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Entertainment EVE (An event for social cause)

During our course of International marketing, we were assigned to deliver a task, and a
report on raising fund for the needy, poor and troubled. So that we might be able to help them in
practice of our management skills, as we are not in our professional lives yet. This activity was
given to us by our teacher and more of a mentor Mr. Abid Sharif, who wanted us to raise funds
rather than begging for donations, use what we acquire and be beneficial for atleast, somebody
and gain some professional and practical knowledge that in simple words we express “Earning
money is definitely not an easy task”.

It all started as we were all empowered to raise funds by any legal business or social activity for
any organization or person that might be in need of those funds. Our group consists of six
individuals, two girls and four boys. We started mind mapping and sharing different ideas and
started looking for institutions and individuals that what are their needs and what do they have in
mind the means to raise funds. We got to an organization named AABROO educational welfare
organization which was run by a couple of model town, who took initiative to teach children
from slums, poor and on streets who begged and later on turned out to be thieves, prostitutes and
robbers( in short: the bad side of the Society). They teach them, enlighten and broaden their
scopes and horizons of living standards. In a way they might turn out to be the productive part of
the society rather than the destructive one.

Our efforts started by different ideas and confusions which were to select the means for raising
funds so we had a sitting with the organization’s management to ask ways that might help them
in their practices. They told us that they raise funds by collecting solid wastes from houses,
streets and sell them to recycling or sampling getting funds by international donations and the
generous donations from our society as well. First, we thought we might go to houses to collect
solid and dry waste materials which could be recycled and either sell our selves or give it to the
respective organization. But this idea was very time consuming and less beneficial in ways of the
projects traits.

Now the things got harder as time passed and we had less time to submit our task as the semester
was about to end. Like an illuminated light bulb, our minds struck with an idea, rather risky but
effective in raising funds. We thought of arranging an event which might be means of
entertainment for the community and our core purpose might also be fulfilled. Now it was to
decide the theme of the event and we had to think of an idea which was least costly and giving us
maximum benefits. ‘’A Movie! Why not to show a movie in university?’’ said, one of our group
members. It was then decided that we will show a movie within the university to students, and a
movie that might be inspirational for students, how to get jobs in real lives and never to give
hope cause that is the only obstacle in being successful.

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