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Course title Applied electromagnetic theory

Periods/Sem 60 date of class:16th July-October 20th
Course teacher Divya.R
Planed:July16 to Module-1 Review of vector analysis: Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates 1.Excellent
July31 systems- Coordinate transformations. Vector fields: Divergence and curl-
Divergence theorem- Stokes theorem. Static electric field: Electrical scalar 2.Very good
Actual:Aug 10th potential- different types of potential distribution- Potential gradient- Energy stored Periods-
in Electric field - Derivation of capacitance of two wire transmission line and 14
coaxial cable –Electrostatic boundary conditions– Steady magnetic field: Ampere’s 3.Good
Law, Faraday's Law, Helmholtz’s theorems, Energy stored in magnetic fields-
Magnetic dipole- Magnetic boundary conditions- Vector magnetic potential A- 4.Satisfactory
Magnetic field intensity, Inductance of two wire transmission line and coaxial
cable- Relation between E, V and A.- Equation of continuity, Poisson and Laplace
equations 5.Poor

Aug-1 to Aug-16 Module-2 Maxwell’s equations and travelling waves: Conduction current and displacement Periods- 1.Excellent
current, Maxwell’s equations- Plane waves- Pointing theorem and Poynting vector- 12
Power flow in a co-axial cable – Instantaneous Average and Complex Poynting 2.Very good
Vector. Plane electromagnetic waves- Solution for free space condition- Uniform
plane wave:-wave equation for conducting medium- wave propagation in
conductors and dielectric, depth of penetration, reflection and refraction of plane 3.Good
waves by conductor and dielectric. Wave polarization - Polarization of
electromagnetic wave and derivation of polarization angle. 4.Satisfactory

Aug 18-Aug 20 Series Test- Portions(Module1 +Module 2)
1 Marks scored:
Aug21-Sep15th Module-3 Guided wave :-Guided waves between parallel planes- Transverse Electric and 14 1.Excellent
Transverse Magnetic waves and its characteristics- Waves in Rectangular
Waveguides- Transverse Magnetic Waves in Rectangular Wave guides – Transverse 2.Very good
Electric Waves in Rectangular Waveguides– characteristic of TE and TM Waves –
Cut off wavelength and phase velocity –Impossibility of TEM waves in waveguides
– Dominant mode in rectangular waveguide –Attenuation of TE and TM modes in 3.Good
rectangular waveguides – Wave impedances –characteristic impedance – Excitation
of modes. 4.Satisfactory


Sep16th-Sep30th Module-4 Circular waveguides and resonators:- Bessel functions – Solution of field equations 10 1.Excellent
in cylindrical co-ordinates – TM and TE waves in circular guides – wave
impedances and characteristic impedance – Dominant mode in circular waveguide – 2.Very good
excitation of modes –Microwave cavities, Rectangular cavity resonators, circular
cavity resonator, Q factor of a cavity resonator.



October 5- October 7 Series Test Portions-(Module 3+Module 4) Marks scored:

Oct0ber1-October 20 Module-5 Transmission lines:- Uniform transmission line- Transmission line equations. 10 1.Excellent
Voltage and Current distribution, loading of transmission lines. Transmission line
Parameters –Characteristic impedance - Definition of Propagation Constant. 2.Very good
General Solution of the transmission line, Derivation of input impedance of
transmission line. VSWR and reflection coefficient – wavelength and velocity of
propagation. Waveform distortion – distortion less transmission line. The quarter 3.Good
wave line and impedance matching:-The Smith Chart –Application of the Smith
Chart – Single stub matching and double stub matching. 4.Satisfactory




1 Introduction to vector analysis
2 Co-ordinate systems
3 Co-ordinate transformation
4 Vector fields
5 Static electric fields
6 Energy stored in electric field
7 Boundary conditions
8 Electrical scalar potential- different types of potential distribution
9 Derivation of capacitance of two wire transmission line and coaxial cable
10 Steady magnetic field: Ampere’s Law, Faraday’s Law
11 Energy stored in magnetic fields- Magnetic dipole
12 Magnetic boundary conditions- Vector magnetic potential A- Magnetic field intensity
13 Helmholtz’s Inductance of two wire transmission line and coaxial cable
14 Relation between E, V and A.- Equation of continuity, Poisson and Laplace equations
COURSE MODULE- 1.A rigorous vector analysis makes the students define any problem in three dimensional space, which improves their aptitude in
I ABSTRACT problem solving using basic science and Maths. This helps them in competitive exams too.
2.Since the subject can be understood mathematically, use of MATLAB to plot the mathematical relations helps them to become
adept in it and also helps them to analyze engineering problems.
3.Helps them to connect the basics to advanced applications and thus helps in the lifelong learning process and also lead to
I OBJECTIVES 1.To enable the students to analyze fields potentials due to static changes
2.To evaluate static magnetic fields
3.To understand how materials affect electric and magnetic fields

COURSE MODULE- Course module-I composed to be completed in 14 periods ,as per the university scheme with a weekly workload allocation of 4
I COMPOSITION periods. The sessional marks for module-I as per series test -1 is 7.5 marks. The module -I carries a total of 20 marks in the
university examination with a split up of one 12 mark question ,one 3 marks and 0ne 5 marks question.
EVALUATION- Assignment-1 covers Module 1&2,
1.Name of the assignment topic: question number 1
2.University 12 Mark Questions:
i. Derive the electrostatic boundary conditions between two perfect dielectrics?
ii. Derive the poisons equation?
iii. Derive the expression for the potential due to dipole and hence find an expression for electric field?
iv. Find the magnetic field intensity at the centre of a square of sides equal to 6m and carrying a current equal to 12 amp?
3.University 3 Mark Questions
i. Explain divergence theorem in electrostatic field?
ii. State stokes theorem?
4.University 5 Mark Questions
i. Obtain the expression for the capacitance of a two parallel wire transmission line?
ii. A charge of uniform density .3nc/m covers the plane 2x-3y+z=0.find electric field on the side of the plane containing the
5.Date for Class test:..20/08/2014


1 Maxwell’s equations and travelling waves
2 Conduction current and displacement current, Maxwell’s equations
3 Plane waves- Poynting theorem and Poynting vector
4 Power flow in a co-axial cable
5 Instantaneous Average and Complex Poynting Vector.
6 Plane electromagnetic waves- Solution for free space condition-
7 Uniform plane wave:-wave equation for conducting medium
8 wave propagation in conductors and dielectric, depth of penetration,
9 reflection and refraction of plane waves by conductor and dielectric.
10 Wave polarization
11 Polarization of electromagnetic wave
12 derivation of polarization angle
COURSE MODULE- 1.A rigorous vector analysis makes the students define any problem in three dimensional space, which improves their aptitude in
II ABSTRACT problem solving using basic science and Maths. This helps them in competitive exams too.
2.Since the subject can be understood mathematically, use of MATLAB to plot the mathematical relations helps them to become
adept in it and also helps them to analyze engineering problems.
3.Helps them to connect the basics to advanced applications and thus helps in the lifelong learning process and also lead to
COURSE MODULE- To understand the relation between the fields under time varying situations
II OBJECTIVES To understand principles of propagation of uniform plane waves.
COURSE MODULE- Course module-I composed to be completed in 14 periods ,as per the university scheme with a weekly workload allocation of 4
II COMPOSITION periods. The sessional marks for module-I as per series test -1 is 7.5 marks. The module -I carries a total of 20 marks in the
university examination with a split up of one 12 mark question ,one 3 marks and 0ne 5 marks question.
EVALUATION- Assignment-1 covers Module 1&2,
1.Name of the assignment topic: 12 mark question number 2
2.University 12 Mark Questions:
i. Obtain the relationship between electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity for uniform plane wave?
ii. what is wave polarisation ?explain different types of wave polarisation?
iii. Distinguish between conduction current and displacement current?
iv. State and explain poynting theorem?
3.University 3 Mark Questions
i.Define the term depth of penetration and practical significance?
ii. Define displacement current?
4.University 5 Mark Questions
i. What is displacement current? Derive the current continuity equation?
ii. Calculate the frequency at which conduction current density and displacement current density are equal in medium with
conductivity 2 s/m and permittivity 80?
5.Date for Class test:..20/08/2014

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