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V*****Read the text and answer the questions:

Chemistry is a very large science. Chemistry is a complex subject.It is the investigation and
discussion of the properties of substances.If we ask-why do we study chemistry,the answer can
be-it is through chemistry we obtain the knowledge of matter,its changes and transformations.

1. What kind of science is chemistry?

Chemistry is a very large science

An atom is the smallest possible particle of any substance. Before, atoms were looked
at as the smallest particles that can exist. But now it has been proved that atoms are
made up of even smaller particles. They have a complicated internal structure .

1.What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest possible particle of any substance.

Periodic Table of Elements

In 1869 the great Russian chemist D.I.Mendeleyev created the first periodic table of elements.
The Periodic Law opened up the way to the structure of the atom and its nucleus. At the time
when D.I.Mendeleyev published his Table only 63 elements were known.

1.What did the Periodic Law open?

The Periodic Law opened up the way to the structure of the atom and its nucleus

Divisions of Chemistry
Chemistry is a very large science. It studies substances, their composition and properties.
Chemistry has two main aspects:descriptive chemistry,the discovery of chemical facts,and
theoretical chemistry,the formulation of theories.minerals, ores, and similar sources.

1.What does chemistry study?

It studies substances, their composition and properties.

Element number 1

Element Number1 is known to be a combination of one proton and one electron.Long before its atomic
structure was known,this element was named hydrogen or "waterformer",the name being derived from
Greek roots "hydro" and "gen" meaning "water" and "to be born",because water forms when hydrogen
burns in air.Hydrogen has the first place in the list of elements because it has one proton in its nucleus.

1.What is this text about?

This text is about hydrogen
Element number 2

Element Number 2 is found to consist of two protons plus two neutrons in the most common form and
two electrons,it being called helium ,from the Greek "helios", "the sun",because it was first identified in
the solar spectrum before it was isolated on the earth.Helium's place in the list of elements is Number2
because it has two protons in its nucleus.

1.What is this text about?

This text is about helium

Diamond is the hardest mineral.It is the most brilliant of all the minerals. Many industrial
processes have become possible due to a diamond,for instance,metal-working. New industries
are in need of super-hard materials, diamonds in particular

1. What kind of mineral is diamond?

Diamond is the hardest mineral

A super hard material

New industries are in need of super-hard materials, diamonds in particular.
Artificial diamonds are cheaper than natural ones and can be applied in many industries.
A diamondis almost pure carbon. A diamond is colourless,very hard, transparent and non-

1.What are the properties of diamond?

A diamond is colourless,very hard, transparent and non-conductor.

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