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Neufeld Newsletter Issue 11 © OCOI Studios, July 24, 2020

Dear friends and supporters:

Regarding my Court case against Glen Hansman, an appeal of the Anti-SLAPP decision of last
November has been prepared, and all documentation for my civil appeal has been filed, but there
probably will not be a court date until late fall.
As you know, the Canadian Union for Public Employees filed a complaint to the Human Rights
Tribunal that I was causing an unsafe work environment for their members. However, they could
not come up with the names of any worker who felt unsafe. So they dismissed their activist lawyer
and are trying to expedite resolution of this matter if I pay a fine and take some “training.” I have
refused any attempts at compromise and I refuse to submit to their “degrading Marxist puppy
training.” I still insist that the whole complaint must be dropped in its entirety. The Chilliwack
Teacher’s complaint is still outstanding, but nothing has happened in over two years.
On a National Level, the Conservatives are currently choosing a leader. I thought you might be
interested in the text of the letter that I sent to my Member of Parliament, Mark Strahl.
Dear Honorable Member of Parliament, Mark Strahl:
I am writing to plead with you as my Member of Parliament to vote for a Conservative leader who
deserves to become our Prime Minister. Since you are the party whip, and must be impartial, I can find no
record of your endorsement of any candidate at this time. So I hope to influence you.
I was somewhat acquainted
with your father, and although I
didn’t know him well, I knew
where he stood. I was
disappointed in your silence
when I suddenly became the
whipping boy of the media
almost three years ago. Both of
my Provincial MLA’s reached
out to me, with words of cautious
assurance that Free Speech was
still allowed in Canada. While
transgender activist Morgan

Oger was shaming and threatening me, your good friend and fellow Conservative MP Michelle Rempel
was escorting him/her around Ottawa, introducing him/her to the Ottawa illuminati and treating her like
some kind of celebrity.
A very Radical activist, Willow Reichelt organized a foul mouthed and noisy protest of about 300
protesters, (mostly bussed in from out of town) outside the Chilliwack Board of Education meeting on Jan
16, 2018. They made so much noise we could not hear what was being said. Suddenly, they broke into the
building and began to gather behind me at the board table. Despite 911 calls, the RCMP did NOT show
up to protect me. Ms. Reichelt managed to get elected to the school board and I now have to endure her
striving to undo everything I have tried to accomplish for over 20 years.
I am anything BUT a hateful person. My concern is and has always been to protect minor children of
school age from being persuaded that they can solve their emotional problems by taking pills to
irreversibly alter their bodies. In my humble opinion, this gender fluid ideology now being forced on
school children is the most organized and sinister attack on nuclear family values in History. While
gender dysphoria affects an extremely small percentage of children (<1%) the goal of the radical
educators is to indoctrinate all children with the dogma that heterosexuality is no longer the norm. This is
the foundation of being “inclusive!” It is deliberately designed to alienate children from their parents:
especially religious parents who look forward to grandchildren and rightfully try to instill traditional
family values in their offspring. But even worse, it is confusing troubled and traumatized children
causing them to think they might be “trans.” There are blatant efforts to recruit these troubled kids into
this new fad. Although it is not a Federal problem, does it not concern you that Dr. Wallace Wong, the
activist psychologist at BC Children’s hospital persuaded a 13 year old girl to start taking testosterone
against her Christian father’s wishes? Wong’s caseload has grown exponentially to over 1000 the past ten
years and over half of his clients are involved with child protection services. (Without the protective
interference of biological parents.)
What makes this issue so sinister is that the Liberals and even conservative candidate Peter McKay
plan to entrench this bizarre and unscientific theory by making “conversion therapy” illegal: punishing
therapists, clergy and even parents who try to promote the virtues of purity, chastity, marriage and
fidelity. I know several former trans people who deeply regret their decision to mutilate their bodies and
are seeking to de transition. But there will be no counselling or support for them. As a practicing
evangelical Christian, I am sure you are aware that nobody has ever been converted by therapy.
“Conversion Therapy” is a new term coined by the radical left. But this is a deliberate move to stop all
people of faith from engaging others in any proselyting, evangelism, catechism (baptismal preparation) or
Christian Education. And it will make parents afraid to tell their children anything that differs from
what their child is being taught at school.
As a politician, I am sure you realize that you should represent your constituents and try to bring
their issues forward at the National level. And I try to do that at the local level. I had spent 18 years on the
Board of Education, trying to implement educational policies that were compatible with people of faith, or
at least congruent with the majority of the Chilliwack community.
So, I took three years off and went to graduate school. I was particularly interested in researching the
early church fathers, who spread the Good News in a debauched and hedonistic culture much like we have
today. It strengthened my resolve to be an outspoken apologist for my faith.
I am the only School Trustee in Canada who has spent a career dealing with people with sexual
problems and also trained in Theology. I knew that sex offenders are clamoring to be accepted by society
because their favorite argument is: “I was born this way!” I also knew that the false idea that it was
possible for a boy to be born into a girl’s body (or vice versa) was the old First Century Gnostic heresy of

dualism. But I believe that Trying to alter ones’ body to conform to an imagined self-image is no
more than idolatry of the self: worship of the created rather than the creator.
After Seminary, I ran for
election again in 2011 and was re-
elected with a sizable majority.
When this SOGI 1-2-3 issue
came up, I knew that I must speak
out against it. And I had to speak
forcefully, or I would be ignored.
I knew there would be a backlash,
but if I did not speak up who
would protect the vulnerable
children? In the past quarter of
a century that I have been
involved in public education, I
have seen a steady erosion of critical thinking: Reason and analysis I have been replaced by politically
correct “Group Think.” I have traced the genesis of this gender fluid ideology of SOGI 1•2•3 back to
U.N.E.S.C.O and the World Health Organization and their recommended guidelines for sexuality
education in schools. As recent events have demonstrated, the leaders of W.H.O. are controlled by
communist China.
(As an aside, my grandson died of an accidental fentanyl overdose,
and I blame the Communist Government of China for flooding illicit
Canadian markets with shipping containers full of this dreadful drug,
which is killing more people in BC than the Chinese Communist Virus)
Despite the insults, lies, name calling and shaming by the well-
funded unions and media, I was reelected to the board of Education in
2018. I believe that
I speak for the
majority of Chilliwack citizens.
Conservative leadership candidate Peter MacKay
thinks that Pro Life people and those who value the
nuclear family are a “stinking albatross” around the
neck of Conservative politicians. I was the result of an
unintended pregnancy, so I am part of that “stinking
albatross” and I would probably not be here, had
abortion been legal in 1947. Despite his apology, I
will never forget MacKay’s remark! And I will NOT
forgive any politician who supports him: Including
MP Ed Fast of Abbotsford!
I am glad that 23 years ago, I got to meet my
birthmother Rose. She worked in International
Development for the former Prime Minister Lester
Pearson in Ottawa, and then Ivan Head who was
Pierre Trudeau’s bosom buddy. She belonged to
Ottawa’s “inner circle” and was disgusted with all the
corruption in the Ottawa political swamp, so she
became a staunch conservative. She even admired Donald Trump when I was unconvinced. She was NOT
happy that her MP was a Liberal, even though he showed up at her 90th birthday party.
So at the age of 92, she got busy in the 2019 Federal election campaign, urging her wide circle of
friends in her Hastings-Lennox Addington Ontario riding to vote for her preferred Candidate Derek
Sloan! In the end, Mr. Sloan unseated Mike Bossio, the Liberal MP. Plus, there is another uncanny
coincidence: when I was born, she named me Donald Derek! Later to become her two favorite
I am encouraging you to join me in voting for Derek Sloan as Conservative party leader. I agree
whole heartedly with his policies as the only solution to stop the downward cultural spiral in Canada.
Here are my reasons: Sloan is
1. unequivocally against abortion.
2. Opposed to Bill C-7 which promotes euthanasia
3. Opposed to the Communist Chinese-controlled World Health Organization.
4. An advocate for Parental Rights
5. Opposed to encouraging child gender transition
6. An opponent of the Bill to Prevent “Conversion Therapy.”
7. An advocate for Energy produced in Canada
8. Opposed to the Paris Agreement on Climate.
9. Will support an enquiry into the mass medical transitioning of vulnerable children in BC..

The events of the past few weeks and the embarrassingly pathetic response of left-wing governments
has made this an ideal time for the resurgence of social conservatism. I pray that you vote with your
heart, instead of your political ambitions.
Barry Neufeld,
Trustee on the Chilliwack Board of Education.
My “war chest” is almost depleted. Thank you to those of you who have assisted me so far. But I
will need more help to deter people like Glen Hansman from bullying and threatening to destroy
anyone to disagrees with him.

2. Talk to your friends and share what you know
3. Financially, there are three ways to Support me:
• Online crowdfunding
• Email Transfer direct to
• A mailed check to Barry Neufeld with the memo: “Legal Fund” to
this address:
Trustee Neufeld, P.O. Box 3002, Cultus Lake, BC V2R 5H6

P.S.: As you may know, MLA Laurie Throness has been recently under
fire for simply advertising in a magazine that promotes Christian Family values. The LGBTQ+
radicals are howling for him to be removed from Office and barred from running again. In order
to run again, Mr. Throness needs to take in about 100 more memberships in his Chilliwack-Kent
riding association. This would ensure that he could withstand an internal nomination challenge
from within his own riding. Membership carries with it no obligation (except to vote in a
nomination meeting) but it would be an important expression of support. It would also
demonstrate to the Party that there is support for Christian family values. The cost is just $10
for four years-- order online with a credit card here:
If you wait until voting day to perform your democratic civic duty, you have
waited too long, and it is too late for you to make any difference.

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