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SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES PART HI CONCRETE BRIDGES ‘MARCH 2012 JAPAN ROAD ASSOCIATION Preface ‘The First Five-year Road Improvement Program started in 1954. This marked the beginning of fledged road construction and improvement in Japan, Since then, 12 five-year plans for road construction have been catied ou. Since 2003, the program for read construction and Jmprovement has been part of the Priority Plan for Social Infrastructure Development, At present, the Second Priority Plan for Social Infastrucure Development is being pushed Toward, AC the same time, road networks have been actively constructed and improved in response tothe rapid growth of road traffic. Still, there is strong demand forthe construction and improvement of road networks in both urban and rural aeas ‘On Match LL, 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake strck Japan. This event made ws realize anew that in Japan, where various disasters occur, it is essential fo construct a seeure Ihomeland. For this purpose, we have to take actions to improve such a vulnerable national land structure. In addition to this, we are also being confronted with the rapid decrease in population, an aging society, limited resourees and energy, environmental constraints, social ‘and economic changes, aswell as changes in the international situation. Against this backdrop, people's needs have diversified in tems of the need for the functions thet roads supply as wel 15 road space. Accordingly, appropriate actions ae also required to be taken to improve ad quai. “Meanwhile the land of our nation contains precipitous terain and many rivers, as well as a number of urban areas with strict spatial constrains due to highly concentrated Tand use. ‘Thetefore, bridges are essential structures forthe construction and improvement of roads. Is necessary to move forward with their construction and improvement in an appropriate manner ‘while reducing their lifecycle cost and the burdens oftheir maintenance and management. ‘The “Construction Standard for National and Prefectural Highways" were established as Japan's fist road-sueture standards in 1886, The design ive Toad was fst specified in these “andards. Since then, technical standards for oad bridges have gradually been revised to ‘support various changes such asthe development of automobile traffic andthe advancement ‘of bridge technologies. Originally, the standards were laid dovn as part ofthe road structure ‘standart. In 1939, the “Draft Design Specifications for Steel Highway Bridges” was first ‘established as independent technical standards for road bridges. Sine then, siandards have been gradually designed and revised for various bridge structures and members. From 1972 t 1980, these standards were organized into the present style consisting of Part: Volume on Common Matters, Part Il: Volume on Stee! Bridges, Part Ii: Volume on Conerete Bridges, Part V: Volume on Substructures and Part V: Volume en Seismic Design Since then, the standards have also been revised several times to establish peeformance-code type technical standards. In 1993, the design live load, et. was revised In response t0 the revision of the Highway Structure Ordinance; in 1996, they were revised to strengthen ‘seismic design, ete. in response (othe occurrence ofthe Great Hanshin Earthquake; and in 2001, they were revised to specify required performances, ec. In particular, in the Great East Japan Earthquake, no fal damage from earthquake ground motions was found on bridges that had been designed or repaired in accordance with the 1996 seismic standards or subsequent versions. Tis fact suggests thatthe revision ofthe standards contributed to the improvement of the seismic performance ofthe bridges. In addition, we now recognize the possibilty of the consecutive occurrence of earthquakes as a factor ‘contributing to the risk of earthquake ground motions. We have also reconfirmed the necessity for constructing road networks consistent with local tsunami disaster prevention plan, In addition, the appropriate maintenance and management of rad structures including bridges is becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, itis necesary to take proper measures fom the design stage so that reliable maintenance and management can be easily performed. In March 2002 the Japan Road Association published the “Specifications for Highway Bridge with Commenares,” However, the Tecnica Sundard or Bigs and Fighay ‘Viaducts” have been revised mainly to enrich the content related to actions, maintenance rangement on ie bas of te Ise eared um the Great East ap Earn h response to this revision of the technical standards, we have revised every volume of the “Specifications for Highway Bridges with Commentaries” and have published the revised volumes We conlially hope that readers will have an accurate understanding of the purpose of the revision, and tha the standards will contribute to the further promotion of te construction land improvement of high-quality bridges inthe future March 2012 Kotaro Hashimoto, Chairman ofthe Japan Road Association Foreword “Part IL Concrete Bridges" ofthe Specifications for Highway Bridges was announced asthe “Technical Standard for Bridges and Highway Viaducts” by the Ministry of Construction in 1978. IC was established by integrating various standards, such as the “Specifications for Reinforced Conerete Highway Bridges” issued in 1968 andthe “Specifications for Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridges” isued in 1968, as part of the systematization of road bridge specifiatons Alter that, in 1996, it was revised mainly in terms of provisions related to seismic design. In 2001, it was revised again mainly to specify required performance levels, change the format ‘of the provisions, strengthen the provisions for durability, ete. in order to establish performance-code type technical standards In this revision, Pat 1. Common Mater has been revised from the viewpoint ofthe proper ‘measures that should be taken from the design stage with consideration given o maintenance and management. It has also been revised on the basis ofthe information, ee. that has been ‘obtained since the last revision from the achievements of investigations and studies, performance records, and the disaster cases that have occured in recent years. Part IL Concrete Bridges has also undergone various revisions. For example, new provisions have been added in order to support new sruetres based on recent technical developments and to improve durability The following are the mejor review points, For Part I. Common Provisions 1. Ita been stipulated thatthe reliability of maintenance and management as well as the ‘case with which they ean be performed be taken into consideration at a basic design sconcept 2, has been stipulated that methods for the maintenance and management scheduled to be performed during the in-service period, and the facilities, etc, requied for the maintenance and management be appropriately taken into eonsideration from the design stage; 3. Iehas been stipulated that various records on investigations, design, construction, quality Control, etc. that are required for appropriate maintenance and management during the Irservice period be kept so that the records can be effectively used for the maintenance and ‘management 4 thas been stipulated that structural design be performed with consideration given to the possibilty tha the damage, et, of some members may leed to fatal sites, such as bridge collapse; 5. Reinforcements ($D390 and SD$90) with high yield point have been newly adopted as ‘usable materials. For Part Il, Concrete Bridges: 1. Applicable ranges, allowable ses, internal radi of bending, ete. have been specified for reinforeements (SD390 and SD#90) with yield poin higher than conventionally specified yield points; 2. Provisions that were conventionally given as structural deals in chapters and sections have ‘been revised so as to clearly express the purposes for specifying the details and items being required, andthe structure ofthe specifications has also been reviseds, 3. In order to streamaine design, provisions forthe joints between the ginders and slabs of ‘composite girder bridges have Been revised; 44. The classification used in the specifications has been changed from the conventional ‘lassfieaon by bridge types to classification by structures. For example, chapters on continuous stuetures and egid-frame sutures have been added; 5. Provisions for large-eccenticity external cable structures have been expanded and a new chapter on extemal eable structures has been ued: 6, Basie provisions for the safety, durability, ete. of the joins of composite structures have been specified forthe frst ime; 7. Provisions for constrction have been expanded in order to enhance durability, 8. Provisions for trunceted portions in pier crowns hve been deleted because truncated portions in pier erowns have only rarely been adopted in actual construction in recent years. ‘The present standards contain not only the provisions of the specifications but also the commentaries of backgrounds to the provisions and grounds for them, differences from previous specifications, ete. Therefore, in actual application of the specifications, ceeful reading ofboth the provisions and their commentaries will deepen the reader's understanding ‘ofthe specifications. We cordially hope thatthe present standards will serve as specifications forthe design and construction of oad bridges and wl contribute to ensuring higher safety and durability, ‘March 2012 ‘Committee on Bridges Subcommittee on General Bridge Structures Subcommittee on Concrete Bridges ‘Members of Committee on Bridges Chairman ‘Michio OKAHARA Former Caiman “sso VAMAKAWA Members Taisuke AKIMOTO Hivokzas IEMURA, © Tadayoshi ISHIBASHI Yasuhio ISHIHARA Kimiko (ZUM ‘Yasuo INOKUMA, © Shiacki VwU0 Hider OHTA ‘Akio OHTSUKA, ‘Kunio OHMORI (© Masafumi OGASAWARA Atauo OGAWA ‘Moi OKUDA Sati OSHITA Masataka KATSURAG! Karahiko KAWASHIMA © Michio KANAI (© Hizotaks KAWANO (© Akinobu KISHI Shoji KIMURA © Tesue KUWABARA © Junichi KOSEKE Karvo KOMORI ‘Chikashi SAITO © Karvo SASAKT © Hiroshi SATO YYokiake SHIOI Osim SHIMOYASU ‘Takeshi SHIRASUNA (© Toshiyuki SUGIYAMA (© Abitosti SUZUKI ji SUZUKI Katsumune SUZUKI (© Motoyuki SUZUKI (© Yesuyuk SUZUKI Fumio TATSUOKA (© Keiichi TAMURA (© Norio TERADA (© Shoichi NAKATANI ‘Atsushi NANIOL (© Yoshihiko NISHIGAKT Sadahiro NOMURA, (© Kazuhiro NISHIKAWA Atsushi FUKASAWA Siro FUKUL YYoro FUJINO: (© Tom FUTWARA (© Minoru FUITWARA, (© Yusuke HONIO ‘Naoto MATSUI Osama MATSUO (© Takashi MATSUDA arosbi MATSUTANL “Tesuo MATSUMURA Kybiehi MARUYAMA, (© Masanori MIURA (Chteshi MIKE © Hiroshi MUTSUYOSHI Kuniisa MORI (© Takeshi MoRT ‘Yukihiro YAMAUCHI (© iki YAMAGUCHI Kezunori YUKI Takshiko YUKIMOTO Koichi YOKOYAMA (© Satoshi YOSHIDA, Atsushi YOSHIOKA leh WATANABE. Seereary Seton ABE © Macshico ISHIDA, Satoshi ISEDA. “Tatsuo OGATA Hiroyuki OGAWA Kengo OCHL Kiyoshi ONO. Yutaka KATSUNO a 0 0 ocad| "Yoshio KIMURA Yoichi SAKA ‘Tashi TAMAKOSHI Keita NAKASU_ ‘Yoshinobu HARADA Joni HOSHIKUMA Atsushi HONMA, Jun MURAKOSHI Yasuo MORITA Hiroshi WATANABE anieh SAKAT ‘Kosei SAKUMA Hiroaki TERAMOTO (© Toshiaki NANASAWA, Keitro FUIIOKA Alahiko HOSOML Keauyuli MIZUGUCHL (© Karaya MURAYAMA (© Yoshiaks MORITO © menberas of March2012 Caan ‘Masao MIURA Mantes | Keish AOKI | Hiei IKEDA Kimo ZUM | Katy OGTHARA | Mani KANERO Jae KIMIZU Si SARAL ators SARIMOTO Aro SANADA Som SUNADA {aah TAMAKOSH Nasu TERASAWA Shit NAKATANT | Ken NANIKAWA Nobuko HAMADA Jc HOSUMA han MURAKOSA Yetta MORO “Members of General Structure Sub-Committee Kenihiro ASHIZUKA, ‘Masshio ISHIDA Shigeki UNIO Kiyoshi ONO. izotaka KONO ‘Yosiors KIMURA, Yoichi SAKAT ‘Tesuya SASAKI ‘Toshiyuki SUGIYAMA Yosuke SETO Keiichi TAMURA Keita NAKASU. “Toshiaki NANASAWA, Tadashi NISHIKAWA Koichiro FUMOTO Yusuke HONIO Kezuya MURAYAMA, Chimen: ‘Katsumune SUZUKI Foret Chainer ‘Shoji KIMURA (Ozana SHIMOYASU ‘Asus FUKASAWA ‘Yestiaka MORITO Members ‘Kelich AOKI Sttors ABE ivoyukl IKEDA Misigu ISHIDA Seto ISEDA. (Osa UEMURA Tokahide OKUEO “Tusuo OGATA. Katsuye OGIHARA Seichiro KAKO. ‘Navnobu KATO. Masashi KAWAGUCHL ‘Yukio KAWAMURA Takaaki KUSAKABE Hivos KOIIMA, Tetsuya SASAKI Hideki SUGITA, Shuichi SUZUKD Susuma TAKAMIVA, ‘Ketiehi TAMURA Hiroaki TERAMOTO ‘Yueh TOYAMA Keita NAKASU Toshiko NAGANUMA Kenji NAMIKAWA. “Tolmi NISHIKAWA Fula HAKAMADA ‘Nobuhko HAMADA Mikio HAYASHI Hisamitss HANNO, Hiroe FUITTRA, Kiyoshi HONJO ‘Toshiaki MABUCHL Hidetoshi MIYAUCHL Kazuya MURAYAMA Fersu YASUDA, ‘Tesuya YOKOTA ‘Members of General Sub-Committee ‘Masato ASAT “Takefuni IKEUCHI "Nobutaka IHD ‘Yasuo ISHIBARA ‘Yasuo INOKUMA Shigeki UNIO. Masafuni OGASAWARA, Norio QGATA, ‘Naoyuki ODAGIRL Yutaka SHIKATUNO Masshire KANEKO Miura KAWAMATA ‘Yositrn KIMURA. Moichisa KUBOTA Yoichi SAKAI ‘Yashivo SHO Kaname SUGIHASHI ‘Yusuke SETO ‘Tkashi TAMAKOSHT ‘Norio TERADA ‘Toru TERAYAMA Hiroshi DOBASHL Shoichi NAKATANL “Toshiaki NANASAWA, Athi NANSO ‘Toshio NOMURA Kens HATA Masihiro HAYASHI Yoshinaba HARADA Jiro FUKUL Junichi HOSHIKUMA, ‘sus HONMA, Kezuyuki MIZUQUCHL Jun MURAKOSHI Yasuo MORITA, Kazunori YAMAGUCHT Yotn WATANABE, members fom Juy201 ‘Members of General Planning and Coordination Sub Commitee Chima "Youn FUIINO, ‘Chaiman (Sub) ‘Kazuhiro NISHIKAWA Members Kimiko IZUMI Michio OKAHARA Akira KASUGA Masthike KITAZAWA Kazuyoshi TAKATSU Minoru FUIIWARA Kyuichi MARUYAMA, Secretary ‘Masato ABE. Takashi SHINDO ‘Takashi TAMAKOSHI Shoichi NAKATANL Junichi HOSHIKUMA Eki YAMAGUCHE Shigeki UNIO Aso OGAWA ‘oshitake KISHIMOTO Oram KUSAKABE Takeo NAKAJIMA Koichi MAEKAWA Taito YOKOTA Makoto KIMURA ‘mitomo SUGIURA itoe TERAMOTO Siro FUKUL ‘Kanyuki MIZUGUCHI embers fom June, 2004 “Members of Subcommittee on Concrete Bridges Chima: “inoiaka KAWANO Forme Chaim “Atsio OGAWA, Memters 1D Keiichi AOKI Seton ABE ‘sano ICHIMASU Tho IWASAKI ‘Takeshi OHSHIRO Hiroaki OHYAMA ‘Toshnari OKADA “Yunks KATSUNO ‘Susae KAWABATA Hiroe KIKUCH Hirohiss KOGA, Yoichi SAKA ‘Teatom SATO ‘Akio SHOMI “Takeshi SUZUKI ‘Yeshibiko TAIRA Hitoshi TAMA “Takashi TAMAKOSHI Megury TSUNOMOTO ‘Masanori NAKAO Yoshii NAGATA ‘Toshiaki NNASAWA, © Janik NIWA Ketan HATA Yuji FUITA (© Atsehé HONMA Harahito MAEDA (© Naoki MASUE “Toshiaki MABUCHL (© Hiaokaru MIYATA “Takuya MORI (© ‘Yoshitaka MORITO (© Masta YAMAMURA Yots WATANABE © © 9000 0 0000 Kenichi ASHIZUKA (© Hlroyusi IKEDA, Shigeru HARA, ‘Osamu UEMURA (© Hiroshi ONO ‘Tatsuo OGATA (© Masazumi OKADA ‘Masashi KAWAGUCHI ‘itsry KAWAMATA (© Yositomi KIMURA Shinichi KONDO (© Kanuri SASAKI (© Yasuhiko SATO “Tokafumi SUGIYAMA, (© Yasuke SETO ‘Mashio TAKEGUCH (© Yost TANAKA, (© Tadanobu TSUTSUME ineski TERAMOTO Kell NAKASU ‘Toshiko NAGATANL “Teuton NINA, Katsutohi HASEGAWA, ‘Yoshnab HARADA © Iso HOSAKA, Koichi MAEKAWA © Takashi MASUI Shin MATSUGANE. (© Katsumi Manet Higoshi MUTSUYOSHI Yasuo MORITA, Aka MORIYAMA (Hiroshi WATANABE (© member as of March2012 “Members of Working Group on English Falion of the Specification Chima: ‘Hiroshi DOBAS Former Chaim ‘ioe KOJIMA, Members: ‘Keishi AOKI Hiroki ISHIKAWA, Koji ISHIMARU © Ken IcinDA, ‘Yasushs UCHIUM Hiroyuki OKA Masazumsi OKADA, ‘Aki KASUYA, ‘Akinobo KISHI Kamiya SASAKI Masanso SUZUKI Kamike TAKATA, ‘Testo TAKECHI “Tadao TSUTSUMI (© Mitsuhio NARISAWA, (© Hideki NAGATANI ‘Mashiso HIMUKAT (© Manabu HOSOTANE ‘Takeshi MATSUMOTO © nitoshi ts (© Yosuke ISHIHARA “Takaoki ICHIOKA Osan UEMURA (© Hiroyuki UCHIBORI ‘Tomnaeki OKADA Karsh KAL ‘Mash KAWAGUCHE (© Iwao KURODA, (© Aki SHIRATORI Yoshiko TAIRA "Nobuhiko TAKAGI (Osamu TSUKAHARA Yoshio TOMITA (© Seiki NaKaL Masahiro HAYASHI Takeshi HIROSE Shinichiro HIVAMIZU Keaanori YAMAGUCHI (© member as of October, 2014 Contents CHAPTER 1 GENERAL. cco La Spo. 1 12 Definition of Terms - 2 18 Fundamentals of Design Caleulaion. os 6 14 Construction Conditions Assumed for Design os 1 1.5 Items to bo Shown in Decign Drawing. 1 (CHAPTER 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN en se a - os ° 22 Load Combinations in Design Celeuations, vod 23 Voritieaton of Safety for Loads. 1 (CHAPTER 3. ALLOWABLE STRESS wooo nr! BA Genera - 4 82 Allowable Stress of Concrete. 16 55 Allowable Stress of Reinforcement 2 34 Allowable Stres of Procreeing Stal 2% (CHAPTER « VERIFICATION OF MEMBERS. a se A Genera 7 42. Verification of Member Under Bending Moment or Axial Force 2s 421 Genes 2s 422° Efecto Seton. 29 422 Veriton Under Design Lon. os 88 42.4 Verification Undor Uimate Lod. 35 43 Vorieation of Membr Under Shes Free 42 431 Genera a 42 49.2 Bilaaive Section a 438° Verification Under Design Lon = 43.4 Votfication Under Ukimate Land 55 44 Veriestion of Members Under Torsional Moment. - 60 a a 60 442 Bletive Section. 2 443. Verification Under Design Load 6 444 Vorifontion Under Utimets Las 63 45 Verification for Bond Between Reinforcement and Concrete 0 48 Voriiation Agsinst Punching Shear. so CHAPTER § EXAMINATION OF DURABILITY. ws 51 Genera 52 Examination for Slt Damage. so CHAPTER. SHAPE AND STEEL BAR ARRANGEMENT. 61 Soope of Appleton nnn 62 Genera 63 Shape and Somber Dimensions. os 64 Minitnum Amount of tel 55 Tensile Reinfrcoment in Prestressed Concrete Structure. 66 Stoel bar Arrangement “ 861 Concrete Cover ove Ste 882 Clear Distance Between Stool Bars 663 Anchoring of Reinforcement 564 Hook of Reinforcement and Bent Shape of Reinforcement. 665 dolntofRelnfornent 6.56 Placement of Prestressing Stel 6.67 Anchoring of Prstressing Stel 658 Reinforcing Near an Anchorage 659 Placement of Main Reinforcement. 66,10 Placomont of Stirrup and Bent Bar 66.11 Placoment of Reinforcoment Against Torsional Moments 6612 Reinforement Along Hause nan 6613 Additional Bar ~ - CHAPTERT SLAB. TA Seopeat Applicetion, 12 Gener 18 Slab Tlie 13.1 Reinforond Conersto Slab 1.32 Prestressed Concrete Slab 1A Design Bending Moment of Sab 141 General 742 Design Bonding Momento Slab 743 SpanotSiab 1 Connection Between Slab and Supporting Gnd. 16 Reinforcement Type and Bar Arrangement 126 12 125 128 10 190 19 198 aa W 18 CHAPTER 8 SLAB BRIDGES occ enenennnnnnnn 82 83 asa 832 84 CHAPTER 9 ‘GIRDER BRIDGE. Placement of Prestessing Stel, a0 Centilover Slab a and Slab on Cross Beans a Scope of Alison. a nae Gonara Me Structural Analysis - M6 General - 7 us. Bending Moment Simple Slab Bridge with No Cantilver Slab “a Dimension of Cros eetion and Bar Arrangement... uo 8.1 Seope of Applieaioh nn vo 188 92 Genera _ 168 93 Structural Analysis se 160 94 Structures of Man Girdes, Cross Beam and Slabs 181 CHAPTER 10 BOX GIRDER BRIDGES cnc so se 1A 10.1 Scope of Application o 106 102 Genet 164 103 Serueture Analysis 165 10.4 Design of Cxoss Beam at the Support and Diaph 160 105 _Reinforeomont of an Opening Structure of Lower Fange and Web m0 CHAPTER 11 COMPOSITE GIRDER BRIDGES ves see 11 Scopo of Application - va 112 Gonerl - see TA 118 Joint of Gindar and Slab ns 114 Stretural Dots of Sab 12 CHAPTER 12 ARCH BRIDGES oon se 1 12 Scope Application 185 122 Genera 185 123 Structural Alyse 187 124 Verification for Bucking 188 125 Minionom Amount of Reinforcement for Arch Rib 180 126 Side Walle of Spandrel Pled Arch Bedges 180 12:7 Diaphragm Betwoon Asch Ribs 180 (CHAPTER 18 CABLE-STAYED BRIDGES enone se 308 18:1 Scope cf Application 7 182 General _ oo 133 Structural Analysis, 184 Stay Cable and Anchorage... 185 Stay Coble Anchorage 186 — General Design of Tow (CHAPTER 14 CONTINUOUS STRUCTURES ccnvenennnnn 141 Scope o Apliation M2 Geet enon 143 Structure Analysis Maa General 1482 Design of Intermediate Support and Joint. 7 14 Structure of Intermediate Supports and eit 145 Tho Design of Continuous Girder Bridge by the Erection of Prcast Gir. CHAPTER 15 CURVED STRUCTURES... 15:1 Seopeof Application 152 General 153 Structural Analysis, 154 Tranaverse Design 155 Reinforcement and Tendon Placement, and Beating Structure (CHAPTER 16 RIGID FRAME STRUCTURE, nnn 16.1 Scope of Appliation 162 Structural Analysis 163 Joint Between Rigid Frame Members CHAPTER 17 PRECAST SEGMENTAL STRUCTURES... YTA Seopa of Application. 12 General Matters of Design YTS Design of Joint 1781 Goneral 1713.2 Verifistion of Bonding Stresses 173.8 Veifisation of Sheae Poco 178.4 Verification of Torsional Moments 115 Design of Stel Joint Keys. 7 1786 Design of Conrete Joint Key 178.7 Reinforement of Joint and Placoment of Joint Koy. 02 94 198 08 198 200 201 201 210 213 214 216 218 219 219 206 ver oar 2a. 295 2st 29 CHAPTER 18 EXTERNAL CABLE STRUCTURES coo ve 21 181 Scopot Applicaton 241 182 General 2h 183 Goneral Design of Towers 216 18.4 Anchomges and Deflector of an External Cable 2a (CHAPTER 19 DESIGNOF OTHER MEMBERS... sa 8 18.1 Support Bxporionsing Horizontal Preae, a 248 19:11 Scope of Aplieation : 28 19.2 General os 248 19.15 Boating Reinforeoment _ 250 192 Deep beam, - 251 192.1 Scope of Apliation 251 1922 General bo 252 1925 Placement of Sto! Reinforcament a 253 103 Cont os 283 193.1 Scope of Apliation. 258 1932 Genera vo 254 193.3 Placement of Steel Reinforoment - 255 19.4 Joints of Hybrid Steuer - 255 194.1. Scope of Apliation. 255 19.4.2 Genera oe 256 19.43 Joint Structure and Stel Placement - 297 CHAPTER 20 CONSTRUCTION WORK .nswnnsniniiinennnnn 258 20.1 Seope af Application, 250 202 Genel so 259 205 Construction Procedure Document, a 20 204 Maton os 280 204.1 Genera - 260 2042 Concrete 201 2048 Sted os - 205, 20.44 Shoath 266 20.45 Anchorage Device and Coupler of Prestresing Steal 266 BOG CPOE een 268 204.7 Peogroted Pretresing Stel 268 20.48 Adhesive 269 20.4.9 Storage 270 205 Ready-mixod Concrete. an 206 Coneeta Work 20.7 Work and Plcoment of Reinforeoment. 208 _ Prostrossng Steel Work and Tensionng Work 209 Construction of Structure Using Precast Members 2091 Genera. 7 209.2 Fabrication of Members 209.8 Transport and Storage ons 2094 doin 2010 Grouting Work 20.10.1 Grout 20.102 Pregrouted Prstvessing Stal 2011 Fort and Suppor. 7 20.1.1 General 2011.2 Design and Construction 2042 Emction 121 Genero 20122 Safty Verieation 20.18 Inspection ar 279 231 288 238 290 290 202 II CONCRETE BRIDGES CHAPTER1 GENERAL, 11 Scope This volume shall be principally applied to superstuctares made of conerete, ‘This clause defines the scope of apliction ofthe Volume of Concrete Bridges “The bridges to which it eppies end the treatment of necessary modifications arising when applying should be as stipulated in Section 1.1 “Scope” ofthe Part I Common, For eonerete bridge, however, there are cases where the past achievements of construction in Japan ate exceeded on some construction types even within the scope of application stipulated in the Part I: Common. Therefore, when a bridge witha span close to or exceeding the maximum span of the relevant construction type is to be designed, various matters athe than those stipulated inthis volume shall be examined from the aspect of stress end deformation analysis snd material management. This volume i intended for application mainly to supersrucures of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete bridges; however, it also stipulates the design of nodal joins for application to the horizontal members of rigid frame bridges or other members whose ‘superstructure and substructure cannot be divided distinetly. The design ofthe pier and other columnar members of a rigid frame bridge is stipulated in the Part IV; Substructure. However, the towers of cable-stayed bridges andthe vertical members of arc bridges shall satay the provision of this volume, “This volume is described on the premise of concrete using plain Porland cement and high-early-stength Portland cement conforming t0 JIS R 5210. Therefore, when other types of conrete ae to be used, adequate examination should be performed. This volume consists of chapters common to the design of reinforced concrete bridges and prestressed concrete bridges (Chapter | "General ” and Chapter 7 “Slab”, chapters desribing ‘matters characteristic of individual stuctures (Chapter 8 “Slab Bridges” through Chepter 19 “Other Members", and Chapter 20 “Construction.” Therefore, when applying this volume, application should take place after due consideration of the organization of chapers, 1.2 Definition of Terms The terms used in this volume are defined as follows, (1) Stee Reinforcement and prestessing steel used for concrete structures 2) Anchorage: The device to fix the tensioned prestessing steel 10 the hardened concrete, in 8 prestressed conerete member prepared by the posttensioning method 8) Coupler The device to connect two pieces of prestressng sel or two anchorages (8) Under design lod: ‘The load sate when verifying the structure agains! the allowable stress during and after construction (5) Under ultimate toad ‘The load stale when verifying the safety of the structure against ailure (6) Prestressed concrete structure: Concrete structure prestressed so as not to allow calculated cracking under a combination of lads not considering collision load or the effects of earthquakes, (7) Biecive presess: The prestress given tothe conerete bythe effective tension ofthe pretressing steel (8) Effective tension: Alter presiress is given, the tension acting on the prestressing steel when creep and drying shrinkage ofthe concrete and relaxation ofthe presiessng steel have ended (0) Bifectiveness factor: Elective tension of prestresting stet divided by the tension acting on the presressing steel immediately afer prestressing (10) Apparent relaxation rte of resressing steel ‘The decrease in prestressing steel tension considering the effects of drying shrinkage, creep and the like of eanerete with the time under constant strain, expressed in percentage tothe prestressing steel tension iitlly given. co) a, a3 a4) | (a5) a9, a as) ag) 20) en Amount of se tthe anchorage: ‘The amount of the prestessin stel being pulled in at the anchorage, when anchoring prestressing steel to an anchorage Efetive width In verifying the stresses in Tider or the like, the Mange width that canbe considered ‘nthe design Duct: ‘The hole opened in the concrete in which to place prestressing steel, in 8 prestressed conrete member by the post-tensioning method Sheath A sleeve to form a duct ‘Yield point of see: ‘The yield point given in the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) or the minimum standard value of strength. For prestessing wire and prestresing stand, the minimum value of load for 0.2% permanent strain ‘Tensile strength ofstel ‘The minimum standard value of tensile strength given in the Japanese Industrial Standards (11S). For prestessing wire and prestressing strand, the minimum value of tensile load Reinforcement diameter: ‘The reinforcement diameter given for steel bars for eonerete reinforcement in the JIS Standards Diagonal tensile reinforcement: Reinforcement placed against tensile stresses occurring in the member section due to shear and torsion “Transverse reinforcement Reinforcement placed perpendicular tothe member axis Hook: ‘The portion of reinforcement bent up fr its anchoring o «lap joint, Precast member: (Of the members other than eastin-place conerete members, those members that are fabricated in a fully equipped factory or a yard near the construction site and with ‘equivalent construction conditions 2) cy co es) 26) o 6) o ay with a delayed curing epoxy resin as the grout material beforehand Precast segment method: ‘The constuction method in which a precast member is fabricated in several segments, bbonded with an adhesive and prestressed into an integral body [Extemal tendon strate: Structure made by placing prestressing steel outside the conerete member and tightening itto prestess the member section Deviator ‘The portion to deviate the outer tendon and keep iin position Mix proportioning strength (Compressive strength of concrete targeted when determining the mix ofthe conerete Pregrouted presiessing tel prestressing steel covered with polyethylene tubing, the space between them filled This is the state when the combination of loads stipulated in provision (2) of Setion 2.2 is acting. ‘This is the state when the combination of loads stipulated in provision 3) of Section 2.2 is acting and is used for verfiestion against file Prestessed concrete structure is generally referred to as concrete structure prestessed by prestresing steel In this volume, however, itis defined as concrete stuture prestressed not to allow calculated cracking under a combination of loads not considering collision loads or earthquake effects, as described in thie clause. Thus, it is discriminated from structures (PRC structure and the like) that allow calculated cracking under a combination of loads not considering collision Joads or earthquake effets. For conerete structure, it i difficult to prevent cracking completely duc to drying shrinkage and the lke. The term “calculated cracking” hee is intended not to allow cracking determined by calculation, ‘When prestessing by the pest-tension method, the prestessng ste is pulled in atthe position of the anchorage. This phenomenon is called “set” The amount of set depends on the type of anchorage. When a nutaype or button heade-type anchorage is used, this amount may be neglected. In case ofthe wedge type anchorage, however, itis relatively large (15), (16) The JIS Standards for reinforeed concrete bar, presressing seo! and prestressing wire, and prestessing strand are JIS G 3112, JIS G 3109, and JIS G 3836, respectively (17) In the desig ofthis volume, the reinforcement diameters to be applied are defined for steel bars for concrete reinforcement in conformity with the JI. (18) The diagonal tensile reinforcement placed in a girder is also called web reinforcement. Diagonal tensile reinforcement includes a sirup and bent bat (19) This is hoop ties, stirrups and other similar reinforcement. Hoop tes are placed in a columnar member (20) The hook mage by bending the end of reinforcement through 180 degrees in a semicircular form is called a semicircular hook, the hook bent through 90 degrees is called « rectangular hook, and the hook bent through 135 degrees is called an seute hook, (22) This isthe construction method formerly called the precast block method. (23) The extemal tendon structure is a type of construction made of a concrete member outside of which prestressing stel is placed to prestress the member section, This prestresing ste scaled the external tendon. In contrast o extemal tendon structure, conventional construction is made of a concrete member inside of which prestessing steel is placed and stressed to prestress the member section. This is called internal tendon structure and includes cates with bond and unbond between the prestessing steel and concrete (25) This is the compressive strength of concrete necessary for determining a mix ‘proportioning strength, increased by multiplying the design standard strength by 2 coeflcient beforehand, considering the variation in strength of the concrete aseibable to the friction conditions. (26) ‘This sa stressing material made of prestressing steel covered with polyethylene bing, the space between them filled with a delayed curing epoxy resin, which cures at normal temperature, The epoxy resin is file in the factory beforehand and, afer being cued, ‘secures the bond between the sheath and tension member 1.3 Fundamentals of Design Calculations 1.4 Construction Conditions Assumed for Design (1) The precision of design calculation shall be determined appropriately after full (1) When designing a concrete bridge, the construction conditions shall be considered undersunding of the precision of design conditions and the like. It is the best to appropriately. form design calculations to obtain 3 significant digits, pect ign snmanas (2) When applying the provisions of upto Chapter 19, itis assumed thatthe provisions of (2) Ima design calewston, an analytical theory and analytical model shall be used that can ‘evaluate appropriately the material characteristics of the member, geometrical characteristics ofthe structure, support conditions and the like, according to the load ‘coneltions. 0 @ tis sufficient to ensure 3 significant digits forthe values to be checked atthe final stage ‘of section caleulation on the premise that no ertor is included in the load conditions, ‘design standard values ofthe material, and the methods underlying design caleulation. When treating «statically indeterminate structural system of high order, for example, ‘ote that there are cases where 3 significant digits cannot be ensured when more digits are used in the intermediate calculation, For streses in a concrete member, it suffices 1 calculate to the unit of 0.1 N/mm? for bending stress, 0.01 Nimm for shear sees, ‘and | Nim for the tes in ste! ‘The analysis theories are divided into elastic and inelastic theories based on whether ot not the inelastic characteristics of the material are considered and infinitesimal ‘deformation theory and finite deformation theories based on whether of not the secondary effect due to deformation is considered. For example, linear analysis isa typeof analysis based on elastic infinitesimal deformation theory. In structural analysis, an appropriate analysis theory should be used according to the structural type and the like such asthe material characteristics ofthe structural member (siess-rain curve, creep and drying shrinkage, and material strength), load intensities to be checked (under design load or under ultimate load), girder structure and suspension stusture, and arch structure For the analytical model used in structural analysis, such simplified structural snalytical model may be selected that consists of beams, columns and thet bar ‘members, slabs, shells and other plate members and their connection state, and the conditions of support fom outside the structural system. Chapter 20 are satisfied. Therefore, when it is dificult for a condition of actual constrution to satisfy Chapter 20, that condition shall be considered in the design, 2) Fora concrete bridge its construction substantially affects the safer, endurance and the like, Therefore, itis essential forthe design to satis the construction conditions stipulated in Chapter 20 and consider the ease of constriction, When a construction condition stipulated in Chapter 20 is not satisfied, the structure should be designed to ensure the safety equivalent or superior to the ease where the provisions of upto Chapter 19 are satisfied 1.5 Items to be Shown in Design Drawing In the design drawing and other documents, the necessary matters shall be considered allowing forthe convenience of construction snd maintenance management, ‘Terms and items, which should be described in the design drawing and documents, are defined in Section 1.7 of the Pat I: Common, however especially for concrete bridges, it i recommended that following items are included at last. 1) tems concerning construction © Construction method ® Caleutaton process of design For a presressed conorete structure, there are many eases where structural types difer inthe various stages of constuction, so iti important to verify the safety of the members in each sate, The design ealeulation document shall be prepared so thatthe constructor can fully understand this. @ Arrangement, spacing and concrete cover of steels 2 3) @ Material and ype of steels @® Quality ofconerete ‘The quality of concrete includes the type of cement, mix, design standand strength slump, maximum agarezate size, air content, chloride ions content and others. © _ Position and weatment method ofa construction joint of concrete Since the position and teatment method of placement joints of concrete effect strength and durability, itis desirable to describe inthe greatest detail ‘Material and diameter of sheath Joining method and joint positon of steel, Assumptions and ests of prestessing calculation eee8 Others It is desirable to desribe the grout inlet, outlet, ar vent and other matters related to grouting. Construction conditions assumed for design ‘These describe the mates that ae assumed conditions inthe design of construction sn shall therefore be satistied in the construction ‘Matters elated fo maintenance management considered in design ‘These describe the matters considered in the design of maintenance management and the assumed future maintenance management condition, a4 o @ CHAPTER 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN General Verification of compatibility to the intended use and safety of the structure shall be performed using the combination of loads stipulated in Section 2.2 and in accordance With the provision in Section 2.3, Verification of earthquake effects shall be in scoordance withthe volume and the Part Vi Seismic Design. Investigation of durability shall be performed according tothe provisions of Chapter 5 Provision (1) stipulates ensuring required performance in structural design and provision (2) stipulates ensuring durability. Of the basic principles stipulated in Section 1.3 of the Part I: ‘Common, the certainty and safety of construction, certainty and ease of maintenance ‘management, environmental compatibility, and economic eficeney should be kept always in mind when examining the structural design and durability, and examination shall be petformed to optimize them by making and comparing several structural designs or by other o ‘To ensure serviceability for passengers for safe and comforiable use, i is required that ‘excessive deformations detrimental to serviceabiliy will not occur and vibrations raking the passengers uncomfortable will not over. To ensure the safety of @ structure losing the oad carrying capacity due to flue in a section should be avoided Structural design is work to determine the optimum structural specifications by pesforming design calculation to the satisfaction of these requirements. In the structural design of concrete bridge, making the following two types af verification is stipulated. 1) For the requirement so as not to allow serviceability to lower and ensure the safety of the stricture for that purpose, verifying tha, under the most adverse loads due to Vehicles, pedestrians and others during the period assumed in the design, the stresses occuring in the various members of the bridges are confined toa level at Which the safety of the members can be secured and eracking will not become detimental is stipulated 2) Tocensure the safety of a structure against filure, verifying that the sectional force occurring in each member of the bridges due to an ultimate load greater than the design Joad is less dian the ultimate strength of that member against failure is stipulated. 3) Examination ofthe effects of earthquakes, that is, calculation of the response value and verifying the members against earthquake effects shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Part V: Seismic Design. However, verifying. seismic performance level-l aguinst Level-I earthquake ground motion shall be in scvordance with this volume, (2). This clause describes the requirement to ensure the durability of concrete bridges, and ‘examination shall be performed based on Chapter 5 22. (1) The loads used indesign calelation shall be those described in provisions (2) and (3), (2) The toad combinations of under the design load shall be determined considering the ‘most adverse condition ofthe combinations of loads given in Table 22.1, {G) The load combinations under the ultimate load shall be as follows (@) 1.3% (dead load) +25 (ive load + impact) (©) 10% (dead load) + 25 «(ive load + impact) (6) 1.7 (ead load + lve load + impact) ‘Table 22.1. Load Combinat and Combine icp ods (P) + Spel ads oresponding 1 “ppl bad” (PF) 2 Praia los (P+ Spec loads conesponding 1 “rnp a” (PP) + Eee of temper hangs 3 Prine lads) + Spl loads conesponting “rnc a (PP + Wind od 44 Principal lds (P)+ Spec ons conesponting to “principal ad” (PP) + Mees of tener hangs) + Wad land 7) inp ons (P) + Spi loads eorespodng to “inp land (PP) + Brak oud (BK) init ons (P+ Spi lads comespodng 1 priwpal load (PP) + Collison nad (CO) lous ert ve lead ad pac +e of nto (60) Wind oat 7) Broking lad (8) 10. Ereton bad (ER) i 1 8 8 (1) The combination of loads used in design calculation shall be determined under the design load and under the utimate load. However, fr cable-stayed bridges and other «types on which the effets of lve load, wind load and others are large andthe effets of fatigue ate possible, its desirable wo consider the effects ofthese factors appropriately. (2) This clase gives these combinations of loads likely to set atthe same time that have adverse effet on the structure and its members, Since these combinations have different frequency of occurrence and diferent extent of influence on the structre and its members, this set of specifications stipulates different values of the inorease coeticient for allowable stress according 10 eech combination of loads. When calculating the prestres ina prestressed concrete member, both the prestessing force immediately after prestesing. and the effective prestresing force should be considered, @) This clause stipulates the factor to multiply the loads under the ultimate load and combinations of loads. For the effeets of earthquake ground motion, verification of seismic performance against Level 2 earthquake ground motion is to be performed in earthquake resistant design. Therefore, the earthquake eects are not considered here 188 combination of loads under the ultimate load. For the factor to multiply the loads, its value shal be determined ina probabilistic way considering the variation of each load, variation of construction accuracy, and others [At the present stage, however, suficient data to give a rational value to the ‘multiplication fictor for any typeof load are not avilable, so using the seme value as ‘before shall be used. In a statically indeterminate structure of prestressed concrete, statically indeterminate forces will eur generally due to prestressing frees and ereep and drying shrinkage of concrete, so this should be considered in verifying under the Uulimate load. In this case, in a combination of loads under the ultimate load, these statically indeterminate forces shall be added with the factor taken tobe 1.0 2.3. Verification of Safety for Loads (1) To ensure the sity and the lke ofa structure, is strength, deformation and stability shall be vere. (2) When verityng provision (1), it shall be verified that he stresses occurring in a member under the design lad are not greater than the allowable stess stipulated in Chapter 3 ne a @ @ ® ® When verifying provision (1), it shall be verified thatthe sectional forees oocurring in a ‘member under theultimate load are no greater than the strength When verifying safety and the like isto be conducted in accordance with the provisions ‘of the Chapter 4 and subsequent chapters in addition to the checks stipulated in provisions (2) and (3), provision (1) i deemed to be satistied as forthe basie mates By ensuring that the stresses oveurrng in a member section under the design load are rot greater than the allowable stress, itis possible to design a reinforced concrete Structure so as to prevent excessive cracking and a prestressed concrete structure s0 as to prevent cracking fom occurring. Thus, against bending moment, axial free, shest foree, torsional moment and other sectional forces, verifjing thet the reinforeement tess and concrete stress oocurring in a member section under the design lad, or du to the combination of loads stipulated in provsion(2) of Section 2.2, are not grester than the respective allowable stresses is stipulated. In this volume of specifications, prestressed concrete structure is defined in Section 1.2, that i, itis defined as concrete structure prestressed so as not 10 allow calculated cracking against a combination of loads not considering collision load or the effects of earthquakes. Therefore, when structure that allows ealeulated cracking under the bove-mentioned combination of loads (PRC structure and the like) isto be employed, it should be employed after fully verifying the environmental conditions and filly ‘examining the members to be employed, the allowable crack width to beset, the amount cof prestres oe stressed, and others Under the ukimate foad, the design sectional force due to the combination of loads stipulated in provision (3) of Section 22 acts on a member section. By verifying that this design sectional force is not greater than the sectional ultimate strength, itis possible to prevent bending failure and shear failure of @ member and the failure of ‘concrete and to verify the safety ofthe structure. Thus, for concrete bridges, verifying ‘under the ultimate load, in addition to performing the check in provision (2), is stipulated, and thsi described in Chapter 4 under verifying members. This volume of specifications describes basic matters of design of a concrete bridge and therefore, in designing, related technieal standards and the Hige should be refered to as the need arises. The provisions ofthis volume do not verily fatigue and vibrations due to lve Toad and the like in a direct manner. For fatigue, although adequate knowledge has not been ‘biained about material fatigue strength for conerete road bridges and other structures 2. undergoing many repetitions of Tow stress amplitude, te allowable stress also considers fatigue to some extent, and there are few instances where fatigue has caused problems in conerete road bridges. For vibrations as well, although there is no appropriate live load mode! to verify vibrations, no road surface properties targeted in maintenance management and no allosable vibration level is stipulated at present, there have been no instances reported of vibration causing problems in concrete brides satisfying the allowable stress. As above, fatigue and vibrations do not need to be verified when ‘verifying was conducted according tothe provisions ofthis volume of specifications. ‘Verifying vibrations due to wind shall be conducted according to Handbook of Wind Resistant Design of Road Bridges (Japan Road Assocation, January, 2008) -B- CHAPTER3 ALLOWABLE STRESS 31 General (0) Allowsbie stress shal be the val sulted in Seton 3.210 3.4 (2) Allowsble sees not stilted in Sestins 32 t0 3.4 shall be set based on the tnechanial properties ofthe material nd structure, variation in engi ofthe material fd oes te have salty equivalent or super tothe ses stplaed in provision (1 (9) Allowable stress we in the design ofa conse bridge shal be the value mulled by nincrease coefficient given in Table 3.1.1 scoring to he combination of ads. (8) The allowable tele dress and allowable diagonal tensile sess of the concrete of presressodconeree sete sal not be inerese notwithstanding provision). (8) The allowable sess of prosteted sonore srctire immedi afer presessing shall not be increased, notwithstanding provision (3). (©) Thesllwsbie snes of pressing sel shal be a ale ot gree than 90 perent of toyed point ofthe prestesing sel even inthe ease according to provision). (7) When the wind lo and the effets of earthquakes daring constton are tbe considered erection loads, the increase coef! tll be appropriately determined onsidrng the conditions athe rigging sit, the stuctural ystem during erection and ‘ters otvthstanding the value given in Table 31.1 Table 3.1.1 Increase Coefeent of Allowable Stress Cation this ae, 1) Principal loads (P) + Special loads corresponding to “Principal lad” (PP) 1.00 2) Proll) Spas coendng Wc ea™(PP)TERSual | peau cng ch PFs 0) Spc ID RTE Win |g {Pence ols corjonting Hp a FFs |g temperature changes (7) + Wited Load (W) - Pesca at + Spec ode corensng Pepa PA Rag | loud (BK) - | 13s 5 Pia Spc na apie eana )=CaaaiaaTe)_| 1a [Proc noth nla nina i of igus 0) 130 Wadi a) Eon si 5s oie o ® ° © © Here te allowable stress fora design standard strength not given within the limits of the design standard strength of concrete stipulated in Section 3.2 may be ealelated by Tinea interpolation from te stipulated allowable stresses. ‘The allowable stress of concrete is stipulated 95 value atthe time when the concrete strength has reached or exceeded the design standard strength. When verifying stress is to be conducted before reaching the design standard siength, the allowable stress should be otherwise determined from the conerete strength at that time point. For verifying stress immediately after presressing, however, the allowable stress forthe design standard strength may be use. ‘This clause describes how to set an allowable stress that is not given in Sections 3.210 34. The allowable stress should be set, according to the combination of loads, to appropriately ensure not only safety but also serviceability, endurance against fatigue and steel comsion, and economic efficiency during the design period, considering the structural design assumptions, material strength and its variation overtime, frequency and duration of occurrence ofthe oad to be verified, importance of the structure and member, structural deals, constuction method, and others. For materials of sill higher strength, it is desimble to determine the allowable siess considering not only safety but aso fracture propetes and ensuring appropriate rigidity of the member, and others, For this allowable stress, increasing the allowable stess stipulated in provision (1) ‘considering the frequency and duration of ection of loads is stipulated. The values of the increase coefficient given in Table 3.1.1 afe common to reinforced concrete strueture and prestressed concrete stucture, When increasing the allowable stress, however, it is necessary to pay attention to provisions (4), (5), (6) and (1), OF the values of the increase coeicient of allowable sess shovin in Table 3.1.1, the increase coeficient of 7) “Principal loads other than live load and impact + Effects of earthquakes" i stipulated when verifying seismic performance Level-1 is to be conducted against Level-l earthquake ground motion, For the allowable stress immediately afler prestressing, a value already increased is stipulated considering that it applies t the state fora short period during construction ‘Therefore, it shall not be increased further by an increase coefficient of 9) “Erection Toad” in Table 3.1.1 ‘The allowable stress of prestressing steel may be increased based on provision 3) However, to prevent prestressing steel from yielding under the design Toad, 90 percent ‘ofthe yield point is stipulated as the upper limit of allowable stress of the prestres sted (Of the values of increase coefficient of allowable stress shown in Table 3.11, the value of increase coeticient for 9) “Eretion load” is stipulated when the wind load and the elfects of earthquakes during construction are not considered in the construction load, ‘Thats, the increase coefficient should be otherwise determined when the wind load and the effects of earthquakes during construction are to be considered in the construction lead, Allowable Stress of Concrete For reinforced concrete structure, the allowable compressive stress of conerete shall be the values in Table 3.2.1. For prestressed concrete structre, the allowable compressive stress of concrete shal be the values in Table 3.2.2. ‘When biaxial bending acts on the coneret, the allowable bending compressive stress shall be LO Ninn added tothe value in Tables 32.1 and 3.2.2 ‘Table 321. Allowable Compressive Stress (Nimm*) for Reinforced Conerete Structure a arate usin ee 1) Bending compres ares 7a | wo | 90 2) AN compressive ses ss Les [75 ‘Table32.2_Allowable Compressive Stress (Nimm’) for Prestressed Concrete Strueture le | | 2) For prestressed concrete structure, the allowable tensile stress of eonerete shall be the ‘values in Table 3.2.3, When secondary loads and special loads corresponding to “sevondary load” are considered, the allowable stress of concrete in a prestressed conerete structure shall be the values in Table 3.2.4, When, however, the wind load or the effets of earthquakes during construction are to be considered i the construction load, the allowable tensile stress shall be appropriately determined respective of the values in Table 3.2.4 considering the conditions at the bridging site, structural systems during construction, and others ‘Table32.3 Allowable Tensile Stress (Nimm') for Prestressed Conerete Structure isis sid suena cone — Des snr 8 8 2 sues Fe 1) Tamed air proteins i [as [as [20 | 2) Principal lds te thn ve oadandinat | 0 | 0 Bending 3) Flora op tena | Pinipaondsand_ [2 Flor seh o fo ee a | “rmectnltong” [5 omercasss @ [as 6) Avia se ses > fof. Table 32.4 Allowable Tensile Stress (Nimm?) for Prestressed Conerete Structure when ‘Secondary Loads and Special Loads Corresponding to “Secondary Load” are Considered as sd sng of once Lond Combes 1p loads (F) + Special ins cerepanding "pail lend (PP) Et oftenperatire change) 2) Principal lode () + Special loads comespoding wo “principal a2 | as | 28 | 30 ‘Benting [1 Revianulr ection coopresve [2) Tape erbocsped 3)Anin compressive ses Bending [Reval econ comsprsve 5) Tatapet erbocsiped (Axia compressive sues es | uo | nis | aso -16- (P) + Special lads coresponding to “principal Inad"(PP) Ets ofteupowtrcchngss(T}* Watont | 22 | 25 | 28 | 30 wo “nial nds (7) Spc ess conesponding orcs! ay | a5 | ag | 0 Jad (PP) Brig led) 2 2 3) Penal lead (P+ Specie csp opin load (PF) Cason od (CO) i: ‘Prin lad ote sve lod an pact Eos of 3 ceiaes EQ) Wind ond - ze [2a [6 [2a 8) Erection oad (FR) 22[2s [28 [ae (3) For prestressed concrete structure, the allowable diagonal tensile stress of concrete shall ‘be the values in Tables 3.25. Table 3.2.8 Allowable Diagonal Tensile Stress (N/mm’) for Prestressed ‘Concrete Structure Tia nid sag oso —Beie sind ssn x | «| 0 | Sess pe 1) Gewese ee Priipsioasane |" onomisomnainciose — os | x0 | 12 | a3 ‘Rancid’ |__cored impos [case whre bth shar foe and ‘earl momen eto Be omer Conbinatin oftads | 5) Case where shea oe ale or een eto |) foional moment lone abe 1a | 20 | 23 | 2s colsonadorthe | _cosdeed Z effesof (2) Case whee bth ater fossa stg torlonalmomsntartobeconsidesd | 22 | 25 | 28 | 30 (4) The allowable bond stress of concrete shall be the values in Table 3.26 for reinforcement of 32 mm in diameter ot less ‘Table 32.6 Allowable Bond Stress (Nimm*) Design sandal vnaih | fesse | 21 | 2¢ | ar | ao | ao | so | oo Reiforemest ype Defer Tw [ia [70 [ime [am | amw | a0 (5) Theallowable punching shear stress of concrete shall be the values in Table 3.2.7. ‘Table 32.7 Allowable Punching Shear Stress (N/mm!) Design smd strength of eonerete a [* [2 [2 [wo [| @ Panching hear es oss | 090 [ass | x00 | 120 [340 | a0 (6) Theatlovable wearing sess fener sal be the yl ecu by Eguton 3.2.1 eum (0.25+0.0548) a4 ean withthe conition of = OSes where gig: Allowable bearing stress (N/mm) of concrete Ac Area (mom ofthe effective bearing surface ofthe conerete surface in the case of local loading 4s: Area (mum?) ofthe bearing concrete surice inthe case of leet loading <6ai_Design standard strength (N/mm) of eonerete ais (1) The allowable compressive stress of concrete should be determined considering the design standard strength of the concrete, mechanical characterises specific to the strength, stress distribution in a section specific to the member shape, assumptions in the design, and others. Therefore, the allowable compressive stress of concrete is stipulated differently for reinforced concrete structure and for prestressed concrete structure because Young's modulus ratio of steel to concrete and other assumptions in the design are lfferent between the two types of structure. Large bending compressive stresses occur at the center, ends and other specific portions ofthe member, while axial compressive stress occurs uniformly over the entire length of the member, Accordingly, an allowable stres is stipulated separately for bending compressive stess and for axial compressive stess. When acted on by bending moments from two iretions at right angles at the same time, the portion where the maximum bending, compressive stress occurs is local, so the allowable bending compressive stress may be taken tobe 1.0 Ninn ade to the values in the tables For reinforced concrete structure, values are given for generally used concrete with a design standard strength of 21 Nfawm' to 30 Nim’, Her, the sllowable bending compressive stress stipulated tobe one-third of the design standard strength as before, and the allowable axial compressive stress is stipulated to be one-thinl of 85 percent of the design standard strength, When a eonerete whose design standard strength exceeds the range shown in Table 3.2.1 isto be used its allowable stress may be determined according this method of determining allowable stress; however, when a strength of conerete is higher than the strength generally used for reinforced concrete structure is to be used ts desirable to determine the stress considering its mechanical characteristics aswell For prestressed concrete structure, the generally used design strength is 30 Nin’ and ‘the strength to which high-strength conerete can be made by using a high-performance airentraining water-reducing agent or the lke without increasing the unit content of water is 60 Nimm?, and values in this range are shown. For beam members of prestressed concrete structure using a high-strength concrete whose design standard strength exceeds the range of Table 322 but does not exceed 80 Nimm’, their ‘mechanical behavior has been clarified by experiment. However, such a high-strength concrete requires meticulous contol over a series of fabrication processes sush as appropriate mix setting and mixing transport, placement and curing. In the present ciroumstances, these conditions are satisfied when a precast member fabricated in a factory under stot quality contol is used, Therefore, for precast members fabricated in sucha factory, the design standard stength may bese to up to 80 Nim. -19- ‘The allowable bending compressive stress applied to precast beam members using & high-stengih conerete witha design standard strength of up to 80 Nim? is shown in ‘Table C, 32.1, In the ease of a high-strength concrete with a design strength exceeding 60 Nim, frit allowable tensile stres, increase coefficient of allowable tensile stress, and allowable diagonal tensile stess relevant to the provisions of the second and subsequent clauses and the mesn shear stres thatthe concrete can cary in Section 43:3, the respective values stipulated for the concrete with «design standard strength of 60 Nim? shall be used. This provision was set considering that these allowable stresses and the mean shear stress thatthe conerete ean cary all depend on ‘the tensile strength ofthe conerete, but that very litle increase cane expected of the tensile stength of the concrete where the specified compressive strength exceeds 60 \Nimm’. For the allowable bond stress and the maximum mean shear stress in the ‘concrete in Sections 4.3.4 and 4.4.4, adequate data that ean stipulate these quantities have definitely not been obtained at present, so the values stipulated forthe concrete ‘with a design standard strength of 60 Nim? shall be used to consider on the safe sie. ‘Table C.3.2.1 Allowable Bending Compressive Stress (N/mm) ofa High-strength Precast Concrete Beam Member pte compressive seg af cance s “ m0 | 80 Suess re —— oman om ~[b- Reconguar sion 265 | S00) sneer ress 2)_Tahape or box shape section 33 | 290) on 3) Rectngular sion a_| 210 " ae ‘Taha or box-sape eon maa_| 260 (2) For prestessed concrete structure, i is a principle from the past design a member ‘preventing from brittle failure by allowing tensile stresses to oceur in the member section to some extent and place the tensile reinforcement stipulated in Section 6.5 By sressing somewhat excessive prestess, the allowable tensile stess is determined t0 be somewhat smaller to enhance sufty aginst cracking Item 2) in Table 3.2.3 implies that no tensile tess shall eur inthe concrete to prevent ‘the concrete ffom eracking under persistently acting loads. tem 3) in Table 3.2.3 is @ provision for designing a floor slab, ora provision to suppress occurrence of tensile streses in the prestessng direction to prevent the flor slab from being damaged by ‘racking. Because reinforcement generally cannot be placed atthe segment joint of @ precast segment structure, erack width suppression by reinforcement is impossible ‘Therefore, no tensile stress shall occur in conerete under the design load, and this provision is stipulated by Item 4 in Table 3.23 -20- o o o © For the allowable tensile stress of eoneete ina prestressed concrete structure, the values shown in Tables 3.2.3 and 3.24 shall be used notwithstanding provision (3) of Seetion 3A. ‘The allowable diagonal tensile stress ofa prestressed concrete structure was determined referring to the results of pas loading experiments and others and according to the characteristics of loads ating onthe member inthe same way a the allowable tensile stress. Items 1) and 2 in Table 325 stipulate an allowable value of primary tensile stress to enhance safety against cracking ofthe eoverete. Items 3) and 4) in Tables 3.25 stipulate an allowable value of primary tensile stress to prevent diagonal cracks fiom occuring in the member under combination of loads not considering collision load othe effects of earthquakes. ‘The allowable bond stress between reinforcement and concrete is determined considering the position and direction of reinforcement, reinforcement diameter, and stress slate a the bond surface, in addition to the design standard strength of concrete and the surface topography of reinforcement. When reinforcement of large diameter with respect to the member sectional dimension is used, there may be @ case where the concrete splits atthe anchorage or joint, so the allowable bond stress here is given for reinforcement of 32 mm in diameter or les. Ofte conventional types of reinforcement, round stel bars have boen applied in only a small number of actual superstructure in recent years. Accordingly, the provisions eonceming round steel bars have been deleted Te allowable punching shear stress is determined considering the arrangement of shear ‘winforcement, the extent of diagonal cracks, and safety against shear failure. ‘The allowable bering tess is determined considering the extent of the loaded surface With respect to the bearing surface, number of loading points, foading postion, and others. When verifying the bearing stes, the following shall be noted. Her, iti assumed that the rear face of 4y is reinforced by grid reinforcement aginst tensions occurring perpendicular othe direction of ation ofthe bearing free. 1) The centers of gravity of 4. and Ay should coincide. 2). The width and length of 4, should not reach or exceed 5 times the width and length of As, respectively. 3) When there are many 4s, each 4, should not overlap, -21e whee: Area (am? ofestve bearing urfce (b) Care wher the loc lowe sures re chse and whee the ee dance isinecet Figure C.3.21 Example of Effective Bearing Surface in the Case of Local Loading 33. Allowable Stress of Reinforcement ‘The allowable stress of reinforcement for reinforced concrete structure and prestressed ‘concrete structure shall be the values in Table 33.1 for reinforcement of 32 mm in diameter or less Table 33.1 Allowable Stress (Nimm?) of Reinforcement — Resnlorenen one snd menber ope — sss | sp | spo 1) Pipl en eres ve ad and pact cs 2) Referee ae of llowae resto ese whe callison lead rte ues ofertgsies | Hoo sb and sab Gener member ee Seenotcnsieed nie rides wih spmofi0 | 40 | 4a | a0 #|_ Stmbaton ofa orice 4/5 Reese alos ofall | Pecans one a G|? seesateunlwhenclison | Oe ede wo | 20 | 20 2) aterm edie orcmiqus mins ofa | “Reference ale ofalonabie are to beusd when nt cases 20 | 20 | 200 ‘iceland eno aw | 230 | 290 ‘einfreomen 5) Compressive ses x0 | 30 [30 <2. ‘With reinforcement that i tick with respect to the member sectional dimension, the crack Aistribution becomes poor andthe possibility ofthe concrete spliting atthe anchorage or joint increases, so an allowable stress is given for reinforcement of 32 mm in diameter of les ‘Therefore, these matters should be considered when reinforcement exceeding 32 mm in iameter isto be used in a superstructure. Of the conventional types of reinforcement, SR235 and SD295 have been applied in only a small number of actual superstrctures in recent years. Accordingly, the provisions ‘concerning $R235 and SD295 have been deleted. On the other hand, reinforcement with a ‘yield point higher than that of SD345 is sometimes used in superstractures, Since an increase inthe number of actual applications of such reinforcement in rent years have ed (0 the sccurmulation of technical knowledge, provisions concerning SD390 snd SD490 have been newly added inthis revision, I is expected thatthe use of reinforcement with a high yield Point may be advantageous in some sections (for example, setions near joints of continuous, rigid frame bridges) asa member undergoes a temporary larg loa, such as load caused by an earthquake, The values forthe allowable stress of reinforcement when $D300 or SD490 is used in such a member shall be as given in Table 3.3.1. To take the effets of eracks into consideration, however, it is stipulated that, even when SD390 or SD490 is used for reinforcement, the allowable stress of tems 1) and 2) shall be the same value as for SD34S, 1) To ensure the durability of concrete structure, i is rational to verity thatthe design crack width occurring at the coneete surface is not greater than the exack width allowed with respect to the durability of stel against corrosion, At present however, no calculation method of crack width has been clearly established for various load conditions, bat arrangements and the lke. Therefore this provision is stipulated for design simplicity, assuming that when the reinforcement stess under principal loads ther than live load and impaet is not erate than the value stipulated in Item 1, te concrete surface erack width never becomes detrimental to durability, This value shows the reinforcement stress at which the conerete surface crack width is confined to about 0.2 mm because of the relationship betncen the eracke width occuring in existing structures and design reinforcement stress, and others 2) When collision Toad or the effects of earthquakes are not considered in the combination of loads, the allowable stress shal be inereased according to provision (@) of Section 3.1. This item shows values serving as a reference in this case These values were determined from the requirement that cracking in conerete shall ‘ot expand and become detrimental under repeated loading and no detrimental cracking. shall occur even under the secondary loads and special loxds -B- | | | 2 4 ‘coresponding to “secondary load” and other grounds. On afloat slab and a slab bridge with a span of 10m or les, tive Toads cause wide stress variation and there sre many repeated loads, so they are exposed 10 avery severe load state compared With other general members, and the possibility of detrimental cracking occurring is ‘considered high. Moreover, such a cracking expands under repeated loading and develops into concrete separstion. To prevent this, the allowable stress of reinforcement was reduced from the value stipulated for general members. From this viewpoint, it is desirable for the reinforcement in «floor slab of reinforced ‘concrete structure to have a margin of about 20 Nim’ for an allowable stress of| 140 Nim ‘When collision load or the effets of earthquakes are considered in the combination ‘of loads, the allowable stress is inereased according to provision (3) of Section 3. ‘This item shows values serving as a reference inthis ease. These loads act for & short time, so there is litle necessity to consider concrete creaking or the lke, ‘Thus, the allowable stress of reinforcement was determined taking the yield point ‘asa reference and considering the safety factor in Section 1.7. The values in Item 3) that have been newly stipulated for SD390 and SD490 in this revision were ‘determined in accordance with the provisions on allowable stress that ae requited when the effects of earthquakes are taken into consideration in Part 1V: Subsiractures. Its assumed that reinforcement with such strength may be splied to concrete superstructures as reinforcement that i placed inthe axial direction of ‘the main ginder or the like on the assumption ofits resistance to bending moment ot anil force. On the other hind, for $D390 or SD490 reinforcement that i placed jn a manner as seen inthe placement of diagonal reinforeement that difers fom placement inthe axial direction of girders or tat is plaed inthe axial direction on the assumption of its resistance to torsional moment, the applicability of the evaluation method stipulated in this Part has not yet been sufficiently verified ‘Accordingly, values for such eases are stipulated by taking the conventional yield point of reinforcement into consideration, When biaxial bending acs, the reference values of allowable stress shown in tem 3) in Table 3.3.1 may be inereased by 10 percent except for circular sections. However, the allowable stress of reinforcement multiplied by an increase ‘coefficient shall be not greater than the yield pont. ‘The reinforcing bar lap length or bond length may be calculated considering the yield point of the reinforcement (sce the commentary to provision (4) of Clause oe 665). Ths, the allowable stress of reinforcement was taken tobe the same value as Item 3) when the placement direction ison the axis ofthe girders 5) Compressive reinforcement is constrained by concrete, so there is no need to consider buckling, and iti placed in a compressive portion, so there is no need to consider cracking. For these and other reasons, the allowable stress of reinforcement as taken to be the same value at lem 3) when the placement direction is on the ais ofthe girder. 34 Allowable Stress of Prestressing Steel ‘The allowable tensile stress of prestestng steel for prestressed concrete structure shal be the values in Table 3.4.1 ‘Table 34.1 Allowable Tensile Stress of Prestresing Stel “he vale 0.80 gy 6090 1, tng pressing Taste of 0.80 Tes stength aan) of The value 070 Gu eC 085 Gy, | PESENINB sts 2) tmmedinely ater pressing | Ts av of 0.70 Gy atnmnnionot The value of 0.60 gu 075 G,, | MEINE es 3) Under design ad ichere sale The allowable tensile stress under design load was taken to be 60 percent of the tensile strength of 75 percent of the yield point of the prestessing stl as before when due examination doesnot take place regarding member fatigue ‘The allowable tensile stress of prestressing steel for prestressed concrete stucture was caleulated according to the text of the clause, and results are shown in Table . 3.41 225+ “able €.2441 Allowable Tes tess (Wm) of Presiressing Steel CHAPTER4 VERIFICATION OF MEMBERS ——Titiwoentoes | bunny) wasn | Omran ring pe | tg | aerpresesin | “al 41 Gener Tm [na 0 ApEn Tm 1170 1050 900, ‘SWrRIAL (1) Verification of a member shall be conducted by calculating the sectional forces in surpin tom ins_[ is 0 SMrIL accordance wth the provision (2) an in accordance with he provisions of Sections 4.2 Seal vie mm i a0 0 tose mm so io surnas + syrnns am iso [ian] oo (2) Calin of sectional frees fr use in the verieaion ofa str meer under tom 10 230 design load and ultimate lad sal be based onlnear analysis using a bar member. In Swan nee | 190 168 hiro this cas, for the bending stifiness, shear stiffness and twisting stiffness ofthe member, SWIRIAN Gan win 4 value caleulted taking the ene concrete section tobe effective and ignoring the SWPRIAL (td was) sa0s 90 to20 | steel may be used ame SWFETBN smn win) ETN Tw vo | aa ie suet stang |SWPRTBL(7-tand wi) (1) This provision is stipulated to perform verification concerning whether the member has 178 so 1395, tu | the required performance against loads. That is, itis stipulated that, for a bending | sumnion aime wo [is ie moment, axis fre, shear foe, twisting moment and oer sectional fre, he suru [eda wo [0 v0 reed pefomance maybe roared ssid by veri that, under che design 218 ma so 1200 1080 load, the reinforcement and concrete stresses occurring in a member section due to a. 286 0 1350 1260 8a ‘combination of loads stipulated in provision (2) of Section 2.2 are not greater than the enti | 2 | smonrssioso | 106 ost ss respective allowable stresses, and by verifying that, under theultimate load, the design seat | PE pare a = section force acting ona member seton det the combination of fads stipulated in ce ete 2 “ provision (3) of Sexton 22 snot ret thn the section proof es. 226 Here, verification under the design load should be conducted as to concrete stress, steel stress and other items shown in Table C, 4.1.1 according to whether the object is a enforced concrete structure ora prestressed conerete structure, Verifieaton under the ‘ultimate load should be conducted for the items shown in Table C. 4.1.1 for all structural divisions ofthe member. (2) Concrete is nota perfect clastic body because stress nt linearly proportional strain, However, calculation of sectional forces becomes easier by regarding conerete as an elastic body. Moreover, member designed using such sectional forces does not generally impair safety level compared toa member calculated considering the material nonlinearity, For these reasons, forthe sectional forces used inthe verification of a structural member under design Toad and under ultimate Tod, it was decided that they ‘would be calculated by linear analysis regarding concrete as a perfectly elastic body me ‘The sectional forces occuring in structural member are determined from the stiffness ratio between members comprising the structure, and the magnitude of stiffness itself ‘as litle influence. Therefore it is stipulated thatthe sectional sifness calculated assuming the entire concrete section to be effective for simplicity may be used in the calculation of sectional forces. At the same time it is stipulated that stel in a member ‘may be ignored because it generally has litle influence on the stiffness ratio ofthe member ‘Table C. 4.1.1 Major Verification tems of Structural Members of a Concrete ‘Superstructure against Loads oad Reinforced cont sauce Presresed sssonal force pe sone sts Bening | Conti cree ber ase Con rene ber are nmomeatoe | Allowable compresive sss ‘Allowable compressive and | sil force | avn entrcement ses ‘ene | “allowabe compressive and ses for pressing el | coder ‘en sree ‘Slows ee ses | Secon (sal renforement ess | “we = Allovabe tense sues) ‘Shas es or | Diagonal nie renforcenent rer | Concrete gor eal ses | tsa! | = Allowable tress Allowable goal eile | moment | (Cope shee aees sss | "5 Care shear tress cons) _| rmomeatoc | grein one 5 Ses nu rergh flay i it i) Uns, | lee toed | SHAE" | Sarto & toa tes sb fet ear pt eg omen Dien fr © Sl hina sgh an a se 42 Verification of Member Under Bending Moment or Axial Force 42.1 General | (Verification under the design load of a member to experience a bending moment or | axial force shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2.3 (2) Verification under the ultimate load of a member 1 experience a bending moment or axial force shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.24 (1), 2) For the members acted on by a bending moment or axial force, veritieation under ‘design loa and under ultimate load should be conducted, The items to be verified are ‘generally as shown in Table. 4.161 228 ® e Inthe main verification under design load, the reinforcement snd conerete should be verified conceming ther tensile stress fom the viewpoint of safety and steel corrosion and other durability factors. That is, for a reinforced concrete structure, it should be ‘eritied thatthe reinforcement tensile stress does not reach a tensile stress at which ‘detrimental cracking occurs in the concrete, For a prestressed concrete structure, it should be verfed thatthe concrete tensile stress under a combination of loads not considering collision load or effects of earthquakes docs not reach a stress at which cracking curs, Inthe verification under ultimate load, it shouldbe verified that a flexural failure does not occur in the member, For verification under the ultimate load of statically indeterminate structure, there is @ method that assumes a collapse mechanism of the structure and verifies that fracture is not reached. However, itis stipulated here 10 verify that bending fracture does not occur in any member. Effective Section ‘The effective section of a member under @ bending moment or axial fore shall be Dine fom cnt a empoent soon eso tee o member (mm) For S, ‘ps the component inthe shea force direction ofthe effective prestressing force of the prestresing ste! placed in the axial direction of the member. ‘The component in the shear force direction of the prestressing foree of diagonal or vertical 258 prestressingstel placed as diagonal tensile stet is separately considered as shear strength in Equation C. 43.7, soit should not be included in 5, 2) ings rss el ed vat res el ‘Wnt anont fdr sie nfs mi enews he steht ago ene nd teeny omer nono Gio pl tinct nino conection, th san cn Be el in lasing goal pti enn 4 ets ore th rept he mi of eter re ed nth we a spacing al he Cts hog oft tr re Fig C43. Ih ce heer steagh car yf prearening sel ay bcs by Egon 4.37 ys dnt gfe tardeng bond) (43 cutout whe Sg: Se ag cai by Sagoo ven pening sel pict ping and angle @ 8) deve testes in ges ovr presen eel (Nimm*) ou: Yl goal oe infront Nt) pV int of goal vere preening (Nm) Spacing of agua ever peeing el nai dso of rember) Ge Fw C43.) 6 ey aga veil reo ste!wih aio ember Fie 435) seven tin mene) ra a y Ty 7 eae (ects pears si (vet een Figure C.435 Arrangement of Diagonal and Vertical Prestressing Steel -59- 44 Verification of Members Under Torsional Moment 441 Geners (1) For members greatly influenced by torsional moments, verification under design load shall be performed in accordance withthe provision of Section 4.43. (2) For members greatly influenced by torsional moments, verification under ultimate load shall be perfeemed in accordance with the provision of Section 44.4 (8) The seston used for the verification against torsional moments near a support of & Binder or near a joint of a rigid tame shall be the same asthe section used for the ‘etfcation against shea forces show in Figure 4.3.2 of Section 43. (1), @) Torsional moments are generally divided into equilibrium torsional moments and ‘consistent deformation torsional moments [An equlfrium torsional moment i a torsional moment thatthe member should resist to salisly the balance ofthe entre structural system, Therefore, forthe main girders of a ‘curved structure or a member whose structural system cannot be formed without ‘considering torsional resistance, a check should be performed against torsional ‘moments. In a straight bridge ofa single-box girder, a torsional moment due to live loads has litle influence, so a check against torsional moments generally need not be performed for this type of bridge. ‘A consistent deformation torsional moment is a moment caused by the deformation of a member comprising a statically indeterminate structure, In general, when a disgonal ‘rack occurs in a concrete member, the torsional rigidity lowers and the torsional ‘moment acting on thet member becomes very small, Therefore, the verification under ‘ultimate Toad against consistent deformation torsional moments may generally be ‘omitted, Under design load as well, consistent deformation torsional moments are liberated by the formation of intially occuring cracks, and the minimum amount of reinforcement against shear forces is placed in the member and it suppresses the ‘propagation of torsional cracks, so the verification against consistent deformation torsional moments may generally be omitted ‘Therefore, inthe design of a member under consistent deformation torsional moments, ‘etifcation against torsional moments may be omitted by not expecting the torsional resistance of the member in the calculation. For a Tishaped girder bridge and other =60- rillage girder structures, for example, their members may be designed by conducting analysis ignoring the torsional resistance ofthe girder, Under a torsional moment, 2 warp oceurs in the section by the axial strain and, when ‘this is held, an additional axial stress (warping restrnt stress) occurs. Fora concrete big, however, the members ae thick, so the warp restraint has lite influence and can be dealt with by the reinforcement necessary in the strctral details. Therefore, the effects of warp restraint torsion may be ignored except for an open section of an especially thin member ora curved girder of large curvature. For a member under torsional moments, verification under design load and under imate Toad should be done. In general, the items to be checked are as shown in Table C. 4.1.1 |As & principal verification under design load, the stress in diagonal tensile reinforcement and the diagonal tensile stress in conerete shouldbe checked inthe same ‘way as a member under shear fares from the viewpoint of safety and durability, such as steel corrosion and other factors. That i, for reinforced concrete structure, it should ‘be checked thatthe stress in diagonal tensile reinforcement does not reach a stress value ‘at which detrimental cracks occur in the concrete, and for prestressed concrete structures, it shouldbe checked thatthe diagonal tensile stress in the concrete does not reach a stress valu at which eracks occur {As the verification under ultimate load, it shouldbe checked that diagonal tensile failure ‘or compressive filure of the web concrete will never occur as reslt of a yield of diagonal tensile reinforcement, in the same way asa member under shear forces. For members under torsional moments, they should be checked both of when only the torsional moments act on them, and when the torsional moments and shear fares at on ‘them atthe same time, respectively. For a box-shaped section, a shear force due t0 shear flow occurs in the closed webs and flanges, so check shouldbe performed for both members When torsional moments, shear forces and bending moments actin combination on & conerete member, many points are unclear in terms of the behavior of the concrete rember, and research is now under way. At present, therefore, the amount of reinforcement calculated for each types of sectional forces ignoring the imeraction betwen these types of sectional force may be placed in accordance with he provisions ‘of Chapter 6. Here, i some part of the reinforcement placed against bending moments <6 thas & margin of sress and satisfies the provisions of the placement configuration as torsional reinforcement, this reinforcement may be regarded a torsional reinforcement. ‘Tosional flue of « prestressed concrete structure occurs rapidly unlike a reinforced concrete structure. To prevent this itis best ro place the minimum amount of steels stipulated in Section 6.4 as reinforcement against torsional moments, 442 Effective Section (1) The effetive section against torsional moments shall be determined considering the stress flow inthe setion, (2) When the effective section against torsional moment is calculated in accordance with provision (3), provision 1) is deemed tobe satisfied. (8) Half ofthe effective width ofa flange against torsional moments shall be calculated by Equation 44.1, However, a flange forming 2 box-shaped section shall be taken as ‘holly forming the eetive section. an} [el Ged {in case of -shaped ger ul agi sl eal rap tye yt ” | | el Getta a (b)In case of tox shape girder Figure 441 Half ofthe Effective Width of lange and Effective Section -82- o ° Aaah with the condition for the cantilever: Ay Sie {or the intermediate portion: 2 ¢ hy/ 2 where 4g Half of the effective width of fange (mm) ‘hc Thickness of flange (mm) CCearance between girders (mm) (Overhang length of cantilever slab (mm) ‘A member whose warp is restrained generally resists torsional moments by its Saint ‘Venant torsion rigidity and warp torsion rigidity, For ordinary concrete members, however, the ratio of Saint Venant torsion rigicity to warp torsion rigidity is lage, soit is ordinarily sufiient to consider only Saint Venant torsion rigidity alone, ignoring the effects of warp torsions. ‘The theries applicable to concrete torsons include the elastic theory and plastic thoor. ‘The behavior before the occurrence of eracks can be estimated by the elastic theory, so its suficient to determine the efective section based on the elastic theory. Because the elective section against torsional moments depends onthe shape of the section, the effective section should be determined according to that shape. In the ease of a Tshaped girder section, the flange and web resist torsional moments spproximately independently. The effective flange width of a Fshaped girder against torsional moments is asserted to be 3 to 5 times the flange thickness according to pat studies, and here, considering safety, haf of the effective width ofa flange is stipulated tobe up to 3 times the flange thickness. When the lange thickness isnot uniform, 3 times the mean thickness may be taken. Inthe case of @ box-thaped girder section, the Manges not forming the box-shaped girder section and the box-shaped gitder section resist torsional moments approximately independently. In a box-shaped girder section, a shear flow flows throug the whole circumference of the members forming the closed section, and it resists torsional moments. Therefore the members forming the box-shaped section are all effective The effective width ofa flange not forming the box-shaped section is the same asin the case of « Fshaped girder. 63 443. Veriication Under Design Load o @ It shall be verified under design load thatthe stress calculated in aeeordance withthe provision 2) or (3) from the torsional moment calculated in accordance with Section 4.1 isnot greater than the allowable stress stipulated in Chapter 3. When the eoneete shear stress due to the torsional moment caleulated by Equation 4.4.2 othe sum ofthe shear stress due fo the torsional moment and the mean shear stress de tothe shear force calulated by Equation 4.3.2 is not greater than the value in Table 43.1 the stresses in the reinforcement placed against the torsional moment stipulated in provision (2) need not be verified, (442) Where 5: Concrete shear stress occurting in section of member due t9 torsional ‘moment N/mm’) (Mg Torsional moment aeting on section of member (Nm) Ke Coefficient elated to shear stress duc to torsional moment (um) Suess in reinforcement against torsional moment in reinforced concrete structure By hy Aas Mis (ict) 443) FO. bye hy Ae ‘whore oj: Stress in ransverse reinforcement against torsional moments (Nin?) Ge. Stress in axial reinforcement against torsional moments (Nim) ‘Ms ‘Torsional moment acting on section of member (Nmm) Au Crosssestonal area per bar of transverse reinforcement placed at spacing ‘against orsional moments (mm) ‘Ag, Toal eross sectional area (mm) of axial reinforcement placed in section cof member against torsional moments <4: Spacing (mm) of transverse reinforcement 1, he Width and height shown in Figure 4.4.2 (mm) 64 ) a Concrete diagonal tensile stress in prestressed conerete structures 1), Torsional moment alone adeno) VOR yFt | 2) Torsional moment and shear force ad lero) Vem ay rier (484) where of Concrete gona tensile stress occuring in seton of ember (Ninn) 3: Compresive stress in axial cretion of member (Nim) 2 Compresive stress in axa anversedretion of member (Ninm") 1 Concrete shear sess occuring in section of member due to torsional moments (nm) (se Equation 44.2) 1 Conerete shear stress oceuring in seton of member duc to shear forces Wn) (se provision 4) of Sesion 43.3) I 4 and h, used in Equations 4.43 and 4.46 Because the behavior of a member before the occurrence of cracks due t torsional ‘moments can be estimated by the clastic theory, itis stipulated thatthe shear stress due {0 torsional moments should be calculated by the elastic theory described in the text of the clause. Table C. 4.4.1 shows a caloulation method for Kin Equation 4.42 for ‘general section shapes. This table shows a calculation method for torsional constant J, as reference. In case ofa prestressed concrete structure, th torsional moment at which eracks occur takes a fny lange value compared to non-prestessed members beceus ofthe effects of the presress. However, because thee are unclear points onthe effets of prestessing 65 ® ° after the occurence of cracks due to torsional moments, iis stipulated that the effects ‘of prestresing should be ignored unlike the case of shear forces (se Equation 4.3.2) ‘When torsional moments and sheer forces actin combination, the shear stresses due to these forces may be calculated separately and thet sum may be used for verification, Equation 443 was derived based on a solid truss model consisting of axial reinforcement and transverse reinforcement against torsional moments, in a similar way 0 Equation 44.6, t calculate the strength against diagonal tensile failure under mate load, As with ultimate load, it is stipulated here that the effects of the shear stress and prestress carried by the concrete should be ignored Equation 4.44 is a calculation formula of the diagonal tensile stress used in the verification of « prestressed concrete structure under design load. Considering the effets of the prestess, itis stipulated thatthe diagonal tensile stess should be caleulated ina similar way tothe provision (4) of Clause 4.33. ‘When verifying diagonal tensile stresses ofa Door slab the axial compressive stress at the centroid ofthe floor slab caused by the effective presressing force duc to transverse prestressing may be taken into consideration. ssa Table C.44.1 Values of Kyand J, Sesion ie x i. 7 Ait fg ie . i Atco of sot sie n mf» f=f- 1490 [tao 7a sen 2 | am | one [a ‘sors a [am | ome | 300 = | 30 | ze [a0 0 | 30 | om [am =| aw | are | aio fap ‘hs kmh id Tataped > ati ==]: =| tf tL. Box oh esr nn <6 444 Verification Under Ultimate Load (2) Under ultimate load, it shall be verified that the torsional moment caleulated in sccondance with Section 4.1 is not greate than the strength calculated in ascondance withthe provisions (2) and (3), When the verification under the design load stipulated i Section 4.4.3 finds thatthe conrete shear stress due to torsional moments or the sum ‘of the shear stress due to torsional moments and the mean shear stress duc to shear forces is not greater than the value in Table 4.3.1, the verification against diagonal | ‘ens tue stipulated in provision (3) need not be conduct @) The strength ofa member aguint the compressive falure ofthe web or Range concrete shall be calculated by Equation 44.5 when only torsional moments act. When torsional moments and shear forces act on the seston of member simultaneously, the strength against torsional moments shall be ealculated by Equation 4.45 assuming that the shear fore due o ultimate lad is acting. Mac F mae* Ke 445) Where Mx: Stenth of web or flange concrete aginst compressive fue under torsional moments (Nam) ‘x! Maximum vlue of mean concrete shear stress. When ony torsional moments atthe vale in Io Table 44.1 may be wed, When shear foes ac atthe same time, the vale in Row 2 of Tale 44.1 fom hich the mean conte scar ress deo sh forse under ultimate tod is subracted may be ws Ks Coeficiente to shear ses eo trsions momen (nm?) Table 44.1 Maximum value of concrete shear stress (N/m?) Seal - coroners | a) | ae | ar | a0 | ao | so | wo seeps 1) keteviaroaveioamm | 35 | ag | ae fa faa paw | wo Dhawmecoreemawel Te [ao | ae | aa | ar | os | oo “08. (6) The sng of» menber gist goal tse fell be tesa fhe values calculated by Equation 4.4.6. | Ate b Aae” ta Mout O.8b + hye Aus oy 446) beth Strength against diagonal tensile fulure due to torsional moments (mm) CCrosssectonal area per bar of transverse reinforcement placed at spacing @ against forsional moment (mm) Ax; Tal crose-setional area of axial reinforcement placed in section of| ‘member against torsional moments (mm!) 44: Spacing of transverse reinforcement (mm) 9: Yield point of enforcement agains torsional moments (Nim?) ‘where the upper limit is 345N/ mn? a hs_-Width and height shown in Figure 4.4.2 (mm) @) The behavior of a member after the occurrence of cracks due to torsional moments under ultimate load or in other situations cannot be estimated by the elastic theory because ofthe cracking, However iis assumed that this elastic theory ean be use for the sake of convenience if the strength against compressive filure ofthe web or Nange concrete isto be calculated. In this case, the maximum value of concrete shear stresses is just an apparent value and is used to check the web or flange against compressive failure under torsional moments or under torsional moments and shear forces in combination Within the limits ofthe specified compressive strengths stipulated in Table 441, he maximum mean conerete shea sess fora speifed compressive strength nt given in this table may be calculated by lina interpolton fom te stipulated maximum values of mean concrete shear suess. When a highstengih concrete with a spesifed compressive strength exceeding 60 Nim? i to be used, the vale stipulated fr the concrete with a specified compressive strength of 60 Nim in Table 4.4.1 should be sed 8) Ina calculation ofthe strength against diagonal tensile fllure under shear fores,shest force, that the concrete can carry and component S, of presiresing stel tension in the iretion of shear forces shouldbe considered (see provision (3) of Clause 43.4). The 0 45 « ® @ strength against diagonal tensile failure under torsional moments, however, has not heen clucidated as adequately as the case of shear forees, In addition, it has been clarified by past studies thatthe behavior ofa prestressed concrete structure after eracking due to Torsional moments is similar fo the case of reinforced concrete, Therefore, itis assumed that only the transverse and axial reinforcement contributes to the strength sgainst diagonal tensile failure under torsional moments. In this ease, bonded Drestressingstel that canbe regarded as torsional steel may be taken into account after converting it int its reinforcement equivalent. The contribution of the use of $D390 and SD490 reinforcement as axial and transverse reinforcement to torsional strength against torsional moments has not been clarified ‘Accordingly, its stipulated thatthe upper limit ofthe yield point of reinforcement shall, ‘be 345 Nimm2, the same value as forthe yield point of SD345, Equation 4.46 was derived based on a solid truss model consisting of axial and transverse reinforcement agains torsional moments and it gives a value on the safe side for the amount of balanced reinforcement or less and can be applied in the general, practical range. Its desirable thatthe amounts of sxial reinforcement and transverse reinforcement per unit length of the member are the same; however, tis understood {om past studies that there i tle influence on torsional strength if they lie within the "ange given by Equation C. 4.4.1 2 Arlt) dys a T= 1.8 4a Axial reinforcement and transverse reinforcement both resist torsional moments ‘Therefore, even if more than necessary reinforcement is placed in one direction, the stregth is determined by the reinforeement in the other direction. Thus, for ‘reinforcement sgainst torsional moments, itis best to place an amount inthe range of Equation C. 4.4.1, Verification for Bond Between Reinforcement and Concrete For members whose reinforcement and concrete are supposed to behave as a single body, at appropriate bond shall be ensured between reinforcement and concrete, When the verification forthe bond is performed in accordance with provisions (3) and (4), provision (1) is deemed tobe satistied. ‘The bond stress benween the main axial einfocement and the conerete under design load shall be verified to be not greater than the allowable bond stress stipulated in Table 3.2.6, 210+ , (4) The bond stress between the muin axial reinforcement and the conerete shall be caleulated by Equation 4.5.1. 1.155, noe (45.0) where 1): Bond stress between reinforcement and concrete (N/mm") 5 Shear force considering effects of changes ineffective height of member ON) (ee 43.) Us Total sum of peripheral length of enforcement (nn) Effective height of member (mm) (5) When bent bars and stinups are to he used additionally to carry shear frees, Sy in Equation 4.5.1 may be taken ata half ofits value, (5) When the mean eonerete shear stess occuring in the section of member under design load exceeds the mean shear stress that can be carried by the eonerete, stipulated in ‘Table 43.1, and diagonal tensile reinforcement sitisfying the provisions of Sections 3.3 and 4.3.4 sta be placed. 46 Verification Against Punching Shear (1) When a concentrated load acts on thin member from out of plane, the safety of the concrete shall be ensued agaist punching shear failure @) When the verifcaton for punching shear failure is performed in accordance with ‘provisions (3) and (4), provision (1) is deemed tobe satisfied, @) The punching shear stress in conerete under design load shall be verified to be not _greaterthan the allowable punching shear stress stipulated in Table 3.2.7 (4) The punching shear stress in the concrete shall be calculated by Equation 4.6.1 (46) where 5 P: Load Qn) Punching shea stress (Nm one 2. Circumferential length of the load distribution shape on the section, projected at en angle of 45 degrees onto plane ata distance of half of ‘the effective height of the member (mm (se Figure 4.6.1) d+ Biestive height ofthe section of member (nm) ae ented eotce NO dq Ty eo t ZZ (2) Cee atten (eyRecmn ton Figure 4.61 How to Take b in Equation 4.6.1 ‘The verification for # floor slab against punching shear due to live Toads need not be performed when the Moor slab thickness siisies the minimum total thickness of slab stipulated in Section 7.3. However, when a lage concentrated load sets on the floor slab ‘uring construction, a floor slab directly supported on columns or other thn components may fail under a concentrated load as if punched in a conieal or pyramidal shape fiom around the loaded ares, In such case, therefore, verification should be performed against punching shear n CHAPTERS EXAMINATION OF DURABILITY 51 General Inthe design of a conerete member, the effets of age-related deterioration shall be taken into consideration In the design of a concrete bridge, consideration should be given to ensuring adequate durability against age-related deterioration. Especially, an examination of durability should be performed so that the required performance is nat impaired by damage accompanying concrete degradation, steel corrosion and the like AAs ageelated deterioration of concrete members, neutralization, stel corrosion accompanying. the intrusion of chloride ‘ons, freezing and thawing fet, concrete degradation accompanying chemical erosion, and fatigue due to live loads and the like must be taken into consideration, When these actin combination, the effect of combination must also be considered. At present, however, the technique that can be verified the effets of ‘combined action into consideration has not been established adequately, soi is important to design considering the deterioration of existing structures In this chapter, Section 5.2 describes salt damage based on technical knowledge gained sofa because damage eppears markedly in the concrete members of road bridges. An examination of durability against the other factors, thet is, neutralization, freezing and thawing effect, and chemical erosion can be omited in general by satisfying the provisions {for materials and execution of works stipulated in Chapter 20 and others. However, when the environmental conditions are especially severe or when other than the provisions for ‘materials and execution of works stipulated in Chapter 20 are followed, it is desimble to perform an examination refering to the “Stadatd Specifications for Concrete (published by Japan Society of Civil Engineers in March 2008)" and other materials tis desirable to take waterproof measures in order to minimize damage dusing he in-service period because in some cases water and chloride ions invading through anchors, grout injection hoes or the lke cause damage to conerete members. [As for examination for fatigue, because there are few cases where fatigue hes posed a problem asa concrete bridge, itis stipulate tht an examination fr fatigue may be omited in _geneal by conducting the verification of the members in accordance with the provisions of ‘Chapter 4, However, for structures and eable-stayed bridges with no actual performance “3 data, ths shouldbe appropriately considered ifthe effets of Fatigue du to live lads ofthe likes of concern, 52 Examination for Salt Damage (1) Concrete structures shall be made to ensure thatthe required durability i not impaired by salt damage. @)_ In the region shown in Toble $2.2 and Table $2.1, provision (1) are deemed to be satisfied by taking the minimum concrete cover atthe value shown in Table $2.1 ot ‘over or by taking other measures ‘Table $2.1 Minimum Concrete Cover against Effects of Sat Damage nm) ‘Smastae (i) Fasaqyaaie—[G) Prewened —[G) Renied pestessed cencrte oes sev comor\| — Bonree Sscteesoher | sree Sfrateyamags\ Seeks snore fan (1) Sevenly kee’ [8 7 T w 10 ised T 3s # 70 1 ‘Novas Susy Clause 65.1 Conrconerfitel "Une some reinforcement or vse conrt pun in aon, TableS2.2 Regions Affected by Salt Damage ‘Severe ofeakdamape and Regina cas of mesures sana a “measures, Severity ‘se DS Ta a | Okinawa |thestorine S__| Severely feed Sie [Gaia aaaetpesoam | Range cer than the above 1 ete Sas. amr . | St Ete ubteS23[Eyceding 30 meter ba p 0500 ets _[ Bese 500 ces bat wp 070 meters Above se vel ad wp 20 meta fon a [eae S| severety ated jog OUT UpOSOeR | —T seen 5 mete bt opt I ete | IE Arts Exceeding [005 bl wp 200 ete | Artec Regios other © | tate above me é oats (hearth shaane ccng SMereson stove) Figure 521 Regional Division by Severity of Salt Damage ‘Table 52.3 Regions Belonging to Regional Division B Tn okie, Rabu Rake, Ritie-do, Wallan iy, Storm, Toyobo an Horabechot Soy Sbpretectae, Rano Subpretetue, hk Supra, shied Subp, Hama Siete, and Masumsccho Yue of stima Supe. In Acme Prefecture, Imabetst-machi,Stogsham machi HigatiTaugagu), lseTaugan-gun, NiTowgangun, Gosjepnvara Ciy, Mus iy, Taga Ci, Minaya Oramch sa Sa Akin Petcare, Yamagata Prefs, NigataPrefcure,Toyama fete, hihava Peete, ‘su Fula Preaeure “15 o @ For a concrete bridge constructed in a region where there is concem about stel corrosion accompanying intusion of chloride ions, its conformance as to safety and ‘intended use canbe verified by considering the envionment and ar-bome saline matter a te bridging site, degree of penetration of saline matter, concrete quality, shape and the lke ofthe concrete bridge and checking that the chloride ion concentration isnot treater than the threshold concentration for the occurrence af steel corrosion at the Position of the steel during the period assumed in the design. In this case, itis necessary to grasp the airborne saline content at the bridging site and the saline penetration coefficient of the concrete. In sdktion, the chlorides supplied to the coneretesurfce include the chloride spread as «road surface ant-fieezing agent (snow melting agen) in addition to the chloride bome from the sea, Accordingly, for a bridge on which 2 road surface ant-feezing agent willbe used or a bridge adjacent to such a oad section, it is desirable to perform an examination considering the intrusion of chlorides due to leakage of road surface drainage, splashing by vehicle, and the like, For plain concrete, sce! corrosion due to chloride ion intusion does not occu, so this examination is not necessary. ‘The salt damage to conerete bridges generally occurs more on T-ginder and T-gieder bridges than on slab and box-girder bridges. As forthe structural paris, damage is ‘often seen at the comers of the lower flange. Therefore, for the siructure to be insusceptible to salt damage, i is desirable to consider reducing the number of comers and reducing the area of st deposition to as small as posible. Near the comers itis ‘desirable to consider bar arrangements that allow a thick concrete cover by taking the radius of the ber curvature at a large value. For a concrete bridge on which salt damage is of concer, it is necessary t take measures so thatthe damage is minimal in the period assumed inthe design, Measures aginst salt damage include an inerease in ‘concrete cover, use of costed reinforcement and coating ofthe conerete surface, and these methods have many instances of use. In addition to the method based on electrolytic protection, the following protective components have begun to be employed: stainlesssteol reinforcement, for which JIS Standards has been established; non-ferrous sheaths for prestressed concrete structures; and coated prstessing stels, ts importan to sufficiently examine factors that influence dursbility, such as excess oF deficiency of protection curent in eletrolytic protection, management of the amount of protection curent, end corrosion due fo contact between dissimilar metals, as well as t0 take salt damage protection measures based on examination resus, When using epoxy’ resin-coated reinforcement, it is desirable to refer to “Recommendation for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures Using. Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel Bars (Revised Baiton)”(lapan Society of Civil Engineers, November, 2003). -76- This provision stipulates the same conventional value forthe minimum concrete cover, ‘which is based on the “Guidelines for Salt Damage Prevention Measures of Highway Bridges (Deaf) with Commentary” (Japan Road Association) and research results for the effects of increasing concrete cover. Tables $2.1 and 5.2.2 were determined based ‘on the results of nation-wide surveys of sctual salt damage conditions and st-borne salt, content conducted in the past, and experiments of salt penetration into concrete, assuming a design target life of 100 years. The depree of salt penetration into eonerete depends on the water-cement ratio of the concrete, so Table 5.2.1 assumes the ‘watercement ratio to be the respective values in Table C. 5.2.1 ‘Table C.52:1 Assumed Water-cement Ratio 1D Fason-mde ——[G) Prewencd | 6) Renfoad sete prtoedeencete | conerestucures | coerce Ens here osc Assumed water-ement ato 30% o% sor [Because the relationship between specified compressive stength of concrete and the ‘vater-cment rato depends onthe ageregstc, sump and other factors in some cases, this must ‘be appropriately considered when assuming the minimum concrete cover. When a concrete ‘using a cement other than ordinary Portland cement or high-carly-strengh cement is to be used or when a concrete witha large water-cement ratio isto be used, examination should be performed separately. ‘The regional division shown in Table 5.2.2 was newly stipulated by amending the lasses of ‘measures stipulated in the “Guidelines for Salt Damage Prevention Measures of Highway Bridges (raf) with Commentary” (Japan Road Associaton) based on results of surveys and studies. The classes of measures may be changed by one level considering the topological, meteorological and hydrological conditions at the bridging site and the conditions of salt damage 10 concrete structures in the neighborhood. The names of the regions shown in ‘Table-S.2.3 reflect the changes in their names due to mergers among cities, towns, and Villages, as well as otber activites. Though the names differ, the target regional divisions have not been changed from the previous target divisions. Ina concrete bridge its desirable to limit the concrete cover ofthe outermost reinforcement tw about 70 mm to prevent an increase in dead Toad end the progress of eracks. Factory-made prestressed concrete structures are good with respect to quality control and superior in concrete quality to other members, soit i stipulated that their cover should be smaller than that of ther structures, In general, factory-made presiessed conerete structures 1. tre applied to prestressed concrete girders manufactured using the pretensioning method, This is because previous inspections of actual bridges showed that, although they have smaller cover than concrete girders manufactured using the post tensioning method, prestressed concrete ginders manufactured using the petensioning method installed in coastal seas suffered salt damage in only a small number of cases, Since the pretensioning method for factory manufacture requires early strength development, the water-cement ratio is ocreased to achieve relatively high concrete strength, Consequently, this process produces highly Gumble concrete, and cover size is relatively well controlled, When segment structures manufactured using the postensioning method satisfy the same conditions, they may be repatded as fctory-made prestressed concrete structures. For Class of measures S and Class of measures I for (3) reinforced concrete structures a the severity of salt damage, it is shown that increasing concrete cover alone is not sulfcient as a ‘measure against salt damage. In tis ease, it s necessary to use coated reinforcement or use ‘concrete coating. in addition, By using coated reinforcement or concrete coating, salt penetration can be prevented and the severity of salt damage can be reduced. At presen, however, ther salt blocking effect, durability and other properties have not necessarily been ‘etified, soit is desirable to inerease the minimum concrete cover in conformity with Table 52.1 even if they are used. When « method using stainless-steel reinforcement or other method is applied before the effectiveness of its durability and other properties have been sufficiently verified, itis desirable t increase the minimum conerete cover in accordance with Table 5.2.1 inthe same manner as in cases where examinations reflecting site conditions and findings of other investigations have not been performed, In general, the location of the shoreline shown in Table 5.2.2 refers to the location of the shoreline shown in Figure C. $2.1. When the shoreline is unclear because there are no shore-protection or other structures to define the shoreline, the land-side boundary line ofthe shore protection area, which is defined in the “Design Manual for Coastal Facilites” {published by the Japan Sovety of Civil Engineers in November 2000), may be regarded to be ‘he shoreline. o18- Sea aes Low-water line “Mean high-water evel Mean wrwaterTevell 7” Shoretne i ‘Shore-protection or other structures Figure C. 521 Location of Shoreline “1. CHAPTER 6 SHAPE AND STEEL BAR ARRANGEMENT. 61 Scope of Application ‘This chaper i applied to shape and steel bar arrangement of a concrete bridge. ‘This volume sipulates common stractral details, suchas shape and steel bar arngement, of concrete bridge. Therefore, when applying Chapter 7 “Slab” through Chapter 19 “Design ‘of Other Members,” related regulations stipulated in each chapter should alo be referred, ‘This chapter deals with superstueture in the main, so there is no desription of structural etal considering plasticization under Level 2 earthquake ground motion. Inthe design of members considering plastic deformation, itis especially important to make plastic hinges ‘wih sufficient deformation performance form under a repeated losd. For this purpose, the design is required to allow the concrete to exert its resrining effect tothe full. Such structural details of members are stipulated in the Volume IV: Substructures and the Volume V: Seismic Design, 62 General In designing « concrete bridge shall be designed considering the followings; (I)measures to prevent damage t© members, ()attetion that strctural weak points do not ‘or, @)einforeing methods forthe supposed weak points, (4onstuetion method "Needless to say, only structural calculation isnot enough to consider inthe design of concrete bridges, Other relevant matters forthe design of concrete bridges ar; |) Verification ofthe premises for the assumptions for the structural elevation, il) Ease of construction work, it) Measures to prevent damage othe structure due to secondary and local stresses that are

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