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Nama Guru : _______________________________________________

NIP : _______________________________________________

SMA/MA : _______________________________________________
UNIT 1 Tony : (4) So we are neighbor, I live at 15.
LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF Lyra : Really ? That’s good. (5) Can I visit you
Lesson 1
Tony : Yes, of course.
Lyra : By the way, do you have a sister at
Task 1
(Listening Script)
Tony : (6) No I don’t have it, I am an only
Man : Hello, I am Dan. (1) What is your
child, how about you ?
Lyra : (7) Yes I have a sister, She is very cute
Woman : Oh hello Dan, my name is Tina (2)
and adorable.
nice to meet you.
Tony : Really ? I really like the little ones.
Man : Nice to meet you too Tina. (3) Where
Lyra : You can meet my sister just come to my
are you from?
house later.
Woman : I am from West Java. (4) How about
Tony : Yes surely I will go to your house later.
Lyra : By the way What is your hobby?
Man : Wow that is far. I am from (5) Solo,
Tony : (8) My hobbies are football and
Central Java. What are you doing
basketball. Because I love sports. And
Woman : (6) I want to enter Indonesian
Lyra : (9) My hobby is cooking, because my
International Senior High
mom also likes to cook.
Tony : Very good, I like it.
Man : Same as me then, everybody said
that this is the number one school in Lyra : I think enough. (10) See you later
this town, (7) Where do you live? Tony.
Woman : (8) I live at Slamet Riyadi Street, Tony : See you later too Lyra.
with both of my Uncle and Aunt.
What about you, where do you Speaking
live? Task 1
Man : I live in Orange Road, West Nayu 1. At the school
Woman : Oh, I don’t know where it is, I am still 2. Two persons
new here 3. A cooking book
Man : It’s fine Tina, I will give you some 4. Yes, he is
tour if you want 5. Yes, they are
Woman : You’re right, I hope we can pass 6. She live in Rose Street No.15
the test and enter the Senior High 7. He live in Rose Street No. 17
School 8. He want to cooking together with Dian.
Man : I hope so. Ok, I should get going
Tina, (9) Nice to see you Task 2
Woman : Nice to see you too Dan. (10) Good The students perform the dialogues in front of
Bye the class.

Task 2 Task 3
(Listening Script) The students make a dialogue using the
Tony : Hello, my name is Tony. (1) What is your situation, which provided in the textbook.
Lyra : My name is Lyra, (2) nice to meet you Lesson 2
Tony. Reading
Tony : Nice to meet you Lyra, by the way,(3) Task 1
where do you live? 1. Ayu Dian Oktarin.
Lyra : I live in Jl.Murakata no 17. How about 2. Lampung.
you? 3. She live in Bandar Lampung City.

2 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

4. She has wavy hair and blue eyes. Competence Test
5. Fisherman. A.
6. Her hobby is cooking. 1. Answer: C
7. Cat. The suitable answer to fill the blank is the
8. Tom. words “live”
2. Answer: D
Task 2 The suitable answer to fill the blank is the
1. Ayu Dian Oktasari sentence “He is 65 years” it’s because the
2. Bandar Lampung city, at Slamet road questions is asking about the age of Sammy
No.29 Grandfather.
3. Bhineka Tunggal Ika Senior High School 3. Answer: B
4. 15 years old The suitable respond to fill the blank is “I’m
5. Muhammad Ali fine” it is because Tony asking Rico, about
Diyah Pitaloka his condition.
Melati 4. Answer: D
6. Adventure, Reading book, sleeping The suitable respond to fill the blank is “Nice
to meet you too”
Task 3 5. Answer: B
The students read the email carefully. The suitable words to complete the sentence
is “My name”
Writing 6. Answer: C
Task 1 The suitable expressions to introduce our
father to our friends is “My father’s name is
The students, observe one of the text in reading
Mr. Abdillah, He is a technician”
section and write down any kind of pronouns
7. Answer: B
that they found.
The suitable respond to fill the blank is “Hi,
pleased to meet you”
Task 2
8. Answer: E
1. I
The suitable respond to fill the blank is
2. You “How are you?”
3. You 9. Answer: D
4. She The word “parting” in Indonesian means
5. They “Mengucapkan perpisahan”
6. It 10. Answer: A
7. He Elizabeth’s hobbies is reading book and
8. She playing piano
11. Answer: B
Task 3 The suitable words to fill the blank is
The students make a simple dialogue like the “Live”
example. 12. Answer: A
The suitable words to fill the blank is “My”
Activity 13. Answer: C
Activity 1 The suitable words to fill the blank is “Is”
The students make a dialogue using the situation 14. Answer: D
provided in the text, or they can make their own The suitable words to fill the blank is “Are”
introducing text with their own creativity. 15. Answer: B
Activity 2 Tony’s mother professions is a Book
The students make introducing text explaining editor
about himself and his family.

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 3

B. 4. Reyna : I saw your (1) performance on
1. Himself TV yesterday. Well done Ana, you
2. Ours look (2) incredible.
3. No one Ana : Thanks. I worked hard to (3)
4. Myself prepare everything.
5. His 5. Angie : (1) That is the nicest dress I’ve
ever seen.
6. These
Recca : Oh, not really.
7. Her
Angie : Where did you get it?
8. Its
Recca : (2) My mom made it for me.
9. Himself
10. Her Task 2
(Listening script)
Remedial Dear (1) Anthony,
1. It is a Student Card (2) Congratulation for your (3) Bachelor
2. Indra Arjuna Wibisana degree graduation, I am sorry I cannot be
3. He is 14 years old there to congratulate you directly. Be more (4)
successful in your career and happy in our
4. Playing football and listening music
family. There is a special gift from me, I know it
5. He is attended at Taman Siswa Senior High
is not worth it too much, but I hope you like it.
(5) Sincerely yours,
Enrichment Angie
The students identifying his/her classmate at 1. Greeting Card
least 5 classmate, then they should present the 2. it’s about congratulating for someone
result into a table! success
3. Angie
UNIT 2 4. Anthony
CONGRATULATIONS! 5. “Gelar Sarjana”
Lesson 1
Task 1
The students practice the dialogue carefully
Task 1
(Listening script)
Task 2
1. Rio : Look what I’ve bought. It’s a cell
The student’s listen to their friends practicing
the dialogue.
Dino : (1) That’s nice. I’d like to have it
too. Where did you buy it?
Rio : I bought it in (2) Advance Task 3
Electronic store 1. Two persons
2. Brayn : (1) I like your shoes. 2. C o n g r a t u l a t i n g p a s s i n g n a t i o n a l
Hendra : It’s (2) nice of you to say so. examination
Bryan : Where did you buy it? 3. Erick
Hendra : I bought online at (3) shoes 4. Jaka so happy because, he passed the
addict shop. National Examination.
3. Alvin : I must (1) congratulate you, after 5. Dario said congratulation for Jaka’s
winning the trophy and (2) top graduation.
score award. 6. At Sebelas Maret University
Marco : (3) Thank you.
Alvin : Can you give me some tips, so I Lesson 2
can be a football player as good Reading
as you ? Task 1
Marco : Well, nothing special, what you Students read the letter carefully.
need to do is just train hard and
focus in every match

4 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

Task 2 2. Answer: B
1. Wayne From the dialogue above, we know that
2. Because he is waiting for the announcement Dinar and Angela is talking about skirt.
of the winner of August 17th short story 3. Answer: B
writing competition From the statement of the text “Wow, that
3. Announcement of Sack race winner is a nice skirt Dinar, is it new?” we can
4. T h e w i n n e r o f M a k a n K e r u p u k conclude that the one wearing the new skirt
Competition is Dinar.
5. Wayne
4. Answer: D
From the dialogue above, we know that the
Task 3
one who gave Dinar’s skirt is her mother.
Students read the speech carefully.
5. Answer: A
Task 4 From the text statement “No Angel, my mom
1. My beloved friends, and Dear ladies and made it for me as a birthday gift.” We can
gentlemen. conclude that Dinar’s mom made it because
2. It is a formal greeting it is for her birthday gift.
3. In the first paragraph 6. Answer: D
4. Congratulating speech From the text above we can conclude that
5. On behalf of the guests and myself too as the dialogue happen between two persons
friends, allow me to say congratulation for which is Eddy and Anthony.
your married. 7. Answer: C
The answer is base on the statement inside
Writing the dialogue above “Congratulations on
Task 1 being choose as a national taekwondo
Dialogue 1 athlete which representing Indonesia
1) You look charming in that white gown. in ASEAN games, Anthony” from the
2) What a gorgeous boy! statement we can conclude that Eddy
3) Congratulations on your birthday congratulating Anthony because he is one
4) Thank you of the taekwondo athlete who represent
Indonesia in ASEAN Games.
Task 2 8. Answer: B
Students read the letter carefully. Base on the sentence structure in the
dialogue above, the sentence which
Task 3 contain the congratulating expressions
1. Athena is “Congratulations on being choose
2. Congratulating for Andy success as a national taekwondo athlete which
3. Andy good at running and training representing Indonesia in ASEAN games,
4. He is from Liverpool Anthony”
5. John Lennon 9. Answer: C
From the statement in the dialogue above
“Ok, the tips is only, exercise every day,
Activity 1
practice every day, and work hard” we can
The students make a dialogue which expressing
conclude that “Practice every day” is one of
congratulating and compliment.
Anthony’s tips for Eddy.
Activity 2
The students choose one of his or her classmates 10. Answer: B
and practice the dialogue that they have made From the dialogue above, we know that
in Activity 1 in front of the class. Anthony spend 3 hours of his time to
practice every day.
Competence Test 11. Answer: C
A. From the text above we know that, the letter
1. Answer: C is intending to congratulate Aryo for his
According to the text we know that, the wedding.
dialogues is between Angela and Dinar.

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 5

12. Answer: C Ryan : What is it about?
The sentence which expressing Belinda : I think I am going to hold birthday party
congratulating is “We want to congratulate in our class in this year.
you on your upcoming wedding” it’s because Ryan : Sounds nice
there is words “Congratulate” inside the Belinda : Really, you think it will be working
sentence. right?
13. Answer: A Ryan : Yeah. But what is the purpose of that
From the text statement “Congratulation party?
Angelica” we can conclude that the essay Belinda : I am just thinking that, it is a good
which in first place in national competition idea to gathering all of our class
is “Angelica”. members.
14. Answer: A Ryan : I think it would be nice if we also make
The sentence which expressing some compositions.
complimenting in the text above is “You
Belinda : Ok, now I need to have permission
are a good example of how commitment
from head master.
and hard work pay off”
15. Answer: C I need his permit to use classroom and
From the text statement “Love April” we talk to our homeroom teacher
know that April is the one who sent the I will ask her to come and participate
congratulating letter for Angelica. in that party.
Ryan : Is there anything that I could do?
B. Belinda : We also need to make permission
1. Rafi letter to give to our parents.
2. Congratulating It would be helpful if you make it.
3. A sport motorcycle Ryan : Sure, with my pleasure.
4. Because he doesn’t has driving license.
5. Aska’s brother
1. Belinda
2. Ryan
3. All of her class members, her homeroom
1. Mr. Ahmad and Kirana
4. The purpose of the party is to gathering all
2. Because Kirana handle the social event
very well. of her class members.
3. The event was very well. 5. “I am going to hold birthday party in our
4. The shelter’s location was near Merapi class in this year”
5. The laptop can give the better thing to Task 2
students. (Listening Script)
Sarah : Hello Ali, what are you going to do this
Enrichment weekend?
The students make a dialogue based on the Ali : Hello, I am going to visit my grandmother
situation provided in the text book! in Jakarta. How about you?
Sarah : Well, I still do not have any plan for the
UNIT 3 Ali : Why do not you go to the museum?
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Sarah : That is a good idea, but I have to do my
assignment first. Have you done your
Lesson 1 assignment?
Listening Ali : No, I have not finish it yet, I like to do
Task 1 them this evening.
(Listening Script) Sarah : Well, can we do together?
Ryan : Hey, you look so serious. What is the Ali : Yes, with pleasure.
matter? Sarah : Okay, I will go to your house at 4 P.M
Belinda : Oh, hi Ryan, I am just thinking about then.
something Ali : I will be waiting for.

6 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

Answer: 2. Answer : I have a lot of holiday this week.
The students observe the dialogue above and I will fly to Korea.
write down if there is any sentence which express Function : Plan
intention or plan inside the provide box! 3. Answer : The cloud is so dark. I think it
will be rain
Speaking Function : Prediction
Task 1 4. Answer : I will be Indonesia president’s
The student’s observe the dialogue carefully. one day.
Task 2 Function : Statement
The student’s practice the dialogue with his or 5. Answer : I am going to meet your
her classmate in front of the class. girlfriend tonight
Function : Plan
Task 3 6. Answer : My car ran out of gas. It won’t
1. Santi, Bayu, Riri go
2. He will going to fishing with his father Function : Refusal things
3. In the lake near his uncle house 7. Answer : My supervisor is nice person
4. He will practice bake cookies with his guy. He promised me will give
me $2500 if we increase sales
by 10%.
5. Ginger cookies
Function : Promise
6. Yes, she is
8. Answer : You spilled the milk. I will clean
7. She will join Riri make some cookies
it up
8. “My father and I are going to fishing.”
Function : Voluntary action or help
9. Answer : I have finished my assignment.
Lesson 2 I will go to the cinema on the
Reading weekend
Task 1 Function : Plan
The students read the dialogue carefully 10. Answer : Are you hungry? I will cook you
some fried rice
Task 2 Function : Voluntary action or help
1. Two persons
2. Because she failed to apply at dance Activity
competition Activity 1
3. Because she had flat tire The students make 20 words contains of will
4. She wants to apply the extra audition function as Plan, Intention, Voluntary help, and
5. He think that is a good thing to do Refusal things
Activity 2
Task 3 The students work as group and make a dialogue
The students make a dialogue based on the text using intentions expressions about planning in
using the expression of plan. the weekend or holiday.

Writing Competence Test

Task 1 A.
1. will 1. Answer: C
2. will be From the statement in the dialogues “I’m
3. will be admiring your dance” we know that Risa
4. will admire Firman because his dancing.
5. will be 2. Answer: C
From the statement in the dialogues “I
Task 2 watched a lot of good dancer videos” we can
1. Answer : My phone is broken. Will you conclude that Firman learning the dance
fix it for me? from the videos that he watched.
Function : Request help

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 7

3. Answer: B B.
“Thanks a million” is a sentence which 1. He is going to Hong Kong
express gratitude. 2. Disneyland
4. Answer: C 3. June
The sentence that express compliment is 4. Two weeks
“Great! You’re really good dancer” 5. The writer ’s and her family going to
5. Answer: D Macau
From the statement “I am still cooking here”
we can conclude that the man cannot go to Remedial
buy some orange juice because he is still 1. The writer’s sister
cooking. 2. Celebrate her sister’s birthday
6. Answer: A 3. They want to celebrate the birthday by using
The suitable answer to fill the blank is “Will handmade art.
invite” it’s because the form of the sentence 4. She made handmade decorations
is using “Simple future tense” 5. The writer’s mom
7. Answer: C
The suitable answer to fill the blank is “Will” Enrichment
it’s because the form of the sentence is The students make a paragraph about intention
using “Simple future tense” and plan, after that they should read the
8. Answer: A paragraph in front of the class.
The suitable answer to fill the blank is “Will
Mid Semester Test
not” it’s because the form of the sentence
is using “Simple future tense”
1. Answer: D
9. Answer: C
The answer is base on the statement “She
The underlined sentence is showing
has pointed nose”.
the function of Simple future tense as
2. Answer: A
The word “She” refers to Putri.
10. Answer: B
3. Answer: C
The suitable word to complete the sentence
From the statements,”She is tall”. We can
is “Will” because the sentence is using the conclude that she is tall girl not short.
form of Simple Future tense. 4. Answer: A
11. Answer: E The answer is base on the statement inside
From the statement inside the dialogue “Hi, the text “Many teachers like her because of
Valda! What are you doing at the terrace” we her attitude and her brilliant”.
can conclude that Valda is on her terrace. 5. Answer: A
12. Answer: E Putri has 1,60 height.
From the dialogue above “I am going to visit 6. Answer: A
the Fashion fair tomorrow” we can conclude From the text we know that Tiara is the
that he is going to the fashion fair. sender of the email
13. Answer: A 7. Answer: D
The answer is base on the dialogue above From the text we can conclude that the
“I will borrow my brother’s motorcycle then” email is for Via
from it we can conclude that they go to the 8. Answer: B
fair by motorbike. The email is telling about personal identity
14. Answer: B 9. Answer: C
From the dialogue above we can conclude From the statement “you can call me Tiar
that he want to buy XXL and XL. or Diva. I am seventeen years old”. We can
15. Answer: B conclude that Tiar is 17th years old.
The suitable answer, to fill the blank is “will 10. Answer: A
pack” The answer is base on the statement inside
the text “I live in Solo”.
8 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD
11. Answer: B National Monument) dominates the city’s central
The sender of the message is Ferry. district. Surrounding the square are Istana
12. Answer: A Merdeka, the presidential palace, the National
The answer is base on the statement inside Museum, and the Istiqlal Mosque.
the text “I was very happy to hear that your 1. Jakarta
boss has promoted you as a manager” 2. Indonesia
13. Answer: A 3. It is centrally located within the country on
The answer is base on the statement inside the northwest coast of Java Island at the
the text “your boss has promoted you as a mouth of the Ciliwung River.
manager”. 4. About 9 millions
14. Answer: A 5. The climate is hot and humid
The suitable word to fill the blank is “will 6. From November to May
ask”. 7. 1,790 mm
15. Answer: A 8. Because city lies on a flat, low plain
From the text we know that the dialogue is 9. It is located south of the old Sunda Kelapa
talking about Hobbies harbour
10. South of Kota Tua
1. Three Task 2
2. National Education Day (Listening script)
3. SMAN 19 Bandung Way Kambas National Park
4. Elsa and Dian Way Kambas National Park is a national
5. In Jakarta park for (1) elephant sanctuary located in
Lampung precisely in the Labuhan Ratu (2)
sub district, East Lampung, Indonesia. Way
UNIT 4 Kambas National Park, (3) established in
BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN INDONESIA 1985, it is the first (4) school for elephant
in Indonesia. In the (5) beginning of its
Lesson 1 establishment, Way Kambas National Park (6)
Listening named the Elephant Training Center (PLG), but
Task 1 the last few years this name (7) changed into
(Listening script) Elephant Conservation Center (PKG), which
Jakarta expected to become a center for elephant (8)
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It conservation in taming, training, breeding and
is centrally located within the country on the (9) conserving elephants. Until now, this PKG
northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the has trained for about 300 elephants and have
Ciliwung River. Jakarta dominates Indonesian’s been distributing throughout all over the country.
administrative, economy, cultural activities, In Way Kambas National Park, there are
and is a major commercial and transportation some (10) endangered animals such as
within Asia-with a population about 9 million, Sumatran rhinos, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran
Jakarta has more people than any other cities tiger, Mentok Rimba, and Buaya sepit. There are
also some plants which mostly we can found
in Indonesia.
such as Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, and Pandan.
The climate is hot and humid year-round. On the marshy coasts of Way Kambas National
Rainfall occurs throughout the year, although Park often found various species of birds, such
it is the heaviest from November to May. To as, Lesser Adjutant, Pheasant Blue, Kuau Raja,
average annual precipitation in Jakarta is 1,790 Pependang Timur, and some other birds.
mm. The city lies on a flat, low plain and is prone
to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall. Kota Task 3
Tua is city’s oldest commercial area. It is located 1. Way Kambas National Park
south of the old Sunda Kelapa harbour. Glodok, 2. Lampung precisely in the Labuhan Ratu
the south of Kota Tua is a banking, retail and 3. Way Kambas National Park, is establish in
residential neighborhood with a large Chinese 1985
population. Merdeka Square with Monas (The

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 9

4. The Elephant Training Center Task 2
5. 300 Elephants 1. a. Paragraph one : Bandengan Beach
6. Sumatran Rhinos, Sumatran elephant, b. Paragraph two : The location of
Sumatran tiger, Mentok Rimba, and Buaya Bandengan Beach.
sepit. c. Paragraph three : Description about
7. The answer is base on the student Bandengan Beach
opinion. d. Paragraph four : The activities we can
8. Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, and Pandan. do at Bandengan
9. Lesser Adjutant, Pheasant Blue, Kuau Raja, Beach.
Pependang Timur, and some other birds. 2. The location of Bandengan Beach is 7
10. “Melestarikan” kilometers north of Jepara City center.
3. The way to get there is very easy. Just follow
Speaking the traffic sign and you will find it. From the
Task 1 town square, follow the road to Bangsri then
Students pratice the dialogue with their turn left when reached Kuwasen Village.
friends. You can take public transportation or by
your own vehicle.
Task 2 4. Bandengan Beach is white sandy beach.
1. False 5. There are many activities we can do at
P r a m b a n a n Te m p l e i s l o c a t e d i n Bandengan Beach, for instance swimming
Jogjakarta or camping.
2. False
6. We can buy food at the traditional food
Prambanan is a Hindu temple stalls.
3. True
7. We can buy roasted fish, crab, and boiled
4. True
5. True
8. Student’s activity, for example, the place is
very beautiful and romantic.
Task 3
1. 8 temples
Task 3
2. 222 temples
1. The beach is located in the village of
3. The carving about Ramayana Story
Tanjung Setia, West Lampung
4. Roro Jonggrang
5. There are eight temples. 2. Six to seven hour
3. Because the beach has the perfect waves
Task 4 4. The wave can reach up from six to seven
Students practice the dialogue with his or her meters
classmate. 5. It has a quite natural white sand along the
beach also palm trees
Lesson 2
Task 4
Task 1
Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas
1. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in
National Park. One of the best tourist attractions
Sukamaju village, Ulubelu sub district,
of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This
Tanggamus district, Lampung province,
beach is located in the village of Tanjung Setia,
West Lampung district, Lampung province.
2. The first level water fall is about 100
It is about 273 km or about six to seven hour
driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city
3. 12 meters
of Lampung province.
4. The best enchantment of the waterfall is the
This beach has not been well known by the
5. It appears between the valley and the
citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world surfers

10 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This Task 2
beach is exactly laid on the track of large Indian 1. All the kids
Ocean currents that make this beach have 2. The boy in the blue jeans
waves that are perfect for surfing. The perfect 3. a beautiful red dress.
wave of this beach usually lasts from June to 4. chocolate cookies.
August with the height, which can reach up to six 5. Julia her friends back home.
to seven meters with a 200 meters length. 6. these rude people?
In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach 7. a true hero.
also has an ambience, which is quite natural 8. My dog
with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm my best friend.
tree, which grow also, adorn this beach. For local
people, the beach area is also an ideal place
Task 3
for fishing. Some fish which are often obtained
1. a strong
by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so
2. The beautiful
big enough that its weight can reach up to 70
kilograms. Local residents know this fish by the 3. an amazing
name of Iwa Tuhuk. 4. marvelous
5. comfortable
Task 1 Activity
Generic structure: Activity 1
Identification: The students search for description text about
Kiluan Bay is a tourist attraction, which is located place and historical building. They analyze its
in Kiluan village, Kelumbayan sub district, structure. Then write it down on a paper and
Tanggamus district, South Lampung. Kiluan Bay submit it to the teacher.
is about 80 kilometers from Bandar Lampung Activity 2
city center or three to four hour if you go there The students makes 10 sentences contain noun
by car. This is the place of migration for a bunch phrase.
of mouth bottles dolphins.
Description: Competence Test
This bay has stunning natural landscape and A.
coast. The sand beach, which is spreading out 1. Answer: B
there, it is white and gentle. It is quite harmonious Lawang Sewu is located in Semarang this
with the blue color of the sea. Besides swimming answer based on the statement inside the
and snorkeling, in this bay you can also see text “Lawang Sewu is a very important place
the attractions from a group of dolphins. The in Semarang and for many years, tourists
attractions of a group of dolphins can usually have been returning to Semarang only
be seen around 06:00 to 10:00 in the morning. to have a glimpse of this amazing place
However, to watch the attractions you must first here.”
rent a small boat or Jukung. 2. Answer: A
By using the small boat or Jukung, you will be Lawang Sewu famous because it has
brought Into the middle of the see where the thousand doors and windows.
dolphins gather. It takes around twenty-five 3. Answer: C
minutes from the coast. From close distance, The answer is base on the statement inside
you can see a group of dolphins, which swim the text “The place actually built as the main
and even jump on the side of the coming boat colonial office”
as if they welcomed your coming. 4. Answer: B
The main idea of the first paragraph is
Main Idea paragraph 1:
“Attractive tourist spot in Semarang” the
Killuan Bay is a tourist attraction
answer is base on the whole description of
Main idea paragraph 2: paragraph 1, which all talking about Lawang
The Beach of Kiluan Bay Sewu as the attractive tourist spot.
Main idea paragraph 3:
The dolphins of Kiluan Bay

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 11

5. Answer: A 6. old
The main idea of second paragraph is “The 7. red
feature of Lawang Sewu” this answer is 8. lovely
base on the whole description of paragraph 9. nice
2, which all talking about Lawang sewu 10. orange
6. Answer: C Remedial
The other name of Cukang Taneuh is 1. It is located in Panjalu Village.
“Green Canyon” 2. The islands center of the lake called “Nusa
7. Answer: A Larang”.
Cukang Taneuh is located in Village of 3. In this island, there is the cemetery of
Kertayasa Hariang Kencana, the Prince of Hariang
8. Answer: B Borosngora.
Visitor can rent a boat at Ciseureuh dock 4. To respect the Panjalu ancestors’ merit;
9. Answer: A the members of the Panjalu Village are
There is a Palatar Waterfall in the entrance doing kind of traditional ceremony called
of the cave “Nyangku” (clean the creesed).
10. Answer: C 5. The tourist activity can be done here among
The correct arrangement is “Young other things are row around the lake by
Indonesian girl” using rowboat or by motor boat, fishing,
11. Answer: C camping and the like.
The answer is base on the noun phrase
analysis Enrichment
“The main prize of the competition” The students make one description text with
Determine + Demonstrative+ N the topic of the heritage place, or historical
12. Answer: A place they want to visit and read it in front of
The answer is base on the noun phrase the class.
Watching the movie UNIT 5
13. Answer: C
The answer is base on the noun phrase Lesson 1
Living in light stables
Task 1
Adjective + Determine+ Noun
(Listening Script)
14. Answer: C
Machu Picchu
The answer is base on the noun phrase
Machu Picchu is a famous symbol of the
Incan Empire history. It’s known as the lost Incan
Yelling her friends city, it was built in 1450 but a hundred years later,
Verb + possessive + Noun it was abandoned after the Spanish came and
15. Answer: B conquered the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is a
The answer is base on the noun phrase city built with the polished stone. It is located in
analysis Peru, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest
To go home with an extraordinarily beautiful panorama. The
Determine + home main building is Intihuatana, the Temple of the
Sun, and Room of the Three Windows, called the
B. Sacred District. Initially, the city was a fortress
1. gold and then transformed into the capital of the
2. A nice Incas. Machu Picchu means Old Mountain. The
3. young city stands about three thousands meters above
4. An attractive sea level, among the high mountains. Though it
5. leather takes long time to reach the place, the dazzling
panorama is very worth it.
12 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD
1. It tells about Machu Picchu Reading
2. Machu Picchu is known by it name as The Task 1
Lost Incan City Students read the text carefully.
3. Machu Picchu wasbuilt in 1450 Task 2
4. Polished stone 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza is located in
5. It is located in Peru, in the middle of a tropical Giza, Egypt
mountain forest with an extraordinarily 2. The Great Pyramid of Giza was it built
beautiful panorama. for the fourth dynasty Pharaoh of Egypt,
6. Old Mountain Khufu
7. Intihuatana 3. The height of the pyramid is 146.5 meters
8. The Spanish 4. 20 years
5. 2.300.000 stone blocks
Task 2 6. Each stone block has average size of 1 to
(Listening Script) 1.5m with the weight of 6.5 to 10 tons for
Colosseum each large stone.
Colosseum is one of (1) Seven Wonders 7. The pyramid used as a tomb for the
of the World located in Italy. This place is a Pharaoh
large (2) amphitheatre in the city of Rome. 8. Two entrances
It is a (3) historical relic. This place built in 9. Both of them are located on the east side
the period of King Alfero Gilberto year 72 AD. of the pyramid
But it wasn’t (4) finished. Then his son, Titus, 10. Three chambers
completed this building in the year 80 AD. This
building is (5) elliptical or (6) spherical shape Task 3
that can (7) accommodate 50,000 spectators. 1. False
Colosseum (8) recognized as an astonishing Kilimanjaro has three volcanic cones
work with great and spectacular architecture. 2. False
Unfortunately, this magnificent amphitheatre Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa,
used for gladiator battles, animal battles and with height 895 meters or 19,341 feet above
capital (9) punishment. The Colosseum sea.
considered as one of the greatest examples 3. True
of Roman building with its unique design and 4. True
elliptical structure. Tourists and first-time visitors 5. False
to Rome never fail to be amazed after seeing The period from 1912 to present has
Colosseum. Therefore, its (10) acknowledged witnessed the disappearance of more than
as Rome’s most famous monument and 80% of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro
becomes the symbol of the city.
Speaking Task 1
Task 1 The student read the text and make five
1. Two persons questions from the text and then exchange with
2. They are talking about Pisa Tower his or her classmate, after finish, they submit it
3. Pisa tower is located in Italy to their teacher.
4. Pisa tower built in 1173 Example:
5. 284 steps. Where is the location of The Great Wall of
Task 2
Students practice the dialogue in front of the Task 2
class. 1. The butter is kept in the fridge.
2. My house is being kept tidy.
Task 3 3. A seat was being kept for you.
4. All your old letters have been kept.
The students make a simple dialogues base on
the topic provided by the textbooks. 5. His training regimen had been kept up for
a month.

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 13

6. Your bicycle would have been kept here if an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left),
you had left it with me. a guest house (to the right), and several
7. The bird, having been kept in a cage for so other palatial buildings, except some unique
long, might not survive in the wild. buildings.
8. If you told me, your secret would be kept. 5. Answer: B
9. The puppy was happy to have been kept. Paragraph 3 mainly describe about the
decoration and relief of Taj Mahal.
Task 3 6. Answer: A
1. Active voice The underlined words means “Miracle”
2. Passive voice 7. Answer: E
3. Passive voice The communicative purpose of the text is
4. Active voice to give information to the readers about the
5. Active voice description of Taj Mahal in detail.
6. Active voice 8. Answer: C
7. Passive voice The text mainly talks about Singapore as
8. Passive voice City State.
9. Passive voice 9. Answer: C
10. Passive voice Singapore’s citizens consist of Chinese,
Malays, Indians, and Arabs
Activity 10. Answer: E
Activity 1 The synonym of the words “Tiny” is
The students and his or her classmate make “Small”
simple dialogue about tourism object they want 11. Answer: C
to visit. After finished they should practice it in The schematic structure of the text is
front of the class. Description-Identification.
Activity 2 12. Answer: A
The students make 10 simple sentence of The purpose of the text is to describe
passive voice Singapore.
13. Answer: C
Competence Test The correct answer is “The room is cleaned
A. by mommy every day” the answer is base
1. Answer: C on the passive voice analysis, the active
The passive sentences is using form form is Simple present tense (cleans, every
Subject + to be + Verb3 + by + Object. So day) so the structure of the passive voice
the sentences “The rose and jasmines are “To be (is/am/are) + V3.
... by Annisa.” Will complete if, we add 14. Answer: B
Verb3 “planted”. The correct answer is “The toy was fixed by
2. Answer: D my uncle yesterday” from the text above,
The correct “to be” for the sentences are the active form is using Simple Past Tense
“is” (fixed, yesterday), so the passive voice form
3. Answer: D is “To be (was/were) + V3”
The answer is base on the text “Taj Mahal 15. Answer: C
is a Mausoleum that houses the grave The correct answer is “A Mandarin course
of queen Mumtaz Mahal” has been taken by Joe” the answer is base
4. Answer: D on the analysis, the active voice from is
The answer is base on the text statement using present perfect tense (has taken) so
“The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex the passive voice structure To be (has/have
comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate been) + V3.
garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest
house (to the right), and several other B.
palatial buildings.” From the statement we 1. It talks about the Great Sphinx of Giza.
can conclude that the mausoleum consist of 2. It is located in the Pyramid complex in Giza
vast complex comprising of a main gateway, Plateau.

14 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

3. It was built during the reign of Pharaoh For safety purposes, we would like to offer
Khafre. you a safe deposit where you can leave
4. It resembles a mythical creature called your belongings under our customer service
Sphinx. protection that you can find in each floor.
5. The Great Sphinx of Giza is a big sculpture Please keep your child close and enjoy your
with the size of 1387 square meters and the time in our Mall.
height of 20 meters. c. Attention all students, shortly your
class leader will distribute an invitation for
Remedial your parents to attend a Parents-Teacher
1. The letter is sent by Abel. meeting on Wednesday, 11 October 2017.
2. Some meals are cooked by mother. Make sure to deliver it to your parents
3. The grasses are cut by Ida. because this PT meeting is very important.
4. The pen is given to me by Yatmi. Thank you.
5. The naughty students are punished by the d. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
teacher. on Argo Muria train that will take us to
Semarang Tawang for the last destination
Enrichment station. This train will travel for 6 hours.
The students searching and make description For any service or information, you can
text about seven wonder places in the world, contact our crew in our trip today. For your
then they should translate it before submit it to safety, we remind you to keep all your
their teacher. belongings and please do not smoke on
the train, in the toilet or in the train coach.
UNIT 6 Within few minutes our crew will check your
LET’S HEAR THE ANNOUNCEMENT ticket, please remain seated until the ticket
checking is finished. Have a nice trip, thank
Lesson 1
Task 1 1. d 3. c
a. Ladies and gentlemen, The Captain 2. a 4. b
has turned on the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign. If
you have not already done so, please stow
Task 2
your carry-on luggage underneath the seat
(Listening script)
in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please
On behalf of the government, city major invites
take your seat and fasten your seat belt,
you as a guest in the Independence Day Fair
also make sure your seat back and folding
Opening Ceremony
trays are in their full upright position.
If you were seated next to an Date : Saturday, August 7th, 2019
emergency exit, please read carefully Time : 3 p.m.
the special instructions card located by Place : Outside Red’s Stadium
your seat. If you do not wish to perform
the functions described in the event of an There will be a lot of entertainment, an appearance
emergency, please ask a flight attendant to from local singer, door prize and food bazaar.
reseat you. Since place and time are limited, so your
attendance will be appreciated.
We remind you that this is a non-
smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on Thank you for attention
the entire aircraft, including the lavatories.
Tampering with, disabling or destroying the City Major,
lavatory smoke detectors prohibited by law. Drs. Asri Amanah
If you have any questions about our Answer:
flight today, please do not hesitate to ask 1. On Saturday, August 7th, 2019
one of our flight attendants, Thank you. 2. Outside Red’s Stadium
b. Customer Announcement, On behalf 3. The city Major
of the Mall management, we would like to 4. Announcement
welcome you to our Mall. Please do not 5. Local singer
leave your belongings in the open space.

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 15

Task 3 4. In the door number A 8
(Listening script) 5. 17.00 pm
All 10th grade students are obliged to join an Task 3
English-speaking club. There will be a form for The students and his or her classmate searching
you to choose one of seven days for joining it. for announcement text with topic is about school.
You can take the form at teacher’s office starting They make it into a dialogue then retell it in front
from today. Each student must tell the parents of the class.
to get their permission.
Return the filled and approved forms to Mr. Task 4
James Madison before September 8th, 2019. Students practice the announcement that
provided in the text book in front of the class!
Note: Come and get the form at teacher’s office
one by one. Lesson 2
Headmaster Reading
Ahmad Subardjo Task 1
Ajmad Subarjo, S.Pd, M.Pd. 1. Cancel : Membatalkan
2. A stadium : Stadion
1. Answer: D 3. An approval : Persetujuan
The text is Announcement text 4. Proceed : Menindaklanjuti
2. Answer: A 5. In accordance with: Sesuai dengan
From the monologue, you’ve heard, there 6. Unforeseen : Tidak terduga
is statement “Each student must tell to the 7. A first-come basis : Berdasar (pendaftar)
parents to get their permission.” From the yang dulu
statement above we can conclude that the 8. Tremendous : Luar biasa
students must tell their parents. 9. A registration fee : Biaya pendaftaran
3. Answer: C 10. Reserved : Dipesan
The answer is based on the statement
from the monologue you have heard “All Task 2
10th grade students are obliged to join an 1. Announcement
English-speaking club.” 2. Announcement about missing wallet
4. Answer: A 3. At the mall
The answer based on the statement from 4. We should notify the security officer
the monologue you have heard “You can 5. Some reward
take the form at teacher’s office.”
5. Answer: A Task 3
The answer is based on statement “Return 1. It is an Announcement
the filled and approved forms to Mr. James 2. The announcement tells about competition
Madison before September 8th, 2019“. that will be held on 17 August 2019
6. Answer: C 3. OSIS
The answer is based on the statement “ … 4. All of the students
before September 8th, 2019.” 5. Registration will begin on 10th-15th August

Speaking Writing
Task 1 Task 1
Students practice the dialogue with their (1) will hold
classmate. (2) competition:
(3) Fashion
Task 2 (4) registration
1. In the Air port (5) open
2. Makassar
3. Yogyakarta
16 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD
Task 2 Therefore, we can conclude that information
The students makes Announcement text based which not included in the announcement
on the situation that provided by the text’s is “The place Mega-Mega drama will be
book! staged”
8. Answer: B
Activity From the statement on the text “Thank
Activity 1 you, The Committee” we can conclude
Students try to make announcement text orally that the announcement is release by The
from the situation above, and practice it in front Committee.
of the class. 9. Answer: B
Activity 2 The answer is base on the text statement
Students in pairs make a simple dialogue with “Monday, 4 August 2018, at 14.00 am, to
the announcement topic provided in the text register.”
book! 10. Answer: E
The answer is base on the statement “The
Competence Test audition will be held on Sunday, 10 August
A. at 9 am”.
1. Answer: C 11. Answer: D
From the generic structure of the text, The answer is base on the statement “the
we know that the type of the text is Student Organization of SMA Bumi Putera
“Announcement” will hold a storytelling contest for all students
2. Answer: B of SMA Bumi Putera”.
From the statement from the text “In 12. Answer: A
accordance with international Airport The word “Enroll” means the participant
security regulations”, we can conclude that should “Join officially”.
the announcement is taking place at the 13. Answer: B
airport. According to the text statement “The first
3. Answer: D winner, the first runner up, and the second
The answer is based on the statement runner up will get trophy, certificate, and
“In accordance with International Airport valuable prizes.” We can conclude that
security regulations” Medal is not included the winner will get.
4. Answer: E 14. Answer: E
The underlined sentences means that “all The true statement inside the text is “One
the bags will be checked by using X-ray performance only needs 7 minutes”
machines” 15. Answer: B
5. Answer: A The answer is base on the statement “The
From the statement inside the text, “the contest will be held in the school hall”.
following items are never permitted to be
taken on board by passengers, either in B.
carry-on bags or in checked baggage.
1. SMA Satu Negeri will hold gathering
These objects are weapons, including
2. Sunday at December 7, 2018.
knives, explosives, dynamite and fireworks”,
we can conclude that “Knives” is one of the 3. In the school hall
things cannot be brought into an airplane. 4. They should contact the secretary of
6. Answer: B Students Organization
From the text, we know that if the participants 5. December 4, 2018
want to register, they should go to the
“Committee’s office” Remedial
7. Answer: A 1. It is about camping.
According to the text, the announcement 2. SMA Pancasila 45
is only give information about when the 3. It will be held on Sunday to Wednesday at
place of audition, the audition time, the December 17th–20th 2018.
requirement of cast and the price to register.

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 17

4. You can found this announcement at 9. Answer: B
school. The text is about “scenery on the islands of
5. It means that the students don’t need to pay Raja Ampat”.
for the registration. 10. Answer: E
The answer is base on the statement inside
Enrichment the text “Raja Ampat is located in the bird
The student is searching for another kind of head of the island of Papua”
announcement, for the example in the television, 11. Answer: B
radio, or newspaper. The answer base on the statement inside
the text “Others prefer to remain in silence
taking in the overwhelming sight of so many
12. Answer: C
A. Fruji is the name of a tree in Wingo islands,
1. Answer: C the answer is base on the statement inside
From the generic structure text we know of the text “The Fruji tress have purple
that the text is “Descriptive text” leaves at the top and yellow fruit all over
2. Answer: B them”
The answer is base on the text statement 13. Answer : D
inside the text “inhabited by about 1.3 million The answer is base on the statement inside
the text “The big-igloo has a moss bed,
3. Answer: C
chairs, and tables that are made of Fruji
The answer is base on the generic structure
of the text, from the generic structure we
14. Answer: C
can conclude that the text tells about “The
From the statement inside the text
description of Kediri”
“Sometimes, there are windstorms. It
4. Answer: C
happens, when too many animals fly around
The answer is base of the statement
inside the text “... bean curd. This highly at the same time”. We can conclude that the
nutritious food is delicacy of Kediri and has windstorm is happen because of there is a
a distinctive taste” lot of animals which fly in the island.
5. Answer: A 15. Answer: D
The underlined word refers to “The local The answer is base on the statement inside
people” the text “People who stay on Wingo Island
6. Answer: C sleep in a big-igloo”
From the text statement, “It is now 9.45 p.m. 16. Answer: C
The market will be closing in 15 minutes” we The answer base on the statement “The
can conclude that “the announcer wantsd weather on Wingo Island is very hot but at
the people to leave the store. twelve o’clock, everyday, it rains” from the
7. Answer: A statement we can conclude that the weather
From the text statement “The market will in the Wingo Island is not tropical all the
be closing in 15 minutes”, we can conclude time.
that, only 15 minutes left for the buyers to 17. Answer: D
pay at the checkout. The active sentence above is the present
8. Answer: C continuous tense sentence, if you want to
The answer is base on the statement inside change it to passive then use the passive
the text “You are reminded that the shop will voice formula for the present continuous,
be closed tomorrow due to the holiday. We namely S + Is / am / are + Being + Verb3.
will reopen on Monday. “ The correct sentence is “Our new office is
designed by a well known architect”

18 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 GRD

18. Answer: D
The active sentence above is the present
continuous tense sentence, if you want to
change it to passive then use the passive
voice formula for the present continuous,
namely S + Is / am / are + Being + Verb3.
The correct sentence is “Coffee is now
being served to the passengers”
19. Answer: C
The active sentence above is the present
perfect tense sentence, if you want to
change it to passive then use the passive
voice formula for the present perfect
sentence, namely S + Have/has + Been +
Verb3. The correct sentence will be “Yes,
it has been faxed to the headquarters of
Garuda”, so the suitable words to complete
the sentence “It has been faxed
20. Answer: B
The active sentence above is the present
tense sentence, if you want to change it to
passive then use the passive voice formula
for the present perfect sentence, namely S
+ Is/am/are + Verb3. The correct sentence
is “As usual it is neglected by the babysitter”
so the suitable words to fill the blank is “is

1. In the stall
2. Waiting for her sister
3. No, she doesn’t
4. Gembira Loka Zoo
5. He wants to bring some bread

GRD Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X - 1 19

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