Grade 5

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Elite Preparatory School

First Semester Assessment

Name: Subject: Language Arts
Grade: Five Date:

Instruction: Draw a vertical line between the subject and the predicate in each

1. Some people prefer public transportation.

2. Solar energy provides hot water for our homes.

3. Fruits and vegetables are my favourite food for breakfast.

Instruction: Rewrite the sentences using capital letters where necessary.

4. peter was born on a cold and windy night in december.

5. mt everest is the highest mountain in the world

6. The movie god’s amazing grace is shown as the water works cinema.

Instruction: Complete each sentence by changing the verb.

7. The jury (was were) pleased with the verdict.

8. The sun (shines shine) on the equator.

9. Bread and butter ( is are) served for breakfast.

10.One of the parishes (have has) no river.

Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the Present Prefect Tense of the verb in

11. She _____________________ (forget) to bring her umbrella

12 They ___________________ (tear) the pictures into pieces

13 I _______________ never _______________ (fly) in an aeroplane

Instruction: Give the synonyms for each word

modern _________________
build _________________
insolent _________________
foe _________________
extinct _________________

Instruction: Write the correct form of adverbs in brackets

The boys cheered __________________ (loudly) at the football match
16 She ___________________ skips training
17 Make your choice _______________ (wisely)
Instruction: Complete the spelling of the following words by filling in ‘ei’ or ‘ie’ in
the blank space

18 rel_____ve 19 n_____ther 20 bel____ve

21 h_____ght

Instruction: Underline each pair of words that are opposite in meaning

22 His former enemy became his best friend

23 A cloudy day is dull while a sunny one is bright

Instruction: Insert commas full stops question marks and exclamation where
24 Is the beach far from home

25 Wow what a beautiful garden

26 Toyotas Nissans Honda are popular Japanese cars

Instruction: Underline the correct homophones in the brackets

27 All students were ready (expect accept) Jada
28 The (whole hole) in the wall was caused by carelessness
29 Your examination grade will (effect affect) you
30 We need some (stationery stationary) from the store
Instruction: Read the passage carefully then answer the questions that follow:
The Desert
A desert is a very dry place with almost no water The days are very hot and the
night are very cold There are little rain When it does rain it rains hard But it does
not rain very long It is hard for plants and animals to live in a desert but some
animals do know how to make the desert their home All animals must have water
to live Many desert animals go to hole for water Animals that does not get water
from water holes or from rain get it from the things they eat
31 According to the passage for animals to live in the desert they must have
32 Some places on earth become desert because?
33 From the passage you can infer that an oasis?
34 The passage states that?
(a) people live in the desert
(b) many houses are in the desert
(c) rain falls everyday
(d) it is hard for animals and plants to live in the desert
35 From the passage we learn that when animals need water they:
(a) go to the water holes
(b) drink rain water
(c) get it from their food
(d) All of the above

Write a letter to a friend in Barbados telling him or her about the

attraction in your country Jamaica
Elite Preparatory School
First Semester Assessment
Subject: Social Studies Grade: Five
Name: Date:

Instruction: Select the correct response

1) They were here when Christopher Columbus arrived in the

Caribbean in 1494 They were a peaceful and loving people
they were called?
(a) Africans (b) Mexicans (c) Tainos

2) The Grade Six students were having a discussion They were talking
about Jamaica’s language religion food music social habits and arts
What was their discussion about?
(a) colony (b) debate (c) culture

3) A country’s national emblems are important to its nationhood

Indicate by shading the circle the reason which supports this
(a) for entertainment (c) to grow the economy
(b) for a sense of identity

4) How many parishes are there in Jamaica?

(a) ten (b) fifteen (c) fourteen
5) Name two mountains and the parishes they are in



6) What is landform?


7) Which of the following are lowlands landforms?

(a) mountains and hills (c) plateau and hills
(b) mountains and plains (d) plains and valleys

8) What is topsoil?


9) Name two Plains and where they are located


Instruction: True or False
10) Soil is formed when rocks are broken down and mixed
with dead plants and animal

11) Plains and valleys are highlands while hill and mountains
plateaus are lowlands

12) Which never is located in St Elizabeth?

(a) Rio Minho (b) Martha Brae (c) Black River

13) Which is the largest ethnic group in Jamaica?

(a) Indians (b) Africans (c) Chinese

14) Which language do Cubans speak? ______________

Instruction: Complete the following table

Country Aspect of Culture Ethnic Origin
Trinidad music calypso ______________
Jamaica dance-kumina _______________
Guyana Religion-Hunduism _______________

17) In which parish is the Martha Brae located?

(a) Trelawny (b) Clarendon (c) Westmoreland

18) Food is an important aspect of our Jamaican culture Which

of these was influenced by the Indians?
(a) curried meats (b) breadfruit (c) ackee
19 environment freedom from slavery
20) culture spirit of sharing caring & love
21) neighbourliness way of life
22) emancipation the surrounding and everything
in it
23) Which of these Islands is in the Greater Antilles?
(a) Curaco (b) Cuba (c) Hispaniola

24) Which of these is not a Jonkunno Character?

(a) Pitchy Patchy (b) Lion King (c) Devil

25) Before independence the head of government was called a

(a) President (b) Premier (c) Prime Minister
Elite Preparatory School
First Semester Assessment
Subject: Science Grade: Five
Name: Date:

Instruction: Complete the following

1) scientists use the ___________________________________ to test if their

are correct
2) hitting a baseball ___________________________
3) turning a bottle cap ___________________________
4) stretching an elastic band ___________________________
5) forces are measured in ___________________________
(a) centimeters (b) newtons (c) calories
6) Which of the following would a magnet not attract?
(a) book (b) paper clip (c) magnetic clip

7) Which of these is the main source of energy?

8) What object are dropped they fall to the ground This pulling force towards the
earth is known as?
(a) Gravity (b) magnetism (c) friction

9) If a scrunched-up piece of paper and a flat sheet of paper are released at the
same time from the same distance which will fall the slowest?
(a) Scrunched up paper (b) flat sheet of paper

10) Which food group would each come from

Fish _______________________
Pineapple _______________________
Rice _________________________
11) All living organism need energy to survive Plants can use the sun energy
Directly to help them make an energy rice sugar called
(a) Glucose (b) white sugar (c) brown sugar

12) An animal that eat only plant is called a

(a) Carnivore (b) herbivore (c) omnivore

13) Plants are

(a) Food chain (b) consumers (c) producers

14) Define the term nutrition _____________________________________


15) What is a balance diet? ________________________________________

16) What is chlorophyll? ___________________________________________

17) Why do plants need food? _______________________________________


18) Name the six food groups _____________________ ___________________

___________________ _________________ _____________________

19) Name the three types of soil

____________________________ ___________________ _______________

20) What is Photosynthesis?


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