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COLD APPETIZER Note that the word appetizer is

sometimes used interchangeably
CATEGORIES with the word hors d'oeuvres,
which can lead to confusion in
Cocktails cases where the word appetizer is
Generally served chilled and understood to mean the first
could be in liquid or solid form. course of a meal. There's no hard
They must be fresh in appearance and fast rule, but in general, an
and arranged attractively to have hors d'oeuvre is served before a
an eye appeal. meal, and an appetizer is part of a
A small, prepared and usually a
decorative Hors d’oeuvres, held in
the fingers and often eatened in
one bite. Because they are often
served during cocktails hours, it is
often desired that a canapé be
either salty or spicy in order to
encourage guest to drink or eat
A canapé may also be referred to
as finger food. Although not all
finger food are canapes. Crackers
or small slices of bread or toast or
Hors d'oeuvres puff pastry, cut into various
(pronounced "or-DERVS") are shapes, serve as the base for
small one- or two-bite items that savory butters or pastes, often
topped with canopy of such
are served before dinner, usually
accompanied by cocktails. As well,
savory food as meat, cheese, fish,
hors d'oeuvres may be served at caviar, foie gras, purees or relish
a cocktail partywhere a full dinner
is not being served. Hors
d'oeuvres can be served at a table
or passed on trays among guests.
Crudité platters (cut raw
vegetables served with a dip) or
even dips served with crackers or
chips can be considered hors
d'oeuvres as well. Indeed, a
simple bowl of nuts would be
hors d'oeuvres if served with
drinks before dinner. Think of a
dish of citrus-
marinated olives served with
crackers or gougeres.
Imagine that you are caterers who have been hired to cater an
event for Vegetarians
a. Choose an appetizer: as a group choose an appetizer
described in the handout and reinvent it the it would be
an appropriate choice for vegetarians.
b. Arrange your workspace: Draw a diagram of how you will
arrange your workspace, with all ingredients and utensils
in place.
c. List appetizer-making steps: Write out detailed
guidelines for each step of the appetizer-making process.

Write it in a sheet of paper and submit it TODAY.

For Next Meeting:
•1-1 1/2 pounds Baby Dutch Yellow potatoes (about 20 [2-
inch] potatoes)
•1 tablespoon olive oil or vegetable oil
•4 ounces cheese, shredded (about 1 cup)
•6 bacon slices, cooked and crumbled
•1/2 cup sour cream
•2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
How to Make It
Step 1
Preheat oven to 425°F. Scrub potatoes, and pat dry thoroughly.
Place potatoes in a large bowl, and drizzle with olive oil; toss to coat.
Arrange potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with
parchment paper. Bake in preheated oven until tender, 17 to 20
minutes. Cool potatoes completely on baking sheet, about 30
Step 2
Slice potatoes in half lengthwise, and scoop out potato flesh, leaving
1⁄8-inch-thick shell. Reserve potato flesh for another use (such as
mashed potatoes).
Step 3
Increase oven temperature to 450°F. Place potato skins, hollowed
side down, on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at
450°F for 10 minutes; flip potatoes over, and bake until crispy, 8 to
10 minutes longer.
Step 4
Fill potato skins evenly with Cheddar cheese, and top with bacon
crumbles. Bake at 450°F until cheese melts, 1 to 2 minutes. Top
each potato skin with a dollop of sour cream, and sprinkle evenly
with chopped fresh chives.

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