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Shko Basic School English Examination Duration: 2 hours

Grade: Seven First Semster Exam Total Marks: 60

Date: 09-01-2018
Q1\Read the following passage carefully then answer the question (10 Marks)
Dolphin lives in water and eats fish, but it isn’t a fish. It’s usually blue-grey and can be up to 2.5
meters long. It can swim at 45 kilometers an hour, and it can jump six meters out of the water. It’s
very intellegent and it can ‘talk’ it can make more than 30 diffirent sounds!.

1. where does it live?

2. what colour it is?

3. what does it eat?

4. what is special about it?

5. what can it do?


Q2\ Choose the suitable answer: (30 Marks)

1. I………………. english. (A- Spoken B- Spoke C- Speaks D- Speak)
2. Maria ………….. basketball. (A- Loves B- Love C- Like D- Hate)
3. ………… name is Daniel. (A- Her B- Him C- His D- Their)
4. Madrid ………… in Spain. (A- is B- are C- am D- were)
5. They ………… Italian. (A- was B- am C- are D- them)
6. Martin is fourteen. He’s from ………. (A- London B- Manchester C- America D- Italy)
7. People from ………… countries are at the party. (A- five B- fifteen C- fifty five D- fifty)
8. Anna’s favourate sport is ………… (A- football B- tennis C- swimming D- basketball)
9. They speak polish in ………….. (A- Brazil B- Italy C- Poland D- Greece)
10. The sound \S\ is found in ……… (A- his B- lots C- games D- music)
11. The letter (W) is not pronounced in ……….. (A- write B- what C- wheel D- white)
12. The word (Choose) rhymes with ……….. (A- excuse B- time C- three D- nine)
13. The odd word is …………. (A. Erbil B- Dohuk C- Kurdish D- Silemani)
14. Choose the next number. Ten Twenty ………. (A- thirteen B- thirty C- four D- forty)
15. Friday ……………. Sunday. (A- Monday B- Saturday C- Thursday D- Wednsday)

Q3\A\ Spelling (8 Marks)

1. The prural of foot – feet man - ……….
2. Up X Down Open X …………
3. 06:00 Time is …………………
4. Write the colours (kinp – elub)
Q3\B\ Answer the following questions and make a paragraph out of them (8 Marks)
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. How old are you?
4. When’s your birthday?
5. what is your favaourt day?
6. What is your favaourt lesson?



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