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Charles E.

President, Chief Executive Officer & Director, FirstEnergy Corp.

Let's begin by addressing the issue that's been in the news recently. As you know, the
Ohio Speaker of the House and four others were arrested on Tuesday on federal
criminal charges. The case involves political activity related to Ohio House Bill 6, which
recognizes the value of the nuclear power plants operated by our former subsidiary,
FirstEnergy Solutions, now known as Energy Harbor.

Also, on Tuesday, FirstEnergy Corp., our FirstEnergy Services Company, subsidiary

and our political action committee were served subpoenas related to this matter. We are
having discussions with the Department of Justice lawyers and will fully comply with the
I believe that FirstEnergy acted properly in this matter and we intend to cooperate fully
with the investigation to, among other things, ensure our company and our role in
supporting House Bill 6 is understood as accurately as possible. In the meantime, we
wanted to share our preliminary perspective on this issue and reinforce the values with
which we operate our company.

This is a serious and disturbing situation. Ethical behavior and upholding the highest
standards of conduct are foundational values for the entire FirstEnergy family and me
personally. These high standards have fostered the trust of our employees, our
customers and the financial community. We strive to apply these standards in all
business dealings, including our participation in the political process.

As you know, we have supported keeping Ohio's two nuclear plants in operation. We
believe in supporting the thousands of families, former FirstEnergy families, who rely on
the jobs those plants provide. These are good taxpaying jobs that we believe are critical
to Ohio's economic development efforts. We also believe that it is in the best interest of
all Ohioans and our nation to maintain these sources of zero carbon clean, affordable
and reliable energy.

So as we discussed on previous earnings calls, we supported legislative solutions for

the nuclear plants even after we stopped operating them. We were strong supporters of
House Bill 6 and opposed the referendum effort to repeal it. We gave our support
because FirstEnergy has the obligation to serve 2 million customers in the State of
Ohio, including looking out for their long-term energy supply, even though we are no
longer in the competitive generation business and would not get a single dollar of the
House Bill 6 funding for those plants.

In addition, that passage of House Bill 6 resulted in a rate decrease for Ohio customers
despite the nuclear surcharges. But let me be clear, at no time does our support for
nuclear plants in Ohio interfere or supersede our ethical obligations to conduct our
business properly. The facts will become clear as the investigation progresses and we
support bringing the facts forward. Our leadership team will remain focused on
executing our strategy and running our business in the same conscientious manner that
you've come to expect.

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