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The dreamtime is electrified with

electromagnetic forces.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is
inspiration. Self-actualization requires exploration.

Although you may not realize it, you are

We exist as superpositions of possibilities. Will is a constant.
Fulfillment is the truth of understanding, and of us.

If you have never

experienced this
metamorphosis at the
quantum level, it can
be difficult to grow.
Wanderer, look
within and recreate
yourself. How should
you navigate this
spatial totality?

You and I are spiritual brothers and sisters of the stratosphere.

We grow, we believe, we are reborn. The goal of supercharged
electrons is to plant the seeds of rebirth rather than stagnation.

Our conversations with Consciousness consists of

other mystics have led ultrasonic energy of quantum
to an evolving of supra- energy. “Quantum” means an
angelic consciousness.
evolving of the sublime. Nothing
is impossible. By unfolding, we grow.

Featured Comment

RobertWLester • 5 years ago

the temporal differential we call wakefulness is the cosmic
interaction of subatomic particles operating in the quantum
field, the (quantum)leap represents a fundamental
universal constant that we can only speculate upon in the
macro scale of wave form frequencies.
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JR Nichols • 2 days ago

Congratulations! Been on the Internet 23 years, and this is the
2nd funniest web page I’ve ever seen. First being Alex Chiu
peddling his “Eternal Life Toe Ring”. Damn if I weren’t so
cheap I’d kick in $5 AND buy a toe ring too!
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Terje Berg-Hansen • 11 days ago

Just as a fish cannot swim without water and a bird cannot fly
wings, a human being also cannot do anything without
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/ • 14 days ago
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Yunus Atasever • a month ago

Is it wrong if this is actually seems right to me ;_;
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KSonyka > Yunus Atasever • 3 days ago • edited

'Fraid so.

The Psychology of Bullshit, Bullshitters, and

What can be done about America's problem with
“bullshit receptivity?”

Across various research studies, bullshit receptivity

has been associated with paranormal and
pseudoscientific beliefs, belief in conspiracy
theories, the tendency to perceive connections
between unrelated things, and the tendency to
perceive false or fake news as accurate as well as a
willingness to share it on social media. It’s inversely
correlated with intelligence and analytical thinking.
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kayko • a month ago

I like Chi.
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John Kline • a month ago

Do I have to make up my own pseudo-spiritual drivel, or will a
clever algorithm guide me through the endless quantum flux?
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Bowie > John Kline • 14 days ago

HI John, Hit the REIONIZE ELECTRONS button at the
top of this page. A clever algorithm does the work!
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Mitch Earleywine • a month ago

You've helped me uniquely evolve extensive web-readiness.
I'm eager to improve my skills and savor my uniqueness. To
roam the myth is to become one with it.
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𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 -𝖒𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓 • 2 months ago

Although you may not realize it, you are endless. How
should you navigate this non-local nexus? The galaxy is
calling to you via superpositions of possibilities. Can you
hear it?
Lol this is really humourous to me. I'M ENDLESS!!!!!!!!!
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𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 -𝖒𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓 • 2 months ago

Although you may not realize it, you are sensual. It can be
difficult to know where to begin. Prophet, look within and
enlighten yourself.
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Chris Mann ( straight blue) • 2 months ago

Fashion is interdependant on the relatedness of motivation,
subcultures, and management.
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Scott • 2 months ago

"Time is longer than the lifespan we have." --The Book of Ted,
11:29, Beer 6
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Ambyr Kramer • 2 months ago

Selfishness is born in the gap where passion has been
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joj • 3 months ago

The quantum soup is calling to you via frequencies. Can you
hear it?
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joj • 3 months ago

The universe is bursting with four-dimensional
superstructures. Today, science tells us that the essence of
nature is complexity. To navigate the story is to become one
with it
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joj • 3 months ago

Have you found your journey? Although you may not realize
it, you are high-frequency. If you have never experienced this
quantum shift devoid of self, it can be difficult to grow.
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joj • 3 months ago

This life is nothing short of an awakening reimagining of
holistic divinity. Fulfillment is the driver of coherence. The goal
of supercharged electrons is to plant the seeds of growth
rather than pain.
R l Sh
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OnOurOwn • 3 months ago

The universe sings a perfect song of silence through the
abyss that colors infinite time and space.
We yearn to become one with the all-consuming harmony of
that quite and
blissful journey! So shut the F up so I
can get some sleep.
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Christopher Sherrod • 3 months ago

To walk the vision quest is to become one with it.
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Nick Outterside • 3 months ago

Humankind has nothing to lose.
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Agnes • 3 months ago

The universe is bursting with vibrations.
By flowering, we heal. Chi is a constant.
Eons from now, we starseeds will heal like never before as we
are aligned by the nexus.
Who are we? Where on the great story will we be aligned?
Humankind has nothing to lose. Reality has always been full
of seekers whose dreams are transformed into life-force.
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만두 • 3 months ago
bread is delicious
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Javier Lazo • 3 months ago

Quantum leaps? Nay, effect a Quantum Yeet!
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Miss Jess • 3 months ago

"Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is science."
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ChrisUllmann • 3 months ago

”Insight is the growth of passion, and of us. We exist as

Great now I am expounding on String Theory. I know nothing

about string theory. Well if Deepak can do it, so can I!

I feel my passion growing already. Nope, just morning wood.

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asd129 • 4 months ago

The goal of molecular structures is to plant the seeds of chi
rather than discontinuity. Nothing is impossible.
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Coenraad Loubser • 4 months ago

This life is nothing short of a redefining flow of eternal
transformation. Potentiality is the driver of inspiration.

Wanderer, look within and ground yourself.

Although you may not realize it, you are authentic.

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Garth Croft • 4 months ago

"The grid is calling to you via electromagnetic resonance. Can
you hear it?"

This is gold.
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T1m • 4 months ago

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James • 4 months ago

fuck ewg
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penny gray • 4 months ago • edited

all old pimp bullshit dudes in the joint with funny
little hats used to spout this gibberish all the time,even had a
wayans brother on tv doing it,boring...
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Bunny Munro > penny gray • 3 months ago

I'll tell you this; if you lived next door to older, well
meaning, new age hippies who spout this bullshit
every chance they get, you'd long for a site like this.
I read it thinking I'm going to send my neighborly guru
lover the link one day:)
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Garth Croft > penny gray • 4 months ago

Yeah, that's the point. Did you not get the point of this
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DrSloan • 5 months ago
"We are at a crossroads of choice and bondage."

I should hope so!

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Ian Cook • 6 months ago

Oh freddled gruntbuggly, thy micturations are to me, as
plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning on a lurgid
bee, that mordiously hath blurted out Its earted jurtles,
grumbling into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer.
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles are slurping hagrilly up
the axlegrurts and living glupules frart and stipulate like
jowling meated liverslime. Groop, I implore thee, my foonting
turlingdromes and hooptiously drangle me with crinkly
bindlewurdles mashurbitries, or else I shall rend thee in the
gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon... see if I don't!
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SpitfireXIX > Ian Cook • 5 months ago

I don't believe Ravenous Bug-Blatter Beasts of Traal
respond well to this...
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L • 6 months ago
Hi Seb, this is extremely well-done!

I'm part of some New Age groups and that makes it

particularly hilarious to see the inanities of the culture from an
outside perspective.

Honestly, the language work you've done sounds almost like

the newsletters of some of these communities, so I just had to
say that it's very impressive.

I am also from a physics/quant background up to a M.Sc., and

from that side of the brain, thank you for the contribution your
generator makes to critical thinking and the importance of the
continued need for questioning. Awesome work.
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Eugene Twickenham • 6 months ago

and a last one for the road....."Your consciousness transforms
immortal destiny"
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Eugene Twickenham • 6 months ago

"The universe is inextricably connected to the expansion of
sexual energy"
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Eugene Twickenham • 6 months ago

"Non-judgment grows through dimensionless self-knowledge"
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The Weird Network • 6 months ago

Okay, this is epic.
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Richard Lurie • 6 months ago

The quantum soup is aglow with bio-feedback.
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Koit • 6 months ago

Consciousness consists of superpositions of possibilities of
quantum energy. “Quantum” means a refining of the pranic.
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MrFrodo_theCat • 6 months ago

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