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ISSUE DATE: 19/09/2019

DUE DATE: 03/10/2019


You must show ALL steps for obtaining the solution. Just reporting the correct answer, without
showing work performed at each step will result in getting 0 points for that problem.

Do your individual work. Copied work will be marked Zero.

Q1. What is the main limitation to the use of digital techniques?

Q2. The following is a string of ASCII characters whose bit patterns have been converted into
hexadecimal for compactness:

(4A EF 6E 20 C4 EF E5)16

Of the 8 bits in each pair of digits, the leftmost is a parity bit. The remaining bits are the ASCII code.

(a) Convert to binary form and decode the ASII.

(b) Determine the parity used: odd or even.

Q3. Represent decimal digit 6027 in:

(a) 8421 form

(b) 4221 form
(c) 2421 form

Q4. If (10n01) 2 = 33 r, find n and r.

Q5. 8 digit hexadecimal number contains 5 integer digits and 3 fractional digits. Find the “Maximum
decimal number” it can represent and “Minimum non-zero decimal number” it can represent.

Q6. For the value F8780000, if this represents a two’s complement integer, what decimal value is
being represented?

Q7. Express the following irrational numbers in the binary system, with enough digits in the
fractional part so that the accuracy is to no less than four decimal places in the decimal equivalent.

(a) pi
(b) √15
(c) Base of natural logarithms e
Q8. What is the largest BCD encoded decimal value that can be represented in three bytes?

Q9. Why can’t the parity method detect a double error in the transmitted data?

Q10. A small process- control computer uses octal codes to represent its 12-bit memory addresses:

(a) How many octal digits are required?

(b) What is the range of addresses in octal?
(c) How many memory locations are there?

Q11. Computers often communicate with other remote computers over the telephone lines. For
example, this is how communication over the Internet takes place. When one computer is
transmitting a message to another, the information is usually encoded in ASCII. What actual bit
strings would a computer transmit to send the message HELLO, using ASCII with even parity?

Q12. Convert the following:

(a) (2AC5.D) 16 ---( )10, ( ) 2, ( )8

(b) (343.24) 10 ---- ( ) 5
(c) (0.908) 10 --- ( ) 2
(d) (1111011101110) 2 --- ( ) Gray code
(e) (11000010001) Gray code --- ( ) 2
(f) (100101010011.101) BCD --- ( ) 2

Q13. Determine the single error correcting code for the following BCD numbers using even parity.

(a) 0101
(b) 0011

Q14. Determine the single error correcting code for the following information code 10101 for odd

Q15. 8-bit character 10101111 is to be encoded using odd parity Hamming code. What is the bit
string that will be transmitted?

Q16. It is necessary to formulate the Hamming code for four data bits (D 3, D2, D1, D0) together with
three Parity bits (P1, P2, P3).
(a) Evaluate the 7-bit composite code word for the data word 0010.

(b) Evaluate three check bits C3, C2 and C1.

(c) Correct the code if there is any error.

Q17. (a) What range of signed decimal values can be represented in 12-bits (including the sign bit)?

(b) What is the largest negative decimal value that can be represented by a three byte number?

Q18. A certain computer is storing the following two signed numbers in its memory using the 2’s-
complement system:

(00011111) 2 = + (31) 10

(11110100) 2 = - (12) 10

While executing a program, the computer is instructed to convert each number to its opposite sign;
that is, change the +31 to -31 and change the -12 to +12. How will it do this?

Q19. Represent (135)10 and (265)10 in BCD and then perform BCD addition. Check your work by
converting the result back to decimal.

Q20. Which of the following hex numbers represent positive values: 2F, 77EC, C000, 6D, FFFF?

Q21. (a) A certain memory location holds the octal data 77. If this represents an unsigned number,
what is its decimal value?

(b) If this represents a Signed number, what is its decimal value?

(c) Repeat (a) and (b) if the data value is E5.

Q22. Subtract the binary number (0110) 2 from itself by adding its one’s complement. Is the result
what you expected?

Q23. Determine the base of the numbers in each case for the following operations to be correct.
Show all the steps.
(a) 14/2 = 5
(b) 54/4 = 13
(c) 24 + 17 = 40

Q24. Do the following unsigned addition/subtraction problems. Show your carries/borrows!

Remember all work should be written in the base that the problem is in, including carries/borrows.

(a) (ABAA6F) 16 + (E709B) 16

(b) (76127)8 − (55451)8

Q25. Perform the following arithmetic:

(a) Use Binary arithmetic to determine (1110.01)2 + (1011)2 = (?)2

(b) Use Binary arithmetic to determine (11000) 2 – (10)2 = (?)2
(c )Use BCD arithmetic to determine (49)10 + (19)10 = (?)BCD

Q26 (a) Add negative 00110011 to negative 01000010 using addition of 2's complement signed

(b) Subtract 01001101 from 00010111 using addition of 2's complement signed numbers.

Q27. Perform subtraction of the following two unsigned binary numbers by taking the 2’s
complement of the subtrahend.

(1 0 0)2 – (1 0 1 0)2

Q28. Do the following 8-bit two's complement multiplication, giving a 16-bit result. Show your work.
(10010101)2 * (11100111)2

Q29. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary and then multiply them together. Illustrate
the steps

a. -163 and -220

b. 32 and -16
Q30. Consider the representation of the number -27 using 6 bits in signed, one’s compliment and
two’s compliment notation. Which of the following options gives the correct representations?

Signed Magnitude 1’s compliment 2’s compliment

(a) 111011 100110 100101
(b) 111011 100100 100101
(c) 100100 111011 100101
(d) 111011 100101 100100

Q31(a) Express the following Boolean function in minimized Product of Sum form. You must show
all your work to receive full credit.

F(X ,Y,V,W)  XYW + XYW + XYV + XVW

(b) Express the following Boolean function in a minimized Sum of Product form. You must show all
your work to receive full credit.

F(A, B, C, D) = Σ(1, 3, 6, 13, 14, 15)

Q32(a) Give the Sum-of-Product expression for the following logic diagram.
Hint: Think about using logic identities to simplify the problem.

c T1
b z

a T2

a T3
(b) Find the Product-of-Sum representation for the following logic circuit.

Q33. Perform algebraic manipulation for each of the following tasks:

(a) Expand the function f = a  b  c to its standard/canonical form.

(b) Prove algebraically that the following circuits are functionally equal or not:

Q34. A function f is described by the following truth table.


000 1
001 0
010 1
011 0
100 1
101 0
110 1
111 1
(a) Indicate the values of F in the above table.

(b) Give the minterm expression (standard sum-of-products) for F.

(c) Give the maxterm expression (standard product-of-sums) for F.

Q35. Assuming that A = 0, B = 1, C = 0 & D = 1, find the value of F, given the following equations for F.

(a) F = ABCD + AB + BD

(b) F = (A + B + C)(B + D)(A + C) (A + B + C)(B + D)(A + C)

Q36. Draw a truth table for the following boolean function.

F = m)

Q37. Let A = 00100110 and B = 11010011 be 2s complement integers. Compute the following, giving
your answers in both 8-bit 2’s complement and decimal. Use a

fixed width of 8 bits (i.e., your answers must be 8 bits).

(a) A OR B
(b) A AND B

(c) A  B  1

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