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How important is it to keep a good nutrition in life

Good nutrition should be given throughout life. In the first years of life depends

exclusively on the parents as they are in charge of feeding their children. Once the

child has the possibility to buy his own food, the responsibility is shared between

the parents and the child, and the adult is the one who should teach him which

foods he can and should consume, and which ones he cannot. Food is necessary

in all living beings, both in animals and in human beings, and that is why we must

have a balanced incorporation of nutrients into our body, which is often known as

Good Food, For the development of life and the different daily activities. Nutrition is

the key to good health, look young, have energy and control your weight naturally

and safely. But due to the demands of our daily activities and the lack of

knowledge on nutrition issues, it is very difficult to achieve a good, balanced and

complete diet.

When talking about the importance of good nutrition, several aspects must be

taken into account. First, nutrition is what enables mental and intellectual

development in the human being, that is, that allows mental processing, thinking,

reasoning, creating, and understanding, among others. A child or adolescent who

does not meet the basic needs of good nutrition will have poor performance in

terms of education; as the adult will do in his work. Also, it allows the physical

development, that is, it allows the human being the development and growth of his

body and if he does not have a good diet in the long run he will have health

problems which affect him throughout his life. Most people think that in order to be
healthy they must eat a lot, others say just enough and a small group, just what is


Second, it is important because when poor diet prevails, the person is exposed to

malnutrition, which can lead to malnutrition. People who suffer from this, not only

have nutrients, vitamins, etc. below the necessary level, but also lack energy so

they will not perform to the maximum in the development of certain activities on a

physical mental level, such as thinking, Reasoning, sports. Usually, a person who

is undernourished suffers many health problems since his body does not contain,

as was mentioned above, the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins, proteins,

etc. For the correct functioning of its organs. However, not only does poor diet lead

to malnutrition, but also to overweight, this is characterized by excessive and

unbalanced consumption of foods which are not healthy.

And finally, the key to good nutrition is knowing how to balance the consumption of

fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Not only is it important not to exceed the daily

calorie limit, but also to see what its source is. All this affects its weight, whether it

increases, decreases or stays the same. It also requires vitamins and minerals,

which are found in food and in nutritional supplements. Not all foods are the same,

and there is not one that provides everything your body needs. That is why we

must eat everything, so that our body obtains what is necessary and is kept in

perfect condition. Nutritional supplements are very useful, because they are

essential if you do not have a balanced diet, or you simply do not have time to eat

all vegetables, fruits and other foods in one meal. This is why when you eat well

you get a good physical and with fewer illnesses.

In conclusion, the food has always been the greatest need of the human being for

their subsistence and unfortunately has been becoming a problem too. Today we

find problems of anorexia and bulimia child, since many parents of this stratum are

concerned that their children arrive To say that they do not like some food, but we

realize that at home they do not try bite or prepare, the solution would be to make

the parents aware that like this with those eating habits are growing beings Without

defenses and with many diseases. This is why all people must control the food we

consume so that our body corresponds properly and we do not have diseases that

in the future we might regret not having properly taken care of.

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