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From: Jason Dunn

Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 1:02 PM

Subject: A plea of understanding:

Good Afternoon-I hope this email finds each of you in good spirits. It is my hope that the content and
context of this email is viewed as a conscious effort to protect the integrity of OUR hospitality
community. Please note, that I am keenly aware of each of your perspectives and current focus of
reopening your businesses. Know that I understand the complexities of your decisions and how they
impact human lives. However, there is another issue at hand and one that will either help or hurt
OUR cities bottom line.

The industry at this very moment, is having a moral argument. The argument about the intentionality
and business case regarding COVID 19, race and equity

I believe that there is alignment with the importance and business case of the diversity market as it
relates to the rejuvenation of Cincinnati's image within the last 16 years

We know that the diversity market represents 51% of NEW business ( not counting the impact of
CMF/ which we have strengthened via our participation) and has insulated our industry during very
intense moments within city politics. Data shows that the diversity market represents $300 billion
industry wide and is solely rooted on the authentic engagement of the community based selling
module. I'm sure this email will make some people uncomfortable and you may feel the urge to
become defensive. I'm asking you to NOT take this personal or as an individual burden but
understand the vulnerable position we are in as a destination.

As you all are aware, I serve as the Chairman of The National Coalition of Black Meeting
Professionals and various other national positions within our industry ( Under
my administration as Chairman, there has been significant movement in elevating the conversation of
equity, diversity and inclusion within the travel industry (

Please see the links below, that highlight some of the national conversations. In the coming weeks
there will be several international announcements, that will highlight the strategic alliances with
meeting organization executives to determine the future of our industry. In planning for the
announcement, I was asked about a post made by the Cincinnati USA CVB by several planners who
sit on the alliance and who have brought business to our city. They reminded me of the countless pre-
cons, site visits and onsite meetings where there were no Black professional hospitality
representatives; outside of stereotypical roles.
I was not aware of any post regarding the unrest or ask for a perspective prior to the position
statement posted on our social media. So, I went to our page and frankly became embarrassed that we
would take such a bold and easily debunked public position as a region ( see attached), particularly
with the culture/ HR debacle of the CVB as previously documented (See Julie and Cindi). 
The statement that the CVB/The Cincy USA hospitality region supports transparency, gives the false
impression that the region is 100% supportive of diversity. I'm troubled that we are loosely using the
word transparency as a buzzword. This public facing statement will reduce our chances of securing
business long term and puts my staff in an impossible position to earn future business.

The conversation of race, equity and inclusion is being had within every hotel brand, U.S Travel
Federation, meeting organizations and DMO’s (
lessons-race-and-racism). The aforementioned are looking inwardly to consciously and transparently
determine if the culture of their work place is consistent with their core values. I’m sure you have
read or watched all of the companies from P&G, PwC, Netflix , Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, Uber, 5/3
and numerous destinations express alignment with statements or pledges of support for ethnic equity.
It is my hope that all of companies listed above and others not listed were sincere in there statements,
based off consumer statistics (

Unfortunately, we know  that some companies have been outed as culture vultures

5ea3-880f-469427bb2441.html ) and have recently been called to question on the sincerity of their
public statements of support. Companies and organizations have been asked to provide statistical
data of the makeup and morale within their workplace culture, board make up, c-suite positions,
supplier diversity, marketing or diversity content budgets (
I have tried to be respectful and cautious in my words, for fear of retaliation and being further
marginalized. I have purposely not mentioned the CVB in any of my dozens of international
interviews. I aligned with the company and worked to ensure my team manages their discomfort in a
way that won't disrupt their employment. The public statement referencing our transparency puts a
strain on the already difficult challenge that our D&I team battle everyday (see diversity consultants
written/ verbal report). The numbers we are touting in the post came with incredible struggle and
personal sacrifice and only reflect the CVB's heavily influenced progress.

For example, to date, there are no Black Sales managers in any of the major hotels on 5th st. and
beyond  (The Hilton Netherland Plaza supports IHL). The Sharonville Convention Center have no
people of color on their executive committee. The RTN has no people of color in executive positions
and has repeatedly refused to implement a comprehensive diversity strategy despite having national
trends. The NKY CVB has exactly one person of color on their staff. The Duke Center’s executive
team has minimum persons of color (Duke has been supportive of the IHL program). The airport has
no diversity within the executive committee or board. The vast majority of people of color in our
region are within stereotypical hourly service roles.

We ( Diversity & Inclusion team) still fight for the use of VIBE as a brand of the CVB/ the validity
of the department within the CVB and a sophisticated regional diversity campaign ( see internal
report from diversity consultants).
This is not the first time, that this subject has bubbled up. However, I think the group of people on
this email and the timing in our country lends itself to another attempt to get it right. I have proposed
in the past the creation of a Regional Travel Diversity & Inclusion Task-Force ,that consists of voting
board members / non voting board members, strategic community partners and elected officials of
both sides of the river. This Task -Force will help us live up to the aspirational statement posted or if
we choose to ignore this opportunity, at a minimum we should consider deleting the post.

The proposed Task -Force would seek answers to the following in an effort to establish a baseline:

 A full audit of the hotel industry locally as it relates to Black, gender and ethic idenity.
 Independent consultants to interview former and current Black employees of the CVB/Hotels
with guaranteed job protection for current employees.
 Independent consultants to interview hiring practices and talent attraction challenges within
the industry.
 All verbal and written reports that were submitted by the diversity consultants to the CVB, be
presented to the CVB board/task-force in its totality without redacted statements.
 The independent committee interview CMF officials regarding the disparities of treatment as
it relates to deposit policies, denial of RFP processes and the recorded difference of
reservation procedures v.s wedding parties.
 Full disclosure on private and public discussions regarding the lack of strategy and interest
from RTN to implement a diversity strategy ( LGBTQ/ African Americans ) and why current
executives ( including CVB/Industry execs) have been tolerant of this decision.
 The independent committee should ask for an audit of the region’s diversity plan ,not
counting Vibe or the work of the D&I department.
 What is the diversity supplier spend within the hotels/convention centers?
 Publicly announce results of the findings as the post of transparency states.
 A full audit of the economic impact of Diversity meetings within the hotels to provide an
accurate business case baseline.

National Industry Media Links:

Thanks for your consideration,


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