cbm8 - Classroommanagementplanletter

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Hello, Little Jacks Parents!

I am Ms. Perimon and I am so excited to say that I will be your child’s teacher this year! I wanted to send
home this letter to tell a little about me, but also what will be expected of your child in class, and what you
can expect, as well.

About Me:
I live with my husband, three children, three dogs, and one cat in Hudson. I have a passion for educating
and am an SFA alumni. In my spare time (What’s that?), I enjoy reading and visiting new places with my
family! This year I hope to really get to know your child and help them exceed their goals.

Classroom Management:
In order to provide your child with the best educational climate they deserve, we have designed the
following classroom management plan. This includes rules, consequences, rewards, and our behavior
communication system. Please go over the expectations with your child at home for an understanding so
that we are all on the same track. Our parent-teacher relationship should be strong from the beginning.

Behavior System:
Our behavior plan will consist of a stay on the green system. Each child starts off on green. First warning is
yellow, then orange and then red. They always have a chance to go back to green if they show me good
behavior and show me that they are trying! They also may be given a clam down kit to help manage their
behaviors. Kits have visual tools such as taking deep breaths.

If they are on green by the end of the day, they receive a star. After 5 stars they earn a treat from the
treasure box!

Each day the kids color in a lumberjack with the color they are on. If they are on green, they color the
lumberjack green.

Rules and Expectations: Daily Rewards:

1. Eyes are looking. 1. Verbal Praise
2. Ears are listening. 2. Stickers
3. Mouth is quiet. 3. Happy note
4. Hands are still 4. Free time
5. Feet on the floor. 5. Treasure Box on Friday

If you need to get in contact with me for any reason, please feel free to reach out at any time! I plan on
implementing the Class Dojo app for communication and news for everyone, as well as emailing
(lperimon@dibollisd.org). I plan on doing a monthly newsletter, as well.

All grading for your child will be outlined in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). We will use a goals
system and points based on mastery of those goals.

Thank you, so much! The paraprofessionals and I are looking forward to a great year learning with your

~Ms. Perimon

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