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Theology of Laity Assignment

Vatican II and CL

A. Church is a mystery
1. Church should not be seen in contradiction with the world.
2. There is something visible and invisible but everything is not clear.
3. The Church is a sign and it points to Christ.
4. But he church not only points but also CONTAINS what it signifies. It has a
5. The church is a “Communion” and “People of God”
6. The church was seen as a hierarchy and institution but Vatican II bought these
concepts and now everybody is equal. The clergy and laity are equal members
and they are People of God.
7. The church is sacrament so the laity and the clergy also indicate and contain
the Christ.
B. Church is Mission
1. The mission of the church was to convert and conquer.
2. The church served as a lifeboat to those who were in sin. This was the
mentality of the missionaries as they converted by any means – force induced
in good faith.
3. The clergy did this family through proselytization as they were away from
home. It was forced conversion because people were living immoral lives.
4. Vatican II denounced this notion of Mission in Dignitatis Humane (DH) 4. So
today we speak of conversion of heart.
5. So in today’s context, Mission is not about conquering the world but
6. The church is like LEAVEN and its mission is to bring Redemption to Human
Being. It must struggle with the struggling world.
7. The remains as a liberating force. The clergy are set apart to galvanize the
laity and reinvigorate them.
8. The laity are not put in contradiction with the clergy but in Communion.

C. The specific Mission of the Laity

1. Lumen Gentium (LG)
i. Charisms have to be recognized. There are certain things which pertain
in a special way to the laity, both men and women, by reason of their
condition and mission. (LG 30).
ii. Laity has a specific field of missions in the secular world. (LG 31).
iii. There is a basic equality as both, the clergy and the laity share a
common dignity with their regenuity in Christ. There is a basic
equality. (LG 32)
iv. The laity are involved in work places, inter –religious dialogue and
politics. (LG 33)
v. Role of laity as a priest, the priestly function. All their daily life, toil,
work, relaxation, family life, apostolic, if accompanied with the spirit –
all hardships patiently borne become a spiritual sacrifice acceptable to
God. (LG 34)
vi. Prophetic function must be exercised by laity because the power of the
word of God can work in their daily life. (LG 35)
vii. Laity must come with courage to say that some customs are wrong.
They must exercise their kingly functions.
viii. Laity must exercise their power in obedience. (LG 37)
ix. It is the responsibility of the hierarchy to confidently assign
responsibility to the laity. (LG 38)
x. The call of the people of God is “TO BE HOLY”. It is for everybody.
(LG 39)

2. Gaudium Et Spes
i. GS 29 speaks of basic equality that must be recognized by the
hierarchy since all have the same origin, divine calling and destiny.
ii. The gifts given are to be dedicated for service of the society.
iii. It is an obligation for the people to be in temporal world and bring it as
the offering of the father.
iv. Call of Laity: They have equal footing with the clergy because the
centre of salvation in Christ.
v. The laity who have been passive so far has now been liberated from
this passivity. They are now fully active.
vi. They cannot be any more passive.
vii. They can no more be at the receiving end but contributing. They are
mission oriented.
viii. Laity constitutes the relationship and participation in church’s primary
mission. There is no more dichotomy between spiritual and temporal.
3. Apostolicum Actutsitotem
4. Christi Fidelis laici
i. Three Aspects of Laity
1. At parish level:
a. The lay apostolate is family community. The
differences of other must be accepted and the
differences of ethnicities must be reckoned with.
b. The points of unity must be highlighted and not of
differences. (CL 26)
c. The parish must not be a “place for believers” but a sign
and an instrument of Unity.
2. Diocesan level
a. Vatican II speaks about “Local church” as not a
fragmented unit.
b. It is a realization of the primordial bond .
c. Lay people must be taught to belong to diocese (LG 23,
CL 25)
d. Bishop is representing Christ and along with him this
bond is realized.
3. Family Level
a. Laity must be educated to tolerate the differences
among them and build unity through communication,
understanding and listening.
b. The laity must realize that Christ is the real bond and
the unifying factor.
c. Unless there is Christic vision the family bond can
never be fulfilled.
ii. Kinds of Lay participation
1. Commissioned Apostolate.
a. They are called by bishop and commissioned.
2. Voluntary Apostolate.
3. Voluntary Individual.
a. Promote dignity of persons (CL 37)
b. Respecting the individual’s right of Life (CL 38)
c. Defense to Religious freedom (CL 39)
d. Social Service (CL 41)
e. Politics (CL 29, 42)
f. Socio- Economic (CL 43)
g. Eco. Concern (CL 44)
h. Inter-Religious Dialogue
4. Commissioned Apostolate.
a. Ecclesiastical groups approved by laity commission (CL

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