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Astrology - The 12 Houses

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Astrology - The 12 Houses

Astrology is filled with so many unique aspects that they make it difficult to understand any of it
without understanding all of it. However, if you learn all of the aspects individually, you can piece
them together to make sense of it all. I don't say all of this to scare you away from studying it at all
for fear that it will overwhelm you; that is not the case at all! It's just that by studying the individual
pieces that make up the puzzle, your picture will be that much clearer.

For this article, we will look at the 12 astrological houses of the zodiac. If you've never heard of
them, you're in luck! Because understanding these houses will help you to understand why people say
there is much more to astrology than knowing what sign you are. And hopefully, in the end, you will
have greater insight into why these houses are important to your life and how they not only affected
you at your time of birth, but also on a daily basis.

The 12 Astrological Houses

The 12 houses are very important to astrology because they each are said to have a unique meaning to
your life. They are represented by the breakdown of 12 sectors in the zodiac. If you were to try to
visualize this idea, find a piece of paper then draw a perfect circle. This circle represents the zodiac.
Then equally divide the circle into 12 equal parts (like slicing a pizza). Those parts make up sectors,
or houses. And the planets and signs placed in particular houses at your time birth help to determine
characteristics of your personality.

The houses are broken into numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd ...) and the one that begins at nine o'clock on the
zodiac chart is the first house. The second house starts at eight o'clock and they continue to move
counter-clockwise until they come back around to the first house. Each one is ruled by one of the 12
astrological signs, so since Aries is the first sign in astrology, it rules the first house; Taurus rules the
second, and so on. However, as the planets rotate around the zodiac they give those houses a bit of
their own personality, making for an interesting time in people's lives.

Overall, your ruling signs and planets tend to govern your natural or innate internal tendencies, while
your ruling houses tend to govern your reaction to the outer world and the things that influence you
externally. So now that you've learned more about the basics, let's look at each house individually.

First House

In describing the first house in astrology, many people call it the "house of self." It is on the ascendant
- or horizon - and is correlated with the beginning of life - your life, because it is centered on your
new life as a newborn and takes care of "all things you." Whatever planet was hovering around the
first house at your time of birth will definitely have a huge influence on what you believe and what
influences your life, making you an individual.

Second House

Once you enter the 2nd house you've come to the arena of possessions - possession of all things, that
is. Whether it is regarding tangible items or emotional gratification, this is the area of learning to deal
with ownership. If you have a planet in this house, especially one that is already possessive, then you
might have your work cut out letting go of the "mine" complex.

Third House

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The third house in astrology is the house of communication. In this regard, the communication refers
to that of those in your immediate circle - Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, and even close
neighbors. The communication can be represented in a verbal, written or even mental form. So
depending on what planet, if any, falls into the house, you could have great communication skills, or
very challenging ones.

Fourth House

The fourth house looks inward toward your home life to determine how you relate to your family. It
also looks at how our journey away from home throughout life will eventually guide us back to home -
our final resting place.

Fifth House

Number five governs what brings you pleasure in your life. It could be drawing, singing, dancing, or
even having children or working in a corporate environment as long as the art of creation is ingrained
in the experience - and as long as the creative act makes you feel good inside.

Sixth House

In astrology, the sixth sector governs good health - acquiring it and maintaining it. It makes us look at
how we manage our personal crises and grow from them being able to maintain healthy emotional and
physical health. And if our health does go south, it makes us view how we handle it.

Seventh House

House number seven governs partnerships, but not just romantic - any partnership with another human
being that affects your life. This dynamic is meant to help you view yourself in relation to another
person through the acts of selflessness and cooperation, in addition to learning to work with someone
to achieve a shared goal that will make a difference in the world.

Eighth House

The eighth sector looks at sex and relationships to help us determine how our interactions on this
more intimate level have an effect on our lives - and it also helps us learn how to grow from them.

Ninth House

The ninth house in astrology looks at philosophy and the meaning of life. It encourages us to "get out
there" and explore the world for a greater meaning, and influences us to ask greater questions about
our purpose here on Earth.

Tenth House

House number 10 in astrology governs social status. It looks at how we view ourselves in relation to
society as a whole and further makes us determine what we think our role is in our community. Fame
and any other level of social status are ruled by this sector.

Eleventh House

This house rules over friendships and helps us to determine what social organizations or clubs we will
be involved with to find the types of friends we are compatible with. It also uses false friendships to
be a mirror to reflect who we are at a specific time in our lives - even and especially if it is not who
we want to be.

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Twelfth House

This house in astrology rules over your unconscious mind. It looks at the issues you have incurred
over a period of time throughout your life, but have pushed away to your subconscious mind. It
doesn't let you forget about these issues and essentially finds unique ways to bring them to the

By understanding more about the 12 houses in astrology, you learn more about why you relate to the
world as you do, as well as why you often find yourself in situations that you may not want to be in
but that help you learn and grow. This is, of course, one aspect of astrology - there is still much more
to know - but by learning this aspect, you are gaining yet one more piece to the puzzle.

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