BUS1041 - Business Plan Assignment

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Centre for Business

School of Management

Small Business Management

Professor: Sarah Hashem Course Number: BUS1041

Email: sarah.hashem@georgebrown.ca Course Section: 51150

Academic Year: 2019-2020 Term:Winter

Final Business Plan Assignment

Due Date: Written submission on blackboard and Pitch deck : April 1st at 11:59PM

Grading: 35% of final mark Type: Group work :business plan and pitch deck

You and your business partners have been asked to prepare a business plan and a
corresponding 10 minutes pitch deck addressed to Futurpreneur Canada to fund your business
idea. You have a strict deadline of April 1st at 11:59PM to submit the plan and pitch deck. You
have one shot at getting this money. Good luck!

1. Written business plan - 20% of final mark - DUE April 1st @ 11:59PM on BB
a. You must use Futurpreneur’s Business Plan Writer to meet the required format
of the business plan, including a 2 year projected cash flow, start-up costs and
income statement (.5)
b. Your business plan must not exceed 15 pages with a maximum of 500 words per
page (.5)
c. Your business plan MUST include the following sections:
i. Executive Summary : a summary of all key components of the business
plan and clearly explain the ask (1)

BUS 1041 Small Business Management

ii. Company Profile:must include information on all partners and their role
in the business (2)
iii. Market Research:must include results of customer interviews (2)
iv. Sales & Marketing: must justify sales projections (4)
v. Operations: must include risk mitigation strategies (2)
vi. Financials
1. Start-up costs & break-even(2)
2. Sales forecast(2)
3. Cashflow (2)
4. Income Statement
vii. Appendices: must include market research report and a copy of your
business’ partnership agreement
d. You may add sections to your business plan to reflect your unique business
e. Overall appearance, spelling and grammar (2)

2. Pitch Deck- 10% of final mark - Due April 1s @11:50PM on BB - PP deck

a. No more than 10 slides and not to exceed 30 speaking note bullets - Use
template on BB (1)
b. Must be completed by all members of the team
c. Add notes to each slide corresponding to each member of the team
d. To learn how to add notes click here
e. Deck must address the following elements(1)
i. Present the customer need/problem and business opportunity (1)
ii. Define target customer and market potential (1)
iii. Demonstrate the viability of the business idea(1)
iv. Explain how the business stands out among competitors(1)
v. Highlight the uniqueness of the team(1)
vi. Demonstrate need and use of funds requested(1)
vii. Identify and address major risk factors(1)
f. Overall presentation and speaking notes (1)
3. Peer to peer evaluation - 5% of final mark - Completed April 1st virtually on BB by
a. Each team member will evaluate members of the group on their participation on
a scale of 1-5, 5 being a team player and 1 meaning not at all.
b. peer to peer grade will be calculated based on the average of the peer
evaluation scores.

Individual marks will be calculated as follows:

Group written grade/20 + Group presentation grade/10 + P2P evaluation grade/5

BUS 1041 Small Business Management

You are encouraged to utilize additional resources including business plan examples, webinars
and available on Futurpreneur Canada’s business library

BUS 1041 Small Business Management

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