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UPOU Faculty of Education EDS 151 Instructional Media Resources – Instructional Plan Guide 3T

University of the Philippines – Open University

Faculty of Education

EDS 151 – Instructional Media Resources

Instructional Plan Guide
Submission Date: on or before July 12

Percentage Equivalent of Final Grade: 20%

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your learning of the concepts and principles discussed
in the previous modules and possibly in the upcoming ones by applying the ASSURE model
in developing a learner-centered instructional plan and by producing a print material,
manipulatives, and non-projected & projected materials that would be used to
facilitate student participation and active involvement.

Task and Procedure:

This is an individual task. You will develop an instructional plan using the ASSURE model,
wherein a print, manipulative, and visual aids (non-projected and projected) will be utilized for
learner-centered instruction.

The ASSURE instructional plan, the print material, manipulatives, and the non-projected &
projected visual aids that you will produce in this assignment may serve as part of your final
grade. By using the feedback that you will receive in this task, you can improve them in their
actual implementation in the upcoming modules.

Before you write the instructional plan, decide the teaching context where you will administer
the instructional materials that you will develop (hypothetical). This includes the type of
educational setting (formal, non-formal, informal/private or public), level (preschool, basic
education, tertiary, graduate, postgraduate), and subject/topic. This would be the same
educational setting and subject matter/topic for your upcoming requirements.

Once that you know your educational setting you may now focus on your learners. Again,
hypothetically, Identify who your learners will be (e.g. pre-schoolers, children, adolescents,
adults, etc.) and gather as much information as you can on the characteristics of your target
learners. You will use this information in writing your instructional plan.

Design your instruction using the ASSURE model. Make sure that all the important information,
procedures, and descriptions indicate in your plan. Be as detailed and thorough as possible. To
help you in designing your lesson, do a research on various contemporary teaching
approaches, methods, and strategies, which you may adapt or modify.

Furthermore, as stated in our EDS 151 Course Guide, we will produce instructional materials
that will support your individual instructional that will be used for the development and
execution of the instruction.

Create a materials as motivational material, activity material, assessment tool, etc. that will be
utilized in order to implement the teaching approach/method effectively and to enable the
students/trainees to participate in a learner-centered activity. Check the SAMPLE use of the
ASSURE Model Instructional Plan below.

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When you are finished developing the instructional plan, post your Task output in your eJournal
and share the link in the designated eJournal Entry Link forum/ bin.

Critique (using the comment/reply portion of the forum) at least two of your classmates’ work
using the concepts and principles presented in the ASSURE MODEL Lesson Plan Rubric below.

Note: The earlier the submission, the sooner the feedback may be provided, which will give
you more idea to revise and or improve your work in preparation for the next modules.

Click on the link below to access/download information about ASSURE as an Instructional

Design Model. Please study the resources carefully, since if can help you execute your
individual task properly. .
ASSURE: Instructional Design Model

(The ASSURE Instructional Design Model is under the archives for Frameworks and Theories in
the open website of Available at

Read this text. This site discusses in detail the ASSURE model and its components.

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Evaluation Criteria:
Your output will be evaluated using the scoring rubrics below. Use these to evaluate your own work
before submitting them.

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan Rubic

Approaching Meets Below

Exemplary Excellence Expectations Expectations Poor
Complete, Most Adequate
Detailed, information relevant
Well-thought was provided information Lacks relevant Needs more
out, Relevant and relevant was given information work
CATEGORY 10 9 8 7 6
Detailed description of
the learners,
Analyze specific entry
learners competencies,
learning styles, and
Objectives include
audience, behaviour,
conditions, and
objectives Objectives promote
higher order thinking
skills (HOTS)

Objectives are SMART

Enumerate the
instructional materials
that will be used for
the lesson

Described in detail
how and why the
instructional materials
were chosen
methods, Provided the criteria
media, and to be used to evaluate
materials and select
materials/ media

Explained how
existing materials will
be modified or new
materials will be
designed and
Utilize media Described
and materials comprehensively the
steps on how the
materials/ media will
be utilized in the

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Clearly discussed the

5 P’s in the Utilize
Media and Materials
Clearly described how
the students will be
engaged to participate
in the teaching-
learning process, that
the students will have
to be part of

Discussed how the

Require instructional materials
learner will be used to solicit
participation student’s participation
and to aid in the
accomplishment of
their tasks.

Enumerate practice
activities, follow-up
tasks, and feedback
processes that will be
Describe how learner
achievement will be
assessed and the
achievement of the
objectives will be

Described the
evaluation methods
that will be employed
for the evaluation of
the teaching methods
and instructional
Evaluate and
media/ materials used
in class

Described how
allowances for
revisions will be made

Lesson procedure,
assessment, and
learning activities are
all aligned with the
Score/ Percentage/
Total + 1
Equivalent Grade / 150

Grading Guide

97% - 100% = 1.00 88% - 90.99% = 1.75 80% - 82.99% = 2.50 71% - 74.99% = 4.00

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94% - 96.99% = 1.25 86% - 87.99% = 2.00 77% - 79.99% = 2.75 0% - 70.99% = 5.00
91% - 93.99% = 1.50 83% - 85.99% = 2.25 75% - 76.99% = 3.00

-*** SAMPLE ***


Short Story Writing

Duration of the course and class session: 5 School Days; Two hours from Monday to Friday for a
Total of 10 hours.

Institution: Kairos Tutorials

Location: Georgina St., Sta. Cruz

Alicia, Isabela

Analysis of Learners:
Target learners consist of eight junior high school students from Grade 7 to 10 and whose ages
range from 12-16 years. They study in various high schools in Region 2, specifically, the Philippine
Science High School Region 2 campus, Regional Science High School, and in top private schools in
Alicia, Isabela.
They are taking up Creative Writing to improve their writing skills. Sessions will be held for
two hours for five days. Since learners are from different schools, learning backgrounds vary as do the
teaching styles and instructional materials implemented by the teachers.
As for their competencies, the learners have basic knowledge in using the computer and some of its
applications like word processing, spreadsheet, and desktop publishing. Most of them are academically
advanced and proficient in the English language, hence, grammatical correctness is expected to make
learning of creative writing more effective. Moreover, the learners have basic writing skills and have
studied the elements of a short story. Learning styles vary as some students prefer auditory and visual,
others can learn quickly by tactile-kinaesthetic activities.
However, learners have different lines of interest. While some may be good in writing, the rest may find
it a tedious work as they are more interested in Math and Science than in writing and, although, writing
compositions is still part of the lesson outline, learners appear to be less encouraged. This is due to the
fact that schools focus on the academic endeavors such as passing the Philippine Science High School
entrance tests, passing the MTG and MTAP qualifying exams, and topping in various DepEd Science
quiz bees; thus, essay writing is placed at the backseat, the reason why a lot of students lack the
necessary writing skills which stems from their fear of expressing their ideas and thoughts in the written

State Objectives:
After completing the 5-day course, the learners would be able to express themselves creatively
in written form specifically to:
Distinguish the genres of short stories and analyse its various elements and techniques.
Evaluate various styles of short story writing.
Demonstrate learning and acquired skills by writing their own short story piece by the end of the

The genre, elements, and techniques of short story writing are presented to the students and,
with their critical thinking skills, they are challenged to generate a story from the writing prompt

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activities. The students will be engaged in various learning tasks which necessitate them to creatively
think on how their ideas of a short story are webbed and arranged to form a plot, setting, and characters
that altogether contribute in creating a smooth flow and sequence of events with tension, conflict,
climax, and ending that keeps the readers to read.

The creativity skills of the students are motivated and solicited through the engaging daily
learning activities. The students are involved daily in writing, presenting, relating, and working with
their peers in accomplishing the tasks facilitated by the teacher.

To pique the interests of the students in writing creatively, their self-expression and self-esteem
in writing are motivated by engaging their interests, hobbies, and preferences in the selection of topics
and storyline. To stimulate students with wider interests and curiosity, meaningful learning activities
with social relevance are included and pair or group activities of discussion and brainstorming were the
preferred instructional methods. The aim of the activities and tasks is to arouse the creativity of students
through short story writing so that their written, oral, and people skills are enhanced and their growth
and development as holistic learners are facilitated.

Selected Methods, Media and Instructional Materials

The Instructional Methods used for the course are discovery learning, anchored learning,
collaborative learning, peer buddy, direct instruction, independent learning, and E-Portfolio
assessments. There are various Media employed in supporting and anchoring the learning experiences
of students such as the projected visual materials of a PowerPoint Presentation accompanied by the
illustrative, informative and guide to thinking handouts. To engage the students in sourcing out their
resources independently and acquire information literacy skills, they are tasked to bring their own
Photographs to be presented and discussed during the class session. To facilitate the implementation of
the Instructional Methods and Projected Visuals, the Non Projected Instructional Materials will be used
such as Computers, a Projector, Storyboard, Chalkboard, Blogs, the Internet and files for students

Utilize Media and Instructional Materials

Preview Materials
Using an integrated technology, the teacher will do an online search of applicable instructional
videos in short story creation.

Prepare Materials
Before the lesson starts, teacher will prepare a handout copy of the lesson which includes video
links and references. The projector and computer connection should be checked prior to the lesson for
the short video presentation.

Prepare the Environment

The teacher will ensure that there are enough chairs and tables. Interactive board should be
available in the classroom. Sufficient space for group activities should be accessible for the junior high
school student.

Prepare the Learner

The teacher should be able to inform the high school students about the main objective of how
to compose a Creative Writing that will guide them in creating an idea of what they need to absorb.
Brief the students about the importance of learning the materials and how they need to be assessed.
Inform the students about the grading process and the assignment/activities well in advance.

Provide the Learning Experience

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Provision of interactive and combined methods of teaching for the high school students is
expected from the teacher. Creativeness, productiveness, and close engagement are expected from the
students for effective learning experience.

Day 1
1. The teacher will introduce the course of short story writing by leading the class into a class
discussion. The prompt question could be:
As a kid, what were your favourite short stories? Cinderella, Jack the Beanstalk, Sleeping Beauty
As a junior schooler, what short stories do you prefer or particularly like now? Why have you made
this choice?
The class discussion and the shared ideas of the students about their current preferred short
stories will be part of the pre-assessment and diagnostic tools of knowing the current interests of the
learners. The information gathered from observation and mental notes done during the class discussion
will be included in the file of each student’s portfolio to serve as a tool in coaching the students for the
sources of their short story ideas.

2. The teacher will present the conceptual framework of short story writing such as its history and the
six traits of writing using a PowerPoint Presentation with text-based material and a YouTube
presentation video created and selected by the media specialist who collaborated with the teacher for the
content and layout. After the video, a brief class discussion will follow to gather the reactions of the
students. During the process, the teacher will observe the effectiveness of the presentation and video
material if the students are actively contributing and sharing to the discussion.

3. The PowerPoint presentation ends with the Creative Writing Prompts which will serve as catalysts
for the student’s creation of their first short story.

4. In the last part of the session, the teacher will introduce the WordPress website as their online journal
and portfolio of short stories, reflections, and resources found on the internet for their short story
creation. Through the use of the computer, the teacher will instruct the students on how to create their
own WordPress account and will instruct students to look for tutorial videos online on the creation of
WordPress account to enrich their online journal with customized themes and layout. The students are
tasked to send, by email, the links to their online portfolio.

5. The teacher will ask for a volunteer student who will be assigned to present the topic about the
genre, elements and techniques of writing a short story. To facilitate a learner-centered learning
settings, with the guide of the teacher, the student presenter will be tasked to create his/her brief
presentation materials while considering the available printed handouts (10 Types of Short Stories, The
Elements of a Short Story and Techniques in Writing a Short Story) specifically prepared for the
learning activity by the teacher media specialists of the institution.

6. The teacher will asked the class to bring a photo that describes them. These will be used for the next
day’s opening activity. (10-15 minutes.)

Day 2
The first activity of the class session is the report of the volunteer student on the genre,
elements, and techniques of writing a short story. While the presentation is ongoing, the Handouts will
be used by the learners as their guide to the key points of the presentation.
To follow up the presentation of the conceptual framework of short story writing, the teacher will
implement a group activity called Character Sketching. Each student will present his/her photo/s which
best describe him/her using the storyboard or the chalkboard. After all the presentations, each student
will choose the storyboard which stimulated interest to create a short story based on the descriptions
that they heard.

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To guide the students in creating their short story from the Character Sketching group activity, the
teacher will introduce the Story Map tools using the chalkboard. The teacher explains the use of this
tool and how it can be their guide in outlining their short story from the group activity and to revisit and
continue the online short story they have created on the first day.
The teacher summarizes the key points learned for the day and assign the students to read the two short
stories as homework assignment. The files were sent by email or accessible thru the WordPress online
of the teacher and also with the social media platform, Facebook. The teacher reminds the students to
continue working on their short story created and to submit the Character Sketching output the next day.

Day 3
The class session starts with the reminders of the key points of yesterday’s lesson. The teacher
asks the students to submit their output from the Character Sketching and briefly discuss the difficulty
encountered by the students during the writing process. The teacher makes mental notes of these shared
difficulties to be annotated on the student’s portfolio.
Previously prepared before the start of the class session, the teacher instructs the students to take seat on
the circle arrangement of chairs. The teacher begins the Writing Circles activity with a prompt, “It all
began on a rainy season…” each student will then be given a minute to fill in a sentence and read
his/her entry to the class before passing the paper to the person on the left. At the end of the activity, the
teacher will read to the class the written output and initiate a brainstorming of their observations and
reactions. The teacher asks the students to post on their WordPress online their brief reflections on this
In the second part of the session, the teacher will initiate a class discussion and students will be asked
to share their reactions, observations and what they think was the relevance of either or both of the short
stories they were asked to read at home while the teacher observes and take note of any improvements
in the active participation of each student. The teacher will briefly discuss the common interpretation of
the stories and why they make sense in today’s society but encourages students to give their own
personal interpretation. The students are encouraged to share their true sentiments by including the
theme or twist in their online story created since the first day.
The session ends with the teacher summarizing the key points of the day’s lesson using the chalkboard.
The teacher encourages the students to continue with their online story writing.

Day 4
The teacher will start the discussion with a mini lesson about run-on sentences, using verb and
fragments. The mini lesson is all about replacing weak verbs with strong ones. The discussion will start
with the teacher sharing some example replacing weak verb in a short story writing. It will be followed
by an interactive dialog by the student sharing their own example. The teacher will write and represent
the students answer in a chalkboard for pre-assessment.
The teacher will instruct the student to open the computer and access it. The student is expected to read
and insert remarks and to replace weak verbs from the short story. They will be given a certain time
frame to revise their work according to the comments provided by the teacher. The student should
present the revised short story with the right sentences and verbs at the end of this activities.
Before the end of the session, the teacher will share points/guidelines on the critique process. Posters
will be used by the teacher as the material to anchor the learning activity while the Handouts (Critiquing
the Elements of the Short Story Writing) will be the supporting guide to learning of the students.

Critique Guidelines
Critiquing is a two-way process. To get the most out of the process, we need to learn how to
both give and take constructive criticism. As a critique having a positive attitude as a listener is
required. Let the story pick you up and carry you.
The following questions should be considered:
Do the characters come alive?
Do you care about them?
Does the story tension carry you?

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Can you visualize the setting?

Is the purpose of the scene clear?

Day 5
For the last day of the session, it’s a Free Write day. The teacher will start the session by sharing
her own short story to the students to show her participation in the creative writing process. It will set as
an inspiration and model to the student to listen to how the teacher expresses creativity in writing. The
activity will proceed with an open final discussion on what they have gleaned from the lessons and how
the course has been helpful in enriching their learning experiences. The teacher will encourage the
students to share their thoughts and plans on how to improve their creativity in writing.
The teacher will inform the students about an upcoming organization. It is a Writing Club and anyone is
most welcome to join. The teacher will distribute the Handout invitation and discuss the relevance of
this club and its activities as the venue for students to meet other creative writers. The student will read
the handout while listening to the teacher explaining the details about the club and the planned
The session ends with the selection and voting for the best creative short story according to category.
The short stories will be printed and displayed on the table and the students, parents, and guests will
have a chance to read the stories of the students. All course participants will choose according to the
eight awards to be given away such as; JK Rowling, Stephen King award, Dr. Seuss award, Nicholas
Sparks award, and more. As a culminating activity and to complete the course, all the students will
receive a Certificate of Recognition for attending the full session of Creative Writing. The certificate
and awards will be handed by the teacher to the students after which a celebration of the learning
success will be held. The students, parents, guests, and teachers will have fun and spend the most
memorable day of learning for future successful creative writers.

Require Learner Participation

An individual participation of the student demonstrating their learning by writing a short story
for the class, actively joining in the activities of photo presentation and writing short narratives, provide
and evaluate selected favourite short stories for class presentation. Prepare questions for classmates
about short story and give inputs on how they can improve. A peer participation of the student that
would be able to critique peer’s short stories, characters, endings, and alternate endings. With a group
participation, students should be able to collaboratively sketch characters and send out invitations for
writing club. An interchange conversation between the teacher and the students to discuss their writings.
Students are required to participate by presenting their Assignment where they can start writing their
journal to continue practising their creative writing. This can be done through an online platform which
the whole class can access and give their comments and/or suggestions on which areas the writer should
improve on.

Evaluation and Revision

Instructional materials and media resources must be relevant and accessible to the learners. A
student’s portfolio and portfolio assessments will be used to evaluate the outputs and improvements of
the student’s works during the five day course. Formative assessments through observation of students’
active participation and engagement in the learning activities will be performed by the teacher all
throughout the duration of the course. A Rubric for the online short story and the reflections on the
online journal will be formulated and implemented.
The teacher will keep and maintain the documentation of the students activities from pre-assessment up
to the final activity as students’ portfolio to evaluate the students’ level in writing based on how they
have improved. The teacher will evaluate the grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure of the
students’ short stories and give feedback to their works. These will be part of the formative assessments
tools employed by the teacher. The teacher will be constantly available for students’ consultation during
their creative writing process. The students will be tasked to finish their writing engagements on the 4th
day so the teacher will have time to assess the outputs and give feedback to students for revisions. The

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4th day of the course will be designated as the day for open and one-on -one consultation with the

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