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Packed by GamesNostalgia –


1. First, launch SETUP.BAT if you have Windows XP, Vista or 7. If you didn’t receive any error, skip to
step #4
2. If you received an error launching SETUP.BAT, or if you have Windows 8 or 10, launch
SETUP_WIN10.BAT. If it worked, go to step 4
3. If you received an error launching SETUP_WIN10.BAT, try to double click the file “herc_win10.reg”.
If it says that the keys have been added to the registry, you can launch the game (step 4).
4. Double click HERCULES.EXE and it should work. If you receive an error message “Hercules is not
installed”, check again steps 1-3. If you still see this error, unfortunately the game won’t work :(

If you have problems with video, use Alt+ENTER to switch from FULL SCREEN to WINDOW MODE. After that
you can use the Display menu to increase resolution to 640x480.

Music is not included but sound effects should work.

If it’s still not working, please note this game was made for Windows95. We are lucky that it still works on
most modern systems, but if it's not, the only thing you can do is either use a real PC with Windows 95, or a
virtual Windows95 using software like VirtualBox (

How to buy the game:

We would like to give you a link to buy the original game, but as far as we know, the game is not sold on
Steam or GOG. Anyway it's possible that you can find it on eBay.

Some users reported that their antivirus reported the archive as infected. Our tests didn't find any virus, so
it's possible that this is a false positive. If you have more info, please let us know at the email address

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