CBM Activity 8 Welcome Letter

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

My name is Eui Hwi Knight, and I will be your child’s music teacher for the upcoming school

We will be doing a lot of fun and exciting things in music class this year, so please keep your
eyes out for notes that will be sent home and check the music webpage often.

Students attend a 45 minute music class once a week. Grading is based on participation,
conduct, class activities, ability to read and sing music, and quizzes.

In music class it is my expectation that students will always be:

Respectful (raising their hand and waiting to be called upon, waiting their turn, and
treating others with kindness)

Responsible (completing their own work, returning materials when they are finished,
and treating classroom materials with respect)

Safe (watching where they are going when moving around the room, staying in their
assigned seats, and keeping their hands, feet, and objects to themselves)

Students who consistently follow the rules will be rewarded both individually and as a class
with reward stickers, treats from the prize bucket, music choice days, and free music days.

Students who choose not to follow the rules will receive the following consequences:

1st – Verbal Warning 2nd – 5 minutes of time out

3rd – Call home 4th – Referral to office / Removal from class

Students (3rd-5th grades) will also have opportunities to participate in choir or band, which
meet after school, participants will be determined once enrollment is solidified. More
information about choir and band will be sent home shortly.

I look forward to working with you this year! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact me.

In cooperation,
Eui Knight

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