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June 2020


1 Simon Reeve is a TV travel-programme presenter. Complete Simon´s

magazine interview below with questions a-f.

a Which countries have you visited? 3

b How many travel shows have you made? 2
c What have you learnt from your different trips? 6
d What´s the best place that you´ve visited? 5
e When did you become a travel-show presenter? 1
f Have you done any unusual or dangerous things? 4

2 Answer these questions.

1 What things does Simon show us in his programmes? He shows many countries,
the way of life, the politics and the wildlife of that countries
2 When did he go to Kazakhstan? Before he started to work as a TV presenter in
3 Where did he go for his ninth TV series? He went to Australia
4 Where does he hope to go in the future? Visit the North Pole and South Pole
5 In what year did a camel chase him? In 2003
6 Where did he meet the San people? In the Kalabari Desert in southern Africa.
7 In what way are people the same all over the world? All humans can be change
and live in any environment, but always the childrens and always the most
important things for us.

Discovering the World Simon Reeve has visited many countries and

with Simon Reeve he has become one of our most popular TV travel-show
presenters. His programmes are different to other ones because he goes to unusual countries an he
shows us more than the tourist attractions. From his programmes, we also learn about the people in
the countries, the way of life, the politics and the wildlife. Is asked him about his fascinating work.
By Stuart McCarthy

1 _____ 4 ____
I started to work as a TV presenter in 2003. Oh, definitely. I´ve eaten lots of unusual food.
In 2003. Before that, I was a political journa- Eating sheep´s eyes was very strange for
List and writer. In my first travel show, I visi- me. A camel has chased me. That happened
ted countries in central Asia, such as when I made my first TV show, and it felt
Kazakhstan. more dangerous than when I was in the middle
In a war in Somalia!

2 ____ 5 ____
I´ve made nine travel TV series. In three of Ah, one of my favourite places is the Kalabari
those shows, I travelled round the world in Desert in southern Africa. I went there in 2007.
a circle – they were very long journeys! It´s really beautiful and a lot greener than a
In my most recent series, I went to Australia. typical desert. I met the San people there, and
I learnt a lot from them.

3 _____ 6 ____
Perhaps you should ask which countries I The most important thing that I´ve learnt is that
Haven´t visited! I think I´ve travelled to more human beings are very special animals. We can
than 110 countries, but I haven´t been to change and live in any environment. Also, in all
the North and South Poles. Perhaps I´ll these different places, with all these different
go there soon. ways of life, our children are always the most
important things for us.


June 2020

1 Listen and answer these questions.

1 What gave Sonia the idea to travel? KNOW THE BEAUTIFUL PLACES
2 Why did she go to Spain? FOR LEARN SPANISH
3 How did she feel when she first got to Guatemala?
4 How did she feel later?

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 I began to have itchy FEET and wanted to leave

2 I went as an INDEPENDENT traveler, on my own.
3 I spent a month WONDERING around the town.
4 I was BIG by the travel bug and wanted to explore lots of other places.
5 The first two months were difficult and I experienced real COUCHING shock.
6 I was really LEAVE and missed my family like mad!

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