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All selected students in Saint Anthony Academy, Grade 7 to Grade 11 presents the results

of the research question and hypothesis. The purpose of this study was to provide background

information that makes the respondents knows the utilization of modern technology and its

benefits to the students and teachers in Saint Anthony Academy

The table below shows the data collected in relation to the study which are arranged

accordingly. These are the following:

Table 1: What is the respondents profile in terms of gender and age?

11-12 13-14 15-16 Age

17-18 19-20 Total Percentage

Male 8 6 6 2 1 23 47%

Female 4 18 4 0 0 26 53%

Total 12 24 10 2 1 49 100%


In table 1, 47% of the respondents are male, Eight (8) of the male respondents belong to

the age bracket of 11-12 year old, and Six (6) of the male respondents belong to the age bracket

13-14 year old, and Six (6) of the male respondent belong to the age bracket of 15-16 year old,

and two (2) of the male respondents belong to the age bracket 17-18 year old, and One (1) of the

male respondent belong to the age bracket 19-20 year old.

And 53% of the respondents are female, Four (4) of the female respondent belong to the

age bracket of 11-12 year old, and Eighteen (18) of the female respondent belong to the age

bracket of 13-14 year old, and Ten (10) of the female respondent belong to the age bracket of 15-

16 year old, and Two (2) of the female respondent belong to the age bracket 17-18 year old and

One (1) of the respondent belong to the age bracket of 19-20 year old.

Table 2: What are the modern technologies that students at home

The modern technologies that students at home total Percentages

a. computer 7 14%
b. laptop 6 12%
c. mobile phone 35 71%
d. mp3 5 10%
e. tablet 10 20%
f. television 49 100%
g. radio 7 14%
h. if you have more specify 3 6%

In table 2 the modern technologies that students at home show that out of 49 respondents

said on letter (a) states that, they have computer there are only 14% said that the modern

technologies that students at home. In letter (b) states that, they have laptop there are only 12%

said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (c) states that, they have mobile

phone there are only 71% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (d)

states that, they have mp3 there are only 10% said that the modern technologies that students at

home. In letter (e) states that, they have tablet there are only 20% said that the modern

technologies that students at home. In letter (f) states that, they have television there are only

100% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (g) states that, they have

radio there are only 14% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (h)

states that, if you have more specify there are only 6% said that the modern technologies that

students at home.

Table 3: what are the advantages of using modern technology?

The advantages of using modern technology total percentages

a. updated about the news 49 100%

b. will knew the current situation about the world 49 100%
c. can automatically search anything 34 69%
d. can search anywhere 44 89%
e. easy access to information 49 91%
f. encourage innovation and creativity 30 61%
g. improve communication 49 100%
h. improve housing and lifestyle 20 40%
i. efficiency and productivity 30 61%
j. add those who are not mention 15 30%

In table 3 the advantages of using modern technology shows that out of 49 respondent

said on letter (a) states that, updated about the news there are only 100% said that the advantages

of using modern technology. In letter (b) states that, will knew the current situation about the

world there are only 100% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (c)

states that can automatically search anything there are only 69% said that the advantages of using

modern technology. In letter (d) states that, can search anywhere there are only 89% said that the

advantages of using modern technology. In letter (e) states that, easy access to information there

are only 91% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (f) states that,

encourage innovation and creativity there are only 61% said that the advantages of using modern

technology. In letter (g) states that, improve communication there are only 100% states that,

efficiency and productivity there are only 100% said that the advantages of using modern

technology. In letter (h) states that, improve housing and lifestyle there are only 40% said that

the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (i) states that, efficiency and productivity

there are only 61% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (j) states that,

add those who are not mention there are only 30% said that the advantages of using modern


Table 4: what are the benefits of modern technology to the students?

The benefits of modern technology to the students total Percentages

a. improves engagement 40 81%
b. improves knowledge retention 49 100%
c. encourages individual learning 44 89%
d. students can learn useful like skills through technology 40 81%
e. benefits for teachers 41 83%
f. saves time 39 79%
g. ease of mobility 31 63%
h. better communication means 29 59%
i. cost efficiency 42 85%
j. innovation in many fields 33 67%
k. improve banking 25 51%
l. add those who are not mention 20 40%

In table 4 the benefits of modern technology to the students show that out of 49

respondents said on letter (a) states that, improves engagement there are only 81% said that the

benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (b) states that, improves knowledge

retention there are only 100% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In

letter (c) states that, encourages individual learning there are only 89% said that the benefits of

modern technology to the students. In letter (e) states that, benefits for teachers there are only

83% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (f) states that, saves

time there are only 79% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (g)

states that, ease of mobility there are only 63% said that the benefits of modern technology to the

students. In letter (h) states that better communication means there are only 59% said that the

benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (i) states that, cost efficiency there are

only 85% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (j) states that,

innovation in many fields there are only 67% said that the benefits of modern technology to the

students. In letter (k) states that, improve banking there are only 51% said that the benefits of

modern technology to the students. In letter (l) states that, add those who are not mention there

are only 40% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students.

Table 5: What are the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers?

the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers total percentages
a. active engagement with the learning material 49 100%
b. use of real-world issues 40 81%
c. simulation and modeling 30 61%
d. discussion and debate boards and forums 45 91%
e. working up 42 85%
f. coaching 40 81%
g. formative assessment 39 79%
h. affords better access to resources 38 77%
i. can improve student engagement 41 83%
j. can expand classroom boundaries 48 97%
k. Add those who are not mention 20 40%

In table 5 the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers shows that out

of 49 respondents said on letter (a) states that, active engagement with the learning material there

are only 100% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter

(b) states that, use of real-world issues there are only 81% said that the impacts of modern

technology to the students and teachers. In letter (c) states that, simulation and modeling there

are only 61% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter

(d) states that, discussion and debate boards and forums there are only 91% said that the impacts

of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (e) states that, working up there are

only 85% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (f)

states that, coaching there are only 81% said that the impacts of modern technology to the

students and teachers. In letter (g) states that, formative assessment there are only 79% said that

the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (h) states that, affords

better access to resources there are only 77% said that the impacts of modern technology to the

students and teachers. In letter (i) states that, can improve student engagement there are only

83% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (j) states

that, can expand classroom boundaries there are only 97% said that the impacts of modern

technology to the students and teachers. In letter (k) states that, Add those who are not mention

there are only 40% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers.

Table 6: What are the role of modern technology in education?

the role of modern technology in education Total percentages

a. technology unlocks educational boundaries 49 100%
b. technology simplifies access to educational resources 40 81%
c. technology motivates students 30 61%
d. technology improve students writing and learning skill 45 91%
e. technology makes subject easy to learn 40 81%
f. technology promotes individual learnings 39 79%
g. technology supports differentiated instruction 38 77%
h. increases collaboration between teachers and students 41 83%
i. prepares students for tomorrows technological jobs 48 91%
j. increase students innovation and creativity 33 67%
k. add those who are not mention 20 40%

In table 6 the role of modern technology in education show that out of 49 respondent said

on letter (a) states that, technology unlocks educational boundaries there are only 100% said that

the role of modern technology in education. In letter (b) states that, technology simplifies access

to educational resources there are only 81% said that the role of modern technology in education.

In letter (c) states that, technology motivates students there are only 61% said that the role of

modern technology in education. In letter (d) states that, technology improve students writing

and learning skill there are only 91% said that the role of modern technology in education. In

letter (e) states that, technology makes subject easy to learn there are only 81% said that the role

of modern technology in education. In letter (f) states that, technology promotes individual

learnings there are only 79% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter (g)

states that, technology supports differentiated instruction there are only 77% said that the role of

modern technology in education. In letter (h) states that, increases collaboration between teachers

and students there are only 79%% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter

(i) states that, prepares students for tomorrows technological jobs there are only 91% said that

the role of modern technology in education. In letter (j) states that, increase students innovation

and creativity 67% only 91% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter (k)

add those who are not mention there are only 40% said that the role of modern technology in




Summary of Findings

All selected students in Saint Anthony Academy, Grade 7 to Grade 11 presents the results of the

research question and hypothesis. The purpose of this study was to provide background

information that makes the respondents knows the utilization of modern technology and its

benefits to the students and teachers in Saint Anthony Academy

The table below shows the data collected in relation to the study which are arranged

accordingly. These are the following:

In table 1, 47% of the respondents are male, Eight (8) of the male respondents belong to the age

bracket of 11-12 year old, and Six (6) of the male respondents belong to the age bracket 13-14

year old, and Six (6) of the male respondent belong to the age bracket of 15-16 year old, and two

(2) of the male respondents belong to the age bracket 17-18 year old, and One (1) of the male

respondent belong to the age bracket 19-20 year old.

And 53% of the respondents are female, Four (4) of the female respondent belong to the

age bracket of 11-12 year old, and Eighteen (18) of the female respondent belong to the age

bracket of 13-14 year old, and Ten (10) of the female respondent belong to the age bracket of 15-

16 year old, and Two (2) of the female respondent belong to the age bracket 17-18 year old and

One (1) of the respondent belong to the age bracket of 19-20 year old.

In table 2 the modern technologies that students at home show that out of 49 respondents

said on letter (a) states that, they have computer there are only 14% said that the modern

technologies that students at home. In letter (b) states that, they have laptop there are only 12%

said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (c) states that, they have mobile

phone there are only 71% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (d)

states that, they have mp3 there are only 10% said that the modern technologies that students at

home. In letter (e) states that, they have tablet there are only 20% said that the modern

technologies that students at home. In letter (f) states that, they have television there are only

100% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (g) states that, they have

radio there are only 14% said that the modern technologies that students at home. In letter (h)

states that, if you have more specify there are only 6% said that the modern technologies th

In table 3 the advantages of using modern technology shows that out of 49 respondent

said on letter (a) states that, updated about the news there are only 100% said that the advantages

of using modern technology. In letter (b) states that, will knew the current situation about the

world there are only 100% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (c)

states that can automatically search anything there are only 69% said that the advantages of using

modern technology. In letter (d) states that, can search anywhere there are only 89% said that the

advantages of using modern technology. In letter (e) states that, easy access to information there

are only 91% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (f) states that,

encourage innovation and creativity there are only 61% said that the advantages of using modern

technology. In letter (g) states that, improve communication there are only 100% states that,

efficiency and productivity there are only 100% said that the advantages of using modern

technology. In letter (h) states that, improve housing and lifestyle there are only 40% said that

the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (i) states that, efficiency and productivity

there are only 61% said that the advantages of using modern technology. In letter (j) states that,

add those who are not mention there are only 30% said that the advantages of using modern


In table 4 the benefits of modern technology to the students show that out of 49

respondents said on letter (a) states that, improves engagement there are only 81% said that the

benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (b) states that, improves knowledge

retention there are only 100% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In

letter (c) states that, encourages individual learning there are only 89% said that the benefits of

modern technology to the students. In letter (e) states that, benefits for teachers there are only

83% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (f) states that, saves

time there are only 79% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (g)

states that, ease of mobility there are only 63% said that the benefits of modern technology to the

students. In letter (h) states that better communication means there are only 59% said that the

benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (i) states that, cost efficiency there are

only 85% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students. In letter (j) states that,

innovation in many fields there are only 67% said that the benefits of modern technology to the

students. In letter (k) states that, improve banking there are only 51% said that the benefits of

modern technology to the students. In letter (l) states that, add those who are not mention there

are only 40% said that the benefits of modern technology to the students.

In table 5 the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers shows that out

of 49 respondents said on letter (a) states that, active engagement with the learning material there

are only 100% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter

(b) states that, use of real-world issues there are only 81% said that the impacts of modern

technology to the students and teachers. In letter (c) states that, simulation and modeling there

are only 61% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter

(d) states that, discussion and debate boards and forums there are only 91% said that the impacts

of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (e) states that, working up there are

only 85% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (f)

states that, coaching there are only 81% said that the impacts of modern technology to the

students and teachers. In letter (g) states that, formative assessment there are only 79% said that

the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (h) states that, affords

better access to resources there are only 77% said that the impacts of modern technology to the

students and teachers. In letter (i) states that, can improve student engagement there are only

83% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers. In letter (j) states

that, can expand classroom boundaries there are only 97% said that the impacts of modern

technology to the students and teachers. In letter (k) states that, Add those who are not mention

there are only 40% said that the impacts of modern technology to the students and teachers.

In table 6 the role of modern technology in education show that out of 49 respondent said

on letter (a) states that, technology unlocks educational boundaries there are only 100% said that

the role of modern technology in education. In letter (b) states that, technology simplifies access

to educational resources there are only 81% said that the role of modern technology in education.

In letter (c) states that, technology motivates students there are only 61% said that the role of

modern technology in education. In letter (d) states that, technology improve students writing

and learning skill there are only 91% said that the role of modern technology in education. In

letter (e) states that, technology makes subject easy to learn there are only 81% said that the role

of modern technology in education. In letter (f) states that, technology promotes individual

learnings there are only 79% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter (g)

states that, technology supports differentiated instruction there are only 77% said that the role of

modern technology in education. In letter (h) states that, increases collaboration between teachers

and students there are only 79%% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter

(i) states that, prepares students for tomorrows technological jobs there are only 91% said that

the role of modern technology in education. In letter (j) states that, increase students innovation

and creativity 67% only 91% said that the role of modern technology in education. In letter (k)

add those who are not mention there are only 40% said that the role of modern technology in



Therefore I conclude modern technology has made our society make it to the point of

ignorance to the fact that there might be a day when our technology does not work and they

cannot, at the moment, live without it.  We have grown to rely on our technology to make our

lives easier.  If our technology were to go away, our lives would be really tough for a while until

everyone learned to live without it.  My solution is that we begin that transition sooner rather

than later.  If you have basic map-reading skills, you can look at a road map and get to your


The technology which surrounds almost everyone in today's modern society, affects both

work and free time activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not

have. And thus, it influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share

information which they would otherwise not be able to attain in other ways. Even if a person

does not own a computer or have credit cards, there is information on a computer somewhere

about everyone and everything he/she needs. The modern technology which is just now

beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of small children and

adolescents in ways that could be harmful. As a result, it is affecting our immediate future. It also

gives another form of communication and exchange of information which was not available

before, information that is both good and bad. Moreover, Technology is one of the principal

driving forces of the future; it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates

unprecedented in history, with profound implications which we can't even begin to see or



I highly recommend to all the modern technology users:

1. Make sure to have an expert on your staff. Put someone in charge of the project and develop a

master plan. This person should understand the new technology as well as the news business and

be willing to orchestrate change. Goals and responsibilities must be set for the upcoming change.

Teamwork between departments is a must to integrate new technology.

Set goals when equipment will be integrated and in use. Use the rule of 4¹s when integrating any

new equipment. Plan for a specific target date but don¹t be surprised when the date isn¹t met and

it takes 4 times as long and is 4 times as much trouble as you had estimated.

2. I get many phone calls from digital photography users looking for answers that are in the

manual. Before setting up the equipment, manuals need to be studied. I usually make a copy of

the manual so I can highlight key points while I¹m reading it. This makes it easier for others to

get the key points.

3. Don¹t expect the equipment to work the first time Plug and play isn¹t likely to happen with

newsroom technology. Just because the vendor tells you the equipment works in a certain way

doesn¹t mean it can be integrated into your operation the same way. It is always best to visit

another newspaper using the same type of equipment in a deadline type situation.

4. One of the biggest pains in integrating new equipment is calibrating the device to your

newspaper¹s specifications. This takes time and energy to track the pixels through to output.

There are so many variables that some users don¹t bother to calibrate the entire system. Then

they wonder why their reproduction is poor.


5. Training a newspaper staff to use new technology is stressful for all involved. Employees are

leaving a comfortable, known way of operating to try a new unknown way. Anything you can do

to help the staff through easy to read system updates, manuals or suggestions will be extremely

fruitful. A technology bulletin board located in the photography department could help them in

this transition.

6. This is usually best after the equipment has been tested, proved reliable and you know how it

will be used in the daily operation. A sure way to fail is testing at the same time the device is

being used on a daily basis. Or in the case of digital cameras, give everyone new camera without

any training and expect everything to go smoothly. Train a group of superusers to help in the

training. I prefer to train employees that will be in major control points of the worklfow. With

digital photography, this control point is the picture desk and Picture Editors. Training users in

small groups (2 to 3) how to simple tasks on the new systems. Add operating sophistication after

employees have a grasp of how the equipment works. Do not overload them with details that

they don¹t need to know at the present time. After all the employees are trained and the

equipment is in deadline use for a period of time, be sure to update job descriptions to reflect the

changes. Training employees on new technology is an ongoing situation. It doesn¹t cease after

the initial training classes.

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