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Nama Guru : _______________________________________________

NIP : _______________________________________________

SMA/MA : _______________________________________________

Task 1
(Listening script)
1. You have a good agility, stamina and good height, why you are not joining the basketball team?
2. Mommy is not cooking tonight, what about we buy some burgers?
3. What about cycling? Playing game inside the house sometimes makes me bored.
4. What about fried rice?
5. The weather is so hot, let’s swim together!

1. Picture A
2. Picture B
3. Picture B
4. Picture A
5. Picture B

Task 2
(Listening script)
1. It’s very hot here, would you mind if I turn on the fan? (Offering)
2. You should watch Captain Tsubasa, it is a good cartoon. (Suggestions)
3. Do you mind, if I borrow your pen, Dina? (Offering)
4. We recommend you, this menu this morning sir. (Suggestions)
5. I bought some mango, do you want some? (Offering)
6. After finishing this job, I suggest that you should take a rest. (Suggestions)
7. Shall I bring my playstation to your house? (Offering)
8. I think you should change your behavior. (Suggestions)
9. Can I do this now? (Offering)
10. How about going to Hajar’s place first? (Suggestions)

Task 3
(Listening script)
1. Let’s go to the library. (Suggestions)
2. Let’s go to the movie. (Suggestions)
3. Why don’t you do homework before going out? (Suggestions)
4. We could eat at home today. (Suggestions)
5. May I give you a hand? (Offering)
6. Shall I help you with your homework? (Offering)
7. I suggest that we call today. (Suggestions)
8. Would you like another piece of cake? (Offering)
9. How about, I help you with this time? (Offering)
10. Can I help you? (Offering)

1. go 6. I help you
2. Let’s go to 7. suggest
3. homework 8. piece of cake
4. could 9. time
5. I give you a hand? 10. Can

2 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

Task 1
Students practice the dialogue with his or her seatmate in front of the class.

Task 2
1. Because her printer machine was stuck.
2. Barker.
3. By doing some maintenance.
4. Because she doesn’t know how to do it.
5. “Would you mind if I help you for maintenance the printer machine?”

Task 3
The students completing each dialogue with their own expressions of giving a suggestions. Then
practice it in front of the class.

Task 1
Students read the text carefully.

Task 2
1. It’s Belle.
2. She was in front of the building of the English course.
3. She was waiting for her father to pick her up after the course.
4. Kate did.
5. No, she didn’t.
6. Yes, she did.
7. No, she didn’t.

Task 3
Students read the dialogue carefully in turn with their seatmate!

Task 1
The answer is based on the students opinion they should make an expression to fill the blanks
related to the offer expressions.

Task 2
The students write expressions of suggestions based on the picture that provided in the text

Task 3
1. holiday 6. Melayu beach
2. shall 7. beautiful
3. ideas 8. bite
4. sounds 9. restaurant
5. visit 10. See you later!

Activity 1
The students choose one of thing in the classroom and trying to make an offer to their classmate

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Activity 2
The students make 10 sentences which expressing a suggestion.

Competence Test
A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: E
The underlined word is showing expressions of Asking Information.
2. Answer: C
The answer based on Andy’s statement “Sure. It’s next to the principal’s office”.
3. Answer: A
The dialogue is about asking information.
4. Answer: D
The suitable expressions to complete the dialogue is “Do you know”.
5. Answer: C
The underlined sentence expressing about “Giving information”.
6. Answer: A
The sentence which expressing a suggestion is “You should help your parents clean the
garden before going to the cinema.
7. Answer: C
The underlined sentence is the expressions of “Offering help”.
8. Answer: E
The suitable word to fill the blanks is “Visiting” it is because the phrase “What about”
should be followed by “Verb-ing”.
9. Answer: A
The suitable sentence to fill the blanks is “Would you like to try some?”.
10. Answer: B
The underlined sentence is the expressions of “Accepting an offer”.
11. Answer: D
The expression of suggestions is “Why don’t you save some of your pocket money?”
It’s because another choice is a form of offering.
12. Answer: E
From all the choice that provided in the multiple only sentences “Would you like something
to eat” is the expressing offering a thing.
13. Answer: D
The suitable expression of offering help is “Can I bring these things to your house?”.
14. Answer: B
The suitable suggestions expressions which match with the picture is “You should wash
your car, it’s so dirty”.
15. Answer: D
The underlined sentence shows the expressions of “Offering to do something”.

B. Fill the Blanks

1. mathematics 7. dinner
2. serious 8. homework
3. announcement 9. task
4. impossible 10. the night
5. Why 11. the morning
6. dancing club 12. suggestion

4 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

A. 1. feel 6. makes
2. body 7. jogging
3. want 8. means
4. buy 9. process
5. suggest 10. suggestion

B. 1. They jogging together.

2. Dean.
3. Because, he want to buy some ice tea.
4. Because, the metabolism is increasing, and it’s not good to drink ice when the body is
having colories burning.
5. Yes, he does.


Task 1
(Listening Script)
1. In my opinion, our basketball team didn’t need to walk out as the protest against the referee.
2. I think, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting will beat Kento Momota, In two straight set and win the China
3. In my opinion, the jeans jacket is cooler than a leather jacket.
4. In my mind, I prefer meatball than chicken noodle.
5. I think our football team will win when they play against the United Arab Emirates.

1. didn’t need to walk out
2. will beat
3. cooler than
4. I prefer
5. will win when they play against

Task 2
(Listening script)
1. A : What’s your opinion of smoking?
B : I’m not sure, for me, it’s important that children do not smoke.
A : But do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses?
B : I don’t think so. Children use buses too.
A : So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Jakarta?
B : I think that’s a good idea.
2. A : Some people say friends are always honest to each other.
What do you think?
B : In my opinion friends need to be completely honest.
One little lie and the friendship just disappears.
A : Ah, that’s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?
B : Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me.
He was a good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed.
It destroyed the friendship.

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3. A :
So Nina, what do you think makes a good friend?
B :
Well, I personally believe that a friend is someone who is fun to be with.
A :
Hm…fun to be with? Can you give me an example?
B :
I like friends who like to go out and have fun together to go down town, go to the beach,
see a movie, something like that.
A : So….does that mean a friend has to like the same things as you do?
B : No, not really, just that they have a fun personality.
You know, fun to be with whatever we do.
4. A : So, do you think that Jakarta is a great place to live?
B : I believe that, yes. There are so many places to go in Jakarta.
But, it’s not easy to travel around the city. Jakarta is too crowded.
A : What do you think about the statement, that there are too many people living in
B : I think so. There are many people but it makes the city is always busy and exciting.
5. A : Do you have a lot of friends?
B : I guess so.
A : What do you think, what makes people is a good friend?
B : Hah…good friend….well, a good friend helps you when you have a problem.
A : Hmm…do you think that is the most important thing?
B : Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.
A : Well, what kind of problem does your best friend help you?
B : Everything.

1. 1. opinion
2. it’s important that children do not smoke
3. I don’t think so. Children use buses too
2. 1. honest
2. the friendship just disappears
3. good friends lied to me
3. 1. personally believe
2. go to the beach
3. personality
4. 1. There are so many places to go in Jakarta
2. Jakarta is too crowded
3. there are too many people living in Jakarta
5. 1. a lot of friends
2. What do you think
3. friends help each other

Task 3
(Listening script)
Trevor : Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban smartphones in the school?
Matt : Yeah
Trevor : What do you think about it?
Matt : Well, I think that is fair enough.
Trevor : Why do you think so?
Matt : You see… smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember yesterday
in history class? Our teacher got very angry because she was interrupted by smartphone’s
ringing many times. This may happen repeatedly.

6 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

Trevor : Ok, you got the point, I agree with you.
Matt : Another thing is smartphones have caused a kind of stupid competition.
Trevor : What do you mean?
Matt : You know, everyone seems to compete to have the latest model.
Trevor : Yes, I feel that too.
Matt : So it is a good idea if the school doesn’t allow students to use their smartphones in the

1. heard
2. think
3. fair
4. caused
5. interrupted
6. repeatedly
7. I agree
8. competition
9. compete
10. smartphones

Task 1
Students perfom the dialogue in front of the class.

Task 2
1. Emily and Tommy.
2. They were discussing fullday school.
3. They talking about fullday school.
4. Tommy thought that fullday school is useful for Indonesian education.
5. from 7 am to 4 or 5 pm.
6. Yes she does.
7. Emily argue that the students will be boring in school.
8. Tommy recommend that the teacher should be giving the students an exciting activities.

Task 3
The answer is based on the student’s opinion; they answer it using agreement or disagreement

Task 1
The students read the text carefully.

Task 2
1. The text talks about the good and bad of eating fast food.
2. The price is cheap, there are so many kinds of food, and they do not have to cook.
3. The fast food causes obesity and cancer.
4. Studies show that chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.
5. To present two points of view about the issues.

Task 3
The students read the text carefully.

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Task 4
1. Human activities mainly cause global warming.
2. Natural change and human activities.
3. They believe that global warming is an urgent threat requiring immediate and drastic action.
4. No, it isn’t.
5. The answer may vary, but can be like the example: in my opinion, global warming is a worldwide
problem that cannot be prevented but we can make it slow up and decrease its impact.
6. The answer may vary, but can be like the example: No, I don’t think so. Life and the way
people to life change, so global warming is happening but we can make it slow and reduce its
impact. Some actions we can do: throwing trash into a dustbin, reducing in using electricity,
reducing using vehicles such as; car, motorcycle, bus, and taxi.

Task 1
1. opinion 6. contributing
2. rainforests 7. label
3. plantation 8. alternative
4. destroying 9. chop
5. toothpaste 10. extinct

Task 2
The answer is based on the student’s opinion, made in form of agreement and disagreement
Agreement : I agree, milk is good for our body.
Disagreement : I dont think so, we also need fruit not just milk for our body.

Task 3
The students make a short dialogues using expression of asking and giving opinion based on the
A : Hi, what do you think about the ramen?
B : Emh... I think, this is good. The spice are blends with sauce really well.

Activity 1
The students make a poster related the opinion, agreement, or disagreement.

Activity 2
The students searching for article about opinions in newspaper or magazine.

Competence Text
A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: C
The answer based on the statement “the Dragon fruit juice is healthy for your body
2. Answer: A
The underlined sentences show that “Dipta agrees about Angga’s opinion”.
3. Answer: B
The suitable expression for asking opinion is “What are you trying to say?”.
4. Answer: A
The suitable expressions with the picture are “I like to read the book very much”.

8 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

5. Answer: B
From the dialogue, we know that Milo’s gives his opinion about Andy’s watch.
6. Answer: C
From the sentences structure the sentence that using the form of giving an opinion in
formal way is “ In my view, you should give at least one example for every theory you use
in your paper”.
7. Answer: D
The answer is base on the function of the words “I’d say” which is characteristic of “giving
opinion” in the informal way.
8. Answer: B
To fill the blanks in the dialogue above the suitable opinion is “I think we should take part
in the celebration”.
9. Answer: C
The suitable opinion to fill the blank is “I don’t think so” it is base on the explanation which
given by Rendi “the bag is so good so it is normal if the price is expensive’.
10. Answer: C
The suitable sentence to fill the blank is “You are right” the answer is base on the next
statement that contains the form of “Agreement” with Boy said “Okay”.
11. Answer: D
The correct opinion about the picture is “for me learning can be done using a lot of media
one of them is a laptop”.
12. Answer: B
The answer based on the statement “We will buy her a green hat.”
13. Answer: D
The underlined sentence shows the expressions of “Agreement”.
14. Answer: E
The expressions of agreement to someone opinion is showing by the sentence “It’s a
good idea”.
15. Answer: A
The underlined sentence expressing about “Disagreement”.

B. Fill the Blanks

1. ordered 6. see
2. dissapointed 7. portion
3. nice 8. price
4. problem 9. real
5. pictures 10. true

C. Essay
1. She is annoyed because the food she ordered by delivery has a small portion, in fact, the
pictures in the shop’s instagram look in a large portion.
2. She feels disappointed.
3. She thinks that the price is too expensive for the small portion.
4. “I feel some of the sellers don’t post real pictures to attract the buyers.”
5. Yes, she does.

1. The owning of Handguns.
2. It is important because it can be used to protect themselves.
3. It is because people do not need to defend themselves, police will do.
In addition, owning handguns only raise the murder rate.

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4. Nearly 40,000 people every year who are murdered with handguns.
5. The conclusion is, the owning of handguns needs careful consideration, and needs more law
systems to be changed and upheld the regulation firmly.


Task 1
(Listening script)
Pahlawan Street no. 99 South Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Bandar Lampung, April 1, 2019

Heru Susanto, S.Kom
Maju Terus, Ltd
Soedirman Street no. 56 South Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Heru Susanto, S.Kom,

To celebrate the third anniversaries of our company, through this letter we invite all managers
of Maju Terus. Ltd to attend the last preparation meeting that will be held on:
Day/date : Saturday/ 30 April 2019
Hours : 9 A.M – end
Venue : Sheraton Convention Hall
We hope that you will be able to come because we will take the final decision of our program.
Thanks for your attention.


Toni Purwanto, S.E

Chairman of the Committee

1. Bandar Lampung, Lampung
2. celebrate
3. anniversaries
4. company
5. letter
6. invite
7. managers
8. preparation
9. Saturday 30 April 2019
10. Sheraton Convention Hall

10 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

Task 2
1. Formal Invitation text.
2. Toni Purwanto S.E.
3. Heru Susanto S.Kom.
4. The Maju Terus Company Third Anniversary.
5. To invite all managers of Maju Terus Ltd for final preparation meeting of Celebration Maju
Terus Company Third Anniversary.
6. Saturday, 30 April 2019.
7. Sheraton Convention Hall.
8. Because they will take the final decision of their program.

Task 3
(Listening script)
of SMP Negeri 137 Bandung
Jl Cempaka Putih Barat 15/26. Telp .(021) 4244612
We invite all of the student organization members, to attend our meeting that will be held:
Day : On Thursday
Date : August 8, 2019
Time : At 14.30 a.m. – 16.30 p.m.
Place : Student Organization office
Agenda : Final preparation for the 2019 PENSI competition.
Please come on time, see your there.

Nazmi, Farhan,

Secretary Chair Person

1. Invitation text
2. Formal
3. All Student Organization members
4. To invite all of the students organization members for a meeting
5. In the Students Organization office
6. On Saturday
7. Two hours
8. Farhan

Task 1
Students practice the dialogue with their classmate.

Task 2
1. It possibly takes place in a teachers’ office at Mrs. James desk.
2. He is a student.
3. She is the vice headmaster at the school where Max studies.
4. He meets her because he wants to invite her to the meeting tomorrow.
5. Yes, she does.
6. It is to discuss the celebration of Indonesia Independence Day.
7. It will be held tomorrow after school at 1 p.m.
8. They will have the meeting in the OSIS room.

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Task 1
The students read the text carefully.

Task 2
1. It is a formal invitation card.
2. Mr. Ichsan Suprapto.
3. The Students Organization of SMA Pejuang Bangsa Surakarta.
4. Students’ Exhibition.
5. Saturday, 3rd September 2018.
6. He has to come at 09.30 am.
7. The event will be held in SMA Pejuang Bangsa hall.
8. He is the chief of Students Organization in SMA Pejuang Bangsa.

Task 3
1. The text is about the Social and Culture Department of Palembang University which need a
2. It is an Invitation text.
3. Mr. Abdul Abirin.
4. Student seminar.
5. On March 15th , 2018.
6. The Social Life in Big City in The New Era.
7. Seminar hall of Social Department.
8. He is lecturer and researcher of society social life.

Task 1
1. Dear
2. write
3. request
4. honorable presence
5. 23rd Anniversary
6. celebration
7. March 16th, 2018
8. J & J Hotel, 10th floor meeting room
9. available
10. us

Task 2
1. It’s about inviting the general manager of Star Corp. to attend the event of the launch of the
new magazine “Health and You”.
2. Bryan Match the Brand Manager of Star Corp.
3. Yes, they do.
4. It will be held on September 17th, 2018.
5. The editor and team that has worked for the magazine will be introduced in the event.
6. It is for Star Corp’s business partners and high profile clients.
7. They can interact with various clients and colleagues in the media industry.
8. He has to do RSVP latest by September 10th, 2018.

12 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

Task 3
1. It is an invitation text
2. It is an invitation to bachelor dinner of Mr. Schuarah Sykes.
3. Mr. Schuarah Sykes
4. Broccolini’s restaurant
5. 91 Park Avenues-Madison, NJ 07940
6. The dinner is on Saturday, 3 April 2018
7. Business casual dress

Activity 1
The students with his or her seatmate make a dialogue about an invitation to the birthday party
in a formal way.

Activity 2
The students searching for an invitation card in book or internet and trying to make it into formal
invitation letter style.

Competence Test
A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: C
The answer based on the statement inside the dialogue “I am happy because my elder
sister has graduated from university”.
2. Answer: B
The answer based on the statement inside the dialogue “she comeback from Jakarta
3. Answer: A
From statement “My mother only cooks a lot of food and invites all of my family to have
dinner at home” we can conclude that to welcoming her sister arrival Lolita and her family
inviting all of her family members to have dinner at her house.
4. Answer: E
The underlined sentence is expressing of invitation.
5. Answer: B
The answer based on the statement “Thanks, I’d love to”.
6. Answer: D
The text is a Formal Invitation card, so the answer is “Invitation Card”.
7. Answer: C
The text is an invitation so the goal is “To invite Mr. Henry Black to come to the event of
Worldwide Dancing Performance”.
8. Answer: A
The answer based on the text “Date: 5th September 2018”, so we can conclude that the
event will be held on 5th September 2018.
9. Answer: B
The answer based on the text “7 pm” we know that “pm” is using for explaining time after
morning or it’s already evening or near the night time.
10. Answer: D
From the text, we know that the one who held the event is The Students Dancing Club
of Galaxy International High School.
11. Answer: A
The answer based on the text “You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of “Sarah
Elizabeth Johnson and Thomas Cade Willoughby” so we can conclude that the one who’s
got married are “Sarah and Thomas”.

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12. Answer: D
The wedding party will be held on June 2nd.
13. Answer: A
The answer based on the picture text “On Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock”.
14. Answer: B
The answer based in the text above “Thirty Five East Olivet Avenue”.
15. Answer: B
The words “Cordially” in Indonesia means “Dengan hormat”.

B. Essay
1. The text is about the invitation of Students Night Fair event.
2. Students only.
3. It is Art, Souvenir and Food event.
4. It is Sky High School.
5. At 7 pm.

1. Dear 6. served
2. come 7. guests
3. event 8. return
4. followed 9. replies
5. delivered 10. behalf


A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: C
All members of English club are invited to the meeting.
2. Answer: C
From the text, we can conclude that, the leader of English club makes the invitation card.
3. Answer: E
According to the text, the purpose of the invitation is to tell that English Club will hold an
event to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day.
4. Answer: D
The event will be held in the school hall.
5. Answer: C
The event will be held at 14.00 p.m.
6. Answer: C
The answer is base on the statement inside the dialogue “Nadya : Yes, I am making cake
7. Answer: D
From the text we know that Nadya wants to make chocolate cake.
8. Answer: A
The answer is base on the statement “Nadya : Because I still mix the flour and egg ...”.
9. Answer: A
The italic sentence is expressing offering
10. Answer: B
From the dialogue, we know that Nadya accepts Desi’s help melt the chocolate.
11. Answer: B
The person who writes the invitation letter is Reni Jayanti.

14 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

12. Answer: A
From the statement, “You are cordially invited to a launching of new biscuit product from
PT Adi Sentosa”, we can conclude that the purpose of the letter is to invite Mr. Roni
Anggara to the launching of new biscuit product.
13. Answer: C
From the text we know that the program of the event will be given when he arrives in the
14. Answer: D
The answer is base on the statement “Mr. Yoko as the director of P.T. Adi Sentosa”.
15. Answer: D
The answer is base on the statement inside the text “The dress code is formal”.

B. Fill the Blanks

1. Headmaster 6. Date
2. Invite 7. Time
3. Meeting 8. Hall
4. Discussing 9. Forward
5. Day 10. Presence

Task 1
(Listening Script)
The Importance of Breakfast
Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast is a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper”
It is a well-known phrase, do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and
brain with fuel after an overnight fast that is where its name originates, breaking the fast, without
breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol.
Breakfast give supports cognitive function and restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate
that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating
breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can make us happier as it can
improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy need vary depending on activity levels and
life stage but typically, men require more energy than women do. Growing children require a lot of
energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day,
and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.

1. important 9. originates
2. King 10. trying
3. Pauper 11. supports
4. benefits 12. energy
5. health 13. happier
6. provides 14. depending
7. brain 15. require
8. fast

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Task 2
1. The purpose of the text is to persuade the reader that the idea is an important matter, and to
analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.
2. Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing.
3. Breakfast provides energy to the body.
4. People’s energy need is vary because every energy needs are depending on activity level
and life stage.
5. Breakfast give supports cognitive function, and restores glucose levels, an essential
carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function.

Task 3
(Listening Script)
Cars Should Be Banned In the City
Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution and cause a lot of road
deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of the pollution in
the world. Cars emit a deadly gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of
asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is
very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which
causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live
in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially
talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

1. Because it is caused illness and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city and causes
2. Bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger asthma.
3. According to the text, the tense mostly used Simple Present Tense.
4. To persuade reader about the Cars Should Be Banned In the City.
5. It’s because cars are very noisy.

Task 1
Students practice the dialogue in front of the class.

Task 2
1. They are talking about cars and accident.
2. Yes, it is.
3. There are four factors.
4. Sometimes accidents are caused by bad weather. Accidents also can result from problems with
the car. Bad roads are another cause of accidents. Some accidents are caused by drinking
too much alcohol.
5. He concludes that knowing some factor causing an accident is extremely important to prevent
it to happen.

Task 3
The students make a dialogue base on the text provided by the textbook.

Task 1
Students read the text carefully.

16 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI - 1 GRD

Task 2
1. It is to convince the readers that rainforests are an important topic to discuss.
2. It is because they cover only about six percent of the Earth’s land surface.
3. Rainforests provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insects, and birds than any
other environment found on our planet. Between 50 and 80 percent of the moisture in the air
above, rainforests come from the rainforest’s trees. Rainforests are also able to absorb over 90
percent of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. Rainforests are vital to the Earth in helping
to recycle carbon and oxygen. Rainforests are major producers of the Earth’s oxygen.
4. It is because rainforests are able to remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in
its place.
5. The conclusion is that the role of the rainforest is essential for human life. It creates equilibrium
in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings survival.

Task 3
The answer may vary, for the example:
1. What is kind of text above?
1. Analytical exposition.

Task 1
D- A-C-B

Task 2
The students make an analytical exposition text based on the picture provided in the textbook!

Task 3
The answer may vary, for example:
The Impact of Internet in Education
The impact of the internet in education has been far-reaching and still developing. It has created
instant access to a wide variety of research information to help students learn.
Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new material easily. The
time students have at class is limited, so the teacher sometimes cannot give all the explanation
needed. In this case, the internet can help students to get more explanation.
The internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they will have to
use the internet. Therefore, it is wise for the teacher to give an assignment, which related to it. For
example, the teacher can ask the students to give the assignment via e-mail.
Internet has a big impact on education. There are many positive things students and teacher can
get from it.

Activity 1
The students and his or her seatmate find an analytical exposition text and trying to find the general
structure from the text!

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Activity 2
The students trying to make an analytical exposition text with issues that they found in the

Competence Test
A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: A
The type of the text above is an analytical exposition text.
2. Answer: E
The answer is base on the sentence “They are used to treat a wide variety of diseases,
including gonorrhea, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis.” From the sentence, we can conclude
that chickenpox is not a variety of diseases which can be treated by antibiotics.
3. Answer: E
From the text above we know that the topic of paragraph two and four is Paragraph two
tells how antibiotics destroy harmless microbes and paragraph five describes how the
pathogenic microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes.
4. Answer: D
From the text above we can conclude that the effect of using antibiotics improperly is
organs and tissues damaged, pathogenic microbes multiply, harmless microorganisms
are destroyed and new infections called superinfection except “pathogenic microbes
become nonresistant”.
5. Answer: E
The synonym of the underlined word is differentiate.
6. Answer: A
According to the generic structure of the text, we can conclude that the type of the text
above is analytical exposition.
7. Answer: E
The communicative purpose of the text is to convince the readers that’s necessary to
learn English through songs.
8. Answer: D
Because the type of the text is analytical exposition, we can conclude that the generic
structure of the text is Thesis-Arguments-Reiteration.
9. Answer: E
The text above is about using songs in language learning.
10. Answer: C
From the text above we know that there are 5 reason for using songs in learning an
English language.
11. Answer: C
The answer based on the text “Formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological
specimen and experiments.”
12. Answer: B
The topic or main idea of the second paragraph is at the beginning of the paragraph,
which is “The second reason is that there is not tight control from the government”.
13. Answer: A
The answer based on the statement inside the text “Considering the reasons, we can
make a conclusion that the use of formalin and other preservatives is really a serious
problem if it is not resolved immediately.”
14. Answer: A
The answer is based on the text statement “First, the federal government is necessary
for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like defense”.

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15. Answer: E
From the text statement “Finally, the local government looks after the small things. They
look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise, everyone would have a disease”. We
can conclude that litter management is the resposibility of the local government.

B. Essay
1. Students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile
keyboards to record every presented subject easily.
2. Because it will help the student in understanding the lesson better.
3. To find an appropriate laptop for students we can use online shop which provides
comprehensive information about the laptop feature.
4. Because they provided comprehensive information, and it’s really easy and saving
Laptop as Student’s Friend
Thesis Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler
and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need
more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile
keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course, it will
need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
Arguments 1 First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because
the school needs to catch the target of the curriculum. Every subject will
tend to be given in the demonstrative method. Consequently, students
need extra to media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on
every student’s desk, this method will help the student to a get better
Arguments 2 Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently
an online shop provides comprehensive information. The best is that the
shop has service for online shopping. The students just need to browse
that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need and then
complete the transaction. After that, the laptop will be delivered to the
student’s house. That is easy and save time and money.
Reiteration From all of that, having a mobile computer is useful for students who
want to catch the best result for their study. Buying a laptop online is
advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended
since online shop also provides several laptop types. Students just
need to decide which type they really need.

A. 1. development 6. need
2. priority 7. increase
3. highest 8. comes
4. working 9. problem
5. reaching 10. put

B. 1. It is about the importance of agriculture in economic development.

2. At present, almost half of the total Indonesian labors are working in the agriculture sector,
but the contribution of the agriculture sector does not reach 30 percent.
3. It is because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal
economy in that country.
4. It will create a serious poverty problem, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase
5. Yes, they should.

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Task 1
(Listening Script)
1. The avocado juice has been drunk.
2. The flower was watered by Andy.
3. The windows have been cleaned.
4. The bike was stolen by the thief.
5. The fried chicken was eaten by him.

1. a. b. 4. a. b.

2. a. b. 5. a. b.

3. a. b.

Task 2
(Listening script)
1. I gave him a book for his birthday. Picture 2 (active voice)
2. The chicken is being roasted by my dad now. Picture 3 (passive voice)
3. The car is washed. Picture 5 (passive voice)
4. The door is knocked. Picture 1 (passive sentence)
5. The cake has been eaten. Picture 4 (passive voice)

Task 3
(Listening Script)
1. Aunt is cooking fried rice now.
Passive form: Fried rice is being cooked by aunt now.
2. The boys played football yesterday.
Passive form: Football was played by the boys yesterday.
3. Rico has been studying English for the final exam.
Passive form: English have been being studied by Rico for the final exam.
4. My uncle has cleaned the garden.
Passive form: The garden has been cleaned by my uncle.

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5. Reno drank a glass of milk last night.
Passive form: A glass of milk was drunk by Reno last night.
6. The choir is singing a song together.
Passive form: A song is being sung by the choir together.
7. Shinta would visit the English teacher.
Passive form: The English teacher would be visited by Shinta.
8. They can play the violin very well.
Passive form: The violin can be played by them very well.
9. Anthony always watches the movie on the weekend.
Passive form: The movie is always watched by Anthony on the weekend.
10. I have been close the windows.
Passive form: The windows has been closed by me.
1. cooking
Passive form: Fried rice is being cooked by aunt now.
2. played
Passive form: Football was played by the boys yesterday.
3. studying
Passive form: English has been being studied by Rico for the final exam.
4. cleaned
Passive form: The garden has been cleaned by my uncle.
5. drank
Passive form: A glass of milk was drunk by Reno last night.
6. singing
Passive form: A song is being sung by the choir together.
7. would
Passive form: The English teacher would be visited by Shinta.
8. play
Passive form: The violin can be played by them very well.
9. watches
Passive form: The movie is always watched by Anthony on the weekend.
10. close
Passive form: The windows has been closed by me.

Task 1
Students perform the dialogue in front of the class with their classmate.

Task 2
Students perform the dialogue in front of the class.

Task 3
1. In the school canteen.
2. They talking about their favorite band.
3. Because he was invited by his uncle to celebrate his uncle’s wedding anniversary.
4. More than 1000 people.
5. Guitar pick.

Task 1
1. served 5. stolen
2. received 6. made
3. consumed 7. left
4. contacted 8. bored

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Task 2
Dialogue A
1. It’s being fixed.
2. It will be taken.
3. This will be tested.
4. The sound is modified by Seymour Duncan.
5. You will be waited by the Blues Band.

Dialogue B
1. This is located on South Street, isn’t it?
2. it is written down like that.
3. It’s told that I have to find traffic light then turn left.
4. the traffic light will be found.
5. if you are confused.

Task 1
The correct verbs of the sentences:
1. is being cooked 6. was given
2. is read 7. is written
3. were eaten 8. was asked
4. will be met 9. is being done
5. is being played 10. is thrown

Task 2
1. The tall man has been preparing the vegetable to cook since an hour ago.
2. She always sends me a picture of nature every month.
3. The soft soil cannot absorb the water of rain perfectly.
4. Cindy will be watering the flowers and plants at four this afternoon.
5. Mr. President delivered a speech about global warming two days ago.
6. Mother made the pudding this morning.
7. Clara’s grandmother calls her every weekend.
8. I drank the orange juice.
9. He meets n old friend last week.
10. The maid cleans the room every day.

Activity 1
The students make an active sentence, and then turn it into passive voice.

Activity 2
The students make a dialogue using passive voice and then practice the dialogue in front of the

Competence Test
A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: D
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “It has been faxed” it is because “it” is a pronoun
for “exact number of victims of the airplane crash”.
2. Answer: C
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “Is occupied”.
3. Answer: D
The suitable words to fill the blank is “Has been sold” it is because The subject indicates
that the predicate is the passive voice of simple past tense (to be + V3).

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4. Answer: E
The suitable words to fill the blank is “Was not saved” it is because of the word “it” indicates
that the predicate is the passive voice of simple past tense (to be + V3).
5. Answer: C
From the structure of the sentence, we can conclude that the questions sentence is the
form of simple past tense passive voice.
6. Answer: B
The sentence form is a simple past continues, so the formula is “S + to be (was/were) +
being + Verb past participle”. The suitable words to fill the blank is “was being”.
7. Answer: D
The active sentence is in the form of “present continuous tense”. Thus for the passive
sentence use the formula “S + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb past participle”. Therefore
the correct answer is “A music program is being watched”.
8. Answer: B
The passive sentence is using the form of “past perfect tense” so the formula is “S + had +
been + verb past participle”. Among the choices of the multiple choice, the only sentence
that uses the form is “My gown had been washed before I took a nap”.
9. Answer: E
The adverb of time of the sentence is past form, “yesterday”. We know that it’s only used
for sentences in the form of “simple past tense”. Therefore, the passive sentence formula
for “simple past tense” is “S + to be (was/were) + Verb past participle”. The subject of the
sentence is “the children” which is plural. The conclusion is, the right words to complete
the passive sentence is “were”.
10. Answer: B
The adverb of time of the sentence is “Right now”. We know that it’s only used for sentence
in the form of “simple present continues tense”. Therefore, the right word to complete the
passive sentence is “are being”.
11. Answer: C
The answer is base on the sentence form which using Simple present tense passive voice
with formula (S+ is/am/are+ V3), from the choice above the sentence which only using
the formula is “Little money is brought by her”.
12. Answer: C
The answer is base on the sentence form which using Simple present tense passive voice
with formula (S+ is/am/are+ V3), from the choice above the sentence which only using
the formula is “Extra pillows are needed by us”.
13. Answer: B
The answer is base on the sentence form which using Simple present tense passive voice
with formula (S+ is/am/are+ V3), from the choice above the sentence which only using
the formula is “The game is played by him”.
14. Answer: C
The passive sentence formula for “Modal” is “S + capital (should/must/have to/can/could/
may + be + past participle.” Among the available choices, the sentence that using modal
is “The school regulations have to be obeyed by the students”.
15. Answer: D
The word weave inside the sentence has “past participle” form “woven” so the correct
answer to change the word inside the bracket is “woven”.

B. Essay
1. A cup of tea is drunk by the man.
2. The material was explained by the teacher.
3. Some oranges are bought by her.
4. The ball was kicked by them.
5. A stranger is met by him.

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6. Grandmother was visited by Anton.
7. My book was returned by Amanda last night.
8. This car was bought by my father last year.
9. A big tree was being cut by them.
10. Ten articles had been edited by Jono last month.

1. is bought 6. is cleaned
2. is opened 7. was sent
3. are watered 8. was broken
4. are washed 9. is called
5. are made 10. is left


A. Multiple Choice
1. Answer: C
The text is tells about “The advantages of drinking water”.
2. Answer: B
The main topic of paragraph 2 is “The advantages of water”.
3. Answer: E
The answer is base on the statement inside the text “Every system in your body depends
on water”.
4. Answer: A
From the statement inside the text “For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs”,
we can conclude that what is washed out from the vital organ is toxins.
5. Answer: D
Base on the text above dehydration is “a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough
water in your body to carry out normal functions”. So we can conclude that dehydration
is a condition where your body does not have enough water to do the normal function.
6. Answer: B
The answer is base on the generic structure of the text, because the text is an analytical
exposition, the second paragraph of an analytical exposition is called arguments.
7. Answer: C
The goal of the text is to persuade the readers about the advantages of drinking.
8. Answer: B
The generic structure of analytical exposition is “Thesis-Argumentation-Reiteration”.
9. Answer: E
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “Has been promoted” because the sentence is
using Simple present perfect tense passive voice form.
10. Answer: A
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “Is being cleaned” because the sentence is using
Simple present continues tense passive voice form.
11. Answer: E
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “Are believed” because the sentence is using Simple
present tense passive voice form.
12. Answer: E
The suitable words to fill the blanks is “been taken” because the sentence is using Simple
present perfect tense passive voice form.

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13. Answer: D
The answer is base on the statement inside the dialogue.
“Jennifer : Tomorrow is Sunday. Ehm… I think watching a movie is fun to do tomorrow.
Diana : Yes, I agree.”
14. Answer: C
From the statement of the dialogue “Diana: I strongly believe that a horror movie just
makes us scared and it doesn’t give us moral value.” We can conclude that Diana disagree
because she thinks “Horror movie doesn’t give any moral value”.
15. Answer: A
The answer is base on the text statement “Diana: From my point of view, besides we get
entertainment, we also get knowledge by watching history movie.” Therefore we know
that history movies give both knowledge and entertainment”.

B. Fill the Blanks

1. gone!
2. kept
3. eaten
4. moved
5. given

C. Essay
1. He is looking for his chocolate.
2. No, he doesn’t.
3. It was given to Mrs. Delila’s kid.
4. She gave it to him because he was crying in front of the gate.
5. It was kept in the freezer last night.
• Is it eaten?
• Where is it moved?
• It was given to Mrs. Delila’s kid.

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