFI 14.12 7.9 Lazydays LAZY 13.40 9.7 Overstock OSTK 59.47 11.1 SAP SAP 165.39 3.9 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 160.26 2.1 FatBrandsPfdB FATBP 16.34 -1.0 VerricaPharm VRCA 6.65 -1.8

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
EdgewoodGrInst 45.69 -0.17 18.6 OTC 15.10 -0.09 18.1 Invesco Funds Y TotRt 10.93 -0.01 7.3 CAITAdml 12.32 ... 3.3 WdsrllAdml 60.25 -0.28 -6.0 WndsrII 33.96 -0.16 -6.0
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. Fidelity Puritn 24.19 -0.09 7.1 DevMktY 43.99 -0.32 -3.5 PIMCO Funds A CapOpAdml r158.00 -2.50 0.2 WellsIAdml 67.27 -0.24 3.2 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e 500IdxInstPrem111.57 -0.69 0.6 SrsEmrgMkt 20.41 -0.10 -1.1 JPMorgan I Class IncomeFd NA ... NA EMAdmr 35.58 -0.25 -3.1 WelltnAdml 73.94 -0.39 0.1 SmValAdml 47.20 -0.53-19.2
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, Contrafund K6 16.30 -0.07 12.7 SrsGlobal 12.35 -0.06 -6.2 CoreBond 12.53 ... 7.3 PIMCO Funds I2 EqIncAdml 70.28 -0.69-10.1 WndsrAdml 62.39 -0.60-12.8 TotBd2 11.66 ... 7.3
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r ExtMktIdxInstPre 62.60 -0.88 -1.9 SrsGroCoRetail 23.15 -0.11 30.4 EqInc 17.23 -0.08-10.4 Income NA ... NA ExplrAdml 97.60 -1.06 0.4 VANGUARD FDS TotIntl 16.58 -0.09 -6.5
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not IntlIdxInstPrem 39.80 -0.23 -7.4 SrsIntlGrw 18.17 -0.16 3.7 JPMorgan R Class PIMCO Funds Instl ExtndAdml NA ... NA DivdGro 29.57 -0.13 -2.4 TotSt 79.15 -0.59 0.2
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; MidCpInxInstPrem 22.25 -0.20 -5.3 SrsIntlVal 8.78 -0.04-11.3 CoreBond 12.55 ... 7.4 IncomeFd NA ... NA GNMAAdml 10.76 -0.01 3.2 INSTTRF2020 24.59 -0.09 2.0 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 17.38 -0.10 0.5 TotalBond 11.53 -0.01 7.2 CorePlusBd 8.85 -0.01 6.3 Price Funds GrwthAdml 108.21 -0.48 15.9 INSTTRF2025 25.09 -0.10 1.5 BalInst 40.23 -0.18 3.8
SeriesOverseas 10.93 -0.08 1.4 Fidelity SAI Lord Abbett A BlChip 144.11 -0.76 15.9 HlthCareAdml r 91.56 -1.04 7.3 INSTTRF2030 25.31 -0.11 0.8 DevMktsIndInst 12.99 -0.07 -7.4
SmCpIdxInstPrem 18.62 -0.28-11.3 TotalBd 11.02 -0.01 6.7 ShtDurIncmA p 4.16 ... 0.6 DivGro 52.30 -0.29 -1.3 HYCorAdml r 5.80 ... 0.2 INSTTRF2035 25.51 -0.13 ... DevMktsInxInst 20.31 -0.10 -7.3
Monday, July 27, 2020 Lord Abbett F
TMktIdxInstPrem 90.48 -0.68 0.2 Fidelity Selects EqInc 26.64 -0.19-15.8 InfProAd 27.85 -0.01 7.7 INSTTRF2040 25.71 -0.14 -0.7 ExtndInst NA ... NA
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD USBdIdxInstPrem 12.68 ... 7.8 Softwr r 23.02 -0.21 19.7 ShtDurIncm 4.16 ... 0.6 EqIndex 85.46 -0.53 0.5 IntlGrAdml 124.86 -1.75 21.5 INSTTRF2045 25.83 -0.16 -1.3 GrwthInst 108.22 -0.48 15.9
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Lord Abbett I
Fidelity Advisor I First Eagle Funds Growth 83.18 -0.37 13.4 ITBondAdml 12.70 -0.01 9.0 INSTTRF2050 25.87 -0.16 -1.3 InPrSeIn 11.35 ... 7.7
ShtDurInc p 4.16 ... 0.7
American Century Inv Baird Funds 5GlbFxdInc 10.86 ... 1.2 NwInsghtI 34.72 -0.16 6.2 GlbA 55.92 +0.13 -3.5 HelSci 89.74 -1.27 10.2 ITIGradeAdml 10.65 -0.01 8.3 INSTTRF2055 25.98 -0.15 -1.3 InstIdx 287.05 -1.78 0.6
Ultra 62.71 -0.50 20.2 AggBdInst 11.94 ... 7.8 EmgMktVa 24.34 -0.09-14.7 Metropolitan West LTGradeAdml 12.49 -0.01 17.0 InstPlus 287.06 -1.79 0.6
Fidelity Freedom FPA Funds LgCapGow I 50.93 -0.19 15.6 IntlVal 33.09 -0.16-11.8
American Funds Cl A CorBdInst 12.25 -0.01 7.4 EmMktCorEq 19.90 -0.08 -7.7 TotRetBd NA ... NA MidCpAdml 212.16 -1.68 -3.0 InstTStPlus 67.73 -0.51 0.3
FF2020 15.98 -0.05 1.6 FPACres 30.80 -0.18 -6.1 MidCap 97.09 -0.95 1.8 LifeCon 21.52 -0.06 3.3
AmcpA p 34.79 -0.27 5.4 BlackRock Funds IntlCoreEq 12.24 -0.05-10.5 TotRetBdI NA ... NA MuHYAdml 11.74 ... 1.9 MidCpInst 46.87 -0.37 -3.0
FF2025 14.13 -0.05 1.2 Franklin A1 NHoriz 74.31 -0.45 25.2 LifeGro 35.74 -0.19 -0.3
AMutlA p 41.06 -0.27 -4.6 HiYBlk 7.45 ... -1.1 IntSmCo 16.66 -0.04-11.6 TRBdPlan NA ... NA MuIntAdml 14.75 +0.01 3.4 MidCpIstPl 231.14 -1.83 -3.0
FF2030 17.41 -0.07 0.5 CA TF A1 p 7.77 ... 3.3
MFS Funds Class I
R2020 22.35 -0.08 1.2 LifeMod 29.06 -0.12 1.5
BalA p 28.62 -0.08 1.7 HiYldBd Inst 7.44 ... -1.2 IntSmVa 15.97 -0.01-17.3 IncomeA1 p 2.09 -0.01 -8.1 ValueI R2025 17.95 -0.08 1.0 MuLTAdml 12.14 ... 3.7 SmCapInst NA ... NA
Freedom2020 K 15.96 -0.05 1.6 40.11 -0.31 -9.3 PrmcpCor 25.81 -0.37 -7.6
BondA p 14.18 -0.01 9.6 BlackRock Funds A LgCo 24.67 -0.16 0.6 MuLtdAdml 11.22 ... 2.3 STIGradeInst 10.98 ... 3.8
Freedom2025 K 14.11 -0.05 1.2 FrankTemp/Frank Adv MFS Funds Instl R2030 26.05 -0.13 0.6 STAR 28.59 -0.16 5.3 STIPSIxins 25.30 -0.01 2.4
CapIBA p 58.67 -0.24 -5.6 GlblAlloc p 19.59 ... 5.1 TAUSCoreEq2 18.88 -0.16 -5.5 MuShtAdml 15.94 ... 1.4
Freedom2030 K 17.39 -0.07 0.6 IncomeAdv 2.07 -0.02 -8.1 IntlEq 26.88 -0.05 -3.5 R2035 19.08 -0.10 0.3 TgtRe2015 15.62 -0.04 2.9 TotBdInst
CapWGrA 50.89 -0.28 -1.7 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq1 24.63 -0.19 -4.1 PrmcpAdml r139.45 -1.94 -3.3 11.74 -0.01 7.7
Freedom2035 K 14.51 -0.08 -0.8 FrankTemp/Franklin A Nuveen Cl I R2040 27.06 -0.16 ... TgtRe2020 33.17 -0.12 2.0 TotBdInst2 11.66
EupacA p 55.82 -0.34 0.3 MultiAstIncome 10.62 ... -0.6 US CoreEq2 22.17 -0.19 -5.6 RealEstatAdml110.74 -0.86-14.3 ... 7.3
Freedom2040 K 10.11 -0.06 -1.4 Growth A p 122.04 -0.95 8.7 HYMunBd 16.93 -0.03 -3.1 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds TgtRe2025 20.12 -0.09 1.4 TotBdInstPl 11.74 -0.01 7.7
FdInvA p 59.36 -0.31 -2.3 StratIncOpptyIns 10.02 ... 2.0 US Small 29.88 -0.33-14.2 SmCapAdml NA ... NA
Fidelity Invest RisDv A p 69.66 -0.33 0.6 Oakmark Funds Invest AggGrowth r 46.11 -0.85 2.7 TgtRe2030 36.72 -0.17 0.7 TotIntBdIdxInst 34.82 -0.03 3.1
GwthA p 57.06 -0.41 11.6 Bridge Builder Trust US SmCpVal 26.40 -0.29-22.9 SmGthAdml NA ... NA
CoreBond 11.05 ... 7.6 USLgVa Balanc 25.75 -0.13 5.6 FrankTemp/Franklin C OakmrkInt 20.24 -0.03-18.9 Growth r 39.73 -0.65 -3.0 TgtRe2035 22.53 -0.11 ... TotIntlInstIdx r110.88 -0.64 -6.5
HI TrA p 9.53 ... -2.1 31.56 -0.41-17.3 STBondAdml 10.89 ... 4.2
ICAA p 38.88 -0.24 -0.5 CorePlusBond 10.71 -0.01 7.0 Dodge & Cox BluCh 133.13 -0.96 23.6 Income C t 2.12 -0.02 -8.3 Old Westbury Fds Schwab Funds
STIGradeAdml 10.98 ... 3.8 TgtRe2040 38.88 -0.21 -0.6 TotItlInstPlId r110.90 -0.64 -6.4
IncoA p 21.76 -0.06 -4.8 Intl Eq 11.44 -0.05 -4.6 Balanced 92.74 -0.41 -6.4 Contra 15.48 -0.07 13.7 FrankTemp/Temp Adv LrgCpStr 14.79 -0.11 -1.9 1000 Inv r 71.80 -0.51 0.9 TotBdAdml 11.74 -0.01 7.7 TgtRe2045 24.39 -0.15 -1.3 TotStInst 79.19 -0.59 0.3
IntBdA p 14.19 -0.01 6.4 LargeCapGrowth 17.81 -0.11 12.5 Income 14.78 -0.02 7.1 ContraK 15.51 -0.06 13.7 GlBondAdv p 9.94 +0.04 -4.2 Parnassus Fds S&P Sel 49.70 -0.31 0.6 TotIntBdIdxAdm 23.20 -0.03 3.1 TgtRe2050 39.27 -0.24 -1.3 ValueInst 40.39 -0.39-12.2
N PerA p 50.70 -0.38 7.3 LargeCapValue 12.23 -0.08 -9.8 Intl Stk 36.87 -0.11-15.4 CpInc r 9.75 -0.02 -2.4 Guggenheim Funds Tru ParnEqFd 48.13 -0.45 2.8 TSM Sel r 56.05 -0.41 0.2 TotIntlAdmIdx r 27.73 -0.16 -6.4 TgtRet2055 42.63 -0.26 -1.3 WCM Focus Funds
NEcoA p 49.44 -0.21 8.1 ClearBridge Stock 165.64 -1.10-12.4 GroCo 27.61 -0.13 29.3 TotRtnBdFdClInst 29.81 -0.02 11.5 PGIM Funds Cl Z TIAA/CREF Funds TotStAdml 79.17 -0.60 0.3 TgtRetInc 14.42 -0.03 3.4 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 20.78 -0.08 9.9
NwWrldA 71.73 -0.64 1.7 LargeCapGrowthI NA ... NA DoubleLine Funds GrowCoK 27.67 -0.13 29.4 Harbor Funds TotalReturnBond NA ... NA EqIdxInst 23.39 -0.18 0.2 TxMCapAdml166.51 -1.17 1.3 TotIntBdIxInv 11.61 -0.01 3.1 Western Asset
SmCpA p 62.45 -0.77 6.2 Columbia Class I CoreFxdIncmI NA ... NA InvGrBd 12.31 ... 8.1 CapApInst 93.85 -0.85 23.9 PIMCO Fds Instl VANGUARD ADMIRAL TxMIn r 12.98 -0.06 -7.3 USGro 53.88 -0.40 25.2 CoreBondI NA ... NA
TxExA p 13.50 ... 2.7 DivIncom I 22.76 -0.22 -5.8 TotRetBdI 10.78 ... 3.2 LowP r 44.59 -0.23-10.9 Harding Loevner AllAsset NA ... NA 500Adml 297.00 -1.85 0.6 USGroAdml 139.63 -1.03 25.3 WellsI 27.77 -0.10 3.2 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
WshA p 44.91 -0.42 -5.7 Dimensional Fds Edgewood Growth Instituti Magin 11.36 -0.06 11.4 IntlEq 24.23 -0.07 1.8 InvGrdCrBd NA ... NA BalAdml 40.22 -0.19 3.8 ValAdml 40.39 -0.40-12.2 Welltn 42.82 -0.22 ... CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA
B10 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Jumbo Mortgages Lose Low-Rate Edge

In a reversal, banks Jumbo-loan originations†
now offer lower costs $800 billion

for smaller loans as

investors shun risk 600

Record-low interest rates
are helping home buyers lock
in years of savings on future

mortgage payments. But those 200
searching for larger homes or
in expensive markets aren’t
reaping the same rewards. 0
The average rate on a 30- 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15
year jumbo mortgage was
3.77% in mid-July, more than †Originations are estimates based on surveys, data and public sources.
0.4 percentage point above the Sources: Inside Mortgage Finance These deals are too big to be sold to government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
average rate on smaller, con-
forming loans, according to ernment backing. In recent That law, meant to prop up Lenders have been raising ent properties. But that lender more than they could afford., a personal-fi- years, banks have favored the economy during the coro- credit standards for all sorts wouldn’t take the couple’s Jumbo originations fell off
nance website. From mid-2015 jumbo mortgages for their rela- navirus pandemic, allows of loans since the coronavirus rental income into consider- sharply during the crisis and
until this spring, jumbo rates tively low risk level, since homeowners to request up to hit. They started doing so for ation because of the risk that its aftermath, though they hit
had been consistently lower jumbo borrowers tend to be 12 months of postponed mort- would-be jumbo borrowers tenants might not pay rent, a postcrisis high of $392 bil-
than or equal to the rates on wealthier. Banks generally keep gage payments. shortly after the Fed’s deci- Mr. Dreyer said. lion in 2019.
conforming loans. jumbo loans on their own If the loan is backed by the sion, ensuring that only the Another lender said the Applications for loans of at
The reversal is just one of books, betting that the borrow- government, the mortgage upper echelon of potential pair would need about $11,000 least $625,000 filed in May
the ways the coronavirus cri- ers are less likely to default. servicer is generally supposed buyers could access jumbo of additional income a month were down about 5% from the
sis has wreaked havoc on the But the Federal Reserve has to grant the request. If the credit. to qualify for the larger loan. same time last year, according
mortgage market. taken extraordinary steps to loan is a jumbo, the servicer Wells Fargo & Co., for ex- In the time that he was to the Mortgage Bankers Asso-
The same force pushing intervene in the mortgage has more freedom to say no. ample, said in early April that searching for a jumbo loan, his ciation.
most mortgage rates to record market during the coronavirus Still, mortgage companies it would refinance jumbo first-choice home went off the Still, there have been recent
lows—investors piling into pandemic, including agreeing seem to be saying yes. The mortgages only for customers market. The couple decided to signs of life in the jumbo mar-
safe-haven assets like govern- in March to buy an essentially share of jumbo loans in for- who hold at least $250,000 in forgo the jumbo, and found a ket. First-quarter originations
ment bonds—has pushed unlimited amount of mort- bearance stood at 10.2% in liquid assets with the bank. property where a 20% down reached $80 billion, down
jumbo loans out of favor. gage-backed securities. mid-July, higher than the 7.8% The bank removed that re- payment would put the mort- about 22% from late 2019 but
A jumbo loan is one consid- “The loans that get made rate among all mortgages, ac- quirement in early July. gage a few thousand dollars up 25% from the same time
ered too big to be sold to gov- are those that have a ready cording to mortgage-data firm Rick Dreyer was turned below the jumbo threshold. last year, according to Inside
ernment-backed mortgage gi- buyer for them,” said Greg Black Knight Inc. down by several lenders when Jumbos weren’t always so Mortgage Finance.
ants Fannie Mae and Freddie McBride, chief financial ana- Some banks might be quick he went looking for a jumbo hard to come by. Originations But the recent activity
Mac. In most markets, it must lyst at “Govern- to grant relief on jumbo loans loan this summer in northwest peaked at $650 billion a few doesn’t mean the spread be-
be larger than $510,400 this ment-backed loans are really since they are often holding Arkansas to buy another in- years before the financial cri- tween jumbo and conforming
year, but in the highest-cost the only game in town.” those loans rather than selling vestment property. sis, according to industry-re- rates will narrow soon, Mr.
areas it must be larger than What is more, jumbo loans them to investors, leaving the Mr. Dreyer and his girl- search group Inside Mortgage McBride said. The gap lasted
$765,600. Conforming loans aren’t entitled to forbearance banks more exposed if the friend previously used one Finance, when aggressive for about five years after the
meet the guidelines for gov- under the Cares Act. loans go bad. lender to purchase four differ- lenders lent many borrowers financial crisis.

Driller Rosehill Seeks Bankruptcy

BY JONATHAN RANDLES $872.5 million and total debt third party before filing for 11 protection to restructure its
AND MICAH MAIDENBERG of $496.3 million on its chap- chapter 11. balance sheet. Under the pro-
ter 11 petition. But negotiations over each posal, general unsecured cred-
Rosehill Resources Inc. has The prepackaged chapter 11 of these transactions also in- itors will be paid in full in
become the latest oil-and-gas plan is outlined in a restruc- cluded discussions over ways cash, court papers say. The re-
drilling company to be pushed turing support agreement to convert some of the com- structuring proposal must be
into chapter 11 bankruptcy Rosehill struck with lenders pany’s long-term debt into eq- approved by a bankruptcy
amid low crude prices and dis- this month. Lenders under uity, Rosehill Chief Financial judge.
ruption to the energy markets the company’s revolving Officer R. Craig Owen said in a Rosehill said the chapter 11
caused in part by the corona- credit agreement, meanwhile, declaration filed in bankruptcy filing isn’t expected to affect
virus pandemic. have agreed to turn that deal court. The timeline to com- payments to vendors or em-
The Houston-based shale into an $500 million exit fi- plete a possible restructuring ployees. The company has
driller filed for chapter 11 pro- nancing package with an ini- was shortened by events of filed customary first-day bank-
tection Sunday with a lender- tial borrowing base of $235 default alleged by creditors ruptcy motions seeking to pay
backed plan under which its million upon Rosehill’s emer- under the company’s senior taxes, wages and other ordi-
senior bondholders, owed gence from chapter 11, court bonds and revolving credit fa- nary business expenses while
$100 million in principal, papers say. cility, Mr. Owen said. under chapter 11 protection.
would swap out debt for The company said it expects The chapter 11 filing comes Energy producers in shale-
nearly 70% of the equity in the to leave chapter 11 within 75 after the company said earlier energy regions of the U.S. have
business when it emerges from days. this month that it reached a faced intense pressure as the

bankruptcy. Rosehill had been seeking deal with lenders under its re- pandemic slammed demand
Lenders providing a $17.5 to address its debt load before volving first-lien loan, holders for oil, hampering prices and
million bankruptcy loan to the coronavirus pandemic and of its second-lien notes and forcing companies to cut back
fund Rosehill’s restructuring had been looking into a poten- preferred stock, and Tema Oil on spending and production.
would get about a quarter of tial out-of-court restructuring & Gas Co., which holds equity Rosehill has retained Gib-
the company’s reorganized eq- since late last year, the com- interests in Rosehill’s operat- son, Dunn & Crutcher LLP and
uity, according to court papers pany said. The driller ex- ing unit. Haynes & Boone LLP as legal
filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy plored a sale of its assets and The parties made the deal counsel and investment bank
Court in Houston. was in talks about a potential with the assumption that Jefferies LLC and Opportune
Low oil prices pushed the Houston company under. A rig in Texas. Rosehill listed assets of merger with an unidentified Rosehill would file for chapter LLP as financial advisers.

Mastercard, Payment Flow A simple model of how card

transactions work
Fund Investors’ Data
Visa Fined Merchant captures customer
account information and sends to a
processor like Wirecard
Exposed in Hacking
Wirecard A ransomware attack against SEI’s or our clients’ data has

a vendor of SEI Investments been exposed,” she said.

Customer Merchant
Co. detected in May exposed A Brunner spokesman said
1 the personal information of in- the firm’s IT staff “detected,
Continued from page B1 vestors in roughly 100 of the and interrupted, a security inci-
over companies such as Wire- fund administrator’s clients, ac- dent involving some of our cor-
card that help bring payments cording to people familiar with porate systems by an unauthor-
into their networks. While the Wirecard uses Visa the matter. ized actor.”
or Mastercard's
Federal Trade Commission has network to ask for
Payment processors are supposed to play a role in curbing seller fraud. The attack is the latest in a
taken a more active role iden- 4 By Dylan Tokar, string of ransomware incidents
tifying card fraud—and re- authorization from and processor fees as well as Journal. James Rundle that have affected the financial-
cently brought a string of customer's bank interchange fees paid to the During several periods over and Juliet Chung services sector through its sup-
cases accusing individuals and card issuer. the past dozen years, both Visa pliers. In March, financial-tech-
companies of processing unsa- 2 In the first quarter of 2017, and Mastercard executives have Angelo Gordon & Co., Gra- nology provider Finastra
vory purchases—the industry internal Wirecard documents been concerned about a high ham Capital Management, suffered an attack that forced it
relies in part on self regula- seen by the Journal show mer- number of Wirecard transac- Fortress Investment Group to temporarily take its systems
tion, especially outside the chant discount rates averaged tions being disputed by card- LLC, Centerbridge Partners offline. An attack on Finablr
U.S. more than 7% for transactions holders, referred to as charge- and Pacific Investment Man- PLC’s foreign-exchange business
Bank Network (processor)
The networks have powers done through one of Wirecard’s backs. These transactions often agement Co. were among the Travelex in late December shut
to fine payment processors like 3 key business partners. Pornja- involved cards being used funds whose investors were af- down its website for weeks.
Wirecard. Fines, which gener- pan paid a discount rate of 10%. fraudulently on Wirecard cli- fected by the attack, the people On July 10, the Securities
ally aren’t made public, can be The customer's issuing bank Wirecard used partners to pro- ents’ websites, according to the said. Some of SEI’s clients noti- and Exchange Commission pub-
imposed for reasons including sends a message back over the cess payments in countries people familiar with the matter. fied their investors of the lished a warning that it had
network to authorize payment
too many disputed transac- where it didn’t have licenses. In 2009, Visa fined Wire- breach earlier this month after seen sophisticated cyberattacks
tions, or for disguising the true The processor, Wirecard, confirms Card payments are accompa- card’s banking unit $12 million SEI told them about the attack. targeting companies and their
nature of transactions. Banks the transaction and the merchant nied by a merchant category for high chargebacks that oc- The attack infiltrated the cor- third-party suppliers.
is paid by the issuing bank
and card processors can also code, which describes the type curred in October and Novem- porate systems of M.J. Brunner, Officials from the National
directly terminate relationships Sources: Mastercard; Barclaycard of merchant where a consumer ber 2009, according to docu- a Pittsburgh- and Atlanta-based Security Agency have warned
with merchants. is shopping and occasionally ments publicly disclosed in an service provider that developed that vendors and service pro-
Payments processors like card’s activities, one focus is describes specific goods or ser- FTC suit not directly related to and supports SEI’s investment viders have emerged as popular
Wirecard are supposed to play on its practice of managing vices. Wirecard. Wirecard’s total rev- dashboard and online enrollment targets, as successful attacks
a front-line role in detecting payments for merchants other In 2008, Mastercard fined enue for the fourth quarter of portal, the people said. Hackers can yield access to large
and reducing fraud by mer- companies would avoid. Wire- Wirecard £11 million ($14 mil- 2009, in comparison, was about took files from Brunner that con- amounts of sensitive informa-
chants, according to Scott Tal- card’s business leaned on ser- lion) for processing gambling $79 million. tained usernames and emails— tion for a web of clients, or
bott, vice president of govern- vicing pornography, gambling transactions under the wrong Visa currently considers and in some cases names, physi- even systems access.
ment affairs at the Electronic and nutraceuticals, according codes, according to a person fa- chargebacks to be high when cal addresses and phone SEI, based in Oaks, Pa., is a
Transactions Association, an to former employees and the miliar with the fine. In 2010, they exceed about 1% of pur- numbers—associated with the fund administrator that does
industry body. people familiar with the mat- Mastercard wrote to Wirecard’s chases made at a merchant. dashboard, the people said. business with a swath of hedge
“Processors can go rogue ter. banking unit about fresh con- In October 2009, some of A spokeswoman for SEI said funds and private-equity funds.
and engage in fraudulent activ- Wirecard could charge cerns that it was rerouting Wirecard’s clients had charge- the company’s network wasn’t As of June 30, SEI had $693
ity—either through willful higher fees to handle these through miscoded merchants back rates ranging from 2% to compromised and the attack billion in client assets under
blindness or by aiding and types of payments, which are gambling transactions that 15% including merchants in the wasn’t predicated on a vulnera- administration, according to
abetting fraud,” he said. “The seen as riskier because custom- banks had previously declined. nutraceutical sector, according bility within its network. the company.
card networks are a strong link ers often dispute the charges. Banks would then approve to documents filed in the FTC “We take our clients’ secu- Brunner was asked to pay a
in the chain to defend against Sellers of goods and services these payments thinking they suit. Chargebacks were even rity very seriously, and we are ransom but declined, prompt-
that.” pay a merchant discount rate weren’t gambling related, ac- higher in November among the working with Brunner, the FBI ing the hackers to post com-
As investigators piece to- when they accept card pay- cording to a letter from Mas- worst-offending merchants. and our impacted clients to un- pany data online in July, the
gether the nature of Wire- ments, which include network tercard to Wirecard seen by the Several were well above 100%. derstand the extent to which people said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Tuesday, July 28, 2020 | B11


Fall Nears
Gold Prices Surge to Intraday Peak
BY JOE WALLACE Shares of precious-metals

Worst in Gold prices zoomed to a re-

cord, as a weakening dollar in-
miners including Barrick Gold
Corp. and Newmont Corp.
benefited from Monday’s ad-

A Decade jected new momentum into a

rally driven by uncertainty
about the world economy.
vance in gold and silver, ex-
tending their recent gains.
Some gold-mining stocks are
BY CAITLIN OSTROFF Futures contracts for deliv- now up more than 50% this
ering gold in August shot up year.
The dollar is on track to 1.8% to $1,931 a troy ounce, Gold prices have leapt in
close out its worst month since topping the previous intraday London, the main hub for buy-
April 2011 as a rise in coronavi- peak of $1,923.70 from Sep- ing and selling gold bars, as


rus infections across the U.S. tember 2011. Gold futures well as in New York’s futures
threatens to damp the economic reached an all-time closing market. In Friday’s auction,
recovery and keep low interest high for the first time in prices topped $1,900 for the
rates in place for longer. nearly nine years Friday, but first time since the Bank of
The ICE U.S. Dollar Index, remained short of the intraday England and N.M. Rothschild
which measures the greenback record. & Sons Ltd., now investment
against a basket of other cur- Monday’s record marked a bank Rothschild & Co.,
rencies, weakened 0.6% Monday milestone in gold’s bull run, founded the daily price in
to its lowest closing level since which many traders rank The metal has gained nearly 9% over the past month and about 27% this year. 1919.
Jan. 31, 2019, according to Dow alongside those of 2008-11 and One factor that distin-
Jones Market Data. the late 1970s. The gloomy Gold-futures price* Gold-dollar correlation† guishes the current surge in
Investors have sold the dol- outlook for the world econ- $2,000 a troy ounce 0.4 gold prices from the bull run
lar and bought currencies of omy, a decline in interest during and after the last
countries with rates, ten- global financial crisis is the
CURRENCIES lower infection COMMODITIES sions be- 1,800
0.2 fragile state of demand for
levels in recent tween the physical metal. Lockdowns and
weeks. That has erased 3.8% of U.S. and China, and the dol- 0 economic uncertainty have
the currency’s value in July, lar’s depreciation fueled the 1,600 crimped jewelry purchases in
putting it on track for its worst surge as investors bought as- India and China, normally two
one-month performance in sets they perceive to be ha- -0.2 huge bullion markets.
over nine years. vens. 1,400 So far, a burst of buying by
The recent surge in cases in “There are still a lot of -0.4 investors has more than offset
parts of the U.S. has prompted things to be worried about, the dearth of jewelry demand.
local authorities to halt or re- which is why gold is attracting 1,200 But if financial demand dries
wind plans to let business ac- all this attention and all this -0.6 up, prices could fall without
tivity resume, raising doubts money,” said David Govett, physical consumption to act as
about the prospects for the head of precious metals at 1,000 -0.8 a cushion for prices, said Ms.
economy. California, Texas and commodities brokerage Marex 2011 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 Aug. 2019 '20 Teves.
Florida, which are among the Spectron. *Most actively traded futures †Thirty-day moving correlation between percentage changes in gold futures and the ICE U.S. Dollar Index. A negative
Investors who wouldn’t
hardest-hit states, together ac- The advance marked gold’s number means gold and the dollar are moving in opposite directions. Figures through Monday 6:30 a.m. EDT. normally be active in the mar-
count for more than a quarter seventh consecutive daily ad- Source: FactSet (price, correlation); Wall Street Journal calculations (correlation) ket until European and U.S.
of U.S. gross domestic prod- vance, the metal’s longest win- hours bought gold in thin
uct. ning streak since February. day. Futures for September de- the currencies of six trading the dollar continues to slide, Asian trading Monday, exag-
New claims for unemploy- Gold prices have gained nearly livery, the most widely owned partners, fell Monday, extend- said Joni Teves, precious- gerating the rise, according to
ment benefits, which offer a 9% over the past month and contracts, jumped 7.2% to ing a recent slide that has it metal strategist at UBS Group. Mr. Govett. “London this
view on the health of the labor about 27% this year, making $24.501 an ounce, the highest on track for its worst month in Still, “the move in gold this morning is a little bit
market, last week climbed for the metal one of the stron- level in almost seven years. nearly a decade. year has really been driven by shellshocked,” he said.
the first time in four months, gest-performing major assets Adding impetus to gold and Gold’s inverse relationship rising strategic interest,” said However, Mr. Govett added
suggesting that the recovery in 2020. silver Monday was a weaken- with the dollar frayed this Ms. Teves. Investors who were that gold could be knocked off
may be faltering. Weekly ap- The price of silver, seen as ing in the dollar, which made year, as both assets benefited previously uninterested in the course in the event of a cor-
plications, which surpassed six a store of value by investors the precious metals more at- from haven buying during the precious metal are now buying rection in the stock market
million in the last week of as well as having widespread tractive to investors overseas. pandemic. It is reasserting it- it, a trend that could lift prices that prompts investors to sell
March, had previously fallen industrial uses, rose even The ICE U.S. Dollar Index, self, a factor that will boost above $2,000 an ounce within precious metals to meet mar-
as government-support pro- more sharply than gold Mon- which tracks the dollar against gold in the coming months if six months, she added. gin calls.
grams and the gradual reopen-
ing of economies allowed em-

Technology Stocks Power Broader Market

ployers to keep staff on
payrolls and bring workers
Investors are betting that
the Federal Reserve will offer a BY ANNA ISAAC extending their gains for the Share-price and index performance, Monday the company said it had re-
gloomier outlook for the econ- AND BEN EISEN year to 65%. Alphabet rose ceived additional funding from
omy following a two-day meet- $21.22, or 1.4%, to $1,529.43. 10% the federal government’s effort
ing that ends Wednesday. Fed Stocks rose as investors bet Apple added $8.78, or 2.4%, to to accelerate development of a
officials have already warned that the largest technology $379.24. The S&P 500’s tech Moderna vaccine for Covid-19.
this month that the economy firms will power ahead despite sector climbed 1.6%, outper- 8 All but eight stocks in the
faces a deeper downturn and an uncertain economy. forming the other 10 groups in S&P 500 tech sector rose,
more difficult recovery if the, Google parent the index. pushing the group up 1.6%.
country doesn’t take more ef- Alphabet and Apple led the Rising coronavirus infec- Other gainers included KLA,
fective action to slow the major indexes higher, extend- tions around the world tem- 6 Corning, IPG Photonics and
spread of the virus. ing a rise that has helped make pered the gains in the stock Qualcomm, all of which
The economic signals are the tech sector the best per- market. jumped more than 4%.
“telling you that the V-shaped forming in the S&P 500 index The Federal Reserve is set 4 The S&P 500 materials sec-
recovery has basically stopped. this year. to hold its regular meeting tor climbed 1.4%, led by the
It’s not V anymore. It’s plateau- The broad stock market in- Tuesday and Wednesday. gold-mining firm Newmont
ing,” said Derek Halpenny, dex rose 23.78 points, or 0.7%, “There’s some optimism Apple Corp., which rose 3.4%, or
head of research for global to 3239.41. The Dow Jones In- that the Fed’s likely message of 2 $2.29, to $69.04.
markets in the European region dustrial Average climbed 114.88 ‘lower for longer’ might be a Alphabet Tesla Inc., the electric-car
at MUFG Bank. “The optimism points, or 0.4%, to 26584.77. positive one this week,” said S&P 500
marker whose shares have
that was there in June will be The technology- Seema Shah, chief strategist at 0 more than tripled this year,
gone and the message is going MONDAY’S focused Nasdaq Principal Global Investors. “But 9:30 a.m. 4 p.m. rose 8.7%, or $122.60, to
to be the Fed needs to do MARKETS Composite Index investors remain cautious $1,539.60. The company re-
more.” jumped 173.09 about the U.S.” Source: FactSet ported its fourth consecutive
Monday’s selloff put the ICE points, or 1.7%, to 10536.27. Real yields, which reflect quarter of profit last week,
dollar index on track for its The big technology compa- the value of bond yields after continue to fall lower.” in June from a month earlier, making it eligible for inclusion
sharpest one-day decline since nies are due to report quar- adjusting for inflation expecta- The yield on the 10-year U.S. the second consecutive in the S&P 500.
May 26. The recent move has terly earnings this week. tions, have plunged around the Treasury note ticked up to monthly gain. Economists In commodities markets, the
been accelerated by the Fed’s The firms have weathered world as central banks slashed 0.609% from 0.589% Friday. polled by The Wall Street Jour- U.S. crude oil benchmark rose
decision to slash interest rates the recent recession better interest rates and unleashed In addition to earnings re- nal expected a 5.4% rise. 0.8%.
to near zero, removing much of than many other sectors of the stimulus to address the eco- ports from some of the world’s Investors’ concerns about Overseas, stocks were
the differential between the economy, and some investors nomic hit from the coronavirus biggest companies, investors the global outlook have been mixed. The pan-continental
U.S. and other developed coun- say they believe their stocks pandemic. are monitoring developments exacerbated by the rise in new Stoxx Europe 600 benchmark
tries where rates have been are poised to outperform after The real yield on U.S. Trea- on a highly anticipated U.S. coronavirus cases across the dropped 0.3% as worries about
negative for some time. The a retreat in recent days. surys has dropped to 2012 lev- stimulus package as millions of U.S. and other parts of the recent outbreaks of the virus in
yield on the 10-year U.S. Trea- “The setup is better than it els, which is driving a selloff in Americans are on the verge of world. Spain and the implications for
sury note dropped to 0.584% would have been if all these the dollar, according to Derek losing expanded unemploy- The number of infections the travel industry weighed on
on Monday, from 1.910% at the tech stocks were sitting at re- Halpenny, head of research at ment benefits. climbed over the weekend to sentiment, analysts said.
end of last year, according to cord highs going into earn- MUFG Bank. Lawmakers now have little surpass 16 million globally, and At midday in Tokyo, the
Tradeweb. ings,” said Jason Ware, partner “At the moment, there’s time before the $600 weekly American officials urged resi- Nikkei 225 Stock Average was
Real yields, which reflect the and chief investment officer at quite compelling evidence that supplement to jobless benefits dents to comply with orders up 0.1%, Hong Kong’s Hang
value of bond yields after ad- Albion Financial Group in Salt the economy is flatlining,” said ends. meant to slow the virus’s Seng Index was up 0.5% and
justing for inflation expecta- Lake City. Mr. Halpenny. “Gold is your Meanwhile, the latest eco- spread. the Shanghai Composite was
tions, have plunged for Trea- Amazon shares ticked up best form of protection as an nomic data showed orders for Shares of Moderna rose up 0.6%. U.S. stock futures
surys, contributing to the $46.30, or 1.5%, to $3,055.21, investor, as long as real yields durable goods jumped by 7.3% $6.70, or 9.2%, to $79.91 after were up slightly.
dollar weakness.

Here are the results of Monday's Treasury auctions.
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
between that price and the face value.
Hong Kong’s New Index Drops on Its First Day
BY JOANNE CHIU together make up a third of the on the other hand, is down should benefit, he added. technology companies. The Sci-
13-Week 26-Week index’s performance. 12.4% in the year through July “Hong Kong is really em- ence and Technology Innova-
Applications $140,261,950,200 $154,787,240,700 HONG KONG—A new tech- Many stocks in the new 24, pulled down by the shares bracing China’s new economy,” tion Board last week rolled out
Accepted bids $60,255,293,000 $56,907,878,200
" noncomp $757,577,100 $576,092,700 nology stock benchmark that benchmark scored big gains of banks, insurers and property said Andy Maynard, managing its own benchmark called the
" foreign noncomp $1,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000 includes China’s two most valu- earlier this year and rose last developers, which have borne director of equities sales trad- Star 50 Index, which tracks 50
Auction price (rate) 99.973458 99.934278
(0.105%) (0.130%) able companies made its debut week after index compiler Hang the brunt of China and Hong ing at China Renaissance Secu- companies listed on its Nasdaq-
0.106% 0.132% on Monday, falling more than Seng Indexes Co. unveiled plans Kong’s economic weakness dur- rities. He said the tech index style exchange.
Bids at clearing yield accepted 99.91% 6.35%
9127962T5 912796UC1 Hong Kong’s broader stock for the technology index on ing the coronavirus pandemic. reflects how the market is In Hong Kong, the Hang
Both issues are dated July 30, 2020. The 13-week bills market as it sought to give in- July 20. “A lot of the short- evolving. Seng Tech Index could inspire
mature on Oct. 29, 2020; the 26-week bills mature on
Jan. 28, 2021.
vestors a better read on the term optimism” was already re- Over the past nine months, the creation of exchange-traded
tech sector’s growth and rela- flected in their prices ahead of three large U.S.-listed Chinese funds tracking its performance,
tive performance. Monday’s small declines, said
‘Hong Kong is really companies—Alibaba, said Bruno Lee, chairman of the
Applications $117,769,680,100
Accepted bids $53,454,745,100 The Hang Seng Tech Index, Gabriel Chan, head of invest- embracing China’s Inc. and NetEase Inc.—have Hong Kong Investment Funds
" noncompetitively $158,228,200
which tracks 30 technology ment services for Hong Kong at sold shares in Hong Kong and Association, whose members
" foreign noncompetitively
Auction price (rate)
99.940116 companies listed in the city, BNP Paribas Wealth Manage-
new economy,’ a added secondary listings in the include BlackRock Inc., Fidelity
Interest rate
climbed as much as 2.2% on ment. trading official says. city. Mainland Chinese compa- International and dozens of
Bids at clearing yield accepted 11.58% Monday morning before ending Using historical prices of the nies make up nearly 78% of other global and Chinese asset
Cusip number 91282CAC5 the day down 1.3%, versus a Hang Seng Tech Index’s constit- Hong Kong’s total stock market managers. “The launch of a
The notes, dated July 31, 2020, mature on July 31,
2022. 0.4% decline in the broader 50- uent stocks, the new bench- capitalization, versus 67.5% at tech index is a timely move,” he
stock Hang Seng Index. mark would have been up Mr. Chan said Hong Kong’s the end of 2018 and around said.
Applications $119,074,385,100 Three of the tech index’s 45.6% in the year through July market benchmark has for a 57% a decade ago, according to Hang Seng Indexes is also
Accepted bids $54,568,288,400 biggest constituents—Tencent 24, according to a backdated long time been dominated by data from the exchange. revamping its flagship bench-
" noncompetitively $23,179,700
" foreign noncompetitively $5,000,000 Holdings Ltd., Meituan Dian- simulation on the index pro- old-economy companies, which Last week, Alibaba’s finan- mark, which has Tencent as its
Auction price (rate) 99.811496 ping and Xiaomi Corp.—fell, vider’s website. That compared is why it has underperformed cial-technology affiliate, Ant only technology stock. In May,
Interest rate 0.250% while the Hong Kong-listed with a 15.5% gain in technology- most overseas counterparts. As Group, said it plans concurrent the index compiler said it
Bids at clearing yield accepted 1.61% shares of Alibaba Group Hold- heavy Nasdaq Composite Index more Chinese internet and initial public offerings in Hong would start allowing companies
Cusip number 91282CAB7
ing Ltd. ended the day un- over the same period. technology companies list their Kong and on Shanghai’s year- with shares with unequal vot-
The notes, dated July 31, 2020, mature on July 31,
2025. changed. The four companies The broad Hang Seng Index, shares in the city, the market old Star market for homegrown ing rights to join the index.
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or

B12 | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Uncertainty Fuels a New Gold Rush

In an unsettled environment, it makes sense for investors to seek insurance policies, but no single insurance fits all

In a desert, oases can get a bit put options too. These derivative why all of these things are hap- on “known unknowns” over “un- of traders that makes money betting
crowded. contracts, which give holders the pening at once. known unknowns.” against volatility—something which
On Monday, the price of gold fu- ability to sell shares at a preset A long-held theory by Barclays’s On the one hand, technology in itself mellows market swings—
tures rose to a record. The pre- price to insure against selloffs, are head of foreign-exchange macro stocks are seen as structural win- hasn’t been brave enough to return,
cious metal is now up 27% in 2020, the basis for calculating the Cboe strategy, Marvin Barth, is that pe- ners and having only limited expo- data by the Commodity Futures
compared with a total return of Volatility Index or VIX—also known riods of chronic, unmeasurable un- sure to Covid-19 so, just like gold, Trading Commission suggests.
less than 1% for the S&P 500. Gold as Wall Street’s “fear gauge” because they seem to be a refuge against But this herd behavior creates a
produces no income but is a hedge it signals whether investors expect a uncertainty: The Nasdaq index is risk of its own: Gold and tech,
against consumer-price rises, so a bumpy ride for the S&P 500. up 17% this year. On the other while probably facing little down-
key driver of the rally has been the Ever since stocks rebounded
The precious metal and hand, the likes of airlines and ho- side, are starting to look stretched.
drop in the yields of inflation-pro- strongly in May, many analysts tech, while probably tels have been punished, though Given that high-volatility regimes
tected Treasurys due to monetary have been puzzled about how well also overbought during bouts of tend to be persistent, perhaps in-
stimulus and a recent rebound in the market is doing, given the dev-
facing little downside, are euphoria, because the losses re- vestors can find new ways to
inflation expectations. Also, the astating effect that the pandemic starting to look stretched. sulting from travel bans are more hedge. “Call overwriting” strate-
weakening of the dollar as Covid-19 has had on the global economy. or less quantifiable—as would be gies, for example, combine shares
cases rebound in the U.S. mechani- All the way through the rally, the lifesaving impact of a vaccine. with options that cap the upside in
cally pushes up the prices of com- the VIX has remained elevated, “Nobody knows what to do with exchange for income.
modities invoiced in greenbacks. which is uncommon. Over the past certainty often don’t devolve into the middle stuff,” Mr. Barth said. In an uncertain environment, it
But there is another reason. As decade, the VIX has rarely stood the all-out chaos that could be ex- And so, most of the stock market makes sense for investors to buy
WisdomTree’s associate research above 25 as the S&P 500 recorded pected, but rather into “herding” trades sideways. insurance policies. They should re-
director Mobeen Tahir put it Mon- healthy monthly gains, as it has among investors, who all crowd Lack of visibility about the future member, though, that the meaning
day: “Gold is the new put option.” done in the past three months. into those few assets that present has also meant that, unlike in every of uncertainty is that no one insur-
Investors have been buying actual Uncertainty itself may explain measurable risks, or at least focus other recent selloff, the usual crowd ance fits all. —Jon Sindreu

Net property, plant and equipment,

most recent quarter
Grocery Chains Like
Albertsons Deserve
Intel $58.04 billion
TSMC * 48.28
Micron 30.68
3.23 Another Fresh Look

Texas Instruments 3.20

NXP 2.61
Impressive results did little to en- Albertsons showed encouraging
Nvidia 2.31
thuse investors in Kroger Co., Amer- signs. Last quarter, the grocer
Analog Devices 1.43 ica’s largest supermarket chain. The gained share in places where it
Skyworks 1.38 second largest got a similar shrug on isn’t a market leader. It saw a 27%
Qorvo 1.32 Monday after posting solid numbers. year-over-year increase in the
Albertsons Cos. saw sales in- number of households that signed
crease more than 21% in the quar- up for its loyalty program, which
*TSMC converted to U.S. dollars ter ended June 20 compared with drives up spending. Revenue
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence Intel’s manufacturing facilities comprise the bulk of its $58 billion in net property. a year earlier, boosted by a 276% growth this month is on track to
surge in digital sales. Adjusted be up by a midteens percentage

Intel Likely to Keep Production

earnings before interest, taxes, de- compared with a year earlier.
preciation and amortization grew One advantage Albertsons has is
93%. Both measures were largely in its store footprint, which is heavier
line with expectations, yet Albert- on the coasts and in higher-income
sons’ shares fell 5.4% on Monday. areas compared with Kroger. It is
There are valid reasons for inves- reasonable to expect higher-income
Chip maker’s stumble opens door to more outsourcing, but not for everything tors to be jaded about grocers. Su- customers to embrace delivery op-
permarkets are a competitive busi- tions, which aren’t free, and to be-
ness with low margins. They lagged come loyal to supermarkets that
Intel’s manufacturing prowess earnings call earlier this month surpassing” the Taiwanese giant. behind the market as challenges provide large selections of fresh
has taken a beating. But the chip that volume production for 3- Both are unlikely outcomes. In- from discounters and e-commerce produce. Albertsons is already a
maker is unlikely to get out of the nanometer chips is expected by tel’s manufacturing facilities com- mounted: Kroger has underper- leader: Fresh products including
“making” part of the business. fall of 2022, which could put Intel prise the bulk of its $58 billion in formed the S&P 500 by 65 percent- those sold at the deli counter, hot
Such speculation is now ram- at least two generations behind by net property, plant and equipment, age points over the past five years, bars and floral products account
pant on Wall Street, following a di- that point. which doesn’t include all of the in- and its multiple of enterprise value for 40% to 45% of revenue, 5 to 10
sastrous second-quarter report That is a humbling position for tellectual property built up over 50 to trailing sales is 0.35 times, largely percentage points higher than most
that featured largely good num- the once-undisputed leader in years of manufacturing semicon- in line with its five-year average. of its peers, according to Evercore.
bers but was overshadowed by In- chip-manufacturing technology. ductors. That leaves TSMC and But this time supermarkets are Supermarkets remain a tough
tel’s disclosure of a “defect mode” And it has many thinking Intel Samsung as the only plausible buy- among the privileged retailers bene- business, but the pandemic has
in the 7-nanometer manufacturing might be on its way out of the ers, and U.S. regulators are highly fiting from the pandemic and the given them a sustainable boost. They
process that it is developing for its production end of the business— unlikely to allow foreign entities to new consumer habits it will form, in- deserve to be seen in a different
next generation of chips. The prob- especially since the company out- grab the most advanced domestic cluding a shift to eating at home. light. —Jinjoo Lee
lem will delay shipping of the first lined contingency plans that would chip making facilities.
chips made on that process to late have it outsourcing production of What’s more, Intel’s dominance in Albertsons quarterly revenue
2022 at the earliest—a year behind some of its most advanced chip its core PC and data-center markets
$25 billion
the company’s original plan. Intel’s designs if its own production tech- suggests manufacturing process
share price slid 16% Friday, with at nology isn’t up to snuff by 2023. isn’t everything. Advanced Micro
least six brokers downgrading the Many chip companies already Devices has been shipping 7-nano- 20
stock following the news. employ what is called a fabless meter data-center chips manufac-
This isn’t Intel’s first such stum- model, where they specialize in tured by TSMC for a year now, and
ble. In fact, the 10-nanometer pro- design and outsource production. Intel still controlled about 95% of 15
cess that the company is now us- Such a model can lead to higher that market in the first quarter of
ing to produce its most advanced operating profits and cash flow, this year, according to Mercury Re-
chips suffered so many delays that given the lack of capital expendi- search. 10
rival chip maker Taiwan Semicon- tures needed to build, equip and Wes Twigg of KeyBanc Capital
ductor Manufacturing Co. was operate fabs. Mark Lipacis of Jef- says Intel can still realize many
able to leap ahead. TSMC has al- feries said in a note to clients that advantages from producing its 5
ready been volume shipping 7- a fabless Intel “would turn into a own chips, even if it eventually
nanometer chips for a year now cash flow and capital return ma- outsources some new ones to get 0
and will have 5-nanometer chips chine.” Christopher Rolland of competitive products out the door
hitting the market this fall in some Susquehanna proposed that Intel on time. Intel, he added, “still sells 2Q FY2017 ’18 ’19 ’20
5G smartphones and other devices. sell its fabs to TSMC, given a everything they can make.” Note: Fiscal year 2019 ended Feb 29, 2020
The company also said in its own “zero-to-no chance of catching/ —Dan Gallagher Source: S&P Capital IQ

Drug Firms’ China Habit Is Hard to Quit OVERHEARD

The pandemic prompted many Share of active pharmaceutical could amount to 20% of sales. That
countries to re-evaluate China-de- ingredient exports in 2019 would bridge the pricing gap be- A spate of bad luck has driven some leagues are restarting and
pendent supply chains for essen- tween Indian and Chinese makers. many people to the bottle. Now it temperatures are high, however,
tial goods such as drugs. India Chinese active ingredients are 20% is happening to an entire indus- Covid-19 has thrown up another
China 46%
may take particular advantage, but to 30% cheaper than Indian ones, ac- try—literally. challenge: There just aren’t
only with plenty of patience. cording to a report by KPMG and When lockdowns began across enough cans for those suds. The
India rolled out nearly $1 billion U.S. 10 the Confederation of Indian Industry. the U.S. in March, the timing Beer Institute says that aluminum
of incentives to encourage phar- But providing subsidies is likely couldn’t have been worse for cans have grown far more popu-
maceutical companies to make 53 just a first step. “There is no brewers. Bars closed before St. lar for packaging in recent years,
ingredients and key materials for Switzerland 6 magic bullet. The creation of an Patrick’s Day and the beer-soaked cracking 60% for the first time in
producing drugs locally. India has API industry which can be resilient March Madness basketball tour- the second quarter. Less than
a strong generic-drug industry—it India 5 to face China or any other coun- nament was canceled. Since then, one-third is bottled. The Can
supplies more than 40% of gener- tries in the future requires consis- the closure of bars, stadiums and Manufacturers Institute says 35
ics in the U.S., according to Credit tent effort,” said Sanjay Singh, a concert venues in billion cans are
Suisse—but relies on China for the Belgium 5 KPMG partner in India. much of the used annually for
products’ ingredients. As the world’s biggest API ex- country has left alcoholic bever-
China accounts for 68% of India’s
porter, China enjoys economies of tremendous quan- ages in the U.S.
imports of active pharmaceutical scale that lower raw-material costs, tities of beer and Canada.
ingredients, according to Goldman which make up two-thirds of pro- spoiling in kegs. Can maker Ball
Sachs. This became a problem ear- Source: Goldman Sachs duction costs. The country’s better One saving is among those

lier this year, when many Chinese infrastructure, ease of doing busi- grace was that adding capacity,
drug factories were closed due to gredients. There has been talk in ness and supportive government people stuck at but it might not
the pandemic. Prices shot up and the U.S. and Europe of reshoring policies help to reduce production home started to be in time for
India had to temporarily restrict the pharmaceutical supply chain, costs. India hopes to catch up by buy a lot more Americans to
exports of dozens of ingredients but that could impose substantial building three drug parks with the packaged beer in crack open a cold
and drugs that use them, including costs. Having another source in a necessary infrastructure. the spring, even one of their
common antibiotics. developing country such as India India’s generics industry puts it without televised choice as brewers
India could benefit from moves might be a useful compromise. in a good position, but challenging sports. Now that scramble.
by foreign drugmakers to secure a Under the Indian government’s China will still take a lot of time
second supply source for key in- plan, incentives for some products and effort. —Jacky Wong

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