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Activity Plan

Date: Wednesday November 20 2019

Theme: Celebrating Me
Sub-Theme: I am Special
Age Group: 4 years old
Circle Time: (Whole Group)
Topic/Activity Title: I have a name
Duration: 30 minutes
Objectives: After discussion students should be able to:
 Identify their name
 Recognize their first name
 Spell the word n/a/m/e at least two attempts
Skills: speaking listening observing identifying
Material/Resources: Name cards name chart with long/short names
Introductory Activity: Student will repeat Poem entitled “Everybody has a name.”
Developmental Steps:
Step 1: Teacher will take students outside then introduce the lesson with a poem “Everybody has
a name” while pointing to the words after which students will repeat.
Step 2: Teacher will ask the questions based on the poem such as:
 What is the title of the poem?
 What do you think the poem is about?
 What are some of the things mentioned in the poem?
Step 3: Students will each stand and say their names using Standard Jamaican English (S J E)
student and teacher will have brief discussion about names.
Step 4: Students will tell if you they have similar name as classmates.
Assessment: Students will identify their first name from among other children’s name.

Transition Song: The clock on the wall says its group time
Its group time its group time
The clock on the wall says its group time
Its group time its group time
Its time to go to our group.

Guided Learning (Teacher Directed)

Duration: 1 hr
Topic/ Activity Title: The Consonant “Ll”
Objectives: By the end of the activity students should be able to:
 Recognise the letter “Ll” when seen.
 Initate the “Ll” sound.
 Trace the letter “Ll.”
 Reproduce the “Ll” sound.
Skills: naming observing modeling speaking identifying.
Materials/Resources: Letter chart of the alphabet cut out picture of the letter “Ll.”
Introductory Activity: Introduce the lesson with the “Ll” song.
Developmental Steps:
Step 1: Students and teacher will sing “Ll” song after which student will reproduce the sound of
the letter “Ll.”
Step 2: Student will observe the letter “Ll” shown on alphabet chart written on table and cut out.
Step 3: Teacher will display the cut out letter “Ll” along with other letters and have students
identify the letter “Ll.”
Step 4: Students will join dots to write the letter “Ll.”
Step 5: Students and teacher end the activity with the “Ll” song

Independent Activity 1: (Numeracy Centre)

One group of students will draw one object.

Independent Activity 2: (Art Centre)

Draw and colour a lollipop


Creative Activity
Duration: 30 minutes
Topic/Activity Title: Do letter “Ll” collage
Objectives: View a “Ll” collage students should be able:
1. Hand eye coordination
2. Develop fine motor skills
3. Express themselves creatively
Skills: colouring manipulation
Materials/Resources: sand construction paper glue brush colour sand
Introductory Activity:
Teacher will introduce lesson with the

Developmental Steps:
Step 1: Students and teacher will say
Step 2: Children will view the chart “Ll”
Step 3: Teacher will distribute art items to children
Step 4: Teacher will be given art items to create their “Ll” collage
Step 5: Children will show their “Ll” collage to each other
Step 6: Children and teacher will clean up
Assessment: Students will complete their “Ll” collage

Story Time
Story Title: John the Baptist
Duration: 30 minutes
Objectives: After listening to the story children should be able to:
 State at least one character from the story
 Role play the story
 Retell the story in their own words (SJE)
Skills: listening speaking viewing
Materials: The story on line/ entitled “John the forerunner.”
Introductory Activity:

Developmental Steps:
Step 1 Children and teacher will sing the story time song
Step 2: Children will view the story on video
Step 3: Children will state the title of the story
Step 4: Children will listen to the story as the teacher reads
Step 5: Teacher will stop at several intervals and ask questions
Step 6: Students will respond accordingly
Step 7: Teacher read to the end of the story
Assessment: Children will retell the story using (SJE)

Parental Involvement:
Encourage parents to help child/children identify things at home as well as in their environment
that has the “Ll” sound.
Content Page

Circle Time:
Everyone has a name our names identify who we are. If we didn’t have names it would be

Everybody has a name
Some are different some the same
Some are short and some are long
All are right and none is wrong
My name _________________ its special to me
It’s just who I want to be.

Guided Learning:
Children learn best through reinforcement and by being directly involved. Therefore it is
practical that facilitators find ways to help children grasps concepts letter sound and learn long
life skills. Hence the importance of developing the students’ phonemic awareness the letter of
focus will be the letter “Ll”
Also the capital letter is written “L” and the common letter is written “l”

Guided Creative:
Collage is a piece of art made by sticking various materials such as photographs and piece of
paper or letters on to a backing. Hence the letter “Ll” collage

Story Time:
In the story John the Baptist grew up as a prophet preaching of the coming of the Messiah He
recognized Jesus as the reigning Saviour and he baptized Him.
Story Time Song:
If you’re ready
Tune (If you happy and you know it)
If you’re ready take a seat
If you’re ready take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready take a seat.

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