Social Networking: Colegio Polivalente Dgo. Matte Mesías Coordinación E. Media Dpto. de Inglés

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Colegio Polivalente Dgo.

Matte Mesías
Coordinación E. Media
Dpto. de Inglés

Names: Matías Guerrero
Samuel Tapia
1._ The Background

a)Social Networking: Is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called

"nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as
friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or
relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.

b) Some Social networks:

 Facebook: Created by Marck

Zuckenberg. This social network is
used to being in touch with people
that you know or people you want
to meet because you can chat with
your friends, see photos, play
games, announce something
important, etc.

 Twitter: Created by Jack Dorsey. This

social network is used to following
people who you want to know. For
example: actors, singers, famous
people, etc. In you r Twitter account
you can set the privacy and no one
follow you without you accept their
request. Twitter is like a short news
website, therefore you don’t have to
watch TV to be informed

 Fotolog: Created by Scott Heiferman,

Adam Seifer and Spike. This social
network is used to upload pictures to
your Fotolog profile and here your
Favorite Friends (called FF) can
comment your picture with a post.

 Hi5: Created by Ramu Yamalachi. This social

network is used to play free online social
games and meet players from around the
world. Hi5 is an online social entertainment,
where millions of people play social games,
cool games, school games, pc games, farm
games, multiplayer games and more.
 MySpace: Created by Tom Anderson
and Chris DeWolfe. This social
network is used to share personal
profiles, blogs, groups, photos,
music and videos internationally.

2._ The vocabulary.

a) Blog: a webpage that has information on a certain subject; the newest articles are at the top
b) Founder: a person who started something
c) Celebrate: to do something nice and have fun at a special event
d) Interact: to talk to each other and work together
e) Sign up: to join , become a member
f) Share: to use together
g) Survey: questions that you ask people in order to find out what they think about something
h) aim: something you want to do
i) Update: to add new information about something
j) Enviroment: the world around us
k) Trust: to believe that someone is good to you and won't do anything bad
l) Translate: to write something in a different language
3._ The Video

Networks get things done. Whether it's sending a letter or lighting your home. Networks make it

To get from Chicago to Santa Fe, we need to see the network of browse that will get us there. We see
that Chicago is connected to St Louis, which is connected to Dallas, which is connected to Santa Fe.

Of course, people networks can help us with finding jobs, meeting new friends, and finding partners .
You know how it works. Bob is your friend, he knows Sally, and Sally's friend Joe has a job for you. This is
a network of people - a social network.

The problem with social networks in the real world is that most of the connections between people are
hidden. Your network may have huge potential, but it's only as viable as the people and connections
that you can see.

This problem is being soft by a type of web site called a social networking site. These websites help you
see connections that are hidden in the real world.

Here's how it works. You sign up for a free account and fill out your profile. Then, you look for people
you know.

When you find someone, you click a button that says, "Add as Friend". Once you do this, you and that
person have a connection on the website that others can see. They are a member of your network, and
you are a member of theirs.

What's really cool is that you can see who your friends know, and who your friends' friends know. You're
no longer a stranger, so you can contact them more easily.

This softs a real world problem because your network has hidden opportunities Social networking sites
make these connections between people visible.

Like a mad for a highway, they can show you the people network that can help you get to your next
destination, whether it's a job, a new partner, or a great place to live. Your network is suddenly more

You can get started at these sites, LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace.

I'm Lee LeFever, and this has been Social Networking in Plain English on the Common Craft Show.
4._ The Interview

1) What social networking do you visit?

2) How how often do you visit them?

3) How long do you spend on these websites?

4) What is your favorite website?

5)Why do you use these websites?

6) What do you do on these websites?

7) Which the following websites you have never used?

8)From where do you acces to these websites?

9) How long have you been using these social networking?

10) Have you ever met people on social networking?

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