Filipino Culture Report

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Filipino culture report

2. HISTORY• The culture of the Philippines reflects the country’scomplex history. It is a blend of the Malayo-
Polynesian andHispanic cultures with influences from chinese.• Before the spanish, there were already a
mixture ofcultures, the native people similar to melanesians andaustralian aborigines a majority population of
malays andpolynesians and small groups of people from other SoutheastAsian countries.• Philippines and
Guam were the furthest colonies fromSpain hence Philippines was governed by Mexico.
3. LANGUAGE AND PEOPLE Most common language is English and Filipino which is based on Tagalog.
The majority of filipinos are descendants from Austronesian people which are closely related to the chamorro
people in Guam and Mariana Islands. The native population were related to the aborigines of Australia,
melanesians,chinese,Japanese and Indians.
4. RELIGION,ARTS, LITERATURE & MUSIC Predominantly Roman Catholic, 80.9% are catholics,
Aglipayan- 2%,Evangelical Christians- 2.8%, Iglesia ni Cristo-2.3%, other christian denomination-4.5%,about 5%
are muslim and 5% practiced other religion and those with no religion. Visual Arts- painting, indigenous art, kut-
kut art, islamic art. Performing Arts- music and dance, cinema and television.
5.  Hispanic influence is based on Indigenous and European tradition. Folk dance, music and literature have
remained intact in the 21st century. These were introduced in 16th century from spain and mexico.
ARCHITECTURE -From Nipa Hut (Bahay Kubo), spaniards introduced stones as housing and building materials
-Contemporary architecture has a distinctively western style although pre-hispanic housing is still common in
rural areas.
6. CUISINE Filipino cook a variety of food influenced by the Spaniards, westerns and Asians. Philippines is
considered the melting pot of Asia. e.g.- afritada Arroz caldo Calderata Pochero
7. BUSINESS The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) plays an integral role in the
economic, political and social development of the nation. Historically, the chamber can be traced back as early
as 1890’s with the inauguration of the Camara de Comercio de Filipinos. In the first half of the 20th century
commerce and industrial trades with other Hispanic countries declined due to the US administration. In 1998
marked the centennial celebration of Philippines Independence and opened a new opportunity for both hispanic
and Filipino businesses to reconnect their historic ties as trade partners.
8. FILIPINO TRAITS Pakikisama Utang na Loob Bayanihan Close family ties
10.  Damaged culture and the sick man of Asia are just two of the many phrases used to describe the
Philippine situation today. Questions such as “what’s wrong, what’s right with the Filipino? Have set many
Filipino minds upon some deep and not so deep soul-searching and brainstorming. Is American democracy fit
for the Philippines? Is Catholicism brought by Spain partly responsible for the failure of the country to become
another “tiger” of Asia? - Manuel B. Dy Jr. Ph.D. Ateneo de Manila University
12. STRENGTHS OF THE FILIPINO CHARACTER Pakikipagkapwa-Tao -regard for others with dignity and
respect and deal with them as fellow human being. -manifested in a basic sense of justice and fairness and in
concern for others results in camaraderie and feeling of closeness to one another and promote unity as well as
sense of social justice. Utang na Loob- sense of gratitude Family Orientation- to the filipino, one’s family is
the source of personal identity, the source of emotional and material support and the person’s main commitment
and responsibility.
13.  Joy and Humor – Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life and it’s ups and downs which is
manifested in the Filipino’s love for socials and celebrations, in our capacity to laugh even in the most trying of
times. Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity - Filipinos have a great capacity to adjust and to adapt to
circumstances and to the surrounding environment, both physical and social. - Filipinos possess a tolerance for
ambiguity, creative, resourceful, adept at learning and able to improvise and make use of whatever is at hand in
order to create and produce. - This quality is manifested in the ability of the filipino to adapt to life in any part of
the world, the ability to make new things out of scrap and to keep old machines running, the ability to accept
14.  Hard Work and Industry -Filipinos have the capacity for hard work given the proper conditions. The desire
to raise one’s standard of living and to possess the essentials of a decent life for one’s family, combined with the
right opportunities and incentive stimulate the filipino to work very hard. Faith and Religiosity – deep faith in
God Ability to Survive- manifested in the capacity to endure difficult times and to get by even on so little.
15. WEAKNESSES OF THE FILIPINO CHARACTER Extreme personalism – manifested in the tendency to
give personal interpretations to actions, to take things personally. Extreme family-centeredness – creates an
image to which the filipino is fiercely loyal to the detriment of concern for the larger community or common good.
It manifests in the use of office and power as a means of promoting the interests of the family, patronage and
political dynasties and in the protection of erring family members.
16.  Lack of discipline – casual and relaxed attitude towards time and space which manifests itself in lack of
precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management and in procrastination. Passivity and Lack of initiative
– strong reliance on others, submissive to authority, filipinos tend to be complacent and there rarely sense of
urgency about any problem. Colonial Mentality – 2 dimension; Lack of patriotism and actual preference for
things foreign. It manifests in the alienation of the elite from their roots and from the masses, as well as in the
basic feeling of national inferiority that makes us difficult to relate as equals to westerners. Kanya-kanya
Syndrome- crab mentality, selfish, self- serving attitude.
17. ROOTS OF FILIPINO CHARACTER Environment - Home, Social, Economic and Political Culture and
Language History Educational System Religion Mass media Leadership and Role Models
18.  As stated by Doreen G. Fernandez, the so-called negative Filipino traits have been blamed for the weak
character of the filipino, They are the culprits, the scapegoats of our failures. - the right to develop ourselves
assumes a development of what we are, of what our culture made us, within the context of our families, towns
and nation. - Cultural rights are part of the right of man. The right of people to survival, to self-determination and
to development. - Before this nation came to be called the Philippines, it was composed of ethnic groups or
tribes scattered throughout the islands- each a community or small society, each with a particular culture and
cultural expressions. Spanish culture and american culture had been adapted into the native culture and thus
indigenized, a certain uniformity or similarity could be discerned among the cultures of the conquered people
specifically the lowlanders. The people who remained unconquered did not absorb this culture.
19.  As a result of the ways of the spanish colonial government, later the American Insular Government and
still later the Philippine National Government, the culture of the majority was taken as the basis for national
policy and legislation and the culture of the others- the so called cultural minorities or Tribal filipinos was
neglected. There cultures were not considered in the making of laws; this people were not usually given a voice
in government; their needs were not often taken as part of the national concern.
20.  Prof. Felipe M. De Leon, Jr. In his published article “Cultural Identity and Development” states the
following: -Our educational system remains colonial rather than culturally appropriate. Our colonial experience
seems to have conditioned us to seek rather than create work opportunities, to adapt rather than to innovate and
to conform rather than to lead. We borrow alien thought and value system and forms of expression and produce
nothing but derivatives and clones. We forget that we can only be truly productive using our own thought
processes. -Our low self-esteem as Filipinos borders on self-contempt, the results of which are: -Doubt in
Filipino capacity for achievement -Perverse delight among Filipinos to constantly belittle themselves -Serious
lack of respect or contempt for each other -Instead of harnessing our culture as a vast resource of knowledge
and wisdom for sustainable development, we squander it by wallowing in a negative self-image that is
tantamount to our self-fulfilling prophecy.
21.  -The biggest challenge then is to deconstruct the negative self-images and notions for ourselves we have
imbibed through years of colonial misrule and miseducation. The foundation of this transformation is education
through cultural awareness; a workable, effective program of education that can make Filipinos more responsive
and sensitive to filipino dignity, needs, values and cultural potentials and assets.
22. Culture101 Ways To Tell If Youre Filipino You point with your lips. You eat using hands and you have it
down to a technique. Your other piece of luggage is a balikbayan box. You nod upwards to greet someone.
You put your foot up on your chair and rest your elbow on your knee while eating. You think that half-hatched
duck eggs are a delicacy. You have to kiss your relative on the cheek as soon as you enter the room. Youre
standing next eight big boxes at the airport. You collect items from hotels or restaurants "for souvenir." You
smile for no reason.
23.  You flirt by having a foolish grin in your face while raising your eyebrows repeatedly. You go to a
department store and try to bargain the prices. You use an umbrella for shade on hot summer days. You
scratch your head when you dont know the answer. You never eat the last morsel of food on the table. You
like bowling. You know how to play pusoy and mah-jong. You find dried up morsels of rice stuck on your
shirt. You prefer to sit in the shade instead of basking in the sun. You add an unwarranted "H" to your name,
i.e. "Jhun," Bhoy," "Rhon." You put hands together in front of you as if to make a path and say "excuse,
excuse" when you pass in between people or in front of the TV. Your middle name is your mothers maiden
name. You like everything imported or "state-side." You check the labels on clothes to see where it was made
before buying. You hang your clothes out to dry.
24.  You are perfectly comfortable in a squatting position with your elbows resting on your knees. You
consistently arrive 30 minutes late for all events. You always offer food to all your visitors. You say "comfort
room" instead of "bathroom." You say "for take out" instead of "to go" You say "open" or "close" the light.
You ask for a "pentel-pen" or a "ball-pen" instead of just "pen." You asked for "Colgate" instead of
"toothpaste." You refer to the refrigerator as the "ref" or "pridyider." You say "kodakan" instead of take a
picture. You order a McDonalds instead of "hamburger" (pronounced ham-boor-jer) You say "Ha" instead of
"What." You say "Hoy" get someone attention. You answer when someone yells "Hoy." You turn around
when someone says "Psst"
25.  You say "Cutex" instead of "nail polish." You say "he" when you mean "she" and vice versa. You say
"array" instead of "ouch." Your sneeze sounds like "ahh-ching" instead of "ahh-choo." You prefer to make
acronyms for phrases such as "OA: for over acting or "TNT" for, well, you know. You say "air con" instead of
"a/c" or air conditioner. You say "brown-out" instead of "black-out." You use a "walis ting-ting" or "walis
tambo" as opposed to a conventional broom. You use a "Weapons of Moroland" shield hanging in the living
room wall. You have a portrait of "The Last Supper" hanging in your dining room. You own a karaoke
system. You own a piano that no one ever plays. You have a tabo in the bathroom. Your house has too
many burloloys. You have two to three pairs of tsinelas at your doorstep.
26.  Your house has an ornate wrought iron gate in front of it. You have a rose garden. You have a shrine of
the "Santo Niño" in your living room. You have a "barrel man" (you pull up the barrel and you see something
that looks familiar. Schwing...) You cover the living room furniture with bedsheets. Your lamp shades still
have the plastic cover on them. You have plastic runners to cover the carpets in your house. You refer to your
VCR as a "beytamax." You have a rice dispenser. You own a turbo boiler. You own one of those fiber optic
flower lamps. You own a lamp with oil that drips down the strings. You have a giant wooden fork and spoon
hanging somewhere in the dining room. You have a giant wooden tinikling dancer on the wall. You have capiz
shells chandeliers, lamps, or placemats.
27.  You have a Mercedes Benz and you call it "chedeng." You own a huge van conversion. Your car chirps
like a bird or plays a tune when it is in reverse. Your car horn can make 2 or 3 different sounds. Your car has
curb feelers or curb detectors. Your car has too many "burloloys" like a Jeepneys back in P.I. You hang a
rosary on your cars rear view mirror. You have an air freshener in your car. You have aunts and uncles
named "Baby," "Girlie," or "Boy." You were raised to believe that every Filipino is a aunt, uncle or cousin.
Your Dad was in the Navy. Your mom or sister or wife is a nurse. You have a family member or relative that
works in the Post Office. Your parents call each other "Mommy" and "Daddy" or "ma" and "pa." You have
family member that has a nickname that repeats itself, i.e."Deng-Deng," Ling-Ling" or "Bing-Bing"
28.  You put hot dogs in your spaghetti. You consider dilis the Filipino equivalent to French fries. You think
that eating chocolate rice pudding and dried fish is a great morning meal. You order thing like tapsilog, tocsilog,
or longsilog at restaurants. You instinctively grab a toothpick after each meal. You order a "soft drink" instead
of a "soda." You dip bread in your morning coffee. You refer to seasonings and all other forms of
monosodium glutamate as "Ajinomoto." Your cupboards are full of Spam, Vienna Sausage, Ligo, and Corned
Beef, which you refer to as Karne Norte. Goldilocks means more to you than just a character in a fairy tale.
You appreciate a fresh pot of rice. You bring your "baon" most of the time to work. Your "baon" is usually
something over rice. Your neighbors complain about the smell of tuyo on Sunday mornings. You eat rice for
breakfast. You use your fingers to measure the water.

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