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Children at present are very disrespectful to their parents.

A variety of factors can cause children to act disrespectfully. Children who are

frustrated by limitations, children who want to get attention, and children who

feel like they are not being heard or treated fairly can exhibit disrespectful

behavior. Children can also act disrespectfully by mimicking the behaviors they

see around them, so parents should be very aware of their own behaviors in

order to set a positive example. Depends on how the children are raised,

obviously if they are given everything they will be spoiled and grumpy, they will

treat their parents badly because they gave them that confidence, sometimes

when they are teenagers they feel 'misunderstood' by parents and the world

then They scream about it, they believe that what parents do is bad.

It is the fault of the parents without a doubt, you have to put limits on the

children and educate them as everyone believes. It is very sad that parents, for

example, meet with teachers for their child, disavowing them instead of

collaborating with them. All this is given by the relativism of today's society,

where everything is good or bad according to whom, people have forgotten the

absolute truths and are not able to educate children. It is the fault of the parents,

who generally agree to hear them no longer protesting, to remain comfortable.

Society has not realized that responsible parenthood is a generous commitment

of your life and an immense responsibility, as long as parents think more about

their well-being than in the education of their children there is nothing to do.
Children today act according to how parents have taught them because mainly

the education that each child has comes from home and that they at school with

their friends or friends demonstrate it when interacting with them. Children are

excellent in capturing all the attitudes of their parents or everything they say as

they are in full growth and need information so that they grow up forming their

own character. The parents have caused a great problem today in educating

their children since their children make tantrums in public and the parents

because they do not look bad in public or because they do not bother them they

like and they teach them badly to be treated thus, and That the children think

that if they make tantrums the parents will give them everything they ask and

they get used to that treatment that after being adults has serious problems in

forming a stable family.

Finally, the children of today are disrespectful not only with their parents but

also with the adults or people their own age and thus were raised by their

parents, that is the example that the parents gave them at the beginning, but

there is a very important factor Important for which children react in this way,

this is because of the lack of attention of the parents since they spend only

working and do not take time to worry about the needs of their children. The

majority of the children leads them to have a bad behavior in front of the

society. Another important factor is that some parents will understand their

children a lot so they do not let their children do something to earn it and know

from the beginning what it is to get something with their own effort and children

to see that their Parents are very convinced by not getting what they want show

their bad behavior.

In conclusion, there are many ways for parents to educate their children well

and that in the future they will be right people with good values and they will

respect all people, since everywhere in the world they will have to interact with

many people and they will have to know how to act in front of them. Education n

comes only from home but also the kind of people with whom children or

families surround themselves as they imitate the attitude, the words and

everything that draws their attention because that way they grow up to get His

own character. In all this the parents influence a lot because of the children

learn more of them than the other people is to say that if the parents fight in

front of the children, they will in the future imitate the same with their partner.

Worry more about their children and know how to educate them properly.

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