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Vietnamese Adverbs

If you're trying to learn Vietnamese Adverbs you will find some useful resources including a
course about Adverbs of time place manner and frequency... to help you with your
Vietnamese grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs
each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons
listed on Learn Vietnamese. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

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Vietnamese Adverbs

Learning the Vietnamese Adverbs is very important, because its structure is used in every day
conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Vietnamese
language. But first we need to know what's the role of Adverbs in the structure of the grammar
in Vietnamese.

Vietnamese adverbs are part of speech. Generally they're words that modify any part of
language other than a noun. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers),
clauses, sentences and other adverbs. Here are some examples:

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

adverbs trạng từ

I read a book
thỉnh thoảng tôi đọc sách

I will never smoke Tôi sẽ không bao giờ hút thuốc lá

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

are you alone? bạn đang ở một mình sao?, bạn có thấy cô đơn không?

As you can see on the example above, the structure of the Adverbs in Vietnamese takes a
logical pattern. Locate the Adverbs above and see how it works with the rest of the sentence in

List of Adverbs in Vietnamese

Below is a list of the Adverbs of time place manner and frequency in Vietnamese placed in
table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your
Vietnamese vocabulary.

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

adverbs of time trạng từ thời gian

yesterday hôm qua

today hôm nay

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

tomorrow ngày mai

now bây giờ

then sau đó

later sau

tonight đêm nay

right now ngay bây giờ

last night đêm qua

this morning sáng nay

next week vào tuần tới

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

already rồi

recently Gần đây

lately mới đây

soon sớm

immediately ngay lập tức

still vẫn còn

yet chưa

ago trước
English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

adverbs of place trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn

here đây

there đó

over there đằng đó

everywhere ở khắp mọi nơi

anywhere bất cứ nơi nào

nowhere hư không

home nhà

away xa
English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

out ra

adverbs of manner trạng từ chỉ thái độ

very rất

quite khá

pretty khá

really thực sự

fast nhanh

well tốt
English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

hard khó khăn

quickly nhanh chóng

slowly từ từ

carefully cẩn thận

hardly hầu như không

barely hầu như không

mostly chủ yếu là

almost gần như

absolutely tuyệt đối

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

together cùng nhau

alone một mình

adverbs of frequency trạng từ tần số

always luôn luôn

frequently thường xuyên

usually thường

sometimes đôi khi

occasionally thỉnh thoảng

English Adverbs Vietnamese Adverbs

seldom ít khi

rarely hiếm khi

never không bao giờ

Adverbs of time place manner and frequency have a very important role in Vietnamese,
therefore they need very special attention. Once you're done with Vietnamese Adverbs, you
might want to check the rest of our Vietnamese lessons here: Learn Vietnamese. Don't forget to
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