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Moving Checklist

Let AmeriSpec get you moving in the right direction!

8 weeks before moving

Schedule a home inspection with your local AmeriSpec office
Contact a van line or rental truck company to get estimates
If you have unwanted or unneeded items, plan a garage
sale and set a date or donate to the Goodwill
Arrange to transfer school records if you have children
Start a “move file” for all receipts, papers and estimates
related to our move

6 weeks before moving

Select a van line or rental truck company and arrange pick-up and delivery dates
If you have pets, schedule a check-up, get copies of veterinary records and
arrange transportation
Take inventory of your belongings before they’re packed, in the event that you
need to file an insurance claim. If possible, take pictures or video tape your
Set schedules with real estate agents and/or landlords

4 weeks before moving

Schedule disconnect dates with your local utility companies
Notify appropriate utility companies of connect dates in your new home
Contact Canada Post for change of address information and forms
Moving Checklist
1 week before moving
Clean out refrigerator and defrost freezer
Have your car serviced if you will be driving a long
Confirm connection dates for utilities in your new home
Make special arrangements for your children

Moving Day !

If possible, spend the entire day with movers

Carry all valuables, important documents and
currency yourself
Double check closets, shelves, attic and garage to
be sure they are empty
As you leave, be sure all windows and doors are
Ensure movers have all your
destination details

At Your New Address

Locate hospitals, police stations and fire stations
Check the post office to see if there is any mail being held for you
Enroll your children in school; bring along school and medical records
Enjoy your new home !

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