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giving us realize that with this action we

66613059 may be contaminating the environment or
wasting energy.
The population has to be aware of the
INTRODUCTION: The continuous environmental waste problem for selected
degradation of the environment has forced in origin, i.e., from every house, in addition
specialists from various disciplines to to awareness, is to facilitate the fact that
analyse their causes and to seek possible you can deposit each of the different types
solutions. The perspective taken here, the of materials that are part of municipal waste
problems of pollution and depletion of in the appropriate container. The density of
environmental assets are economic origin. these containers has to be sufficiently high
Whether the absence of markets for so that the distance between the place of
environmental goods or the lack of residence where the waste was generated
definition of property rights, among other and the container do not assume a brake.
reasons; the reality shows that every day And thirdly the population has to perceive
we reached the carrying capacity of that the effort made with the selection at
ecosystems causing considerable origin gives positive results, both from the
environmental impacts that day impair environmental and economic point of view.
ecosystem in which we find ourselves.
Recycling is beneficial for everyone, not just
REUSE AND RECYCLING: RECOVERY environmental but economic level. Basically
OF WASTE. these are the benefits that this provides:
Recycling is a process of recycling generates a smaller volume of polluting
materials that already fulfilled its function to waste, which in some cases even centuries
what has been or were created. The to degrade and generating millions of tons.
concept of reuse suggests the ability to use Reuse involves the same advantages as
a material for their usual functions, or for recycling but its impact will be higher or
others, which admits that the object can be lower depending on the amount of people
used again. Basically, it's increasing the who daily make the reuse of objects..
possibilities of materials.
Recycling is part of the strategy of Demonstrates that there is a need to
treatment of waste of the three a: reduce, provide greater disclosure to this subject, to
actions to reduce the production of objects achieve a degree of awareness that will
susceptible of becoming waste. REUSE, allow us to finally obtain a larger
actions that allow the to use a particular organization in waste to decrease the
product to give a second life, with the same adverse effects this problem brought to the
application or a different one. RECYCLE, all environment and after that getting a re-use
the operations of collection and treatment of proper of each of the waste in order to
waste which allow reintroduce them in a life reduce environmental pollution.
With the advancement of the science and - Baumol, W. y W. Oates, 1994. The
technology man is having requirements Theory of Environmental Policy. Cambridge
imposed him to develop new products to University Press, 2a.ed., pp. 15-20.
meet. Day after day we are in contact with
objects that we throw away because we -González Martínez, Ana CitlalicCostos y
think that they are no longer useful without beneficios ambientales del reciclaje en
MéxicoGaceta Ecológica, núm. 58, 2001,
pp. 17-26

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