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The 5 most common types of meditation — and

how to choose the best type for you (Sara Shah) 1 day ago    

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© fizkes/Shutterstock Different types of meditation can work for different people. fizkes/Shutterstock

There are many types of meditation, and we've collected the five
most common practices to help you get started.

Mindfulness, body scan, and loving kindness are three of the easiest
types of meditation for beginners — they each include sitting and
breathing, while directing your focus to a different anchor.

Other types, like walking or transcendental, have slightly different

styles, and may be helpful to try if the first threePrivacy
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This article was medically reviewed by David A. Merrill, MD, PhD,
psychiatrist and director of the Pacific Brain Health Center at Pacific
Neuroscience Institute at Providence Saint John's Health Center.

Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.

Practicing meditation can help you focus and feel more connected to
the present moment. In doing so, you can also benefit your health by
lowering stress, achieving higher self-awareness, and improving your
tolerance for pain.

There are many different types of meditation. In this article, we explain

five of the most common types and the benefits they offer.

Mindfulness meditation
To put it simply, mindfulness meditation is the basic act of being aware
— or mindful — of what you are doing in the present moment. For
example, you could be practicing mindfulness while you are walking
 your dog, brushing your teeth, or washing your dishes.

That would mean you are 100% involved in the activity you are doing
— and not thinking about any distractions, stressing about the past, or
worrying about the future.

However, many people may struggle with this. That's why beginners
often start out with a more formal mindfulness meditation.

This practice involves setting time aside to sit and focus on your
breathing, and it can be as little as five minutes each day. Just find a
chair, couch, or spot on the floor where you can sit comfortably, close
your eyes, and focus on your breath.

© Skye Gould/Business Insider Skye Gould/Business Insider

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A common misconception is that mindfulness meditation involves not
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erasing all thoughts is
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impossible. Instead,
learning how to meditate is about being able to redirect your thoughts
when you get distracted, and come back to your breath rather than be
carried away by distractions.

Once you're able to do this while practicing mindfulness meditation, the

skills can translate to daily life, and you'll be able to stay more fully
present for any activity, whether it's dog walking, dish washing, or
something else.

By improving your ability to focus in the moment, what you're actually

doing is training the brain to become less affected by stress. According
to the American Psychological Association, mindfulness meditation
improves emotional regulation in the brain by decreasing amygdala
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reactivity. The amygdala is the part of the brain that controls the "fight
or flight" response.
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